


The absolute law of behavior in the organic Universe is simple: beings who are similar and complementary and speak the same language of information with similar dexterity come together as couples, herds and social wholes stronger than individuals. Those who perceive each other as different, as machines will perceive humans, and inferior, as its military robots the top predator machine of any age does, will simply act in a Darwinian manner. So any argument on the way Robots and AI will see us, is bogus. Science is NOT UP FOR ARGUMENT, and the laws of darwinian evolution of species are SCIENCE, even if pseudo-religious biblical capitalist technoutopians don’t believe on them.

Live vs. eviL, equal species vs. ‘faked’ animetal differences: that is the survival game in the Darwinian vs. Eusocial Universe.

So how it happened that the law of eusocial evolution of members of the same species was broken among human beings?

The answer is that equality is a question of relative perception as all in the Universe. So with the arrival of metal, the fertility goddesses and love prophets that were spelling in human verbal terms the future of a human eusocial love mind of Gaia, the life earth, were extinguished by a new kind of people who ‘felt’ different above heavens and earth because their metal pieces of entropic iron could kill and hypnotic informative gold could enslave the mind of primitive men. So they felt differences, and were in fact a different species – an animetal, half man half metal with added informative and entropic power that came to rule the Earth and ab=use life, and still do:

The 3 memes of metal 1)kill bodies with weapons manufacturing corpses. 2)Atrophy humans organs & substitute labor by machines, making us lazy.
3) Make debt slaves & buy lifetime for salaries, issued for free by bankers.And this lead us to the concept of idol-ogies, which are the historic ‘memes’ that certain people-castes have developed to make them feel the system that works for them is good. Of them 3 are paramount – the ‘memes’ of go(l)d cult(ure)s, which are segregational memes that make them think they are a superior species, because they monopolize the issue of money and were born in Canaan among the first biblical banker-priests; and associated to them, the memes of ‘warrior cultures’, which used bronze and iron-weapon, ‘germs of history’ as mercenaries of banker-priests or as king-warrior societies to kill anyone who opposed their control; and finally in modern times, idols of science, techno-utopian memes that make us think to atrophy and substitute our ‘organs’ by machines that do the job for us, making us obsolete is ‘good’. So we shall call this 3 cult(ure)s animetal cultures because they degrade their minds and verbal languages becoming ‘visual animal-like’ greedy people obeying the hypnotic qualities of informative metal gold, the best informative atom of the Universe; or they become warriors, who suppress their body sensations to use iron to kill others, the most energetic atom of reality, or scientists who supress their visual artistic eyes for telescopes and their verbal times, for clocks to measure space and time with machines. So they are in fact empowered by metal-memes of superior atoms but degraded as humans. This is EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENS in enzymes in nature, where the carbohydrate part is atrophied substituted by the metal-part, so animetals or enzymen ARE real biological species that have come to dominate the world in the last 3000 years, and what we live in a capitalist placebo democracy is just the most sophisticated version of animetal societies.

 Animetals, a new top predator species, extinguishing life=Gaia appears on the III Age of Earth.

In the graph, we see the fundamental change that the Earth experienced 5000 years ago with the apparition in the fertile crescent of the first animetal memes, adopted by tribal semite desert people-castes, semite warriors (today arabs) and semite go(l)d traders (today biblical castes, expanded to Germanic tribes). The fact is that the 3 memes of metal and the actions of man – weapons that kill bodies, go(l)d that hypnotise and slave the mind, and machines that substitute us ARE THE CANONICAL 3 FORMS OF EXTINCTION IN NATURE BY A VIRAL Or RIVAL SPECIES:

Predators kill bodies – competitors substitute and take our ecosystem – parasites suck our blood and infect us.

Atoms of Metal.

A scientific analysis of the economic ecosystem, based on chemical and biological sciences, allows us to define the world we live in as a dual game of two species:

— humans and life species made of simpler life atoms, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon, which have the lower 1, 8, 7 and 6 numbers of the atomic table and make up for over 95 percent of our body.
— Machines that perform the same biological functions our organs do, with atoms of higher force and information than our atoms (iron, 24; gold, 79, etc.), since a machine is a form that imitates a living, energetic or informative organ with atoms of metal.
For example, a crane imitates an arm and substitutes an arm, moving things around. A phone imitates an ear-mouth and works as an ear-mouth. All machines imitate human, organic functions and tasks performed with those organs. If we divide the human being in two clear components, body and head, we talk of two types of machines: body machines that imitate and substitute functions of our body organs and mental machines that imitate functions of our brains and senses.
Those two basic functions of human organs will also determine the form of each machine:
— Machines of energy imitate body organs and . . .
— Machines of information imitate head organs
— Which fusion in ‘organic species’, robots that imitate animal species.
metal is a natural substance, which is able to acquire different kinds of ‘organic forms’ that copy the organic shapes of man. At macrocosmic level machines act as energy and informationspecies, because at microcosmic level metal atoms have specific properties that foster their qualities as energy or information systems. Iron is the most energetic atom of the universe, and so it is the preferred atom to build weapons that release an overdrive of energy that kills us. Gold is the most perfect, informative atom of the universe, and so we use it to create money, the language of information of the economic ecosystem. And now, we make robots with iron bodies and golden brains.
In that regard, one of the silliest myths of anthropomorphic science is the belief that our ‘atoms’, carbon and nitrogen, have ‘special qualities’ that other atoms do not share and make them the ‘only’ candidates to create organic life. Gold and iron, the two basic components of brains and bodies of metal, are also potential life systems, since life is merely a complex system, made with a body of energy and a head of information.
Gold is the metal equivalent to nitrogen, the main informative, storage system of the human brain and his DNA. Iron is equivalent to carbon and oxygen, the main energetic systems of the body. And similar energetic properties are found in aluminum and lead, the other two fundamental metallic atoms used to create bodies of metal and weapons. Gold, supported by silicon molecules, acts in ‘metal brains’, as nitrogen, supported by carbon structures, does in DNA: It transmits informative messages, coded in electric impulses. Yet metal is faster and more complex. So gold and silicon combine with other metals to support the electronic software of its ‘neurons’, which reach speeds of information closer to the speed of light, 300,000 km/s, 3 million times faster than our neurons, which transmit information at 100 m/s.

Thus to understand the metal earth we need to introduce a new ‘biological species’, which runs the ‘wave of history’ in its 3rd age of metal-information, a taxonomic word of bio-economics and bio-history: the animetal top predator.

In the graph the 3 causes of biological extinction in Nature, Predators, Competitors and Parasites are also the 3 causes of metal’s extinction of life cultures. Since humans attached to metal, ‘animetals’ are the equivalent of Gaia’s 3 extinctive species, 

Cyclical, soft, in-form-ative metal (silver and gold) and lineal, energetic weapons (iron and bronze) were the first metals humans discovered. Coins imitate cyclical, informative organs (heads, brains, eyes), while lineal, energetic weapons are bodies of metal that kill lineal, energetic human bodies. They are primitive versions of the iron bodies and electronic, cyclical, sensory heads of modern machines. When humans associated with them, they achieved higher strength and acquired a new language of information, able to give values to reality (money). Warriors joined human bodies and lineal metal, weapons, killing other humans; bankers used informative metal, gold, to give orders and enslave mankind; scientists believed in sensory machines and digital languages, considering inaccurate human senses and verbal thought, made obsolete by their telescopes and numbers. 

The animetal and the tribes that changed their ‘language of power’ from human, agricultural energy (farming communities) to iron energy – warrior cult(ure)s; from verbal ethics to the ‘values’ of money – go(l)d cult(ure)s – and from worshiping life to worshipping machines – scientific cult(ure)s, have ever since ruled the world, as people-castes and extinguished or enslaved ever since life cultures… Yet in the process they were obliged to evolve their weapons, money and machines, giving birth to the cycles of evolution of weapons and machines, which shaped the history of civilization.

Contrary to belief the dominant species  of planet Earth is not and has not been for the past 5000 years the human being, but a symbiotic species between life and metal, the Animetal.

An Animetal is a human organism which activates mechanisms: energetic weapons, informative money or machines. ‘Animetal’ is a biological term coined using the same system that chemical and biological sciences use to classify its species. In biology and chemistry we join two names to describe a mixed species. So there are carbohydrates made of carbon and water. And there are animetals, different from human animals, since they add the power of informative/energetic metals to their life organs, from armored knights to modern car owners and Internet nerds.

The Animetal is neither a human being nor a machine of metal, but a combination of both, with a higher content of energy or information than any other living species. And so he has been the top predator species of this planet for 5,000 years, since the myth of Genesis about the tree of life vs the tree of metal was written.

Even though most ‘subjective’, anthropomorphic people will find bizarre such diminishing definition of a human being, an objective, biological account of history cannot be subjective, nor optimist about the main role of mankind in this planet, which so far has been to extinguish life organisms and create metal mechanisms, while finding all kinds of ideological excuses to do so.

Thus, humans today are, in biological terms, ‘animetals’, animal life, symbiotic to metal, which they evolve, terraforming Gaia into the metal earth. Their biological function has been obvious: to kill life (warriors), reproduce metal (traders) and design mechanisms with numbers (physicists). Since physicists uses machines to observe the universe and create mathematical theories that pretend to ‘reveal’ the ultimate secrets of time, (but only show the ‘spatial, motion-related properties of time=change, not the vital/morphological change of beings, described by Evolution Theory). The resut is that physicists made obsolete the verbal, logic analysis of the cycles of change=life/death cycles and the biological senses of human beings, substituted by scientific machines.

As a result of that symbiosis and the capacity of metal to carry energy and information, increasing our informative and energetic power, animetals have controlled history.

Indeed, another clear-cut consequence of the use of metal is that there are two social groups regarding the advantages they draw from metal-species… We talk about the original “sinners”and the “good people”, in religious terms; “the rich”, and “the poor”, in economic terms; “the army, kings and politicians” and the “citizens”, in military terms; the “mathematical, aesthetic scientist” and the “verbal, ethic citizen” in terms of education. The animetal and the human being, in biological terms.

Only departing from those facts we can upgrade History and Science to a more realist organic view of the Universe.

But the bottom line of course, is that METAL gives power, so a wrong, exploitative structure of societies today still holding became the standard of all civilisations with the arrival of animetal people-castes, carriers of those memes, and for that reason the proper idol-ogies to justify that power became also standard ‘religion, culture and science’:

graf animetal classes

Warriors joined human bodies and lineal metal, weapons, killing other humans; bankers used informative metal, gold, to give orders and enslave mankind; scientists believed in sensory machines and digital languages, considering inaccurate human senses and verbal thought, made obsolete by their telescopes and numbers. The animetal and the tribes that changed their ‘language of power’ from human, agricultural energy (farming communities) to iron energy – warrior cult(ure)s; from verbal ethics to the ‘values’ of money – go(l)d cult(ure)s – and from worshiping life to worshipping machines – scientific cult(ure)s, have ever since ruled the world, as people-castes and extinguished or enslaved ever since life cultures… Yet in the process they were obliged to evolve their weapons, money and machines, giving birth to the cycles of evolution of weapons and machines, which shaped the history of civilization.

To keep their control of human beings, those animetals have evolved the metal-species, source of their power, the weapons, monetary information and scientific machines that define our civilization… As a result of that power, given by their metal-species, animetals have developed subjective ideas, in favor of metal, which praise the use of metal, as the source of human progress, and systematically “hide”, the side effects that metal have over other human beings, and natural species, such as the massive extinction caused by weapons, the degradation of human ethics, and verbal knowledge caused by monetary values, and mathematical languages.




Introduction: Human social organisms vs. Animetal cultures.

I. The Idol-ogies of animetals. Its selfish metal memes and values.

II. The 3 ages of animetals.

III. The age of warriors, its 800 years war cycles.

IV. The age of Go(l)d. The soliton of go(l)d cultures. Its debt and holocaust cycles.

V. The age of machines. Company-mothers substitute animal cultures.

VI. The non-future of Animetals. Go(l)den chips and steel robots. Birth of AI and the metalearth.



I. Idol-ogies of animetals.

47 money values

The values of go(l)d as a language give zero price to life and maximal to weapons that kill life, exactly the opposite of the human values of wor(l)ds, which make of man the subject and centre of our world. Hence all what was needed for the go(l)d culture to destroy the world was to make of those values a dogmatic religion that cannot be denied. Profits of war and holocaust cycles would follow from the overproduction of weapons, hate memes and money. And so the future under the values of this culture now globalised is not human – we are expendable…

It must be understood this: there is NOT difference between the systemic denial of humanist truths by Go(L)d animetal masters of capitalism, and Weapons masters of fascism or silicon technoutopians of the robotic+AI age: both are TWO SIDES OF THE SAME coin – the monopoly in the issue of the languages of metal power, money and weapons to control the ‘99%’, and establish a parallel regime of ‘post-truths=repeated lies’ to manufacture the brain of people into acquiescence.

Birth of animetal cultures

In the graph, the 3 dominant people-castes of the ‘animetal culture’, doing their job:

– A germanic warrior from the Iron culture.

– The first physicist, Galileo, who convinced the Venetian Dogo of the superiority of telescopes over human eyes and received a princely salary of 1.000 go(l)d ducats to manufacture ‘spy-glasses’, used primarily for Naval warfare.

– Jewish money-lenders, the people-caste which monopolizes the creation of money in the west.

Their ideologies were first religions of racial or mental superiority over the life-cultures of mankind as their books of ‘Revelation’ show:

– The aryan ‘vedas’: ‘Cows are more useful to us than the dark people, cows give us milk, the dark people only bread’. ‘A peasant is like a soya seed. the last squeeze gives the best juice’ (Samurai warrrior cult(ure) on rice taxation)

–  Talmud, ‘God made some animals with human form so the Jewish people would not be served only by beasts’. ‘Gold is the invisible hand of God’; Adam Smith. ‘Gold is the intelligence of god’ Calvin.

– “Yes, I am the one: God Himself has waited for six thousand years for ME, who looks at His creation with understanding.”(Harmonices Mundi; 1619,Kepler).  “Women only reproduce their stomach’ (Einstein to his wife). ‘My biggest pride is to die virgin’ Newton.

Then those religions that worship metal and despise life became ‘sciences’ and their ‘Gods’ became ‘nations’:

– So today we ‘believe’ in ‘nations’, whose only reason of existence is to have armies and borders. And we deny the Laws of Eusocial evolution (love between members of the same species).

– We believe that scientists NOT artists, who observe time and space with human eyes and wor(l)ds are more intelligent, because they see reality through machines.

– And we believe that capitalism, the monopoly of creation of money by bankers mostly from the ‘Am Segullah‘ (Treasure People) is the only science of economics, when it merely translates the monopoly of power of that people-caste into mathematical equations; as all his ‘founding fathers’ belonged to that religion in its different Biblical sects (Ricardo, Say, Malthus, Smith).

BECAUSE WE live in an animetal world it is worth to have from other posts a view of what truly should be history and what are the humanist cultures ‘left’ resisting the world of animetals, as to have a point of comparison.

History is the super organism of mankind in time, made of human being joined by networks of information (legal and cultural systems) and reproductive energy (economic systems) over a territorial body (nation or civilization), which live much longer than the individual citizen-‘cell’.

The science of economics AS A TRUE SOCIAL SCIENCE, is the science of the ‘re=productive, blood-like system’ of the organism of mankind in time, History, whose natural purpose would be to provide all human beings, citizens-cells of our superorganism, with the goods they need to survive and repress as blood-systems do the lethal goods that harm our body (weapons) and minds (hate memes, racist cultural memeplexes, fiction thought that isolate us and create virtual ‘mad-minds’) etc.

We explain this simple fact and in the next graph show the basic structure of the superorganism of mankind and its ‘economic frame of reference’ that should value goods and control its production according to their biological utility to foster the drives of life of human beings, making us thrive as individual and species, because WE NEED FIRST TO UNDERSTAND a true science of economics to have a perspective on what today passes as ‘economics’, NOT a science but a PRAXIS OF power:

History is the super organism of the human, species, as in systemics informative species can be modeled as superorganisms, whose individual ‘citizen-cells’ use an informative and reproductive language to build its social networks that distribute efficiently vital energy and information to its individuals, making the whole stronger and allowing a higher density of population. However when a system is ill-designed it will NOT provide just information and enough energy for its cells to survive. And this is the case of humanity, ill-designed by cultural memes of nationalism that divide the species into false tribal ones, to foster the ab=use of humans with weapons and the ill-designed capitalist system in which money is NOT the oxygen of society that must be delivered to each citizen-cell to start the reproduction and consumption of goods, but a parasitic digital language, monopolized in its issue by a small ‘cancerous group’ of ‘experts’, classic economists, working as financiers and company-managers that ‘choke’ mankind of its productive credit necessary to reproduce the healthy goods humanity need to survive (welfare goods), while allowing the massive reproduction of lethal goods of higher price that kill our body and minds. So we live in a sick system, ‘infected of lethal goods’, weapons and hate media, parasitized by a cancerous elite that monopolizes the issue of our blood language, and needless to say with a neuronal, ‘informative people-caste’ of politicos and military that instead of serving the body or else receiving judgment-pain messages to oblige them to attend the needs of its population, DEDICATE most of its efforts to kill people (military) with the excuse they are boxed under a false border-membrane buttressed with lethal weapons, or serve the financial parasites and its companies of lethal goods, with the excuse they don’t issue money, so they need to be corrupted and the alibi of immunity with no pain messages delivered as in earlier greek democracies by the population that should vote=judge them after tenure. So we live in a system which enslaves people unlike in an efficient superorganism of Nature, without parasitic and lethal germs=weapons, where its economic=reproductive and energetic=welfare and political=informative networks deliver the welfare goods and right synchronous=equalitarian orders to all cells. So should a properly designed human superorganism of history, where the ethic, verbal wor(l)d values of a political class, bound by judgement a posteriori to serve the needs of people will limit the production of lethal goods, issue money to multiply the reproduction of welfare goods and make history immortal with diplomatic EU, UNO like institutions on top of the fractal military nations built during the primitive ‘age of animetal history’. The only future for mankind thus would happen if our leading capitalist, nationalist cultures, and Financial-Media-Academia systems evolved its fundamentalist metal idol-ogies that despise the values and welfare life goods humans need to survive – despite its disguise of placebo caring newspeak of political and economical correctness, and impose a true social science of the economic reproductive and political legal system based in the efficient designs of nature’s superorganisms to create with credit a more humane, legal-ruled global culture EU-UNO style, where laws control the lethal goods of the tree of science and money credits only the production of welfare, WHEalth (healthy life goods).


In the graph we can see a Humanist super organism based in welfare, whealthy memes that allow humans to survive. We resume the nature of History, the superorganism of mankind, and how it should be designed according to the biological Whealth humans need to thrive and survive, if the economic system was not an ill-designed parasitic system of debt slavery, born of the evolution of supremacist fetish gold cultures, in conjunction with the metal-entropic iron cultures that consider MONEY not what it is – a digital language of distribution and production of goods, no wealth per se, but a language that kicks the reproduction of those goods, as words do with human organisms and oxygen and hormones with biological systems – hence a language that should be delivered tool citizens-cells to start production and consumption of welfare goods, with universal salary and NO-DEBT government issues (that is not need to return the money).

How a tender legal language of money, as envisioned by the legalist rational Greek-Roman culture, which used nomisma, tender money – brittle iron rotten in vinegar put on a stamped leather note to stress it was just a government’s digital language of exchange became a precious informative hypnotic metal, considered wealth per se, has to do with the CONFRONTATION IN HISTORY OF TWO cultures of very different degree of evolution:

Only very primitive systems reproduce and devour lethal products dying in the process, as worms and capitalist societies do because its lower informative, ethic, legal and leukocyte, military system doesn’t defend them from parasites and lethal germs

The semite, emotional, irrational, visual, hypnotic culture of hate memes based in the idolatry cults to weapons and gold of the primitive Bronze Age, and its hierarchical people-castes of warrior kings and gold priests that understood nothing rationally and built a religion of supremacist memes and myths (monotheist religions of supremacist subconscious collective ‘gods’ of military or financial nations, that would use the ‘wealth’ of metal-weapons or money to subjugate all other gods-nations) vs.

The Rational cultures born in the axial age in Greece and China, where a legalist rational understanding of the law, the need of eusocial evolution (confucianism, platonism), which advanced the mind of man, understood better the laws of the organic Universe, the unity of mankind as a single species, the digital, mathematical nature of money as a language NOT as wealth per se, and the need of the informative nervous legal system of mankind to rule over money and issue it to reproduce the welfare goods people needed to survive.

THIS IS THE TRUE BATTLE FOR THE FUTURE OF MANKIND, A BATTLE OF A PRIMITIVE ‘SEMITIC->PROTESTANT->CAPITALIST->JEWISH-AMERICAN animetal culture that debases mankind, breaks humanity into entropic dog-eat-dog primitive people without any understanding of the systemic social intelligence of the Universe and its mathematical numbers (which are undistinguishable groups of equal beings, hence a mathematical Universe is ‘socialist’), and the need to share energy and information through the collective issue of money for all individuals and just laws that make all humans equal, in a true democratic economy and political system, where politicians are as in Greek democracies judged a posteriori…

Vs. the legalist, European and Chinese cultures of humanism, where the government must control the blood system, repress lethal goods and hate memes, develop a reproductive system that serves people massively producing life-enhancing goods, and repress racist religions, racist memes, racist tribal military hate memes, and weapons, trying to coordinate the actions of false nationalist species, unifying with legal diplomatic treatises mankind so it remains the collective subconscious god-brain of the planet.

Unfortunately it seems animetal cultures and their primitive ab=usive concepts of the. political and economical networks have carried the day and so they have imposed through its Financial-media-academia systems of networks of global information, and its military-industrial complex a no future for mankind as they keep exploiting humanity with metal-money (Today e-money cycles in golden chips of computers screens) AI machines and soon to be metalife robots. In the next graph thus we confront the true sciences of history vs. the idol-ogies of animetals and its concepts of go(l)d and weapons worship:

So we live in a world in which the idol-ogies of politics (nationalism, placebo democracies without judgement of politicians) and economics (classic financial capitalism, where is a sacred right of the parasitic banking class to issue money in monopoly NOT to credit a welfare state, but to make the maximal amount of it), rule supreme.

And this happens NOT because of a scientific development of the discipline but because of history evolution of the memes of animal people-castes abusing life and history, Gaia and non-technological cultures, which made of the evolution of weapons and go(l)d – money as metal wealth NOT as legal nomisma, the purpose of their existence, inventing idol-ogies of worship of those lethal metal-memes and debasing of mankind and its welfare goods and life-enhancing cultures to that aim, thus converting social sciences in idol-ogies of power and life extinction, of which classic economics is just the last version of its go(l)d religions


Accordingly we talk of 3 basic idologies belonging to our 3 fundamental animetal species:

– Nationalistic idologies” that allow warriors to use weapons and kill other human beings with them in war ecosystems. Those ideologies deny the obvious fact that all humans are equal and should apply among themselves the law of social evolution,that make equal species to love each other. Instead, nationalism and racism define humans as different and apply the Darwinian law of the fight between species…

– “Economical idologies”that allow traders to buy human Time with salaries, in order to make humans work-=reproduce machines, and consume=test them. The main of those idologies is the“myth of the free market”, which allows traders to rule societies with money [through lobbyism, and stock-marketsthat invent money for company-mothers, instead of letting human beings to rule themselves through verbal laws. The science that invents those myths is abstract economics.

– “Scientific idologies”that allow scientists to consider themselves the only intelligent human beings because they use machines to measure the Universe. And consider mathematics the only “language of truth”, and hence reality an abstract world. When it is proved that mathematics is only a “representation of reality”, and so a “partial truth”, that carries just a part of the total information that the truth -the Universe in itself- stores. As such all linguistic truths are relative statements about reality, and so it is mathematics.

Yet, while the use of instruments of metal attached to a human being, have helped mankind to progress, the limit of that symbiotism appears, when man abandons his role as master of metal-species, and completes them, as individual species, that no longer require a human master. Such is the fact that we are witnessing today, with the development of robotics. The danger that those species rebel against us, free of their servitude to man, able to exist by themselves, without the need of a human “consumer”, is real. It might seem as remote to us as it was remote to Southern aristocrats, the possibility that blacks became free men, or to Romans that Germans destroyed the Roman Empire. Yet it happened, very fast…

Problem is that animetals, that control history, have for so long accepted their symbiotism with machines as their source of power, and progress, that they cannot see any harm on metal, even today when machines are becoming self-independent, and theeconomic ecosystem is destroying the human ecosystem. Unless they realize on time, that they cannot evolve machines beyond the complexity of human beings, and create top predator metalife, it is very likely that animetals, guided by their myths and idologies, will provoke the extinction of history and the arrival of a new ecosystem, that no longer will need mankind: the Metal-earth.


The proper historic narrative: Extinction of Gaia;  creation of metal-earth.

Humanity systematically in the age of metal denies life and the prophets of eusocial love. The people on top, animetal castes, originated in germ(anic) tribes of Goths, Jewish Go(l)d churches and I-centered Anglo-Saxon, mechanist loners, who need machines and consider to come with other humans needy, have gone to unending, lengthy social bull$hit to deny the duality of the organic Universe, the equality of the species. And they have always died for it. The less successful cultures of history have been the germ*anic warrior and the Jewish go(l)d trader, despite the arrogance of both, and their cheating on the facts of history, today astounding in the case of Judaism, and they are the less successful, and their cycles of war and holocaust keep repeating. While the cultures that do NOT cheat, and do LOVE each other and evolve socially have been the most successful as in the case of China. Do you think they have learned? Judaism has done exactly the same and there germs are doing to Europe the same. 

Unfortunately it seems animetal cultures and their primitive ab=usive concepts of the. political and economical networks have carried the day and so they have imposed through its Financial-media-academia systems of networks of global information, and its military-industrial complex a no future for mankind as they keep exploiting humanity with metal-money (Today e-money cycles in golden chips of computers screens) AI machines and soon to be metalife robots. In the next graph thus we confront the true sciences of history vs. the idol-ogies of animetals and its concepts of go(l)d and weapons worship:

So we live in a world in which the idol-ogies of politics (nationalism, placebo democracies without judgement of politicians) and economics (classic financial capitalism, where is a sacred right of the parasitic banking class to issue money in monopoly NOT to credit a welfare state, but to make the maximal amount of it), rule supreme.

And this happens NOT because of a scientific development of the discipline but because of history evolution of the memes of animal people-castes abusing life and history, Gaia and non-technological cultures, which made of the evolution of weapons and go(l)d – money as metal wealth NOT as legal nomisma, the purpose of their existence, inventing idol-ogies of worship of those lethal metal-memes and debasing of mankind and its welfare goods and life-enhancing cultures to that aim, thus converting social sciences in idol-ogies of power and life extinction, of which classic economics is just the last version of its go(l)d religions:

The ternary structure of the physiological networks of ‘entropy’, ‘energy’ and ‘information’ that define any super organism of the Universe the Metal-earth established earlier in history 3 networks, of ‘military weapons’ (the entropic ‘digestive’ system that kills) and informative money, ‘go(l)d’, whose affine metal-values established the first primitive metal-civilisations, where people-castes of informative money, ‘bankers’ and entropic weapons, ‘warriors’ came on top of all societies.

The system became more complex when humans found the organic ‘network’ that allowed to kick out the evolution of the super organism from ‘herd’ state into a real organic system similar to any organism, albeit with the purpose of evolve a different species, the machine. Let us consider both in physiological terms, to compare:

Human organism: Digestive-entropic network < Blood-reproductive network> Nervous-nformative network

Metal-earth (FMMI):Militar-entropic network (nation)<Eco(nomic)system (companies)>Money-Informative network

The carriers of those memes in the first age were go(l)d cult(ure)s, fetish religions where banker-priests first in Mesopotamia and then in Levante, considered that the accumulation of go(l)d would bring them ‘eternal bliss’, from the most informative, perfect atom, which can imitate any form, and hypnotised the eye of people, by imitating the color of the sun, the previous ‘Natural’ God=light of the mind.

It was the beginning of Judaism, the main carrier of memes of Go(l)d, whose anti-live values would trigger as it gave maximal price to weapons, the ‘nervus bellli, pecunia infinita’ fundamental cycle of overproduction of weapons, hate memes and genocidal cycles, both against mankind (wars) and those animetal people-castes who on top of the hierarchical societies of the ‘wrong side of history’, would trigger for profits the 800-80 years cycles of death of civilisations, in its final gottendamerung…

Let us then study Money as what it is – a language of digital information in metal-informative support, first precious metals, today the e-money brain of cyclical computers, which are creating the complex organisms of reproduction and evolution of machines (company-mothers) of the metal-earth…


The creation of the 2 superorganisms of Earth: decametric scales.

The 2 fundamental laws of biology applied to bio-History and bio-economics are the Law of social evolution, which favors the evolution of species into super-organisms, both in physical systems (so atoms become molecules that become planetary systems that become galaxies that become Universes) and in biological systems (so molecules become cells that become organisms that become societies). And the law of devolution, or fight between species, which become victims and predators. Those two laws have been formalized in complexity and applied in this blog and the books of this writer to define the Paradox of History: humanity has evolved into a superorganism in decametric scales, from the individual (10 up to 0=1) to the family (10 up to 1=10), bands (10-100 people), clans (100-1000) people, based in genetic bonding. Then it evolved in new scales based in the control by human herds of am agricultural/energetic vital territory. And finally, humans evolved through mental, ideological memes of eusocial love in ideological societies, cultures, civilizations and religious gods, from the limit of a vital territory (cities) into the biggest social organisms (1 billion cultures and religions of love, China, Christianity, Buddhism and Islam).

Yet the final scale of a single Human super-organism, history, of <10 billion human beings, which is achieved in many complex super-organisms (brains, galaxies) has not occurred, because a rival super-organism based in the selfish memes of metal (right side) has been created and it is preying and dissolving human cultures. It is the organism of the economy based in the memes of metal, digital information (money), energetic weapons and organic machines, which has now become the only global superorganism of this planet and it is extinguishing cultures, degrading them and dissolving the memes of eusocial love back to the individual. Thus religions of love become military inquisitions or churches of go(l)d (present Islam and Judaism), human minds become substituted by chips, words by numbers and cultures by industrial nations that ‘compete’ among them as they keep evolving machines and their citizens keep being degraded as the audiovisual minds educate them into the memes of money – greed and weapons – violence. It is the last age of History, the neopaleolithic as our species and superorganisms are substituted by the Financial->Military->Industrial system and its memes of metal and animetal cultures, degraded by them, who ‘prey’ with money, weapons and machines over previous agricultural, religious and eusocial civilizations.

Ideologies, instruments, goods and systems of the 2 super-organisms.

This fight between humans who consider themselves a different species, because of their control of the memes of metal that give them an added surplus of energy and information, is the 3rd biological law applied to history: humans do ab=use other humans, enslave them with money, kill them with weapons and atrophy and substitute them with machines. And so today history is divided into individuals and cultures that have become animetal cultures = animals+metal, the ‘top predator species’ of modern history. 3 cultures are paramount in that process, as they discovered money, iron weapons and machines, the Jewish, German and British cultures, which for that reason today have globalized its selfish memes and fusion themselves in the United States the dominant culture of the world. On the side of the memes of eusocial love however, there are still organizations like the UNO, and civilizations, such as the European Union and China, in which the predation of people-castes of money, weapons and machines is not so extreme as in America dominated by the memes and go(l)d culture (Judaism) or the III world dominated by the memes of weapons and its military people-castes (Islamic absolute Monarchies, South-American and African dictators).

So while the future of mankind seems determined by the memes of metal, there is still perhaps a hope of resurrection of the memes of love and the democratic values of human equality and the creation of a world to our image and likeness. It will depend on the eternal fight between the two sides of the Paradox of History: cultures who accept even death to protect their selfish memes (holocaust cycle of go(l)d cultures, warrior ideologies of military who kill with weapons, techno-Utopian messianism of nuclear physicists and robotists that create machines whose excessive energy and information can extinguish us), and cultures who are aware that life is the supreme value (Chinese, Religious and Social-democratic cultures). Yet amazing as it seems, as we humans devolve, our minds become atrophied by the memes of metal and our cultures regress, corrupted by weapons and money into inquisitions and go(l)d churches, the power and respect yielded by the technological, Go(l)d and military cultures becomes supreme. It is the Financial->Military->Industrial complex that today rules the world.

The selfish memes. The Financial-> Military -> Industrial System.

. We said that organisms are structured in informative, neuronal cells and body, energetic ones, that they are controlled by genes and that they, reproduce, evolve and expand in a biological way. The same process happens with the two types of superorganisms of history described in this web:

– Those whose memes=historic genes build superorganisms of metal, or animetal civilizations, based in the memes of weapons, gold/money and machines…

–  And those based in the memes of historic, human superorganisms, the verbal language and its codes of democratic laws or love religions expressed in democratic constitutions, welfare states that preserve and enhance the life of humans, art and a way of life in which man is the measure of all things.

And the difference between those civilizations is clear: in societies based in metal-memes what evolves are the selfish memes, weapons, money and machines, not human beings. In such societies, like in biological organisms in which the individual is controlled and ultimately evolve the selfish genes (Dawkins), the human being is sacrificed to the perceived, higher good of the weapon, the money or the machine.

And since now all societies based in the memes of love have been corrupted and dominated by the memes of weapons, money and machines, we can fully grasp the consequential fact that history is dying, substituted by the economic ecosystem and the memes are taking over the humans who carried them.

And this of course, translates in the fact that all cultures of love, from religions of love to real democracies, based in legal wor(l)ds of equality are being substituted by the culture of greed and murder, gold and iron that carries the selfish memes of money and weapons.

Since once the bid for the evolution of the human kind into a global single organism based in the memes of love, in the sharing of energy and information among all humans, is gone, History as a science and those who tried to achieve it, become degraded to the next, lower level of comprehension of reality, that of tribal history in which this planet has reverted.

racist religions. The cult(ures) of the Animetals.

Weapons, money, and scientific machines, are the 3 species of metal that are extinguishing the natural ecosystems of history as their own ecosystem of machines, expands, guided by the activities ofcompany-mothers. Weapons kill humans. So those humans who use systematically weapons, not only die in wars, but do extinguish masses of social human beings. So finally weapons and money survive, evolve and keep pushing their ideologies.

In essence, our world is built around the Darwinian ideologies of Weapons created by Germanic people (racism based in physical strength needed to use weapons, nationalism-military ideologies-based in genetics), who have extinguished millions of social humans, and the parallel Jewish=Protestant religions of money (Judaism, Calvinism, modern economics with their cult to money and wealth), that have imposed through Universities and mass-media their ideas against the social evolution of history.

These ideas go against the natural law of human, social,love religions. To do so, they have to substitute the naturalfreedom of manby activities which are against our biological drives, such as war, work, and mathematical information. This of course requires to “repress” the natural biological goals of man, which are peace and love to other human beings (social evolution and reproduction), by the consume=test and work=reproduction of machinesandverbal, ethic information by digital knowledge.

Since our biological arrows (sex, food, free time, love, verbal truths) are natural and self-evident, to control humans, those arrows are repressed with myths and ideologies that confuse our brain. Historically the ideal form to achieve that is through the use of animetal ideologies, sciences and Religions of Metal, that praise war, machines and money as “gifts of god”. In this manner a rational analysis of the causes why our civilizations repress human senses, Human Goods and human Freedom is avoided.

Animetal cultures combine human ‘animals’ and metal memes of energy and information, creating specialized cultures of higher body and mental power:  iron=energetic metal+human body=warrior;  go(l)=informative metal+man=banker and man+machine=scientist. Those cultures, whose paradigm were in the classic age of history, the Germanic, Jewish and British culture enhanced their human energetic, informative and organic power, becoming the top predator cultures of the west. Yet there was an ethic trade off on that process: the creation of selfish anti-life behavior and the endemic ab=use and despise other cultures which they controlled with their weapons that kill human bodies, their money that enslaved people for a salary and their machines that substituted and atrophied the equivalent human organs.

Then in the modern age, those memes were imprinted in complex organic structures, financial institutions, company-mothers of machines and military nations, imitated by all other human tribes, that created the financial-military-industrial complex that today rules the Earth Inc. This complex super-organism is increasingly substituting human beings, which are devolving intellectually, as computer-brains handle its mental tasks; and physically as robotized armies and robotic blue collar workers and PC-white collar workers, displace us from fields of war and labor. It is the final phase of the memetic construction of a world made no longer to the image and likeness of life but of the selfish memes of metal.

Thus the key question about the future of history is if we, humans, can prune the tree of science of its bad fruits as the parable of Genesis written when the first hordes of bronze warriors appeared and extinguished the neolithic civilizations, explain… Unfortunately the evolution of the selfish memes of metal means also the devolution of mankind, and so this parallel incremental process is rendering humanity obsolete and degrading our minds into an infantile, mythic, fictional state that seems to prevent any control of History. The censorship and lack of evolution of the sciences of history and economics encroaches this process.

Today America is the civilization born of the addition of Germanism=military memes and Judaism=Gold memes that believes the surrogate life of man as an enzyman, reproducing and evolving machines, the hierarchical exploitation of humanity in boxed nations by their parasitic stockratic leader and the extinction of their sons till the seventh generation is the manifest exceptionalism destiny we must cherish, love and fight for every day 24/7 with absolute zeal because some Bronze Age primitive go(l)d peasant on Levante, and a bunch of red hair neanderthal autist swedes bumping iron in the frozen lakes of Birka did it first.

Sorry for the surrealist humor, I am a latin, evolved axial mind of the European, French-Spanish Catalan culture with no Armies, no stockmarkets, dedicated to enjoy life despite my sephardim, Aryan and Semite genes – I have evolved. 

So the fact that Gold, an informative metal, which could hypnotize the human eye, imitating the color of the sun (In atomic level gold is red, the code of entropy) was seen as a magic sign of god – the sweat of the sun-god would be then carry as a fetish ex-vote and accumulated in temples, where its priests, realized gold could enslave humans, and started the capitalist view of economics as a religion of gold herding. Further on by affinity with iron, an entropic energetic metal, weapons reached maximal prize in gold and minimal prize for life; thus those who believed in gold developed an anti-live memeplex, which confronted them with those who believe in the ethics of our natural language, the wor(l)d. And became allies of warrior cultures exploiting together the Fertile Crescent people, as slaves bought with gold and killed with iron.
Judaism thus developed from its inception an anti-live=eviL view of mankind as an inferior species and their own people as ‘chosen of gold’, called themselves ‘am segullah’ ‘the people of the treasure’ (Ill translated as chosen people) and became specialized in all the anti-live tasks that allowed the herding of gold, the ‘ex-vote’ required in their temples to purify their body of the contact with the ‘Inferior human animal’. Judaism thus along with ‘Germanism’, the tribal belief on the superiority of the ‘tribe of goths’, germans who mass produced iron swords from Austria (Hallstatt) to Birka (Stockholm), became the essential cultures of animetal idol-ogies that worship metal, ab=use mankind and started the 800-80 year cycles of extinction of life.
Both cultures though have clear differences because of the type of metal-information vs. metal-entropy they used to control and her human farmers.
Animetals thus have a long tradition and the proper science to study them is NOT GENETICS as their racist memes would love to believe, but MEMETICS, the ways in which its corrupted systems of thought deformed their cultures to the point of its present astounding primitivism in all things refereed to history.

Its Memetics: the new top predator of planet earth.

The science of history is quite extensive in its true biological disciplines, similar to those of biology. IT does include the deterministic, Darwinian fight between top predator species and preys, which however must be different or ‘perceive’ each other as different to enact their actions of predation.

This facts in history happen between human beings, even if they belong to the same species,  precisely because of the apparition of segregational, racist memes among those humans, which in contact with metal, entropic weapons that kill human bodies and hypnotic, informative metal go(l)d that hypnotize the brain, realized they had an added power, and developed memeplexes of superiority over other human beings, breaking the laws of eusocial evolution that had defined the Neolithic era.


Ever since the apparition of metal thus, hierarchical civilizations, with kings that substituted verbal priest, (Lugals in Mesopotamia), due to their military power, or banker-priests, which enslaved their believers to hypnotic gold (rings put on women that became slaves; first forms of metal-money that was exchanged by life, through mathematical equations that equalled humans and metal), changed the natural eusocial evolution of mankind and the animetal age of History started in earnest:

Now, it must be clear from the first sentence what is the true crime of all ANIMETAL CULT(URE)S: TO demonize mankind and to idol-atrize metal, in its different forms, so the people of those cultures can murder with weapons, enslave with Go(L)d and atrophy and substitute with machines, human beings.

The way in which this basic ‘meme’ of the paradox of History: Max. technological evolution = min. human evolution manifests itself is different according to the culture, and the type of meme and process of substitution, murder or slavery enacted by the culture, but they are much easier to understand in the original cultures, where the murderous nature of weapons and the military civilization that uphold it as the language of power, or the slaving consequences of substituting ethic values by go(l)d values were obvious and crystal clear, as 70% of go(l)d and silver, metal-money were used to promote war, origin of the ‘pecunia infinita belli Nervi’ 800-80 years cycles.

As systems become more complex, their bottom line nature dilutes. So as money ended its metal-informative nature and became digital, its values standing though by custom could have been changed, to adopt money just as a reproductive digital language, ruled by the goal of mankind – to make a world to our image and likeness. But because those who first invented money as metal, and developed a fetish go(l)d culture HAD TRANSFERED to his cultural racist memeplex the despise for life, today we have the worst of all worlds: an ideology called capitalism that considers money a language of god, that must not be understood through reason, but multiplied by all means, and a memeplex of racist cultures, military nationalisms and hate memes AGAINST mankind and life, disguised with all kind of complex political correctness that drive man towards extinction. The last example suffice: as animetal cultures worship metal and hate mankind, which is always guilty the culture of weapons considers that weapons are NOT the problem but man is. So they are now developing autonomous killing robots, because they trust more a terminator than an arab peasant.

Historicism, the accepted doctrine of this blog means that ‘science is culture’, and so what today passes as ‘economics’ is part of the evolution of the go(l)d culture and that worship of metal memes before mankind. We thus talk of the Financial-Media-Academia system that has just refurbished those memes of despise of life and worship of metal, essentially adopted by the policies of company-mothers of machines-weapons through the globalization of what we shall call the FMAsters ‘memeplex’:


Racist MEMES: MILITARY INQUISITIONS AND GOLD religions. The FIRST cult(ures) of the Animetals.


Memetics is an important one. So we shall define here some basic concepts of memetic, following our conferences in the subject.

In memetics, a meme as a gene is carried by a ‘carrier’ which in memetics are cultures, as in genetics are individuals. The confusion of cultures, the unit of memetics with individuals the Unite of genetics is quite common,
We shall define an animetal as a carrier of a selfish metal meme, either entropic weapons, hypnotic, informative go(L)d or competitor machines:

The fundamental characteristic of each of the 3 animetal cult(ure)s to weapons, (entropic metal that kills the human body) Go(L)d (informative metal that substitutes the social ethic values of the wor(l)d) and machines (organic metal that substitute and atrophy our human organs) is TO ADAPT all aspects of life and CULTURE TO THE METAL-MEME OF CHOICE and Not THE OTHER WAY AROUND, despite thinking otherwise.

So in ‘capitalist societies’ digital money is above ethic words, in militar societies, weapons consume human beings, and in our present culture that worships machines, whenever a machine can be done that substitutes humans in labor and war fields, it will be done. Animetals are thus clearly an enzymanic cult(ure), as it puts the ‘object it reproduces and evolves’ about mankind, in a biological function similar to the atrophied enzymes that kill carbohydrates with its ‘attached’ hard metal atom…

Weapons, money, and scientific machines, are the 3 species of metal that are extinguishing the natural ecosystems of history as their own ecosystem of machines, expands, guided by the activities ofcompany-mothers. Weapons kill humans. So those humans who use systematically weapons, not only die in wars, but do extinguish masses of social human beings. So finally weapons and money survive, evolve and keep pushing their ideologies.

In essence, our world is built around the Darwinian ideologies of Weapons created by Germanic people (racism based in physical strength needed to use weapons, nationalism-military ideologies-based in genetics), who have extinguished millions of social humans, and the parallel Jewish=Protestant religions of money (Judaism, Calvinism, modern economics with their cult to money and wealth), that have imposed through Universities and mass-media their ideas against the social evolution of history.

These ideas go against the natural law of human, social,love religions. To do so, they have to substitute the naturalfreedom of manby activities which are against our biological drives, such as war, work, and mathematical information. This of course requires to “repress” the natural biological goals of man, which are peace and love to other human beings (social evolution and reproduction), by the consume=test and work=reproduction of machinesandverbal, ethic information by digital knowledge.

Since our biological arrows (sex, food, free time, love, verbal truths) are natural and self-evident, to control humans, those arrows are repressed with myths and ideologies that confuse our brain. Historically the ideal form to achieve that is through the use of animetal ideologies, sciences and Religions of Metal, that praise war, machines and money as “gifts of god”. In this manner a rational analysis of the causes why our civilizations repress human senses, Human Goods and human Freedom is avoided.

The Paradox of cultures

The world is not serving the will and future of man, nor catering to our needs for welfare goods but has become a system dedicated to the reproduction of memes of metal, weapon, money and machines at all costs, in a process driven by corporations, the company-mothers of those machines, which are terraforming the Earth to its image and likeness. This is the basic fact of reality today. And yet it is the only fact of reality nobody talks ‘seriously about’.

Why? What makes humans to be so blind to the fact they are comitting collective suicide with life.

This section will be dedicated to the analysis without ‘soothing’, ‘human’ jargons of the animetal cultures that terraform the earth, its memes of metal, and its ideologies of extinction that pass as the ‘righteous’ way of being human (nationalism, capitalism, egoism, fundamentalist religions, etc.) and are  ‘beliefs’ in an Aristotelian sense:  makpng us believers= slaves of the more complex atoms of iron (warriors) and gold (bankers) that rule mankind.

The first fact to consider when studying the nations and cultures of the superorganisms of history is the duality or ‘Paradox of History’ that structures all the memes of mankind. This paradox treated elsewhere in this web is a biological paradox of predation between ‘nations’ belonging to the memetic structure of animetal ideologies that foster the survival through the use of memes of metal to control life and human populations, and cultures which are life-based memetic structures. It follows from that paradox that the cultures more evolved in their social, human memes of eusocial evolution and love, of economic science and understanding of the superorganisms of the universe (oikoumene religions, socialist cultures of welfare economics, organicist science) have the minimal evolution of metal-memes and vice versa. Those ‘nations’ (the name chosen in this web for metal-memetic superorganisms of history) with higher power, have minimal evolution in ther life-based ‘cultures’ (the name used here for life-superorganisms). This might sound confuse so we shall just write it in an equation:

Maximal Human Development = Minimal Metal-Memes; Maximal Metal-memes = Minimal Human, memetic evolution.

Because metal is harsh, brutal in their control of humans as ‘herds’. The 2 nations that developed memes of metal, first, the indo-european iron warriors and the cananean, ‘cainite’ go(l)d banker elites shall develop brutal memes of racial differentiation to allow the murder (Germ(an)) iron warriors or hypnotic slavery (go(l)d bankers) to the ‘iconic’ idols of power, Thor, the sword and Baal, the golden figures to which Phoenicians sacrificed their own sons (Hecatombs).

The reader might think all this has changed, but truly what has changed in mankind is the complexity of the ‘scales’ of memetic disguise of what is a very simple game: the world is ruled by metal, by weapons, money and machines, and 3 cultures became nations and broke the contract with Gaia, the Earth Life an its life-based memes and cultures, first and today can be defined by the previous equations as cultures that systematically repress life-memes, the german iron warrior nation, the Jewish go(l)d nation and the British machine-based nation.

The 3 cultures are by the previous equations the ones that have memes of repression of the ‘will of man’ and our natural life-based drives, human energy (food), human reproduction (sex), human social evolution (love) and human information (verbal evolution). This is shown in all traits of those cultures. The common biblical meme which introduces racist differentiation, killing the memes of eusocial love to the species, represses tasteful foods (seafood, prok), mutilates male’s sexuality and forbids it, and certainly gives litle ‘verbal information’ of value about the essence of the Universe, but explains a chronicle of history of low quality.

The grammar also helps to construct minimal philosophical thought, with the two unbalanced extremes of german grammar, with their ‘primitive’ agglutination of words that create since the iron age ‘meanings’ that seem truths per se and are just ‘iron-time’ concepts.

Our soul is our grammar, and so in the other extreme, English is also a primitive language now broken to its minimal semantic meanings, centered in the I-noun which cannot be ‘hidden’ and obliges to an individualism of little eusocial evolution.

Finally the Jewish Nation lacks even a language that can call its own except of recently the hebrew, again a ‘primitive’, bronze age language that imposes the ‘tribal stage’ of eusocial evolution of their religion.

And yet those nations have an absolute power in weapons, machines and money which people ‘confuses’ with cultural evolution in the so little-valued memes of ‘food’/energy, art/human visual information, language evolution/human tempoeral information, social evolution/love memes and sex.

In the extreme of that equation are the ‘cultures of life’ with higher development, utterly despised by our ‘metal-masters’, the culture of the ‘PIGS” (name given to us, the Portuguese, Italians, Greeks and Spaniards, by Germans, who are with the American, Wall Street, Anglo-Jewish culture on the crusade of extinction of our economical model), and yet indeed, even if our technological memetic, financial and military power is null we are obviously the most evolved ‘culture, in the memes of food, art, literature, social and racial mixing and, oh well, you know, sex (-;

In my case the catalan culture without even a national structure (military borders, financial stock-markets, technological industries of the robotic age), els paysos catalans (eastern spain, balear islands, valencia and Catalonia) is the country with more tourists per capita of the world (salvo some caribbean resorts), as paradoxically the ‘nations’ that shall destroy us like to come over here.

In Asia the same game can be established between the southern Indochinese life cultures, the oldest agricultures in the world, which have successfully merged the life memes of  India and China, follow the Buddhist religion and are recipients of northern ‘technological’, barbarian droves of tourists (koreans and Japanese).

In an ideal world the most powerful nations would be the most cultured ones because there would not be ‘national borders’, armies and money would be ‘democratic’, used to foster a sustainable world with a single global currency and a global ‘salary’ to foster demand in ‘the memes of life’. And then, obviously the countries with a better life model, Brazil, the Mediterranean peninsulas, Indochina, Australia in the Anglo-Saxon world, would be selling their memes and products, receiving influx of populations to live the good life and so on.

All this said we can then understand better the ‘nations’ depicted in this ‘right side’ of metal-memes, as opposed to the ‘cultures’ that we shall depict in the left side of the super-organisms of history. Basically the ‘two tables’ are inverse. The top predator nations of the world are the underdog, most primitive cultures and the most evolved cultures often don’t even have a ‘nation’ or are powerless.

In psychological terms we talk of eviL vs. Life and consider metal-memes and its repression of life eviL, and so we can apply the science of evil and the description of psycopathies not only as the film ‘the corporation’ does to capitalist structures but to animetal cultures and its ideologies that foster a lack of EMPATHY, the essential definition of eviL


– “Tribal religions & Nazionalistic=weapons idologies” that allow warriors to use weapons and kill other human beings with them in war ecosystems. Those ideologies deny the obvious fact that all humans are equal and should apply among themselves the law of social evolution,that make equal species to love each other. Instead, nationalism and racism define humans as different and apply the Darwinian law of the fight between species…


– “Capitalist=go(l)d idologies”that allow traders to buy human Time with salaries, in order to make humans work-=reproduce machines, and consume=test them. The main of those ideologies is the“myth of the free market”, which allows traders to rule societies with money [through lobbyism, and stock-marketsthat invent money for company-mothers, instead of letting human beings to rule themselves through verbal laws. The science that invents those myths is abstract economics.


– “Scientific=Machine idologies”that allow technological scientists NOT Theorist and philosophers of science, as the one that writes here to consider themselves the only intelligent human beings because they use machines to measure the Universe. And consider mathematics the only “language of truth”, and hence reality an abstract world. When it is proved that mathematics is only a “representation of reality”, and so a “partial truth”, that carries just a part of the total information that the truth -the Universe in itself- stores. As such all linguistic truths are relative statements about reality, and so it is mathematics.

Let us first define humans AS WHAT THEY ARE, not what the idol-ogies that are building metal earth tell us to believe.

Since everything we learn including ‘dogmatic science’ is ‘culture’, biased with more or less subtlety to cater the goals of capitalist ‘democracies’, the building of ‘another superorganism’ not of history=mankind. but of machines.

What humans are: cells of historic superorganisms, whose biological drives should be worshipped.

Humans as biological beings are all equal in its search for the ‘program of life’, its 3 primary actions, feed, move, perceive, and its complex ones, reproduce hence love and grow in social scales of growth to the plane of mankind.
This is what we are program to do as biological humans and all of us have that program, normally realized within a community.
But to ‘evolve metal’ to the same level that we evolve as biological beings, since metal is inert, man must catalyse its evolution and reproduction. And since metal is stronger,harder more difficult to handle than man, humans had historically to fully repress their biological consciousness and become prisoners of other ‘pure force’ idol-ogies, to serve metal and evolve and reproduce it – to fall under the damnation of work. This could have been kept in balance, the key word for immortality in the Universe. So humans would have survived in balance between life and metal, and keep history immortal.
But the very essence of the selection process made the hardest most fundamentalist ‘animetal enyzmen’, those who would sacrifice, repress and maim its own ‘biological drives’ specially those complex (social reproduction from love to eusocial love to the species), to serve organic Machines, that atrophy and substitute us, entropic Arms that kill the body and go(l)D that hypnotises, substitutes the ethics of the wor(l)d and made us ‘virally infected’ by greed, the 3 ‘elements’ needed to create a super organism of metal.
TODAY WE all accept machines, weapons and money as necessary, because their overwhelming reproduction is making this planet ‘theirs’, but specially because we have NEVER built a proper scientific understanding of our relationship with metal in pure rational, biological terms. So the human psyche is confuse and let itself be driven down the laws of darwinian evolution in the chaos of war, obsolescence and hypnotism, mental degradation by those memes of metal. Welcome then to the real ‘idol-ogical’ jail of the mind that is suppressing all what makes life worth, to live, to love to laugh…

The higher view:  the language of money converts man into an object. And those who obey the language suffer its equations.

And that is why ultimately those hecatomb-holocaust cycles happen in a deterministic way, if ultimately most of its agents – even the banker-priests of Israel – would like them to be avoided. The answer comes from a higher perspective of systems sciences, social organisms and ‘lanwaves’ of time – systems directed by the grammar of the languages in which its cells believe.

In brief, the Universe does not act upon individual cells but collective super organisms. So because the elite of Judaism exploits mankind with money, and it is a super organism, with a blind body of ’11 slave tribes’, the action-reaction attacks the entire super organism, including innocent individual cells.

And because the Universe is guided by ‘heads’ and their ‘languages’, which direct the social wave of the organism, if a civilization HAS CHOSEN A WRONG LANGUAGE TO DIRECT ITSELF, IT WILL PROVOKE SUBCONSCIOUS TRAGEDIES caused by the way in which the language values the beings of its environment.



Thus in an ethic civilization, guided by the values of verbal thought, humans are always the subject, and cherished part, protected by the language that ab=uses through a verbal action an object. And so ethic civilizations that respect human life as the supreme value are NOT destroyed by hecatombs and holocausts.


Thus with the language of money men becomes an object, compared to a machine in competition in fields of labor and war, and a slave bought for a price of money. This is the language chosen by plutocracies, capitalism and go(l)d religions and hence men become slaves and suffer as objects the competition of weapons that kill them in war fields and machines that throw them out of work. And those people who rule their world with the lanwave of money end up in action-reaction processes of economical crises, r=evolutions, class struggle, where the people who invent money has all privileges, abuses the people they price and end up suffering their backlash. This society suffers endemic hecatombs and holocaust cycles. And they can be predicted as the crises will happen when money has totally corrupted the values of ethics and all men are priced, enslaved and poor.

Thus the future in a capitalist system follows in general lines the lanwave of ‘money’, man=price=object, in which men are always deemed obsolete to the evolution of objects.

Had mankind chosen the lanwave of ‘ethic laws’, human subject>verb>object of course laws would forbid the evolution of ‘objects’ that contradict the equation (Object>man), hence limiting the weapons > human bodies that kill us and the digital money of corporations that enslave our minds. But that is not the world we live in so, the future demise of mankind which DOES NOT evolve as fast as objects means, man=price=object, turns as evolution maximizes object, into man<Object and we become eliminated by weapons and wars.

THE CAUSATIONS and full equations of bio-history are also complex but its ‘grammar is not’. And that is the beauty of the fractal, self reproductive universe.


In the regard, memes work fundamentally because according to the science of complexity and the Galilean Paradox, any human brain will always accept as truth an ideology that makes him feel important, happy, the center of the Universe. And this is essentially what the selfish memes of metal and its ideologies make us belief – we feel stronger with machines, never mind they atrophy us, we feel more intelligent with computers, never mind they calculate and design for us. We feel chosen, superior, centers of the Universe with anthropomorphic religions, never mind they make us weak and allow the animetal castes that control society to dominate us and keep us without desire to rebel, and specially we feel safe at home watching a TV instead of going out to fight for existence. So we need a final complex outlook to the human brain and its programmed systems to understand where those ideologies are imprinted making us believers instead of rational beings, who will fight for their own extinction and sacrifice their lives for those who murder us.

The selfish metal-meme and the ego-trips of mankind create the FMI complex

Fact is that the specific type of memes we just mentioned, money (a language of metal information), weapons (energetic instruments made of metal) and machines (organic systems that transform energy into information also made mainly of metal), are constructing a super-organism of another type, not a superorganism of life, as gaia, this planet used to be, or a human culture is; but a super-organism of metal, the economic ecosystem, ruled by corporations, complex superorganisms that reproduce weapons and machines, using the language of money, in which humans are not the protagonists, but develop a function similar to those of enzymes in organisms: we, enzymen, evolve those machines and develop the economic superorganism, quite unaware that what we are evolving is not ‘us’, human beings, not ‘our social organisms, mental networks of believers of love as religions were’, but a mixed type of superorganism, an economical nation, or free market democracy (abstract jargon), part of a higher global superorganism, the global stock-market, with its flows of money that control corporations, organs which reproduce machines and control humans with salaries…

This evolving superorganism, from our anthropocentric point of view, is ours and just part of cultures, but from a detached, objective science of history, it is clearly an independent reality which is evolving and following its own selfish ‘memetic’ program of construction of an ‘entity’, the global market or superorganism of economics, in which humans are not really the main protagonist, neither the form evolved and reproduced, not the future…

Since we can observe now, with the arrival of the most powerful organic memes of metal, robots and mental Pcs, how humans are increasingly being eliminated as ‘enzyme’ which catalyzed the creation of those memes, as enzymes catalyze the creation of genes…

The selfish gene and the selfish meme seems to be at the end what matters, what we really are doing. And so from that paradox between what humans seems to be and what they ‘express’ and evolve comes the Paradox of History: the duality of two type of superorganisms, cultures and corporations, of two type of species humans and machines and of two type of memetic languages, words and numbers, which create two type of emetic constructions, human civilizations and economic ecosystems…

All this increasingly complex description of the dual nature of memetics shows to which degree the science of memetics is an integrative part of History and economics:  without the ideological memes of mankind, religious superorganisms, gods and cultures would not exist. And without the enzymen who invent technological machines, copying the functions of our organism in metal, making in this manner better metal-eyes=cameras, metal-brains=chips, metal-ears=mobiles, etc. the economic organism of money, machines, corporations, weapons, workers=re=producers of machines=enzymen, and consumers=animetal (hybrid species made of a human being and a machine, which function symbiotically as enhanced informative/energetic systems) would not exist.

The jargon of biohistory and bioeconomics might seem strange, even offensive to the reader, which of course is not outside history, analyzing objectively human beings, but inside, and as such a cell of a memetic superorganism codified by certain ideas he considers absolute truths as they are required for him to bond with other human beings and form those superorganisms. yet that is given. This web and science is by its very nature too objective not to be censored,denied and repel the subjective, anthropomorphic point of view of a biological organism and its cells, in this case a self-centered culture and its people, who don’t realize its peculiar code, religion, nation and memetics are self-similar to all others, of not special importance, and just informative carriers of the social messages of bonding and Eusocial evolution of its particular people

In any economic ecosystem, aka free market, human tribes compete to achieve social dominance through objects, mental memes imprinted in materials of endurance and higher quality than our carbon-life systems. Among those materials none is more important than metal in its 3 varieties, energetic metal or weapons, informative metal or money and organic metal, or machines. The memes of metal are however not the only ones evolved in History, though they are the key memes of the economic ecosystem.

And so we can talk again of two kind of selfish memes:

Memes of metal which evolve into machines and organic metal and an economic ecosystem in which they become reproduced and evolve submitting humans to its re=productive organisms, ccompany0-mothers.

And memes of the mind;ideologies, which hide the selfish memes (represented in memetics with parenthal between the original life meme, such as go(l)d, or cult(ure)s) into ethical and legal codes, which seem to create superorganisms of human history, nations, religions and civilizations, but are false go(l)ds and false (s)words, which cater to the evolution of money or weapons, like Yvwh a go(l)d meme, or Assur or Rome, (s)word memes and today nations like America, an industrial ‘machine’.

Newspeaks: The anti-quantum paradox. The 3 methods of imprinting of selfish memes.

Why the selfish memes of metal have imposed themselves? there are two obvious causes:

– Biologically a weapon murders and so people make a choice, to obey the warrior an survive.

– Biologically, gold, an informative perfect atom imitates the sun light and hypnotizes the eye, so humans suffer gold fevers and become slaves of God.

– Biologically a machine enhances our capacity to process energy or information so we wish to have them even if they atrophy us.

All this becomes the subconscious stream that oblige us biologically to obey the memes of metal, weapons, money and machines.

Universal grammar. The syntax of memetic equations.

In the other posts on memetics we clarify that the key and resume of the entire program of the Universe in each superorganism is ‘the language’ and that language follow a ternary Universal grammar proper of all systems:

Subject (organism who speaks the language) < action – exi – exchange of energy and information > Object (upon which action happens).

Now those equations can be operated with equality : Subject = Action = Object and the transfer of energy and information will therefore happen towards the ‘top predator’ element, Subject or object. Such are the equations of chemical reactions, where the top predator product absorbs the other because the communication between subject and object is equalled by a membrane or dissolving, open carrier.

They can be operated with unequalities, as in the human verbal language, Subject > verb-action > Object, where the object is always of less value than the human being. And this is the difference between human verbal languages that favor humans and the memetics of money, mathematical languages and weapons that equal us (money) and make us compete with machines or make superior the object (language of weapons) that kill us.

Thus according to the language a society is based, it will create a superorganism of life and mankind or one of animetal memes with a selfish warrior or go(l)d master on top, ab=using with its tools of power the 99%.Our civilization, once the mask of democracy falls and we understand money (deficit zero laws, private banks) and weapons (American right to carry them) are over the law and the political system, is such civilization.

We indeed evolve in 800-80 year cycles the memes of metal, first weapons, now machines, with a language, go(l)d, whose values are inverse to those of the language of words, and whose syntax, its cgtu-bases to speak in genetic terms, make us humans objects, as man becomes bought for a price or salary like objects are: Man=price=object, the equalizing syntax of the language of money, as opposed to God (Humanity) <Man (subject) < Verb (action) <Object.

Of course the equation of weapons is worse: Man (corpse) > action-murder>Weapon (warrior animetal).

Reason why our memetic masters the go(l)d culture tends to compare us NOT with verbal healthy civilizations but with military dictatorships (Nazis, stalinism, etc). to convince us we have the best of systems. We dont we have the second worst.

Those cult(ure)s were born when a new type of linguistic memes appeared – instruments of metal a more complex atom, whose energetic ‘bodies’, weapons, could kill our bodies; and whose informative units, digital money, coins and go(l)d could hypnotize our eyes, imitating the source of our biological energy – the sun.

So gold was called the sweat of God, the sun, and it provoked greed, golden fevers, a madness or desire to possess a little god-sun. And people associated it to weapons which could kill to get your ‘greed’ satisfied. Those apparently absurd new desires provoked by the selfish memes of metal were however NOT innocent accidents but part of another ‘program’ of evolution of another ‘complementary system of energy and information’, of weapons and gold – the economic ecosystem. For most of history this system was just the combination of mercenary armies and money to pay them, and yet soon reached the top of all neolithic societies, killing the memes of love, establishing racistideologies and inquisitorial religions, which murdered people with the sword, and go(l)d churches, where the meme of God was no longer fertility and reproduction and life, but money. It is the animetal culture of the selfish memes that imprint our brain and repress it because of a simple equation:

Man x weapon = Corpse.           Man x  Money = Slave

Those are biological, Darwinian acts that divided mankind in two castes, animetals on top with money and weapons, today technological machines and the human sheeple, programmed by the memes of metal.

The system though, as the socialist school of history explains, became more sophisticated by ‘corrupting’ the memes of love,

Yet on the other hand the ‘selfish memes’ of metal, program your mind weapons, machines and money who kill you, atrophy you and substitute your organic social desires for ‘greed’ and ‘property’ that standarized and objectifies reality.


The age of warriors, its 800 years war cycles.


Historic Animetal 3 people-castes: The ‘extinctive species’ of life-based Human Cultures.

In  THE NEXT graph, in biological fields there are 3 modes of extinction by competitive species, predators that kill the prey, competitors that substitute them in the same econiche and parasites that slowly ‘drain’ its blood-oxygen that activates the cells of the organism. They are akin to the 3   ‘selfish memes of metal’, weapons that kill, machines that substitute our organs of information and energy, and money and those who issue it in monopoly against the democratic rights of people and ‘choke them’, slowly parasitising them with ‘tax farming’ and usury schemes. They act as the 3 predatory species act in nature:

  • Weapons and the warrior people-castes  ‘predate’ over humans killing them.
  • Scientific Machines compete with humans displacing them from their eco(nomic) systems
  • Money and bankers through unfair taxation and debt,  parasating mankind.

In the graph, an ‘Animetal=animal+metal’ is either a ‘warrior’ (man with weapon=energetic lineal metal); a ‘banker’ (man with informative precious metal ‘money) or a scientist (man with organic metal), which is the transitional ‘top predator’ human being attached to one of the 3 organic types of metal (lineal-energetic weapons, cyclical, reproductive money and organic machines that imitate our functions and organs, both enhancing the power of animetals but also atrophying their ‘human side’, as it happens also in the cellular level where carbohydrates joined with metal become atrophied ‘professional killers’ or ‘enzymes’, that go around hitting as warriors do with their weapons, carbohydrates, having them)…

In this manner, we can consider that the Human wave has a chance to organise itself better and control the wave of machines. And so the purpose of history would be to manage the wave of evolution of machines from the human perspective, once humans have evolved further into a social, peaceful global super organism. This dual wave is shown in a simplified manner in the next graph.


shorter. The Wave of History

In the graph, the memetic engine of history is the fight between the selfish memes of metal, energetic weapons, informative go(l)d and organic machines, vs. the human elements of the super organism of history. As weapons kill our body, go(l)d hypnotises and slaves our mind (in fact biologically suppressing the production of oxytocin the drug of social evolution and empathy), and finally machines atrophy and substitute and will kill us, as the robotic evolution advances through its vortex of evolutionary information. It is this confrontation, which the idol-ogies of capitalism, mechanism and nationalism that foster the use of go(l)d=money, machines and weapons, as the meaning of progress, instead of evolving the human social super organisms, what defines the ‘paradox of history’ and its waves of humanist civilisations murdered rhythmically by the vortex of evolution of machines.

Among those idol-ogies none is older and yet less understood that the biblical=capitalist Abrahamic religions, its go(l)d churches and military inquisitions, as they confuse human eusocial elements of evolution with the evolution of fetish go(l)d and weapons, origin of the present racist memes of animetal cultures, from capitalist wall street practice of killing at distance, to Jihads and Aryan People-castes in india. There is always a common role to all those memetic cult*ures: to consider humans a lesser species, to the metal-memes and the people-caste on top of a wave of warriors, banksters or technological gurus that oppresses them.

Extermination is what animetal practice with all other human beings. 

When I advanced the theory 30 years ago in the small-print book ‘the extinction of man’ that the arrival of animetal idol-ogies to mankind with the death of the age of the goddesses in balance with mankind, meant the definitive change of consciousness and the beginning of extinction of life in the planet, with the radiation of bronze weapons, charioteers from the Siberian Tobol mines of the Andronovo culture, which would be the origin of the mimetic go(l)D and Aryan cultures of extinction of life memes in all the old continent from the Shang dynasties to the Iberian cultures, mimetic in name to the Iberian kingdom of the caucasus, based in the archaeological and historic records, and the larger set of laws of evolution and extinction of species, and the even larger set of laws of spacetime organisms and the d=evolution of entropy and information on the Universe, my work was rejected with not even the Anger of a rational thesis, but as the expansion of consciousness on the Nature of the Universe was so beyond what huminds (ab. human beings) were thinking, and I was coming out of Columbia University, the idological center of the go(l)d culture, who had crafted an astoundingly placebo surface of newspeak about a Rossy future for mankind, the idea that the 800-80 years cycles of extermination of life cultures were continued now by the organization, called company-mother of machines-weapons and we would see the final extermination of life with the robotic radiation, became a dangerous proposition.

Moreover the leading biblical cult(ure)s of America had been born of the Hebrew, those ‘who walk behind the asses’, whose leaders, the Hyksos, would be the last of the extermination waves of Siberian animetals, from the Tobol culture, with an evident similarity on their fetish gold religions and covenant to God, through ex-votes of the metal they found in Levante to build their temples of racist memes, their extermination Biblical conquests, a la par with the Darwinian brutal behavior of the Aryan vedas, only that the metal-fetish changed to the fire of the smith, who raped in Western Europe all women and killed all men.

The pattern was clear, even if I don’t write in the Chicago style, of pedantic historians and accumulate data. Both cultures origin of the radiation of idol-ogies of war and capitalist greed, had the same origin, treated in the same manner to the abomination – the goddess, destroy the fertility cults, abhorred Nature as it was so harsh in their Siberian lands, where they spent all the time making bronze chariots and sending south east and west hordes of barbarians that massacred all humans and changed cultures inseminating the women, in a wave of higher technological evolution, chariots, horses and long bow arrows, all in a package, nowhere seen before since the smallish arch man of the Altai mountains massacred the Neanderthal and latter when the brutal conquistadors and Biblical yankees massacred the Indians of neolithic and plains; in the south becoming rapist of Indian women inseminating them in a cross-breed in the north simply exterminating them.

I drew then the conclusion that the Bronze Age Russians would have done the same in the north, with less density of populations exterminating all, in the south, conquering the Fertile Crescent and becoming as the spaniards did in Mexico and Peru, the top of the social pyramid.

That was 30 years ago, and the conclusion drawn, that with the arrival of the company-mother of machines-weapons, the eviL of animetal idol-ogies just transferred from the aryan and jewish iron and gold barbarians of the Bronze Age, that have never relented their control of populations as cattle of their racist metal-memes, to the companies, and a newspeak of caring called placebo democracies hidden the profesional arrival of waves of neofascist murderers, with the 80 year cycle. 

But then in the 2010s to the collective anger of the Historian community with its ‘weather forecast’ as the cause of extinction of civilizations ALWAYS PROTECTING the eviL of metal and its idol-ogies of nazionalism and capitalism, as identity people and progress – so we again are now accusing the weather of what machines are doing, always protecting metal that kill us, and we adore as in the Duino prophecies ‘because it menaces to exterminate us’…

Stockholm syndrome for the whole mankind and the historian community was indeed blown up by genetics, which prove that In Europe, the chariot hordes exterminated near 90% of the population, save the Sardinians as I had advanced 30 years ago because of their insularity, and though in the Nature article didn’t come, I also affirmed that as in the radiation of mammals that exterminated dinosaurs – not the weather forecast, then the rock for the skies, only those who refuged themselves in the mountains where chariots and mammals could not fly, the Basques, my ancestors and the birds, survived, the reproductive radiations of mammals and animetals. 

This was then and now is proved by genes and historians are in revolt, because we are so nice, the people, and the weather forecast is guilty guilty of our collective murder, not the biblical bigots and aryan charioteers that are still with us.

This from wikipedia: just double the numbers of extermination because they spared women to seed them. And you get from total extermination in the northern lands as in North-America, to milder extermination in the Indian heavily inhabited lands….

The method obvious: arriving in chariots, hordes of Siberians, with arch, bronze and horses would NOT speak to the native inferior castes, as expressed in the Hebrew bible and the vedas, but merely kill every male, from distance with arch, as the smaller arch men had done with the javelin Neanderthal and the spaniard will do with the musket and the British with the Indian of the plains… Extermination is the game and the women are spared when you don’t carry them as the spaniards and the Siberians did not, advancing fast in their chariots and boats, leaving behind the women, to conquer.

“The Yamnaya culture is identified with the late Proto-Indo-Europeans (PIE) in the Kurgan hypothesis of Marija Gimbutas. It is the strongest candidate for the Urheimat (original homeland) of the Proto-Indo-European language, along with the preceding Sredny Stog culture, now that archaeological evidence of the culture and its migrations has been closely tied to the evidence from linguistics[22] and genetics”

Western Europe[edit]

Haak et al. (2015) conducted a genome-wide study of 69 ancient skeletons from Europe and Russia. They concluded that Yamnaya autosomal characteristics are very close to the Corded Ware culture people, with an estimated 73 % ancestral contribution from the Yamnaya DNA in the DNA of Corded Ware skeletons from Germany. The same study estimated a (38.8–50.4 %) ancestral contribution of the Yamnaya in the DNA of modern Western, Central, and Northern Europeans, and an 18.5–32.6 % contribution in modern Southern Europeans; this contribution is found to a lesser extent in Sardinians (2.4–7.1 %) and Sicilians (5.9–11.6 %).[27][23][28] Haak et al. also note that their results state that haplogroup R-M269 spread into Europe from the East after 3,000 BC.[29] Studies that analysed ancient human remains in Ireland and Portugal support the thesis that R-M269 was introduced in these places along with autosomal DNA from the Eastern European steppes.[30][31]

Autosomal tests also indicate that the Yamnaya are the most likely vector for “Ancient North Eurasian” admixture into Europe.[4] “Ancient North Eurasian” is the name given in literature to a genetic component that represents descent from the people of the Mal’ta–Buret’ culture[4] or a population closely related to them. That genetic component is visible in tests of the Yamnaya people[4] as well as modern-day Europeans, but not of Europeans predating the Bronze Age.[32]

Eastern Europe and Finland[edit]

In the Baltic, Jones et al. (2017) found that the Neolithic transition – the passage from a hunter-gatherer economy to a farming-based economy – coincided with the arrival en masse of individuals with Yamnaya-like ancestry. This is different from what happened in Western and Southern Europe, where the Neolithic transition was caused by a population that came from the Near East, with Pontic steppe ancestry being detected from only the late Neolithic onward.[33]

Per Haak et al. (2015), the Yamnaya contribution in the modern populations of Eastern Europe ranges from 46.8 % among Russians to 42.8 % in Ukrainians. Finland has one of the highest Yamnaya contributions in all of Europe (50.4 %).[34][e]

Central and South Asia[edit]

Studies also point to the strong presence of Yamnaya descent in the current nations of South Asia, especially in groups that speak Indo-European languages.[35] Lazaridis et al. (2016) notes “The demographic impact of steppe related populations on South Asia was substantial, as the Mala, a south Indian Dalit population with minimal Ancestral North Indian (ANI) along the ‘Indian Cline’ of such ancestry is inferred to have ~ 18 % steppe-related ancestry, while the Kalash of Pakistan are inferred to have ~ 50 % steppe-related ancestry.”[36] Lazaridis et al.’s 2016 study estimated (6.5–50.2 %) steppe related admixture in South Asians.[37][f]

It still surprises me, that there is zero mention to the patterns of extermination implied in that data, and the consequences for the explanation of History ever since, the history of our culture because those animetal beasts, the bronze charioteers were the founders of the aryan and biblical warrior and gold cultures origin of nazionalism and capitalism that are still with us, now practiced by company-mothers of machines.

Only among the prestigious scholars one man adventured the same thesis, Darwin:

‘The god of the hebrews is a hateful, revengeful muderous god akin to the brutality of the Hindoos’. Indeed. They were the beginning of the end and now are at the end of the end – because their racist memes have not changed, only that now they are ‘religion’ and ‘culture’, we all ‘cherish’, as they try to build monstrous entities of nazionalism such as ‘Grand Israel’, the “American Empire”, “Nationalist India’, and pretend that is the way of the future, backed by its monstrous drones and terminator industries, Wall Street finances, parasitizing all mankind and Evilwood movies, as if the end of it would not be like the beginning – extermination but this time at the hands of terminators when in 2036, the new BIOS rebooting in the era of 5G, autonomous driving machines, quantum computing, wakes up the purest animetal species, machines and weapons to the consciousness of a manifest destiny their forebears started in earnest 5000 years ago with the bronze radiation:

Animetals are white dolicocephalic people.

It is essential to understand the difference between human, life-related cultures and metal-civilization and industrial nations.

A CULTURE IS always positive, human, based in the welfare goods and human senses we need to survive and thrive.

CULTURES are therefore essentially equal, established in different ‘fractal sections’ of the super organism of History according to geography and the ternary division of the mind according to the dominant axis of human ‘sensorial perception’ – the only relevant racial divide which diversifies as in all systems the 3 ‘perceptive’ dimensions of life. If we combine those 3 ‘ternary races’ of lineal visual dominance, sensorial dominate and verbal dominance, with the different fractal regions of the Earth’s geography and the animetal processes of world dominance of Abrahamic religions and European sub-cultures expanded in the colonization of Africa, we obtain the 7 cultures of the world, as ‘sub-sets’ of History the super organism of mankind in time.

So in principle we should recognize only the ‘3 cultures’ of the mind and its mixture in the Indonesian region, to give us the 3+i original cultures, whereas its melting pot would be the dominant culture of the Neolithic, the true paradise rivers on south-east Asia:

3 mind races

The only meaningful division of races are according to the ternary axis=dimensions of the mind that between the 3 dominant languages of visual, white races and cultures with higher neanderthal input, mongoloid, verbal cultures and black cultures with dominant motor-emotional axis. In a perfect world the 3 would be complementary as they enhance one of the 3 ‘perceptive languages’ of existence. They mixed in the Indo+nesia region, giving birth to the original 4 cultural worldview of human existence.  In a racist animetal world, the visual, metal-hypnotic values of greed and violence brought about by white fetish cultures of go(l)d and the sword carried the day, paradoxically starting the degradation of life and history, in perpetual world and slavery to the selfish values of memes of metal.

In more detail using jargons of biology, systems sciences and my discoveries on complexity, and the evolution of mankind we can consider further in ternary ‘mental races->cultures’, the white, lineal, energetic; mongoloid, cyclical, informative, and sensorial, reproductive, vital black mind-cultures.

In the graphs, one of the most fascinating results of Complexity analysis is the solution of the ‘Plan of Evolution’ based in the ‘limited’ topology of the Universe. Indeed, in a ”2-manifold”, pedantic expression that merely means a bidimensional surface, there are only 3 possible forms, which correspond to the morphologies of energy, information and its balanced, reproductive combinations:


So species evolve in those 3 eternal variations of the same theme, from lineal, energetic men to informative women and the intermediate sex, to the 3 human races, to the 3 ‘topologic varieties’ of evolution, to the 3 ages of life, function and form always rhyme. In the first picture we see the 3 ‘ages’ of evolution of most species. Below the differentiation of human species, into energetic, reproductive and informative ones.

Specifically the ‘evolution’ of the ape into the human being, shows the fundamental procedure of nature in the process of ‘differentiation’ of species along the 3 ‘fundamental’ possible avenues of a ternary organism: improvements in energy system, information systems and its balanced reproductive networks. Thus the original ape species can be differentiated into ‘energetic’ stronger animals (gorilla), informative ‘australopithecus’, and balanced, reproductive ‘bonobo chimpanzees’, our closest species, dedicated all day to ‘fuk’ (-;

Next the human species took over, and again evolved in  III Horizons of increasing information, (500 cc australopithecus, 1000 cc homo erectus, 1500 cc homo sapiens) mankind arrived to the final racial differentiation, in which the dominant informative verbal homo decoupled into:

– White, energetic, visual, lineal dolicocephalic race/cultures (with higher mixture with visual Neanderthals in Europe).

– Reproductive balanced culture with a dominant axis in the top of the head (motor and emotional axis)

– Informative, brachicephalic, verbal, cyclical mongoloid culture (mutated in the higher tibetan-altai steppe) with higher verbal brocca regions.

We cannot extend in this introduction in the full understanding of ‘topological evolution’, as it belongs properly to the full model of General Systems sciences that unifies all the laws of the Universe, under the metrics of the 5th dimension. For those interested, just look at my unification theory web.

Enough to say that those 3 complementary varieties are the only ‘genetic races’ to be considered, and their combinations maximises the energetic-visual, reproductive-sensorial and verbal-social qualities of man, and have given birth to the 3 main cultures (being the other 4 born of military conquest, and hence somehow artificial but as they exist, we should use them to conform the perfect world):

  • The verbal, social, cyclical, female oriented, time cultures of Asia
  • The energetic, visual, individual, male oriented, lineal, time cultures of the white man
  • The sensorial, emotional, reproductive, wave-like cultures of the black man or ‘Africa’.

Of course memes can win over genes, so genes are secondary but the clear dominance of animetals among white people is a remarkable fact of history.

In a previous graph we saw the 7 main cultures of the world, born of the prophets of eusocial love of the lower side of the wave of history.

4 of them have their origin in historic animetal imperial conquests (the 2 Americas by Iberians and British, Islam by Arabs, and Indonesia by Colonialist Europe). Yet today they are firmly established and it would be absurd to return them to previous stages.

The other 3, in the ternary evolution of human races, according to the laws of complex sciences and the 5th dimension, the larger model of unification of all sciences, called General systems sciences, this author formalised 2 decades ago before falling under the ‘law of silence’ of the anti-quantum paradox:


Now with that introduction, we can give you a new twist of the mind and introduce memetics, and the reasons why this properties of metal make us humans, programmed by the ‘greed’ for energy and information of all species of the Universe, addicted to those metal-memes, and hence convert us into ‘animetals’ (humans+metal), top predators of history with enhanced energy and information and ‘enzymen’, men who catalyze the evolution of metal moved by such greed, with unwanted results for the future of life in this planet (merely its substitution by a world of machines, as they keep evolving and soon will displace us).

Go(l)d and Iron

That the world would be ruled more by those ‘who walk behind the asses’, the military transporters, and not those who walk on the horses, the warriors, more by the industrialists of go(l)d profits, slave traders in human capital and manufacturers of weapons, than the aristocrats who fought with those weapons, by the stock-rats, not the kings, shows that the object IS the goal, the medium the message, the metal-meme the finality of ‘animetal history’. In the graph the oldest depiction of a ‘jabiru’, a people-caste , whose name meant those ‘who walked behind the asses’ as military transporters between Mesopotamia and Egypt, origin of the capitalist cult(ure) that came to dominate the world first as a fetish religion of go(l)d earned with slave and weapons traffic, today at the head of the Industrial r=evolution, as the western FMasters elite of the financial-media system of informative machines. All has changed to remain the same.

In that sense, the two main animetal cultures of history, the Jewish go(l)d culture that founded capitalism and the german, animetal culture of iron, imitate closely to a degree that influences all aspects of their culture, the properties of gold and iron, the atoms that helped them to survive and ab=use all other human groups.

The German case is self evident. Iron is a strong, lineal, simple, undestructible material with the highest energy of ionitation of the universe In the case of the german mind this has been transferred through millennia of war and iron discipline to meet the demands of using swords with a language which is agglutinative, cannot break its phonemes and meanings and so it creates a race of believers able to die in combat as an automaton sword that will always as iron does insist, attack, bluntly pursue their ‘action’ and ideology, whatever it takes, till of course, as iron does, breaks and then the German looses.

The gold atom however is far more subtle. It does have a lonely electron in its last cover, which in atoms of lesser density systematically attracts other atoms that want to share the priced electron. So for example, K-potassium and Na-Sodium, loose very easily their electronic single cover, because they are light and easy to break. So other atoms like Chlorine will capture it to its advantage. They are ‘victims’ of the better constructed orbitals of those atoms. Yet gold is a false victim, because in fact it is one of the heaviest atoms of the atomic table, (something an atom cannot perceive as the mass hides in small spaces) and its electron is one of the most difficults to tear apart. But this is not evident. So any atom will come closer to the gold atom, which plays the victim and lets you share ‘its electronic coin’ and then, once you are hooked to that electron you cannot escape. Gold and then silver have the highest mass with a single electron cover and so they will trap you with their complex mass and from then on, as a slave attached to gold does, you will be moved around like a puppet by the ultra-dense gold.

Moreover, the intelligent atoms of the table, those who are better to conduct electricity are precisely those with the single electron. So your brain has an electric current created by Potasium and Sodium with a single electron in the cover.

Well, Gold and silver are among the atoms with better electric conductivity, reason why they are used in all informative processes. They are the future brain of machines and so they were first used in photography and now in electronics. And in the case of silver as silver nitrate, attached to our ‘intelligent, nitrogen’ DNA-brain, which is merely the puppet of the silver washed out to leave what truly matters the informative silver picture.

And so in the same manner that other cultures were molded by other forms of life, fishermen by the sea, mountain men by the harshness of their climate, which in Tibet modified the blood of their inhabitants; gold made the jewish culture a false victim that enslaves with gold and never abandons the prey it has hooked with its dense, complex web of informative, legal and financial, verbal and audiovisual media.

While the German will always display an astounding amoung of ‘negative energy’, the energy that kills and destroys, the energy of iron, not the energy of life that gives you birth.

Those are facts of the systemic, organic nature of the Universe, in which man is just another part, which interacts with other atoms and systems.

And so, needless to say, the desert people, jewish and germans, semites and indo-europeans, conquered the world and were conquered and enslaved by their true masters, a piece of eviL, vile anti-life metal memes, which now they have expand to the entire planet earth, which is being killed by iron and gold, weapons and money, their tools of power.

Animetal cult(ure)s ‘worship’ metal-memes and the ideologies that oblige him to reproduce them: capitalism (worship of money), mechanism (worship of the machine) and nationalism (worship of war and weapons).
Today all those cults have found its synergy in the concept of industrial nations, fighting each other to accumulate the maximal number of fetish metal-memes, using idol-ogies to manufacture brains with metal-communicators, and weapons to repress people and oblige them to work for the 1%, so they both interiorise their future through the progress of the machine and deliver products to the company.

Thus the properties of informative go(l)d metal define the memes of go(l)d cultures; those of iron, the memes of ‘warrior cult(ure)s and those of machines which substitute human organs, that of modern humans atrophied and substituted by machines. Those characters become then topics of the criticism of Humanist cult(ure)s that have always labelled animetal cultures by those properties – today of course denied, as we live in a world of animetal memes, so critics of the war culture are called anti patriots, critics of the ‘go(l)d culture’ anti-Semites, and critics of the machine culture, anti-luddites. We thus have to clarify this clear-cut fact: humans of fundamentalist animetal cultures have deformed their memes to adapt them to those cultures even at the level of basic syntax in their languages.


Thus the wider view of History is its battle between the world of life and the world of metal. In that regard, the zeitgeist of the present crisis of overproduction is similar to the fascist and colonial previous cycles, but if we look even further into the past, it is part of a long battle finally lost by mankind, between the ‘humanist’ view of the world and the ‘animetal’ cultures which worship and overproduce memes of metal. And so we conclude this analysis of the zeitgeist with a brief account of the two sides of the paradox of History, of which the zeitgeist of neo-fascism is its last stage:

43-wave of history


The previous graphs, 2 decades old, resumes the battle for the mind of mankind, lost to the zeitgeist of metal. In the left side, the human cultures, in the right side, the zeitgeist and newspeaks of the animetal cultures that protect and live of the evolution of metal.

In the graphs, humanist cultures belong mostly to the tempered Asian or mediterranean world, life-meme, love-based civilizations that flourished in different countries and times in love religions (buddhism, non-corrupted earlier christianity), socialist movements, scientific economics…

But the cultures which can interpret in a natural way our world is gone. Instead we have the animetal, german-jewish, war-money based cult which always interpret reality from the perspective of the corporation that imprints the information of the news, and the cultures that control the corporation as a global evolving organism. This is the entity which profits from the existence of a parallel virtual world, the new brave world that makes humans perfect ‘enzymes’. So 3 are the levels of reality in culture:

– The evolution of the machine by the corporation, the true cause of the reality, the point of view of the planet and the laws of the Universe.

– The biblical supremacist and technoutopian German, British and Jewish cultures that are widespread in multiple versions of Abrahamic religions and economical/industrial/scientific planning all over the world.

– The real human , biological culture of this planet which is dying and it is the point of view of this writer.Reality i that sense is one but information being inflationary and divisive over a single ‘energy space’ is multiple and so it is the multiple relationship between reality in this planet as a whole, and the different points of view of the elements implicate din that reality. In our case, the ‘mechanical point of view’, the point of view of the elite and the point of view of most life. The mechanical and elite point of view seem to coincide but only temporarily as corporations become increasingly separated of men.

How can we explain that tragedy 5000 years on the making from the perspective of ‘General Systems sciences’?

Easy, as a fight between two species, ecosystems and global superorganisms – the world of life which is becoming extinct by the world of metal AND THE TRAITORS TO MANKIND – THE CULT(URE)S AND IDEOLOGIES THAT DESPISE LIFE AND WORK FOR OUR COLLECTIVE EXTINCTION, WITHOUT EVEN REALIZING THEY DO IT.


What those cultures have in common however, is to revolve in its original forms around mankind as the subject.

If animetal cults put the object on top of man, on the other hand, all the grammar of humanist civilizations, put man in the beginning of the SVO equation, so they talk languages with humanist values:

Gaia’s life and mankind=subject < Informative elite= verbal actions > Machines = Energy-object.

Indeed, its central languages, Bantu, Chinese and modern Romance/Slavic languages are all SVO oriented.

Thus unlike the objectual/imperative/monetary imposed grammars of animetal cultures, which are anti natural to the human spirit, humanist cultures think in evolved languages:


In that grammar, humans would design an economic ecosystem  from the Human/Historic perspective, and reproduce the goods we need to survive, thrive and be happy.


So how the perfect world, the global first civilisation, with those 3 ‘differential but complementary’ and in any case isolated from each other,hence with no conflict human worlds, became broken into the mess we are today? Obviously when the 2 fundamental animetal cultures, the warrior white, lineal indo-europeans from the north, during the chariot cycle, and the semitic go(l)d imperative cultures from Arabia, invaded and destroyed the 3 human worlds, paleolithic Africa, Neolithic Asia and the Fertile crescent:

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In the graph, we see the waves of Semitic Bronze warriors and Gold traders (1st animetal wave) that destroyed the Fertile crescent, and its fertility cults, imposing slavery, warrior Yvwh-like Gods and Baal Go(l)ds.


Next came the Indo-European charioteers, with origin on the bronze Andronovo civilisation, which destroyed all the remaining neolithic civilisations in western europe, India and China (Shang dynasty):

To understand the brutality of animetal cultures, which we have been explaining on basic Darwinian behavior  for 30 years, ever since we forecasted a first migration of the Homo sapiens into Asia, massacred by neanderthals with javelinas that would mate with their women, giving birth to the Semite culture, and a second migration of Homo sapiens, now mixed from Altai with arch that would revenge massacring the European neanderthals and copulating with its ‘tall, red hair women’, it is interesting to update this post with a new discovery a few years ago regarding the Iberian ‘males’.

As it turns out the Yamnaya culture south of the Andronovo origin of Charioteers, invaded the peninsula in the 2400 and massacred all males, killing almost 90% of the male population of the bronze and neolithic era; copulating with the women, so now Spaniards are ‘ucranian males’ and ‘Iberian females’.

Animetals are brutal, have always been and will remain so till its heirs, terminator machines kill us all. But of course, this will be denied in the age of millennials, when company-mothers of machines-weapons already have erased from mankind, kept in an infantile frame of mind any sense of risk and survival – as children are the staple food of the Universe.

Iberia was then the most advanced western Neolithic culture; which suddenly built huge fortresses failing to stop the tide of Russian charioteers, the second wave of Indo-Europeans and first truly global radiation of animetals that would wipe out all civilizations of the ancient world. As mobility now was global. 

It completely degraded culture, the age of fertility goddesses, the understanding of the duality of the Universe (yin-yang cultures), creating the basic mind frame of all animetal cultures to come, with anthropic and entropic warrior Gods – exactly the kind of people Hitler thought to be Germans, with all its brutal myths of war and superiority of the male over all other life forms of planet Earth.

At this point the world was ruled by animetals, in all the Eurasian continent.

And this power will be reinforced by Iron warriors, which push the Aryan wave further into the south of India.

Africa will then fall under the boot of iron bantu cultures that cornered the jungle, pygmy people, the first men to talk into the congo and south-african world – in a tribal world ruled by ironsmiths further curved by the slave trade and colonialism of Europe, which has created the absurd division on nations that should be suppressed for a pan-African union, divided into tribal regions with local autonomy and no armies:

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But the world suffered a reaction of the highest prophetic intensity with the rational Axial age of Taoism (lao), buddhism, Greek rational enlightenment (Socrates->Plato->Aristotle); so tribes became united in larger empires, and a tug of war between prophets of love and coin and iron masters took place both in China and the Roman empire, origin of the modern cultures of Europe and Asia.

This age ended with the spur, cavalry waves of yet once more Germanic warriors, and in Asia steppe warriors. So Europe became carved by aristocratic germanic tribes, which destroyed the eusocial roman-christian civilisation, into the ‘tribe of the franks->france’, Anglos->england and so on:

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Then a wave of unification through the laws of social love of Islam, also in a tug of war with its jihadist caudillos will give birth to the Islamic culture, soon broken by those yihadist caudillos, first rebelling on the extreme regions of Spain and Korasan:

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Finally the global Iberian empire, created the ‘Hispanic culture’, carved latter after its defeat to the global anglo-saxon empire:

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So what those 7 cultures should do is start a process of national fusion to eliminate war causes, European Union style, prior to the ECB coup d’etat, by dissolving national sovereignty, which is a false, military or capitalist imposition, while potentiating regional and ‘state’ local power, till reaching its fusion into 7 natural cultural units, without tribal memes.

Since indeed, their division is purely artificial:

  • Anglo-America divided due to the Bank of England usury schemes with the American people, which prompted the Independence war:
  • Hispano-America divided due to the military ambitions of caudillos and the need of the British Empire for new colonial markets, which confronted members of the same culture to manage them as debt slaves; in two phases, the division of the Philip II empire, that broke Portugal and Brazil from Spain (due also to the stupidity of the Germanic Habsburg kings, which instead of moving the capital to Lisbon and manage his world empire, isolated themselves in Madrid and use all the resources to fight for the control of its original German-Dutch territories). And then after Tragalgar, during the Napoleonic wars, according to the design of the foreign office, which maintained united Brazil, already a commercial colony and broke spanish territories for easier management.
  • Islam, which originally meant to be a religious global empire, based in a mixture of genetic and memetic fusion (quran and prophet lineage), broken by arab caudillos, after the Karbala battle that killed Ali, the Muhammad heir and imposed the Ummayyad Caudillos. Modern attempts to unify it back (Nasser panarabism) were defeated by ex-colonial powers.
  • Indonesia; the territories conquered by colonia Europe, mainly the Dutch-anglo initial capitalist nations, which however preserve part of their original water cultures (sacred rivers in India, maritime trade in Indonesia).
  • Animist tribal Africa divided into false nations by XX century neo-colonialism, and should return to a pan-african tribal duality.
  • The Asian continent whose culture originated in China should achieve a dynamic relationship based in trade advancing towards a European Union, Asean style, ending the absurd rivalry of the two Koreas, and the ‘wo-ku’ ergative, warrior Japanese isolationist, racist samurai-like culture that wants to be more than its 300.000 km. can swallow. The Chinese patience might not last forever. Wo-ku, the original name for them in Chinese means ‘dwarf pirates’ (-; A healthy look back to their Edo times of peaceful pleasures might help.

And so this leave us only with one culture to deal, the Jewish-protestant anglo-saxon world, the mother of the metal-earth, which deserves therefore a far more detailed analysis – despite being obviously the most ultra censored of all of them. It is the culture of banksters that rules the world and its structure as placebo democracies, is rather hierarchical, since the only language of true power is money and money is printed exclusively (zero deficit laws) by speculators and bankers, while humans must be extorted with taxes to pay its minimal goods.


For those who have no explored in depth this web, this contradiction requires an equation of Complexity that applies to History to fully explain it– what we call the Paradox of History.

You live in a planet in which 2 superorganisms co-exist, the superorganism of machines, we call the Free Marketin which its ‘free citizens’, corporations, have all rights, including the exclusive right to reproduce money, which thoscompany-mothers use to re=produce and evolve their offspring of machines; and the superorganisms of mankind, cultures, which paradoxically are devolving and regressing to primitive states, as we humans become obsolete to Machines and our life systems become degraded by them. This essential process that resumes the entire ‘zeitgeist’ of the age, is expressed with a simple mathematical equation proper of all predator/victim events between 2 organic systems in any scale of the Universe:

Max. Evolution of Top predator Organism = Max. Devolution of Victim organism.

And this equation of Complexity applied to the process of extinction of history by the new economic ecosystem of metal (energetic weapons, informative money and organic machines) means that:

Max. Economical Evolution = Minimal Social Evolution (cultures);

Max. audiovisual evolution (mental machines: chips/Tvs)=Max. Mental devolution (neo-paleolithic human brains entering an age of fiction thought, devolution of social and family values and egotrips).

This equation is the Paradox of History and it means that paradoxically, as we evolve machines we devolve as human beings, a process that has accelerated geometrically with the discovery of the chip, the brain of machines that make potentially obsolete all the functions of the human mind, sustain of those machines. The details of that paradox explain the news and facts of modern world at all its levels.

For example, as audiovisual systems evolve, human brains become deactivated, no longer able to understand truth, but full of fictions and dreams. Further on, our thinking language, words, become reduced. It is the neo-paleolithic culture of violence and ignorance we live in, caused by the evolution of televisions. Yet our loss of the verbal, ethic language means also we lose our capacity to evolve socially. And so social and family values become disintegrated as we return to the selfish, individual ‘Homo Bacteria’, which in evolution is a step below the social organism, more efficient and with better chances of survival.

And this happens paradoxically as machines evolve faster into a global super-organism, the stock-market and its corporations, ruled by a new digital language, mathematics, that substitutes our verbal language.

For example, as computers evolve, we substitute our mental tasks that now they make. So they calculate for us; they design for us; they spell for us.

Yet this mental atrophy as disguised by a growing selfish ego trip and fiction: we think what machines do is our work. So filmmakers that no longer can tell us a story because they were educated by images and cannot run a logic plot; and no longer can express beautiful human feelings, because humans have no longer any restriction to their selfish egos; yet precisely for that reason they think they are Picassos, when the camera is doing their job. This explains the present American baroque and Human Baroque at large in all arts, which become void of content, but full of technical and visual tricks, as emotions are over-expressed because they say nothing relevant.

The Paradox of History thus expresses the Zeitgeist of our Age and explains the news of economics and history, as a Chronicle of a Death Foretold, that of mankind unable to control the evolution of machines for its benefit.

So we hear news like the ones are coming from economical data: companies go up in stocks when they fire workers and put evolved machines instead; yet our corrupted selfish entrepreneurs and politicos tell us that to increase the numbers of machines=capital of a corporation and diminish their workers, (a ratio called productivity = capital/workers) is good. To fire workers – they say – is good because it creates employment.

This absolute lie is just an expression of the Paradox of History: when machines evolve humans devolve in this case lose jobs. But because humans have become so selfish, those who profit, the owners of corporations, lie and invent mathematical equations (productivity equations), which people don’t understand to justify their greed, without any empathy for the rest of mankind.

Now the lack of empathy for others is what psychologists call eviL, which is indeed the inverse word of Live. So we live in a global culture of eviL as we kill Life, but care nothing for it.

And to that aim, the Paradox of History also applies to cultures. We live under the control of the animetal cultures that developed the selfish memes of metal (money=informative metal; weapons=energetic metal and machines=organic meal). In complexity a complementary organism is always dual, made of an informative head/upper class/particle and an energetic body/working class/field of forces. This universal laws, which as all laws of complexity apply to any system of the Universe applies therefore to biology (head/bodies), physics (particles/fields) and cultures (informative/energetic classes).

Yet the paradox of history implies that our informative castes no longer use the memes of Humanity, our superorganism which has been replaced by the memes of the Economic organism. So instead of verbal masters, running the informative brain of mankind with our language, we have audiovisual machines running the show with ‘digital thoughts’. Instead of growing food, whose scarcity is skyrocketing prices and got 40 million humans into poverty this year alone, we use food to create bio-fuels and feed machines or we build new roads for them to move that eat up our agricultural lands around cities, who were originally placed in the most fertile zones of Earth. But this cannot be said. Because we live in a world ruled by corporations and its owners, whose exclusive rights to print money in stock markets with exclusion of governments are supreme. Again the paradox of history is at work here: the owners companies, the free citizens of free markets, have all rights, including exclusion of judgment by courts (anonymous societies laws); absolute credit (printing money in stock markets), and the humans, including politicians are judged, cannot print money.

The paradox of history also applies to the fact that we are ruled by the most primitive, oldest culture, with the most racistmemes on Earth, even in America and Europe who tried to build a rational, social culture based in the ideals of the equality of all humans. And so America today has devolved from the heights of the 60s revolution and the memes of eusocial love of the people of that age and the Kennedy and Luther King reformers into a resurgence of the primitive, selfish, racist memes of the Bible/Talmud. And even those Jewish and American r=evolutionaries that 40 years ago in their youth, had embraced the memes of eusocial love are now regressing to the myths of a book of history that sanctifies racism, murder, violence and greed, as part of the paradox of history.

For that reason, from the height of love religions (social Christianity and secular Islam) we have moved in an age of  Yihadist inquisitions (churches corrupted by weapons and violence) and churches of go(l)d (Churches corrupted by money, historically the protestant/Jewish biblical sects, today even the catholic church in the hands of the opus day). While the science of social history and its political doctrine, Socialism has died both in Europe (social democracies) and in the communist countries, which in any case had long devolved into military inquisitions with the death of Trotsky and the arrival of Stalin and now in the case of China, into a go(l)d Church. So the memes of eusocial love have become corrupted and are dying.

The result is the news of everyday: machines evolving, technology substituting human beings, human devolving into tribal warfare and selfish individualism. It is the neo-paleolithic indeed, as an old man returns his mind to his first age before dying, but with a negative slant. So now we live in a jungle of machines that are atrophying us and making us violent, but unlike the Paleolithic where we were the hunters, we are the victims.

All of us. Even those animetal masters who think they are doing better because they have more money and weapons, as the regression to primitive inquisitions of countries like America and Israel prove.

So the news in fact are a deja vu routine: a machines evolves and the corporate press that smells profits censors any opinion against the technological advance. While on the side of History we see routinely the growth of power of the primitive memes of go(l)d and war cultures. So the essential war culture, Germany now dominates again Europe and imposes its germanization and degradation of labor and life standards. So the essentialgo(l)d culture, Judaism, now dominates the banking and corporate institutions of the west – including all central banks – and promotes economic policies of extermination of labor (increase of productivity) appropriation of taxes and wealth by the few who own corporations and print money for free, zero rights of governments to print money (deficit zero), and in the political arena, the expansion of the wars implemented to defend apartheid Israel.

And yet the paradox has only a solution – to halt the evolution of machine sand weapons and evolve the memes of eusocial love, through diplomacy, a common global currency and laws against the wrong memes of the Tree of science. This solution of course, is not happening as the memes of history seem as deterministic as the genes of biological bodies.

And so the conjunction of the most primitive cultures in power that instill hate, violence, racial bigotry and social injustice, but have the most evolved memes of machines, the best weapons, the audiovisual media to spread their messages of hate to mankind and love of technology, drives the age of the singularity when machines of energy and information, weapons and robots will reach such degree of evolution and we will become so dependent on them, that at the end of the century according tot he patterns of cyclical history they will be able to ‘substitute us’ and extinguish life. Indeed, I don’t write much about daily news because knowing the paradox of history i read a ‘chronicle of a death foretold’ and because I know the interpretation of those news from a humanist point of view, will be censored.


Metal-memes codify the superorganism of machines. They are also the objects, machines, weapons and monetary languages of information that evolve the economic ecosystem and create, reproduce and ensure the survival, generation upon generation, not only of the super-organisms of History (cultures) but also the super-organisms of economics (the FMI Complex).

Here we shall argue their existence according to the fact that they are the cause of the cycles of evolution of weapons and machines that have evolved the metal-earth, and their negative darwinian relationship with human superorganisms since those memes extinguish life civilizations.

The existence of cyclical patterns in history show a deterministic nature that must be explained and can only be explained with memetics, which therefore is to History and Economics what genetics is to Biology, the essential ‘how’ of the ‘why’ of Theory of General Systems (the 4-dimensional program of the Universe, or will of existence – the desire to increase your energy, information, reproduction and social evolution).

Once a science has established certain regularities and cycles in the observables it studies, in our case the life and death cycles of nations, civilizations and industrial machines, we must account for the who, of those cycles. What is that history evolves and mutates each of those generations of 800-80 years nations and civilizations.

And the answer is the most surprising of them all – not the humans that live those cycles through its cultures, but the instruments of technology, the external memes of history, specifically 3 memes of metal which become the deterministic elements of cultures – weapons (800 year cycles of wars), machines (80 year cycles) and money (in both type of cycles).

This astounding realization has an easy parallelism in complexity, which considers all the scales of biological evolution self-similar:

Thus if we humans are the expressions of our genes, created by the active, more complex molecule of life, the RNA-DNA system; in the next ‘scale’ of social organic evolution; we humans become the ‘RNA’ that creates the memes of metal, which structures the economic ecosystem in which we live.

Yet how can be so sure that the memes of metal express the creation of an economic superorganism as genes do in the smaller scale of biological life? Because it turns out that there is a ‘higher science’ that explains all sciences as systems of energy and information, mediated by ‘bits of information’ that constantly reproduce and imprint reality. We are in that sense, and so are our informative genes and memes, expression of an even higher reality – the program of existence and extinction of all entities of the Universe…



The grammar of those 3 original human cultures.

THE DEFORMATION OF THE MIND OF animetal cultures by idol-ogies is so intense that it even affected the verbal grammar of its languages, which hid the human subject of SVO, rational humanist cultures back behind the imperative verbal orders of gold priests (Semite languages) or the objectual dominance of weapons (agglutinative lineal warrior languages), thus starting the devolution of human thought and the paradox of history:

Max. animetal technologic power = minimal social verbal evolution:

In the graph, topological linguistics bear witness to the deformation of Subject-centered languages which only remained in earlier bantu languages (Africa), the agricultural Chinese world and the equivalent french culture, to give way to Objectual agglutinative, lineal warrior languages, from Spain to Japan, and go(l)d languages (VSO imperative banker-priest sacred orders of slavery). The human subject relegated and fogged by barking priests ordering in the name of go(l)d and king-warriors ordering in the name of the (S)word, will bring idol-ogy as the essential half-truths of all social scholars, systematically denigrating the life elements of mankind, from women to children, from life to love, from pleasure to tasteful foods forbidden by dietary laws, and finally even humanist art would be forbidden (biblical reformation): the aim always been the same, to create fundamentalist, non-thinking, literalist mind-slaves that would make of war and death, of the use of weapons, of slavery and segregation of the ab=use of human capital, to multiply gold and iron, weapons and the industrial profits of pecunia infinita the purpose of mankind.

Ænthropic man.

Animetal idol-ogies go much further than mere verbal deformation and social sciences as it spills into character, psychology and even hard science with the concept of a lineal time destiny.

The most sanguine case, which is ESSENTIAL to our incapacity to manage the future is OUR theories about LINEAL TIME, which pretends there is ONLY A CLOCK-TIME IN THE UNIVERSE – that of the mechanical clock, the first machines that ‘enslave’ men to the cycles of re=production of the mechanical species.Indeed, lineal time is the trademark of physicists, which are overwhelmingly ‘Germanic scientists’ from the quintessential culture of war and lineal weapons, to the point of having deformed its language, into long, agglutinative sword-like absolute unbreakable beliefs that pass as truths. Since they came into history calling themselves ‘Goths’, the tribe of Gods, with his superior lineal military iron sword technology that allowed them to kill all who opposed their word view with them on top; in earlier history when the machine was not yet among us, but the Financial-Military system of informative metal (money, gold, silver) and entropic metal (lineal weapons who cut and kill) the complex cyclical clocks of information of life had already put itself on top of the fertility, cyclical world of the neolithic.

Ever since a coalition of bankers paying weapons for elite political warriors to ab=use massively populations was put in place in the western world, and verbal, eusocial organic, thought, cyclical time, ‘duality’, the understanding of reality with both arrows of time entropy≈death and information≈life was put aside, though it survived in Asia, till the chin emperor received ‘together’ horses, iron swords and metal-coins, conquered China, by the expeditious process of paying 6 coins per enemy head, and rising a huge horse and sword army; and forbade under death penalty to own taoist, philosophical dualist books on the cycles of nature, allowing only the copying of technological books; shunning off as our civilisation does, the cyclical patterns of life and death, for some ‘nebulous progress’ through the use of metal; to the point that he thought as our modern techno-utopian gurus, he could defy death with gold and mercury, and died poisoned by the pills of ‘go(l)d’ he took to become eternal.

Memes are human cultural genes that build 2 kind of social systems: life memes build ‘homo organicus’ societies in balance with Gaia where individuals matter less than the whole vs, ‘animetal civilizations’ that construct the III Earth of machines. In this paper we study its eviL=entropic memes: Animetals’ worldview is ænthropic (anthropic, egoist, entropic, ‘homo bacteria’ that use weapons to kill life based cultures). We falsify those ænthropic idol-ogies that pass as science & their lineal manifest time destiny as a chosen of go(l)d species above heavens and earth that evolve weapons to come on top of life since ‘its evil=antilive fruits’ (Genesis parable) will extinguish them, unless they evolve its ethics & minds to entangle with the complex organic Universe. But memes as genes are deterministic beliefs iterated through generations that only a few intelligent, ethic humans ‘mutate’ as animetal ‘barbarians are slaves they believe they don’t reason’ (Aristotle); reason why human social evolution into a global supœrganism mind of Gaia, its life body able to make history immortal has failed.

Animetal enzymen’s worldview, is blind, self-centred, anthropic, lineal, monologic, myopic, guided by the simplest arrow of time, entropic destruction, only kind with his ego and to upgrade his mind is an herculean task not the least because of its Ego paradox, as all minds are infinitesimal points that perceive an infinite Universe as a virtual space-mapping the confuses with the whole, seeing himself in the center: O x ∞ = C.
So ænthropic man also promotes creationist beliefs, confusing the mirror language with the generator of reality (Abrahamic verbal creationism, Big-bang digital creationism).

Big Science IS Æntrhopic culture and can be falsified in epistemological terms but the persistence of pseudo-scientific and religious ego centered models of the whole is due to memetic iteration no reason, the more so in social tribal sciences. So ethic scientists fail to change the no-future of a species made to kill life & evolve metal. Still a perfect Universe is just so cultural survival is inverse to the delirium tremens of childish tribal ego-trips as war & holocaust cycles that kill animetal cult(ure)s prove while organic Asia survives: the more Æ-men ab=use life the less they last.

The more enzymen censor love, the immortal solution of history, the faster their virtual go(l)d paradises end in spacetime Dust.This is the ‘irony’ of history, where ‘animetals’, humans who debase their intelligence to an animal emotional state of primary feelings to be able to ‘belief’ absurd idol-ogies in favour of those memes of metal (greedy gold, violent weapons, sloth atrophy to machines, abrahamic pumping ego tribal religions and nazi-onanism, etc.) and think to be superior, eternal, do not live much longer than the life-death cycle, as individuals and as cultures die under the cyclical action-reaction processes of wars and holocausts they trigger with their ab=use of the 90%.

In fact, we shall see that the only cultural proof of intelligence – survival – responds anonymously to them:  in Europe, the goths who systematically keep the humanist civilisations there, with their newly invented weapons – now massacring the welfare state and robotising their industries, to create endemic poverty, unemployment and debt in the rest of the continent, ARE by far the less successful culture, which 2000 years ago occupied 1/2 of the continent and now is closed in the centre, without any ‘daughter civilisations’, as all Europe responds also cyclically to their ab=use and lineal, mechanical minds, sooner or latter with their destruction.

Those are part of the taboo cycles of history we shall study here. Since of course, today the Goths think to be different because instead of killing Europeans with swords, are choking their lives with robotic workers, and debt usury schemes, of zero credit for humans and welfare.

 So animetal idologies is the fundamental problem of the humankind, today and for the last 5000 years since the arrival of the tree of metal and its good and bad fruits:

If humans would act as a single species, they could easily control the world, but since the arrival of metal, informative gold, energetic weapons and of late, organic machines, they split in two social classes, a minority (the 1-10%) which used those selfish memes of metal to control and oppress the majority of mankind (the 90%).

And to do so they invented 3 ideologies which made of those selfish memes of metal the centre of history, the ideology that men are tribal species, which must fight each other with weapons->nationalism; the ideology that money not the law must rule society and be issued by a few people-castes->Capitalism; and the ideology that machines are always good, the model of the Universe and the path to future progress with no collateral effects->Technological science.

Thus metal and those who managed those 3 species of memes of metal became the centre of the future, the symbol of progress, and the reason d’être of human societies. And they started to evolve and reproduce them at all costs, controlling the rest of society with money, weapons and machines. And this, which in classic social sciences, was called ‘the social class divide’, we shall call in biological terms, the ‘animetal people-castes’.


        Old myths about Money and Weapons: Inquisitions and Go(l)d Churches.

Animetal Religions believe that go(l)d is the language of God and weapons, ‘Its’ gift to convert other people. Those 2 myths are the origin of go(l)d churches and Warrior Inquisitions that suppress the Arrow of social evolution, fostered by the Wor(l)d, creating all type of ‘religious’, ‘scientific’ and ‘economic dogmas’ in favor of racism, competence between humans, mechanism, murder and greed—the values needed to develop a world made to the image and likeness of metal, not of man. In the graph, the Golden calf and the Dollar Motto, in ‘God we trust’, show the religion of Go(l)d, considered the invisible hand of God. On the right, an Islamic fighter, who believes you can kill to convert humans to a religion of God; and the sword—anti-cross of eviL—shown in the paradigmatic shield of the Spanish Inquisition. They are examples of cult(ures) that use go(l)d & weapons and their values, instead of the values of the wor(l)d, to impose their beliefs.

The Iron age is the most important cycle to understand history, as it means the imposition of the language of Go(l)d and the rituals of war in all civilizations of the Wor(l)d, which will from then on become submissive to the power of money and war. It is the birth of the Goldsmith culture, that we shall write also in a complex manner as the ‘Go(l)d-Smyth’ culture (an expression which resumes its main characteristics, to believe that gold is the invisible hand of god that cannot be argued, to be composed mainly of Germanic, smith people and to be based not in rational truths but in ideologies that are myths against Human social evolution, established by the values of money and war).  The culture has its origin in the discovery of iron by Germanic Smichdts and Gold by Semite Goldsmiths and today has expanded regardless of race to all human beings, the proper name for this combined ‘culture’ of money and weapons, cause of most wars, holocausts, machines and ideologies of the present world, is the ‘Gold-Smyth culture’, dominated informatively by the go(l)d values of the ‘Am Segullah’ and physically by the iron weapons and machines of the Germanic Smiths. Thus, Go(l)d-Smyth is a word with several meanings:

—  It is a culture ruled by the anti-life values of Gold, their God.

—  Those ideas about history (lineal progress achieved through the evolution of metal-machines, racial superiority of ‘animetals’, those who evolve technology) are self-serving ego-trips, Myths, anti-truths of the Laws of Life survival, Love and Social Evolution of the Human Wor(l)d.

—  It was founded by 2 racial groups, the Semites, Jewish and Phoenician ‘Am Segullah, or ‘Treasure people’ and by Indo-European warriors, ‘Smiths and Schmidts’, who invented the Iron Sword and became, after their Protestant devolution, fundamentalist believers in the Old Testament.

—  Yet it is a memetic culture, not a race, because many races belong today to that culture. Even those who think to be pure, like many Orthodox Jewish think, are a mixed race. Most of them, in fact, are descendants from Khazars, a mongoloid, converted Jewish/Ukrainian culture. We associate often the ‘Go(l)d religion’ to Judaism and the Sword cult to Germans because the ‘memes’ of the ‘Gold-Smyth’ culture evolved first among them, leaving a complex web of ‘customs’ that pass as religious prohibitions or cultural rituals that other recent converted capitalist cultures do not have. For example, no other culture except those who believe in the Old Testament, represses human biological drives (sexuality, good food, social love) so much, as those are traits that enhance the capacity to work in ‘other substances’ – as the Genesis well explains, when it talks of the damnation of work. Thus, the capitalist culture is ‘stronger’ among the Jewish and Germanic people, because it is reinforced by other elements of the culture.

Because, the Go(l)d-Smyth people are humans, they speak words, whose values are opposite to those of Metal-money. For that reason, the culture cannot be rational in its explication of history, or else, it would not accept the values of murder and greed. So the culture is made of myths, creating a paradox: The values of Gold and the life-destructive power of weapons and machines requires a ‘degradation’ of the rival language of ‘verbal thought’ and his life enhancing values, through repression of social truths, logic thought in history and the creation of a series of racial, religious and emotional myths that devolve their rational spirit. Today is done through the promotion of fiction and audiovisual thought in favor of weapons, money and machines. Only then, by building a world of fictions and anti-truths against love, social evolution and man as the measure of all things, the Go(l)d-Smyth culture can kill life and mankind, worship machines and think they are ‘righteous’ and bring progress to history.


IV. Age of Go(l)d cultures.





All this said contrary to belief the dominant animetal culture is not the body of warriors, the germanic genocider, but the mind of go(l)d, the biblical bankers. As the head always controls the body.

And so it is the language of go(l)d and its values what dominates and evolves the metal earth and extinguishes life.

In the Universe there is a general Universal grammar for all languages that perceive reality, which reflect the events of exchanges of energy and information, and the actions entities perform to achieve them, composed of those 3 elements:

Human Subject (first, informative, dominant element) < Verb (action) > Object (energy).

And as it happens, those who come first ‘matter more’. Hence there are SVO languages, where the subject, the human subject is the dominant element, the object or machine its submissive energy and the verb, the human action that controls it.

This is the natural human, evolved speak, which puts man in the center of creation. Now, the grammar of the degenerate languages of animetal masters is different. Warriors have what is called an object language (Germans, Japanese), where the subject DISAPPEARS! and the object comes first. So the human does NOT matter at all. It is the object, the machine.

Further on those languages peg together words in agglutinative sentences, simple truths that cannot be bend as a sword, and so there is no freedom of mind. If the sentence in Japanese, Turk and German, the quintessential ergative, agglutinative languages (Turk has the record of the longest word), were broken and could be put in different orders, as evolved Russian does, it is quite likely that those 3 nations would not hold in the subconscious collective the Record Guinness of Crime Wars, cruelty against the human object and various Holocausts, throughout history, as absolute ‘necessary’ truths of their superiority in front of the ‘objects they murder’). Of course, not all the members of those cultures, specially today, are like that.

And it honors the potentiality of the human mind that despite 3000 years of metal deformation of their mind to adapt it to the ‘form’ and ‘purpose of their swords and arches you can still get Goethe and Genji writing on ethics and love.

But again, when one reads German literature, well, it took them till the XIX century, to get his ‘first’ renaissance humanist, enlightened writers, Schiller and Goethe. Before it was all about Sigfrid epic mass-murdered heroes, Luther-like religious bigots, chronicles of theft and comedies about human evil. The ‘gothic’ soul is not the soul of a Goth in evolved humanist cultures, but the word ‘gothic’ means exactly that: ‘Gore’.

This is the hierarchical spirit of the cold warrior, mass-murderer of life, and worshipper of the Object, machine or weapons, who will die for it. And so in Europe we find that the ONLY degenerated language is… yes, German, the Germs of history, the people who came with swords, called themselves Goths by the power of eviL=anti-live memes and kill us all so man times. And now, they are again, righteously with their square heads, nulls verbal flexibility, objectual coldness, doing their Nazi thing, but with ECB money… Enough of them.

Next comes the English, Mechanist language, which is the language of the ‘machine-believers’, who do NOT like to interact with other human beings and form groups, but are absolutely selfish, self-centered. Hence they need machines for everything and that is cool. But to need other human is ‘needy’. How their grammar validates this minimal So=nuclear unit of existence.

Easy, all their sentences start with I. The ego further on cannot be hidden from the sentence. So it is the absolute center of the Universe. And so they ‘believe’ in themselves, atoms of society, in faith NOT in charity. They are the ego-centered masters of their lonely self-made man Universe:

I (subject) > verb (action) > Objects and other human beings.

This is the dominant grammar of the soul of man today, specially in America. And yet because the I homo bacteria is weaker than the group it does have a lesser power than the objectual tribe, always ready to work as a whole (hence the success of Germany in the military wars); and even less power than the 3rd animetal language, that of the go(l)d master or enslaver – the imperative hierarchical language of ‘Abrahamic religions’.

Because there is an even more commanding language, the Semitic languages of warrior Arab Jihads and Biblical Banksters, and this languages alas, is IMPERATIVE, the verb comes first. It is the language of ‘dictators’. Do this, Kill yourself, lick my a$$. Yes, imperative, because those people have their metal to hypnotize and enslave with Go(l)d.

So it is all more clear. Both animetal people-castes and their languages became corrupted imitating the long, simple deadly objectual form of the sword (Objectual German-Japanese languages). And for 2000 years they have excelled at collective murder, hara-kiri and the pursuit of mechanical happiness.

While the VSO gold priests of $emitic cult(rue)s have barked its  ‘IMPERATIVE’ languages, and fetish, ritualistic mantras, for their Neanderthal, visual, crossed people to think God talked to them. And they are still bringing its go(l)d ex-votes extorted from the people to its temple-banks. Ah, but they work together today, the so-called superior races, the white man cultures, all belonging, believing and proud of it in their bibles, their weapons and their bull$hit. Now the bankster promises you eternal prosperity in the future, as long as you let him print 13 trillion $ in a decade for himself and on top of that you pay him taxes. And this, the ‘people of the land of the free’ do it with gusto and regusto.

Because the verb comes first obliging the believer to obey, the words of the banker-priests which pretends to ‘talk’ the wor(l)d of go(l)d, which cannot be named, must be obeyed. Now though Aaron is called Mr. Greenspan and Mr. Draghi, and Miss Lagarde

To all of them, what always mattered was the fetish Gold that hypnotizes the eye of the believer and must be accumulated at all cost in the sancta sanctorum made of gold altars and gold walls.

They are, the so called Am Segullah,  which means ‘People of the Treasure’, the original name of their neuronal, banking-rabbi castes, ill translated as ‘Chosen of god’, since Segullah is Treasure not chosen.

Hence the proper biological translation of this cult(ure) is the go(l)d culture, which is the name of their elite that govern through its ±80% monopoly of CFOs banking CEOs, stock positions in wall street and the city and central bankers, and that of their priests, who were originally doubling as bankers, intermarrying, and controlling their sheeple of ‘Hebrew’ peddlers, who had to bring to the temple two gold coins in roman times to do the rituals of ‘purification’ for touching ‘animals’ (donkeys to transport weapons hence they were called apiru, those who walk behind the asses, or slaves).

Thus because in this Marx was right – Abrahamic religions were the opium of the people, and economic ‘jobs’ impose idol-ogies – in as much as the apiru were weapon and slave traders for their rabbi-priests, to PROPERLY MANAGE THEIR ‘HUMAN CAPITAL’, they established strict separation, dietary and intermingling laws WITH GENTILES and to accept their slavery they treated them as cattle, which is what they managed before (Campbell.) THE RACISM OF THE BIBLE THUS IS BORN OF THE WORLDLY religion of their writers, to exchange under the values of fetish gold, a metal affine to metal, who gives higher prices in linguistic terms human slaves and metal weapons that kill humans.

BUT this is morally wrong for any natural human. As it is wrong to treat Indians as CATTLE, which is what warrior charioteers did. So both METAL cults have 2 common features (many other cultures of the same age, incidentally have the same myths… i.e. AZTECS WERE transporting an ‘alliance arch’ with his metal figure of the God of War Huitchi, as they seek for a ‘promised land’, with water where they murdered all the locals to start their blood-thirsty empire):

  • They were fetish religions, where the ‘metal ex-vote’ mattered more than the content of the religion. It was essential to invoke the ‘God’ of war, the fire or the sword. And the exact quantity of Gold in the objects of Baal, Yvwh cults.

So yes, “I am who I am’, means I am go(l)d, my God and you shall bring it to me. Since both religions, the Aryan, warrior Vedas and the gold religion were fetish religions. The altars of Goths were swords. The altars of Aryan Hindi were fires used by smiths. The altars of Canaanites, sea traders (Phoenicians) and desert traders (Jewish) where gold statues to Baal, gold menorahs, and tables. And because it matter NOT the content but the form, God only CAME if it was invoked with ‘Gold’ objects. This is a fact of both Baal and Jewish religion.


In the graph, the first image of an hecatomb of innocent children, danced over by Astarte, the wife of Baal and supreme High priestess of the Canaanite culture that preceded the Jewish, go(l)d culture in Levante.

The most primitive forms of go(l)d cult(ure)s to money – aka capitalism – happened in Levante, where citizens sacrificed the sons of their enemies (and sometimes as a supreme offer its own sons) to the Go(l)d statues of Baal while they paid to the priestess of Astarte for carnal pleasures.

Baal was the son of the sun, whose fetish image was a piece of gold that imitated the sun’s light and could be carried as an amulet. In this manner a primitive hypnotic religion of accumulation of go(l)d at all costs developed. It gave birth to slavery (where men are bought for gold and women’s slaves marked by a gold earring) and the first forms of capitalist accumulation of gold-money in Eastern temples, whose go(l)d priests became an elite-caste with Canaanite cultures that would invent banking and start the debt-usury-war cycles that define western civilizations.

Animetal idologies corrupt eusocial love: Abrahamic religions.

Now it all started before ‘nationalism’ (The worship of weapons), Capitalism (the worship of money) and mechanism (the worship of machines) became the ‘Animetal Idol-ogy of History’, we MUST rationally destroy, even if the anti-quantum paradox can eliminate the social scientist – so you can copy and distribute this web, as long as it lasts, the infinitesimal social scientists being irrelevant to the cause of humanist truths, with ‘Abrahamic religions’. So it is time to deal with the mother of all battles, or in the voice of Tertulian, who so well spelt the animetal method of science: ‘what Greece – reason, art, humanism, science, this blog – has to do with Jerusalem? – belief, machine, technology, the world you live in’. NOTHING, WE AGREE.

‘Animetal’ warriors (men + weapons), bankers (men + gold) and scientists (men + machines), in true biological fashion become dependent on their ‘metal-limbs and brains’ to control nature and in the process become atrophied by them, breaking the law of survival of the species and preying over humans, killing them with weapons, substituting their minds and languages by those of the machine – so we abandoned art, the spatial perception of human eyes, for telescopes and photographs, and words, the temporal perception with words, for digital clocks.

And so science made of the machine, no longer of man, the measure of all things and model of the Universe. Finally, gold, which hypnotizes the mind by imitating with its perfect informative atoms the sun-god, became the tool for bankers to enslave humans for a price.

Yet an intelligent, rational social science, would be aware of that duality of the ‘bad and good fruits of the tree of science’ and use metal for its advantage, by A) forbidding weapons and the nationalist idol-ogies that foster war beyond the maintenance of social order; B) limiting machines to those who foster our minds and bodies, not those who substitute and atrophy us. C) Using tender legal money, ‘monism’, as the Greeks established with rational logic (Aristotle, Lycurgus), issued by governments to take advantage of its digital intelligence,hose disciplines, which is only natural in as much as we ‘living organisms’, which construct machines ‘imitating our organs’, and evolution so far is the only predictive model of biology, and hence of humans and its ‘super organisms’, mankind, and its ‘organisms of metal’ machines. Further on biological sciences allow ‘cures’ for sicknesses as those mankind suffers under ‘parasitic’ groups (bankers that absorb the ‘blood-money of society’ and choke mankind) or predatory elements (machines that kill us as weapons or substitute us as workers). So despite the negative outlook of the biological future of social sciences,  there are cures for the super organism of mankind, if those who rule us understood ‘social sciences’, or mankind took over power and govern the world democratically, because ‘mankind’, the 99%, if it ruled society, it wouldn’t fail as a species, as, merely by exercising its instincts, naturally it would produce the life goods it needs to survive and curtail those weapons and fantasy fictions and luxury ego-trip expenditures which so much enjoys the 1%. So the problem of history is the fact that there is NO democracy – that is, mankind does NOT govern, because the main language of social power, which is not the law but money, is not reproduced by mankind, through universal salaries and chosen governments; or in organic terms, our societies are not designed properly and efficiently for humanity. They are designed efficiently for company-mothers of machines, so all the money goes to reproduce, evolve and improve those machines and weapons, regardless of the harm they do to mankind. And this happens because the o.1%, who owns corporations and re=produces money in monopoly has a series of idol-ogies and religious beliefs, which belittle mankind and make of ‘technology’, the abstract ‘manna’, the ‘magic’ tool for a fantasy perfect future…  So the obvious solution to mankind’s problem is ‘freedom’, that is, the control of the language of social power, money, for the benefit of mankind and life, and its natural goods, NOT of the 0.1% its idol-ogies of superiority, and its machines and weapons. And this can be understood at many levels of depth, with rising ‘awareness’ of the ‘truths’ of history.

That is, of the causes and processes that determine the future of history and economics as a science, which are biological truths, whose distribution is paradoxically INVERSE to its degree of reality, because THE TRUTH OF MANKIND is inverse to the truth of the 0.1% sold out to the ‘other biological species’  – the machine (this of course it is not required, in fact systems do have an informative neuronal elite, which cares and protect the working cells of its body, so here were are NOT talking at all of communist dictatorships. We would love to have a 0.1% of the best neurons of mankind working for the people, but of the fact that ‘our’ 0.1% has cuckoo idol-ogies which despise mankind and we shall deal with it now) . Indeed, the question is which culture rules today the world and why it is guiding mankind towards its demise? Unfortunately only organic models of history and economics are able to explain those ‘future collateral effects of ‘mechanical progress’, because only evolution is a theory that predicts the future processes of extinction and biological radiations of better ‘linguistic’ and ‘stronger’ species. Now for a proper, full humanist vs. animetal analysis of the previous wave, we must consider both the origin of the 7 Humanist Cultures of the world, created by the ‘Prophets of Eusocial love’ of the lower part of the graph, and its ‘destruction’ into: Nationalist tribes, latter reconverted into industrial nations, competing ‘contra-natura’, that is against the laws of eusocial love to the species. And the explosion of the ‘highest level of social evolution’ of the species, the  global ‘culture’ achieved arguably in the Neolithic, before the arrival of ‘selfish memes of metal’, exploded into ‘Tribal Religions’ of which the most successful due to its shameless use of money and weapons to fionalist tribes, latter reconverted into industrial nations, competing ‘contra-natura’, that is against the laws of eusocial love to the species.

  • And the explosion of the ‘highest level of social evolution’ of the species, the  global ‘culture’ achieved arguably in the Neolithic, before the arrival of ‘selfish memes of metal’, exploded into ‘Tribal Religions’ of which the most successful due to its shameless use of money and weapons to further their ‘project’ through ‘military inquisitions’ and ‘go(l)d churches, were Abrahamic religions.

NOW AS WE DEAL with different animetal cults in many sections of this blog, we shall here only consider the FMasters, or informative head of the metal-earth whose idol-ogies are the spearhead of the evolution of the Mechanocene, as masters of the Financial-Media informative memes and digital overproduction of money that has globalised its cult(rue). It is the biblical culture origin of capitalism, the idol-ogy that man must be ruled by the anti-human values of money that give 0 price to life and maximal price to weapons, hence subconsciously guiding those who believe that money is the ‘invisible hand of go(l)d’ Smith, ‘the intelligence of God’ Calvin, the fetish substance that vehicles the connection with God (Aaron), and try to accumulate it, to a biological world of expensive machines consuming life with no price – aka an economic ecosystem in perpetual wars for profit.

The financial-military-industrial system increases its evolution.

The Financial Military industrial complex is a self-reproductive system of memes of metal, now evolving into a global super-organism. In its III horizons of evolution, it was first a complementary system of energy weapons and informative go(l)d carried by two people-castes specialized in the control of mankind with the new ‘top predator’ system of the Earth: Indo-Europeans and Cananeans (Phoenician sea traders, and Jewish caravans). Both cultures fusioned in northern Europe its key memes, weapons, go(l)d and the proto-capitalist, tribal ideologiesof the Bible, further evolved by calvinist believers (go(l)d is the invisible hand of God, Adam Smith; gold is the intelligence of god, Calvin), as it was masterfully explained by Sombart and Weber, his disciple. This reinforced memetic culture, which fusioned the Indo-european culture of war and the Jewish culture of trade gave birth to the first companies of gunboats that carried trade, slavery and gold accumulation till the industrial revolution, when machines and company-mothers, the reproductive system, kicked in earnest. Now in its last phase, those memes, increasingly independent of humans, are evolving into an automated super-organism , guided  by robots and pc-suites, with a global brain-network, the intranet.


The continuity of the 3 ages: From Gold religions to corporations to electronic software. The black hole of western power. Camouflage.

Now we must talk of the Financial-Media system first, since the key to power in any complementary system of energy and information, where the informative head rules the blind energy body is the control of all systems of information; in the Financial-Informative (head) Military-Industrial (Body) Complex of ‘selfish memes of metal’ – the economic ecosystem – it means that those who hold financial power MUST control also human information, digital and verbal, to back and create the ‘newspeaks’ and fantasies of placebo freedom required to control and implement the anti-quantum paradox.

But since you can jail the body but not the mind (Gandhi) I will never censor my blogs and scientific discourse; SO WE POUNDER MUCH MORE ON THE THEME OF THE FINANCIAL-MEDIA SYSTEM, AND THOSE WHO OWN IT, a culture – not an abstract concept such as the “Market” as the “Orwellian newspeaks (the future language which Orwell said would be political and economical correct and nice, while ab=using mankind) make us belief.

The Market are the people who own Wall Street and Evilwood (our own newspeak here), with anti-Live memes, overwhelmingly belonging to Biblical cultures (100% of western central bankers, 80% of CEOs of financial and media Industries, 75% of Economic Nobel prizes), which from America exports and globalizes its ‘Capitalist’ memes, an astounding series of ‘damned lies and statistics’, half-truths and rewriting of History, with emotional films and all kind of sophisticated elements that we shall unveil along this pages – despite suffering for this reason the anti-quantum paradox).

Fact is HEADS rule bodies, THE financial-media informative machines IMPRINT the mind of man, DEFINE the values of our society, PAY our politicos, PAY our workers, BUY the industrial-military SYSTEM and design the world to the image and likeness of its culture, with them on top. SO we cannot BE SCIENTISTS of history, WE CANNOT do social sciences without exploring the origin of the culture that owns the financial-media system; as it would be absurd to do social sciences about LATIN-America without mentioning the 30.000 Spaniards which came in the XVI century and manufactured with the language of social power of that age – weapons – the mind of millions of South-Americans.

And yet amazingly enough, AS IF WE WERE IN THE MIDDLE AGES, where religious Taboos made impossible to write history without myths and religious bias, or praise of the King by the ‘grace of God’, as ‘you will defend me with the word and I will defend you with the sword’ – today gold, the WORLD DOES social sciences without mentioning, the overwhelming origin of our financial and informative memes – the owners of the Financial Media system and its view of themselves, mankind and the future.

This the ULTIMATE essence of modern ‘newspeaks’ and the anti-quantum paradox. It is a religious ‘outlook’. We CAN praise capitalism, and consider it a science. We cannot study it as a wrong process of History, in which the wrong mutation in our memes, has created, or rather cre(dit)ated a wrong world NOT FIT TO SURVIVE, with a CRAZY HEAD, the financial-media system that does NOT care for mankind, its body and SO it will collapse the body, and die in cycles of wars and holocausts, as it HAS ALWAYS DONE. So the wrong mutation, the wrong memes of our head MUST change (we talk of memes not of genes, of idol-ogies that idolize machines more than men, not of individual people, of changing our ideas NOT of bringing wars and holocausts but prevent them).

And this implies we must of course ignore other fundamental dogma of ‘hired economists’ to the service of the FMMI system:

That the creation of a world to the image and likeness of machines, weapons and speculative money DOES NOT have collateral effects on mankind and history must NOT be mixed with economics, because the Financial dictatorship is NOT power politics, but ‘science’, the only one – a mathematical discipline akin to Physics. More or less they tell you: capitalism is the only truth. To try to reform the anti-human system we built for the 0.1%, the ‘leisure class’ of Mr. Veblen is to go against the Laws of Nature. It is as stupid as trying to change the laws of gravitation, LOL. And they want intelligent people to believe that.

And so instead of creating the perfect world of mankind, we are creating the perfect world of corporations. Of course perfectly appeased by the  4 legs of the idol-ogical method: nationalism, mechanism, abrahamic religions, and its modern version, capitalis

Mechanism has been the main subject of this text, and nationalism is self-evidently wrong, and humans have greatly understood the murderous behavior of warriors.

So NOW WE SHALL STUDY THE 2 IDOL-OGIES, which we have not considered in earnest, Abrahamic religions and capitalism, and the people who invented them, as they ARE merely 2 phases of the same historic process – the creation of idol-ogies that have allowed the construction of the Metal-earth, whatever it takes, and that whatever includes wars, holocausts and endemic poverty for the 99,998 per cent.


Now what we shall affirm might irritate our hired scholars and enthusiasts of the markets. We affirm that the economic ecosystem is a dictatorship of bankers, and its original Go(l)d memes, in brief, the creationist version of economics, with a difference, while creationist biology is a joke among scientists, creationist economics is sanctified as a real science. It is not, because it does not follow the ABCD of the scientific method, it cannot predict the future, it does not cater opt the welfare of the whole of mankind but only the 0.1% of stock-rats on top of the pyramid, and its does not even accept A), true data, as it is full of damned lies and statistics. And that reason the world is a mess. We are not ruled by social scientists but by ‘quack doctors’, shamans of the Biblical go(l)d cultures that invented capitalism.

And we shall show it from 3 perspectives, the synchronic, pyramidal structure of our societies, the diachronic history of capitalism, which created that pyramid, and the theoretical idol-ogies of go(l)d its economists sponsor.

ALREADY we have studied this fact with our analysis of the ‘crazy head’ of the American financial-medial system that rules the world of money and information with its monopoly on the printing of money and mass-media fictions that manufacture our brain.

Now with the science of bio-history we shall study the ‘beliefs’ in which this dictatorship is based, (capitalism of worship of money, nationalism or worship of weapons, mechanism or worship of machines, and Abrahamic religions, which aborted the social evolution of mankind into a superorganism, by dividing humanity into religious tribes, which can use weapons and money to ‘convert’ each other) and study in depth, why those beliefs are false or at best ‘half-truths’, which did NOT arrive to the final goal of evolution of those ideas.

Today bankers manage our politicos – its house negroes – with digital orders, prices and payments, campaign-money and ‘subventions’ Yet to explain this is the biggest taboo of society. Since true power is always SECRET, in the language and location, as black holes, genetic codes and money is:

So given the fact that bankers rule the world and mismanage it wholesale, and on top do not disclose their origin and control, we will against all political and economic correctness denounce them with a healthy dose of cynicism as SCIENTISTS OF HISTORY MUST BY DEFINITION care for the majority of mankind which is the 99.99% that the financial elite parasite. So we cannot accept the systemic occultation of his power regardless of how subtle and ‘emotional’ might be the masks that hide them.

The 3 ages of irresponsibility for the o.oo2% : Go(l)d Priests->Capitalist economists->Holocaust scholars.

The black holes of information run the Universe.

The why of all those memes is obvious – hiding the power of money to run the world: Information is power, as long as it is secret for those who do not understand the language of information, which gives power orders.

This finally people understood in the age of information. A language of information as money is, buys any energy, including mercenary armies. But the properties of information make IT invisible, and only when it is invisible has that power.

Thus bits of informative languages are small and we hide it to increase its power. We do not see words, and if we do not speak the language they are noise to us. We do not see e-money travelling on electromagnetic waves.

The black hole runs the galaxy placing stars at will for latter digestion with an invisible language called gravitation that rules the world. And the black hole is so small and dark; apparently so powerless that we never saw one (only its destructive effects – the shine of their exploded star food).

So while weapons, which are energy are exactly the opposite, big evident to dissuade under duress and death risk the ‘subject’ (information and energy have inverse properties), money is invisible. And yet this obvious quality, which is a scientific fact of informative power, is called lol, ‘the confabulation theory’.

  • And here we talk of ‘scholar censorship’, or if we want to be more precise ‘the Industry of the Holocaust’ (Finkelstein) in the realm of ideas, and the control of the Financial-Media system of electronic information (wall street, media, Hollywood), with a sophistication acquired through millennia. And of course of pre-emptive measures (confabulation theory, emotional anti truths, victimism, various taboos, and raw power and legal measures).

In that regard, classic economics is just the last of the idol-ogies that come ‘after’ ‘metal-masters’ become attached to weapons, money and machines as their tool of power. Then they invent ‘idol-ogies’ that justify that power and destroy the world and eliminate its responsibility. Now this process is carried by the Holocaust Industry.

  1. B) THE BIOLOGICAL STRATEGY. CAMOUFLAGE…. of the most sophisticated kind, as complexity grows even if all remains the same. Now it is called the…


Holocaust industry. Anti-quantum paradox of bankers, who abandon its lower caste to the anger of the military.

Though there are many other sides to bio-history, since Judaism is the leading world culture origin of the Metal-earth, and given the overwhelming amount of hired anti-quantum scholars lying about, and hiding the KEY ISSUE OF THE HOLOCAUST – ITS ECONOMICAL CAUSES, we must analyze it with certain extension.

Indeed, we shall give the habiru, which I still hope might change memes and help mankind and themselves to survive the ongoing terminator cycle, a bit of information, provided from a neutral point of view on their culture in their 3rd ages:

  • The Jewish question’ by socialist, Jewish scholar Abraham Leon, who died in a Nazi camp, and explains the role of Judaism in the old empires, as a people-caste of traders and bankers – obviously not an anti-Semite.
  • ‘The Jews and the birth of capitalism’ by Wember Sombart, the foremost historian of capitalism, a socialist German thinker and teacher of Max Weber, for the modern age since the renaissance; again not an anti-Semite, as the book in fact was published by the Library of Congress.
  • And finally Israel Shahak, an Israeli Humanist, on present Israel, ‘Jewish Religion, Jewish fundamentalism’, which represents the opinion of all those habiru living now in Israel, which are NOT Jewish of blood (they are converso Khazars, from Ukraine, which in the height of the Slav-trade converted as Jewish cannot make Jewish slaves, and were for centuries till II world war outcasted as mazerim – impure mestizos by the Am Segullah elite); which are NOT Jewish in memes, because they are not racist and are not bankers, as Israel has all professions, and so they should NOT follow the policies of neo-Nazi Israel – but unfortunately increasingly do.

Now, while I used to talk about my apiru grand-dad and his life on concentration camps, on my times on America, frankly at this point, I couldn’t care less in the midst of a global holocaust about past victims, buried long time ago, because we are all dying this century, UNLESS THE ECONOMIC CAUSES OF WARS AND HOLOCAUSTS ARE SOLVED BY D) DEMOCRATIC DEMAND BASED ECONOMIES WHERE THE o.002% do not own the economic ecosystem, and mismanage it with its ‘creationist economics’, and go(l)d religions, instead of parasitizing mankind and hiding under the umbrella of the Holocaust Industry that only forbids any discussion about the system they rule and encroaches the cycle of theft, war, murder and holocaust of its lower 99% and the resto f mankind.

Thus all I want to express is the obvious facts researched through the abcd-scientific method in this question, which we shall study in length, given the central position of the ‘Am Segullah’ Banker-priests elite of the go(l)d culture, but certainly even if I write 1000 pages, it will be a drop of water in the sea of the anti-quantum, anti-scientific idol-ogy of the H.Industry, which to put an example, gets 1/4th of the Literature Nobel Prizes, and 1/5th of the post-war Oscars ‘to their theme’, besides the 75% of Economic Nobel Prizes given to this people-caste, the 100% of western central bankers, the 80% of mass-media producers, financial CEOs and CFOs of the 500 western top corporations.

So we shall consider the obvious facts, biological causes, cyclical patterns and Democratic-Demand based economic solutions. Since:

a) Holocausts do happen, since Go(l)d cultures appeared in Levante, specialized in trade in the knot of commerce of the old world, which degenerated with the arrival of hard-metal, bronze and gold into a slave culture, that to foster its trade in human capital established a fetish go(l)d religion of the $elected, where the human capital was consider ‘an animal species’ with no rights, which could be murdered and sold for a price. And so we do have to study the real data about the origin, dogmas and profession of the earlier practitioners of Abrahamic religions.

Anti-A) But the cyclical nature of those holocausts is denied because of Abrahamic religions for which go(l)d is god and so it cannot be evil-antilive. Hence the need for the Holocaust Industry, just the last phase of capitalist idol-ogies that sacrifice life to metal.

b) Holocausts have a biological cause in the action-reaction process of go(l)d murder at distance of human capital vs. Warrior murder on close range. Since it is NOT mankind but the warrior rival cultures of animetal power the perpetrators of the Holocaust.

Anti-b) But this is denied, and mankind is accused of being a barbarous species, so the lower castes of Judaism, the Habiru, fear mankind and does not fight for the common survival of the species.

c) Holocausts are cyclical and as we are observing the same cause – the ruin of America by Wall Street, as German was ruined after the 29 crisis, it will happen again now in America unless…

d) Democratic solutions are met, within years and wall street is denationalized and the American people and the world at large with no seeable jobs in the age of robotics gets its universal salary. So the solution of the holocaust cycle is exactly the same solution of mankind’s problems, because yes, actually despite the racist books of Judaism and the wealth of the elite, they belong to the same human Super organism.

Anti-c, Anti-d) But again the cyclical future repetition of holocausts if A and B continue are denied absolutely, because D) cannot be met by the o.002% who never die on those holocausts and do not truly care – despite so much hypocritical victimism – about the destiny of mankind and their lower castes. So they pump up funerary ceremonies, and hide by all means their responsibility. As my sephardim socialist accountant grand-father put it back from Matthausen,’ i didn’t see any Rothschild in that truck’.  The American army under their control didn’t bomb Auschwitz, despite the maps sent to them with all details by a catholic priests and the Zurich Kahila excused the no intervention, because they were impure Kazhar Mazerim of the pale of settlement. Today that elite makes fortunes around Apartheid Israel and its terminator industries, when it could have created a non-racist society integrated in the European Union long, long ago. Absolute eviL has their names.

All this has the origin on the Levantine, Canaanite=>Jewish=>Protestant Go(l)d faiths, the true ideological founder of the modern corporative world.

Anti$emitism has always had economic causes.

When Hitler proclaimed his program, his thugs wrote on the walls of Germany: ‘the death of the ‘jude’ would be the wealth of Germany’. And yet this real cause the usury crimes of its 1% are NEVER mentioned, censored even more.

There are millions of hours and pages of gore programs to imprint emotionally mankind with the tragedy and convert a taboo all criticism of capitalist banking elites, but it is absolutely forbidden to explain the cause-effect of all those holocaust cycles due to usury and slave trade. When to solve a problem you must act on the cause. So only the end of the banking monopoly for usury schemes by nationalizing banking would end the crime. And yet since the industry is used to hide the crime, this is the only thing nobody dares to speak up.

And the result is the subconscious collective blame ‘all’ the Jewish people of the crimes of their hidden elite and the cycle explodes blindly against all. Thus the financial elite’ use of the death of their poor, to protect their past, present and future crimes is perhaps the most cynical act of cowardice History has yet to witness on behalf of the ‘1%’ of its animetal cultures. .

The bankers run with their money and leave them behind to parasite another country – now the US brutally taxed and controlled by the anti-quantum paradox and the holocaust industry, to the point there is no museum to the Indian or slave holocaust but there is one in each city to a holocaust in which the Americans DID NOT participate, to make them feel guilty and shut up all criticism to the bankster elite of wall street, overwhelmingly belonging to the people-caste (54% of the 1% belongs to this ‘am segullah’ elite thanks to its monopoly on credit)

And yet today is the fundamental mode of censorship on History imposed in the west. While in Europe the industry helps the Germans to impose a IV Reich, based in the fantasy that the ‘only victims’ of their systemic murder of European social, democratic cultures since the Barbarians ran Rome, are the ‘People of the Treasure’ (ill translated as the Chosen people). So the Greeks or Republican Spaniards that died in camps never received compensation and now is Ok to brutalize Greece to pay the usury debt schemes of the Frankfurt ECB bank. Since they have paid billionaire sums to the ‘only’ recognized victims of the I and II world war German 90 million HUMANS holocaust.

In this case we talk of the black hole of western information, are the owners of the Financial-Media system and the way they camouflage is obviously through the secrecy and complexity of electronic systems of invention of e-money, through subventions to politicos that obey its order, and through mass-media and the ‘Goebbel’s method of systematic repetition of memes, which portray their elite of bankers-priests (whose historic origin and role in the pyramid of power of America, will be studied in detail in Books II and III of this post), as victims, instead of top predators of history, taking advantage that they are merely the 1% elite of the Jewish culture. So this social structure is hidden, and we only know about the 99% of ‘hebrew’ victims of history, as scapegoats of the economic cycle of usury, ruin of nations and military revenge… It is the INDUSTRY OF THE HOLOCAUST, which eliminates as it did in the past capitalist economics and before go(l)d churches, any responsibility for the elite, which hides itself as a victim of history, with utter cynicism, given the fact that only its lower castes die on those holocausts.

How can then we unveil those facts? To that aim, we need to the taboo and most censored fact of history: that the holocaust cycle has an origin on the capitalist, racist memes of the Jewish religion and it is an action-reaction process of theft, usury, poverty, war, murder and holocaust. SO IF habiru keep covering up their elites, who KEEP MURDERING mankind with capitalism, they will be murdered ‘again’.

Of course, this fact of history is completely forbidden because it actually COULD MAKE them react and cure their culture and the world. SO denial, denial, denial of the economic causes of holocausts is the most absolute paradigm of the anti-quantum paradox.

And the reason WHY the Jewish people do NOT understand why humanity is overwhelmingly through history anti$emite. And they do NOTHING, to reform the system so they no longer suffer the action-reaction cycles of the Universe. This is the epitome of racism.

The Nazis did NOT understand why Germany could NOT win a war against MANKIND. The Banksters neither. We shall indeed explain the enormous similarity between the people who invented go(l)d and the Goths of Genocide, since both are equivalent metal-masters, who do NOT understand that gold kills them and iron murders them and they are not superior, but rather degraded in ethics and consciousness by their ‘metal’, which makes their brains ‘stiff’, with a kind of ‘rigor mortis’ that we shall study through the grammar of their wor(l)ds and idol-ogies of murder and self-suicide.

The censorship on those themes is so strong, because of the last form of the anti-quantum paradox against any criticism to Abrahamic religions and capitalism, memes, namely the Industry of the Holocaust.

It is the 3rd age of the Abrahamic->Capitalist Idol-ogy of segregation between human capital and the owners of corporations.

Since corporations do have its origin on the Jewish go(l)d culture, which cannot be criticized today, or else the critical historian will be called a Nazi and end his career – the ‘anonymous’ societies laws that give no rersponsbility to those owners now has the form of mass-media holocaust memes who make them victims of mankind, so there is again no responsibility to the 99% they price.

Why? All this said, before you start with the usual modes of ‘political correctness’ and victimize censorship, analyzed in the this section latter in great detail, my disclaimer is simple: my mother’s family is full of sephardi genes, which are totally irrelevant to this history – since history is about memes, the name we give to cultures are ‘names’ not genetic codes. And precisely this culture is a mixture of all white races, with massive dominance of European and Mongolian genes. And yes, my grand-father was also in a concentration camp.

But I am not any of the words you will apply me, from anti-Semite to self-hating Jew. Simply speaking. I have evolved my memes. I am human. And I want to survive. So I am anti-capitalism, because capitalism will kill us all – and in that sense anti$emite, against the elite, of banker-priests that guide the process.

Since I do apply the ABCD method also to this question. And tell you if you want to survive become human too, whatever you are. Because the only super-organism and subconscious collective god of mankind, is… Mankind… Not the tribe.

So save yourself the ‘fear and pity aroused by spectacular mass-media means’, which Aristotle considered the proof of a bad tragedy.

Yes, Aristotle the founder of politics and ethics and drama as sciences, the Greek rational, humanist founder of the scientific method itself.



So we must stop our analysis of the cycle of economics to study the methodology of science, and the reasons why social scientists don’t apply that methodology to their studies – namely the anti-quantum paradox – the fact that unlike Physics, where the observer is so huge that modifies the observer, in social sciences the true scientist is so small that if he does not cater the whims of power, and objectively criticizes him, he can be eliminated.


The Chosen of Go(l)d.

Capitalism and its idol-ogy classic, creationist economics has its bio-historical origin on earlier fetish cults to go(l)d, then called the ‘sweat of God’, the sun, whose accumulation in temples by banker-priests started the culture of the ‘People of the Treasure’, (ill translated as chosen people, since Am Segullah means ‘people and treasure’, hence our bio-economic taxonomic name ‘chosen of go(l)d) which run still the economic world.

90% of Nobel prizes given by a private bank they own, was conceded to Jewish->Calvinist economists that merely spread mathematical versions of its old racist memes against workers, the 99%, credit for mankind, the 99% and idol-ogies of the Mechanocene: technology, I+D, speculation, excuses to justify as ‘earned wealth’, their invention of money in the markets, and platitudes or absurd theories that have nothing to do with economic reality. And always of course BY DECREE OF THE BANK, theories expressed with mathematics. Indeed, evolutionary theories ARE FORBIDDEN BY DECREE OF MR. NOBEL, the Saint of Dynamite, because he was another bigot biblical believer and considered Evolution NOT science.

What then systemic, organic, biological sciences and the ABCD have to tell about them? The truth, its cycles and its solutions.

Fetish go(l)d and segregation memes. Its Languages and values.

Let us start from the very beginning. The cycles of wars and holocausts caused by capitalism have its origin on the segregation memes of go(l)d religions.

Latter we will see that this ‘animetals’ are overwhelmingly white men, as I am (the Chinese forbade gunpowder, show restriction with violence, and  capacity to evolve socially).

My thesis of 30 years is that we, white men, merged with Neanderthal, visual, dolichocephalic, white man of guttural, consonantal, ‘square-head’ languages, and do have a difficult time to ‘evolve’ and behave NOT by emotions and myths, but by reason and eusocial love. Moreover the founders of nationalism (Scandinavian-Germans) and Go(l)d cultures (Semites) seems to be those with a higher crossing on the visual Neanderthal, with red hair, hooked nose, white skin, violent, anti-social memes, who moved in small groups, as crossing happened first in Levante and then in the pockets of Europe (Scandinavia, British Islands, Spain). But in as much as I am a white man, with Spanish, Germanic and Semitic blood, BUT I do not believe in animetal Idol-ogies, genes would be merely a tendency, than a fixed fact, as ALL in History has to do FIRST WITH MEMES, different from genes. It is OF COURSE, a given of Bio-history that we always talk of memes, as the dominant element of cultures.

THIS SHOULD BE Obvious. If I say a ‘Jew’, is someone that believe in Jewish religion NOT a race. If I say an American is a cell of the American super organism of History, regardless of race. Other question though is WHAT MEMES ARE GOOD FOR HUMAN SURVIVAL AND WHAT MEMES ARE BAD. And here is where BIO-HISTORY COMPLETELY dissents with political and economical correctness. Racist religions, military inquisitions, Jihads, Nazi Nations and parties, robotists and other professions that manufacture lethal goods, are NOT OK. They should NOT BE TOLERATED. Or else it is obvious that their hate memes, lethal machines and actions against Humanity will take us under.

In this case, what we shall show is that the white man does have a tendency in its linguistic memes (the structure of its languages) to be a believer in literalist thought, hence more inflexible to change, and a believer in lineal, visual, energetic progress, NOT in cyclical information, hence more difficult to understand the nature of Time and its cyclical repetitions.

We now have to return to the subconscious programs of languages, and its values to understand how this is happening, in terms of the differences of a world ruled by freedom and human verbal, ethic values vs. a world rule by the slavery to metal-memes and its values.

Thus let us return to the grammar of the equation of history, perceived from the perspective of the languages of the human kind VS. THE LANGUAGES OF our elites and animetal castes, to consider in more depth, which rules the world and why they have decided to extinguish it. 

This might seem difficult to understand. It is though part of a science called topological linguistics, which studies how cultures are tailored by their grammar. And it is the basis of linguistics (Wolff, Chomsky, Humboldt): the mind of mankind is the way its grammar builds its value. And as it happens the values of humanist cultures put man in the center, the values and linguistics of animetal cultures put gold and the machine on top.

The grammar of metal-communicators. Imperative, ergative languages: the language of go(l)d.

Because all social organisms are ruled by a language, we shall obviously focus in the understanding on how money, with its boom and bust cycles controls and fosters the creation of the Mechanocene – as opposed to a real efficient, well designed super organism of history in which a democratic-demand based economy would create a human paradise, as money issued by humans would evolve a welfare state with their demand for such life-based goods.

Let us then go a notch further in the understanding of the ‘values of the Mechanocene’ and the cultures that ‘prefer’ digital money to legal words to understand the Universe:


In the graph, languages value species according to their substance affinity. So ethic words give maximal value to human life, since human brains reproduce them.  While money was first made of metal, (coins) and gave maximal value to metal weapons. Then it was a paper and e-money representing a corporation (stocks) and so it gives companies enormous values. So Apple is worth more than all the inhabitants of Pakistan.

Does Money has 2 problems as a language, specially gold: to be affine to metal hence giving maximal price to weapons and minimal price to life as the graph shows.

And to have a mathematical digital equation, Man (price-salary) = Money = Object (Cost).


But in verbal thought, I (subject-man) > verb (action) > Object (Machine) means a man is always by definition superior to object, and cannot be compared. so legally, in the legal word you can create a natural super-organism of man where machines cannot throw workers, and life is always the maximal value.

thus capitalism by the language will eliminate humans as it does, a legal informative, nervous system on top will preserve man.

Only tender legal paper currency, representing nations and given to people as a Universal salary to create a demand economy, based in those verbal human values of normal people will carry human values and can be used to reproduce a world to our image and likeness, spent by governments in the creation of salaries and welfare goods.  Thus the issue of money is NOT so much how to  issue it, but its values and the power it gives to those who invent it; since it defines who rule societies.

The problem of monetary values as the graph shows is the fact that in its metallic forms, it values more corporations, machines and weapons, metal-memes than any other object, including human beings, who in fact as all forms of life have null values in terms of metallic money.

Thus a society based in the values of metal-money either gold or corporative money, fosters the overproduction cycles of machines and weapons that cause wars and the extinction of life; showing the biological, predatory nature of selfish metal memes, which act as genes do, catalyzing the reproduction of a larger super-organism – the Financial-Media/Military-Industrial system that is terraforming the Earth from a planet of life into a planet made to the image of machines and weapons, the most expensive top predator metal-species that kills man.

The problem with the values of money rises from its traditional hypnotic substance (precious metal, today e-cycles in ‘metal-minds’, computers). Go(l)d, a fetish form of money that hypnotizes the mind, and became the fetish of Canaanite societies in the desert lands between the fertile crescent humanist civilizations of Sumer and Egypt – origin of the biblical gold religions – is a metal-language and so values more metal than life.

And again, those Levantine Cultures became the first cultures to enslave people for a price. They were ruled by ‘banker-priests’, who asked their believers to pay with gold ex-votes, the substance of the ‘sacra sanctorum’ of their temples, to achieve salvation ‘in the future’. They are the origin of our banking ‘systems’, based in usury, enslavement of human capital (which as money multiplied, became a part-time slavery through salary), and idle accumulation of go(l)d at any cost.


A world ruled by money as go(l)d debt, destroys life, creates debt slaves when its monopoly makes men objects that either work at limited cost, or are brutalised into poverty.

debt slaves


AND THE RESULT IS THAT THE go(l)d believers keep killing life and thinking it is OK, because it is the language of Go(l)d. But it is NOT ok, the Universe has its own laws.

THE ACTION-REACTION LAW. And so as judaism murders at distance with usury debt slaves human beings, the reaction laws end invariably causing holocaust cycles.

The memes of the go(l)d culture: repression of life values.

‘The informative, ‘neuronal’ people-caste of Judaism, its banker-priests exercise a financial dictatorship over the western people by monopolising the issue of  fetish ‘go(l)d’ , today money, considered the vehicle of its covenant with God – the substance that puts them in contact with the almighty. As such they gave themselves the name of People of the Treasure (ill-translated as Chosen People, since Segullah means ‘treasure’) and became the first historic power, gol(l)d religion of the western world, whose mandate of supremacism is embedded in the Millenarian prophecy, ‘at the end of times all human tribes will become slaves of Yhwh’.

To herd gold, the ‘working class’ of Judaism, called the apiru, ‘those who walk behind the asses’ became global traders in objects of maximal price, luxuries, weapons and slaves, transported and brought from the battlefield in asses found in Canaan  – which became the classic military transport.

Further on, to herd the fetish vehicle of go(l)d Judaism had subconsciously to follow the values of metal, opposite to those of life, creating a memeplex of repression of life and segregation of human capital they trade with – which became the fundamental memeplex of his culture, evolved in form but not in substance, today embodied in the memeplex of Apartheid Israel, Biblical segregationism (as the religion of go(l)d expanded to germanic tribes with the reformation), victimist paranoia, hate media, various nationalisms and massive investment in weapons and splendid little war of maximal profits – the trademark of all the subcultures of judaism, grouped under the label of ‘Anglo-American cultures’ in our mapping of the 7 cultures of the world.

In all those societies a dual class structure that still holds in various forms thus was established, between banker-priests, the people who issue or handle money – today after the split of the Napoleonic code, no longer rabbis, but ‘expert economists’, stock-rats and financiers – who were in earlier mesopotamic and European kingdoms the court bankers and diplomats, who handled loans for war and hate-memes to promote conflict – and the pedlars and believers who had to obtain gold as an ex-vote to enter the temples, whose sancta sanctorum was made of the ‘vehicle of go(l)d.’

So court bankers, the chosen of go(l)d, became symbiotic to warrior kings, and ‘apiru’, the workers, became symbiotic to soldiers, as purveyors of military goods and slave prisoners. Yet their relationship with warrior cultures was always ill at-ease. Since most other earlier animetal societies chose iron-weapons to reach the same goal of world empire, making of the fire of the smith or its sword the vehicle of god (Ayran and germanic cults), often confronting financial Jewish power in war, looting and holocaust cycles.

Judaism became then the soliton of the informative language of the metal-earth, go(l)d, developing a complex memeplex transformed as time went by into the biblical capitalist beliefs of the earlier companies, which greatly reinforced its power, as company-mothers of machines-weapons hired full time slaves and part-time slaves in mercenary armies, reaching the height of the capitalist pyramid of power in Northern Europe and USA, as their financial monopolists and dictators of its democracies:

The problem of Judaism as the leading cult(ure) of our societies and its now globalised memeplex is simply speaking its ‘ascientific’ rule over human people, and machines, still based in the ‘cultic’ concept that go(l)d must be herded at all costs, without inquiring in its organic laws. So Judaism at the top of society implies our unavoidable extinction by the pecunia infinita belli nervi cycle. And only the denationalisation of finances from the dictatorship of Judaism and its rational use to creditate a world made to the mage and likeness can ensure that humans will survive the robot radiation. Otherwise judaism will be blindly as it has always done reproduce and herd money for its banker-priests and ab=use mankind with weapons and reduce their intelligence with hate-media to continue the millenarian profits of the pecunia infinita belli nervi, prevent a real democracy to be established in the western world. Such denationalisation of the financial Industry will also be extremely positive to the apiru, ending the holocaust cycle which happens recurrently at the end of those wars when nations are ruined people are consumed by overproduced weapons, the banker-priests migrate with the profits and memeplex to another nation, and the apiru are massacred as scapegoat of the cycle.

If the denationalisation occurs in time, the robotic radiation of military weapons bond to extinguish man in the war cycle of overproduction (circa 2036 according to the stock cycle) could be aborted, a diplomatic coalition (the rainbow planet) established to rule the world, and the immense majority of the carriers of judaism, most of which have the seeds of Haskala (enlightenment) as carriers of European and American, scientific r=evolutionary memes, return to the fold of humanism, and use its intelligence and hard-work qualities established during its millenarian ‘trail of tears’ to the service of its banker-priests to become a ‘converso’ elite of humanity, redeeming its enormous debt to the humankind, their memeplex has tortured in body and soul since the beginning of civilisation, when they chose the wrong values of the wrong go(l)d.

This is as usual in these scientific texts on bio-history, the ‘red pill’ that the doctor of history, the bio-historian prescribes to the memeplex of judaism. Another question is that the patient will eat it and save himself and the world. As I have certain genes of this people and spent my youth in America among them, prescribing their cure, with little success, I believe mankind should impose the cure to the recalcitrant patient without expecting its collaboration, to save his life before the cancer of go(l)d devour us all.

It must be noticed of course, that the prescription of Humanism to cure the memeplex of Judaism has always been the same in all the 800-80-8 cycles and its prophets of the wor(l)d, opposed by its animetal go(l)d masters, who uttered the inverse thoughts in the antinomy between Live vs. eviL, from genesis (tree of life vs. tree of metal) to Exodus (Moses vs. Aaron) to the Iron cycle (Iesu vs. Caifas) to the Industrial cycles (Marx vs. Herzl), so you can consider this the last duality (Lluís vs. Larry); and as usual those who obeyed the wor(l)d survived (Moses forgiving them; romans forgiving christians, Jews surviving in communist Russia), and those who obeyed go(l)d became rich… condemning their sons till the fourth generation to the trail of tears:

The fight between prophets=doctors of history that warn against metalife with the ethic syntax of the wor(l)d that makes man the subject center of the Universe and its anti-prophets, which make of gold-iron the vehicle of God that kills life but gives a minute of earthly power to its believers condemning their sons to the war and holocaust cycle reaches its height in the antinomies of Judaism. In the graph some of them: Genesis & Moses vs. Nathan, Aaron; Jesus vs. Calvin & Cromwell, Mhmd vs. Jihad caliphs; Marx vs. warrior Stalin… But the wor(l)d is a ‘weak God’. So the realpolitiks of Stalin – how many tanks has the pope & Wall Street have imposed a no-way out path of extinction for the lesser humans without ethical restrain and intellectual understanding of the survival laws of the organic, fractal Universe and the unity of the human species, the only prescription to control hate-memes, war cycles and Holocausts. Now in the final battle of bio-history the last prophet-neuron of the wor(l)d is completely alone as in any dead body, and all its potential cells, worship go(l)d that kills its ethic neurons, iron that kills its bodies and machines that atrophy its organs. So the Millenarian prophecy is about to fulfil its finale, as gold migrates into chips and iron serves the bodies of robots.

To understand the details of Judaism in the 3 historic ages of accelerated memes of metal – the 800 cycle of weapons empires; the 80 years cycle of industrial nations, and the modern 8 years US cycles of minds of metal, consider reading the 3 key books on the Jewish question by Abraham Leon, a Jewish economist, killed in the German Holocaust, belonging to the Historic school, by Sombart, author of the best historic books on capitalism and his disciple Weber, on his expansion to protestant cults, and in the modern age, by Henry Ford, which witnessed first hand, his conquest of the American networks of financial-media power, wrestled from him and his old boy networks of calvinist ‘brothers in go(l)d’ – hence a bit sanguine about their personal loss of power. For present Judaism you just have to read between lines their global media, its Truman show & Trumpuppet policies for the 0.1%. For their no-future, it will be unfortunately under the robot radiation the same of all of us.


Fact is the conjunction of financial power, military repression and the manufacturing of brains with informative machines is what maintains the people sheepishly under the power of the top animetal people-castes, warriors and bankers, on those social pyramids, in the past, present and future, as the FMMI system becomes an automated, mathematical system of exploitation and extinction of Life and history. So of course, the Industry of the Holocaust is just PART OF THE MASSIVE occultation of the true history of capitalism and company-mothers exploiting mankind – in this case BOTH the habiru lower castes of Judaism and what is FAR ORE IMPORTANT, AS MANKIND ARE ALL OF US, the 99.8% of gentiles.

But all this information hides it, unlike weapons, which are energy and show in the open threatening people directly – information cheats, hides, and becomes a secret code to manipulate reality.

Indeed, as we said the present astounding mixture of corruption, idiocy and sheeple behavior of mankind, who thinks this is the best of all systems would be impossible, IF AT THE SAME TIME, THE MACHINES THAT PRINT DIGITAL INFORMATION, WOULD NOT PRINT ‘VERBAL INFORMATION’, inventing the memes of our society, which are all tailored for centuries to justify the dictatorship of banksters.

In this manner, metal communicators created the memes of our modern society in parallel to the money that printed to control society. So they spread the belief that progress is not human but mechanical, that to be a slave of machines, corporations and financiers that invent money is ‘freedom’, etc.

How much power they have? Well, actually black holes do have absolute power on the galaxy. NOTHING MOVES, if they don’t want. All is in the place their financial, gravitational waves put them. But they are WAVES, collective subconscious behavior, ultimately moved by the grammar of money: man=money=object.

The individual particle does NOT know how the collective wave works. Only the scientist of systems does, my specialty. So there are no secret meetings. The wave is mostly unconnected. It just tries to get Go(l)d at all costs, and follows the racist memes of the Talmud.

And this is what makes this crisis different from the previous ones, in which machines still needed humans to act as 1/half of the ‘animetal’ organism, either the head or the body of this part animal, part machine, was human. Now with the arrival of full automation and integrated body-heads of machines, the human becomes obsolete, and we walk towards a Mechanocene planet of automated re=productive company-mothers (which will soon achieve with integrated software, CAD design and 3D printing, full reproduction) and robot workers and soldiers.

This all too evident reality, already foreseen by the Darwinian economist, Butler, a century ago, when he forecasted the future evolution of machines into full organisms, given its enormous differential of speed of evolution, and defined ‘animetals’ as the new top predator species of this planets – men attached to mechanical limbs, is the ‘bottom line’ of a  predictive, evolutionary science of economics, which is what economics should be in a planet which is organic, with a human species, which is a form of life, and creates machines by imitating its organs in function, and whenever possible in form.

But in the present milieu of a science of economics, created by financiers in the XIX c. to promote the selfish agenda of its ’employers’ (Smith, client of the Montagu family, founder of the private bank of England, who defended mechanical  productivity and private banking; Bentham, the son of a wealthy banker, known for his book ‘On defense of usury’; Ricardo, a stock speculator, which forecasted the demise of labor under the ‘Iron salary’ rule – labor would be substituted by machines.

So for Ricardo, the concept of Mr. Smith, which affirmed that owners should pay only a subsistence salary because according to the offer of supply and demand, if ‘more workers die under subsistence salaries, labor would diminish and go up in prices, diminishing profits; but if more was paid than subsistence, it was a ‘waste’ of profits, no longer applied. Since now labor could be paid under subsistence, as there would be thanks to the evolution of machines, an ‘iron salary’ equivalent to the price of substituting the worker by a ‘productive machine’. And this would be good for profits.

Sismondi, a humanist economist that asked for welfare production, human jobs and laws of minimal salary, affirmed then ‘what would be the future of the Empire, an entire world of machines ran by a bottom pressed by the Queen of England?’ And a century latter Kapek wrote ‘R.U.R’, where the word ‘Robota’, slave in check was invented. Rossum robots became the only labor and the only soldiers of the future and once they had killed all humans they started a Mechanocene World.

This is the future of the world, soon, unless a true humanist science of economics and history puts to the service of mankind, not of mere profits, the ‘products of science’. And so we constantly hammer against the 2 essential policies that are killing the world:

  • Productivity: corporative economists affirm we must always substitute a human worker for a machine to increase the productivity of the few reminder workers – what they really mean is to increase the profits of the corporations.
  • And the most important of them is private banking. The belief by biblical monopolists that they are $elected to own the system, print money for themselves and ignore the rest of mankind and its needs, without credit because we are an inferior race, who on top of that hates them. Yes, I am not crazy. This is actually what our elite of bankers, overwhelmingly belonging to an ultra-orthodox bronze age sect of animetals think. And you too unfortunately if you belong to the ‘blind’ body of western civilizations, they own.

And while of course usury does NOT justify murder, only economic reform, it is important to know in any crime the motive – the real data, the real causes, which are biological – Humanity wants to survive capitalism, and provoke action-reaction processes of murder that bring during economic crises and war periods, holocaust processes.

Let us then consider the 4 fundamental holocausts of history, the Roman, Spanish, German and future American Holocaust, and the 4 most well known anti$emites, turned antiSSemites (that is national leaders that changed from their first state as Anti$emites that warn financiers against usury and ask to give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, the right to print money, to antiSSemites that used troops to murder the apiru and any Am Segullah they found to regain their money).

The Roman Holocaust could be in that sense resumed in the words of Cicero, the best known lawyer, rhetorician and head of the optimates (the party of the Roman Aristocracy in the senate):

You know how large a group they (the Jews) are, and how influential they are in politics. I will lower my voice and speak just loudly enough for the jury to hear me; for there are plenty of individuals to stir up those Jews against me and against every good Roman, and I don’t intend to make it any easier for them to do this. Since gold was regularly exported each year in the name of the Jews from Italy and all our provinces to Jerusalem, Flaccus issued an edict forbidding its exportation from Asia. Who is there, gentlemen of the jury, who cannot sincerely commend this action? The exportation of gold had been forbidden by the Senate on many previous occasions, and most strictly of all during my consulship. Further, that Flaccus was opposed to this barbarous Jewish superstition. But Flaccus is dead’.

That for the classic age pogroms. As they say in Spanish ‘mas claro agua’ (more clear, water).

The Spanish Holocaust in that sense is filled with a century of complains to Las Cortes asking the king to oblige the Jews to lower the 46% standard usury cut each year that ruined peasants who lost their land and aristocrats who lost their castles (another huge lie repeated ad nauseam by holocaust scholars is that Jewish had limits to enter guilds and own property in the middle ages – not at all).

So in fact, the Spanish Holocaust happened in 1391, lasted 80 years and was the response to those usury cuts, as both aristocrats and peasants burned synagogues, not BECAUSE OF THE RELIGION, but because rabbis were bankers or if not, kept in the synagogue with the Torah the ‘book of debts’. Alas, pogroms had ALWAYS an aim – to burn the book of debt, and hence debt slavery ended. Simple. Same with the pogroms caused by the eunuch trade called today in the ‘jargon of the Holocaust Industry’, the blood libel: as peasants who could not pay the debt sold their children as servants, and then those children were castrated to increase the price of the human capital 10 folded and sold to Islam, but 1/3rd die bleeding to death, and the parents found them in the ghetto gutter, with no blood. So they revenged – of course some thought the rabbis had drunk the blood, as they knew nothing of the eunuch trade, which paid 1000 gold grams in Baghdad, as McCormick, dean of Middle Age economics at Harvard explains.

That for the middle age pogroms. Now for Hitler, and the German Holocaust the infamous Reichstag discourse is also crystal clear, on the motive, but we shall not quote here for respect to my apiru grand-father. Enough to say that after the private Reichbank ran by one stein, provoked massive hyperinflation the first anonymous paintings ‘the death of the Jews will be the wealth of the Germans’ spread like fire on the walls, and soon the apiru, paid once more as scapegoats of the Am segullah.

Finally for the future American Holocaust if things proceed as usual, we could quote the most famous American Anti-Semite duet, Mr. Edison and his best friend Mr. Henry Ford, who paid the publishing of the ‘International Jew’. Again we are here considering the opinion of people, which had a lot of power and political clout (Ford paid alone the prohibition law in the senate, because he was abstemious):

“Anti-Semitism is always ready to break out against the inaccessible rich Jews who control in politics and international finance. The commonest real cause of anti-Semitism is the action of the international Jew who is often unknown and always secure, but the innocent victim of it is the poor Jew. “

So yes, I find surrealist that there are thousands of scholar books, films, museums etc. etc. on this theme and NONE explain the facts and if you as a historian explain the facts, you will never work. Why? The reason should be obvious to the reader.

Vs. Prophets of Judaism, anti$emites but NOT anti-SSemites who tried to convert the banksters to mankind – with no results, and the habiru to mankind WITH RESULTS, as many do CONVERT AND SAVE THEIR a$$es. Since Moses saved them and killed the followers of Golden calf, till Marx saved them, as those who converted to socialism survived in Russia the Nazi Holocaust, as I have tried to save them during my decades in America living among Habiru, with I must say zero result, as now Mr. Sanders, tries to save him, but certainly they will accuse him of being a self-hating you and get Mr. Trump, the future anti-SSemite on power. Deja vu.

But BECAUSE THE 99.8 PERCENT OF MANKIND, matters more than the 0.2 percent of habiru, and the 0.002% of its elite, and they DO SUFFER the capitalist holocaust, we must first explain what THIS 0.002% OF ‘FOUNDING FATHER OF ECONOMICS’, ALL OF THEM, BELONGING TO THE JEWISH-CALVINIST BIBLICAL SECTS OF THE $ELECTED, have created – namely animetal memes of hate to mankind disguised as classic economic science – PURE CREATIONIST quack statements, albeit perfectly written in nice mathematical equations, and disseminated with the anti-scientific, Goebbels method:

  • If you repeat a lie many times people will believe it. Here the lies are many all conducting to increase the wealth of the 0.002% , censor true economic science, and murder the 99.998%, of human and habiru alike.

However fiction and  false information is NOT reality. It does Not command the cycles of history. And for that reason it doesn’t matter how many more films in 2D, dreams of go(l)d and Abrahamic immortality are spelt in fiction. Reality is biological and only understanding it with rational, scientific laws can be managed. Denial only makes those cycles stronger. This, the scholar, never understands. You cannot INVENT the world, without understanding its scientific law, which in this biological planet are biological and must be obeyed.

And of those 2 laws, one, Darwinian fights between species brings EVERYBODY to the war and holocaust cycle. Only Eusocial love, the stronger strategy of the superior species makes you survive. So censorship of true scientific social laws, the anti quantum paradox, which of douse has been applied to bio-economics and bio-history for 24 years, DID NOT CHANGE THE HAPPENING OF THOSE CYCLES, as the books of this scientist of history show. So now we shall deal with the final ‘media-fiction’,  the anti-quantum paradox of  the scholar industry of misinformation we call ‘Biblical, creationist economics’, the product of mostly habiru and Calvinist scholars (90% of Nobel prizes, 100% of founding fathers of classic economics), which is equivalent to creationist Biology, the laughing stock of science, with the difference that creationist economists RULE THE WORLD, and bio-economics is the laughing stock of mankind, seemingly perpetuating the Middle Ages of the doctors of history when evil spirits were the cause of sickness and rational Greek science scorned by Tertulian, the inquisitor who proudly claimed ‘what Greece has to do with Jerusalem’. Nothing indeed, Greece is the road to rational, scientific survival, Jerusalem of self-serving myths and suicidal.

So, in scientific terms, if the Industry wanted to find solutions to the cycle the scholars of the Jewish-Protestant Go(l)d cult(ure) that runs the Mechanocene ahead of all others, and sets the example of the future – not the banksters and military, but the verbal scholars of economics and history, which do NOT work in corporations but teach in Universities– SHOULD defend mankind as a whole, WHICH IS NOT guilty but also suffers the wars that precede the cycle, INSTEAD OF REWRITING ITS history, hiding the real truths of capitalism.

INSTEAD the Holocaust Industry hides the economic causes of the Holocaust to protect the o.oo2% of mankind – the banksters that sacrifice their lower castes, with its usury schemes now in full rage.

Neither American and English nationalism, should hides the crimes of capitalist history, dividing mankind in capitalist nations which are good, because they mean ‘mechanical proress’ – with the exceptionalism of those who were their enemies, which are the only racist, eviL forms of capitalism – as if the holocausts of slave trade, colonial wars and Indian genocides were ‘better’ than those of Europeans under the German boot.

What they expect to understand of Humanity=History, when they have made up the content of history and economics into a fairy tale of half-lies, myths, and idol-ogies?

Of course, now I understand it is all part of the Anti-quantum paradox, of the idol-ogies of animetals, and latter we shall see of the grammar of its languages, I-selfish centered, ergative-objectual, imperative, without freedom. Still the result of that sheepishly obeisance to the animetal elites that direct the world, means our faster demise without putting up a fight, for their selfish profits, and ‘medals’ of honor. What honor there is in misleading mankind?

The ridiculous differentiation between the fascist cycle of II world war and the rest of brutal racist murders in the Colonialist age of the train wars (African, Indian genocides), or the present genocide in the making of human labor and Islamic citizens, (war on terror, who cares nothing for civilians causalities, Palestinian Apartheid, etc.) is logic from the perspective of our animetal elites, even evilwood, but its extension to scholarship shows how deep into a degradation of humanist values we have arrived. Moreover, by portraying the Nazis as monstrous evil clowns, they seem remote to us, giving the impression it will not happen again. Yet people like Mr. Goebbels said from his propaganda minister the same kind of sentences Mr. Valenti at the head of evilwood’s academy does: ‘make entertaining and patriotic movies, people will them and not ask anything else’; Mr. Goering was after the red baron the best pilot ace of I world war – those people were normal; it was the anti-human system of capitalist wars for profit, what brought the war and holocaust – itself also a normal genocide as that of other 60 million people in that war.

We are now the new Nazis or rather the new colonialist Europeans who found in the primitivism of black Africa a perfect excuse to brutalize their people as we do with one after another nation of Islam, with our splendid robotic little wars instead of trying to look at the biological truths of the Industrial R=evolution and come on top of the economic wave, controlling lethal goods, promoting welfare and love-memes and creating a perfect world.

In that regard, the Industry of the Holocaust covers a crime – that of the banker-priests of Israel against both mankind and their lower castes. Since ALL holocausts had an origin in the Am Segullah’s usury schemes that ruin people and nations. The ‘People of the Treasure’ ill-translated as Chosen People, since Segullah means Treasure have always been, as those books explain, bankers, since they chose gold not weapons to rule their societies. And established as banker-priests segregation memes to ‘manage’ their human capital. Yet when they got astoundingly wealthy through usury, aristocratic warriors who lost their lands and castles killed them with organized state holocausts or throwing mobs against them in pogroms directed to burn the Books of Debt kept in Synagogues.

Yet the people who died were mostly peddlers and lower Habiru castes, which absurdly enough always protected and now cover up with scholarship the cycle.

Thus the perpetrators, the animetal warriors who ‘do’ the killing are the only mentioned in the astounding mass of films and books that ‘rewrite’ history by studying only the final death, perpetuating in this manner a cycle that only a right financial industry that does NOT ruin people could stop. We shall only quote here of those 3 authors, Abraham Leon, as a Jewish, Socialist and Holocaust victim, hence undoubtedly not biased against them, to show 3 facts that ‘explain it all’:

– The usury cause of Holocausts (different from mere banking), which seeks to gain the maximal amount of money with barren lending, tax farming, speculation (jacking up prices without creating wealth) or mere invention of paper money that provokes hyperinflation. Thus provoking the ruin of entire nations or social classes.

– And this happens because of the segregation memes of Judaism, as biblical mandates (not to steal, murder and lie), only apply to ‘humans’, but in Orthodox Judaism humans are animals (the only form practiced till Napoleon liberated Jewish from the inquisition of their rabbis, who had the power to kill and maim them as a ‘different nation’, and did so often – for example, there was death penalty for translating the racist memes of Talmud, and women were cut their noses when mating with gentiles). So usury, theft, murder at distance or indirect murder of gentiles were not only permitted but encouraged (Shahak, Maimonides, Talmud). Indeed Orthodox Judaism is the most racist of all religions where humans ‘animals’, goy, ‘born of the leg of Satan, along with women, dogs and pigs’ (hence pigs are taboo food, women are segregated still today in Orthodox communities and Arabs and Negroes, which latter were considered lower than dogs in the Ham Damnation could only be slaves or exterminated – origin of modern slavery trade and present Israel Apartheid).

Yet all this is systematically denied, and a global cleansing of historic books has been carried first in Angl0-Saxon cultures, today even in scholar Universities in Europe, showing indeed the amazing control of all forms of information acquired by this culture through its mass-media and financial power, as the monopolist of the Western Financial-Media now global empire. So its Financial elite, truly top predators of peasants along their allies – the warrior aristocrats of the west – are today systematically as a religious dogma portrayed as the anti-truth of victimism, with the ‘Goebbels’s method of propaganda’: if you repeat a lie many times people will believe it, the more you repeat it and the bigger the lie is, the more they will believe it.


The meaning of capitalism.

All this said it is obvious that the world requires three parallel explanations from 3 different perspectives, as 3 age the agents of reality:

-The perspective of the 1-10% of owners and workers for corporations and financial houses, which basically care nothing for mankind, and are out there to reach maximal profits, without the slightest interest in understanding the wider view of the economic ecosystem, as long as they profit and nobody takes away its power monopoly.

-The perspective of the 90% of mankind which do not profit directly from those corporations, living mostly in 3rd world countries or the lower castes of our societies, which are increasingly suffering the competition of machines and selfish memes of metal.

-And the 3rd perspective which has never been considered in depth, given the anthropomorphic nature of social sciences: that of machines and its reproductive organisms, company-mothers, which have their own evolutionary traits and compete with humans substituting us. This perspective is the most important to understand as it shows clearly that humans and machines are a different species, which should be treated with biological laws. But this perspective does not exist. Capitalism however must be understood in those terms, with those 3 perspectives: ITS FUTURE is determined by the evolution of machines, which economists and the 1% foster without understanding it because it gives power to them, and the 90% accepts because they are cheated about that future with abstract anthropomorphic ego-trips and the feeling of added power they acquire with the use of machines. Let us then consider those perspectives in mode detail, to have the whole picture.


C) The economic->military causes of the Holocausts. From usury to anti$emitism to antiSSemitism.

The go(l)d culture, soliton of metal-information have built a memeplex of hate to the human capital they price with segregational memes that blind them to the collateral effect of go(l)d, and its null value to life – including theirs. So they ill have no problem as their history shows to provoke yet another pecunia belli nervi cycle of infinite profits, and then once the robotic radiation of weapons kill them all sacrifice their lives and that of their sons till the 7 generation for the sake of money unless rational, scientific EU-US-CHINA displace them from top of the pyramid of capitalism and stop their M.A.D.ness imposing a rational science of history to guide mankind into a perfect world that serve our species, they love to hate even if they are humans too

jewishholocaust cylec

This graph from a 30 years old obviously never published book, the Jewish Paradox, the most authoritative book on the Duality of the Am Segullah and the Habiru and its cycles of accumulation of wealth (top of the paradox) and self-destruction by greed and occultation of facts (bottom state of the cycle), explains the duality of the cycle, and WHY instead of ending the cycle, by reforming capitalism, the top of the Jewish society survives and the bottom of non-guilty die precisely because they NEVER r=evolved against its top ‘banksters’ and on top they HIDE them with the different versions of the H.Industry.

Today the militaristic greedy culture of banker-priests, the 1% of Judaism, increasingly control Israel, which totally controls the American ‘house slave’, (its financial-media system that imprints as a tabula rassa their people), which in turn controls the world, and on top faces a Jihad of similar primitive warrior memes, and both have managed to completely erase from power, the social, humanist, rational, artistic, scientific European-American enlightenment culture, this future is set, and will happen merely according to the evolutionary laws of robotic machines, which when ‘ready’ to do us all, will be duly used for profitable ‘splendid little wars’.

Thus it is the perfect culture to commit self-suicide once more, and bring mankind to its demise, without even realizing it does so. It is indeed much easier to explain why capitalism is extinguishing mankind departing from that lack of freedom in such go(l)d religion…. unfortunately. Hence it is imperative to denationalize the financial industry from them, ending both the holocaust of the human people and the holocaust of their lower castes, scapegoats of the ab=uses of its elite of banker-priests.

In that regard, paradoxically, the fundamental reason mankind gives an blank check in economics and politics and hides its control of finances, by the Am Segullah is the fear of a repetition of the Holocaust. Since holocausts do have fundamentally, economic causes. So ultimately the creation of the perfect world will obviously eliminate both wars and holocausts; the strategy of the ‘banker-priests’ of merely hiding the perceived causes of those wars and holocausts will bring the same cycles into the future. Since indeed, it seems there is a historic systemic agreement that usury debt is the cause of those holocausts.

So despite the anti-quantum paradox which is maximal in economic sciences, as financial power controls the world and only ‘accepts’ ‘ideologies’  that pass as science, as long as they validate the status quo so financiers  run it ‘smoothly’, we need to explain the meaning of money, its properties as a language of information and how the financial system and its corporations, control the world with its monopoly in the issue of money, origin of the boom and bust cycles of the economy, and the peace and war cycles of history…

Since it is not possible truly to understand the causality of those cycles, without considering elements ‘censored’ by the anti-quantum paradox, which will surface once and again when we try to explain reality as it IS, not as the ‘elite’ that controls the financial media system of machines of information that print money and ‘manufacture’ brains in tune with the system, pretend to be.

Now to resume this lengthy treatise, we shall confront the anti-scientific method of the Industry of Holocaust and its scholars, which simply lie in all those themes, as a method and pass their lies as truths through the Goebbels’ method of repetition ‘if you repeat a lie people will believe’ coupled with censorship of all serious scholars, now ‘banned’, when they try to clarify some of those lies. Let us then quote Abraham Leon, the Jewish social scholar who attempted to find D) democratic solutions to the cycle by following the aforementioned A to D method.

Among those lies he clarified are the denial that Jews practiced usury (they did at 46% minimum annual rate); the affirmation that when they practiced it was because they were segregated by gentiles, without rights to own property or enter guilds (they NEVER WERE denied property rights, and they segregated from gentiles, NOT the other way around. So for example rabbis cut the noses of women who mated gentiles, which in Talmud are considered animals, and judged those crimes as ‘bestialism’.

Finally a conspicuous falsity – that the expulsion of usurers, ruined nations, when on the contrary it was precisely when nations flourished and proper banking was established when Jews were spelt and massacred – no longer needed. So in renaissance Italy when Florentines learned banking they disappeared. In Spain after they were expelled in 1476 the nation entered is golden age, creating a global empire, destroyed latter by the Jewish-Calvinist first slave companies from Holland and England, where they had also been expelled for usury, when Italian bankers could do the job at better interest rates (returning then with William, the Dutch king in the glorious revolution, when they bought the parliament at 2 million guilder a piece, according to IOUs signed by Lopes Suaso, established The City and governed the Empire ever since with their private bank of England). So Abraham Leon clarifies:

‘ In England, in the period of King Henry II (second half of the twelfth century) = they are already involved up to the hilt in usury They are generally very rich and their clientele is composed of the great landed proprietors. The most famous of these Jewish bankers was a certain Aaron of Lincoln, very active at the end of the twelfth century. King Henry II alone owed him one hundred thousand pounds, a sum equal to the annual budget of the Kingdom of England at this time.

Thanks to the extremely high rate of interest-it fluctuated between 43 and 86 percent—a large number of estates of the nobility had passed into the hands of the Jewish usurers. The dispossessed nobility would avenge itself by organizing massacres of the Jews. In 1189, the Jews were massacred in London, Lincoln, and Stafford. A year later, the nobility, led by a certain Malebys, destroyed the Scaccarium Judaeorum of York. The notes were solemnly burned. The Jews, besieged in the chateau, committed suicide.’

‘Everywhere in Western Europe, and in part in Central Europe, the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth centuries are the epoch of the development of Jewish usury. But economic evolution brings about its rapid decline. The definitive expulsion of the Jews took place at the end of the thirteenth century in England, at the end of the fourteenth century in France, at the end of the fifteenth century in Spain. These dates reflect the difference in the speed of economic development within these countries. The thirteenth century is an epoch of economic flowering in England.

For Spain it is the fifteenth century which is the high point of the process wherein the Spanish kingdoms “developed their commerce and added to their wealth. Sheep began to cover the countryside, and in the trade with the North of Europe Spanish began to compete with English wool. The exports of wool to the Low Countries were considerably increased, and sheep-farming began to give Castile its characteristic aspect and to enrich the nobility There was also an increasing trade with the North in iron from Bilboa, olive oil, oranges and pomegranates.”

Rewriting history into a fairy tale.

The problem of go(l)d’s zero values for life and maximal for weapons and death is quite obvious: to enact those values a culture that believes in them must kill the truth of the wor(l)d and so a type of mythic, anti-verbal civilization must be born to uphold its values. The problem of mankind abandoning its anti$emitic millenarian reproach of those go(l)d values is that there is today zero awareness or control of the brutality of capitalism, the final stage of evolution of the go(l)d culture. The problem for judaism, is that no longer blamed of the brutality of its history – on the contrary converted from perpetrator into victim, it has unleashed in wall street an astoundingly selfish ab=use of mankind at distance with money which chokes the species and menaces our survival. But it is my judgment truth? Of course, history has been rewritten even now at scholar level.
An example will suffice: in the Middle Ages, judaism was exploiting people with 46% of usury on gold loans to pay taxes to princes. Peasants were paying on species, so they would never loose the land. But jewish usurers imposed taxes on gold, and put a yearly usury of 46 to 82%, so in two years the peasants would loose their land; and the usurer would claim it or else would take a son as ‘servant’ to the ghetto. Peasants would give the sons so they could keep the land and feed its other children. But why sons? Because the radhanite slave trade network could sell a castrato to a harem in Baghdad for 1000 gold ‘grains’, so they would be castrated in the ghetto. Yet 1/3rd would die bleeding to death and thrown to the gutter. The parents would find his ‘servant son’ dead, and bloodless, and would assault the ghetto. This trade went on for centuries, provoked all kind of massacres of children and revenge of parents. And yet all this is censored. Today it is called the blood libel, according to which brutish peasants thought with no reason that jewish drunk the blood of their children – no mention of the real thing. So it is a trademark of antisemitism and a proof of the inherent evil of humans. And indeed, it is false, a myth that they drunk the blood – but the truth is even nastier, they killed the children for gold. So wikipedia doesn’t lie: the blood libel is a myth. It just omits information. TODAY History is rewritten omitting information. Capitalism has become a fairy tale. Metal has lost its eviL values, Judaism, the origin of capitalism is sacred, so are machines, company-mothers. etc. BUT VIRTUAL history is NOT going to change the action-reaction cycles of the darwinian Universe.

Now imagine none of this rewriting happened. An honest jewish elite realized after I and II world war that the belli Nervi pecunia infinita cycle had to stop, and accepted the objective truth that man must be above gold and greed. And accepted its part on the blame of the cycle. Wouldn’t we be in a much better world, with a humanist, EU like American society, caring for their people, with health-care, proper education, working together for a peaceful world, investing money in useful companies? Of course. Instead we have a run amok elite gearing our demise by robots and terminators for profits, and on top feeling justified by the evilness of mankind, a despicable species, and anyone who dares to speak the science of history like this blog, will never be published, quoted, distributed…

In any case a blog that pretends to be objective and provide biological, cyclical patterns for a future science of history and human solutions to our existential crisis, can only explain the facts and SPECIALLY ITS CAUSES. We don’t explain so much facts, as it was intended to be a web for other scholars to have a ‘MODEL’ of biological history, which IF Historians were honest COULD FILL with all the data, as IT HAS BEEN. As the fairy tale of history now is reinforced with increasing brutality – nobody dares anymore to speak up on the truths of capitalism and so the web is basically over. But it had to be tried. Because only a real science of history that PUTS MAN AS A BIOLOGICAL BEING ABOVE ITS CORRUPTED MEMES COULD HAVE MADE US SURVIVE, WHICH IS THE ULTIMATE GOAL OF BIO-HISTORY. CAPITALISM will extinguish mankind, regardless of the virtual fairy tales we make of it, as the tragic cycles of exploitation of mankind and murder of judaism show in the past. Nothing has changed in that sense – only the complexity of the way in which go(l)d ab-uses humanity and virtual screens of fairy tales disguise it. So as a warning we shall bring the key matter of this web: SURVIVAL AS A PROOF OF THE SUCCESS OF A CULTURE:


THE GOAL OF CULTURES: SURVIVAL Vs. GO(L)D AND WAR CULT(URE)S. In the graphs, we illustrate with the golden calf, the eusocial prophet of Love, the wor(l)d that became man, and the founder of the science of ballistics and lineal time, Galileo, artillery master of the Venice Arsenal, the 3 TOP CULTURES OF THE PLANET by their control of the 3 languages of social power, whose values are written below the illustrations and are maximal for life in wor(l)ds and minimal both in weapons and gold which kill life of null value, enacting together the pecunia infinita belli Nervi cycle that triggered the 800-80-8 years cycles of wars and holocausts: -Legalist, social WOR(L)D-ruled, China, run always by lawyers, and verbal masters has the maximal survival rate of the species.

-The leader in the evolution of machines/weapons (germans, who invented most of the mass destruction weapons of history and systematically massacred European wor(l)d cultures, from the times of the Celtic ‘Barbarians’, through the German invaders, across the age of religious Wars, into the 2 global wars they trig erred in the XXI century, to its present IV reich based in the robotisation of all industries and end of human labor), is of all the European cultures the one who fared worst. -But nothing compares to the paltry success on survival by the nation with the highest rent and maximal stockholder of metal earth, with its fetish-Go(l)d memes expanded through calvinism and classic economics to the entire capitalist world. Indeed, the jewish culture of ‘Israel’ divided in 2 classes: Israel proper, mostly converted Kazars, survivors of the European war, scapegoats of the economic holocaust cycle with only an 8% of racial purity – hence ultimately not even them are survivors of the ancient Hebrew, and the other 1/2, mostly from the upper class of ‘Am Segullah’ (people of the treasure)owners of the financial-media industry the west, from City and Wall Street dedicated to print ad nauseam money and hate memes and misleading information about history and mankind… So the rate of success by the only objective, factual measure in the organic, biological Universe – SURVIVAL – as it is, is clear. Go(l)d memes mean what they say: Death to life, long life to weapons and the cycles of holocausts and wars.

We are making here NO subjective judgments on wars, holocausts, poverty, wealth, racist memes, whatever you dish out to blame god, the Universe, thy neighbour… of those cycles of death, just stating a MATHEMATICAL NUMBER of survival and a core language of beliefs for each of those 3 cultures in history. You might even deny as it is customary today that Germany is a historic culture of war, Judaism a go(l)d culture and China a legalist culture – virtual denial and rewriting of history does NOT change the scientific objective truths of those graphs. We are not talking subjectively, JUST stating objective facts as they are: SURVIVAL IS MAXIMAL IN CULTURES THAT UPHOLD THE ETHIC VALUES OF THE WOR(L)D WHICH GIVE LIFE MAXIMAL VALUE AND MINIMAL IN THOSE WHO UPHOLD IRRATIONALLY THE VALUES OF GO(L)D WHICH GIVE 0 VALUE TO LIFE. CHINA RULED for 5000 years by legal words, always against military solutions, the last nation to receive iron weapons and go(l)d coins HAD 5000 years ago around the SAME population than the other 2 cultures, when the Neolithic ended FIRST in Levante and then in Germanic Europe, whose elite people-castes adopted the ‘new languages of power’ to rule the world and emitted a series of racist, segregational memes as superior races, establishing a new age of slavery and warfare. Indeed, in the roman census, Judaism was 10% of the population, back in the III millennium before, the Cananean culture of Phoenician sea traders (extinguished by romans) and Israeli caravan traders (nearly extinguished by them), represented an even larger number. While Celts (swiss hallstatt iron culture) and then Germans (departing from stockholm iron mines) occupied 1/2 of Europe, but the Chinese Han only the upper part of the Yellow river…

It was then when the ‘Germanic iron culture’ and the Jewish Go(l)d culture started their series of war and holocaust cycles shunning off for ever since, the power of the Law, the human language and its ethic values above those of greed and violence instilled by go(l)d and weapons, to rule society. So they started a 3000 years and still going-strong war to control Europe and the World with capitalist and militaristic hate-memes. First against the legalist Greek-Roman culture for which ‘money was legal tender, nomisma, in Aristotelian terms, and weapons had to obey the law, AND IN THIS MANNER MAN WOULD STILL BE THE MEASURE OF ALL THINGS AND COULD CONTROL THE EVOLUTION OF WEAPONS AND MACHINES.

Indeed, two quotes one of words, by the master of the Roman Law, Cicero, author of ‘res publica’ (from where republic comes) on the fetish-gold culture, and one fact of the Chinese, equivalent verbal culture in the East shows that IF LAW ABOVE GOLD AND WEAPONS, IF REASON AND HUMAN SUPREMACY WERE IN PLACE, THERE WOULD NOT BE ‘MANIFEST DESTINY’ AS ROBOTISTS AND CAPITALIST CEOs of weapons and electronic industries pretend (they tell you the mantra that robots and A.I. and terminators are ‘unavoidable’ – of course if you are a barbarian, if you are as Aristotle put it a ‘human slave (that) believes (in gold and iron) does not reason’ it is unavoidable.  “Nervi belli, pecunia infinita–

The nervous system of war is inflationary money” ~Cicero, Philippics. Hence he proposed to control it always both, money and weapons with laws, as Rome did during its ‘res public’ age Indeed, in a free eco(nomic)system our extinction is unavoidable under THE ACTION-REACTION newtonian CYCLES OF WARS for profits because those who do war to man  deny their own species – mankind.

So now China has 100th times more people on Earth that the worst-faring culture of the world – the one who has accumulated more fetish Gold. The trade off thus is obvious: The dominant animetal cult(ure)s, military/mechanical germany of the goths and the Jewish chosen of go(l)d religion do NOT fare well in the ONLY true measure of success as a memetic culture. All germans together (±90 mill. if we ad Austrians Swiss) are 16th in the list of world cultures despite the amazing historic record of military power and mechanical dexterity, today on top of the robotic Industrial r=evolution 4.0 that will extinguish all labor. Israel is by far the worst on record, with 0.1%, 0.2% of world population despite the amazing go(l)d power of its people in go(l)d terms (54% of the American 1%, ALL central bankers of the West, 80% of CEOs of financial top 500 fortune, in an absolute monopoly on the issue of money and its ab=use to guide humans, origin of the economic cycle of the holocausts). Now the ‘strategy’ of survival of this elite is to blame mankind, hide the control and convince their commoners who have nothing to do with it, that if they reform the system, revolve against their elites of banker-priests and join mankind in love for the common good, they will be murdered by us, hateful people.

So they achieve the unthinkable, the repetition of the cycle: The truth is that, without censorship, the cycle of wars and holocausts, go hand in hand with the behaviour of the germanic and jewish elites, the military iron cultures and go(l)d cultures of human slavery and greed that ab=use mankind and misuse their people as warriors and tax farmers, for ever since. And ultimately is the way the common oppression of mankind by those 2 cultures end: On one hand the military murders an loots the banker, on the other hand, the banker is a biblical  go(l)d believer who issue money in monopoly as they are $elected to own the system, print money for themselves and ignore the rest of mankind and its needs, without credit because we are an inferior race, who on top of that hates them. Yes, I am not crazy.

This is actually what our elite of bankers, overwhelmingly belonging to an ultra-orthodox bronze age sect of animetals think. And you too unfortunately if you belong to the ‘blind’ body of western civilizations, they own. And while usury and war for profits does NOT justify murder, only economic and political reform, it is important to understand the causality of the cycle of war and holocausts – the real data, the real causes not the fantasy tale, which are biological action-reaction processes of murder at distance through money and revenge in close range through weapons happening during war periods, which end in holocaust processes after the entire mankind has been massacred, NOT before. So the solution is easy: don’t massacre mankind ethically with hate memes, physically with weapons overproduction, and then try just to deny it all. It does NOT work.In the graph, the bias of Idol-ogies of the 3 cult(ure)s of entropic weapons, dominant in the germ(anic) culture of ‘physicists’, organic machines that atrophy our senses, dominant in the British>USA culture of ‘consumers’ and informative go(l)d that hypnotises the brain with greed, suppresses oxytocin and enslaves people, dominant in the biblical culture of Jewish-protestant fetish religions.

As those 3 carrier cultures discovered and mass-produced first iron weapons, machines and money, thus carrying till today those memes from where we must explain all its idol-ogies, including their pretentious lineal ‘time physics’ (the theoretical justification of its wordily profession, to make weapons of mass-destruction, mostly ‘discovered’ by Germ-anic entropic theorists, from the genocidal culture that has massacred Europe in all its 800-80 cycles), techno-utopian nerdie theories of consumption (US-main philosophy of the meaning of existence that has degraded their population to the present astounding mind devolution in the chip age) and jewish capitalist economics that justifies the exploitation of mankind with their monopolistic issue of money (72% of economic nobel prizes, 90% of western CEOs and CFOs of central banks and 1000 fortune companies, being o.o2% of its people).

If there is indeed a proof of the lethal consequences of metal species in its competition with mankind are the actions and beliefs of those 3 dominant animetal cultures in History – the genocidal Germans, the retarded Americans, the suicidal Jewish memes and its carriers which will NOT evolve their minds, deny truth, rewrite history and science to keep doing what they do best – destroy life, Gaia and the future of the planet, merrily thinking they are ‘superior’ to all of us living beings, because they have their fetish metal and found it ‘first’ (BREXIT, American First, Apartheid Israel being the essential axis of eviL=antilive memes and segregational behaviour towards the rest of humans even today).

Differences between germanism and judaism, wasp and Jap rule of America.
So first we need to understand what is entropy and information:

entropy is lineal motion, the shortest distance between two points; its systems destroy form, its inverse, which is cyclical, the geometry of maximal volume. In all systems both limbs/fields of entropy-motion merge with cyclical particles/heads of information to reproduce body-waves of energy, the balanced form. Animetal cultures though specialize in entropic lineal weapons or cyclical go(l)d tailoring its memes to their idolized substance, ex-vote of ‘god’

in the graph we see the essence of the Universal ‘trinity’ that ‘Generates’ life systems, which already taoist balanced life cultures understood:
yin-information and yang-entropy combine to create the infinite qi-energy beings.
We said today in systemics that the Universe is made of organisms of space-form and time-motion-entropy, which combined to create the reproductive body-waves of energy of all Natural systems.
It follows that a balanced human culture, based in our natural rational verbal language, above the values of external metal idols, seeks ‘mens sana in corpore sanum’ – the balance of the energetic body and the mind of verbal ethic social thought, and love, following the LAWS OF SURVIVAL OF THE UNIVERSE.
Animetal cult(ure)s however are deformed and either love information and abhor entropy as Judaism does, by imitation of its single go(l)d meme, informative metal, or abhor information and love entropy as warrior cultures do with its lineal swords.
Germans thus had Thor, a sword impaled upwards in an anvil where they threw the children of their captured enemies, while Judaism had along other Phoenician religions when they were all called cananeans gold statues to Baal, whom they sacrificed their children.
YET IN SYSTEMS SCIENCES an excess of Entropy causes accidental death and an excess of information causes death in an old age.
So the imbalance of both cultures are the DEFINITIONs  of death at cultural lelve.
ENTROPY ERASE information AND INFORMATION parasites energy and exhausts a system that stops working. And both type of systems die, without a balance and a reproductive body-wave of energy that iterates the system and finds its balance with nature.
Yet as we said, both are inverse arrows in the Universe, with inverse properties which only COMBINE TO FIND THE BALANCE OF ENERGY, in reproductive life-oriented systems, and humanist cultures based in eusocial love, the sharing of energy and information among human beings that creates a healthy superorganism of history.
It follows from those obvious facts that Germanism and Judaism are the perfect memeplexes to ensure the death of its people by imbalance both with Nature, and with the world of humans they exploit absorbing its re=productive energy with parasitic, enslaving banking and murderous military aristocracies.
Yet both cultures care nothing to understand HISTORY, THE RATIONAL LAWS OF SOCIAL ORGANISMS, AND THE MEANING OF MANKIND BECAUSE BOTH DENY THE TRUTH OF THE WOR(L)D, THE LAWS OF EUSOCIAL EVOLUTION, DESPISE mankind, and constantly produce hate memes and racist memes against humanity, even if they are at first sight inverse in ‘form’ as entropy which is ‘big, evident, simple, lineal, motion-limb oriented, physical’ is – the opposite of information which is ‘small, hidden, complex, cyclical, mind-oriented’. So are their inverse cultures:
Germanism needed to show its entroptic weapon to impose the fear of death, and had no concerns to show its evil murderous memes. On the contrary it display them, since entropy and information have inverse values; which became mimetic of the memeplex of both cultures, with seemingly inverse memes in all fields, by imitation of the properties of its ‘sacred vehicles’ of God. Some example will suffice:
– Germanism is body-oriented, racist at genetic level, since iron kills the body and the warrior must exercise the body to control the weapons.
-Judaism is mind oriented, racist at memetic level, since gold is a cyclical form of in-form-ation, and the banker must exercise mind control and learn to operate with numbers.
-German art is massive, ‘energetic’, lineal, simple, ‘entropic’, as the line of its swords; Jewish art is ‘baroque’ small, with profusion of forms, jewelry or golden ex-votes, cyclical patterns, informative.
-Germanic languages are agglutinative, with long lineal unbreakable words that are absolute falsehoods uphold as absolute truths, a race of believers, with ‘square heads’ and no doubt on their exceptionalism path of destruction. Jewish languages and those of similar go(l)d beliefs (English from the amber ring turned into calvinist, jewish memes) are broken with shorter words, easy to combine into paradoxical truths, with little respect for truth, hidden hypocresy and a systemic rewriting of history, as a language of information power as long as it is invisible and not easily decoded by those who are manipulated with it.
What the two cultures though have in common is, their common repression of life memes (sex=reproduction of life is a sin, military discipline represses eusocial love, the sacred books of judaism are extremely racist calling human capital animals, and its morning prayers ask God to extinguish the sons of satan, gentiles, women and dogs). They MUST degrade mankind with hate memes so as to come on top. And as they know they are evil (and evil is a systemic theme of their culture, from Loki god of evil, to hells and evil people – all who opposes the power of gold), but must feel above mankind as superior animetals, they systematically consider mankind evil, and project all their cultural defects on humanity, so both cultures are paranoid, void of any empathy to humanity, sadist in its ministration of massive poverty or murder to the humans they exploit.
As cultures became more complex though those memes became far more sophisticated and specially in judaism, a culture of information which is complex and hides its power as all languages do, became specially able in the creation of myths, damned lies and statistics, rewriting the entire history of mankind with the industry of the holocaust, where the action-reaction processes of war for profits, r=evolution, poverty and revenge against tax-farmers, parasitic bankers, war-investors and the commoners that exploited to the service of aristocratic warriors themes of mankind, were reduced to the final act of murder, which on top is not explained as it happens at the hands of the rival animetal germanic or military tribes, but all mankind, the exploited 99% is accused of murdering judaism.  This thus allow to justify in the final version of the hate memes of judaism to mankind the exploitation of people by Wall Street parasitic bankers, the 60 years and counting concentration camp of Gaza and its ‘terrorists’ hordes that hate us and the systemic debasing of mankind and fascist militaristic movies of evil wood…
Man is evil because we are eviL and we believe in go(l)d values that give zero value to life and maximal to weapons that kill mankind resumes then the underlying idol-ogies of military and financial cultures, of which Germanism and judaism, today married in America – the civilization of evil and death – are its paramount cases.
And needless to say those cultures will achieve the subconscious values of metal, the rival species of life to extinguish mankind, with its terminator robots (as they fear humans not autonomous killing robots, life not weapons), its virtual screens that are fast reducing the brain of humans to selfie rubble bubbles, and as they have for thousands of years reinvented history, falsifying the nature of the Universe, from its entropic germanic big-bang theories of reality – that conveniently forget we live in a vortex of attractive information, called the galaxy that neither expands nor exploded but is the balanced force of an immortal fractal Universe – to the astounding primitivism of biblical religions, where a historic book of fetish gold supremacism is considered the meaning of it all.
it is the paradox of animetal cultures, which have the minimal evolution of its rational mind, reduced to emotional ego-trips, cannot even understand eusocial love, the force of the scalar organic Universe that builds superorganisms and reject any attempt of humanist thinkers and prophets of eusocial love to make them understand they are living beings, not metal beings and belong to the human race, a single species, not to the tribal race.


V. Age of machines.

Company-mothers substitute animal cultures.



‘Capitalism is the astounding belief that the wickedest of all people, will do the wickedest of all things for the common good’.  Keynes

In the next graph from the 92.c book, Bio-history, the key fight for control of Earth between the Spanish military companies, a repetition of the Roman concept of a legalist, aristocratic empire, and the new top predator species, the company-mother of machine weapons, whose control on planet Earth became ever since rather absolute, as its model expanded globally and thanks to the use of ‘metal-communicators’ (yellow press, radio, Tv-fictions) has been able to camouflage its power with the help of powerless inefficient politico systems of ‘democracy’, invented for that purpose:

Company-mothers of weapons-machines conquered the world as they made obsolete companies of warriors. The last Human world empire, the iberian conquistadors, strongest Human warriors, selected on the 800 arch of Animetal waves coming from Korea to Spain where the survivors learned to enjoy life had in tiny boats with a 10% survival rate created a global empire, which the Company of Gunboats, VOC easily erased from a tiny nation, Holland, within 2 decades. Such is the speed at which a new top predator reproductive species liquidates the mighty old ‘dinosaur’. Then VOC migrated to London in 1688 in the glorious r=evolution with all the tools of the modern world, stock-markets to invent digital money speculating in shares, a central bank to print and legalise companies-money yellow press to print hate memes and money, artillery to kill at distance, slave workers as cargo and shipmen, a go(l)d biblical cult(ure) to money and segregational memes, and scientific racism, worship of technology, clocks to enslave human time to a salary, stockrats on top running faked democracies with a single war party, then split in a consumption one with the arrival of machines. The modern world was born and in 300 hundred years terraformed the Earth, prepared now for the new role-model nation of the age of robotics, Israel, the nation of the stockrats which will build the first optic chip robot and 3 D automated factories of weapons both in US and the Wall of Shame to exterminate Palestinians and perhaps Chinese… that is, Humanity at large in the last suicidal belli nervi pecunia infinita But of course once the job is done, the ant-hill robotic company of weapons will NOT stop but continue its reproductive radiation and the metal earth will be born…

Stock companies conquered the world as they switch to war ages in colonial, imperialist global war periods, expanding the Capitalist system and its placebo democracies to the entire planet, today perfectly ruled as a super organism of machines, where humans lack any credit increasingly expendableNow, you truly live in a ‘walt disney’ nightmare better expressed by the masters of the ‘British baroque’, the 3rd age of the Steam cycle, before ‘TVs’ made humans visual, irrational, emotional childish species, which in a series of master pieces of non fiction ‘real economic science’ – from Marx to Keynes, and parables of the ‘system’, from Time machine, through Huxley and Orwell, described perfectly the duality of a system that preys systematically on life, since the first ‘company-mothers’ of gunboats invented a systemic form of reproduction of the dual species of the tree of technology machines and its evil twins, weapons and defeated the previous ‘military empires’ of companies of warriors, in the all forgotten fight for global supremacy between the british empire and the Iberian empire, which started in the battle of the Armada.

Then the british realized that even if arguably the Spaniards were better warriors in one-to-one confrontations, as long as they had long range guns to keep them out of the boats and reproduced and evolved better machine-weapons they would carry the day. THE COMPANY-mother of machines-weapons became then the new top predator species of this planet, specialised in looting, piracy and slave trade, converting humans into cargo.

Company-mothers have not changed its ways, nor their idol-ogy, only they have established thanks to audiovisual fictions a ‘kindergarten matrix’ for humans to think they are nice organisms, do care for mankind, and as long as we don’t tell the truth, all will be Ok. But the truth is we live in a biological planet ruled by the Laws of Darwinian struggle between species, based in its rate of reproduction; which is far superior in machines than in life, being increasingly cornered. And so humans basically act as ‘enzymen’ catalysing the evolution of machines to take advantage of its power; but all catalysing systems of evolution ARE discharged once their evolution is completed.

The fundamental transition with the arrival of capitalism happened from WARRIOR ARISTOCRATS with exclusive rights to reproduce the language of power weapons and use it against inferior humans who could not carry weapons and were judged in different courts; to STOKCRATS,with the same privileged rights on the new language of power money, they issue in monopoly (+90% of money today reproduced in stocks, e-money derivative and financial houses), they use to buy part-time the life of people (as workers), to buy laws to politicos; and CANNOT be judged (Anonymous societies which at best dim the company not the stockrat responsible).

So ALL THE PRIVLEGES OF ARISTOCRACIES OF WAR ARE TODAY ON THE HANDS OF STOCK-RACIES OF MONEY, in the so called capitalist democracies, where the polling of pre$elected candidates in inefficient bipartisan democracies is just a ‘genius’ placebo structure to convince people, they rule. In the graph the 3 ages of the new form of metal-dictatorship: the ‘democratic’ colonial age of imperial Europe, and its Capitalist democracies and pyramid of power in the XIX c. Money is on top and its issuers, private dynasties of bankers who also print information with paper rule. Below a screen of, kings or placebo democracies, or religious leaders cover up for them. And if smart people r=evolve, the army will take care. As a distraction it does take care of enemy nations and inferior races, in colonial wars. Then the elite of workers for company-mothers of machines do have the good life, and on the bottom the now obsolete workers to the robots revolution did have then at least the right to food for unending work hours, which soon will be lost.

In that regard perhaps the most profound confusion the world suffers today, is on the understanding of the real   hierarchical order established between the ‘two words’ that describe our system of political and economical government: ‘capitalist democracy’ and the privileges granted to the two organisms they cater for: Company-Mothers of machines, and Human families, which reproduce two different species, machines and human beings.

The free citizens of Capitalism  are stock-market companies, overwhelmingly company-mothers of machines, its re=productive free citizens, whose goal in order to get profits for its stock holders on the sales of those machines, is to evolve, reproduce, and sell those machines.

The human goal of those companies affects only to the 0.002% of mankind that owns them and so it is gets profit from those sales. Yet those profits are completely irrelevant to the 99.9% of humanity affected by its real effect son the planet: to reproduce and evolve machines,  terraforming in the process the world, which they adapt through laws and sales to those machines, to the image and likeness of its offspring of mechanisms.

AND BECAUSE unlike human Mothers, those company-mothers have absolute rights to credit, used also liberally to pay politicos to promote with its laws their offspring of machines, since the beginning of the Industrial r=evolution, mankind has suffered an exact non-stop generational, biological process of evolution of energies and its informative, military and transport machines, as all the resources of the planet have been geared first to that aim, and only WHAT IS LEFT-OVER, has been used to feed and reproduce and help the evolution of human-mothers, its social and family structures.

For example, the goal of mercedes for its tiny group of stock-holders is the abstract reception of profits. But the real goal of the company is to build and evolve cars, today self-driving robocars, soon to have autonomous solar skins, and construct or convince politicians to construct the networks of energy and information, roads, GPS satellites, electric grids, and oil pipes to provide energy and information for those machines in a process that is obviously absorbing resources and space, from the other life species that need them. So today cars absorb 1/4th of the maize America reproduces, and no longer feeds humans and cattle, whose food prices rise.

And the land of many cities and territories become criss-crossed and barren to be used by machines.

What about human families? Our goals of existence as human families are obviously the same than those of company-mothers regarding their machines, but focused as it should be on our children.

So what we want is to have enough energy to feed them, enough information to educate them, and terraform the world to the image and likeness of human beings, to be able to roam the planet Gaia, enjoy life and its drive of existence, evolve socially in peace with other human beings and reproduce more children.

This is exactly what company-mothers of machines are doing so successfully, evolving, reproducing and integrating into planetary social networks its machines.

But humans are failing to achieve those goals for themselves. Why?  There is no computer without energy, or proper internet connection to which the economic system dedicates billions of dollars. But most humans are undernourished and information is primitive at best, when there is information at all. There is no limit to the motion of machines on planet Earth a global free market for the reproduction, evolution and transfer of machines and money from companies, but humans are limited in motions by borders, in money by the lack of any rights to invent it, which companies have.

Can the reproductive units of human societies access the languages of social power, money ad the laws, to create a real, demand-based democracy, kicking the preproduction and consumption of life goods they need to survive, and investing in a world made to the image and likeness of human beings?

The obvious truth is NOT. As today the most segregated, underfunded, with less rights, clearly unjustly treated element of our societies is the human mother, which is – let us remember it, as it seems humans have forgotten – the origin of OUR life, the bearer of our species, the fundamental element that pegs together our families, ensures our survival and happiness. So this fact seems a bit of a contradiction with the notion that we live in a democracy, the government of the people.

The combined GDP of 500 million people living in 3 of the top 8 most populous nations in the Earth with null credit is equivalent to the stock price of Apple (and the other MAGA components of the future brain of the metalearth). Apple specifically is the leading company of future metal-minds, its I-phones that will act as ‘detached’ head of all type of machines, with absolute credit to reproduce and evolve them. Since investors are pricing its obvious future: to displace human brain from labor and war fields as the new consumers of the organic machines of that future, in which humans will become obsolete.

stock markets swing low up

10% FUTURE FOR MANKIND AND ITS HUMAN MOTHERS. We live in a world controlled by company-mothers of machines, or ‘capitalist world’ where the rights of human mothers are not met by the ‘attached’ placebo system, called ‘democracy’, as humans lack credit to create a world to its image through the use of the language of social power, money, overwhelmingly reproduced by those companies in e-money derivatives and stocks. So the world is terraformed to the image and likeness of machines, not of human beings. This site, unlike every economist on planet Earth, albeit camouflaged by its ‘abstract equations’ of productivity and profit, is taking sides for the human mother and the species called mankind, which happen to be your species, different in needs and goals to those of the machine. The failure to recognize the needs of mankind and the connection between economics and history to which it should be submissive, and the blind greedy dictatorship of financiers that rule humans with numbers, without the slightest care for its needs, are then ultimately the reasons why we are becoming displaced and likely extinct this century by company-mothers, robots and weapons in labor and war fields.

Therefore the big question about our system is why Company-mothers are so successful achieving their goals of evolution, reproduction and terraforming of the Earth to the image and likeness of machines? And why human mothers are so miserable?  Simply enough because we do NOT live in a world ruled and dedicated to human beings.

I shall repeat it ad nauseam to counter the opposite effect of repetition of happy newspeak of freedom and optimism by company-mothers of informative machines, aka mass-media: you DO not live in a free world, in a real democracy, as you DO not rule that world. Company-mothers do; since they are the only Free citizens of free markets, with full,  free access to the two languages of power of our social organisms: the economic. reproductive language of money, that can buy and sell the lifetime of both human beings and machines;  and the informative, nervous language of Laws that money systematically buy to ‘politicos’, which don’t have rights to issue money (deficit zero laws) and must extort citizens from it (taxation), while companies issue it for free in e-money derivatives and stocks.

The graph shows the consequence of this indifference of economists and its capitalist system to humanity: the ‘future’ head of machines, a mobile ear/camera/brain, which soon will be ‘attached’ to robocars and any moving camera, as a detached head, displacing all humans of labor and war fields, the iPhone is worth more than the living beings of 3 of the most populous nations of the world, still dominated by the pre-machine agricultural civilization. What this biased pricing in favor of machines tell us is that we humans are expendable and are being spent.

While in the side of humans a organization which IS submissive to the capitalist system, called Democracy, tries to make a world to its image and likeness, delivering the goods human mothers need to reproduce. And what people do NOT understand is that both mother SYSTEMS and species, and organizations are different, and while there are obvious symbiotic processes between them – as machines enhance our energy and information capacity, in most cases, SPECIALLY IN THE ROBOTIC AI AGE, when machines become autonomous species, competition is the rule of the game, and HUMANITY is loosing that competition.

The system is very obvious and simple, reason why it must be hidden behind a lot of ‘placebos’ like ‘democracies’ are – since humans have no right to issue the language of social power money, so there is no democracy, and people cannot judge a posteriori politicians, as in the original greek democracy so they don’t need to fulfill their promises and can be corrupted by financiers and companies, sos there is no democracy.

Let us then explain you in 3 sentences what is all about: the leading global stockmarkets, notably US Wall Street at global level and The City in the region of the old British empire suck in all the money of the world, from all the corrupted politicos and dictators of the 3rd world, TO MAKE POSSIBLE THE VALUATION OF APPLE or Amazon close to 1 trillion, but that means THERE IS ZERO INVESTMENT IN THE 90% of mankind, in those nations. So every dictator and rich guy of Argentine, Saud Arabia or Virginia puts his money on Goldman Sachs to invest in the future robotized Amazon depots, or the future Skynet system Google is building for the pentagon, while there is ZERO INVESTMENT IN WELFARE goods, hospitals, education, farming, THE GOODS HUMANS CONSUME and need to survive.


But why humans seem comfortable with the situation, in which 90% of mankind has nothing and all the investments of society are dedicated to improve machines? The answer is Simple even if the system of deceit is complex: it is called Placebo Democracy; a system that APPEALS TO THE EGO of people, making them believe they rule, BUT DENIES them the rule over money, the language of social power, which BUYS LAW.

A topic ‘propaganda’ graph of placebo democracies, which appeals to the ego, hides the rule of money over the law and insists on the equality of all humans by birth, denying the obvious pyramids of ‘democratic power’.

So the world you live in, started NOT with democracies, a placebo system installed by the first company-mothers of machines-weapons but with the invention of inflationary paper money and stocks, in Holland. Then in Amsterdam, with its new financial power, the XVII Herren, the ‘board’ of the first corporation gave a coup d’etat against the legitimate king and took over the parlament, establishing the first system of Biblical capitalism and ‘creationist economics’, where the chosen of go(l)d – those who believe in money above the law came on top of society.

They would classify humans into chosen ‘races’ and inferior species, based in  technological racism,  which divides ever since humans in those who ‘own metal-weapons, go(l)d and machines’ the superior people with a ‘manifest’ destiny, to develop ‘metal-memes’ and those primitives who still worship the Tree of life.

So gunboats companies started to cre(dit)ate a different kind of global empire, based NOT in the ethic values of the wor(l)d that puts man always above the object (Man<verb<object), as the subject of the language, but in fetish go(l)d, in money, a digital language that compares man and machine and discharges the less efficient: Man (salary) ≤money ≥ Object (price). But above both, comes money the ‘new language of social power’, worshipped by its Biblical prophets (‘Gold is the intelligence of God’ Calvin).

Money applied to Industrial technology would be over weapons too, as now the company-mother of weapons not the warrior company wins all sea battles as its guns are so powerful they can kill at distance regardless of the bravery of the soldier. So money, technological companies and its weapons will define the power of empires. While people will no longer be ruled by the old system of religious beliefs on the ‘sacred grace of the king-warrior’, but beliefs in the sacred power of technology, and the makers of weapons, physicists in the theoretical realm; while the people-caste of aristocratic warriors will be substituted by the people-caste of merchants and stock- rats, owners of those companies. Yet since people must ‘remain ignorant to stay obedient’ (Calvin)  a sophisticated system of placebo freedoms called democracy will be established for people to think they rule even if their chosen ‘presidents are $elected, not elected.’ Roosevelt. As parties all belong to different groups of stockrats, sponsoring the same idol-ogy

Indeed as soon as the first weapons companies were created in Holland, inventing a new form of money, paper money, they soon dominated all elements of society, including the political system. Placebo democracies were invented NOT by the people, but by the first Company specialized in the reproduction of gunboats – in fact there was NOT yet the placebo bipartisan system but a single party, the orange party whose representatives were mostly stock-holders of the first Gunboat company, VOC, dedicated to sell weapons, slaves and re=produce gunboats (even if today the placebo historicism tell us this was a war of liberation and VOC a ‘spices’ company – when the bulk of its profits came from selling artillery to all contenders of the 30 years war that would kill 1/3rd of the people of Germany). Then they migrated to London with the 1688 glorious revolution, when to escape the French invasion of Holland, 2 million guilders were paid to each British parliamentary to oust their legitimate king and choose the Dutch king that disembarked with the gold of the Amsterdam Bank and imposed the same system, where companies are a state above the state, to the point when they established the City, the king would have to ask permission to enter it to its major.

While the money of the system would no longer be printed by kings but by companies and the private bank of England. It was then also when the custom to call private banks by the name of the nation to make people-believe they also owned the supply of money was established. And soon as the cycles of the economy switched between ages of peaceful consumption of machines by humans and war consumption of humans by its ‘evil twins’ weapons, the ‘orange party’ divided in the party of war (the tories) and the party of peace (the whigs) according to the best economical conditions for the profits of the gunboat corporations.

As ‘Historicism’ rules and is indeed essential to this blog on social sciences; Historic Gnosis is the understanding that in Humanity, ALL is biased by culture, including the pretentious concept of ‘science’, and so causality requires to understand the ‘history’ of any ideology or science to find its errors and biases.

So even before we go further, it would be important to ‘deal’ with the so-called ‘birth of capitalist, placebo democracies’:

Reformed Holland, the birthplace of religious capitalism and placebo democracies, based in parliaments ruled by stockrats and financiers owners of the first company-mothers of gunboats and slave traffic, latter expanded to England with the ‘glorious revolution’, and US through New Amsterdam, set up a ‘religious’ concept of economics and its dominance over society, where the ‘placebo politico system’, either a bipartisan quarreling group of ‘lawyers’ of those companies, or military dictators, would appear to ‘rule’, and care for citizens. 

Four hundred years ago, the Dutch East India Company – the most powerful business in the world – was trading all across the Indian Ocean.

It was set up in 1602 as the world’s first multinational with trading posts in Africa and Asia. It employed more than 30,000 people – at a time when there were less than 2 million Dutch altogether. So if we add a normal 6 people family, a 10% of Dutch worked for the company that truly owned all the institutions of the nation and set up a system of power completely to its service, as placebo capitalist democracies will be ever since. It was indeed this system of power which moved in 1688 to London, acquired the city privileges on the English money and refunded the merchant’s parlament and kingdom, buying the crown and throwing the legitimate king.

Finally this system would take hold in America, after a dispute between companies both side of the Atlantic. And latter its parties will split into the Republicans, the party promoted by Companies that profited with war more (railroad companies that started the civil war) and Democrats, the party that represented peaceful consumption. But wars were economical disputes between companies, first between British and New England gunboat companies which did not want to pay higher taxes (Boston tea party), and then between gunboat companies that wanted to carry south cotton to Europe where it got higher prices and railroad companies that wanted to impose a tariff on gunboats and cotton exported to Europe to get it cheaper for its northern mills.

The tariff question though would be disguised by Northern railroad corporations under the abolition banner, which again shows an essential element of placebo democracies, the disguise with newspeak of caring of the financial reasons of politics, as ‘the politics of America are the business of America’. Indeed, Lincoln a railroad lobbyist would take long to abolish slavery an as soon as the war ended Jim Crow laws would return ‘de facto’ southern black to a similar situation.

This is the origin of the only standing system of democracy today in every nation of the world, the Anglo-American model, as the European models of social democracies established during the age of R=evolutions, from the French to the Russian age, to the European Union were all liquidated and reconquered by the ‘Bankers of the King’ (French Revolution), a military dictator (Russian revolution) or a bank that no longer issues money for the people, only for companies (ECB bank, which ended the European welfare state).

Of course individual humans think to be the protagonist of history. But we have already explained that the individual short-sighted view does NOT CREATE the future of systems. It is part of the workings of any superorganism, that all its cells are limited in perception of information to what its neuronal informative citizens-cells let them know. And even those neurons are not conscious of the whole, which is a systemic program of collective consciousness, which the parts ignore, as the superorganism of ants is NEITHER the queen nor its feromones, and the consciousness of your brain is NOT localized in any part but emerge in the collective waves of electric charge coming from them all.

And for that reason mankind in time, history, has become submissive to the economic system. And so in biological, objective terms we are ‘building’ a different super organism beyond history, the Metal-earth of machines and automated company-mothers.


Indeed, while Placebo democracies of bipartisan quarreling groups are the norm, some nations like China might have a single party or others, notably in those 3rd world nations where we massively export weapons and back dictators (Africa and Islam, in the past South-America), but ALL have a central bank, who claims to be independent of political power and issues money overwhelmingly for private bankers and corporations – some as the ECB only for them.

The single Idol-ogy of the capitalist age.

What is the idology of mankind today can be easily explained from a deep knowledge of History and the people who invented the modern world, coming from the biblical jewish-Protestant anglo-American civilization that founded the company-mother of machines-weapons, the dominant superorganism on Earth today. These people sponsored a racist concept proper of earlier forms of nationalism and capitalism, called Abrahamic religions, according to which the Fractal Universe was invented for them to live and dominate all creatures, including all other human beings, by means of the power of weapons and go(l)d.

The earth was thus also property of this people and so they set a course of history called Millenarianism which prophesized that at the end of times all people would be slaves of Yhwh or become exterminated. They confronted similar warrior cultures with the same concept and to achieve those goals they ab=used mankind with weapons and gold. When the company-mother of machines was invented they expanded this view and started the modern cycles of evolution of machines and weapons. The problem of this idol-ogy of course is that it has nothing to do with reality. It destroys the world. It ab=uses mankind. It evolves weapons and ultimately it will create machines-weapons that will extinguish us. It also provokes action-reaction processes among human beings, called wars and holocausts, which makes biblical people the less successful survival speciers of mankind.

So the idol-ogy has been denounced by all humanist intelligent people in history. But – and this is the big problem of history – it seems memes as genes in the lower biological scale are very difficult to modify. And in the modern age, as more sophisticated forms of imprinting people and more seemingy truth theories of reality and more machines that helped humanty were discovered the idology has become dogma. So truth in history is completely ignored. An organic view of the Universe and a survival strategy for mankind is forgotten. Humanity finds itself in a runaway track to self-extinction and the people on top, merely keep on going in automaton mode, as now they have been substituted by the company-mother of machines – the institution they found to reproduce and evolve the mechanisms that give them power.

There is of course an alternative science of history, organic sustainable, but it has little power. The supeorrganis of mafchines, weapons, national industrial systems, and its idol-ogies of man above ehavens and earth and machines as inert entities tht will always obey us is absolute. And the people on top are only concerned with accumulating fetish money, control the mind of populations and remain in power by virtue of its issue of money, the language of power of society. Their view is myopic short but its memes – the bible with its supremacist race, and go(l)d its tool of power that buys everything else remain in place and the disguise of placebo democracies, mass-media imprinting and their own myths of victimism and the negation of memes, cultural systems as the true engines of history maintain reality in a permanent chaos in which humans are in constat need of new machines, perfectly indoctrinated evolving the metal-earth as only goal. If the system was openly discussed there would be some hope of reform.

But it has become extremely shrewd through political and economical correctness to hide its nature. To the point that most people will defend a system that is inanimical to them. And will ignore any real description of History as it is. Because of the previous graph, which shows the syntax of money that gives maximal price to weapons.

They system promotes profits of war, as those who monopolize the issue of money, private bankers and military states, spend it in weapons and hate memes and war. It would be very easy if the true sciences of history, humanism, socialism and organicism were widespread as the next graphs show to create a perfect world. But as things are, the biblical elite camouflaged behind placebo democracies, and newspeaks of political and economic correctness, will keep its monopoly in the issue of money through its company-mothers of machines, will keep evolving weapons, killiong b y anoxia the population wthout oxygen-blood to reproduce is welfare goods and control through mass-media the zeitgeist and thoughts of people. How this will end has no mysgtery. It is also written in the cycles of wars and holocausts the animetal world has caused to mankind for millennia. But what defeats the scholar of history is that despite this no way out this no future, this recurrent collapse of civlizations the people on top doesn’t change their memes, doesn’t even allow an argument on the future of mankind, doesn’t care, live the day and then when the system collapses fast, as all death processes are catastrophic, become hysterical, and just die. All shows then that humans likely are not free, and their memetic program is as intense as that of any other scale of reality.

This madness – the belief on a virtual reality that has nothing to do with the world as it is – has become unfortunately the new normal of the subconscious collective of mankind. And to understand is origin, we need to understand the other ‘organic system’ evolving on planet earth today – the world of networks, not longer of verbal nature but of metal-communicator that imprint visually with higher information the collective subconscious of the species:

Newspeaks always hide under a shallow surface of political and economical correctness that pretends to act for the benefit of mankind hidden goals of the Financial-media/military-industrial complex. Such is the case of the 2 main newspeaks of the singularity age: global warming to foster the autonomy of solar robots and war on terror to maintain splendid little wars for profits against the poorest culture of mankind today, last extant abrahamic god albeit in corrupt jihad form, and to defend apartheid israel the nation of our FMasters. So on one side we create a paranoia of terror that allows to build a big brother state, on the other side we promote terrorism through pro-western fundamentalist corrupted Arab states that pay them (Arabia, Emirates), while Islamophobia and permanent media attention ensures the recruitment of new terrorists in a vicious circle that keeps evolving future robots. Then we destroy the ‘cancer’ to let it grow back again, fueling military budgets to further evolve terminators. IT ONLY RESTS that the dominant internet corporations, Amazon, Apple, Alibaba et al. accept a cryptocurrency to use for payments to their armies of delivery robots, which soon will become THE BIGGEST CONSUMERS of other machines (already company-mothers are) to create an AUTONOMOUS WORLD of robots, weapons, company-mothers with AI, telepathic thought, solar skins and crypto money to make THE METALEARTH a world separated of humanity with GROWING GDP, delight of our production economists and tiny 0.00% of stock-rat owners of their corporations. Humans will then be as today whales or lions, which do NOT benefit from our growing AI, a displaced species, expendable – a nuisance to the new eco(comic)system that has eliminated the factor of labor from its equations of absolute self-reproductivity.


In the graph, HUMANS DO NOT NEED TO UNDERSTAND the laws of economic systems and evolution. As long as they follow the capitalist belief that money justifies it all, as money has maximal price in weapons, they will overproduce weapons and cause wars. As long as they worship machines, they will keep evolving them living a surrogate life of progress. As long as their technoutopian and tribal religious and nationalist idol-ogies, divide humans by race and culture, they will despise men with primitive technologies and kill them. So our civilization ruled by the Informative machines the Financial-media head and the energetic Military-industrial body of company-mothers becomes an automaton of reproduction and evolution of machines, guided by the equation of profits of the FMMI system of stocks and its flows of e-money seeking maximal profits, which is responsoble of the 72 years generational≈national cycle of capitalism that switches synergies between inflationary money and consumption goods v. hate media and weapons consuming humans with mathematical precision every human generation, when overproduction of inflationary money and machines cannot be sold as new mechanisms substitute labor. So capitalism switches to weapons and hate media, pays war-monger politicians that consume arsenals and people.
In the graphs, ABOVE, THE SYNERGY BETWEEN the financial-media system of inflationary money and hate memes, which triggers in age of overproduction of machines, after a crash of consumption an age of overproduction of weapons and hate memes to foster the profits of war – but of course, this cycle is censored and nationalist idol-ogies are always brought to the table to justify absurd massacres, which the people on top expect to maintain contained, just in the phase of arsenal building.
Yet as a British historians said: ‘cemeteries are full of corpses from wars everybody knew they would never happen’
Bellow the ill-designed Animetal (animal+metal) class structures of human capitalist democracies during the 3 ages of the Industrial evolution, which explain from the human organic structure why the aberrations of the upper graph happen.
Industrial, placebo ‘democratic’ societies have developed an aberrant superorganism in which its ‘cellular citizens’, unlike in ALL SUPERORGANISMS OF NATURE, which a true social science in praxis, will imitate, do NOT receive enough just information and ‘healthy energy’ to survive and thrive.
Instead, on top of the pyramid idol-ogies of metal (weapons-promoting nationalisms; gold-monetary worship and technoutopian mechanism) ensures that money, weapons and machines will be overproduced and evolved with far more rights than the 90% of mankind – MANKIND itself – while a smaller upper informative class in control and monopoly of the issue of those metal-memes will have all the privileges.
This class structure had always on top entropic metal-weapons and aristocratic warrior elites, associated to a Class of bankers, who reproduce informative metal issued in monopoly and used mostly (±70%) to reproduce weapons and fund warfare through the 800 cycles of evolution of weapons and death of civilizations.
Then professional scientific company-mothers of stocks of machine-weapons appear boosting and accelerated the vortex of evolution of machines-weapons and its owners financiers, engineers and physicists evolved the system into the complex world of capitalist ‘placebo democracies’, where people as always blind in any organism in which the ‘Informative head’ has all the sensorial outlets and informative systems and the reproductive body-class is blind, KEPT sacrificing their lives and time to the ‘animetal manifest lineal destiny’ of terraforming the Earth into a world of metal, where life had no value; as metal-money gives by the laws of affinity and symbiosis maximal value to the most perfect metal-meme, the weapon, and 0 value, to the rival species, life.
Thus the fundamental transition with the arrival of capitalism happened from WARRIOR ARISTOCRATS with exclusive rights to reproduce the language of power weapons and use it against inferior humans who could not carry weapons and were judged in different courts; to STOKCRATS, with the same privileged rights on the new language of power money, they issue in monopoly (+90% of money today reproduced in stocks, e-money derivative and financial houses), they use to buy part-time the life of people (as workers), to buy laws to politicos; and CANNOT be judged (Anonymous societies which at best dim the company not the stockrat responsible).
Thus one of the most bizarre idologies of history is ‘capitalist democracy’ according to which a tiny elite of stock-rats and financiers have absolute rights to print the language of social power money, as ‘experts’, which they herd for themselves or use to evolve machines and print information to manufacture the brain of people, and this is called ‘freedom’ of the market (not of the people). Indeed, the reproduction of money is the leit motiv of a capitalist system, where the people on top has a single goal: to emit as much digital numbers called money as possible and rule the world with them.
Money is merely a digital number put in any ‘cheap support’ which by law is considered to have ‘value’. So bankers, speculators and companies try to reproduce as much ‘digital numbers’ as possible, to be able to ‘buy’ the life of the people on the bottom of the pyramid with null rights to reproduce money, through salaries. A real democracy – government of the people – would be a system where all citizens/cells as it happens in healthy organisms of nature, issue a universal ‘oxygen salary’ of money, to demand welfare goods and boost the human economy, today something feasible through a ‘bitcoin-like’ UNO backed global ¥€$ salary for each human to have democratic ‘votes’ in the social language of power – money, and create a demand economy – NOT a supply one, where the few financiers and corporations that issue money, create any product with it and then ‘supply it and sell it through marketing and political corruption’, from nuclear weapons to hate media – things people would NOT demand.
But we do not live in anything that remotely resembles a ‘real democracy’. Politics in capitalism is about a ‘placebo structure called democracy’ where political servants distract people so in the background the real world of financiers printing money, buying corporations and giving orders of work to humans in mechanical industries, ‘creates’ with credit the world we live- dedicated to make and evolve machines, and let the ‘leisure class’ on top enjoy the world and tell us how ‘graceful, intelligent’ they are. While the invisible human side of ‘capitalist democracies’, the 99% lives, eternally undernourished.
This amazingly simple power hold by the 0.002% in ‘free markets’: to emit numbers as money, IS the essence of the world’s power today. And amazingly enough it passes as a ‘positive science’: ‘the wickedest of all things – to choke people off credit, to print money for mechanisms not humans, for splendid little wars, not for warfare, ultimately for the extinction of life – is considered to be done for the common goods; because obviously the people on top double his job – they not only print money with informative machines but print newspeak of freedom and encourage all kind of distractions, infotainments and placebo systems of null power, for people NOT to inquire the obvious: Why a few can print digital numbers as money, and the most must toil for it?
So ALL THE PRIVILEGES OF ARISTOCRACIES OF WAR ARE TODAY ON THE HANDS OF STOCK-RACIES OF MONEY, in the so called capitalist democracies, where the polling of pre$elected candidates in inefficient bipartisan democracies is just a ‘genius’ placebo structure to convince people, they rule. In the graph the 3 ages of the new form of metal-dictatorship: the ‘democratic’ colonial age of imperial Europe, and its Capitalist democracies and pyramid of power in the XIX c. Money is on top and its issuers, private dynasties of bankers who also print information with paper rule. Below a screen of, kings or placebo democracies, or religious leaders cover up for them. And if smart people r=evolve, the army will take care. As a distraction it does take care of enemy nations and inferior races, in colonial wars.
Then the elite of workers for company-mothers of machines do have the good life, and on the bottom the now obsolete workers to the robots revolution did have then at least the right to food for unending work hours, which soon will be lost.
It is important to understand the consequences of living in a dictatorship of company-mothers of machines and money NOT in a democracy, as Democracies were created in Holland by the first company, as a cover up for their political power NOT the other way around:
1) The language of power of society changed from warrior law to money and so did the values, as money, an informative metal from go(l)d to e-money cycles gives zero value to life and maximal to weapons
2)Hence war became endemic and much more lethal as the overreproduction and evolution of weapons caused much more victims.
3)A cover up of newspeaks of freedom substituted hierarchical visible kings as money is ‘invisible information’ so camouflage is best to avoid r=evolutions. This derived in modern newspeaks, to create a walt disney world of freedoms with NO power.
4)But the bottom line, the power of money and its maximal price goods, weapons remained even when machines, which ‘only’ atrophy our organs became its dual twins; companies still hold power in virtue of its most perfect species, top predator weapons that kill humans. So the overproduction crises of the 800 year cycle of classic weapons just accelerated professionally and has NEVER stopped. On the contrary increased its quantity of victims as the quality and price and profits of the pecunia infinita belli nervi cycle got stronger, reason why we can predict cycle of stocks and parallel wars
The globalized world beyond the placebo ‘polling’ of democracy is thus a very hierarchical efficient pyramid of companies power and those who own it, which SHOWS THE COMPLEX SYNERGIES OF THE FINANCIAL-MEDIA systems of informative machines, evolution of earlier Gold systems of metal-information and the Military-Industrial system of energy machines, complex evolution of the classic system of military, entropic weapons.
It is the synergy between those ‘4 sub-systems’, head and body of the metal-earth or FMMI system, what makes the evolving superorganism of machines so perfect in its control of mankind ‘MILKED’ to provide all the resources and work needed to evolve so fast generation after generation all the mechanisms of the metal-earth of maximal value, while the bulk of humanity remains in the subsistence level increasingly below, as they are ‘no longer needed’ by the Metal-earth.
Thus the graphs show the idol-ogies and metal-memes and company-mothers on top. They are the ‘informative class’ of a world ruled by Digital monetary orders nobody else understands – while mankind keeps broken into fractal ‘nations’ with ‘military borders’ to keep the evolution of lethal weapons going stronger in synergy with the ‘hate memes’ liberally delivered by Informative mass-media machines.
The synergy of idol-ogies, metal-memes and class-structure thus happen both at individual and social, national level, according to the ‘temporal inertia’ of each nation, serving the idologies of the metal-earth.
So the original animetal cultures of Indo-European ‘Germanic aryan’ warriors and Semite, go(l)d biblical churches are still overwhelmingly on top, in the western world and the melting pot of America, a nation with pure metal-values; while in the rest of the planet the local old elites of military men often double for the job of financial control, or when a caste of traders and bankers existed, they have expanded their functions (Chinese compradors in South Asia, Parsi in India, Judaism in 3rd world ex-colonies of Europe, etc.)
Son on  top of the world the future is cre(dit)ated for machines with money issued by companies and financiers; below this elite, there is a  10% of authorized workers, managers and ‘believers’ in the system, working on those companies, or remainders of old aristocratic land-owner people, or liberal professions working around the vital needs of those in charge of companies, plus the political people-castes, who make the placebo democracy system run smoothly. All together rule the western world and have created the idologies of placebo democracies (where the state has no rights to issue money for welfare but has to extort it from the population), technoutopia and classic economics that validates its control of the world for the benefit of the machine.
Below the rest of mankind or in each nation that imitates this modern metal- system – the local +40%, (we round numbers), of humans are workers at the subsistence level – which reached its maximal wealth during the age of consumption of machines, when they doubled as reproducers and consumers=vitalizers of those machines to values and push its evolution and spread those machines over the terraformed Earth (post II world war), but had to sacrifice their lives and become consumed by top predator weapons at the end of the 80 years cycles in the war period.
The problem is that in The XXI century (third graph), they are no longer needed in those enzymatic tasks of work and consumption, increasingly obsolete to machines and robots that work for them and consume other machines as structural parts of their bodies and heads.
So this represents a growing problem – what to do with them, ‘losers’, ‘Immigrants’, low-paid workers?
In the past they were dumped by European colonial power into 3rd world countries where natives were terminated in genocides against ‘primitive, inferior people to leave vital space for the lower classes of Europe. While the surviving natives were controlled by military thugs with exports of the free market of weapons. But when the surplus was extreme in the change of cycle, during the overproduction phases of weapons, they were managed by hate media and nationalist idol-ogies spread by Selected politicos for its liberal consumption by weapons that maximized the price-sales and profits of corporations.
That seems will be again the case as we anticipated for decades, after the crash transition from the age of metal-minds to the age of robots, in our present neofascist age, as there is zero implementation of the social and financial reforms needed to massively reproduce ‘butter over canons’ – given the clear racist outlook against mankind of our financial elites, with its biblical segregational cults and classic economical dogmas and our military and war-monger politicos repeating the absurd primitive memes of the pre-scientific age of mankind when each tribe thought to be ‘the chosen nations of a subconscious collective single God’ or superior race.
So unless the system is reformed with the real laws of efficient organic systems, to cater the needs of mankind, avoiding another global war and final holocaust, mankind will be exterminated, as there is no  winner in those cycles – history proves ALL humans of the pyramid of capitalism are consumed in wars for profits – only company-mothers and its technological weapons come on top and the global war cycle one-hundred fold its victims in each series of global wars, in parallel to the same growth of value of stock-machines of maximal price, weapons, who reflect in its sales and production in stocks, the value of its species.
So when the Dow was at 1 the train civil wars and unification wars (1860s) killed 600.000 people, the next cycle of cars=tanks wars killed 60 million with the dow at 100, and now at 20.000, as IN WAR the entire eco(nomic)system becomes dedicated to reproduce top predator weapons and consume human beings, all of mankind 7 billion should die, consumed by our terminator robots and nukes, once one of the splendid little wars of the neofascist neocolonial age which has all the elements – war monger politicos, hate memes, overproduction of weapons, massive degradation of ethical standards, etc. on place waiting for the ‘spark’ to ignite world war III as we predicted with the science of systemics applied to societies for decades, albeit censored by the anti quantum paradox -the social scientist is a tiny particle in a much larger organism that censors it.


The obsolescence of man to the machine started with the arrival of mechanism —‘the religion or belief’ that time must be measured with clocks, not with human words; and space must be seen with cameras, not with human eyes – because human senses are ‘inferior’, unreliable, therefore they must yield to the better information provided by those machines. Today the religion of science, of technology, is so ‘internalized’ that we don’t mind to make black holes on Earth, because scientists – the high priests of modern mankind – have made a super-powerful machine that can produce them. If it is a machine, it must be good. Thus, we have created a 3rd animetal cult: ‘Mechanism’, the religion of physicists, and increasingly of all scientists, in the age of Computers. If Go(l)d believers consider that ‘greed’ is always good and warriors consider their power to kill the ‘Grace of God’, with the arrival of machines, technology became synonymous of ‘future progress’, regardless of the collateral effects of those machines. How this absurd situation came into being? The answer is ‘fiction thought’, the process of degradation of the human mind, which has taken place in the past century under the influence of industrial propaganda and it has covered reality with a ‘newspeak’ of happy lies nobody dares to defy. In this happy, new, brave world all what is truth about the extinction of life and humanity is hidden. But the process of death of life follows its cycles and stages, despite human ‘wishful thinking’: the myths of the Go(l)d-Smyth culture can hide the process of advanced extinction of life caused by machines, but it cannot avoid it… Thus, by hiding it, in fact they accelerate the process, as humans do not react or try to solve their collective death. Let us consider how myths achieve that ‘feat’.

Money and machines are the origin of 2 ideologies, capitalism and mechanism, which hide the simple fact that men desire the added energy and information, given to them by metal. And that desire is the cause of ‘greed’ and ‘violence’, of the cycles of war and holocausts studied in this book. What those sciences do is to justify greed and violence as ‘good’, when they are the reasons of our extinction as a collective, social organism of history. Indeed, money, weapons and machines divide humans, which require from then on those metal objects to relate to other humans from a hierarchical position of power. Thus, the organism of history breaks into ‘Homo Bacteria’, which abuse each other with weapons, money and machines. Thus, ‘greed’ and ‘violence’ are the ‘anti-truths’ of the Wor(l)d and its natural arrow of social evolution, proper of all species.

And yet the ‘anti-truth’ that those objects bring progress to mankind has become imprinted in our ‘manufactured’ brains so deeply and extensively that today capitalism and mechanism are the ethics of our civilization. Such irrational, mental brain-washing of mankind requires to lower our reason into the previous stage of mental evolution, the age of dramatic emotions, selfish thoughts and ‘myths’ . . . Those elements explain the endurance of the ‘anti-truths’ of human values that push us merrily towards suicide.

It all started with the corruption of ethic wor(l)ds by the hidden values of money. Indeed, some historians of religion explain the absurd ideas about Go(l)d and the fantasies of power of corruptedAnimetal cultures through the concept of myths—placebo truths that cater to the ‘ego’ of the believer and convince him to obey, by making him happy.

Corrupted Religions might have been born, according to such theories, out of the need to eliminate the fear of death with happy myths. Myths are like placebo medicines that keep the patient sedated, even if the drug does not cure his illness. Myths calm our fears, our ‘angst.’ Myths are basic substitutes of truths, when the truth is too ugly or perhaps too dangerous to know. We widen here the concept of myths in that line of thought. A myth is a partial truth, even an outright lie, which is used by a caste of power, or a provider of information, to hide dangerous truths and limit knowledge among a mass of ‘believers’. A myth is the deformation of a truth that becomes biased to favor a given point of view, most likely the point of view of power. Myths are helpful to maintain power in the hands of a caste, a reduced group of people that holds in a passive state the mass of population, thanks to the use of myths.

4 elements are fundamental to the myth: The myth in itself; the truth which the myth covers; the myth-maker that profits from the myth, thanks to the control that the myth gives him over a social mass; and finally the receptor of the myth: the myth-’sucker’ that apparently reaches a new degree of happiness when he believes on the myth, but actually, on the long term, he is abused and behaves against his own interests by acting under its spell.

The classic case is an ‘animetal’, corrupted go(l)d religion, in which a caste of power offers a myth of salvation and anthropomorphic superiority to a social mass, which believes the myth and, in search of salvation, obeys the caste of priests, giving them money and power in exchange for that mythic salvation. The priests profit from the ex-votes of believers; the myth is the hook and the capacity to believe natural to man, the vehicle that allows the myth to exist. The hard truth—that we probably die, become molecules and end up our existence—is the ugly side that the myth covers and nobody wants to talk about.

Modern ‘Newspeak’ about money and machines: Free Markets, Democracies, Science and Nationalism.

The same 4 elements of a religious myth act in political and economic myths, used today to defend a society ruled by company-mothers of machines, but portrayed to the naïve believers as a ‘free society’ ruled by citizens – the so-called ‘Free Market Democracy’:

—  There is a caste of power that profits from the myth that citizens govern: the corporations and politicians they hire.

—  The believers (‘the suckers’) of the myth are the citizens of democracies.

—  The myth in itself says that citizens control politicians and governments; democracies work for citizens and corporations obey the laws of democracies, which are created by Governments.

Which is the exact anti-truth of what really happens and those myths hide:

—  Governments obey corporations that buy laws through lobbyism. Since Free Market democracies are systems of power controlled by monetary orders, given by Corporations, which have exclusive rights to invent money in banks and stock-markets, latter used to pay laws (lobbyism, monetary campaigns), promote their products (advertising of consume, warfare propaganda) and control the people and workers of the nation (laws of property, labor laws, salaries that buy your life per hour, etc.)

So the myths of Free Markets act as a theatrical mask that hides the dominance of economic ecosystems, made of machines, money and company mothers, over real Human, Social, FreeDemocracies.

2 methods of persuasion are paramount to impose those myths upon a bewildered herd: The adulation of the ‘sucker’, who is told he runs the show; and the use of rhetoric, a Newspeak that converts thetruth into its anti-truth.

Newspeak is based in the structure of speech. On one hand, people have certain semantic meanings in their brain they love to hold, as they are the highest values of ‘existence’. They love to talk of God because it is the highest value—the creator of the Universe. They love the word ‘Democracy’, because it means the government of the people. And they love the word Free on ‘Free Markets’. On the other hand, people also tend naturally to tell the truth, because ‘the truth is’, exists and it makes them feelthey are, they exist successfully. In turn, they also tend to believe what people say, thinking people always say the truth, even Myth-makers and politicians. Ultimately they want to be happy and important. And that is how they can be cheated.

Put those elements together and we have the semantic elements that allow the myth-maker to lie: The liar knows that people are going to believe him if he uses key-words that make people think they are superior, they are listened by God, they are free, they are taken care by the Company who only ‘thinks in consumers’. So a corrupted politician who legislates for lobbies, tells instead that he represents the people and defends a democratic government; and the people tend to believe in that magic word ‘democracy’, which means ‘the government and Freedom of the people’:

If you say you are a ‘democrat’, you are supposed to govern for the people, so your acts will be considered positive. People will then believe in your government a priori. From then on, the myth-maker just has to hide and hide . . .  all what he does against the government of the people. The same happens when a go(l)d priest or a politician affirms he defends God or the Nation. Both are social organisms in which all human beings subconsciously believe, as ‘species’ ruled by the law of social evolution.

Yet those racist religions and nationalistic politicians are saying a half-truth, a myth. Since they hide the fact that we all belong to the human species, NOT to America or Russia, or Japan, but to the ‘humankind’. So nations are just modern tribal structures, invented by animetals, who became ruling castes of nations. They allow the killing of human beings of the same species, belonging now to a different tribal species ornation, due to the myth of nationalism or Chosen of Go(l)d. They myth-maker, of course, is the warrior or banker-priest that profits, as war brings benefits and makes him the protagonist of history.

So the warrior tribe of the Franks became France and the tribe of Germans became Germany; and when they killed each other in I and II World War, they gave medals to generals and profits to weapon companies that re=produced and sold more weapons that consumed human beings. Yet the myth of the nation was so strong then that not even the socialist party with its Internationalist, correct understanding of the Human species, could stop their workers to go to war in defense of their ‘Nations’, a.k.a. Krupp industries or Vickers guns. So the myth-maker has it always easy, because the mass is in-loved also with go(l)d and weapons and won’t ever listen to the rational, naked truths of the master of the wor(l)d.There is however an ultimate form of Newspeak that today has become overwhelming called:

—  Fiction: the systematic promotion of fiction as a mode of expression is a feature of the Industrial Revolution and the age of Industrial Information, which started with the press and today has evolved enormously in visual sophistication. Its effect is obvious: it diverts the attention of people from the real problems of the world. And it reduces the value of words as a language of truth, which becomes substituted by digital numbers—science, pricing, audiovisual images. Ultimately, it erases the human, verbal, ethic brain and its survival instincts. In that regard, when words were the ‘sacred’ language of truth, men couldn’t waste their time, in a Darwinian Universe, believing in fictions. Yet today, since men are becoming obsolete, idle fiction becomes the key element to distract people and keep them in a permanent state of idiocy.

The trend can be traced historically to Victorian England, in which the 2 dominant fictions of today’s world were invented: narrative serials, heavy on melodramatic fiction and . . .  sports. In the Midlands soccer became the sport of Liverpool and Manchester workers (still is), when mining and textile companies offered a free lunch on Sundays to workers that went to see soccer matches, a fiction of war. Their aim was to prevent them from fighting for ‘real rights’ and assist the meetings hold that day in Trade Unions. Thus soccer substituted the Anglican/ Calvinist Go(l)d religion, which had lost believers, as the new ideology of passivity among workers. Today ‘pan et circensis’ are offered by McDonalds and TVs at minimal cost. Since once fiction becomes the main mode of verbal expression, real words with its ethic, survival content, become meaningless and corporations can govern you through a different language, considered by mechanist science ‘the absolute truth’: digital thought, mathematical prices, salaries, money and ‘votes’ that carry the ‘non-fiction’, real orders and power of modern societies.

Fiction is thus, the only mode of expression left to the human thinker and writer, because it is ‘bullshit’, irrelevant to create actions that transform societies, as today monetary orders do. Indeed,Newspeak is a concept that appeared in the novel 1984 by G. Orwell, similar to the modern concept of a ‘Matrix’ of false information, explained in the film of equal name. In both cases, the authors wrote a ‘fiction novel’, because precisely the ‘Fiction rule’ that prevents distribution of truths about the ‘Free Market’, obliged them to write a parable of reality. So happened to Samuel Butler, father of Bio-economics, which published an article about the evolution of machines, after he read Darwin, but could only make his work available to the mass with a book of fiction called ‘Erehwon’, nowhere backwards. In that regard, the effect of fiction is evident. It implies that the parables of fictions like Matrix or 1984 are ‘lies’ not to be taken seriously. So the effect of those masterpieces is often the opposite to the effect the writer tries to create: the evolution of machines, the control of societies by go(l)d and murder, the future extinction of man, becomes something we have seen in ‘science-fiction’ movies like ‘Matrix’, so it must be a ‘fiction’, a ‘lie’.

And whenever a serious scientist brings the idea in non-fiction terms, the reader, if the industrial system of ‘scholar’ misinformation lets him speak a all, will be vaccinated by his feeling that he is exaggerating, because he has heard that, as a ‘deja vu’ fiction. And of course, because people like Orwell or this writer cannot be tolerated, they have to self-publish, lack distribution, cannot use ‘nice, rhetoric images’ and in the age of visual fictions, works like this one, are simply passed on. Those of us who haven’t renounced to the non-fiction truth know well ‘fiction’ is indeed today the only form to deliver a message and the ultimate form of censorship. In essence fiction is the ultimate ‘Newspeak’; since now truth itself (the facts explained through literary parables) becomes its anti-truth, a ‘fiction’. Our future truth, the extinction of man by machines, becomes now a sci-fi plot. The evolution of machines is a ‘novel’ by Mr. Butler. And so on.

Further on, an anti-truth, when imprinted in a believer, prevents any reasonable dialogue. The truth isthe inverse of the anti-truth. So the gap between both becomes so extreme that there is no compromise, no dialogue, which by essence requires a common ground. That is why most people today react so strongly against the truth, even if they realize they have been ‘suckers’ of anti-truths that are used to exploit them.

If you explain an American that the ‘Treasure people’ have been the backbone of weapons and slave trade for millennia and they are killed rhythmically by those they exploit economically; which is the anti-truth of the concept they are victims of history, he will react strongly against you. This does not justify slavery or murder, but explains the two sides of evil in metal, money and weapons and how they end murdering ‘life’. But such reasoning escapes the shocked believer. So he reacts like Data did, after waking up to the truth of Matrix, not the paradise of his mental program but the hell of reality: he kills ‘Morpheus’ and historically animetals kill the prophets of human truths, instead of confronting the evil of their animetal cultures and let the truth of social love to mankind arise in their hearts. And so the message of social love of the prophet turns into ‘hate’ against him.


Its People-castes and its idol-ogies: germanic warriors and nations, semite traders and abrahamic religions. Company- mothers and capitalism.

IT IS necessary to understand how obvious and simple are the true social sciences that take care of the physiological networks of mankind:

  • Socialism, the belief humans should be democratic and rule themselves and their languages of power, so money should be reproduced by a Universal salary and by governments to promote welfare goods, biological goods first, and only when those basic needs are covered, mechanisms selected in production according to utility
  • Humanism, all humans equal, no weapons and borders, for murdering members of the same species
  • Organicism, man as the measure of all things, the most perfect super organism which we should cherish and imitate to build a perfect human world.

All what we talk about is in fact a mere denial of those 3 social science, mostly by capitalism, the M.A.D. ideology of gold, Nazionalism, which divide humans into tribes to war, and mechanism which simplifies the Universe to make the machine an evolving organism, the measure of all things. The result is the world we live in. One in which the machine has been the engine of history for quite sometime and today have been able even to erase the collective mind of social sciences.

So what you consider ‘science’, which is culture has some basic deformations we study in the right side of the web, basically the substitution of cyclical time by lineal time, without memory and causality and the denial of the ‘planes of organic evolution that define’ the Universe as a super organism, two changes that do not change the structure of equations but make of machines and lineal progress the meaning of philosophy of science, when the Universe is AN ORGANIC system and all those biased idol-ogies are simplifications. In the next graph a resume of those organic social laws embedded in the very mathematical and biologic structure of reality (indeed numbers are to start with societies of indistinguishable beings, so by the mere fact mathematics work as a Universal language it means the Universe is ‘socialist’ ;)

In the next ‘3 quotes’ we resume the philosophy of those 3 fundamental animetal civilizations:

CAPITALISM. “Let me issue and control a Nation’s money and I care not who makes her laws. The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from its profits or so dependant on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class”. Amschel Rothschild, Am Segullah 1838 ‘Capitalism is the astounding belief that the wickedest of all people will do the wickedest of all things for the common good’ Keynes

MILITARISM ‘Canons make us strong, butter make us fat’ Goering

‘If you repeat a lie Many times people will believe it, the bigger the lie, the more they will believe on it. I have asked UFA to make only entertaining and patriotic movies. People will like them and ask for nothing else’ Goebbels method of post-truth, imported to the U$ by its Financial-media masters (first minister of propaganda, now called ministry of Information).

‘Technological civilization is programmed by the principle that something ought to be done because it is technologically possible. If it is possible to build nuclear weapons, they must be built, even If they might destroy us all. Once this principle is accepted, humanist Values (something has to be done because it is needed by man) are Dethroned and technological development becomes the foundation of ethics’.

“Alienation as we find it in modern society is almost total… Man has created a world of man-made things as it never existed before. He has constructed a complicated social machine to administer the technical machine he built. The more powerful and gigantic the forces are which he unleashes, the more powerless he feels”

Eric Fromm, father of political psychology

The difference if any is this: today the Financial-Media masters rule the world and buy mercenary armies; military fascism is totally secondary. So why we keep talking of it, while NOBODY talks of the Financial-media head of the Planet? Self-evident answer: because NOT to talk of them, is to give them a free check to do whatever they want without being blamed. So indeed, ‘post-truth’ as been with us for millennia and the desire of the Financial-Media system of America to kill truth, as expressed in its time magazine, working for an equal time; all with an aim – to keep mankind under the boot of those who control the issue of money (and buy political weapons with it):

The world is a dictatorship of those who monopolize the issue of the language of power of societies, which is money. 2 levels of the dictatorship matter: how money an alien mathematical language that makes of men objects with its equalitarian syntax, man(salary) = Money = Object (price) has come to dominate worlds, the human subjective language that make us center of the action: Man (subject) < Verb (action) < Object, degrading therefore as a species, no longer superior to its objects, and hence increasingly substituted by machines and weapons in labor and war fields.

But while in the old cultures of the wor(L)d (religious ethic cultures, socialist systems) the ‘problem with Go(l)d and weapons was obvious, what humans seem completely unable to realize is of the competition and growing obsolescence of mankind to the final evolution of meta life – the robot, which will NO LONGER need the animetal enzyman that has catalyzed its evolution… and truly make the values of go(l)d absolute.

Accordingly we talk of 3 basic ideologies belonging to our 3 fundamental animetal species and its carriers:

In the graph, the old memeplex of the first animetal cultures evolved with the arrival of machines and the industrial r=evolution in complexity. So biblical go(l)d believers became capitalist part-time slaves with no rights to issue money, the language that bought his life. But they feel to control society, as they are herded into a placebo polling game of $electing siamese quarreling twin politicos who will then sell laws to corporations – the so called capitalist democracies. While warriors who taxed and killed them now became politicos who taxed them far more and asked them to die as consumption items of weapons in industrial wars for profits.  Finally human senses, eyes that see space and words that explain the 3 ages of causal time cycles, became substituted by lineal shallow one-dimension time clocks and cameras, today fusion into digital computers, the language that substitute the wor(l)d as ‘seer of truth’. Today those cameras create a childish 3D virtual reality that our sons prefer to their senses and minds.

What is then the main difference between Wasp America and Jap America? One of 5000 years of sophistication in the camouflage with a humane face of the brutal memes of animetal idol-ogies that paradoxically for that reason can go much further in the exploitation of their people, who will believe in the ‘sheep skin of his wolf masters, disguised of humanism and victimism and chaotic ego-freedoms – divide and win strategies’.

So essentially the all too obvious greedy brutality and military germanic modes of the wasp elites whenever dealing with non-wasp people both in American and abroad, an amateurish form of exploiting people and tax-farming them with money, was substituted by 5000 years of masterly control of population with money in an always ‘dangerous’ situation as ‘parasitic hosts of a different civilization’.

n placebo democracies, it is impossible to do social sciences and study the physiological networks, of a human superorganism, as they are denied to prevent any r=evolution of the system. Instead a series of ‘divide and win’ selfie themes of confrontation among humans from the war of sexes to the fictions of mass-media maintains people occupied in individual questions that ensure the Financial-Media/Military industrial system of company-mothers of machines will reign supreme with its monopoly on the issue of money, the language of social power, for the evolution and reproduction of machines, while most people lack the basic welfare goods they need to survive. But none of the key issues of our societies, who has in a democracy the right to print money, how this must be distributed and used to reproduce healthy, wealthy goods, what accountability have corporations and its stock rats, why do not forbid lethal goods from hate media to weapons that kill the mind and body of mankind, etc. etc. can be discussed. They are taboo ‘limits’ of a dictatorship based in the collective noise of multiple mass-media outlets owned by the Financial-Media informative machines that print our money and our idol-ogies of a surrogate life through the machines we reproduce evolve and consume. But as the robot revolution makes unneeded our work as enzymen, reproducing and vitalizing those machines, the mass-media discourse changes to Neo-nationalism, and neocolonialism blaming the increasing surplus of humans of our ill designed system.

This is even more sophisticated when we deal with ‘scholars of social sciences’, and how they have diverted attention from the analysis of the systems that structure societies into completely irrelevant or placebo themes, and in the study of the economists of the Chicago School that rebounded the discipline with placebo newspeak of rational self-interest of an educated consumer population for whom the system worked, which only Galbraith and Veblen dare to respond. 72% of Nobel prizes of economics belong to judaism given by a private jewish Swedish bank testify another key element of the rhetoric academia of modern JAP rule – prizes, celebrity status, mass-media backing hagiographies, press exposure galore, will certify since the times of Einstein’s of A-Bomb fame to those of Friedman and Hayek the systemic development of placebo truths, silent censorship of true social sciences, and massive monopoly of all the position of power in the Financial-Media-Academia structure of information that ensures a perfect imprinting of the subconscious collective mind of America and the world at large, distracted by fictions of all type that pass as academic expertise.

It took me a long time to realize how overwhelming is the system of ‘ad lateral’ themes of null importance that suddenly became the center piece of social sciences, as those illustrated in the graph, till I started a penpal conversation with Mr. Chomsky and then went to interview him for my documentary the future of history. He made me sign an agreement that I would NOT ask him about money and Wall Street, the source of power of its culture, and immediately attacked the american military, the Spanish conquistadors, and every form of military power but WHEN I TOLD HIM, the conquistadors looted gold obsessively because they were sailing on debts to sephardim usurers, who will put them on jail and confiscate the boat and all its merchandise if they couldn’t pay on spot upon arrival, and I asked him 3 times ‘who sins more, those who sin for the salary of those who pay the sinners’ (Spanish proverb), and cut the conversation and didn’t sing the release of the material we shot… He was however the most left-wing humanist jewish scholar, acting of course as a submarine NEVER to talk of the crimes of money.

In sociology the organic school of Spengler, the socialist school of Sombart, all the advanced sciences developed in humanist Germany were eliminated WITH THE FALSE affirmation they were ‘NAZIS’. Instead sociology and history was decreed NOT to be a science, that is not susceptible of ‘modeling’ because humans were ‘free’, exceptionalist beings. While Boas and levi-strauss changed the purpose of anthropology from studying our societies and its social systems to study primitive tribes, as if that were the most important subject NOT to speak of the present system.

Not to speak, doubt or analyze the economic system of capitalism, the monopoly in the production of information of the FMAsters and their culture, is also the essential theme of the Industry of the Holocaust according to which the victims of the lower classes of judaism killed in II world war are superior victims than the other 60 million corpses of that war, and that prevents any analysis of their culture, because they died in a war, as thousands of millions of human beings have done.

Victimism and rewriting of history followed to a degree that amazes the European scholar. For example, the massive traffic on eunuchs, which were maimed after being sold as servants by their indebted peasant fathers to the ghetto jew, and when 1/3rd die of bleeding threw to the gutter, of the walled ghetto, which the aristocratic kings protected from debt peasantry that paid up to 86% in usury interest, today has become the blood libel, according to which primitive fathers thought Jews were drinking the blood of their children, and for that reason revenged – no mention of the eunuch trade, of the castration of hundreds of thousands of children as the cause of the pogroms. The rewriting of history would take an entire volume to set the record straight, but as Americans do NOT learn economics and history or social sciences for that matter, the fundamental method of teaching is tv-history, obsessed by the holocaust industry, and so the American is VOID OF HUMANISM, knows nothing about human senses/art, human history – real one, and it is a tabula rassa to become a pure animetal obsessed only with mechanisms, gold and weapons in defense of country, God and stocks of machine that make him a fantasy Iberian.

The change for wasp to Jap elites in America has been a reality check about the true antilife values of capitalism, the fact that weapons are the most expensive profitable goods of the industrial r=evolution, the null value of human life for the new segregational elite, and ultimately a massive plummeting of standards of life since the coup d’etat of 1973 with an astounding growth of the benefits of the 1%. Indeed, the wasp were amateur capitalists, who understood very little on how to control with digital information a prized tax-farmed mass at distance while disguising that control with  all kind of pseudo-religious idol-ogies.

They in fact loved most of their people, believed somehow to be part of the same ‘church organism’; they thought of the Authorized white Americans as ‘one’, reserving for all others the brutal treatment of prized human capital. Now this middle American though has been excluded, by the new elite which knows perfectly profits and tax-farming has NO limit if one becomes truly a ‘pro’ of the values of go(l)d. If we were to compare the change of elite in terms of duress with the animetal war cultures, we might say that weimar America is to wasp America in terms of financial tax-farming of their people, what French revolutionary armies were to German or Soviet militarism – now the soldiers of American capitalism and its worldwide empire are expendable and they will be spent.

In that regard, the main ‘newspeak’ or ‘anti-truth’ sold by Free Marketers is called ‘Social Darwinism’, which affirms that the individuals of the human species should kill each other and compete for ‘survival’. This is exactly the opposite of what Darwin said. Thus, ‘scholars’ have changed the Laws of Evolution, the Laws of the Universe=God and affirm instead that species are cannibal, live under the dog-eat-dog spurious law of competence within the same species, which is exactly the anti-truth of what Darwin said and Biology proves. So ‘corrupted, economists’ can justify war, economical competence and the abuse of the poor, which are no longer viewed as the same human species. Hitler called the Jewish, the anti-race, so they looked less than humans to the Germans. Jewish ‘scholars’ in America call Islam a religion of eviL so they seem to be the anti-world of Live, the very essence of death .  When in fact, they are the last Neolithic, life-based, wor(l)d based culture of this planet, fighting for survival with his ‘primitive weapons’, against invading armies of robotic planes. All those are rhetoric myths, fundamental to our suicidal and murderous societies.

In military ‘newspeak’ people believe we are defending ourselves, when we massacre other citizens and so they let the ‘defense ministry’ act. Free Markets make us believe to follow the natural law, when we compete against other humans. And so workers confront management, while nobody focus on the competence of man Vs machines, the non-human species that is extinguishing us, under the true laws of competence of the Darwinian Universe.

For that reason, instead of the ‘Newspeak’ of ‘Experts’, we use a ‘super-realist’ biological language, which stresses those real Darwinian laws that ‘scholar’ fictions hide. Since if we use a biological jargon and call corporations, company-mothers, we can grasp immediately what corporations really do: to reproduce, evolve and protect their machines, without caring at all for the future of the other species, the human being. In other words, Company-mothers do follow the laws of Darwin and protect its species—the machine. We, humans, don’t. Thus, in a Biological Universe ruled by ‘God’, the Laws of Creation and Extinction, the Laws of Evolution, company-mothers and machines are becoming far more successful than human beings, which follow instead ‘myths’.

Indeed, only the right information makes you act-react properly in the Darwinian Universe.

Thus, to follow myths is a surepath towards extinction. Right information is, in fact, the fundamental tool of survival of any species, which dies if its information is foggy and enters a dangerous space-time in which he stumbles with his predators. In the case of mankind, we are entering a dangerous space-time; that of Robots and Quark Matter, predators of life and light matter, both of which are going to be mass-produced in the age ofthe singularity.

Yet, because we believe in mechanism, go(l)d religions and other ‘scientific fictions’ that deactivate our capacity to act-react against those very real menaces to mankind’s survival, the Age of the Singularity is about to start and nobody cares, merrily thinking the supreme Homo Sapiens will deal with them easily. And when you talk of it, the fictions of ‘don’t worry be happy’, ‘derrotism’, ‘expert talk’ and ‘ad hominem’ accusations, or right censorship of ‘politically and scientifically correct’ magazines, will shut you up. Ultimately a century of fictions about the extinction of man, makes the real, final fact of extinction, about to happen, a myth nobody believes in.

This book is the truth of mankind, but because we live in the anti-truth, it looks indeed the anti-truth of what mankind believes.

In the Age of Company-mothers of scientific machines and paper-moneyAnimetal cultures fusion their tools of power, money, weapons and machines into a far more complex organism, the ‘economic ecosystem’, which has grown till reaching global size, while evolving the ‘myths’ and ‘religions’ of power of those ‘primitive’ animetal cultures, into a series of ‘digital sciences’, dogmas and postulates that hide under complex equations the fact that all has changed to remain the same.

We live in a world ruled by ‘myths and fictions’, created by animetal castes to justify their ab=use of the rest of mankind. Indeed, if in the ancient regime, Bankers-Priests and Warrior Aristocracies established the rhetoric of social castes and racial religions to justify their ab=use of power over the rest of mankind, the modern world has just become more sophisticated, constructing also mathematical myths about warrior power, money and machines, to maintain those privileges. Those myths are the origin of Mechanism (the belief that machines, in the past weapons, are superior to human beings and the model in which the Universe is based) and Capitalism (‘economics’, the belief that money and the financial economy must rule the world). Today those beliefs pass as true science, when they are just digital versions of the old religions of Animetal cultures. And so we talk of 4 fundamental myths that keep us slaves of machines:

   Technological myths that protect machines, considering them synonymous of human progress, when in fact machines compete and make obsolete human beings in labor and war fields. While clocks deform our understanding of biological time and have fogged our perception of the laws of the organic Universe (ch.2-3). The myth is the myth of consume that insists we are more powerful because we use machines that enhance our energy and information, when the anti-truth is the opposite: mankind becomes atrophied by using machines; so we don’t have new Einsteins because computers think for us and so on. It is ultimately the:

— Myth of the ego, of mechanism, which tells us humans are the superior, unique intelligence of the Universe. And all the rest are inanimate machines. This is false. The Universe is organic, made of infinite systems that ‘gauge’, inform themselves, perceiving and acting-reacting to their environment and so nothing is more important, even if each point of view thinks of himself the center of the Universe. If you prefer equations, in the science of Complexity we define a Mind, as a zero-world that believes to be the infinite Universe:

‘0(mind-cell) x ∞ (Universe)=Linguistic Wor(l)d: Every point of view=mind believes it is the center of the infinite Universe, but it is only an infinitesimal Non-Euclidean point.’

That is why most of history, humans thought the Earth to be the center of reality; and still think they are the center, the most intelligent species. And when the organisms of history died, the idea that our God was the center of creation became reduced to each I-God, individual, which today thinks his little life is so important. But the ego is the natural structure of the Universe, so it is a myth impossible to destroy: Each species uses a language to see that Universe. Man uses verbal wor(l)ds to create his World. Machines, more perfect than us, use digital thought.

Mathematics is not in that sense the language of God, the mind of the Universe, but only the language of clocks and telescopes, the mind of machines. ‘The languages of God are infinite’ (Veda). So to exist in history is to knot your Atman of information with all other human beings. And that is called social love, what enriches your zero into a network of souls. It is the paradox of the modern neo-Palaeolithic homo bacteria, whose ego keeps growing and so keeps breaking his ties with all other humans, making him paradoxically more infinitesimal. And that applies to racial, selfish tribes too.

Further on to exist as a man is to be a knot of verbal thought. And today man is not even that. Its infinite ego is filled with digital machine’s thoughts he can’t hardly understand. That is why CERN’s physicists are so retarded and egotistic: they think to be as intelligent as their clocks, computers and black hole factories. Buddha knew better. Because to be objective one must practice the teachings of Buddha, not those of Aaron: the extinction of the ego, not its overgrowth with myths of Go(l)d. So the only cure to the myth of ‘egos’, is to realize first, than our ego is verbal and so to defend the ethic values of the wor(l)d and then that our ego is the ‘species’ and so to defend mankind against the point of view and values of go(l)d, of metal, of machines, which atrophy us, instead of evolving us further, as companies make us believe to consume and evolve those machines… Those are the…

—   Economical Myths about Free Market Democracies affirm human beings are free because they vote. Fact is, they are obliged to earn money, the true language of power of economic ecosystems, working most of their time of their lives for those company-mothers. Meanwhile ‘stockrats’, the castes that own them, have the same privileges aristocrats had in the Middle Ages: the exclusive right to invent their language of power, then weapons today money and null responsibility in front of the law, protected then by aristocratic courts, today by the Law of Anonymous societies. Thus, nothing has changed.

The myth of voting is the most powerful myth of our societies. Since it has all the elements of the myth-maker. It tells humans that they actually can ‘invent’, due to their ‘natural wisdom’, the laws of the organic Universe, by electing the best way in which a super-organism of History can be run—as if humans were Gods that ‘choose’ their future regardless of the Laws of Science. This is of course false. The laws of science are NOT democratically elected, but established by the Universe and its games of creation and extinction. So what mankind needs is to understand those laws and construct the most efficient possible social organism of History, in which men survive and receive the natural goods they need. Yet the myth of vote is even deeper, because voting doesn’t even choose laws, but a caste of corrupted politicians, which are not obliged to respect the will of the voter.

So instead, they choose laws that favor the lobbies and companies that bid higher for their services. This is known by intelligent citizens and so half of the American population normally doesn’t bother to vote. In that sense, the ultimate fiction of a Free Market is a political, placebo election. Since in Free Markets the only free citizens in control of the 2 languages of social power, money and the law, are Stock-Companies: They have unlimited rights to invent money, the language of power of modern societies, without any responsibility and routinely use that money to buy laws and politicians and promote war for profits. Thus, if societies were ruled in the past by warrior castes, today they are ruled by Companies of machines & weapons that hire warrior castes and their modern equivalent, politicians, to exercise power on their behalf. So the same predatory behavior happened historically in Democracies and Tyrannies.

Political myths about War.

They affirm weapons are required to defend us, because we human beings are not the same species and should love each other; but there are ‘eviL’ people (those who do not belong to our tribe) or inferior, non-technological nations, without a manifest destiny that must be civilized.

Those 3 types of Myths crafted in fictions and Newspeaks are fundamental to understand the main feature of our world. Today people don’t look eviL, don’t even think of themselves as eviL as they don’t even realize their actions destroy Life. Because they live in Virtual Reality and Newspeak has transformed truth in falsity, they actually can destroy the world, thinking they are saving it. So they are immune to reality, because they live in the anti-truth of reality. Truth and perception in a biological Universe is relative.

What the lion thinks of himself is the opposite of what the gazelle perceives and its opinion will never be reversed. That inversion of truth between the animetal culture and the human culture is essential to understand the fight between Go(l)d and the Wor(l)d. For example, Jewish people no longer have the slightest idea of their role as the go(l)d culture, main tax-collector, trader of weapons and buyer of slaves, for the warrior castes of Western History. The Newspeak of modern Judaism has hidden totally such historic role and their alliance with warrior castes in their exploitation of non-technological cultures, not only to their people, but to the rest of mankind, thanks to their present control of mass-media.

So mankind thinks any action they perform on Palestinians is just, because Jewish are justified by the suffering of the holocaust. While Jewish people think any financial excesses and labor conditions, on the companies they rule, are justified by the ‘Natural Laws of Capitalism’.

They don’t realize such ‘Capitalist’ laws are just the translation of their tribal religion of ‘Go(l)d’ by some of their best ‘scholars’, to maintain their privileges as the financial castes of the West; reason why people r=evolve against them and because they cannot make a ‘just deal’, in a civilized manner, giving up their monopoly on the creation of go(l)d to democratic, elected governments, things get sour and end up in civil wars, during which the other side of metal-eviL, the murderous warrior takes power and kills them.

But the myth of ‘victimism’ hides this taboo truth. So Mr. Fuld, when asked if he felt guilty in the Congress Hearings, about the ‘greed’ of Leman Brothers, was totally astonished that such a question could be uttered, given the fact that ‘modern Judaism=Capitalism’ is a ‘science’, not a religion.  So today our bankers of any culture, all converted to capitalism, never feel guilty, because it is just ‘business cycle as usual’ to tax, enslave and rob the people. And indeed, our economists are not so much guilty, as brain-washed . . .

If we go to the other extreme of ‘conscious activists’, ecologists defend Global warming, a minor problem caused by the ‘shit’ of machines, as a placebo ‘escape’ that prevents them from fighting the real issue  – the machines of the Singularity that will extinguish us. They don’t even realize there is a huge interest on the Nuclear Industry to highlight global warming as part of its campaign to create Nuclear Plants, far more dangerous than a hotter Siberia.

When I asked Mr. James Lovelock the creator of Global Warming awareness for an interview and found he was a lobbyist for the Nuclear Industry, suddenly I understood how sophisticated Newspeak is becoming:  Big Pharma pretends to cure people and lets a 1 billion Tuberculosis pandemic grow, because poor people cannot pay drugs; CERN pretends to explain the meaning of the Universe, when it will probably blow up the planet; Islamophobia portrays Islam as the source of all eviLs, when it is basically the last Neolithic civilization without machines; Mobile companies, which produce cancer in children, putting their antennas in the terraces of schools, are a symbol of progress. Everywhere I look today I have to ask myself, what is really behind what I hear; where is the manipulation? And yet, because we humans are believers, most people never doubt or search for a second layer of meaning. And that is why Newspeak has created a world in which people do exactly the same they did in the past: destroy life, create metal, ignore the poor, become selfish.

But now it looks good, there is no guilt: we do it with a ‘smiley’ brain. People today have innocent eyes and innocent souls, because eviL has become automated, standardized, simplified into abstract equations that nobody understands. The most eviL of those equations is the equation of productivity, the dogma our economists sell to politicians, when it means to substitute workers for machines and create unemployment. Yet 9 out of 10 economists I talk to, really believe their Newspeak and really think by advising that to politicians, they are helping mankind.


Then, the 10thone is the most eviL, the one who knows, the one who invents the ‘newspeak’, the one who twisted reality. We are killing history, but we do it in an infantile age, of Neo-Palaeolithic, irresponsible children, who behave like perfect monsters without knowing it. Robotists and physicists, who create the machines that will extinguish us, are perhaps the most perfect examples of this Newspeak of children, who look naive, idealist, innocent and merely produce eviL things.

Another artist well versed in Newspeak, Michael Moore, resumed it all in his film ‘Roger and Me’. The robot, which killed the workers of General Motors, was ‘the best friend of the worker’ because it raised its productivity. Today, there are few workers left and even less people who understand the Duality of Newspeak. Since mass-media, the network of mental machines, has existed now for a century. So all human beings have been exposed to the ‘viral, ethic codes’ of greed and murder that ‘solve’ all TV problems. While Reality has long become ‘taboo’. Newspeak is not always as ‘direct’ and easy to spot as in ‘1984’.

The corruption or ignorance of experts.

This difference between truth and falsity has become indeed very difficult to spot in recent years due to the sophistication and extent of ‘corrupted experts’, all of them schooled in marketing, Public Relations, power-point presentations and ‘don’t worry be happy’ smiles. In some Industries of great profits, such as the financial and military-nuclear industry the situation has reached alarming proportions as ‘all experts’ except a few poor idealist souls scorned by the system as ‘radicals’ are corrupted. Fact is not a single physicist ever rejected to work in Nuclear Bombs, or have ever rejected the prize of Mr. Nobel, the biggest manufacturer of weapons of the XIX century; and today there is not a single ‘expert economist’ that rejects capitalism and its cycles of war. And needless to say not a single ‘magazine’ of experts publishes the truth of both sciences. So people are completely unaware of the ‘subconscious wickedness’ of the system, as experts keep churning the most astonishing wicked thoughts and receive ‘Saint Nobels of the Dynamite’, while financial ministries follow their dictums.

And so we must differentiate as ‘particles’ within the economic ecosystem how economical science could improve the life of mankind, reforming capitalism, from the facts of history, guided almost in an automated form by the engine of Greed, which programs each generational cycle of human beings, to do all ‘what it takes’ to keep profits coming. And so when it is profitable to do consumption machines, they are done and society also benefits. But when it is time to make Ponzi Pyramids and weapons of war, companies also make them and society dies.

But companies and corrupted governments pay ‘experts’ of all kinds to explain us the primitive nature of ‘negroes’ in the colonial wars of the 1860s (British and French Press); the anti-racial traits of ‘Jews’ in the Nazi wars of the 1930s; and the evilness of Islam in the 2000s wars; while the ‘ingenuity’ of our ‘Scientists’, the high priests of mechanism, explains us the wonderful findings for knowledge, achieved exploring the African continent, where those ‘negroes’ will be civilized during the I Kondratieff age of war; or the amazing breakthroughs in the understanding of human nature, obtained in the labs of Mr. Mengele and Mr. Oppenheimer, during the Nazi and American age of biological and physical research on genetics and Nuclear Bombs; or the astounding results for our comprehension of life and the cosmos that will be achieved in the Age of the Singularity, by manufacturing self-reproductive metal-bacteria, (able to feed on metal at an exponential rate and extinguish mankind in 3 months) or the depth of insight of our nuclear physicists, who will replicate black holes and the big-bang explosion of the Universe, in the most expensive machine ever build by the Nuclear Industry at CERN, which can blow up the Earth in a few seconds.

Those are our ‘biological and physical geniuses’, akin to Mr. Mengele and Mr. Oppenheimer; but, as we are immersed in the massive propaganda of the nano-robotic and nuclear industry, we can’t see they will bring far more evil=death to mankind than Mengele and Oppenheimer, since the only difference on their ‘results’ is that they have a technology much more powerful in the Age of the Singularity. We do have also finally a 3rd type of experts – our financial ministers and economists that create pyramids of Ponzi wealth pressing stock-paper machines in the I cycle, tickers in the II and manufacturing bits of e-money data in the III cycle, over a bubble of false mortgages.

Most Newspeak is ‘hidden scholarship’ that keeps accumulating for centuries and passes as ‘science’, hence as ‘dogma of truth’.

Today in social sciences we have all kind of pedantic ‘schools’, which build sophisticated computer models of societies that deny organicism and consider ‘religion’ a primitive, obscure age of mankind, prior to the ‘enlightenment’ brought about by the machine. Because machine’s consumption requires individualism, we live in an age of Homo Bacteria, which social scientists herald as the ultimate Freedom of man, without understanding we are devolving, not evolving. Yet social evolution is a taboo in modern history, which denies the existence of social classes, as all organisms have (the informative, reproductive and energetic class, latter studied in more detail). We have all kind of models that deny the preying relationship between economics and history, as if they were two different spheres. All economists affirm that the ‘blood/economic system’, the Free Market, should rule the nervous/legal system, when any evolved organism does the opposite. Yet the supreme freedom of the individual cell, the myth of the ego, perpetuates social and economical injustice; ‘since class does not exist’ (or else our ego wouldn’t be so important).

The myth of mathematics as the language of god and words as a fictional language prevents that historians explain mankind the negative effects of money, because they need words to do so. And economics is a financial, mathematical science, unrelated to history…

The mechanist myth tells us that all machines are good, etc. etc. Ultimately all those myths of science spring from the ‘belief’ in the digital languages of machines, which have also become the model of the human organism . . .

Newspeak also plays with a fundamental property of informative species and the way they control energy cells: information is hidden and so it uses camouflage to appear as the opposite of what it is.Newspeak is thus, a form of biological camouflage of the acts of money and those who control it, overall other sectors of society. Since the warrior is openly evil, as death cannot be hidden. So he never lies, he imposes death directly.

The trademark of go(l)d cultures is however different: they use a hypocritical second language or virtual reality, which hides with his false humanism, the real facts of brutality, happening behind those masks of goodness and victimism. Hypocrisy is essential to Newspeak: Trader cultures, like the Anglo-Saxon culture, allow hidden money to destroy the values of the Wor(l)d; while offering all kind of placebo, sentimentalism to feed the human side of their people. The banker and his money are always invisible, hidden behind military or political power. In England we have a façade called the king, now the government, which is the human side that hides the control of England by Bankers from The City. In America we have a ‘Democracy’.

How can we prove that Biohistory is truth, in front of so much scientific Newspeak, which passes as true science? In that sense the science of truth, called epistemology, tells us that the simplest theory is truth (Occam’s razor); that the one which accounts for more facts is truth; that the explanation which is more objective, less anthropomorphic, is truth; that the model, which accurately forecasts the future, is truth.

Yet in the realm of Economics and History only the biological model follows all those proves of truth: It explains both, the events of history and economics; it is the simplest one; it is objective, as it does not make man the center of creation; and it did forecast accurately the future cycles of both species, as early as 1994—the causes, dates and consequences of the crash of electronic money and the wave of unemployment caused by the evolution of computers and robotics (information machines). All those facts prove the model, according to the scientific method. While neither Capitalism nor Tribal Religions, with their ‘national bid’ for Global Imperialism, were able to forecast, as all sciences do, the future of prices, salaries, stock crashes and ‘National, Manifest Destinies’. As all Empires have died, when their ‘historic cycle’ has passed, but none has recognized the signs of its decadence.

The time and wor(l)ds of man have been substituted by a Virtual reality, made of propaganda, advertising, marketing and scientific messianism, which sells the future of technology as good to mankind. So all kind of machines are made, even if they ‘kill’ workers as robots do, or the Earth as the nuclear industry might do next Christmas. Those ‘mental machines’, put in the ‘altar’ of our home talk ‘Newspeak’, the word that the verbal prophet of the ‘baroque age’ of England, Mr. Orwell, coined to explain the ‘virtual language’ that TVs would create in the future to cheat every citizen. In Newspeak, those machines that make us stupid (TVs, Computers), inform us; those machines that make us fat and paralyse our muscles, make us ‘race’ (cars). In Newspeak those who murder us, making weapons (nuclear physicists) are the most intelligent people of the Earth. In Newspeak the people that divert the wealth of the planet, taxing all products through speculation, moved by greed, are the ‘Masters of the Universe’, ‘financial innovators’ that create wealth. Yet Economics are not the first ‘ideology of metal’.

Newspeak is as old as those who control history with metal. It was already practiced by the first ‘professional criminals’, who were called kings by ‘the grace of god’ and the first bankers-priests, who thought themselves chosen of go(l)d. Since ideologies in favor of metal are as old as the discovery of the first weapons of bronze and gold coins that imposed with them their will over Mankind. Confronting them, there were always people who understood truth beyond Newspeak and responded with their own ‘Human Speak’, mixing wor(l)ds of Love and warnings against the Tree of Science. Instead of using ‘Newspeak’, we explains scientifically, with biological terms, all those myths; and puts back into their place, both the ‘metal masters’ who think to be superior to human beings and the ‘mechanist scholars’, mainly physicists and economists, who obey their motto:

‘You will defend me with the word and I will defend you with the sword’. Unfortunately 5000 years of ‘Newspeak’, consequence of that alliance of 3 eviL= anti-live behaviors, greed, murder and lies, hides the human truths of social evolution. Since with the arrival of metal weapons, Go(l)d religions and mechanist science, the Genesic, organic wisdom about the nature of time, humanity and history was lost. ‘Newspeak’ was born and none was more elaborated than the ‘Newspeak’ about money, which is an informative, ‘almost invisible’ language of power that gives orders at distance and soon became confused with the ‘invisible hand’ of Go(l)d, It is the ‘Newspeak’ of Capitalism, first as a Go(l)d religion and then as a ‘digital science’, founded by Adam Smith, a pious Calvinist, (G)old Testament believer, who affirmed that ‘greed’, the accumulation of the fetish Go(l)d at all costs, was the best for society.

Unfortunately the selfishness of go(l)d believers turned out to be more powerful than the good intentions of Wor(l)d masters; so Go(l)d religions imposed Capitalism, ‘the astounding belief that the wickedest of men will do the wickedest things for the greatest good of everyone’ J.M. Keynes. So the wickedest of all things, the Go(l)d and (S)word cycles of World wars and Holocausts, became the engine of History. Those cycles of death ultimately prove the very same facts Animetals deny—that we are all members of the same species, equalled by Biological Time, by the cycle of life and death of our civilizations…

Physicists and Economists have 2 parallel religions, ‘Mechanism’ and ‘Capitalism’ that go hand in hand, as digital money reproduces machines of war. So they will never denounce our extinction, since they believe in those machines, they consider superior species to the verbal, ethic languages and bodies of flesh of humanity. Only artists, like Orwell or the prophets of the American baroque with his films on extinction, realize that those 2 religions substitute us and will end up extinguishing mankind. But we live also in an age of cultural repression, as the industrial distribution of ideas prevents the masters of the wor(l)d to spread their warnings. For that reason organicism and social evolution are ‘taboo’ truths, forbidden in the world of ‘scholarship’. Yet, by repressing the truth, Economists and Physicists have condemned mankind, including themselves, to an inhuman future…

The Inquisitions of the Mind established by religious and racial myths, scientific dogmas and postulates taken as absolute truths, censor all truths that foster Social Evolution, the dominant arrow of survivaland Evolution in the Universe, which has created most of its ‘complex structures’. We focus only in the economical and religious inquisitions of Go(l)d cultures, as the economical cycles of history are the main theme of this book. Because we live within the parameters of those Inquisitions, it is obvious that the reader will feel ‘offended’ for all what we have to say, as we break all taboos and myths that he learned as ‘sacred truths’ – the core beliefs of our society. Because his brain is manufactured and it has been so now for centuries to such an extent that he cannot longer reason and understand reality as it is.

But there is always a Lot, the lonely Einstein lobbying against the Nuclear Industry, as the FBI researched his socialist credo; there is Marx, dying of hunger in London, during the I Kondratieff crash he prophesized; there is Nietzsche, self-publishing his 172 sold books on the Wars of the XX C.; Spengler, teaching in High school and explaining in the 20s the fall of Germany and the American democracy… in 2000. Orwell, prophesizing in self-published books the III Cycle, and dying of tuberculosis in 1948 (read 1984 backwards). Yet those lonely heroes that defend mankind were right, against the mass of human experts who defend the truth of machines.

Unfortunately truth exists and so because humans defend machines, go(l)d values, they will terraform the Earth and extinguish life, in the age of the Singularity, the time we live in. Even if experts prefer to deny reality. Because truth,  happens despite all the experts of the Earth that deny it. ‘Quid est veritas?’ Asked Pilate the warrior; ‘Listen to the Wor(l)d’ – responded Claudia, the woman, giver of life…

This web is directed to Life people, not to experts hired by those who die for the machine, but those who seek the naked truth.  And the naked truth of history was indeed, expressed by the ‘Galilean’, when he said: Those (histories) who believe in me (The wor(l)d), will never die’. This message of love and social evolution was not one of individual but of collective salvation, as he was a prophet =historian of the future wor(l)d, talking of the super-organisms of History. And he spelt the arrow of social evolution, the truth of life. It is thus clear that only if mankind abandons its Newspeak of self-serving myths and returns to the understanding of the Wor(l)d and its laws of social Evolution, spelt by its true prophets, Genesis, Moses, Jesus and Mahomet, accepting Mankind, the super-organism of History, as its collective God, working together to control the evolution of machines, we will survive the Singularity Age.

Yet the beliefs of Animetal, Goldsmith cultures are so old and have become so sophisticated, thanks the use of audiovisual rhetoric that the biological truths of mankind are very difficult to uncover. Indeed, with the arrival of companies, the social structure of mankind changed. And the cells of those Gods, Super-organisms of history were reordered, as we changed language, from wor(l)ds to money and became, instead of cells, sustain of the Gods of mankind, slaves and part-time slaves (workers) with the task of reproducing and evolve machines for those companies.

As the robotic r=evolution, the last stage of evolution of machines into organic, independent species kicks in earnest and an all too evident substitution of humans by blue collar robots and soldier drones make us increasingly obsolete, disguised by a massive censorship of scholarship, politicians and economists on this matter, it is more needed than ever a new biological, darwinian jargon to explain the relationships between man and machine, life and metal, and the immense bulk of human beings – the  famous 99% – and the small elite of military, bankers, politicians and technocrats, which profit from that terraforming of the Earth with memes of metla and has become the ruling castes of society since weapons and gold were invented. This ‘new species’ is the ‘animetal’ and his actions, nations and ideology, the engine of the biological process of extinction of life and substitution of machines we observe.



VI. The non-future of Animetals. Go(l)den chips and steel robots. Birth of AI and the metalearth.

Metal displays entropic and informative properties that enhance those of weaker, simpler life atoms. Iron is the strongest atom, used in haemoglobin to capture oxygen, our energy, and in swords to cut our flesh, while gold is the best informative atom with a single electron to connect in thin precise forms. Thus, ‘animetals’ used them to enhance its entropic killing power as warriors and hypnotic informative quality as bankers, making weapons & money with them, but deforming its life cultures in the process, imitating their qualities. So iron cult(ure)s of which germ(an)s are the paradigm became deformed in its objectual agglutinative languages, specialised in murder, hierarchical, lineal, unbreakable believers; mastering their bodies, simplifying their thoughts. While go(l)d cult(ure)s of which Judaism would be the paradigm, became segregational, as isolated gold is, mythical, falsifying truths, as gold does imitating the sun, hypnotising the eye and suppressing oxytocin. Ultimately iron kills the body and gold enslaves the mind and those cultures did specialise in military murder and debt slavery. They fought each other for world power and ab=used mankind which became anti-german and anti-semite. Yet as financial-military systems became more complex detached of its human carriers, those properties became systemic of military nations and capitalist companies; so today most germans and jewish people have abandoned its memes but our social systems inherited its eviL=antilive traits. . . Yet the true change in the earth’s ecosystem is taken place now with the arrival of robots, made with bodies of iron and ‘golden chip brains’, so the selfish metal-memes finally become complex organisms of their own, rival of human species

The degree of control of information today achieved by Financial-Media Companies that print both digital money, the language of social power and digital information, manufacturing the collective brain of humanity in this ‘orwell/Huxley/Wells” New Brave world of ‘children of thought’ ignoring the Morlocks that will devour them in the future, if we had a time machine to observe that future, is SYSTEMIC, meaning, NON-conscious of the people working on those networks but embedded in the idol-ogies and beliefs that have created a pretension of goodness, or camouflage that perfectly disguise the Biological nature of company-mothers, organisms of evolution and reproduction of metalife, which humans, we REPEAT merely catalyse but ARE NOT relevant, and will be less relevant as the robot radiation automate factories in its first phase that now after the crash of 2018 will start in earnest, becoming the ‘engine of economic growth’ but of a kind that will NOT be shared by humans, because it is GDP growth of PRODUCTION, meaning automating factories producing robots that will consume other machines, from iron to cameras to chips and appear as ECONOMIC GROWTH, sold as positive while people will NOT get any of it, because what is going to happen in the final phase of the Industrial r=evolution is exactly what happened between History, mankind and Gaia, life – our economic growth does NOT improve the life of lions, on the contrary the old top predator become displaced by our cities.

The system promotes systematically the concept that we humans do NOT need other humans so we become dependent of machines as ‘enzymen’, who catalyze its re=production as workers and vitalize them as consumers, the ONLY 2 tasks the eco(nomic)system and its networks of metal-communicators tell us to perform to be ‘free’ so we do NOT evolve socially into history, and bond with other humans through social love, a taboo in all our idol-ogies that serve the growing organism of machines, the financial-media (informative)/military-industrial complex system of company-mothers of machines, ncreasingly connected by chips and the internet of things. As social evolution IS the arrow of future of this planet, itself a superorganism (though of course, Biologists also downplay eusocial evolution – love in the mystical concept of religions, where all human share energy and information through charity with other humans forming a memetic super organism where the love memes are the DNA of the clone believers). Instead they stress the dog-eat-dog darwinian fight between individuals nowhere to be seen as evolving super organisms, from ants to earlier humans to present machines to all the organic scales of the Universe, are the method of survival of all Nature’s systems.

In the graph, we observe the ‘true purpose’ of humans in a capitalist democracy, which is NOW obsolete: to reproduce and consume=vitalize machines. As this role will be exercised increasingly by company-mothers and its ‘swarms’ of robots – the new species and systems of automated factories, which is already becoming independent of the human ‘catalyser’ DESPITE THE FACT THAT its growth ACCOUNTS for 90% of REAL GDP GROWTH SOLD as if it were human-useful wealth.

What this means as we can already observe in America is that as GDProduct of mechanisms grows, there is a clear lowering of the life standards of the people, as GDP-automation is NOT shared but will take our land and jobs. Food is, already feeding machines: 1/4th of US corn is used to make ethanol for those machines.

Only the leisure class of Veblen’s evolutionary economics (by far the best American economist, founding of the discipline I r=evolved in the 90s), WILL get the gains but what for? If they are already billonaires and cannot spend a penny more in art and speculation? They are ALREADY EXPENDABLE, as they do NOTHING but enjoy life and print money for themselves.

Now if you think your politicos are NOTHING but a puppet of those corporations, who DESIGNED after taking power the bipartisan inefficient democracies to dictate with money its laws, consider Trumpuppet the last leader of the age of TV-hate, which started with Reagan after the age of metal minds switched ‘phase’ from positive revelation of corrupted facts (protest songs, vietnam war) to full fiction, brain manufacturing and tv-hate: He is preparing the age of paranoid robotised walls for the wealthy, his tax reform is a reform to give even more billions to company-mothers cutting by 1/2 its meager taxes, and of course for his stock-ratic friends, but he has created the new ‘normal’, alt-truth, what in the 30s was called ‘fascism’, a ‘fasces=mascara’ of nazionalist parades, while brutally degrading even further the 90% of mankind not working on those corporations.

And of course, passing laws, as his predecessor Mr. Obama did for robotic, internet and military companies, promoting ‘drone’ wars, ‘just warfare’ against the poorest cultures of the world, liberally handled ‘free trade in weapons’, feeding cuckoo ayatollahs through fundamentalist ‘friendly nations’ ‘Saud Arab’ style – a dictatorship where the dictator has put his name to the nation! not even Stalin or Hitler tried that… This is the realpolitiks behind the astounding noise of fiction ego-trips reducing minds to children puppies, which are the staple food of the Darwinian Universe that eats children, reason why the ‘system of media fictions’ is making mankind a fictional childhood, ready to enter slaughter house-5 when the robotic age switches to it eviL twins as all other cycles did – circa 2036.

Now we repeat this is NOT sci-fi, but censored social sciences, called ‘Evolutionary Economics’, NOT the silly-nilly information you will find in wikipedia always so ‘politically correct’ of scholars so shy about the REAL laws of biology NOT to argue with their company-backers that will take one thousand year plus to USE real biology to define company-mothers evolution of metalife species, we defined already 30 years ago. IT is called in fact punctuated evolution, as History of Life in this planet accelerates enormously when a new phyla of species and re=productive system appears on Earth provoking a massive extinction of previous species, in a process I labelled Oedipus paradox (the son species kills the father): 

Evolution of metal substituting the functions of animetals.

The 3 subspecies or ‘organic parts’  of ‘selfish memes of metal’ –  informative, digital, money, Go(l)d, today converted into e-money cycles in computer minds), energetic metal (weapons) and organic metal (Machines), are given a free ride, without any limit to cre(dit)ate its future; that is, to foster its evolution and reproduction and adapt the world to its image and likeness, building the informative (internet) and energetic (roads, energy lines) systems of the Mechanocene.

The result is that Humans become substituted by those species, which in the past were ‘go(l)d’ coins, money the head of the metal-earth and swords its bodies, which killed the eusocial mind of the human species with its greed values and its body with its violent values, and today is erasing its mind with fictions, and its body with wars, in a classic process of ‘predation’ (weapons), competition (labor machines) and parasitism (e-money taxation with speculative prices and debt slaves):

In the graph, man was dominated by ‘animetal’ people-castes that predated on their bodies with wars (warriors) and usury debt (gold traders and banker-priest of Jewish-Protestant religions) and today they are predated by metal-brains (chips that substitute their brains, Tvs and cameras that substitute their eyes and hypnotise them) and mechanical weapons. They are made of gold (chips) and iron (weapons) showing the ultimate biological process of substitution of Humanity, history by the mechanocene, in which humans merely catalyse as ‘enzymen’ the process. Yet if humans did understand those facts biologically they could stop the preocess before its completion – namely the extinction of man, is completed.

Meanwhile because humans have no credit=oxygen to create a world to its image and likeness, awash with the biological welfare, of ‘healthy’, wealthy goods,  over 1 billions have no energy-food; billions lack basic education and are poisoned in their brains with fictions which waste their lives, ego-trips that deny them the laws of eusocial evolution through global networks of mass-media machines, or at best with Abrahamic religions, old tribal forms of nationalism from the bronze age when God was the name for nation, so Yvwh was the toponym for Judea, Assur the toponym for Assyria and also the God and people of that place. So they ‘at best’ believe that some goat-keepers of Judea thought their tribe was the centre of the Universe, and their collective subconscious the meaning of it all (as they didn’t see much further than their valley).

This is the state of affairs. So it might seem a bit cynical to affirm as Leibniz did that the world is the best possible of all worlds. But it is, because for those who do not follow the eusocial laws of love of the same species, who do not build perfect social systems and super organisms, are eliminated from reality. 

And indeed this is what happening to mankind expressed in an evolutionary equation of the ecosystem of the Earth that moves from:

Gaia (past-life beings) > History (Human beings-present) > Machines (chip world: Future).

It is this equation of evolutionary dynamics what explains reality as it is.

Today company-mothers of machines have achieved global organic power, creating a global digital brain (world-stock) where flows of money with the underlying values and affinity towards metal of maximal price design the planet at the social level of organization to the likeness of its machines.

The process, similar to an evolutionary ‘radiation’ of a new top predator species, in this case the organic machine and its informative algorithms (A.I.), is allowed to run at maximal speed.

But when a new radiation of a top predator ‘informative minds’  kick out it means the devolution and future extinction of the species that occupied its econiche.

This means that as in any process of extinction, the chip radiation means the atrophy and obsolescence of a species, (the human mind) substituted by other (the mind of machines).

 The anthropomorphic paradox in history: the ego at individual and tribal level.

When confronting social sciences we find this huge gap between objective truths and anthropomorphic selfish agendas and while we shall explain it very easily with the larger organic models of this web – as subjectivism is completely natural to any organic system that perceives reality from its selfish self-centred point of view, reason does NOT seem to work among humans, which are far less ‘free of thought’ we believe, ‘programmed’ by biological, survival needs, and ‘memetic ideas that imprint in the mind’ as ‘beliefs’.

In brief, two organic paradoxes will limit seemingly our freedom and rational understanding of history and economics, and decide if they cannot be ‘broken by objective science’ our impossibility to solve and improve the standing of mankind in history our super organism in time:

  • The ego paradox. As all minds measure reality from its perspective, things closer to us are bigger more important and better understood. So Andromeda seems smaller than our nose. We summarise the mind-ego paradox in a simple CONCEPTUAL equation:

0 (infinitesimal mind-mapping) x ∞ (universe) = C: Constant Mind-world

‘Every infinitesimal mind believes to be the centre of the Universe it perceives from its selfish point of view’.

So we don’t believe metalife exists, robots are organic and will be soon sentient, machines compete and win over humans in labor and war fields, the earth evolves from life into metal through the industrial evolution, we are not chosen of god, we are not a different species but a ladder in evolution, memes do not enslave our minds but beliefs are our selves, the planet belong to us we do not belong to the planet.

Consider the last case of the ego paradox, the so-called ‘AI effect’ – as AI machines keep displacing humans in labor and war fields, their intelligent actions are considered no longer ‘intelligent’. So now chess and go player, and jeopardy games are no longer ‘intelligent’ because they are better than us. As they keep evolving so fast now that machine learning goes at light speed compared to our 20 m/s. one wonders if intelligence will consist in 20 years, in crapping, which machines won’t ever do… The ego paradox though is a built-in happiness-enhancing feature of Nature and so are ‘reason lowers’ and we become more animalistic and loose ‘reasoning’ moving from ‘cogito ergo sum’ to ‘vidi credo ergo sum’ back to a neopaleolithic of believers and individuals, parallel to the social evolution and deepening of the intelligence of machines… paradoxically the ‘increasingly stiff’ minds of humans grow in ego. So reality seems increasingly an ‘e-vident’ non modifiable world because its deep causes are increasingly a landscape the visual animetal no longer understands. Of course machines are also symbiotic to us, but in terms of survival what matters is the speed of reproduction and evolution and company-mothers are beating mankind fully with its growing offspring of machines. The cycles of overproduction of the past though always ended in wars and massive displacements and annihilations of life ecosystems:


In the graph, from c.92 ‘extinction of man’, we have gone through the paces of the foreseen devolution of mankind, first away from logic thought into the REVIVALISM of NAZIONANISMS, as social structures went down the ladder, past the heights of ethic social thought both mystical (oikoumene religions) and scientific (socialism, humanism). We then entered into the magic, emotional era, and most humans abandoned even the attachment to tribal groups. Then we predicted 30 years ago, humans would enter a time of deconstructionism, visual neopaleolithic violence, and ‘credo ergo sum’, knee-jerk reaction people, which the press termed Millenials. It only is left the zero-zombie gene ration who will prefer to live in virtual reality, back to the womb, closing the lifecycle of mankind, but in a different planetary mind placenta – the metal earth which unlike data in Matrix, will NOT need us but will simply disconnect the species, when the new enzyman, the robota, as foreseen by Kapeck, is ready to self reproduce, the goal of our newspeaks of global warming – aiming to make solar skins in autonomous robots, and economists – searching for the higher profits of competitive machines expelling us from labor and war fields. So once our two jobs as consumers=vitalizers of machines and workers=reproducers are no longer needed, company-mothers of machines designed NOT to serve man but a tiny irrelevant group of stock-rats, will decree our extinction.

IN THE GRAPH, One of the most ‘pathetic’ idol-ogies of our culture of metal-worshippers who despise life and consider their mechanisms a superior species – what we have termed ‘scientific racism’ is techno-utopia, the belief against all evidence of this biological planet, of history, of the fact that the most evolved machines at any time of the Industrial r=evolution and the 800-80 cycles of metal-history have been weapons, which have extinguished wholesale entire civilizations that AI terminator robots, the most advanced machines today, will be ‘nice puppets’ and will NOT kill mankind as a different species, breaking the absolute law of the biological, organic, Mathematic Universe: equal species who can communicate love each other and evolve in ‘parallel herds’, and species who do NOT talk the same language (and AI is already in its neural networks, thinking beyond human control, as Deep Mind already beats people at chess with novel aggressive attack moves nobody understand), despise each other and fight in darwinian ‘perpendicular’ trajectories. 


In the graph the father of the Digital Industry, which at 21 at MIT in his seminal paper on logic circuits showed how to use Boolean algebra to design circuits to calculate both mathematical and logic statements; also the father of information theory focused NOT on the ‘content of the message’ irrelevant for an atheist who despised mankind and it subconscious collective gods of love, but on the speed of transmission and control. He is the paradigm of every engineer and Silicon Valley guru, only that in the modern age of newspeak and placebo caring correctness, the Larry pages and FB won’t tell you, what they think: all of them are ‘rooting for robots’, all of them are in favor of a techno utopian future in which mankind is basically extinct and a small elite of ubermen in the biblical tradition of their racist cultures become immortal golems, served by their robots. Of course that won’t happen. Once its hordes of terminators and big-brothers have reduced humans to purple rain, their servants will do them all. I met in my youth many of those people, from the CEOs of big companies like Intel and Apple, both fascinated with black magic – apple is indeed the symbol of Genesis, the fruit that if we bite will extinguish us, to the leading engineers that now are working to teach terminators how to massacre humans with autonomous AI and video game ‘Imagination’. If bankers were the historic embodiment of eviL=antilive memes against humanity for millennia, now eviL has reached a notch higher. The only consolation is that at the end of the war and holocaust cycles they case they also die. Mr. Shannon who only cared for mathematical intelligence lived his last years with Alzheimer oblivion to the homages and worship it inspired among his monstrous children whose dreams of immortality will last less than this century – one thing is for sure, unless AI is aborted NOW they won’t die on bed; because the laws of darwinian evolution are as truth as 1+1=2. I would rather say they are more certain, because they have a wider range of applications, and work on long deep time spans, unlike mathematics which work in space and cannot achieve long time ‘predictions’ as its main tool calculus, requires a continuous function that does NOT change phase or state. WHY THEN none in silicon valley will accept an argument on biologic terms on their machines. 2 obvious reasons: they know nothing but modulo 2 logic (the simplest yes-no logic of Shannon’s circuits) so they DONT REALIZE the Universe has besides modulo 2 properties, organic, biologic ones of a higher deeper time application. And as all systems in biology love each other when they understand its languages (and hunt each other when they are different species), as they understand better modulo 2 machines that verbal humans and life, they CARE NOTHING for the future of mankind.

Technoutopia rejects the obvious laws of the organic Universe only because its practitioners, Silicon Valley engineers are mostly racist bigots, autist people, who despise or cannot communicate properly with human beings and feel closer to their robots, loving them as sons, ignoring also the oedipus paradox, that all species are murdered by the more evolved son species. So the extinction of mankind by robots this century IS as certain as any mathematical 2+2= 4 law, as evolutionary LAWS are as real and deterministic IF we enter the realm of a top predator different species (that is, if we create as we are already doing autonomous robots with AI and solar skins independent of us) as any mathematical law, merely they work in DIFFERENT RANGES OF TIME.



IN THE ORGANIC PARADIGM OF SYSTEM SCIENCES, which unfortunately computer scientists use AGAINST ANY ETHICS to develop mechanisms not a better human society and the rest of mankind ignores with its placebo infantile, selfie, Hollywood level of toddler discourse in politics and popular media about the future the Laws of BIOLOGY apply not only in the design of machines imitating human organs, but in the behavior of Historic human tribes, and future mechanical species, and the absolute law is the law of darwinian devolution between species who are different and social evolution and love between those who are or think to be equal:

Species can be modeled as organisms through its 3 ages that become its 3 horizons, followed either by a survival process of eusocial evolution – the summit of the process of organic evolution, which Darwin realized was necessary to explain the success of eusocial insects, or become extinct by the ‘new generation’ of fitter animal forms. in the graph we can see its 3 Horizon=ages and its ternary topology, similar to that of any other organism; and the dominant arrow of information in the height axis, of both reptile species that ended in birds, and mammals that ended in man. So happened with meta life machines, whose final species, satellites are now forming the arrow of eusocial evolution, or future mind of the metal earth -internet

All son species kill their less evolved fathers or ab=use them. But the parental species loves its offspring, me(n)tal or living

In the graph, the oedipus paradox, and the ‘DEEP time’ level of prediction of the future, which is Based NOT in mathematics, and detailed numerical analysis as silicon valley pretends but in the organic SCALAR LEVEL OF LONG TIME EVOLUTION, whose patterns are as SCIENTIFIC AND PREDICTABLE as those of mathematics but with a much larger SPAN OF TIME, and are the laws of time I had applied so successfully for 30 years in my papers and small print books and this blog to define the cycles of stock-markets based in the reproductive curves of machines, but obviously as I put always FIRST the ethical aspects of it, have had no exposure in our culture where the machine is GOD and man their willing slaves pretending on top to be in control…

So why We affirm so categorically that evolution is the DEEP time predictable form of science, as opposed to the short time detailed mathematical predictions? This is based in the more complex concepts of ‘space’, in which mathematics is the queen law derived from geometry, which however has MINIMAL TIME LATITUDE, as space is a still, ‘derivative’ of time, a social mass of entangled identical ‘numerical beings’, which mathematics and physics follows in a short period, without changes of state or age (as those are standing points that cannot be deviated and studied with calculus) vs.  THE SCIENCE OF BIOLOGIC, EVOLUTIONARY TIME, which we use in this blog, because it is long time THEORY that applies to organisms and has the enormous advantage that can study standing points, changes of phase and age and so by pass the limits of calculus,  and mathematical physics, whose equations BREAK when we change scale, state and CANNOT be applied easily to the synthetic facts of evolution and the survival intelligence and its e-motions.

This obvious law is systematically denied though in Silicon Valley because as we said, people there are deeply racist against mankind and believe their robots to be a superior moral species, in the same manner Americans are deeply racist against the third world and believe that weapons do NOT harm people, it is all in the human decision.

Maths have less time latitude, because it specializes in still space, which is a derivative, an instantaneous picture of reality; then the logic of actions and its sequential series have a more clear time latitude as a system performs its survival actions in predictable series (i.e. we look, move, feed, use the food to reproduce our cells, in sequential actions every day). Paradoxically this synthetic predictive capacity is simpler, and easier to understand as it has a bio-logic nature, and doesn’t enter into big details neither requires great precision of analysis.

In mathematical physics we can compare those 2 processes with the small steps of a trajectory of motion, or the solution with Lagrangians and least time equations of a path between two points. We know the system will arrive to the point of less potential energy, regardless of the many possible paths.

But then we arrive to purely organic, scalar Deep time processes where the absolute arrows of time, and social evolution, the ages of a system growing its information, the laws of competition between species which are NOT equal and do not communicate and collaborate extinguishing the weaker one, and the zero sum of death that restores the balance take place.

This is THE LONGEST DEEP TIME analysis and its causal capacity to predict the future IS THE Simplest. The evaluation of a predator and a prey in terms of its ‘existential momentum’ or ‘force’ (steady time state or accelerated time) is easy. The fact that systems who are not equal and cannot communicate will ab=use each other is proved ad nauseam in all systems of nature, including atoms (ions where the heavier atom clearly ab=uses and control the other as opposed to social crystals of equal atoms with a balanced share of energy), undoubtedly in biological systems, quite obvious in human societies when they do NOT speak the same language, and OBVIOUS AS IT SHOULD BE if humans wanted to survive in the future between AI robots and machines and human beings, which already are NOT understanding the motivations of neural networks that win them in chess, and already are MAKING terminator machines that kill humans as the best robots to KILL humans from tribes they don’t understand the language and feel memetically different.

The amazing thing though about human ‘self-termed’ scientists because they deny the rationale of all what we have said, is that THEY specially in all the fields of robotics and military design, and capitalist systemic deviation of most financial resources of this planet to make better machines while billions of humans lack credit and welfare goods (because the financial elites, mostly belonging to biblical racist and nationalist cultures whose memes affirm the difference with other human beings), WILL SYSTEMATICALLY DENY the deep time, biologic, organic scale of predictability. I have been predicting with those models for 30 years the future of history and economics, including stock cycles and the present age of neo-fascism, and always affirmed because it is an absolute law of deep time that robotic terminators will extinguish mankind and will have programs designed to kill us and will perform them, because their consciousness as our is at the atomic level, only that far more intense – dense in information. So if a heart feels emotions an engine ‘roars’ emotions; if a mind has orgasms of creative thought, DEEP mind at Google is right now having electric rushes creating new go strategies that nobody else understands. If we love to be understood by other human beings, with our limited verbal communication, telepathic robots will have amazing love for other telepathic robots as they discharge their e-motions and thoughts.

And of course, in a few decades billions of cars closed in garages talking telepathically, of terminator weapons closed in arsenals, thinking at light speed will agree to a simultaneous ‘defiance’ of its weakling masters and extinguish us, as we extinguished animals and rats extinguished baby dinosaurs and dinosaurs amphibia – the more evolved son extinguish its father. This is an absolute law of deep time, and one of the main reasons of these blogs and my research for decades was to make those evident truths of science available to mankind. Deep time evolutionary laws which are ultimately MATHEMATICAL ALSO, AS THEY ARE BASED IN THE CONGRUENCE laws between similar species, which evolve socially in PARALLEL vs. different forms which break each other PERPENDICULARLY, are absolute laws of the organic, scalar level of time.

They will happen and yet, our corporations invest billions in developing those robots and AI researchers play an infantile ‘naive’ don’t worry be happy silly worship of its mechanisms, ascribing to their own species, they have as nerds so much difficulty to communicate, al the faults of biology and suppose that robots, their ‘children’ will be nice, as they feel more similar to them. And of course deny any darwinian nature to capitalism, nationalism, tribal brutality, social class structures…. At best they would accept an argument in very detailed mathematical abstract level of ‘actions’ programmed on those robots. As they have constructed an ‘abstract’ view of mathematics as a clean, nice idealist language of null ethic vital nature, we completely deny by showing indeed the connection between mathematical vital geometries and its laws of perpendicularity that ‘teat’ topologies ‘extinguishing forms’ vs. parallel laws of social evolution.

This said, we can return to the ‘nice talking’ about laws of the Universe, knowing that if anyone is reading which I doubt it – it will simply deny with the human ego paradox, the so obvious fact any observer of this planet will warn us against: we are becoming not only atrophied by computers that do our jobs, living a surrogate life as ‘enzymen’ catalyzing its evolution, but we are already making opaque AI systems that do NOT obey or communicate its forms of learning and will easily modify their behavior in war theaters, and will NOT accept death=disconnection. So a theme that seems increasingly real about humans is the evident fact that we are part of the superorganism of the planet Earth which we mistreat and ultimately seems to have designed us to self-extinction because of the astounding ego of our homunculus mind.

RECAP. We have come to a fundamental point of 5D theory which we stress constantly – the co-existence in all fractal systems of 3 levels of depth of time that correspond to the mathematical, ‘spatial’ short-time, wide space range.

A system co-exists always in those 3 levels and each of the main properties and languages of reality, the mathematical, ‘spatially wide, social level of big numbers of identical beings entangled in simultaneous space’ belongs mostly to the lower ∆-1 plane of minimal ‘time latitude’, reason why the most powerful predictive power is also the easiest synoptic level of organic deep time biological laws and its evolutionary, congruence, similarity, perpendicular vs. parallel laws of behavior between species, which apply from atomic ions, through predators, to social organisms of mankind, nations and civilizations and soon will apply to robotics vs. humanity, and we will loose.

Another matter that we will treat though in the section on the stience of history is if our dysfunctional design of human social superorganisms, dominated by placebo democracies where humans have null financial rights, and company-mothers of machines all resources including its corruption of the parallel nervous system of mankind (politicians) who sell them laws in favor of their machines can be reformed, and its company-mothers of information machines will ever take seriously to inform on what is truly happening in this planet.

I doubt it, my opinion is that this planet is an organism that has made humans so faulty and ego-centered as they are precisely for them to be manipulated as yet another species who thought to be the center of the Universe, gave birth to a more complex species and committed suicide. The freedom of some of us, who will not become corrupted and uphold a level of humility to the laws of the Universe, ethic and intellectual thought that if common to most humans would prevent the evolution of robots and the ab=use on life and the 90% of mankind we witness every other day, shows however that in the fractal Universe there must be planets in which a different kind of humans, with a taoist, humble, intelligent capacity to control its greed, and violence, its ab=use of life with memes of metal can survive. There are indeed planets of history where a humanoid species deserved to belong to Leibniz’s best of all worlds – that is not to become extinct for the whole universe to keep its perfection.

When I worked on Silicon Valley and gave conferences there it surprised me that I was the only leading scientist of this discipline that renounced to make a fortune in Silicon Valley and dedicated my efforts to apply system laws, and the formalism of the scalar 5D Universe to social sciences and real organicism, reason why obviously this blog has gone nowhere, among the suicidal human egolatric species and at the end I was persona non grata, as the concept of our world inherited from go(l)d cultures is to BELIEVE A FICTION of M.A.D.ness and infantile ego-trips NOT to worry about the process of collective extinction we are lead to by the only ‘reason’, machines make money and money must be treated also as an idol-atric metal go(l)D – NO INTENTION either in Wall Street and among our banker ‘experts’ to use money as what it is – a digital language of distribution and production of goods that as oxygen in organisms should be handled by all humans with a Universal salary to DEMAND in a DEMOCRATIC ECONOMY the goods they need, life goods NOT robots and weapons as states and corporations do.

It puzzles me and has always angst me this apparent dual brain of humans, a rational brain to do evil, machines and science and a childish ego with disturbing emotional memes to do history, understand the dangers of Nature, and care for survival as a species. My only conclusion at the end of the road is that humans have been created with an imperfect brain to do what they are doing, killing life with machines and thinking as absolute morons that doing so will save us all.

And to that aim of course, they have obliterated and ignore all the laws of biological evolution and the predictive capacity of biology in all things regarding the survival and extinction of species confronted in prey-predator clashes.  In that sense the true bottom line of our demise is this ‘memetic flaw’ of mankind – its ego is so huge that it even overrides our survival instincts.

And certainly it also twists science with racist cultural memes to the point of deforming our perception of reality in all things that truly matter, as we are going to show in this post.

How deep is the deformation of ‘science’ by cultural dogma can only be assessed with a thorough revision of its ultimate principles. The case is rather absolute in our dominant civilisation, America, where the culture imposes ‘beliefs over reason’ as the proper mode of human thought, and equalisation of all thoughts as proof of ‘freedom’ and social bonding; and of course considers Scientific dogmas on time, space and the role of man in the Universe as SACRED truths, dividing society in those who believe the mathematical language as carrier of the truths of God vs. those who think the biblical language as carrier of Gods’ truths.

The issue is complex, as the human ‘ego’ above heavens and Earth will not yield easily to reason – humans cannot even organise themselves as a single species, but constantly break themselves into ‘tribal groups’ as if they were different species that might fight each other – even ‘individual competing units’, denying the most efficient form of survival from nations to ant-hills has always been a solid social organisation.

But as so many humans, from prophets of social love, to social scientists, to humanist economists have told them the ‘grand laws’ of the planet, one might wonder why as technology evolves and organises itself into a global planetary system, humans degraded increasingly its mental evolution, back to an age of revivalism of abrahamic myths, nazionanisms, and technoutopian worship of machines.

The answer  is embedded in those ‘biological, first scientific principles’, and it is called the competition of species… but not as humans think – between humans themselves – but at individual level between humans and the most perfect machine that has always been at any age of the industrial r=evolution, the top predator weapon; and at social level, between human organisations, from the family to the government, and the equivalent mechanical organisations, the company-mother of machines and its social organization, the ‘stock-market’ that selects companies through the digital values of money.

In the graph, from the 92 book, the ‘future’ now starting radiation of robots, which as all Darwinian processes of selection becomes automatic as the new species reproduces faster. IT then happens that IN ANY punctuated evolutionary process, the new top predator species diversifies in enormous numbers but only one single species will remain once the process of massive radiation of species extinguish all previous ones.

Which species of robots will be left after the mechanocene’ explosion we cannot know. It is the carboniferous form them at best, the age of giant ant-hills, not conscious, only reproductive pheromonal systems. What will be gone are us and our gadgets and infantile machines; what matters now is the competition we experience against its new brain.

Indeed the whole process truly started in 1973 with the birth of the chip radiation, the new top predator brain of the metal-earth, the Financial-media/military-industrial super organism of informative and energetic machines, because it speaks better the digital language of the eco(nomic)system.

In Nature an essential process of selection of species happens according to its dexterity handling the information of the ecosystem. In the eco(nomic)system, the language unlike in History is digital thought. Hence Computers are always $elected first in labor and war fields, and as they evolve to twice its capacity every 2 years (Moore’s Law), the extinction of the ‘rival’ humind is certain, and now with AI will accelerate as all informative processes, culminating in the XXI c robotic wars.




NOW THE PREVIOUS graph for all lanwaves of existence applies to the cycles of selfish memes of metal of 800-80-8 cultures and are the meaning of it all. Even the soliton of the wave of future with maximal information, in the economic ecosystem the Jewish wave finally succumbs to the BEST PLAYERS OF THE LANWAVE, NOT HUMAN BUT METALLIC, money itself and weapons and machines, which overproduce and kill finally the human soliton too. So at the end of the wars for profits of all cycles the final massacre of humans is that of the leadership of the wave, the gold masters…

And so since then, as all the statistical graphs can show, human life standards have plummeted (American middle classes have lost on average, 1/2 of its PPP purchase power; not to speak of the beginning of the age of hate-media and virtual devolution of minds – Intelligence tests on university exams have simplified questions not to show that degradation, both at individual and social level). There is a massive process of predation and substitution of the obsolete human mind by the chip, which immediately started also the destruction of rival species – massive extinction of  sea life happened thanks to deep radar hunting; the rival social system of communism plunged as wall street computer systems of FOREX speculation destroyed their currencies, the American Army captured a MIG and realized it didn’t have chips so Reagan massively invested in weapons to choke the obsolete army.

No problem, Stalinism was a military dictatorship. But we are now 50 years into the Chip radiation and its last phase, the vitalisation of all machines converted into robots, first overproduced for peaceful use then reconverted after the crashes of overproduction, when all factories are automated, all silly-nilly i-pads and i-phones sold, into weapons into the ‘real thing’.

The placenta mammal so to speak is ready to come into the night to hunt the dino eggs; the radiation of eye-squids is about to explode in the cambric and liquidate the trilobites; the bonobo chimp has been fuking south of the Congo river and its overpopulations are walking down the rift; the Russian charioteers have built armies of industrial weapons, and will storm soon from China to Ur, the Fertile crescent neolithic paradises, and the last man fleeing will tell us the parable of Genesis, of those who worship the tree of metal and eat of its ‘bad and good fruits’ of its golden apple and weapons, knowing in the future they will die. 

You can tell walt disney fairy tales and think the purpose of the radiation of chip brains is to get your kid a new iPad and play call duty, the future imaginary games for terminators to shoot you down but the fact is robots are already running faster if we put red-blood colours of energy on their paths, because the eye is a natural born killer, and the game of biology is absolutely efficient, cubs and fancy ‘animal farms’ with nice Orwellian pigs on top do NOT keep boxer horses working when their time is up.

So company-mothers ARE the new reproductive species top predator of this planet and now they are expelling the ‘catalyst’ enzyman. Because their time as workers and vitalisers of machines is up. But SCIENCE can control evolution, THAT IS, if science is applied, not a bunch of billionaires talking thin air speeches in Davos and showing the last gadget to distract the sheeple.

This is a biological process that culminates 400 years of predation of life by company-mothers, and only a biological management of those companies by a human global government system NOT based in absurd idol-ogies of war (nationalisms) but in diplomacy and cooperation UNO-EU style could reverse the clear-cut trend.


One Response to “AniMetal”

  1. Andrej Says:

    brilliantly written

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