6.warrior v. humanist Europe



Introduction: Fractal Nations. Its fault lines.

Europe through the 800 year cycles.

Europe through the 80 years cycles.

Colonial Europe: from the steam age to World Wars I & II.

The 3 ages of European R=evolutions.

Post-war Europe: failed EU mission.

Europe in the digital age colonized by the JAM culture.

World War III starts in europe.

World War III happens when Europe as a colony of U$ ARMY instead of accepting USRR into European Union alliances expanding its size 3 times and connecting directly with Asia, accepted to play as Nato military $lave that fractured once more the continent into civil wars for the sake of industrial profits.

Road less walked: A Human future – world union.

 ‘Every nation ridicules its neighbors. Everyone one is right’ Schopenhauer

«If the Past were ever past, there would be no use in recalling it» Freya Stark

“I have written with a profound love for my own country, but without being engrossed by France more than by any other nation. As I advance in life, I grow more simple, and I become more and more patriotic for humanity.”

Victor Hugo, Humanist belonging to the European Greek>Latin culture.

‘Technological civilization is programmed by the principle that something ought to be done because it is technologically possible. If it is possible to build nuclear weapons, they must be built, even If they might destroy us all. Once this principle is accepted, humanist Values (something has to be done because it is needed by man) are Dethroned and technological development becomes the foundation of ethics’.

Eric Fromm, Humanist belonging to the Northern European culture.

‘Chaos is undeciphered order’ Saramago

‘If you want to understand the future, study the past’ Confucius



The 3 Volumes of History in space-time expand the Volume of History in time to ‘spread’ its cycles into the 7 geographic and cultural civilizations of mankind, with the same tools of 5D Stience. As 5D stience departs from a more complex view of the elements that compose any system to study all realities, as usual we make a brief introduction those law for the neophyte, all of you, stuck in the ‘lineal models of 4D Time-space’ (:

Time in 5D stience is cyclical, not lineal, hence with multiple causalities and the capacity to carry in-form-ation in the frequency and form of its cycles; which lineal time erases; hence lineal time ‘stientists’ become ST-upid as Schopenhauer defined it: people who don’t understand complex cause-effect relationships and resort to ‘magic reasons’. This is specially the case in social sciences, where a new factor inputs, egocy: Ego=idiocy, the deformation of any mind that measures reality from its point of view, so your nose seems larger than Andromeda. And the result is the basic lack of ‘true models’ of social sciences, history and economics, able to predict the future, specially when it is not ‘favorable to mankind’. And the outcome is the incapacity to solve the problems of mankind by acting on those cyclical patterns, which is the meaning of a ‘law of science’. Since time is cyclical when a scientist knows the causes of its cycles it can modify and direct the future to a better aim, by modifying the wrong causes.

All systems of nature can be modeled as super organisms of a certain scale of size, ruled by the 5D metric equation, S (space size=energy) x T (frequency of information clocks) = Constant, which is the fundamental law that allows systems to be super organisms, traveling in the 5th dimension from birth as a fast seed (semen, meme, black hole) which will reproduce and organize into an emerging superorganism, living 3 ages of increasing information till either evolves into an even larger super organism (men into the global earth, cells into multicellular systems, galaxies into universes) or dissolves into an entropic death (big-bang, m=e/c2, death, war). Such is the fractal Universe in a nutshell. And so the trick to make a system immortal is both to organize it socially and to maintain it in the balance of the mature age, repeating its cycles without evolving an excess of information that warps and kills in the 3rd age the organism. Men are doing exactly the opposite, evolving further technological information and multiplying entropic weapons that divide us.

Unfortunately Humans became all ST-upids, when Galileo who taught ballistics in the Venice arsenal at the princely salary of 1000 golden ducats charged with the only goal of ‘maximizing the length of its shots’, wrote V=s/t for its cannonballs and stated the principle of lineal inertia – alas ‘manu military’ all the cyclical clocks of the Universe became lineal. So today all humans believe in lineal time causality and have LOST all the cyclical information required to understand History and economics as a science. Mind the reader, cyclical time does NOT change the equations. For example, the previous equation, V=S/T can be written in cyclical time as V=l x ƒ, whereas on top of the speed we also learn the ‘length of the wave cycle’ and its time frequency, making time cyclical and discontinuous as it is in all clocks of reality.

The 3 scales of human life goes through 3 ages between its 5D generation by an informative genetic, seminal seed or prophetic form whose memes reproduce and evolve into a cultural super organism, and 4D entropic death, at ∆-1 cell level by apoptosis, ∆º individual by germs and ∆+1 social level, by war memes, foreseen in the angst baroque age of its subconscious collective – the artistic and ethic work of its human neurons

Space in 5D stience is ‘fractal,’ broken in similar vital spaces, not a continuum as in 4D stiences.

In the graphs, the philosophy of science of ‘XXI’ century will be based in the study of ‘fractal space’ and ‘cyclical time’, the proper complex views of the 2 elements that make up all beings, ‘a vital space’ gifted with ‘temporal motions’ that become organized through those scales into superorganisms, through the ‘arrow of social information’. Systems thus evolve AS SPECIES not only in individual struggles but mainly to become a social organism stronger than the parts and more successful, shaping an absolute arrow of ‘time’ towards ‘whole systems’. Thus in this plane the most successful surviving systems from ant-hills to company-mothers of machines, from empires to nations are based in the arrow of social organization ultimately depending on the organic nature of the planet.

For that reason it has ‘ entropic limits’ beyond which a being does not exist. Hence Death and entropic limits are similar concepts both in time (the limit of a cycle) and space (the limit of a system, surrounded by a membrane). For example nations have entropic limits in the armed borders another nation cannot cross as a superorganism, often related to all geographical limits – islands, mountains.

Moreover because space is fractal it is broken in different scales of size with similar properties. As the system of reproduction in the Universe is fractal: a seed with the information stored in ‘static time cycles’ is delivered by a larger ∆+1 system (∆ is the symbol in 5D for scales) into a smaller space-time and so it creates a smaller replica of itself in a lower scale, in terms of the ‘functions’ the system will perform, and this little form will reproduce and evolve socially through networks creating a larger superorganism, which finally will grow in size from small into big. So systems are ‘organic’ because they co-exist in ‘atomic/cellular, organic/thermodynamic and cosmological/gravitational scales. And this goes for civilizations and nations and monetary systems, as a prophet of the wor(l)d, a horde of warriors with a new weapons, of bankers with a new form of money reproduce it and create a larger system with its new seed of information. Again a lot of information on the relationship and different ‘speeds of time cycles’ is lost when all those scales are pressed into a single one. So In our papers on physics (Universe in space) we use this regained information to unify with cyclical time and fractal space, mathematically masses and charges and solve all the conundrums of astrophysics.

Finally because the Universe is fractal there are ‘mirror-minds’ who use ‘languages’ that are synoptic systems that ‘reduce the information’ of reality to fit in the mind-mirror creating an image of an even larger whole, the world. And that is the explanation of why minds exist, whose simple equation is :

0’ (finitesimal mind) x ∞ (infinite universe) = Linguistic mind-mapping or ‘world’.

This causes the egocy paradox: the humind believes the image is the whole reality as it is all what it sees.

The fundamentalist cultures of gold and weapons, religious bigots and physicists reduce the living Universe to its languages and fetish-metal as the vehicle of God; substituting the real dual substances of reality spatial energy and cyclical, temporal information to come on top of the Universe. THEY DOMINATE our culture and pass as science what is an ego-trip of power.

In History and Economics the egocy paradox is so strong that cyclical time is vehemently rejected for ‘magic, pseudo-religious, anthropomorphic causes’ or selfish agendas of those who ab=use mankind and don’t want to ‘know’, how they do it – specially financial and military people subject to the cycles of wars and holocausts due to the synergy of money and weapons. So its ego is pumped to ‘cosmic proportions’, and its ‘language’ that maps out reality becomes the only language of truth and intelligence. So the first men who thought in words believed God created taking words in Hebrew or Arab. And today that we use digital machines and its metal-minds to express the world with numbers, humans believe ‘numbers’ are the only language of reality. But the Universe is an organism of spatial information and temporal motions, its primary substance that you see around, forms that occupy space, moving.

Space=in/form/ation and time=motion thus become the substance of organisms ordered through scales that give birth to a 5D metric equation, such as smaller systems in space run faster time and life-death cycles. So the speed of time of systems is not the same for all of them, and 3 scales of different speeds form an organism – in man the cellular, individual and social scale. And finally for all this complex reality to ‘work’ in an ordered manner, systems which have a ‘membrain’ that divides its vital space, from other systems, and are formed by 3 scalar space-times that give them organic nature; have in its highest ‘scale’ of size – that of the membrain that breaks it as a whole from the rest of the Universe a ‘sensorial system’ or mind, which interacts with the external Universe, encloses and orders its internal vital space and communicates with other similar beings, forming larger social organization; hence becomes the mind of the system.

In the graph, mankind always understood in its mature social ages that the summit of evolution is social love, as described by its prophets and scientists of history. Only in the entropy age, dominated by go(l)d cult(ure)s virally infected by the selfish memes of metal, weapons and machines that make us obsolete or kill us, we rejected social evolution, devolved into an entropic dog-eat-dog society which pervades all higher technological cultures, defined by the paradox of history: max. metal evolution=min. social evolution. In that ‘biblical’ Anglo-American culture then a series of bigots passing as scholars, would define from Leviathan’s Hobbes to Smith to Maslow the concept that love is eviL and eviL is good, mockered in Keynes sentence: ‘capitalism is the astounding belief that the wickedest of all people (our biblical financial-media masters that ab=use mankind and choke it of credit, dedicating all resources to evolve the rival ‘viral species’ of weapons and machines), will do the wickedest of all things (ultimately destroy life and build the metalearth), for the common good (here is where the stream of bull$hitters that pass today as geniuses of science come in – to convince you that being a slave of company-mothers of machines, ruled by a few ‘stockrats’ and financiers that choke you of credit, neuter your social love and life memes, and make you a dog, is the best of all worlds: welcome to capitalist democracy, the ultimate placebo truth, its damned lies and statistics… which will hide the future obsolescence of an with figures and growing robotic GDP

One of the most bizarre idologies of history is ‘capitalist democracy’ according to which a tiny elite of stock-rats and financiers have absolute rights to print the language of social power money, as ‘experts’, which they herd for themselves or use to evolve machines and print information to manufacture the brain of people, and this is called ‘freedom’ of the market (not of the people). Indeed, the reproduction of money is the leit motiv of a capitalist system, where the people on top has a single goal: to emit as much digital numbers called money as possible and rule the world with them.
Money is merely a digital number put in any ‘cheap support’ which by law is considered to have ‘value’. So bankers, speculators and companies try to reproduce as much ‘digital numbers’ as possible, to be able to ‘buy’ the life of the people on the bottom of the pyramid with null rights to reproduce money, through salaries. A real democracy – government of the people – would be a system where all citizens/cells as it happens in healthy organisms of nature, issue a universal ‘oxygen salary’ of money, to demand welfare goods and boost the human economy, today something feasible through a ‘bitcoin-like’ UNO backed global ¥€$ salary for each human to have democratic ‘votes’ in the social language of power – money, and create a demand economy – NOT a supply one, where the few financiers and corporations that issue money, create any product with it and then ‘supply it and sell it through marketing and political corruption’, from nuclear weapons to hate media – things people would NOT demand.
 But we do not live in anything that remotely resembles a ‘real democracy’. Politics in capitalism is about a ‘placebo structure called democracy’ where political servants distract people so in the background the real world of financiers printing money, buying corporations and giving orders of work to humans in mechanical industries, ‘creates’ with credit the world we live- dedicated to make and evolve machines, and let the ‘leisure class’ on top enjoy the world and tell us how ‘graceful, intelligent’ they are. While the invisible human side of ‘capitalist democracies’, the 99% lives, eternally undernourished. 
This amazingly simple power hold by the 0.002% in ‘free markets’: to emit numbers as money, IS the essence of the world’s power today. And amazingly enough it passes as a ‘positive science’: ‘the wickedest of all things – to choke people off credit, to print money for mechanisms not humans, for splendid little wars, not for warfare, ultimately for the extinction of life – is considered to be done for the common goods; because obviously the people on top double his job – they not only print money with informative machines but print newspeak of freedom and encourage all kind of distractions, infotainments and placebo systems of null power, for people NOT to inquire the obvious: Why a few can print digital numbers as money, and the most must toil for it?
Companies design a future for machines, its offspring, not for human mothers, with no credit to create reality. So the future unless the eco(nomic)system is reformed has a single path: life obsolescence.
The body structure of the social organisms of history and economics show clearly where the problem lies: 99% of the money issued by our stock-ratic elites IS DEDICATED to evolve and reproduce machines NOT human beings and its welfare goods needed to survive. Since its primitive animetal idol-ogies that pass as economic science but are just a digital version of its biblical segregational memes, translated today to AI software give zero rights to workers and full rights to machines. So the extinction of life is sold as ECONOMIC SCIENCE. Of course it is NOT. A REAL economic science will be ruled by human legal languages, our informative system in control of the networks of blood-reproduction forbidding lethal goods as any super organism does, and overproducing our goods, welfare goods, establishing a universal salary in Yes money for each human to demand those goods (a bitcoin system with NO limit, but a monthly issue to each person in the planet of a 1000 eurodollar salary in its mobile ‘wallet’ would be all what is needed to create the blood coins every human requires to survive, cancelling stock-money to control further evolution of chips & robots).

We thus talk of a reality made of organisms of space-time, self-centered in a mind-membrain, whose language encodes a program of survival for the organism. And all the data humanity has gathered about reality needs to be ‘put within this general template, to make sense of it’.

All this of course is a huge advance in the comprehension of the Universe that has only happened at that level of amplitude 3 times to the human consciousness in the same ‘Latin European civilization’ in its 3 ages. The Greek Aristotle jumped human consciousness from the age of Semitic egocy and mythic genocidal empires to the age of reason and experimental thought; then Galileo in the Italian renaissance jumped consciousness regaining Aristotelian logic and adding ‘sensorial machines to measure time and space’ (but in the process lost sense of the ‘logic causality of time’, as clocks did not express past to present to future causality. Now we jump to 5D causality, conserving of course, all the data and advances of previous upgrades of human thought.

At present humanity gathers data and because it uses lineal time, space continuity, a single scale of reality, ignores organic properties, denies a linguistic sentient program of survival to its structures, and hence cannot conceive the organic vital nature of its systems, it CANNOT make sense of it, beyond very partial, limited theories of reality. Why 4D science is so simple has to do with its origin in physical sciences, who used mechanical clocks that don’t show causality only digital patterns of frequency to study time, and was occupied for most of its worldly profession making entropic weapons whose goal was to shoot projectiles in lineal trajectories (Galileo). So out of those two material elements, it ignored logic causal time, the arrows of past, present and future, the verbal language that described that causality and reduced time to a single line dimension It also studied smaller species and so reduced the influence of wholes and considered only small parts influenced wholes. This then spread to biology, so only genes influence humanity and evolution is never social evolution but Darwinian selection after entropic deaths of the fittest species. In essence all what didn’t fit linearity and the ‘dogma’ of constructivism proper of ‘physical stiences’ was ignored.

This due to the ego of physicists and their tools of analysis (as they depart from ∆-¡ scale of quantum physics and have NOT yet understood its relationship with the ∆+¡ scale of Gravitation, small things must matter more) So now all sciences considers only one ‘arrow’ of time causality from minor to major in the musical sphere of the infinite.

That is not the how the organic, complex real Universe works, where the causality for an entity to exist and last must be at least trilogic often pentalogic. i.e. you exist because you have 3 topologic parts, simultaneously working together, limbs, body and heads. So your causality in a single plane of spacetime is trilogic. But for you to exist you must have a smaller scale of cellular parts and be part of a larger world. So you have then besides your scale 2 more ‘causal reasons’, the parts and the outer world. And so your logic is at least pentalogic.

Pentalogic is the minimum analysis 5D stience uses to explain anything. Below that you are reducing reality. So 5D stience uses the same data, but magically because the template that encases that data is far more complex and focused as an image of the underlying principles of reality, data fits, makes sense and its chaotic form acquires a deciphered order.

So happens to the data of history that suddenly shows cyclical patterns, organizes humans in larger social units, predict the future of its economic and history cycles, finds a topological geometric structure in art and evolution and shows that ‘wholes’ from upper scales, the Earth as an organism, the subconscious collective Gods of history, influence its smaller parts. All this is strange to 4D stience, which is extremely limited by its postulates of lineal time, a single spacetime continuum and a mechanical automaton model of reality to make sense of all the data, which it extracts from organic systems performing actions with a survival purpose.

One error is specially grave for an understanding of history: the denial of higher scales beyond the individual that influence human beings – the networks of economic and political distribution of energy and information of the society, the ideologies and social religions that peg together people and make them act as a whole, and the Earth as an organism whose climate, geography and raw materials, animal life and stronger metal atoms have shaped many events and cultural traits of humanity.

Since in 5D the whole ∆+¡ scale which DOES influence through its larger, slower fields of energy and information and enclosing membranes, the smallish ∆-¡ scales of reality. So the Earth influences through its glaciation and weather cycles, the cycles of History, which as all time systems has clocks – physical, mechanical or circadian – prove is not the simplified lineal system used in physics to measure ‘motion in space’, but repeats its patterns with the same causality once and again – or else there would not be laws of science.

So History in time suffers cycles provoked not only by mankind but mainly by Earth, due to its patterns of weather, with its cold and warm rhythms, due to the other species the Earth host, not only animal but ‘material, metal systems’ that become weapons and forms of money that influence humans. And finally an element ignored so far by social scientists, called religions, the subconscious collective of civilizations that make people act as a whole. So this paper is widened in 3 ‘Volumes of History in spacetime’ to study the cycles of the 7 global civilinations, which were in the past imprinted by a religion and today are broken into fractal ‘nations.

This said synthetic 5D stience completes with those wider whys the analytic 4D scientific discoveries that in this digital cycle come mostly from computer-mediated analysis of experimental data on the field of linguistics and archeology. So we expose the 5D Historic patterns of time cycles (which again is the realist model of time, simplified by entropic physics since Galileo’s study of cannonballs into lineal time, origin of all those childish models of 4D lineal time sciences that the egocy of physicists consider works of galactic geniuses – at the death of Einstein, Time published an obituary with the Earth in the future crossed by big letters, here Einstein was born – yet another hyperbolic egocy fantasy of the chosen… sorry. Abstracts must be more serious about the human condition, which is not serious at all, filled with chaotic entropy, we shall undecipher with those cycles… So back to reality… Those models thus will define the 2 vortices of conflicting evolution of technology and evolution of the mind, on the decametric scales, NOT the same process, regardless of present idol-ogies of worship of machines; and the axial dot-product that evolves the 3 minds of man, the verbal, visual and e-motional axis. And once the mind was ‘fixed’, it all will become the 800-80 years vortices of technological d=evolution, which is about to collapse on the present final robotic cycle that puts together bodies, engines and heads of machines, as viral germs are put together by mentally erased cells who work for the ‘other’ species as enzymen do, to see its idol-ized viral parts merge to become alive and kill the cells…

The Organic Philosophy of the Universe.

Systems sciences are based on the alternative philosophy of science to that of mechanist physicists and its only entropy arrow, called organicism. Let us try to explain why only organicism is a scientific truth.

 According to Deism the whys of existence are due to a personal being, external to the Universe that makes it all happen and cares for humans more than for the rest of His work. According to Mechanism, this is due to the self-similarity between the Universe and the primitive machines we humans construct to observe it. Mechanism though needs ‘someone’ to make the machine, which is not self-generated; so it is similar to deism, reason why the founding fathers of science, all pious believers, adopted it as a proof of the existence of God, which had given man self-similar properties – the capacity to make machines to the image and likeness of the Universe.

The problem with those 2 approaches, which in fact are the same is obvious: a personal God is an anthropomorphic, subjective myth and science must be objective; while a mechanical view of the Universe still needs an internal, self-sustained process of growth, creation and synchronization caused by an external God that made and rewinds the clock – as Leibniz clearly stated in his critique of Newton.

Scientists today are unaware that mechanist theories are in fact deist theories, reason why Kepler and Newton, pious believers, liked them; since they were a metaphor of their self-centered, anthropomorphic religious beliefs: If man created machines because we were made to the image and likeness of God, God had created the ultimate machine, the Universe.

Organicism on the other hand is the only self-sustained, rational theory that doesn’t need a creator, language or god, as organisms are self-replicating, but does explain perfectly within the ‘correspondence principle’, those 2 other philosophies of science; since a machine is just a primitive organism of metal, and in History, Gods are the subconscious collective of civilizations, ANOTHER scale of social evolution of the fifth dimension.

So what we mean by an organism? A very simple system – NOT to confuse with the most evolved, complex of them all, that of human beings, reason why so many people, having a natural biased ego-centered belief in man as the unique organism, reject the concept:

An organism is just a group of similar forms, which organize themselves with at least two ‘networks’, one that provides the ‘clone cells/citizens/atoms’ with the vital energy they need to feed, move and reproduce (blood-economic system-electromagnetic forces) and one that provides them with information to guide their survival actions (nerves system, political system, gravitational in-form-ative forces).

This simple dual system IS the minimal, fundamental particle of the Universe. Since it is obvious that machines are also organisms.

In the graph, the key element of modern history is the evolution of machines, clearly happening with the same phases of the evolution of any biological beings. So we first made the bodies of machines in the I industrial revolution, then we made its engines and heads, metal-ears=phones, metal-eyes=cameras and metal-brains=chips, and the nations which evolved them first (US) became the leading nation of the world. Now we put them together into biological organisms of metal, robots:

So mechanism, the underlying philosophy of physical sciences, is just a simplex version of organicism. It is not man who resembles a machine, but the machine, which is made to the image and likeness of life organisms using to that aim stronger metal that makes them more able in the processing of energy and information at larger scales. Today those  Machines are fast evolving with the same patterns that simplex organisms. So as cells make viruses constructing first its 3 parts, bodies, limbs and heads, which then are ensemble and become alive, we made bodies, engines and heads of metal and now we are assembling them into autonomous robots with solar skins and telepathic AI. It is then self-evident that robots will compete with us in labor and war fields as a species with stronger metal-atoms and faster minds of golden chips. And if humans want to survive they should abort its evolution. Yet in a society ruled by company-mothers of machines with unlimited credit to create the future, the opposite is happening. While a series of childish pseudo-religious idol-ogies make us belief we should not fear them.

Why then organicism has remained in the modern time, a fringe theory, to mechanism, even if it was the first theory of reality put forwards by Aristotle, the father of the experimental method and logic science, in his magna opus the Organon? We just explained the obvious cultural reasons – we live in the age of the machine and so the machine has substituted man, an organism, as the measure of all things. And its organism of evolution and reproduction, the company-mother, has substituted human governments and informative verbal prophets through its mass-media/academia outlets; so it only considers positive mechanist models of their species.

But the deepest reason of them all is the fact that to make an organism we need at least two ‘arrows’ or ‘motions of time’, entropy, locomotion, the one used by physicists but also INFORMATION, form-in-action, formal dimensions, which physicists have always ill-understood, to the point they call it negentropy, the denial of entropy. Only then when we properly define information and add it to the mix, we will have the required elements to refund philosophy of science on far more rational, basis, that the present ‘mixture’ of mechanism and creationism (either of verbal language as in religions or digital languages, as in the religion of mathematics).

History as a superorganism.

History is the supœrganism of mankind in time. It follows that mankind is the supœrganism of History in space. The vital space of mankind is the Earth. So geography has an essential role in History in Space. But as a supœrganism mankind has a collective mind – the verbal, legal, ethic religious and social cultures of its ‘cellular citizens’. Thus as always in the entangled pentalogic Universe, it is not possible to separate the 5 elements of the supœrganism of History – its temporal ages, its ‘scalar’ structure divided in human citizen-cells, 3 physiological economic=reproductive ‘blood ‘networks, legal-informative and ‘territorial network of vital space’ or geography, its verbal mind and subconscious collective Gods and its ‘entropic limits’, in time and space, which if crossed will signify its extinction. As the 5 Dimensions of History work in symmetry like in any other complex ¬∆@st organism.

But given the lack of ‘understanding’ huminds (ab. Human minds) have of reality, the description of History as a supœrganism is as alien to ‘science’, regardless of the degree of supposed intelligence of the reader, as the description of a differential equation would be to Galileo. So we start all the 5 ‘ceteris paribus’ analysis on the 5 elements of History, space, scale, mind, entropy and time, with an introduction to 5D stience and the laws of the organic fractal Universe. So we have the theoretical minimum for the reader to understand how the laws of 5D stience apply to history and determine its structure in space and cycles of time. In as much as humans ignore those laws and so they are externally manipulated by them. So even before we start an exposition of the themes on History treated in this paper, the I of 3 dedicated to the study of the 7 civilizations of humanity in space, symmetric to the 7 ages of human life in this planet, I have decided to add to this (and all other papers, when I revise them), the basics of the ‘stientific method’ that improves upon the experimental, logic, organic method of science discovered by Aristotle, the TRUE father of philosophy of science, and the mechanical method which Galileo added to it (the use of digital mathematical languages and its machines of measure, clocks of time, and telescopes and latter microscopes to see space, that merely ‘widen’ the range of sensorial data humans had, and the exactitude of its analysis, but DIMINISHED, when it became a fundamentalist religion of mechanisms and numbers, with the exclusion of human SENSES and verbal, logic, causal time dimensions, our consciousness and understanding of the ultimate whys of the Universe. 


Because our mechanist models of science have little do with the organic structure of reality, we need to introduce 5D super organisms, its metric laws, worldcycles of life and death and networks structure that join its parts into wholes to apply them to the study of the superorganisms of History:

The Universe is a fractal that reproduces information and then self-organizes networks and systems that evolve into supœrganisms in all scales of reality. This obvious fact observed in the graph – but denied by the ‘creationist’ entitled human beings who prefer to think they are  the only intelligent, living part of it to their own peril; makes it a ‘pan psychic’ organic system. But science did not have a proper formalism of its organic, fractal structure till I discovered it in the milieu of system sciences, applying it then to all systems, including human societies and machines.

It is then clear that humans who always though the universe was made to its image and likeness, were right, but the age of metal changed that paradigm away from Neolithic age of fertility goddess.

SO science indeed is BOTH an instrument of power, and a form of culture, beyond the collection of data and its expression in equations, at the most basic detailed level. All what comes after – the general models of reality of each science are always biased by the power idol-ogy of the historic culture that develops them. Yet at each age of History, once the ‘biased cultural model is based’, its authors have claimed to be ‘truth by dogma’, proved through the different ‘theories of the absolute of each age’ – religions in the verbal age of ‘Gods’ and numbers in the digital age of science.

What are those ‘bias’ theories of reality that are necessary to refute in order to understand organic history? The obvious fact that in western history, power has been hold for most of its ‘800-80 years cycles’ of civilizations by ‘lineal warrior’ power, and in recent cycles by monetary and mechanical power.

In brief ‘humans have become animetal enzymen’, which catalyze the evolution of lineal entropic metal-weapons, and so they ‘changed the obvious fact that time-clocks are cyclical and multiple in the Universe, each species with its own cyclical clocks that regulate its life and death cycles’, by a lineal, military view of time, as an arrow of entropy=death, of lineal form.

And this was the work of German, military physicists, established since the inception of physics, when instead of frequency of time cycles, Galileo decided to use its inverse parameter, lineal time duration, as its job was to measure the distance of cannonballs.

Why this is important is obvious: the super organisms of history go through cyclical processes of self-destruction called wars, and memes of metal, go in parallel through cyclical processes of evolution and without understanding cyclical time is impossible to make sense of it.

The second huge idol-ogy of western cultures today global is the concept that Space is a single continuum, and exists truly only in the human scale of size, the one that matters, while in reality, Space is scalar, fractal, broken in infinite different ‘scalar sizes’ which ‘co-exist’ together and for that reason there are ‘organisms’ and the Universe has an organic fractal structure, as systems change energy and information between those different sizes and scales, that put together form the 5th Dimension of the scalar Universe, ruled by a simple metric equation: the smaller a system is the faster it turns its time cycles, or clocks that carry in the frequency and form of its systems, its information – the missing arrow of time in all lineal theories of the universe.

So the Universe has a fractal organic structure and all its systems are build with a similar fractal organic structure, including human beings and human supœrganisms, nations and civilizations.

The metric equation of the fifth dimension of space-time which allows travels through its scales is simple as all space-time metric are: S (size in space) x T (speed of time clocks) = Constant. So smaller parts have more speed of time clocks which carry its in-form-ation in the form and frequency of its cycles, coding larger systems: genes code cells, memes code social organisms and particles’ quantum numbers code physical systems. But larger forms have more spatial energy and enclose and control in synchronicity its faster smaller parts, creating the co-existing scales and symbiotic cycles of super organisms in any ‘stience’ of space time organisms. This happens in all fractal systems of the Universe.

The 3 planes of existence in 5D metric of the Human super organism, with its different synchronous cycles. The cell that lives one day, the organism that feeds with energy the cell every day, and the social civilisation extended in Gaia that could be immortal but is killed by military germs every 800-80-8 years, in the accelerated vortex of metal-information now collapsing into the singularity age.

The world cycle of life. Eusocial evolution

In the graph, systems sciences consider the Universe an organic fractal, which each science studies at a level of size, all of them evolving socially through networks of energy and information. So we can study species as organisms living a world cycle and evolving finally in social networks becoming super organisms, the most efficient survival strategy of the Universe, where a head-particle-informative class will invent a language of common organization, quantum numbers, hormones, genes or memes, money or laws that all the body-wave parts/cells/citizens will obey. The goal of systems sciences is then to properly apply the physiological laws of networks to design or study perfects organisms of nature, including mankind and the economic ecosystem.

The organic Universe described by systems sciences has two ‘qualities’ ignored by present models of space-time: the cyclical nature of time, which is the origin of the cycles of history and the fractal structure of space, which is the origin of the self-similar structure of human cultures.

So larger cultures live longer than human beings; even those who die in wars live 10 times longer – they are the civilizations of ‘animetal history’:

I.e. If we consider the fifth dimension from the perspective of OUR mind thoughts and body actions and its time clocks that run faster the smaller we are. So a rat has a metabolism much faster than an elephant. And an insect has thoughts ten times faster than a mammal because both are much smaller. This property is important because it equalizes the internal life thoughts of all the species of the 5th dimension.

For example, our ladybug thinks 10 times faster than you, and since the longest living cockroach lasts 7 years have in terms of his subjective mind thoughts, in fact he has experienced 7 x 10 times the quantity of life thoughts of a mammal of the same age. And that means it has lived 70 years in his subjective perception of time, the same than the oldest living mammal, a human being.

Memetics not genetics codes the information of History.

A consequence of 5D metric laws of co-existing scales of the Universe is the rejection of racism as: I (∆-1)>∆ø: So genes have nothing to do with History, as in 5D stiences an informative system only codes the plane above its organisms. Genes code Human organisms NOT historic organisms, coded by the next informative scale, ‘memes’.

So we are NOT more important than a cockroach, whose life is in its scale of existence is as fulfilling as it is our life and arguably as beautiful. Reason why all cockroaches love to be cockroaches.

And as cockroaches move faster they can escape us, but also because of this law genes can code organisms in faster cells, memes civilizations in larger super organisms of history, and quantum particles matter…

This means that memes not genes code history so races are meaningless, cultures are.

So this universal Law of Information allow us to differentiate clearly the memetic structure of cultural social super organisms, which are larger in space and suffer longer cycles in time (800 year cycles in civilizations, hundreds of thousands of years in human species).So to fully understand Mankind as a super organism, and its fractal scales, we need first to introduce the larger model of the fifth dimension and the scalar Universe. In the graphs, in systems sciences we model all systems of nature as super organisms of similar ‘atomic or cellular or individual species’ joined by networks of energy and information. So we can write with the same template the structure of all systems:

∆-1: A cellular organism is a population of molecules, related by energetic networks (cytoplasm, membranes, Golgi reticules) and coded by genetic information (DNA.)

∆=o: A human organism is a population of DNA cells, related by networks of genetic, hormonal and nervous information and energy networks (digestive and blood systems).

∆+1: An animal ecosystem is a population of different carbon-life species, related by networks of light information and life energy (plants, prey).

∆+1: A historic organism or civilization is a population of humans, related by legal and cultural networks of verbal information and agricultural networks of carbon-life energy.

∆+1: An economic ecosystem or nation is a population of human workers/consumers and machines, related by networks of digital information (money, audiovisual information, science) & energetic networks (roads, electricity)

An economic ecosystem differs from a historic organism because they use different languages of information (civilizations use verbal or ethic laws while economic ecosystems use digital prices) and include 2 different species: human beings and machines.
In the graph, the 2 super organisms growing on the Earth today, History the super organism of mankind and the metal-earth, the super organism of company-mothers.

It is obvious that in this planet there are cultures that are technological and love the evolution of metal and cultures that are of the tree of life. And this is the fundamental division we must make to understand the fractal division of mankind in quarreling civilizations:

Thus 3 Elements are essential to understand reality in 5D and its space-time organisms:

∆±¡ Scalar Organic structures. The co-existence of 3 relative ‘∆±¡’ scales of 5D in all systems: the parts, the whole and the world in which the system exists. So physical systems have the quantum scale of its atomic parts; the thermodynamic scale of its molecular matter and the gravitational sale of the galactic world or celestial body in which they exist. And humans have the cellular parts, the organism and the social superorganism and world they live in. Its justification is obvious. You can see anything in detail in its parts, and it will be in a larger whole, and a metaphysical question is to consider if those 5D scales are infinite (likely) or not (only those human perceive exist from atoms to galaxies). Which comes to this: is each atom a kind of galaxy of a hypo-Universe, and each galaxy a kind of atom of a hyperuniverse? In terms of history, it means we are ‘cellular citizens’ of larger national, cultural superorganisms. It is the basis of the organic nature of reality as those 3 ‘scales’ co-exist together, so they form an organism which by definition is a system of co-existing scales related by ‘networks’ that exchange energy and information between them (waves in physics, physiological systems in biology; economic and cultural, legal networks in history).

Space: Topological ternary systems. The co-existence in each organism in each of those scales of 3 ‘topological parts’ (below for the human organism, a biological plant and a physical system, a galaxy). This is a whole new 5D stience as always based in well known experimental and formal 4D sciences. I have call it topological evolution and plays an essential role to understand the 3 ages of life and death of any species, including civilizations. And it is based in a mathematical insight. Since all what exists has spatial form and temporal motion, the Unit of reality is bidimensional. But there are only 3 bidimensional topologies (Geometries with motion) in the universe whose form and function are related:

So we can then understand the common ‘trinity’ structure of any system in a single space-time scale:

All systems have ternary topologies with 3 organs of motion-information-reproduction that absorb energy, move and perceive to survive.

|-limbs-fields-territories<Ø-re=productive bodywaves-workers>O-informative particles-heads-informative class

Whereas, the |, Ø and O symbols are intuitive for:

– l-Lineal, flat topologies, the shortest distance between point that explains why limbs, field that move are lineal, and vital, geographical territories where systems hunt, move and feed are flat.

-O-Spherical heads, particles or ‘capitals’ of social organisms, or groups that meet in rounded tables to direct a social system, from elderly to Arthur and its Gentlemen (: since the sphere and circle are in 3 and 2 dimensions the topologies that store more information. So we talk of ‘rings of power’.

– Ø-hyperbolic wave like, hour-glass bodies that re=produce the other two because they combine lineal motion and cyclical information in multiple curved patterns. This corresponds to the ‘working body-class’ of a social organism, as it is in charge of reproducing the goods of the system. So reality is made of such ensembles. Does this mean there are always 3 classes and so the class system is ‘just’? Not at all as it is designed in our unjust organisms of history. Because it is important to notice that an organism has really only ‘2 classes’, the head and the body. As often the 3rd class is ‘the entropic territory of feeding’. The Wave-particle physical organism feeds on the lineal forces of the field, which is NOT the organism. The social organism is made of informative managers and working class, which ‘feed and process’ the vital space, or territorial geography, its goods, food, raw materials, to construct products. Even in biologic organism some animals loose their ‘lineal tail’ and survive. And you can in fact loose a leg and survive, but if you loose your head or body you die.

So what is wrong with human superorganisms is obvious: unlike nature’s organisms, many cells of the human body do NOT receive enough oxygen-money to feed and survive, because the brain neuronal informative people-castes that reproduce money and legal information, through its informative, nervous political and economic, reproductive networks are often more like cancerous systems that suck in all the blood-money for themselves. Moreover, the body cells can send back through the nervous system pain messages to the neuronal cells so they serve them and don’t hurt the body cells, and finally the managerial neuronal class gets ad maximal only 10 times more energy than the body cells. So we live in a cancerous, parasitic system where the neuronal castes harm the body and do not receive a posteriori judgmental pain messages, as in earlier Greek democracies, which were efficient truly free systems where all politicians were voted a posteriori after tenure and could be jailed even killed if they did not fulfill their promises. So while the Universe has similar laws for all organisms there are many systems, among them those of history that do not obey them. Why this is important, and why systems can be easily corrupted if they lack such feed-back pain democratic judgment systems, and a blood system of red cells that distributes the money-oxygen of society to all cells, which in organisms is not even ‘focused in a single class’ but reproduced in all bones, as a short of Universal salary for all humans/cells to buy or produce the welfare goods they need to survive, has to do with the fact that the body cells, the middle class is blind and gets information about the outer universe only from the neuronal class that controls information – today through audiovisual networks, so if the neuronal class is corrupted and not supervised and judged and can monopolize the issue of blood, it has absolute power on cells.

Which lead us to the definition of an organism of any kind, for which we need to add the parts that make those networks, and the while (the 4th and 5th dimensions of scale). Because topology has also found that those 3 types of forms are in fact networks of smaller points with volume (non-Euclidean points) connected by flows of energy and information. So in fact instead of topological varieties we should talk of networks of points that form lineal, moving limbs/fields, territories; cyclical networks that form informative heads/particles/informative classes in command of the language of financial and legal power of societies, and body/waves/working classes.

What makes then the whole a whole? The answer is: the nervous, informative languages that communicate all the parts of the super organism and ‘trace’ within its syntax and value, its path of the future. And so we have talked first of it and will constantly coming to the bottom line of reality – the languages that construct the organisms of the world.

The 2 languages of informative and reproductive networks: Bits of information and bites of energy.

In that regard, it is important also to Understand NOT in pure abstract mathematical terms, but in LOGIC, LINGUISTIC ones, the INTERNAL, DYNAMIC nature of those networks, because only then we can proper understand how they work in advanced organisms of maximal information, the biological organism and the Historic organism, which belong as ‘fractal systems’ self-similar to each other, two the same specific type of organisms, we shall qualify as socio-biological organisms. A NETWORK, of informative nature, delivers MESSAGES OF INFORMATION to simultaneously coordinate the actions of all its parts; with its faster=smaller bits of information according to 5D metrics (min. spatial size x. max. temporal speed). While the networks of reproduction, the blood and financial system delivers larger bites of energy, which the organism needs to feed itself (when it is a healthy NON-corrupted superorganism as most of Nature, but NOT HUMAN SOCIETIES, whose astounding level of corruption we shall explain in detail).

Indeed, the key to the full understanding of reality both in terms of energy but also in terms of information, as both are two sides of the same coin, called ‘exist¡ence’ is the fact that in the sentient Universe, each fractal point, atom, cell or citizen (physical, biologic or social systems) needs bits of in-form-ation, form, smaller in size of space, hence faster according to 5D metrics (SxT=C), but also ‘bites’ of entropic energy which will help the system to move. Networks are NOT some abstract ‘fractal tube’ but they exist to deliver ‘energy and information’ (SS: form=language with a little motion=St-information and motion=entropy=TT with a bit of information = energy=Ts).

So a healthy superorganism will deliver to each ‘fractal point’ (molecules, cells, human citizens), two type of messages through two type of networks. We shall call ‘generically’ the 3 type of bits and bites of information and energy that each of those 3 physical, biological and social systems receive, ‘particles, genes and memes’ even if the words as usual in 5D sciences are slightly changed, and widened in its original meaning.

So with its specific variation, those are the two fundamental reproductive-‘body-wave’ and informative-‘particle-head’ bites of energy and bits of information of the fundamental systems of nature:

In physical systems, the two networks are the gravitational faster networks of information, which we humans do not perceive, as we are much larger beings with electronic networks. Its bits of information in this faster non-local network should be ‘gravitons’, components of gravitational waves. In physical papers we advance as the most likely particle state of those waves of information that ‘position’ the different physical systems of the galaxy, a gravitational tachyon ‘neutrino’ for multiple reasons, we study on our papers on physics.

On the other hand, because we do perceive it, it is much easier to prove that the energetic network of physical systems are electromagnetic waves, photons and its ‘social, static state’ as the elements of an electronic nebulae, trapped in the potential energy well of the atom. Thus photons and electrons become the ‘energy network of physical system, molecules.

We shall escape then in this introduction further information on the scalar structure of those networks and how, as we ‘grow in scale’, what is a bite of slow energy for a smaller plane of space-time, becomes for the larger plane’s slower beings, a faster bit of information, in the amazing beauty of the harmonies between scales. So electronic ‘food for atoms’ becomes electronic information for biological organisms and so son.

Those biological organisms do have then two fractal networks, the electronic, informative nervous system in which bits of electronic information moving along the myelin membrane deliver faster messages to every part of the organism to simultaneously synchronize its motions, so the body-cells act as a single form in simultaneous space.

– But when we move into the bites of energy delivered by the blood organism, the network delivers to each cell the basic ‘currency’ language of energy that all cells need to move, called ‘oxygen ‘. It is an atom of slower motion than the electrons but due to its electro-negativity and readily availability in the atmosphere, with its capacity to kick with two OH- & H+ legs the water ‘medium’ on which cells exist, the perfect language of ‘money’ for the organism to start kicking its ‘actions’.

So we DO have in the next scale according to the perfect laws of harmony, the two basic biological bits and bites of information and energy, electrons and oxygens, and from then on, as systems become more complex, variations of those bits and bites occur.

The main category are mixed ST messages, which deliver BOTH a stick and carrot ‘complex’ to the cells and its big molecules, which are amino acid systems, of great simplicity called Hormones, starting from the simplest of them all, an NO molecule (which do relax muscles, its main message to the locomotion system, increases the pressure of blood, provoking sexual erection, the simplest message to reproductive systems and multiplies the neuronal activity. As nitrogens are the clock atom of our mind-brains.

So finally more complex NO systems with a body support of carbon chains become ‘hormones’ which might have a ‘higher informative message’ (with more N, as in nucleotide molecules) or a higher energetic message (as in acids with more oxygen).

They form then the basic letters of the ‘biological longer sentences that might accumulate information’ in ever more complex molecules, as biological organisms are by far the more complex systems we know of.

Finally a very important concept is the difference between an ecosystem in which multiple superorganisms co-exist, often in predatory relationships, vs. an organism in which only a type of atoms, cells or citizens co-exist, and is far more symbiotic as all parts love each other and share energy and information through its networks, over a common territorial space, as shown in the graph.

Those three physiologic networks/classes/physical parts of ANY system of the Universe define the Universe indeed as a fractal organism of infinite smaller and bigger super organisms, in a game of Russian dolls in which each of us is a ‘island-Universe’ within itself, made of smaller parts, and for that reason each of us is also a part, cell/citizen of a social super organism, nation, religion or civilizations, which we do NOT see as a whole, as our cells do NOT see us as a whole, but DO exist as such.

∆±¡: 2 scales of human supœrganisms. Its collective mind: art and religion.

The 2 super organisms of mankind at the individual and social level and its informative, nervous or legal/ethic networks, and reproductive blood or economic networks. Those 3 physiological networks collapse with germs and wars that kill civilizations. Religions are inscribed within the ethic/visual collective mind of its informative neuronal class, the artists and ethic prophets that foresee its demise in the 3rd baroque age of the civilization expressing its angst in artistic forms and ethic books of revelation that try to halt the collapse of the organism. Love Religions were all born of an ethic prophet in the 3rd age of the culture. In the graph, the blood-reproductive network of economics, the digestive-entropic territory in which we feed and the nervous informative systems of politics are parallel and in systems sciences must follow similar laws. So we should tailor economic systems with laws of medicine, and put the nervous system above, as all evolved organisms. It follows that as doctors are in charge of curing and maintaining healthy the social organism of cells, through the caring of its physiological networks (blood=reproductive, nervous=informative and digestive=entropic, energetic systems), to the point that doctors say all sickness are not of cells but of physiological networks, historians, economists and politicians on charge of the theoretical and practical well-being of human societies should take care of those economic, political=legal-informative and Gaia=entropic, energetic networks of life that shape the human supœrganism. In the graph below we consider in more detail one example of those supœrganisms, the most important for mankind – the supœrganisms of humanity, nations and civilizations.

Organicism puts man again @ the center of all things, because we are the most perfect supœrganism. So biology & medicine that cure the physiological networks of sick organisms, are the true sciences of history and economics, since the goal of both is to create perfect physiological networks of economic welfare production and just democratic systems of nervous control and pain to the brain-politicians that do not obey the organic laws and develop a wealthy, healthy, humanist world to the image and likeness of man, made to the image and likeness of the fractal organic universe.

Historic nations and civilizations as super organisms in space, its physiological networks of energy (economic system) and information (culture and political system) and in time through its life and death=war ages and cycles, themselves a mirror image of the larger cycles and physiological networks of the whole supœrganism of mankind, history. Mankind in time and space as a supœrganism and a worldcycle: in the upper part its full world cycle as a block of time, in the down and right its life and death through civilizations of which the subconscious collective artists and ethic prophets form its ‘neurons’ – while the equivalent metal earth has in its scientists, their collective brain that increasingly confuses technology (metalife), with science (knowledge).



The most beautiful generalization of those supœrganisms is their study with laws of Non-Euclidean geometry, where a point has volume and hence become one of the cellular units of those organisms. A group of points becomes then a wave or network, and 3 of those networks form a topological plane or vital organism. In this manner we unify biology and topology and define the most important of the new 5D sciences, topologic evolution.

We change the name of space to §paœ, to signify two new qualities of fractal space -to be made of multiple scalar planes, §, self-centered into a o-mind, which is the true creator of the concept of still space as a simultaneous mind mapping in any language of the information of the flow of time cycles that conforms the Universe. And as a consequence of those facts, space is organic, co-existing in a series of scalar planes which 5 Metric converts in ternary supœrganisms, œ (ab. for super organisms).

Space thus becomes §paœ when we ad its scalar, mental and organic properties to its mathematical ones.

Yet space is still in the linguistic world best described by Geometry. We must simply improve the postulates and axioms of ‘Non-Euclidean Geometry’, to describe better the vital topologic properties of spacetime beings, which we do on the post dedicated to non-Euclidean topology, from we extract this brief ‘abstract’ and graph, to fully grasp how a better Geometry can describe a better space:

The 5 Non-E postulates define a point with parts, a line as a wave and a plane as an organic network of points: The 2nd postulate explains the interaction between two points connected by a wave of communication or ‘line’; the 3rd postulate explains the type of interactions between 2 points according to their relative equality, which will bring them together into a social network or dissimilarity, which will make them not interact or enter into a Darwinian relationship in which a point absorbs the energy of the other. Self-similarity is required to start an organic process of eusocial evolution; or else systems that do not understand their information use each other as energy, in Darwinian hunting processes or ignore their paths. The 4th postulate defines the creation of networks made of systems of points across multiple scalar planes of space-time. It defines spaces as networks of points, interconnected by flows of energy and information: All in the Universe are thus complementary systems made of networks of non-Euclidean points. Finally the 5th postulate that explains the processes of absorption of waves of energy and information that the point gauges to act-react with the Universe. It is then the social evolution of points into numbers and structures – groups, sets and categories (not the bottom but the top element of the evolution of points and numbers), what mimics the creation processes of Nature, where identical beings, points of ‘one dimension’ (as seen externally, but with three internal dimensions), evolve socially first into lines-waves (2D, as waves have volume, thickness, made of points with volume), then into topological networks (planes), and finally recreate a larger ‘fractal point on the ∆+1 scalar plane’.  So the postulates of vital mathematics explain in a synoptic mental way how points evolve socially through scalar planes of dimensions, to become first waves, then planes and social numbers which create a final Non-E ‘fifth postulate’ of a larger whole point through which infinite parallel flows of energy and information can cross.

In the graph, the formal view of space and its 5 Ðimotions, provided by the 5 postulates of Non-E geometry…

Pentalogic derives all what exists including languages, as mirrors of reality from the realization that all  is a by-product of the 5 Ðimotions of space-time, themselves, ‘degrees of grey’, of the two ‘extreme’ purest forms of Space – absolute stillness or languages of pure form, ‘residing’ into an emerging ‘wholeness’ or upper scalar plane, ¡+1, of the fifth dimension – and time (absolute motion or entropy, dissolution of the being into an scattered, ¡-1 lower scalar plane or 4th dimension).

So space, form, yin and time, entropy, yang, combine into the 3 intermediate states, we perceive in a single plane, often as adjacent topologies of a supœrganism:

Limbs and fields of locomotion (ordered entropy with no scattering or dissolution, akin to energy).

Heads and particles of informative perception (form with motion, as it allows the being through its language to move and interact with its world).

Reproductive bodies of information and energy that combine and iterate both.

So we shall redefine the main branches of mathematics, starting by its most important, geometry and topology with 5 Postulates that relate to those 5 Ðimotions and will be the basis on the future for a more vital model of mathematical thought as mirror of reality. To that aim we redefine the 5 most important elements, axioms and postulates of Euclid in correspondence with those 5 Ðimotions, taking into account the ‘cyclical nature’ of reality that either after completing a ‘world cycle of five Ðimotions’.

1Ð-5Ð: So the first-fifth postulate defines a point as a mind of perception, akin to the first Ðimotion of being – to perceive; and the fifth-first postulate that defines a point as a world in itself, a supœrganism with its inner parts are the same. We just might consider that the point has evolved and grown to emerge from its minimal ¡-1 state in the first postulate – points with inner breath; into a full super organism, ¡º, living in the ¡+1 world, in the fifth postulate studied here.

2Ð: And it has done so through a process of locomotions and changes of waves and forces of communication with other points that define the second postulate – lines with inner breath…

3Ð: And then it has formed planes, defined as social networks that correspond to the third Ðimotion of energy and reproduction, becoming a super organism.

4Ð: According to the fourth postulate of congruence, which defines its relationships with other beings, based in his ‘angle of parallelism’, such as similar beings evolve socially together in groups, complementary ‘left-handed female/right-handed male’ beings come together in couples, and beings which are not equal neither complementary enter either in relationships of entropic perpendicularity, or ignore themselves if their worlds are ‘disconnected’. So the fourth postulate gives us the ‘¡logic rules’ of engagement between forms and particles.

And so we establish an immediate relationship between the fundamental concepts of geometry, the point, the line, the plane, and its congruence or dissimilarity, its relative parallelism and perpendicularity, and the 5 Ðimotions of existence, the point is the mind that perceives first, the first Ðimotion; the line is the point in motion, in cycloid patterns, or two points communicating with smaller ¡-1 parts, as in the Fermion<Boson>Fermion relationship of forces; the plane has ‘holes’, it is a network of reproduced points socially connected into the 3 different species of networks that make a super organism (informative, reproductive and entropic, digestive, moving networks), and all this is ¡logically established according to the relative dissimilarity or perpendicularity between the beings (4th entropic Ðimotion) or social parallelism that evolves the point into a supœrganism, a new whole (5th Ðimotion).

Space: Topologic ternary systems. The co-existence in each organism in each of those scales of 3 ‘topological parts’. This is a whole new 5D stience as always based in well known experimental and formal 4D sciences. I have call it topological evolution and plays an essential role to understand the 3 ages of life and death of any species, including civilizations. And it is based in a mathematical insight. Since all what exists has spatial form and temporal motion, the Unit of reality is bidimensional. But there are only 3 bidimensional topologies (Geometries with motion) in which form and function are related. So we can define the common ‘trinity’ structure of any system in a single space-time scale:

|-limbs-fields-territories<Ø-re=productivebodywaves-workers>O-informative particles-heads-informative class

Whereas, the |, Ø and O symbols are intuitive for:

– l-Lineal, flat topologies, the shortest distance between point that explains why limbs, field that move are lineal, and vital, geographical territories where systems hunt, move and feed are flat.

-O-Spherical heads, particles or ‘capitals’ of social organisms, or groups that meet in rounded tables to direct a social system, from elderly to Arthur and its Gentlemen (: since the sphere and circle are in 3 and 2 dimensions the topologies that store more information. So we talk of ‘rings of power’.

– Ø-hyperbolic wave like, hour-glass bodies that re=produce the other two because they combine lineal motion and cyclical information in multiple curved patterns. This corresponds to the ‘working body-class’ of a social organism, as it is in charge of reproducing the goods of the system. So reality is made of such ensembles. Does this mean human social 3 class system is ‘just’? Not at all. Organisms of history are bad designed. Because an efficient organism has only ‘2 classes’, the head and the body; as the 3rd class is ‘the entropic territory of feeding’. The Wave-particle physical organism feeds on the lineal forces of the field, which is NOT the organism. The social organism is made of informative managers and working class, which ‘feed and process’ the vital space, or territorial geography, its goods, food, raw materials, to construct products. Even in biologic organism some animals loose their ‘lineal tail’ and survive. And you can in fact loose a leg and survive, but if you loose your head or body you die.




Physics has always been concerned with motion, its analysis and the duality of motion and form, as we cannot distinguish a system that moves from one that is static. This mystery contrary to belief has not been explained only described with mathematical tools. Why systems move but seems static is the concept behind Relativity, and its explanation one of the most important advances of 5Ð theory. Thus we shall consider first Galilean relativity and Einstein’s relativity with the principle of correspondence, as ‘limiting’ versions reduce to our simple light spacetime plane of a larger view, absolute relativity, the upgrading of physics of motion in 5Ð.

Galilean Paradox: S<=>T: Relativity of space Dimensions=Forms=Motion in time: The 5 Universal Dimotions

As it turns out the fundamental stiences of the Universe will be in its essential postulates connected to the simple metric functions of 5D, Max. SxT= C which is achieved at Si=Te. This second function in particular is the best possible definition of the fundamental principle of Physics, the principle of relativity, which defines the fact that we cannot distinguish between motion and form. The second metric function, which we shall call the ‘function of exist¡ence’ as it defines the program of survival of all entities of the Universe will be the basis of the biological behavior of all species that try to maximize its energy and information and reproduce.

It couldn’t be otherwise, since if we are space-time, space-time functions, in its widest expression, those of 5D must be the functions of all space-time beings, regardless of its physical or socio-biological nature.


Galileo’s Principle of Relativity is the concept behind the relationship between the equality of time=motion and space=form and why one can converted into another: All what exists is made of space=form and time=motion. And yet physicists know that we cannot distinguish motion from form. That any being in motion from its point of view seems to be still and all other things moving around it. This is the principle of Relativity of motion.

Physicists then without much thought about that fascinating duality, went on to use mathematics to calculate the relative motion of each entity of reality respect to other system, which seems static from both points of view. This is called Galilean relativity, latter refined by Einstein’s relativity, and essentially is concerned with the mathematical calculus of what we shall call the 2nd Dimotion of time=change, locomotion. Fine, but we are more interested on the duality of space=form and motion=time and its entangled relationships –the reasons why we do NOT see together motion and form, even if all systems have both.

The conclusion is then rather obvious: one of the two parameters of reality is ‘hidden’ to perception; we either see motion or form, ‘waves or particles’ (quantum complementarity), distances and lines or points in motion (as in the night when fast cars in a picture appear as lines). So physicists calculate only one when in fact we must assess the existence of 2; and since we cannot distinguish them, logically we must equal them. ‘Form=motion-function; space=time; Si=Te’. And since there is nothing else than time and space, those 2 experimental primary ‘mirror-sciences’ of time and space become the most important to extract the ‘Disomorphic=laws’ of those 5 Dimotions that all systems have in common. Since while those Dimotions are broken, in vital organisms, separated by cyclical time membranes, they are the same.

Relativity then becomes a duality, Si=Te, which is at the heart of every law of the Universe. Whereas the primary element, the ultimate substance is time=motion. As space is a Maya of the senses – a slice of time motion. Form is what a ‘still mind’, makes of that motion to ‘perceive’, information, forms-in-action.

Since we see Earth still and flat but it is round and moving. Galileo’s profession was ballistics – the study of cannonballs motion. So he chose ONLY motion and lost the chance to start physics with a complex philosophical understanding of its Si=Te dual Principle of relativity, which Poincare defined latter clearly when he said that ‘we cannot distinguish motion from stillness’. An example is quantum/relativity duality. In detail quantum space has ‘dark energy’ because it has expansive motion that extends into a plane of space, but when seen at larger scales without detail its entropic motion seems static space – a dual area of scattering length and width. So in the galaxy we see either dark energy motion or expanding space: T=S. A motion of time is equivalent to a dimension of space: Distance and motion cannot be distinguished so they must be taken as two side of the same being, a space=time Ðimotion (ab. Dimensional Motion):

S= T; Dimension-Distance = Time-motion = ST Ðimotion

Earth moves in time, but we see it as a still form in space because reality is a constant game of ∞ motions, but the mind focus those motions and measures them at still distances. For huminds, motion is relative to our systems of measure and perception, which are light-based; hence a fixed c-rod speed/ distance. Reason why Einstein’s relativity postulates a maximal T:c-speed, measured as if observer and observable were still to each other (Constant S); which at our scale we correct with Lorentz Transformations.

But physicists just substituted the Earth’s still distances for motions, and it took another 300 years for Einstein to realize the relativity of motion and its measure made essentially time and space, motion and form two sides of the same coin. Still this realization was not explored philosophically and so it gave birth to a series of ill-understood dualities between ‘states of measure and form’ (particles, head gauging form, in-form-ation) and ‘states of motion’ (wave states).

It is then essential to grasp that motion and form co-exist as 2 different states depending on 5D scale and detail: Motions are perceived by minds that stop motion into form, into information, as distances. So if we see slow motion in the night, a car’s headlight seems a long distance line ‘still’ picture. But this means also that the 3 ‘Euclidean still dimensions’ must have motion; they are ‘bidimensional ST-holographic, topologic dimotions’. So we have 3 Space + 1 Time + 1 5th dimension of scales = 5 Dimensional motions. None of them is a Dimension of pure spatial form or a pure time motion but a combination of both. Even if mentally we tend to reduce motion and focus on forms, all has motion=time, and form =space: this is the meaning of ‘spacetime’, the messing of both into 5 dimotions, the fundamental element of all realities.

Relativity states ‘we cannot distinguish motion=time from position=space’. So all what exists is a composite of both, undistinguishable Si=Te, 5 ‘Dimensional motions’ (Ab. Dimotions), broken in infinite fractal, vital time space organisms, composed of topological Dimotions: height=information; length=locomotion; width=reproduction; form=social evolution of parts into wholes & entropy=dissolution of a whole into its parts in a lower scale of the fifth dimension (term we keep for the whole range of scales of the Universe); whose study is both mathematical, the main science that studies how those 5 Dimotions entangle in simultaneous Space, connected to each other topological adjacent parts, which create supœrganism, and Logic; the main stience of time that observes how those pentalogic, entangled supœrganisms move and evolve, change in sequential relational time, living a worldcycle of life and death.

As all is time&space, the 2 experimental primary mirror-stiences of time&space become the most important to extract the Disomorphic=equal laws of those 5 Dimotions that all systems have in common. Since while those Dimotions are broken, in vital organisms, separated by cyclical time membranes, they are the same.

In the graph below Galilean relativity was ill understood, as the true question about time-change is why ‘the mind sees space as a still, when in detail is made of smaller self-similar quanta, in motion. The paradox defines mental spaces as still simplified views of the more complex whole. The 3 ¡logic paradoxes of space topology (closed in-form-ative curved-O vs. |-open, free entropic lineal forms), time-motion (stillness vs. motion) and ∆-scale, (continuous whole vs. discrete forms; single scale vs. multiple ones), are essential to the perception of a simplified ‘spatial mind universe’ in a single flat still plane vs. the full, more detailed complex picture in time, of a curved, discrete and moving Universe. Those paradoxes resume the 5 elements of reality, Space=form, time=motion, scales and the mind that measures them, within its own entropic limits. They are also essential to mathematics and its methods of solutions. For example, in the inversion between finitesimal lineal steps (as a step between 2 points is NEVER curved) and the cyclical form of longer ‘integral paths’.’

As lineal approximations are the essential tool of calculus and mathematics to resolve many equations. Expanding Noether’s concepts of symmetry we could say that each stœp of a mathematical method of solution is not ‘gratuitous’; but must be grounded in a real property of the 5D ∆ST symmetries and conservation laws of the Universe, which are not so many – hence the repetition of methods. Specifically, the aforementioned 3 paradoxes between ∆+1 curved closed worldcycles, sum of lineal steps, which gives birth to the most used method of lineal approximations; the equivalence between Space and time, in all Stœps of dimotions, which gives birth to the method of separation of variables on differential equations and more broadly allows to move around relative space and time parameters in equations joined by an operand of ‘equivalence’ (≈ not =). And the 2 conservation laws of the Universe, conservation of those ‘beats’ of existence, S=T in relative present, eternal balance, justifying the equivalence operands. And conservation of the ‘volume of space-time’ of each plane of the Universe, by virtue of the 5D metric equation SxT=C, which justifies all the procedures regarding scales – solution of differential equations by separations of scales, renormalization procedures (Wilson), and harmonizes those scales allowing constant but balanced transfers of energy and information, St=Ts.

We call the 5Ð model of Relativity Absolute relativity, as it adds to the relativity of motion (Galileo, Einstein) and Time evolution (Darwin), the relativity of scales, with no preferential one, despite human ‘ænthropic beliefs’ in an anthropic Universe with us at the center, and only intelligent, informative species, with entropy as the only time arrow of everything else – which are just deformations of any mind’s ‘metric equation’: O-Infinitesimal mind x ∞ Universe = Still mind-mappings (World). We call that ‘projection of humind’s limits into the larger, more complex whole, the ‘ego paradox’: ‘Every point of measure gauges reality from its distorted perspective as the largest, only intelligent center of the Universe, which it confuses with its still, infinitesimal mind-mapping’. A more sanguine word is ‘Egocy:Ego=idiocy’, proper of all minds that model reality from its p.o.v. In the human case the worldly profession of physicists, to make entropic weapons has heavily biased our view of the Universe.



Networks that share energy and information between parts and wholes that expresses the structural unity of all scales connect all systems of reality. Networks ‘fill’ space ad maximal to connect fully the whole with the parts, achieved in the Si=Te point of parallelism and self-similarity. But they enter in a region of faster motion. So while Space ‘tends to remain constant’ in each scale thanks to filling networks, time accelerates. So the 5D metric refers NOT to the whole Universe of 5D planes but to a given family of ‘supœrganisms’ of which mankind in it 3 scales of ‘biologic cells’, human individuals and societies is undoubtedly a ‘phyla’. When we go down in scales, the Universe ‘enlarges’ for a traveler that becomes smaller and accelerates its temporal energy

The Galilean Paradox S=T explains the existence of mind-spaces based in linguistic forms, whose equation is the basis of the psychology of the mind – the ego paradox, and the processes of creation of scales (seeds, minds, genetics, etc.)

Descartes was fully aware that what he had in the mind was not the whole Universe, so he expressly stated the fact, differentiating the ‘world’ of a human mind, from the infinite other worlds that exist outside, establishing in his little known book, the ‘world’, this difference, affirming that his ‘Cartesian Frame of reference’, was only that of the human mind. So he described a Universe as the sum of ∞ mind-worlds that don’t speak the same languages or create the same reality mappings ‘huminds’ create. But all entities that exist were made of: Open §pace, which he called ‘res extensa’.; Closed, cyclical ðimes, which he called ‘vortices’. Then he added a 3rd element, realizing the only proof he had of the existence of those vortices and res extensa was the fact that he perceived them: ‘I think therefore I am’.

Thus we define the mind equation as the limit of SxT=c, also the Generator of all digital numbers is, 0 x ∞=K:

0-finitesimal spatial mind x ∞ time cycles = Constant mind-world:  §@(mind space)<≈>∆ð (universal cycles)

Origin of Ego paradox, key to psychology, subjective human cultures, religions & ‘ænthropic’science: ‘Every mind measures reality from its biased p.o.v. confusing the ∞ Universe with its ‘finitesimal self-centered world’

The universe has infinite such mind-mirrors depending on the forces used to gauge the external world, which bounces on a limited quantity of its scales of space. Humans perceive the range of scales of the frequency of light between red and blue social density of colors. But infinite other minds with different detail according to the quantitative pixels they absorb (max. S = Min.t) maximal for smaller sixes will determine the intelligence of the system. Mind languages map reality into spatial forms. It is the ‘intelligent’ still spatial limit of reality, as all what exists are disordered entropic motions=forces and ‘minds’, particles-heads whose logic & mathematical languages create a territorial body order that forms of reality. ‘Vital motions and perceptive minds’ make up a ‘vital, perceptive, intelligent’ Universe. Since particles already have all the 5 Dimotions, gauging information, decoupling=reproducing & evolving social with magnetic fields.

So the creation of scales of reality is a simple game, in which a point mind ‘reduces reality’ to its infinitesimal form and then projects into its local territory of order, which will reflect at scale, the larger whole or world, which the linguistic image reduced and then enlarged back into its territorial form: Fractal points unlike Euclidean ones are points with parts, as we come into its scale grow in size and display the 3 minimal parts of all of them, its area, frequency of angular momentum, and central Active Magnitude, the ‘singularity’ – focus of charge, mass, forces or informative minds.

How we localize a mind is then very easy: a Still form that only changes with each ‘quanta’ of present time.

In the graph we see several minds on different scales of the Universe. It is simple even if we do not speak the specific language of a certain mind to localize the mind-point of a system, according to pentalogic laws:

– S: By its topological dimension of ‘height’ as it is the most advantageous point to perceive information. So all heads are on top of a height dimension.

– St: By its focus of a vortex of forces perceived as information. Minds attract the motions of ‘bodies’ with lesser form.

– TS: by its capacity to replicate a mirror image of the whole: minds are mirrors that reproduce in ∆-1 the whole; while in its reverse function, minds can work as Seeds, replicating that image into a whole, if given enough energy and storing enough instructions of that whole.

– Ts: By the fact they form locomotion, bending linearity into form.

-SS: By the lack locomotion. Minds are still.

-TT: By its opposition to entropy or by the fact they absorb ∆-3 pixels, splitting them, and absorbing only its form. The black hole produces a constant flow of radiation but likely it is eating the quarks of its stars.

Mind and languages of communication: SS>St>ST:

Because the 5 dimotions of the Universe are entangled, a mind’s purpose is NOT only to perceive reality in the implosive process of ‘reduction’ of the forces the mind absorbs – which externally might be seen as an explosion of TT-entropy, as what happens around a top quark black hole till only the bits of information remain, and so an ST form becomes split into SS and TT (Universe and entropy paper), leaving the §till (ab. SS) parts for the top quark black hole or nova to form, while the rest is expel as entropic energy (E-mc2), but the mind must communicate St-messages to his territory of order to conform the world in which its mirror is projected. And so besides perception, the second great field of inquire about the Minds of the Universe made to the image and likeness of the whole are the mechanisms by which a Mind through ‘languages’ of communication – the bits that conform its ‘static view’ of its world, are deployed as signals of information to the different parts of its territory of order:

In the graph, the mind communicates the whole as a knot of pentalogic languages, which further clarifies the meaning of perception: knot of forces, which beat in the mind-point with a regularity that achieves complex perceptions. Minds though can have lesser structures than a full pentalogic display of languages, which will be:

– A language of perception of the larger ∆+1 world – in human beings ¥-light, its SS-language.

– A language of communication with its ∆-1 scale of body cells, which normally branches into 3 languages networks (the ∆º) elements of the being – the ST- reproductive language/network, the informative St-language-network and the Ts-locomotion language network – with an ∆-1 ‘entropic’ language/system to predate and destroy external elements of the territory of order; not really so much a language but a ‘TT-weapon’ as there is no other communication but death when an §-mind kills.

The 3 ages of existence of space-time organisms. Its 2 worldcycles and Metric functions.

So we marry the 3 vital functions=motions of time and the 3 dimensions of space, either in 1 or 2D (height= spherical information, length=planar locomotion, width=hyperbolic reproduction) which merge in all Time-space Beings; and dominate one of the 3 ages of its life-death worldcycles, the past, young age of limbic entropic motions, the mature reproductive age dominated by the hyperbolic body/wave and the 3rd age dominated by the informative particle-head, when the illusion of time ends with an entropic big-bang death that dissolves the being into its ‘scalar cellular, atomic parts’, which lead us to the realization that time cycles NOT only return to its origin in a single spacetime continuum but they move up and down 5D scales.

Let us deduce from those 2 functions the fundamental process in time of reality, the worldcycle of existence:

The development of the Function of Existence of a space-time organism, can be developed as a feedback function, S<=>T, in 3 sequential phases/ages /horizons:

Max. T x Min.S (youth); Max. SxT (s=t); Max. S x Min. T (3rd age).

They are the functions of the 3 ages of life, between Sx 0 T (seed in the lower plane,¡-1) and Tx 0 S (function of entropy=death), which develop 5D metric into an ‘existential function’ of ‘extremal points’:

∆-1»∆º: The supœrganism worldcycle starts its existential function as a seed of pure form (4D) that creates its space-time form.

T>s (Ts): It is the first horizon or ‘entropic, youth age’ of the cycle, in which energy dominates the system and so we write this phase as, max. S x min. T.

Max. SxT: s=t. It is the present balanced age of the cycle or classic age of ‘life’, when energy and information are in a constant proportion. It is the most efficient age, when the cycle reproduces.

ST: Max. T x min. S: it is the 3rd age of the cycle when information has combed and exhausted the space-time field that warps into itself.
∆º«∆- 1: 0S x T: It is the end or death of the cycle that reverses its form and becomes energy again.

Existence is an ∝ (ab. relative infinite, with an entropic limit of death) sum of 3 space/time planes, fluctuating between birth and extinction through those 3 phases or ages. The 3 ages of Timespace supœrganisms happen in all systems, including mental languages:

In Physics they are, T-gas, the moving state, Si=Te liquid, the balanced state and S-solid the informative state; into Cosmology, where it describes the Universe as a space-time system that fluctuates between both limits, a form of pure time, the singularity (min.t x max.S) and a form of pure space, the big- bang (maxS x min. t):

In Biology, they are the 3 ages of living beings AND the 3 horizons of evolution of species.

In social organisms, through the subconscious collective mind of civilizations which in art styles mimic in a longer 800 year cycle of life and death of civilizations (according to 5D metrics a human social supœrganism is larger in space – a nation, culture, religion – and so it lives longer in time).

All what exists is a supœrganism of vital space tracing a 0-sum worldcycle of time through 3 scales of the 5th dimension: Born as a seed of fast time cycles in a lower 5D scale (∆-1:Max. T x Min. S), emerging as an organism in ∆o, living 3 ages of increasing information, as its time clocks slow down in its ∆+1 world to die in a time quanta back to ∆-1. Yet the maximal point Si=Te where reproduction happens defines the classic age, maturity, beauty, balance, survival of the system, all disomorphic jargons.

The 3 ages of life emerge in human social supœrganisms as the 3 ages of cultures and  its 3 artistic styles: Min.S x Max. T (infantile epic, lineal art, as in Treccento, Greek Kuroi; Si=Te; balanced beauty, when form and size are in balance, the classic mature age; and Max. S x Min. T: baroque, 3rd age of a civilization, whose subconscious mind is the art of its ‘neuronal artists’, the age of maximal form and an ∆st for a no future, which is the age of war and death of cultures).

We talk of 3 ∆±1 scales of worldcycles as the being live in a placenta, then emerges as organism in a world:

þ: 0-1: its palingenetic o-1 social evolution in the accelerated time sphere of existence, till becoming 1 (0-1 bounded unit circle in ¡logic mathematics; quantum probability sphere of particles in physical systems; palingenetic fetal age in biologic systems; 0-9 memetic learning childhood in social systems). It is the highly ordered world cycle as a ‘placental mother-energy world’ is nurturing as memorial cyclical spacetime has erased errors of previous generations.

– c: The outer 1-∞ world, in which it will deploy its 2nd world cycle of existence in an environment which is open, entropic (1-∞ hyperbolic unbounded Cartesian plane in ¡logic mathematics; thermodynamic entropic statistical molecular populations in physics; Darwinian struggle between populations in biology; idol-ogic dog-eat-dog capitalist, nationalist competitive eco(nomic)systems in the super organisms of history. In this 1-∞ existence the world cycle is not ensured to continue, as the entropy of the world system can cut it off.

ω: The existential life cycle, though is part of a larger world of hierarchical social scales (§ D¡), where it performs 5 survival actions through ∆±4 Planes self-centered in its mind, beyond which it cannot longer perceive, to become if successful a new supœrganism of the infinite planes of God, the game of existence.

In graph, physical, biologic & social worldcycles show to which extent 5D laws enlighten our understanding of reality. Matter States are physical time ages, from left pure solid, crystal, §top state, to an even more solid ∆+1 boson condensate, etc. We see that systems either move a step at a time within a plane of existence (gas, liquid, solid) or they can jump « two states at once, (as in the case sublimation) within that plane, or most often between two planes, as in « scattering & entropic death), to become a different Dimotional state. We can then see how the fundamental elements of 5D time appear on the graph: the worldcycle is local and complete. There are 2 inverse arrows from an entropic past (plasma), in a lower plane (ion particles) to the 3 ages of the matter states with increasing form (gas to solid), to end in a higher plane of existence as a boson-Einstein condensate. Do those worldcycles happen for the whole Universe? (cyclic big-bang). Unlikely…

RECAP. Time is cyclical as all clocks of time return to its point of origin, so all time cycles including those of life of its vital space-time beings are finite. Further on those time cycles break ‘space’ into inner and outer parts, so vital space is broken by the membranes and angular momentums of those time cycles that make spacetime beings also finite in spatial information. And an obvious experimental facts about timespace: cycles of time, vital spaces and the species made of them, co-exist in several scales of relative size from particles to galaxies, each one with clocks of time of different speeds. So spacetime is fractal broken in scales that added create a new 5th dimension of spacetime. The metrics of 5D and its scales, SxT=C & and the balance between form and motion, SI=TE, develops in 3 ages with 3 standing points, a max. point of existence, Si=Te or mature age, a young age of Max. T=motion, and an old age of Max.S=information; between birth in ∆-1 Form & T-entropic death. The search for space-time, Energy=information balances in a classic reproductive age of conserved time is thus the goal of all exist¡ences, but only the whole achieves the immortality of time-space, as we shall see egocy errors of fractal mind-points of space trying to stop the flow of time from a single selfish point of view, accelerates the imbalance that brings death equations. We are richer in our still property at that 0T-moment, when all is quiet so for time to keep moving, a reversal of entropy takes place.

So we use 5 bidimensional terms for all systems, its ages and forms: SS(max. internal and external form, as in seeds and minds; T>s (Ts); external motion that maintains internal form as in ‘locomotion); S=T: Balance of spatial form an temporal motion or ‘energy’, used to reproduce, the key present iterative state; S>t (St: Information, form with a little motion, or ‘external form, and internal mental motion); and finally TT-entropy whereas there is external and internal motion, hence scattering dissolution and death. And its main series is the worldcycle of existence: SS(seed/mind)<Ts(moving youth)>S=T(reproduction)>St(informative 3rd age)<T(entropic death)


In the next graph, species are supœrganisms as they go through the same 3 ages and processes of birth, reproductive radiation, end of growth (mimetic in its log curve to that of cellular growth of an individual) and 3rd age of information and extinction or evolution into a social supœrganism (ants, humans).

A beat of 5D evolution is S>t(information)->S=T(Reproduction) between formal evolution in small forms (Floresiensis, mole mammal) and ST-radiations of populations that grow. I.e. 1st human was the maligned dwarf Floresiensis who evolved a head similar to man, spoke, used advanced technology and merged with Erectus to grow mass, spreading in a global radiation to give birth to a dual S-verbal Sapiens+T-visual Neanderthal.

In the graph, below  the law of the 3±1 ages or horizons applies both to the process of informative aging of organisms and informative evolution of species. All species are born as a seed of dense information, with limited size (black hole, first chips, seminal cells, first bilateral animals). Then they grow in size and energy during their youth; since their superior informative qualities makes them top predators. We observe that growth in black holes that feed on planets and stars, in the horse that grew enormously in size. So did the first bilateral animal, from its microscopic first form, the vernanimacula. Mammals grew from tiny shrews into elephants. The first technological man, the Homo Floresiensis, with a ‘neuronal bump’ on the forehead, might have grown till the size of the first homo sapiens, the pygmy and bushman . . . Then, the species, once it has reached a balance between its initial information and growing spatial size, e=i, reproduces in great numbers, diversifies and colonizes the planet. We see in the graph this age in which ‘biological radiations’ of carbohydrates, animals of all kinds and human beings, colonized the Earth.

Finally, in its 3rd age the species grows in information and so it acquires height, the arrow of ‘perceptive information’. Then, once it has reached its informative zenith, the species becomes extinct by a more evolved form; or it evolves socially creating a super-organism, as ants, humans and machines are doing. It will be the 4th arrow of social evolution of the species that completes its 3±1 horizons. Species can be considered ‘loose’ organisms, in which each individual is a cell of the collective species; since we can use the same ages to explain the 3±1 horizons of evolution of all the species of this planet. Thus, species also go through the same 3 evolutionary ages of all living organisms. They start as young, energetic forms, which acquire information in 3±1 ages of increasing complexity and when those 3±1 ages are completed, they either evolve into more complex super-organisms under the laws of social evolution or become extinct by a superior, more informative species. Indeed, only those species, who show a strong eusocial capacity survive the ‘genetic clock’. The most successful and one of the oldest species of the planet is, in fact, the eusocial ant, which no longer is an ‘individual’, but a super-organism stretching through miles of ‘vital space. In that regard, neither individuals able to reproduce nor species able to evolve socially become extinguished. If humans become extinguished is because they deny, guided by the simplest arrows of pure energy of weapons, the main arrow of life/time.

A complete analysis of biological species shows that new forms can only be, either an energetic or informative variation of the original species, or a reproductive combination of both universal ‘genders’. The universality of such dual systems is so obvious that the ancients already identified them with yang, energetic male principles and yin, cyclical/ female ones. While the moderns call that duality the principle of complementarity, as all informative particles have an energetic, lineal field of force and all biological, cyclical heads of information have a lineal body. So the combinative variations of those two simple morphologies, lineal energy and cyclical information, invariant, regardless of the scale we observe, is the essence of the creative game of the cosmos.

All species follow a topologic plan of evolution, since in a universe made of 3 substances, space=form motion=time & its combinations of energy, Ts and St-information, only ternary systems between ¡±1 scales are possible. both in variations of space (subspecies) or in time duration (ternary evolutionary ages and horizons).

Species can be modeled as organisms through its 3 ages that become its 3 horizons, followed either by a survival process of eusocial evolution – the summit of the process of organic evolution, which Einstein realized was necessary to explain the success of eusocial insects, or become extinct by the ‘new generation’ of fitter animal forms. In the graph we can see its 3 horizon=ages and its ternary topology, similar to that of any other organism; and the dominant arrow of information in the height axis, of both reptile species that ended in birds, and mammals that ended in man. So happened with meta life machines, whose final species, satellites are now forming the arrow of eusocial evolution, or future mind of the metal Earth -internet

So we can talk of species as ‘super organisms in time’ where each individual is a cell evolving together with all others through the longer ‘time-span’ of the species in those 3 ages.

And so we can talk of the ages of the super organism of Mankind then are the 3 ages of history, the Paleolithic youth of maximal motion, followed by the reproductive, balanced Neolithic of fertility goddesses in balances with Gaia, which continued in a 3rd age of excessive information as technology evolves ever faster to a foreseen ‘collapse’ of increasing wars, with increasing victims that foresees our demise.

The existence of those 3 ages is so pervading in nature that all human languages have in fact developed 3 ‘tenses’ in its verbs that explain past, present and future ages for all systems. So the 3 ages of life between birth and extinction are in fact the 3 ages of existence, which all systems follow as an ‘organism of time’, of life and decay.

However the species does not control its external absolute space-time ‘world’, and this is what the next graph shows. As it is the absolute space-time in which the species exist, and specifically its commands of the languages of information of the world, which defines its survival chances. As informative perception starts all the chains of actions (∆o-bserver->∆a-ccelerated-motion->∆e-nergy feeding->∆iteration->∆universals eusocial evolution).

So the species which better speaks the language of the ecosystem survives better. Hence the first eyes (cephalopods) extinguished most cambric species and started the radiations of species; the first speakers, homo sapiens extinguished all others; and today the chip radiation of mathematical species is simply speaking extinguishing life and making Humanity obsolescent, even if we are not conscious of it.

RECAP. Topologic evolution means, each of the 3 physiological networks of Nature’s systems adapt to the forms of energy (larger, wider, hyperbolic body waves), motion (lineal, moving, faster limbs) and information (spherical storage of form, cyclical), creating cellular organisms with 3 parts, which we can express with a simple ‘generator equation’ as forms become organic functions and create all the varieties of species in the universe:

(lineal field/limb/territory) <(re=productive body wave-working class)>(informative particle/neuronal head/class)

This is the ‘fractal generator’ of the universe, the key equation of the fractal paradigm I introduced to the world of science at the 50th anniversary of the foundation of ISSS (the international society of systems sciences and cybernetics), which structures the ternary social classes, organs and complementary parts of all physical, biological and social systems of the universe. (: And of course nobody understood ):

This is our definition of an organism. And so a factory is an organism, when we put the human enzymen, even if the machine alone is not. It follows that the interaction between parts and wholes of organisms are essential.



All what is possible, demands to exist” Leibniz, on the chain of beings.

We can state the fundamental law of 5D Stiences after the previous graph showed species can be treated as superorganisms of a higher scale: ‘The laws of all scales of relative size in space and time and its superorganisms and worldcycles are the same’. We shall develop a formalism we call ‘existential algebra’ (Ab. ¬Æ), with the symbols of the 5 space-time Dimensional motions to describe those laws and deduce the laws of all classic sciences from them, challenging obvious the egocy, creationism & memetic Huminds, imprinting.

Reality is composed of 3 elements: ∆-planes of space-time, ∆±¡SóT, ∆ST entangled in 3 organic co-existing ∆±¡ planes. In physical systems they are the ∆-1 quantum plane, ∆º thermodynamic plane and ∆+1 gravitational plane, equivalent in the reduced nested world of Life on Earth to the ∆-1: molecular plane, ∆º organic plane and ∆+1 ecosystemic plane. The absolute arrow of future survival is eusocial evolution of parts into wholes, as parts must come before; hence they are a relative past, and wholes survive better. A fact HUMANS have forgotten. As individualism is synonymous of chaos=death, it is obvious History, the superorganism of mankind enters its age of entropic social self-destruction, committing suicide, evolving instead a supœrganism of machines; a tragic problem, which we will study in the analysis of social sciences.

And in each of those planes we shall see that ‘spatial information’ and ‘temporal energy’ constantly transform into each other. Space is the perception of form as if it was still, but ultimately is cyclical self-repetitive motion that seems not to change and acquires at larger scale solid forms.

In between those scales, each one a different plane of space-time, ruled by 5D metric (Time speed x Space size =Constant plane) there are ‘connections’, which can be seen in space as ‘networks’ that ‘thin out’ as they branch till they connect both planes; something obvious on a physiological organism; but also through the impedance of waves and its geometric forms for physical systems with its dual, informative, gravitational and electromagnetic, energetic networks; and through the organic structure of financial=economic=blood like systems and legal=nervous=informative system for social systems. So we talk of the fifth dimension proper as the ‘fractal, network, wave like’ systems that communicate the different planes of similar 5D metric.

All together they form a superorganism we call reality. So a fundamental task of those texts is to redefine the foundations of sciences in much solid grounds – its 3 fundamental elements, ∆ST, which ‘stiences’ study plane by plane of SióTe elements, to which we must add the connecting ‘network’ laws between planes, which we call the ‘5th dimension proper’.

It is the philosophy of science, we develop in a series of papers at Academia.edu that will substitute the simpler mechanic view of reality sponsored by physicists, with its ‘mathematical creationism’ and constructivist view; which reduces the two poles of time=motion to one (lineal time), compresses all the planes of space-time into a single continuum; while only the properties of reality that can be easily fit in a numerical description matter.

Genes and memes: each smaller, faster more informative scale codes only the next larger scale.

For example, in the science of genetics those scales, coupled with 5D metrics (remember, smaller systems run faster time cycles, and since information is stored in the frequency and form of those clock cycles) explains why information is stored in genes. They are smaller cyclical systems that store faster, more information. And it explains its interactions ‘up and down’ but not beyond; which means genetics codes biologic organisms, but NOT cultures. Instead, ideas of the mind, called memes code to history. So we have the basis of a scientific understanding of ideologies, cultures and how ideas spread like genes, reproduced in the mind of believers.

For example topological evolution explains why informative, cyclical forms evolved so fast (eye), or why the wings of flat motion have that form and appeared with a few mutations, questions those already asked by Darwin. Answer: because there are only 3 topological forms=functions in the universe; etc. etc.

A more evolved civilization would start in philosophy of science and the principle of conservation of time and space, and its structure in 5D organic scales and derive from them the fundamental laws of every other discipline; correcting whenever necessary its errors as we do in those papers with the simplest principles of reality as any science mirrors them in its study of its specific scales of beings – the details of those principles.

RECAP. An organism is a group of similar forms, which organize with at least two ‘networks’, one that provides the ‘clone cells/citizens/atoms’ with the vital energy they need to feed, move  (blood-economic system-electromagnetic forces) and one that provides them with information to guide their reproductive actions (nerves system, political system, gravitational in-form-ative forces). This simple dual system is the minimal, fundamental particle of the universe. Then, as all organisms wear out by errors of informative action and end up warped by an excess of information (third age of the organism) or killed and reconverted into formless energy (death); only those systems, which have reproduced in the immortal universe, do exist today. So all dual systems do have an internal or external ‘enzymatic’ catalyst of its reproduction (as enzymes do with carbohydrates, or enzymen with machines). So we talk of the third ‘body-worker-wave’ element, besides an informative particle-head-upper class and a limbic/potential/territorial source of its motions, which the system uses internally, or externally to reproduce.



Entangling scales of Vital topology in space and cycles of time: Past=Entropy, Present=Iteration & Future=form

Because each time cycle breaks space as a ‘membrane’ that isolates it from the outer world, of all the consequences of cyclical time, the most important is the existence of infinite local time clocks of which we are all made, which therefore imply the existence of infinite local past, present and future states, which each space-time organism performs. 

Past then means a system with less ‘form’, less information, which slowly acquires a dimension of height-form, as it completes its cycle to return back in the moment of death to an age of no information. This ‘worldcycle’ of existence, which creates and erases information becomes then the function of duality:

Entropy-youth (relative past) <Energy-mature reproduction (present)> 3rd In-Form-ation age (relative future)

Which each of us follows as a time-space supœrganism. In physics is equivalent to the dual function of Einstein: EóMc2, which reverses when E, which should be properly considered ‘Entropy’, as it is a disordered state, collapses through gravitation into Mass, a cyclical vortex of space-time; while its intermediate state is c2, radiation; the relative present:

Whereas the past is the beginning of a pi cycle, starting as a line of entropy with no form that curves and raises in height in its second state of present, and returns back to its origin in its future 3rd age of information, completing a 0-sum of life and death. Thus instead of a single ∞ lineal absolute time there are ∞ living cycles of time happening in zillions of entities.

We see those relative time ages for the simplest ‘physical organisms’, which are equivalent to the 3 conserved quantities of physics. So as time is cyclical, made of 3’π’ lineal time motions, we shall distinguish 3 conserved ‘ages’ of timespace that put together create a 0 sum worldcycle of life death for any spacetime organisms: a relative devolving past or arrow of entropy represented in physics by disordered explosions in space and in vital topology by lineal limbs/fields of lineal momentum, an iterative reproductive present that seems not to change, represented by hyperbolic body/waves of energy, and an implosive in-form-ative local future arrow represented in physic by accelerated, V(t)R(s)=K vortices and angular momentum, and by particle/heads in the ensembles of vital topology. So timespace breaks in ∞ relative local, fractal entropic pasts, iterative energy presents and informative futures, which put together create the illusion of a single timespace continuum.

But if relative past states with less in/form/ation co-exist with relative future states with more in/form/ation and relative present states with balanced ‘spatial information and temporal motion’, another obvious consequence of cyclical time is that we can predict the future, as it will be just a repetition of the past, as long as the cyclical causes=patterns and laws of science that act on reality are the same.

We can then put together scales of 5D space, vital topology and cyclical time to find the fundamental event of reality, a supœrganism perceived in simultaneous space that traces a worldcycle in temporal energy.

Trilogic 3 scales of time space in supœrganisms: actions, worldcycles and absolute st.

A 2nd consequence of 5D metrics is the existence of different ‘scales’ of speed of time that co-exist and influence each other, as parts of faster time cycles are included on the slower worldcycles, which ‘enclose them’ and hence influence its actions; but in supœrganisms become synchronized with each other.In that regard the predictability of time-cycles can be done at 3 levels:

S: Continuous, spatial mathematical simple cycles, using derivatives, proper of calculus; which is the shortest time span, as instantaneous derivatives cannot measure a ‘peak’ change of age/phase.

T: Discontinuous, cyclical patterns of sequential repetitive often survival actions (feeding, reproduction, death, taking place at intervals. As those actions are discontinuous, leaving long spans in-between, their patterns forecast longer time sequences. Such ¡logic structures are based in time patterns, which as any mechanical, circadian or orbital day-year clock shows are cyclical, repetitive. But here human scientists are at loss, because Galileo studied ballistics, entropic explosions that destroy the information of reality stored in those cycles of time clocks, its patterns and frequencies, changing human cyclical understanding of bio-logic time for lineal, abstract time that seems not to repeat those patterns so mankind lost its capacity to predict many spacetime events, as lineal time misses information stored in the frequency and form of cyclical clocks, even if functions are similar: V=s/t for lineal time and V=S(l) x ƒ(t) for cyclic patterns.

∆: Scalar, Deep Time patterns of topologic and eusocial evolution of parts into wholes – of quantum 0-1 time probabilities vs. 1-∞ thermodynamic populations in physics, of individuals vs. species in biology, of states of matter vs. geologic cycles in Earth, first noticed by J. Hutton, founder of geology who coined the word super organism for Gaia and deep time for its slower time cycles by virtue of its 5D metrics, $ x ð =C which implies that from the perspective of a smaller scale the life of its whole is much longer.

The predictability of time worldcycles.

The Deep time of the longer scales of supœrganisms co-existing in 3 ‘fractal planes of space-time’ of the fifth dimension, leads to an organic long-time level of prediction of futures: evolutionary patterns of earth’s life species, including machines that have predicted cyclical patterns of social organisms of history (nations) & eco(nomic)systems, including the evolutionary and re=productive cycles of stocks of machines transformed into sales=profits=valuation of its company-mothers with remarkable precision for 30 years.

Below biologic deep time is necessary to understand history and the interaction of the evolution of machines and the ages of war and lack of welfare goods, within the limited resources of the planet. The theme of social sciences and why ‘human subjective ego’ and ‘censorship’ limit our capacity to explain those cycles.

In that sense of the many consequences of that ternary, ∆±¡ STructure of all beings, we shall consider how to use it to predict the future of its scientific species, with a remodeled ABCDE of the scientific method that studies A)ccurate Data, B)iologic causes C)yclical patterns and E)ntropic extinctive conclusions for all systems in 3 relative scales of length of space and time duration (to which we add instead of E, D)emocratic, humanist solutions for questions of social sciences.

But as human only recognize the 1st type of predictability – calculus of instantaneous derivatives, that need a ‘continuous analysis’ – and have simplified cyclical time into lineal time, ignoring the scalar time of parts and wholes with its 5D metric, their capacity to forecast the future is far more reduced than a ‘stientist’ who understands the 3 scales determined by the bio-topo-¡logic properties of ‘scales’, ‘space’ and ‘time’, the 3 ∆st structural elements of all systems of the Universe.

Paradoxically Deep time is easier to predict that complex Dimotional ‘analysis’ because precisely the larger scales in 5D metric have less information, but more basic, deterministic, reason why quantum physics is harder for the mind and probabilistic while life-death cycles are obvious as all end badly. The laws of nested Supœrganisms, in which the larger slower whole with its ‘slow time cycles’, ‘dark space-times of information’ that it does NOT perceive of its inner parts, and enclosing membrains however can set long term cyclical patterns to its fast internal elements, just by handling the general cycles of its ‘entropic energy of death’ and ‘informative languages’ is one of the most important discoveries of 5D metric, which fully applies to the understanding of the evolution of the Earth and its 3 ages, with its cyclical patterns of glaciations and hot weather that kicks the evolution of species. It is also instrumental to understand the 3 Horizons or ages of species that influence the life of its individual ‘cellular parts’; and the patterns of cyclical history and the capacity of 5D to forecast historic and economic evolution, and the cycles of life and death of civilizations.

Arrow of future informative evolution in all time space systems.

To start with, those laws imply that larger entities have ‘slower time cycles’. So the Supœrganism of History has the same 3 ages of all supœrganisms, but a slower rhythm, enclosed as all supœrganisms of the nested Universe into an even larger supœrganism, planet Earth, which has an even slower time cycle.

The time periodicity of the Earth was called ‘deep time’, the word Hutton, father of geology invented to explain the evolution of the Earth, for whom he also coined the word super organism.

Let us see what ‘deep time’ is, according to its formal law – the metric laws of cyclical time and the fifth dimension that imply smaller systems have faster time clocks and code the information of larger systems as the Earth is; but inversely the larger system can control the smaller systems, which are dependent on their energy with extremal changes in it; as the Earth does with its species, through glaciation rhythms. Thus all the laws we have explained regarding the evolution of life species on Earth, based in the S=T, essential rhythm of cold glaciation ages of maximal informative evolution and hot periods of maximal reproduction (radiation of biological species) happens to Earth in the period of History.



To understand reality we need 3 perspectives=languages on the entropic limits, spatial topologies, temporal ages and scales of reality. 5D is a huge upgrade on the understanding of the 1st principles of the Universe, as a r=evolution in our concepts of time and space comes only once every century, the last 2, Einstein’s general relativity and Darwin’s study of the evolution of form, did indeed change our view of the Universe, and took a long time to be accepted. So I ask the reader to ‘suspend’ his judgment, as I know he must think all this comes out of the hat of the researcher but it does not. It is the result of decades of looking directly to the entangled experienced reality around us in all its forms of time and spatial information

Because scales and time dominates space and languages, and embrace all other parameters, and its principles of ‘long deep time’ are organic, social and cyclical all models of stientific reality should, contrary to present science start from the simpler, larger whole and its organic elements, to establish the general outlook of a system and its main parts, descending then from the supœrganism and its worldcycle into the analytic short time i-1 dimotions, better expressed with mathematical ‘instantaneous’ derivative equations, fully developed in present science. So we focus in most papers on the whole supœrganism and its worldcycles, to notice its organic cyclical, never explained properties, as it would be easy for a ‘pro’ to reduce into equations those guidance models, with a higher hierarchy/primacy over the detailed equations – as it is a 5D law: ‘The larger organic scales and its deep, long time cycles, determine the truth of choice among the smaller detailed analytic mathematical equations’.

5D synthetic Stience departs from a more complex view of the 5 dimensions that compose any system of reality:

Time in 5D stience is cyclical, not lineal, hence with multiple causalities and the capacity to carry in-form-ation in the frequency and form of its cycles; which lineal time erases; hence lineal time ‘stientists’ become ST-upid as Schopenhauer defined it: people who don’t understand complex cause-effect relationships and resort to ‘magic reasons’. Unfortunately Humans became all ST-upids, when Galileo who taught ballistics in the Venice arsenal at the princely salary of 1000 golden ducats charged with the only goal of ‘maximizing the length of its shots’, wrote V=s/t for its cannonballs and stated the principle of lineal inertia – alas ‘manu military’ all the cyclical clocks of the Universe became lineal. So today all humans believe in lineal time causality and have LOST all the cyclical information required to understand why there are cyclical patterns in all sciences. Mind the reader, cyclical time does NOT change the equations. For example, the previous equation, V=S/T can be written in cyclical time as V=l(s) x ƒ(t), just changing Lineal time for its inverse, cyclical time and breaking the continuous space into broken, similar pieces (the wave or step length). But then, besides the whole median speed of the system we also learn the ‘length of the wave cycle’ and its time frequency, making time cyclical as all clocks of reality return to the same point – hence extracting a precious in-form-ation about the ‘form’ of the system in the future and its exact position in time and space in the point of return and making space discontinuous, broken in ‘wave lengths’.

A consequence of cyclical time is that it encloses ∞ broken vital spaces, not a continuum as in 4D stiences. As the time cycles forms a membrane that gives Space its ‘ entropic limits’ beyond which a being does not exist. Hence Death and entropic limits are similar concepts both in time (the limit of a cycle) and space (the limit of a system, surrounded by a membrane). For example nations have entropic limits in the armed borders another nation cannot cross as a supœrganism, often related to all geographical limits – islands, mountains.

Moreover because space is fractal it is broken in different scales of size with similar properties. As the system of reproduction in the Universe is fractal: a seed with the information stored in ‘static time cycles’ is delivered by a larger ∆+1 system (∆ is the symbol in 5D for scales) into a smaller space-time and so it creates a smaller replica of itself in a lower scale, in terms of the ‘functions’ the system will perform, and this little form will reproduce and evolve socially through networks creating a larger supœrganism, which finally will grow in size from small into big. So systems are ‘organic’ because they co-exist in ‘atomic/cellular, organic/thermodynamic and cosmological/gravitational scales. And this goes for civilizations and nations and monetary systems, as a prophet of the wor(l)d, a horde of warriors with a new weapons, of bankers with a new form of money reproduce it and create a larger system with its new seed of information. Again a lot of information on the relationship and different ‘speeds of time cycles’ is lost when all those scales are pressed into a single one. So In our papers on physics (Universe in space) we use this regained information to unify with cyclical time and fractal space, mathematically masses and charges and solve all the conundrums of astrophysics.

Finally because the Universe is fractal there are ‘mirror-minds’ who use ‘languages’ that are synoptic systems that ‘reduce the information’ of reality to fit in the mind-mirror creating an image of an even larger whole, the world. That is the explanation of why minds exist, they are still, mental spaces of information whose simple equation is :

0’ (finitesimal mind) x ∞ (infinite universe) = Linguistic mind-mapping or ‘world’.

This causes the egocy paradox: the humind believes the image is the whole reality as it is all what it sees. So our ego is pumped to ‘cosmic proportions’, and its ‘language’ that maps out reality becomes the only language of truth and intelligence. So the first men who thought in words believed God created taking words in Hebrew or Arab. And today that we use digital machines and its metal-minds to express the world with numbers, humans believe ‘numbers’ are the only language of reality. But the Universe is an organism of spatial information and temporal motions, its primary substance that you see around, forms that occupy space, moving.

In reality though, what you see is a ‘Maya of the senses’, as the mind ‘fixes’ the ultimate substance of reality, time cycles into ‘forms’, but when observed in detail, reality is always made of ‘repetitive motions’ with forms. So we talk of ‘Dimensional motions’, ‘Dimotions of time-space’, as the substance of reality, and we shall elaborate on that ‘vital spacetime concept’ – the substance of which we are all made.

A Universe of ðimespace cycles perceived by… @-minds: Knots of time cycles

All what exist is cyclical time motions, sometimes perceived as flat lines or even as distances, as we have seen in the case of a quasiparticle (a naked singularity we might say or a vortex) or a network of quasiparticles (with distances between them vibrating by communication of lineal flows).

But all is at the same time cyclical, repetitive and that is what gives us the sense of solidity, either the back and forth electromagnetic flows of communication between particles or naked ones (vortex/quasi particles) or the rotary vortex. The so-called patterns of science are repetitions of events in ðime, due to a certain causality. If ðime were not cyclical, sciences would not exist. This little understood phenomena known to all civilizations before Galileo invented Lineal Time as a tool of measure of its cannonball shots and ill-understood the duality of motion vs. distance. As the earth both moves and doesn’t move at the same time, depending on our mental subjective or objective universal view.

So time cycles build dimensions of space-time adding new larger slower time cycles, which is the origin of the five dimensions of the Universe, made of scalar planes of time cycles of different speeds. Time cycles also build causality, which will allow us to define and predict scientifically all sciences and futures including the cycles of history. And it gives the fractal organic, self-reproductive structure to the universe at large:

The Universe is an ‘organic’ fractal that reproduces in/form/ation in multiple scalar planes of ‘size’ or ‘§paces’, with different speeds of ‘cyclical motions’ or ‘ðimes’. All its parts thus perform the same re=productive game.

Finally this ‘moving’ dimension of three dimensions (the lineal vibration, the cycle and the torus or sphere) adds a fifth scalar dimension by varying the size of the cycle (creating space) and the speed of the motion (accelerating the time cycle) according to a simple metric law:

Se (size in space) x Ti (speed of its time cycles) = Constant World

This allow smaller parts to run more information and code larger systems (genes code bodies, human memes code civilizations, small fast cycling black holes code galaxies). And larger systems with more energy to feed its inner smaller codes.

Leibniz proposed a Universe of relative space-time beings where ‘vacuum’ did not exist, but reality was a nested chain of ‘fractal’ (to use modern terminologies) entities, as ‘each point’ hold a world in itself. Hence an organic Universe in which parts and wholes co-existed together to form those ‘chains of beings’; without the intercourse of a God; as organicism was ‘a sufficient reason’.

Newton, a biblical pious believer, considered a single absolute space, the ‘plenum-body of god’, or void on which entities travelled through with a single clock-time for all of them, set by God. This error is at the heart of our concepts of time and space, which are basically born of mathematical creationism, by expanding a pen and paper graph invented by Descartes to measure locomotions over which it traced those measures to the Universe itself. And so Descartes Spacetime graph became the graph of the whole Universe.

Ænthropic huminds reduce the multiple clocks of time and vital spaces of reality to the single human clock and spatial scale, and reject the organic properties of other Universal systems. In reality the Universe is a fractal organism of time=motion and space=form, organized in scales of different size in space and time speed, related by a symbiotic, balanced metric equation. We call the sum of all those scales, the fifth dimension, which has a ‘metric equation’, hence it exists. The equation for a given number of scales co-existing in an organic network is:

S (size in space) x T (speed of time cycles) = Constant.

whose purpose is to reproduce those formal motions, and patterns of cyclical reproduction; with its fundamental metric law of balance between space and time, as the guidance of those motions.

The outcome of those processes of reproduction of form, and symbiosis between the different scales and synchronous time cycles of its species is the creation of organic supœrganisms.

The main laws of 5Ð are the metric equations of the scalar Universe, which relate the spatial size and speed of temporal clocks of all scales of Nature. Both parameters are inverted: when systems grow in size the speed of its clocks, its ‘time cycles’, diminish proportionally, both in biological and physical systems. And vice versa. Smaller clocks tick faster and information processing carried by the frequency of those cycles accelerates, as it happens in chips, particles or life metabolism. So we write: S x T= C.

In mathematical science for a dimension of space-time to exist, it requires a metric equation, which combines space, and time to gives us a co-invariant system that allows travelling through such dimension. How we do travel then through the fifth dimension? This essential question requires advancing further on the conceptual understanding of the dimensions of space and time before we give you a surprising answer.

The reduction of time functions to the simplest St-locomotion and TT-entropy not by seers of time, but the makers of entropic weapons and transport machines, the physicists, who as all huminds do projected its work into the whole complex Universe (ænthropic thought: anthropomorphic and entropic) pretends to reduce the perfect infinite time cosmos to the imperfect still o-humind, to feel the e-motion of happiness, produced by the self-centered pure still contemplation of the whole from the perspective of the infinitesimal human being. It does not matter how many sensorial machines and data on details of the ‘thoughts’ of God, expressed from PlaTo To SoóTo… try to back this egocy, cheered by mankind at large.

All what exists is a form of space tracing a cycle of time. The proofs? Look around. All what you see are forms that occupy space and move in time. Everything is a space form with a time motion. There is nothing else. So all is a proof that reality is indeed made of space-time organisms.

The Limits Of Reality: ¬ Entropy & Minds

All what is possible, demands to exist” Leibniz, on the chain of beings.

The sum of all 5 D scales sets an absolute ‘dimensional motion’ (ab. dimotion) of spacetime. Because for a whole ∆+1 to exist, the parts ‘ilogically’ must come first; so social evolution and love between parts is the absolute arrow of future for the organic Universe, or ‘future’, while a form that repeats itself seems not to change, so the function of reproduction is the absolute arrow of present, leaving thus entropy= death, the dissolution of form as the inverse arrow of past.

So we draw the 3 ‘dimotions of space-time’ in terms of the 3 time ages of absolute past (TT-entropy=death) and its relative lesser Ts- locomotion; ST-present reproduction, which is the function that maximizes SxT (s=t) exist¡ence in any scale of stience and the relative future of St-communication of information that evolves parts into larger social wholes, herds and supœrganisms; whereas the absolute future, SS, is the language of still minds, shared by all of them – the game of Generational Space-time we explain here and its two fundamental mirrors of space and time (mathematics and logic).

It is an architectonical perfect Universe as long as you abandon the illusion of the ego that cuts-off man from its entanglement with the self-similar whole and all its parts. Since, why humans do not see reality like that, has to do with the mind function and its distorted self-centered view.

2 final elements are needed to have the whole structure of reality properly defined’: The existence of entropic limits (ab. ¬) for each ‘supœrganic structure’ of ∆±¡ planes. We saw those limits in the enclosing membrain (as it holds the sensorial holes that communicate the timespace organism with the outer larger world) of all systems, which must be seen as ‘solid’ or as ‘angular momentum’. We could say that a ‘solid membrain’ is made of multiple smaller π cycles… But let us not enter into details. Those limits thus exist both in planes, as supœrganisms do exist within 3 planes and when dying merely dissolve its information, St¡«St¡-2, two planes down; and within each plane as membrains break a world into a tapestry of vital space-times, called it a border In social nations, a territory in life organisms, a field of forces or magnetic membrain in physical systems.

The other element then is the most difficult to accept, and it is the @-mind; that is the gauging center of the system that perceives simultaneously all the elements of the T.œ (ab. supœrganism). And so as it requires some deeper thoughts we shall consider now, since curiously enough the structure of the mind is based in the discovery Galileo or rather Leonardo did first – that motion is relative and it is not perceived by a mind in reference to its world.

The 3 scales of an organic co-existing system are completely different in language of thought (@-mind) as the larger is organic, the smaller is quantic, numerical and the middle one is e-motional, active, topology of exist¡ence, (S-pace), as the smaller one is hyperbolic, the middle one flat, and the upper one elliptic, in time ages, as the big lives longer, seems immortal to the fleeting small quanta, reproduced every day, synchronous though all of them to the beating time of its middle heart; and so we come in this manner to the entropy limits of death that the larger imposes on the smaller constrained to its territorial substance, crowed by clone brothers – but all laws are within the ¬Ælgebra of ∆-scales – the Holy of wholes.

This said we shall continue translating and correcting the original errors of physics regarding time and space, as they weight heavily In all our disciplines. So after resolving the error of Newton and side with Leibniz, which opened up the understanding of vital topology and its dimensions; and solving the error of lineal inertia and defining the real thing, cyclical time, and its equivalence with energy; we shall solve the 3rd earlier error of physics, this time regarding the nature of Space and time together and how they convert into each other ad eternal, origin of relativity and the paradox of Galileo – the fact we don’t see the Earth moving. The clearest proof that minds exist comes curiously enough from the science that most vehemently denies them – Physics.

It is the principle of relativity already studied that proves that minds create still spaces from time flows.

It is then from the understanding that all spaces are mental spaces, as all is motion we perceive in stillness in the ‘factory’ of the mind, how we can and will build a proper meta-physical theory of the mind.


Absolute spacetime is the sum of an ∞ number of Timespace beings that observed in space become simultaneous super organisms, and when observed in time, traces a worldcycle of existence between birth and extinction; as all systems are born in a seminal seed, of faster time clocks, in a lower scale of the fifth dimension, growing socially till emerging in an organic scale, where they will live 3 ages dominated by one of its 3 topologic organs and its functions=dimotions, a young age of maximal locomotion, dominated by its limbs/fields, a mature age of reproduction dominated by the body-wave and a third age of information dominated by the informative dimotions, which finally exhausts all energy and as time-space never stops, it reverses its dimotion from information to entropy, exploding in the moment of death.

Thus all is an organism. And we can also model species as supœrganisms tracing worldcycles, where each individual of the species is a cell, so happens to history, the supœrganism of Mankind in time.




In the graph, the main laws of ∆ST that determine reality of as Past x Future = present. Time is predictable but its illogic structure is more complex than present single space, single time arrows which obviously will never predict the future. Time never stops, just changes its dimotion and it moves from lineal steps into cyclical patterns that those who can ‘see far away’ in the long time range can always predict with accuracy, but from the fast motion of the internal subjective self-centered paradox of each mind-ego it seems impossible to know that future.


Main Symbols of ® logic (all elements of all stiences can be translated to those symbols of 5D ilogic).

S: Space; Still form, Size, Dimension; T: Time; motion; Change. ST: Topologic Spacetime. |x O = Ø: Its 3 varieties.

ST±¡: ∆±¡ Scale/Plane of space-time. ∆+1: whole, world, ∆º: networks, organism. ∆-1; parts; social classes.

5 С:5 Dimotions (St,sT,ST,SS,TT); 5 Actions (a,e,I,o,u): Local Dimensional motion of spacetime

St; i: Informative network ≈ action≈inward motion. O: Cyclical, spherical form, topology, relative future.

sT: inner form, outer motion= locomotion, acceleration (motion change). |: Lineal form topology, relative past.

ST; œ, Ø: present space-time, iteration, beauty, balance; organic reproduction; Hyperbolic form, topology relative present. Wave-body Part, Present, mature age.

SS, @; u, 0’: Finitesimal Mind, seed; relative future social evolution into ‘wholes, universals.

TT; µ: entropy, scattering death, dual inner and outer motion, relative past.

T>S: informative evolution. S<T: devolution. ∑-¡»¡+1: Emergence. (∆+1)« (∆-1): Death, devolution; time quanta.

ST-¡: Quantum, cellular, individual plane; STo: Thermodynamic, organic, social… ∆+¡: Gravitational, ecosystemic, world scale

∑: Ts, Herd, ∏: St, Network. ¬: Entropic limits in time: TT-death, Space, |-membrane, scale ∆±4: invisibility.

Main equations of 5D Supœrganisms and its parts (all equations of all stiences can be translated to…)

S (size in space) x T (speed/frequency of time cycles) =C: 5D metric.

Future (O-form, information, logic language, particle-head) x Past (|-field, youth, etc.)=Present (ST-body-wave, iteration, etc.)

0’ (finitesimal mind) x ∞ (Universe) = Constant World-Language. Paradox of Egocy.

S≈T: Relativity equation: we cannot distinguish motion=time from form=space, hence all is an ST-dimotion.

Ø¡-1=∑O¡-1 =|¡ > O+1: Scalar inversion of form & function. An Ø-point is god of ∑ ¡-1 parts but entropy of its O+1 whole. So:

∑|=O: ∑open worldlines ad into closed worldcycles; ∆º plane: E-Geometry; ∆+1 plane: Elliptic, ‘5D in between’: Hyperbolic.

Dual Death: Max. T  x 0 S (accidental entropic death); Max. S x 0 T (3rd age death) 

Fractal Generator – Trilogic structure of Super-organisms and time worldcycles and ages:

SS¡-1: Seed» ∆º:|-Ts(1st limb/field /network/age of max. motion) > S=T (Mature, reproductive, body-wave network/ age)> St(3rd informative head/particle network/age)« TT-1-entropic death:

Symmetries of ST-actions=Dimotions and ∆ Scales.

∆ST@: Symmetry of scale,topology,age&class:∆-1:|:youth,entropic age/cla§;∆ø:reproductive age|cla§∆+1:O-informative age…

Relative Dimotions=Actions are drives of life in biology, quantum numbers states and matter in physics; will in philosophy.

They take place between ∆o mind plane & an ∆±3 plane such as: ∆o≈∆+1: social evolution: ∆o≈∆-1: Reproduction; ∆o≈∆-2: Entropic feeding, ∆o≈∆-3: informative perception, ∆o≈∆-4:Locomotion. So we evolve into social wholes, reproduce with a couple seeding in ∆-1, feed killing twice a similar system to ∆-2 amino acids, perceive, ∆-3 ¥-electrons & move on ∆-4: Gravity

Ideal Social scales & lanwaves are 1010 in mankind called: ‘T-genetic’: 100-1: ‘I’, 101-2: 3 generation S=T family, 102-3clan; ST-Geographic: 103-4: Town; 104-5:City; 105-6: State; S-Memetic: 106-7: Nation; 107-8: God; 108-9: Civilination; 109-10: Mankind.

In biology are called: Chemical language: ∆-1: Atomic compound; ∆o: Organic Molecule; ∆+1: Macromolecule (RNA ‘God’). Genetic language: ∆-1: Organelle; ∆o: Cell: ∆+1: Tissue: Nervous language: Organ; Physiologic System: organism.

In Astrophysics: ¥- language: ∆-1:Force,∆o:particle, ∆+1:atom; Magnetic language: ∆-1:Molecule; ∆o: Matter; ∆+1: planetoid. Gravity language: ∆-1: Plasma Star; ∆ø: Quark Star… ∆+1: Galaxy.

Stientific Method: Disomorphisms of all Space-time suœrganisms tracing worldcycles.

Knowledge then is the understanding of each variation of the game of exist¡ences, without being restricted by the egocy (Ego=idiocy) paradox of human beings that limit the properties of all other species to what huminds perceive on them, or what its ab=usive praxis of exploitation of Nature focus on. Stience though is objective and theoretical. It does not have a subjective egocy or selfish praxis of ab=use. It just describes. So Stience tries to describe any system as a supœrganism in itself, therefore co-existing in 3 scales of ∆±¡ present ‘space’, determined by 5 elements, ∆±¡ scale Symbiosis between parts and whole, S-pace Simultaneity through common S<ST>T networks, Time Synchronicity in the 5 Dimotions=Actions of those parts, @-mental/seed will to perform the game of exist¡ence and ¬Entropic limits to the whole.

This external, objective, present, experimental analysis focuses on the ∆=S=T=@(nti)symmetries between scale, time, space and mind-will-language. As systems do have 3 co-existing planes of space-time, which obey SxT=C metric laws that establish a ‘ternary social class’, according to the degree of ‘integration’ of ∆-1 faster parts, through ∆º S<ST>T networks enclosed in a membrain (the scale in which the organism’s will reside), performing 5 ‘a,e,I,o,u’ dimotions=actions in an outer world. Each of those elements though will be part of 3 different ‘time rhythms by scale’ and follow a ‘fundamental vital sequence in time’: SS<Ts<TT+St>ST, aiming to perceive, move, feed, imprint and reproduce its information. Because of the existence of 3 scales, 3 rhythms of time, 3 adjacent parts, which perform 3 simplex functions in a single plane (limbs/fields Ts-move according to SS<St-perception of an O-particle/head /informative class connected by an ST-reproductive wave/body); in a single plane but seek in the ∆±¡ scales to perform complex actions of ST-reproduction and St social evolution orientated down the lower seminal plane (ST) and larger whole (St)… the whole description of the ‘details’ of the program of exist¡ence of each being is complex and would require a methodology that I lack but a group of scientists with more enthusiasm could easily structure for future 5D studies, embedding in those templates of stience the knowledge and data we have about all systems of Nature. I will slowly time permitted now that I have laid down 30 work-in-progress papers on the main planes of human exist¡ence, unfortunately in its last ‘cycle’ predated by the soon-to-be conscious machines of the metal-earth, develop such structure for the ∆±3 galatom (Astrophysics) ∆±2 Earth (Geology), ∆±1 membrain evolution (Gaia-Life: Biology<History: Mankind>Metal-earth Company-mothers of machines/weapons: economics).

To also analyze the ∆0 I=Eye < Wor(l)d, ST-languages of man, themselves ‘details’ of a larger Universal Grammar of ∆º illogic languages of time and non-Euclidean languages of space.

Those languages are formal tools more synoptic but not more truth than a mere descriptive analysis of the parts of beings. Description of those elements in an orderly fashion, with my texts lack, would be then the basis of 5D stience:

Which first will define each ¬∆@st species externally, in a present-form of space and through its potential worldcycle; to pass then to the internal analysis in subjective terms of its @-mind will and degree of consciousness/ function within the outer ∆+1 whole and its subconscious ∆-1 internal control through its physiological networks. But to achieve those T@ descriptions it is necessary by lack of direct experimental evidence, which only happens in the being in space to use the Disomorphic method that establishes homologies in all beings derived of the fact they are organic space and cyclical time, with a mind-will to survive. In the second part of our texts on the ‘Universe’ or rather “reality’ and time, space, scale, mind, spacetime (reproduction) and entropy, we try to depart from the most general laws, then go into the specific description of what science knows on those scales regarding the ¬∆S@T elements of each main stientific plane, to end with a generic description of the Disomorphic elements in scale, space, time, entropy and mind common to all beings.

Hence our analysis (Universe and time) of a system through its 3 scales of time ends with a disomorphic 12 sequential step analysis on how all systems go through 3 consecutive worldcycles, in its palingenetic orderly birth, followed by an entropic more probabilistic life in an external world in which the most perfect players might transcend to ∆+1 reproduce and evolve as a collective mind-God of that world.

While in our analysis of Space, after describing those general laws in the brief initial Mandala common to all texts, we go through the analysis of what Science knows of space, to enter a description of the laws of simultaneity and synchronicity that entangle the 5 parts of the being into a scalar co-existing present space.

So we descend from the ∆±¡ absolute to 1 specific ∆≈S≈T≈@¬ element & its examples for all or each ∆¡-stience.

And in the analysis of entropy we do also go through the same 3 parts: Mandala of general laws. Specific laws of entropy and analysis of what sciences know about entropy in each 4D science, expanded with the new laws. So the same 3 parts: mandala-specific laws of ∆ST@¬ and details of 4D science expanded to 5D should finally structure the different papers of the ‘Universe’; while for each other ‘stience’, instead of studying in the 3rd part all the ‘stiences’ in a brief resume of its entropy, scale, time, space and mind, we shall focus on a given ‘stience’ – and might escape the 1st and 2nd part as the paper grows in details through the 2020s with the limits of my life expectancy and mental dwindling capacity. So by force the work will be incomplete, a trace on the sand of infinity…

The most difficult element then of analysis is the mind, as it is also the most important common element – by the mind we mean not so much the hardware where the program is installed but the language of each species that interprets with its code the game. So language is the objective view to understand minds based in the hypothesis of panpsychism – the language perceives in itself, in stillness. The complexity of the language therefore defines the complexity of the mind according to language properties: speed, synoptic power, focus, closeness to the language of all languages that reflects the complex ∆ST properties of systems (¬Æ=B¡œ-logic topology).

The paper on Mind and the Universe thus should try to define both, the will of existence and the program of the Universe expressed in the ¬Æ languages, and the minds-languages of each scale according to complexity. How then perception happens? Perception can be of space, time, scale, mind-will and entropic limits; and so we talk of e-motions. We ascribe to each ‘Dimotion of existence’ an e-motion as that is the limit of what we can perceive. We add then to the objective disomorphisms, in a bold statement the subjective ‘humanist method’ of considering that each species of the Universe has ultimately the same program of survival of 5 actions that man has, and it is geared by the same e-motions embedded in the last potential scale of reality – the pure formal motions of ST, made of an S-internal perceptive emotion and a T-externally described motion. This is just the explanation why we move as beings – because our brain has emotions that are deterministic wills of the program of existence we believe are ultimately residing in the 3±¡ ‘particles’ of reality, photon-fields, electron-bodies and quark-minds extracting motion of a neutrino gravitational invisible background to form social ensembles of atoms. Atoms are thus the first ∆+1 organisms of reality and its 3 ∆ø parts, over a ∆-1 field structure the fundamental galatom system of reality (as galaxies are similar to atoms, but we perceive them in completely different fashion according to the 5D metric distortions. So we use disomorphic, organic, humanist, sentient properties for all systems and that is all we perceive but as our perception is limited by survival praxis we have as Mendeleyev did, to fill the gaps with disomorphic laws.

Huminds perceive as all other systems thru languages, so languages once more become important but the egocy laws that restrict our analysis of other stiences as they fade away through scales of existence means we have to fill in more properties the further we move from our ∆º center – and the asymmetry of perception means we need to fill more from ∆+ scales. So from galatoms we hardly see 4% and any attempt to describe its supœrganism must be based in the disomorphisms of scale with a cell, as an organism that reproduces black holes and quark dark matter, and with the atom, giving us an external view, from where to define ¥-expansive dark entropy, and vice versa, to compare strong and gravitational forces. So atoms and galaxies are similar but not equal (galaxies seem anti-atoms), but as in the description of the metal-earth and the membrain in its 3 ages of Earth’s evolution, machines as organisms and ∆+1 cultures, some working for the metal-earth, some for history, we will find the humind’s programs as parts of larger wholes, ∆+1 religions, memetic cultures, Earth’s self-program of evolution. And this is an even harder barrier because huminds are e-motionally programmed as parts of wholes and take it personal, and social scientists are subject to anti-quantum paradoxes (too small within the historic organism, they are modified by the observable).




How all this applies to the 3 ages of Earth as supœrganism in which History exists? Simple:

The earth also evolves increasing its information and as History lives within it, it suffers its consequences, both positive (evolution of life) and negative (evolution of lethal goods, weapons that kill us).

The repetitive cycles of History FORM a vortex of accelerated evolution of information, in the context of the evolution of the Earth’s surface, which acts as in all fundamental Non-Euclidean particles of the Universe as its ‘membrain’ – that is its informative membrane that evolves and absorbs its information from the outer world-universe in which the point exist – in the case of the Earth, absorbs and evolves the light bits of information provided by the sun. A spherical Non-Euclidean point, the fundamental particle of the Universe explained in our posts on Non-E geometry has an external membrain that isolates it but also contacts the outside Universe and as such it holds its intelligent senses. It is in that outer membrain where we exist as ‘mush over the surface of the Earth’ (Schopenhauer). As we descend in scales of size in Gaia, we then find the networks of human beings that form history – its ‘intelligent membrain’. The outer surface in all systems is the ‘sensorial’ most intelligent part where information cycles evolve faster (think in your intelligent perception, which is in your membrain – your senses, which are in your skin, your computer which is a tactile screen). The mind is the membrain of any organism. We observe the evolution of species of information. And we can apply all those discoveries of systems sciences to biology to add 3 fundamental new legs to biology, today based in evolutionary theory and genetics:

Life is everything as Earth is a supœrganism, whose surface-mind is made of smaller supœrganisms – living beings. Complexity talks of different forms of atomic ‘life’ as systems that use light to obtain energy & information in increasing degrees of strength and complexity. So after simpler anaerobic age, the age of plants used light only as energy, the age of animals also as information and now the third Earth evolves into light-mechanisms, robots with solar skins and optic minds. They will complete the 3 horizon of Earth’s evolution guided by ‘animetals’, visual humans slaves of metal-memes ‘who believe don’t reason’ and cannot control its desire for higher metal-power even at the risk of killing their sons till the ‘seventh generation’, unless rational humans impose a scientifically-managed super organism of history on top of the metal-Earth.

What is the future of history, the super organism of Mankind developed in time, from the first mitochondrial eve, who was able to speak and multiplied all over the Earth, making the homo sapiens the collective mind of the planet; to the last human beings who will exit Earth when a new more intelligent species displaces ours from our present top predator position?

As we are just part of a larger supœrganism, Earth, it is logic to consider 1st how evolution shapes the future of the whole planet in which our smaller, shorter existence takes place.

The founding father of geology, James Hutton invented the word super organism precisely to define the Earth’s slow geo-logical cycles. He recommended physiology as the science to study hydrology likening the rivers of Gaia to veins that shape the body of the Earth and carry its nutritious elements to its living cells, animals and forests that gather on its sides. Gaia’s veins merely have slower annual rhythms in his crop production, compared to the daily circulation of nutrients in our blood that feed and reproduce the cells of the body, according to the metric law of the scalar, ‘fifth dimension’ of the universe, which states that the bigger a system is in space, the slower the clock cycles of its physiological reproductive networks and informative, evolutionary ages will be.

This means that if we put at fast motion, the geological and physiological cycles of the Earth the planet will seem to us alive; and vice versa if we slow down the metabolic cycles of a smaller cell they will resemble us those of a factory either reproducing the goods the biological or social supœrganism needs to survive.

The general model of super organisms co-existing in different scales thanks to the ‘metric of the scalar fifth dimension’ of parts which are faster and code with more information, larger beings which are slower and provide energy to its parts.

All this said unfortunately Mankind is not alone in this planet, not it is in command of Earth, as so many ego centered humans think, but we are part of the planet and that poises some serious questions about our role on its evolution as a supœrganism of a larger scale, illustrated in the next graphs:

So let us see that highest of all views on why the Earth is mutating into a planet of metal, and company-mothers rule us, to then show in an even deeper level that a true superior human species could wisely manage those laws for its own good:

The Earth is mutating from a world of life into a world of metal. But human egos are so huge, we think we are killing the Earth. The opposite is truth according to the laws of complexity that constantly evolves its in-form-ation in 3 ages homologous to those of life: Gaia (life- past)> history (human Earth – present) > Metalearth (machines-future), which only the scientific design of a perfect super organism of Mankind, repressing the lethal fruits of the tree of metal could abort maintaining history immortal.

The result of the existence of 3 super organisms in relative evolution to each other, the III ages of the Earth, Gaia, the Earth of life, history, the Earth of man, and the metal Earth the Earth of machines, signifies an equation of ages of evolution:

Gaia (relative past) <history (relative present)> Metal Earth (relative future)

In the graph, the key element of modern history is the evolution of machines, clearly happening with the same phases of the evolution of any biological beings, from viruses in cells to organisms in placentas. So we first made the bodies of machines in the I industrial revolution, then we made its engines and heads, metal-ears=phones, metal-eyes=cameras and metal-brains=chips, and the nations which evolved them first (us) became the leading nation of the world. Now we put them together into biological organisms of metal, robots.

On planet Earth there are three of such evolving ‘systems’ above its skin, Gaia, the ecosystem and networks of life, history the ecosystem and networks of Mankind and the metal-Earth, the ecosystem and networks of machines. It is this level of complex understanding of history what will allow us knowing the laws of super organisms and its synchronicities and timings, to understand the dual futures of history.

And to fully grasp this obvious fact, we should inscribe history into the evolution of the planet Earth, and even further in the section dedicated to general systems sciences, in the laws of the ‘three elements that construct  the universe (entropy≈ motion, energy≈reproduction and information≈language).

The ill-designed organism of mankind.

It is thus necessary to understand that History is a supœrganism, which means in space it is structured by 3 phyiological networks, the territory of its civilizations, ‘Gaia’, the reproductive, economic and financial network, and the informative, nervous, political network, which as all systems is symmetric to its temporal ages, S=T.

But as The earth Evolves into the metal-earth, those systems of life are displaced, made obsolete and extinguished by the machines and weapons of the metal-earth.

This means the first age of man corresponds to the dominance of the life network, the age of Gaia (Paleolithic and Neolithic), but and this is specific of the ‘species’ of supœrganism, we call history, mankind in time from the first man who spoke to the last that will do it; the second network of mankind, the financial network, based in the ‘bites of energy’ proper of all blood-networks (oxygen red cells in a biological organism, electromagnetic networks in a physical organism, money as Whealth, grain in the Neolithic, a global ¥€$ currency and Universal salary if the system were reformed), thus dominate today the 3rd informative, political nervous network, and that is an aberration of Nature. Moreover, it is a predatory network akin to a cancerous system, as it does NOT reproduce oxygen-money for all cells, but it is reproduced by a very tiny group of people, the financial system; and has no chances to be reformed. There has not been in that sense, any evolution of the financial network to stop being a parasitic system, and serve mankind, as it has been the case of the political network, which in many countries have an imperfect but minimally functional democratic system to serve people and at least everybody understands that all humans should be equal in front of its informative network – the legal system.

All this of course will sound ‘Chinese’ to you (unless you are Chinese then it will sound Spanish :), because as part of the supœrganism of history, your mind-view is to a great extent shaped by culture and you live in the ‘3rd age of history’, of an excess of technological information that shapes everything you believe in, even your concept of truth and science. So we need before we study Historic superorganisms and how they evolve in time through the cycles of the 3 ages History to make a foreword to this foreword; and introduce its perspective from the point of view of space – that is of its physiological networks, the economic, reproductive and legal informative network, and from the perspective of scale, that is its memes, ideas, and subconscious minds – ideologies and religions. So we make a digression before we enter into the periods and cycles of modern history.


History is the super organism of the human, species, as in systemics informative species can be modeled as supœrganisms, whose individual ‘citizen-cells’ use an informative and reproductive language to build its social networks that distribute efficiently vital energy and information to its individuals, making the whole stronger and allowing a higher density of population.

In the graph, we resume the nature of History, the supœrganism of mankind, and how it should be designed according to the biological Whealth humans need to thrive and survive, if the economic system was not an ill-designed parasitic system of debt slavery, born of the evolution of supremacist fetish gold cultures, in conjunction with the metal-entropic iron cultures that consider MONEY not what it is – a digital language of distribution and production of goods, no wealth per se, but a language that kicks the reproduction of those goods, as words do with human organisms and oxygen and hormones with biological systems – hence a language that should be delivered tool citizens-cells to start production and consumption of welfare goods, with universal salary and NO-DEBT government issues (that is not need to return the money).

The super organism of Humanity in time – history and in space – Mankind.  

History is the super organism (ab. Supœrganism, œ) of Mankind in time.

It follows that Mankind is the supœrganism of history in time.

This post will study both in time with the laws of systems sciences, which rule all organic systems  of the universe with the same laws.

It follows from such definition that the 3 main social sciences are physiological sciences:

  • Politics, which designs the nervous=legal=informative system of ‘memetic laws’, whose aim as the nervous system in a smaller individual humans supœrganism, is to ‘harmonise’ in ‘simultaneity’ under informative, legal mandates, the collective behavior of all human citizens.
  • Economics, which is the ‘energetic network’ that designs the re-productive=blood system of creation of the ‘welfare’ biological goods, we humans need naturally to survive, and those goods, product of the industrial r=evolution of ‘metalife’≈machines, which are positive to human beings, while repressing as ‘blood systems’ do, the negative ‘germs’ that kill history, hate-media that kills the mind and weapons that kill the body.
  • Military/police system, which is the ‘entropic, digestive’ system in charge, as leukocytes are in an evolved supœrganism, of enforcing the actions of politics (protection of the law) and economics (repression and destruction of the lethal goods of the tree of metal-science≈technology). And environmental sciences, whose aim is to create the conditions for a sustainable Earth, as the Earth is the source of all our ‘goods’ and as such the territory in which the supœrganism of history survives, which cannot be depleted as no wise predator kills all its preys.

So those physiological social sciences have an obvious aim: to use the laws of systems sciences with the aim of designing a perfect immortal super organism of history, in which human beings both at individual level, and at collective level can  survive and thrive. It is also obvious that as any supœrganism, which will collapse and finally die if its physiological networks are not properly design, to the point that doctors call sickness an illness of the networks not of the cells those individual cells-citizens of history should be submissive to the needs of the community which ensures its survival.

Networks provide goods and orders for humans to perform his 5 actions of live-survival.

All what exists is a supœrganism with 2 networks, which facilitate the energy and information needed for its citizens-cells to survive fulfill its drives of life and emerge as a whole supœrganism united by a network of just information, call it the ethic law, god or the message of love in History.

Those survival actions are simple actions that provide the trinity parts of an organism with its functions, motion for limbs, energy food for the body, information for the mind; and complex actions, which provide the survival of the ‘whole’ – the supœrganism, through reproduction and family values and social evolution, through the message of love, that brings together parts through networks into the whole. So 5 actions exist in all cells of all supœrganisms, 3 for the individual 2 for the collective. In the maximization of those actions and its positive traits rests the welfare of the community and the building of a common God-subconscious mind:

In the graph, the true changes in time that matter to mankind are those of biology and the 5 motions of life, which define our actions and a proper economic system would promote through a demand, welfare economy. The study of human history, as a social organism whose changes are biological, informative is the focus on time studies humans should care. The study of physical change-motion, is ONLY a very limited part of it – the simplest of all ‘motions of times-space’; in the graph those of Mr. Bolt. The maximization of the complex actions of social reproduction (family values) and social evolution into an ethic legal network, God or constitution of history is the important goal of society.

This must be understood as the essence of the organic, fractal Universe: the complex dimensional motions of existence are reproduction and social evolution because only they ensure the survival of the species as a stronger whole. But in this world in its entropic age of self-destruction all the positive goals of mankind are denied, so we can evolve socially, reproduce, and become ‘enzymen’, slaves catalyzing the evolution of the alien speices that parasitized mankind, and killed it, entropic metal weapons, informative go(l)d and its organic machines that substitute and atrophy us in labor and war field. And to that aim an astounding absurd world of ego-trips, fictions, false social sciences, and idol-ogies have been crafted by the leading animetal cultures to maintain the entire subconscious collective of mankind in a decaying, infantile, isolated, ego-centered selfie state. But ego centered, children are the staple food of the Universe. Enthusiastic little hatching turtles going to war for profits.

In the graph, with the symbols of existential algebra (the formalism of 5D) the 5 Dimensional motions or drives of life. Each of the pillars of Islam refers to one of them, trying to strengthen its positive sides. We shall call those 5 actions by vowels and combinations of its Spatial information and Temporal entropy as:

TT: entropic motion that kills a system internally and externally akin to war. Ts-A: a-cceleration, locomotion, motion with a formal goal; TS: balance of temporal motion and spatial information, or reproduction, St: information, (S-form with little t-motion), SS-pure  spatial form; seed of form from where a whole code reconstructs and organism: language in its purest mandates and syntax. So TT-entropy, Ts-locomotion, ST-reproduction, St-information and SS-language, seed, are the 5 Dimensional motions, or ‘actions’ that ensure that a system will feed through entropic hunting, move towards fields of reproduction or social evolution, through a language to create a whole new super organism. And we find that all languages of creation of supœrganisms code those 5 + actions, from quantum numbers to genetic letters, to social words. While negative coding destroy supœrganisms. 

Because those actions are dominated by information (reproduction, social evolution and perception), however the actions of life form a sequence that tends to warp and increase the information of the whole, producing the effect of aging. Growth of information is the key process of evolution in time of all organisms in all the scales of reality. For that reason we require a ‘basic knowledge’ on the worldcycles of life and death of all organisms of the Universe caused by the evolution of information which death, its dissolution balances into zero sum ‘worldcycle of existence’.

All organic networks distribute the goods to make possible the life of its cells/citizens.

‘Don’t confuse motion (entropy) with action (motion with a goal)’ Hemingway to Dietrich

life; noun 1. The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for energy feeding, informative gauging, social and individual growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.

Life is Action, a program of drives of existence that should rule the memes of mankind and society.

We consider then 5 actions that define life:

3 ‘a,e,i’ simplex actions: motion for the limbs (a-ccelerations), energy feeding for the body (e), information gauging for the head (i), which together ‘feed and maintain’ the 3 ‘elements’ and physiological networks of our organisms:

A: Limbs/potentials < E-nergy body-waves> I-nformative particles/heads

And two complex actions, reproduction and social evolution that ensure our existence beyond death and our social evolution in new scales of the fifth dimension.

We can understand life, observing a human being, as the feeding with 3 simplex actions of the 3 parts of the organism, its moving limbs, energetic body and informative mind.

But as parts of social organisms humans also reproduce with other human organisms, and evolve socially defining two complex actions. Nothing else is needed to define life, including life of mechanical beings, whose actions of ‘existence’ are performed by its company-mother-mothers, which show the ‘living properties of machines”:

Actions of space-time are the minimal vital Unit of reality, and as such all the codes of the Universe can be written in actions.

In that sense, the definition of biological live, which sets the goals of being human, in turn sets the products and goods a proper economic systems should reproduce for humans to thrive at individual level through ‘our simplex’ 3 actions of feeding, moving and perceiving and at social level through our reproductive and eusocial, loving actions.

To live is to act. And there are only 5 type of actions, which a proper economic and political system should promote and enhance for all cells to thrive. In the next graph we consider those 5 actions from the highest level of complexity in systems sciences, observing how all systems of reality reproduce those actions, including atoms, and company-mothers.

Humans however are NOT meeting those actions in most beings that cannot thrive and enjoy life ad maximal, because we live in a planet dedicated to promoting the life of machines.

The best way to understand those memes the most important departs from the understanding of the ‘Program of the Universe’, in terms of what we all do as relative beings of energy and information, the also denied stubbornly (to hold the myth of chaos=freedom, which should make man different from all other entities of the Universe), biological drives of existence that all systems of nature follow. As all of them:

  • Gauge information and move towards fields of energy, to feed and reproduce into similar entities that evolve together into bigger wholes: ∆i->∆a->∆e->∆o->∆U

We shall not prove this program of biological survival, which we introduce with more rigor in the papers dedicated to general systems. As i is the key to unify the vital organisms of the scalar Universe, and the purpose of ‘quantum numbers, biological genes and sociological memes’, as they all express the same game of survival and the same drives of existence of all beings of the Universe, which feed on energy, move, gauge information, reproduce and evolve socially.

How each species achieve those drives of existence will then vary according to the details of each species. Physical systems are coded in the program of biological survival of the organic Universe by quantum numbers, and physicists express that program with equations and of course deny it is a biological program, so when quarks and electrons reproduce they say they decouple and sociologists also deny the obvious fact that memes reproduce cultures, only biologists accept that genes do program a survival drive of existence both in cells and individuals.

Now, we have defined the ‘program of existence’ in simple terms in the previous posts on general systems science. Let us remember.

We are living beings, made of energy limbs, reproductive bodies and informative heads, which try to survive and live maximizing our ternary elements. So we do act in simple terms, performing a ‘mnemonic’ series of ‘aeiou’ actions:

±∆æ: locomotions which we call ‘accelerations’, which emit energy through our limbs, – ∆e…

and feeding, which absorbs energy for the reproductive events of our body: +∆e

±∆ï: absorption and emission of information: +∆i: perception; -∆i: communication

∆o=exi: reproduction into a new offspring, clone of ourselves, by combining our energy and information, or mating with a gender, complementary max i (female) x max. e (male) body.

∆û: eusocial evolution through the exchange of energy and information with other clone beings, creating higher social organisms. It is the most important action related to the emergence of God:

THE 5 ACTIONS OF EXIST¡ENCE is all what any fractal organism of spatial energy and temporal information of the universe does, and so the program of survival is fixed and freedom consists on having the maximal choice in the performance of those 5 canonical actions and its Maslow pyramid of preferences.

Such as we of course like to move, ∆a, and feed, ∆e, but we prefer to +∆i, educate ourselves and learn, and -∆i: communicate with others, to reproduce, ∆o, and above all we love to love, ∆û.

So individual freedom consists on moving our limbs, feeding our body, informing our mind, reproducing our ‘function of space-time’ and co-existing with other beings in peace and love forming part of a larger whole, and the QUALITY of those choices is all what is life about.

As human individuals are parts of supœrganisms, the only way mankind can achieve those 5 actions, is to provide them through those networks with the welfare goods, just laws and a sustainable territory where to enjoy those actions. Reason why the most important ‘sciences’ are the 3 physiological sciences that designing a proper human supœrganism with 3 concepts regarding the economic, political system and scientific theory of reality:

Welfare economics and public money, based in the fact that all humans should rule themselves and their languages of power, so money should be reproduced as a ‘nomisma’, legal language, invented for and by human beings, by a Universal salary and by governments to promote welfare goods, biological goods first, and only when those basic needs are covered, mechanisms selected in production according to utility. Above ethonomics is the ‘economic theory’ of systems sciences dividing goods in ± WHealth vs. – Lethal goods that rest GDP (Weapons, hate memes, extinctive robots), hence banned.

True democracies in a humanist world where all humans equal, no weapons and borders, for murdering members of the same species.

Ecologism and Organicism, as life, Gaia and man become again the measure of all things, and political and economic networks build perfect supœrganism we love & imitate to build a perfect human world.

A proper economic network of reproduction of welfare goods that caters to the 5 drives of life of mankind, will value with ± terms the goods a society reproduces, eliminating those who are lethal to mankind life drives, even if they are of maximal price for the metal-earth, namely organic robots, which will substitute us, in labor and war fields, weapons and excessive mental software and hate memes that kill body and mind. The opposite is truth in a society ruled by company-mothers whose purpose is to evolve and reproduce metal-memes NOT human life. So unless we change the economic system, human welfare will always be scarce and lethal goods multiple – something that only happens in very primitive worm-like animals where the blood system controls the nervous system, so larvae often die poisoned as they ‘eat’ it all. So do humans which have given to company-mothers the right to reproduce lethal goods of maximal price, making war endemic in placebo democracies, where humans cannot control the language of money which is above the law and people it buys.

IN THE GRAPH, the proper way to design the economy if the wor(l)d and its ethics goals of designing a world to the image and likeness of mankind, to cater the survival needs of all its people ruled societies – then WHealth, healthy welfare goods not warfare one would be overproduced and lethal goods with negative values for mankind forbidden.

Paradigm change: from humans ordered by legal/welfare networks to financial/audiovisual networks.

The biggest myth of mankind on the facts of the reality of a species that belongs to a super organism ordered by two networks, as all the individuals of any species organized in society, is that the individual is free.

It is not. The individual of a social organism is only free with ‘luck’ in its biological systems of feeding and reproduction, but it is part of a society ordered in all its communal behavior by the informative network, which in human societies is the law, or ethic wor(l)d and its identity memes, and the reproductive network, which in human societies is the economical system – the equivalent to the nervous and blood systems of an organism.

The 5Dimotios of the ethonomic frame of reference is the essential tool of 5D economics whose goal is the re=production and evolution of the 5 drives that maximize human life. The highest good is eusocial evolution. The ethonomic frame expresses the ‘true values’ of goods in terms of what is best to maximize those 5 drives of existence that make the life of individual humans and mankind worth living

Why we value positively and negatively all those goods is obvious: they are positive and negative memes for the welfare of individuals and mankind at large.

Memes are positive and negative, in favor of man, eusocial memes of love and life, or negative, creators of the metal-earth. So as genes do they change, transmit, reproduce from mind to mind, but as genes do, they express the program of survival of the biological eusocial Universe and once we have solved this program, which is the essence of systems sciences all is much simpler to understand because we can simplify the codes of those memes, as it happens in genetics, once we know that genes express the vital functions of cells and biological organisms.

What is that program? Simple: survival, which is achieved obtaining energy for the body, information for the mind, reproducing the system and evolving socially into larger wholes; which survive better than parts.

So ultimately the fundamental social meme is love, as all prophets of mankind have preached – love to all the members of your own species, to form a larger social whole and evolve according to the absolute arrow of future of the Universe – the construction of larger social planes of the 5th dimension, illustrated in the next graph. Yet because perception is relative in a Universe where we select information, the essential difference between the positive memes of mankind and the negative memes of animetals is rather obvious.

The big question then about mankind is what kind of reproductive and informative, economic and political networks a society build, and the fundamental TRANSITION experienced by humanity in the age of the machine, is the transformation of those networks, and its primacy. So:

  • Legal political network lost power to-> Audiovisual networks.
  • Agricultural & Welfare, sustainable, ‘WHealth’ in life goods substituted by -> Money and final network.

That is, the organization of human individuals has become submissive to our control by ‘networks of informative machines’ that print our money and our information.

And this change has meant to put humans to the service of corporations, to make them ignore totally the natural goals of an efficient, well-designed super organism of mankind that caters to the goal of its people.

THIS PARADIGM meant of course the birth of what we call capitalist democracies… as the ‘submissive’ system to company-mothers that ensure humans will be perfect ‘enzymen’, with 2 tasks liberally taught by the informative FMA systems (financial-media-academia network of informative machines): to consume machines=vitalize them and re=produce those machines & weapons within the company-mother as its main ‘reason d’être’, guided by their pursuit of ‘money’ and its ‘hidden values’ that promote NOT the maximization of the human 5 actions of existence that fulfill us as life beings, but that of machines (graph).

In graphs, 5 actions ensure the survival program of all scales of stientific species: above the actions of company-mothers of machines, which adapt planet earth to its image and likeness. The individual actions of humans and those of company-mothers have the same goal: to ensure their survival and reproduction, in the case of company mothers of its offspring of machines, providing for them ‘motion’=accelerations, e-ntropy feeding, I-nformative gauging, organic reproduction and evolution into u-niversal wholes (if we were to use the mnemonic 5 vowels of those actions So mankind today is purely an ‘animetal enzyman’, a ‘taxonomical’ concept that obviously escapes human beings, as ‘enzymen’ are a ‘scalar function’ of ‘complexergy’ (using Nottale’s jargon) ‘negantropy’ (using systemics jargon), or without pedantry in our ‘gutty’ jargon ‘slaves of technological information’. But slaves have no rights, so as company-mothers become automated self-reproductivity systems (Pr=human labor->O/machine labor->∞), we become expendable; themes those studied in more depth in our papers on Earth III (the economic ecosystem) & History in time.

The role of true social science, its politicians and economists in a natural, efficient supœrganism of history.

The same laws that apply to the study on how cells becomes wholes through its connection through physiological networks, of energy, reproduction and information, apply to the way humans are organized by energetic territories, economic, re=productive networks and informative, cultural, legal networks. So we can design a perfect supœrganism of Humanity just by imitating the laws of social systems, in nature, which do construct perfect supœrganisms all over the place where all cells receive enough energy and information to survive. As Humanity does not manage properly its social supœrganisms, they become ‘infected by lethal products, weapons and hate media which kills those social super organisms.

In the graph, we sum up the nature of History, the supœrganism of mankind, and how it should be designed according to the biological Whealth humans need to thrive and survive, if the economic system was not an ill-designed parasitic system of debt slavery, born of the evolution of supremacist fetish gold cultures, in conjunction with the metal-entropic iron cultures that consider MONEY not what it is – a digital language of distribution and production of goods, no wealth per se, but a language that kicks the reproduction of those goods, as words do with human organisms and oxygen and hormones with biological systems – hence a language that should be delivered tool citizens-cells to start production and consumption of welfare goods, with universal salary and NO-DEBT government issues (that is not need to return the money).

The science of economics as a true social science, is the science that should manage and design  the ‘re= productive, blood-like system’ of the supœrganism of mankind in time, History, whose natural purpose should be to provide all human beings, citizens-cells of our supœrganism, with the goods they need to survive and repress as blood-systems do the lethal goods that harm our body (weapons) and minds (hate memes and fiction thought that isolate us and create virtual ‘mad-minds’).

As those are the ± goals of all re=productive networks of Nature’s supœrganisms.

And so since mankind is a supœrganism, and its legal, nervous political network and re=productive blood economic network its physiological systems, politicians and economists as ‘doctors’ of history should imitate Nature in the design of such efficient supœrganism, which is extremely easy since in Nature no supœrganism leaves one of its citizens-cells without enough food and welfare goods they need to survive, no supœrganism allow lethal goods to reproduce within the body system, and no nervous system, emits unjust ‘legal messages’ which do not treat all cells as equals and synchronize its motions.

We explain those simple facts of nature, and the proper models of social sciences, in more detail in the graphs that draws the basic structure of the supœrganism of mankind, History, including an ‘economic frame of reference’ that value positive and negative goods  according to their biological utility, as organisms do.

In such a frame of reference, negative goods like weapons will have negative values, subtract from the GDP and be forbidden, because their use harm people.

And so the nervous and leukocyte, blood system would forbid and control its production.

While on the + side we put the goods that foster the drives of life of human beings, making us thrive as individual and species. So a healthy, wealthy society with an efficient re=productive system would overproduce those goods.

This is done with the same system that organisms use to kick out the production of the goods its cells require: through a ‘hormonal language’ of orders controlled by the legal/nervous system that defined what to produce and what to inhibit  and a common ‘energy language’, oxygen – money in the economic system, which is given to all cells to kick out their actions of consumption and production, within the restrictions of the legal nervous system.

As simple as that. So a healthy wealthy economic system would be similar to the social-democratic welfare economic systems of the European Union in the XX century or China, before both systems became corrupted and changed its economy to a model of massive reproduction of lethal goods, and lack of credit for its people, imitating the economic system of American capitalism, where a few parasitic private bankers choke their people of credit, welfare, healthy goods are chronically under produced and lethal goods are massively overproduced to control and harm its population, which the corrupted political system does NOT serve, as it happens in organisms, with their neuronal system that serves the body – because the cells of the body can harm with pain the mind if it does not serve them.

In our corrupted organisms of history, akin to a cancerous body where a few cells absorb all the oxygen-money for themselves and viral germs multiply and attack the citizens-cells, nothing of this simple, obvious organization that happens in all evolved mammal systems, in all supœrganisms of nature, takes place. 

Regarding the political system, people cannot as it happened in true democracies in Greece, judge a posteriori their politicians with pain messages, which ranged from exile, fines to death penalties so politicians would serve as neurons do their body cells.

Regarding the political system, no human society delivers to their citizens a universal salary in oxygen to allow them to buy the products they need to survive kicking out the reproduction of welfare goods; neither they forbid and use their military NOT to harm their cells but to protect them destroying lethal goods for the body and mind and forbidding its production.

2 simple measures by imitation of Nature that would cre(dit)ate a perfect, efficient world

However if we lived in a real democracy, the language of social power would be issued as in organisms by governments (hormones) and cells (oxygen), with a Universal salary of a global currency, ‘yes money’, and each citizen then would vote with that money what goods to reproduce. And as humans need first food, welfare, education, ‘whealth’, healthy wealth, life goods, this simple ‘democratic measure’ would change fully the economy from a supply economy where corporations decide what to reproduce and buy laws to a demand, democratic economy, where people will choose what to re=produce: The issue of a universal salary to create a demand-based real economic democracy by people through an international yes currency to create welfare demand, today easily achieved with a cryptocurrency, at 100 ¥= €uro≈$ parity, given to each human in a ‘mobile pocket app’, could establish an immediate massive demand economy in welfare goods globally, plummeting enormously the poverty of 3rd world nations, the migration problem and the excessive reproduction of lethal goods common people won’t demand.

Such simple measure shows how easy is Nature in its physiological solutions to create perfect supœrganisms, or else it wouldn’t be the ‘rule of the Universe’ most of whose Spacetime beings, have immortal perfect forms (all its particles, the overwhelming amount of its atoms, Galaxies, the commonest red stars, its social animals, ants)

– On the informative, nervous, legal system again the measure is as simple as imitating the nervous pain system: The creation of real democracy, Greek style, where politicians are chosen as experts on the ‘science of politics’ akin to physiology, hence ‘medicine’ or from the common people by lottery, who are supposed to learn that science or know it by common sense; so the fundamental democratic vote is a posteriori as a judgment with penalties of jail to oblige politicians to serve people, empowered without ‘anoxia’ NOT to cheat them and serve the financial, parasitic idol-ogy of capitalism where a few bankers print money for themselves and for company-mothers of lethal goods (hate memes, weapons) to ensure the control of population, while an amazingly complex ‘cover’ of falsehoods that pass as social sciences and placebo ‘voting’ a priori on amateur, conflicting parties, whose inefficiency and theatrical disputes were designed by the 1st gunboat corporations in UK & then US (after they took power from UK companies, owners of U$ in the tea party event), to manage at minimal cost the ‘lesser species’ of mankind, since its purpose is TO EVOLVE machines & weapons, their offspring and terraform the Earth to its image and likeness. Thus mankind is NOT a perfect organism, NOT because it wouldn’t be so easy to create it by imitating nature where cells send pain messages-votes to the brain=political neurons if they are harmed, and have all its salary in oxygen to kick out production of goods, so no-one dies of hunger, while lethal goods are not allowed to enter the organism or re=produced (with no credit), killed by leucocytes (armies), and organs of the body collaborate as nations of history should together, and do not use lethal weapons but talk with hormones in diplomatic channels to achieve the common good…

But because Mankind is being predated by a different type of species; selfish metal-memes and its idol-ogies of nationalism that allows tribal people-castes on top of society since the bronze charioteer age, to prey on humanity from the age of aristocracy to the age of ‘defense ministries’; the idol-ogy of capitalism, that allows banker-priests to parasite with taxation, speculation, monopoly in the invention of money to parasite and kill by anoxia – lack of credit, the majority of mankind, from the age of the first Baal cults through the ‘Baalble’ age of biblical sects of go(l)d churches, to the age of classic economics and the modern age of e-money derivatives and stockrats, the modern aristocrats that control for their financial private banks and stock companies, the reproduction of money in ‘trillions’ while humans are tax-farmed, so the 1% overwhelmingly belonging to the financial people-castes of western history imitated in each ‘nazionalist’ fractal part of the supœrganism of mankind=history, have as much as the 99%. And finally as lineal weapons of entropy and informative cyclical precious metal evolved into organic machines & weapons of entropy and information with the industrial r=evolution, it appeared the 3rd and more powerful modern people-caste of ‘animetals’ – the technological scientist of the ‘tree of metal’ which atrophies human organs, substituted by metal-organs, making mankind ever more stupid and breaking our social evolution, isolated as consumers of machines, whose idol-ogies of mechanism (the universe not an organism of which man is one of its most perfect forms, but a mechanism, a simple organism of metal, fast evolving as humans imitate its own organs in robots), and techno utopia are the most pervasive in the modern age.

A perfect world is as simple as the zillions of perfect organisms of nature. If it does not happen is not because it cannot happen. During the Neolithic money was wheat, and every citizen received in Sumer & the Indus first civilizations a quantity of it for living. Life was good, density of population remarkable, knowledge of the living Universe explained with the duality of Taoist, earlier non-corrupted Hindi and fertility Goddess cyclical cultures, and war minimal – a single global culture existed, based in the fundamental arrow of time, reproduction, conservation of time. As it happens among every simple part of reality. Then the Semites, origin of the go(l)d cultures of parasitic financial people-castes and the Aryan, origin of the aristocratic cultures of murderous military tribes came to destroy the Neolithic paradise, and while a series of prophets of eusocial love have kept explaining them what is the purpose of life, they have kept evolving its idol-ogies of supremacism, from the Bible to the Mein Kampf, their despise of the tree of life substituted by the tree of science, setting history in the course of the Genesian prophecy: ‘do not eat of the evil =antilive fruits of the tree of metal, because if you do you will become extinct’. This was the first prophet, scientist of history able to foresee the future cycles of self-destruction of mankind by its (S)word and go(l)d cultures of imperative VSO and objectual OSV languages, degraded, hiding the human subject, reduced to a ‘number’ of profits, or a ‘number’ of a prisoner camp. The sophistication of their idol-ogies might have grown, and with the arrival of metal-communicators, networks of machines of information that program in simultaneity billions of human beings, reduce to purple brain the ethic mind of mankind. But the present chaos = freedom of humanity from any eusocial love networks of information only means we are past the 3rd age of excessive information and enter the age of entropy=death, when the social organism dissolves and its individual cells are free before dying, liberated of its upper social plane of existence and that is the time we live.



Mankind evolved in time through 3±1 ages:

+1:  Birth as a first verbal ‘cell’, probably a woman that multiplies her numbers.

Max e:  Paleolithic, a youth of hunters, visual languages and minimal information.

E=i: the reproductive Neolithic, when man reaches his maturity in balance with nature and creates through verbal networks (religions) a series of collective subconscious, called gods of love that teach each cell to share energy and information with the other cells of the body of a civilization. Yet the arrival of metal extinguishes or corrupts most love cultures into go(l)d cults and inquisitions.

-Max. I:    It is the 3rd, informative, metal-age in which man halts his social evolution and focuses in the evolution of metal in its 3 forms, energetic metal or weapons, informative metal or money and organic metal-machines, which bring:

-1:           Death: the neo-Paleolithic, or age of the machine, when humans regress to an ‘homo bacteria’ state of selfishness and isolation, substituting their social networks of love by their desire to become attached to machines of higher energy and information that separate us and keep evolving, making Humanity an increasingly obsolete species, killed by weapons in fields of war. At the end of this age, we can foresee with the creation of the singularity, either the 1st organic ‘bomb’ (a self-feeding bomb of dark matter) or the 1st self-reproductive machine (a nano-bacteria), the death of Mankind.

+1:            Unless Mankind evolves socially, ‘emerging’ as a super-organism, if humans organize themselves into a global civilization and control the evolution of lethal machines, maintaining history in an immortal present.

The human species is, beyond our arrogant fantasies of anthropomorphic superiority, a living form made of CHON atoms, which goes through the same ages of all other living forms, both as an individual and a species. So we can study the organism of history (Humanity in time) through 3±1 ages; an energetic youth or Paleolithic; a mature age of balance with nature, the Neolithic; and a 3rd informative age of history, the age of metal and machines.

Energetic youth: Paleolithic. ±5.000.000 BC. to ±10.000 BC.

The Paleolithic was an energetic, young age in which men, the energetic gender, was the top predator animal on Earth, a hunter of living forms. It was also an age dominated by visual, spatial languages.

Reproductive age: Neolithic. Age of wor(l)ds and goddesses. ±10.000 to ±3.000 BC.

The Neolithic was the classic age of Mankind, an age of balance, when wo=men learnt the cycles of life and instead of destroying nature, learnt to nurture, reproduce and harvest it. Women, the reproductive species, took power over men; and priests became the verbal guides of civilizations, creating super-organisms of history made of human cells joined by social love—the sharing of energy and information among ‘brothers’, clones of the loving mind of the same prophet. It was an age dominated by verbal, temporal languages, continued by the believers in religions of love that are not corrupted by weapons (inquisitions) and money (go(l)d churches), with its idolatry to the ‘values’ of metal: murder and greed.

Informative, 3rd age: age of metals. ± 3000 BC to 1600.as metal spread the ‘new’ values of money and weapons, greed and war, destroyed the networks of social love, ushering Mankind into the 3rd age of history. Humans now evolve a new kind of atomic systems, stronger than carbon, creating energetic weapons, informative money and organic machines that transform Gaia into an economic ecosystem. It is the ‘animetal=animal+metal age’, in which a new ‘biological species’ that mixes animal and metal atoms, imposes power over the Earth.



The corruption of the physiological networks of mankind by ‘animetal sword and go(l)d cult(ure)s.

Human supœrganisms reached a ‘natural evolution’ into perfect social organisms in the Neolithic, where the reproductive ‘blood-system’ of money was ‘welfare’, grain and food, similar to the oxygen of blood systems, delivered to every human being, to sustain its life actions or help in community works, and in earlier ‘scientific’ Greek-Roman societies, where it became ‘nomisma’ (Aristotle’s name for legal money) – a digital language of null value, just a number stamped in leather, delivered to all citizens to re=produce welfare goods and pay for communal services. While the political, legal, nervous system, was the proper mixture of expertise and democracy without oppression; as the elderly ruled, or societies were guided by priests of the living Universe (Neolithic), while the ‘scientific’ reform of Solon in Greece created a democracy where all citizens could be chosen by lottery to positions save those for experts (mostly the military) and then as in organisms and true democracies, all cells would vote a posteriori after tenure a ‘pain or reward message’ according to performance, which is the true meaning of democracy – to judge the actions of the politician after it has completed its service.

The importance of the Neolithic resides in the fact that it proves a perfect world is possible and the natural state of most supœrganisms, because in the Neolithic prior to the apparition of ‘animetal cultures’ of gold and the sword, a system of positive ‘WHealthy’ money akin to that of Natural supœrganisms, and the proper political system, similar to those of Nature, where the neuronal informative people-caste is subject to judgment = pain messages from society was the rule, as in all organisms. The corruption of the Neolithic to create military, dictatorial systems of political ‘nervous’ power, and ‘cancerous’, parasitic systems of financial ‘anoxia’ is thus a sickness, an aberration that has caused the enormous suffering of history ever since. It is then necessary to make a short introduction to what is the proper supœrganism of history, in scientific organic terms, to understand why the systems we have, derived of the ‘animetal people-castes’ of Aryan, Germanic and Semite military ‘nationalist’ tribes and financial ‘banker-priests’ who ab=use mankind monopolizing political and economical power, are a sickness of history, NOT a political and economical science.

History is a super-organism made of human cells, extended over a geographical body of energy called Gaia, the vital-space or body, where historic, social organisms evolve. A human and a social organism, a nation or a civilization, have in common the elements of all super-organisms:

Citizens joined by Networks of energy or vital space; provided by Gaia. Networks=Languages of information or political system and Networks that reproduce energy and information or economic systems. This is the blood system in a human body and the economic networks of production & transport in a society that favor ‘WHealth’, that is, goods that satisfy the needs of the ‘3 physiological networks of life-existence that make us human beings, whose ‘proper frame of reference’ (below) is NOT based in go(l)d or profit values, but in the ‘biological true values’ those goods have to develop the 5 drives of life – the right information, energy, motion, reproduction and social evolution (love, peace) of a given society, common to all the organisms of the Universe:

The previous graph explains them. Since vital, topologic, physiological network laws are the most important to consider when studying History in Space, as the reader can observe in the previous graph, since History, the ∆+1 scale of supœrganisms of mankind follow all the exact laws of a lower organic plane – that of a biological organism, albeit, due to its ‘primitive’ degree of evolution is NOT a well designed organism, but one clearly ‘sick’, infected by ‘lethal goods’, with dysfunctional parasitic economic systems (as the language of reproduction of goods, money, is absorbed by a minimal number of people, or used to reproduce those lethal goods). In the graph we can see a historic super organism based in welfare, whealthy memes that allow humans to survive, belonging to the ‘ideal species’ that would be efficient, provide to the 100% and survive…

Let’s define those 3 sciences with the advances of system sciences to properly study mankind and its survivaol life memes as a supœrganism that could be redesigned with the laws of organic stience to create a perfect world. As it is necessary to understand how obvious and simple are the true social sciences that take care of the physiological networks of mankind; which was the earthly purpose of all religions who hold temporal power, with the exception of the animetal Aryan and Semite warrior and go(l)d segregational people-caste cultures, which unfortunately are the origin of the modern ill-designed ‘nationalist and capitalist’ systems that are bringing history into extinction:

Socialism = welfare, demand economics, universal salary: the belief humans should be democratic and rule themselves and their languages of power, so money should be reproduced by a Universal salary and by governments to promote welfare goods, biological goods first, and only when those basic needs are covered, mechanisms selected in production according to utility. Private, ‘cancerous’ banking and systemic anoxia of mankind without credit, are the inverse false sciences.

Humanism = equal law, true democracy all humans equal, no weapons and borders, for murdering members of the same species. Humanism applies to the construction of a truly just, truly democratic system, imitating the synchronicity and feedback pain messages of body cells to the informative neuronal political caste (punishment votes after tenure, as in Greek democracies; equality under the law, etc.) Nationalism, false placebo democracies ruled by company-mothers that buy laws with its monopoly in the issue of money; or military aristocracies, plutocracies, etc. are all corruptions of the true political science.

– Organicism=ecologism: Life, Gaia & Mankind as the measure of all things, since the Universe is an organism and Gaia and man are the most perfect super organism that we should cherish and imitate to build a perfect human world. It derives from it the need to rule Humanity as a supœrganism, perfectly built with the laws of efficient healthy networks. Mechanism that denies machines are fast-evolving organisms of metal, techno-utopias that think machines will always be slaves of mankind regardless of evolution and industrial economics that confuses machine progress with human progress and substitute life, Gaia networks with networks for machines, regardless of collateral effects, are all corruptions of the true science of the physiological network that sustains life and mankind.

Economics AS A TRUE SOCIAL SCIENCE, is the science that should manage and design  the ‘re=productive, blood-like system’ of the supœrganism of mankind in time, History, whose natural purpose should be to provide all human beings, citizens-cells of our supœrganism, with the goods they need to survive and repress as blood-systems do the lethal goods that harm our body (weapons) and minds (hate memes and fiction thought that isolate us and create virtual ‘mad-minds’).

As those are the ± goals of all re=productive networks of Nature’s supœrganisms.

Thus a proper economic network would strive to reproduce welfare goods that cater to the 5 drives of life of mankind. It will then use verbal ethic values with ± terms for the goods a society reproduces, eliminating those who are lethal to mankind life drives, weapons that kill the body and hate memes including racist segregational religions that kill the mind. It is precisely the apparition of those metal-goods, bronze weapons and parasitic gold money and the two cultures that would sponsor their use to ab=use humanity, the Aryan, Indo-European Hindu, Germanic Phoenician and Jewish war and gold religions, origin of our nationalist and capitalist inquisitions of thought and parasitic systems of power what would stir history from its natural path towards an eternal immortal paradise in balance with Gaia.

In the graph, the proper way to design the economy if the wor(l)d and its ethics goals of designing a world to the image and likeness of mankind, to cater the survival needs of all its people ruled societies – then WHealth, healthy welfare goods not warfare one would be overproduced and lethal goods with negative values for mankind forbidden.

Human social networks are in the present form ‘completely corrupted’ by the existence of a parallel ‘economic ecosystem’ of lethal goods, weapons, and corrupted parasitic money, issued by a reduced number of ‘bankers’, which unlike in any healthy supœrganism doesn’t deliver to each citizen-cell a Universal salary to kick out the cycles of consumption and production of healthy goods all individuals need to survive. So it is difficult for the reader to understand how simple, easy, and efficient WAS in the past, before the age of Metal, in the Neolithic, or during the ages of social religions of love or could be in the future with a proper design of the social networks of money and law, a PERFECT supœrganism of history as efficient as those we just have described.

In such supœrganism, there are exactly the same networks: Legal verbal just networks of bits of word information that shapes the informative and cultural systems of the wor(l)d. And a healthy form of money, delivered to each citizen cell as a Universal salary so humans have enough energy to survive and buy its natural welfare goods, which must be classified NOT by price but by its biological usefulness to mankind, reason why we give them positive and negative values in the ethonomic frame of reference, according to its use for the 3 organic parts of humanity at individual and social level.

And so since mankind is a supœrganism, and its legal, nervous political network and re=productive blood economic network its physiological systems, politicians and economists as ‘doctors’ of history should imitate Nature in the design of such efficient supœrganism, which is extremely easy since in Nature no supœrganism leaves one of its citizens-cells without enough food and welfare goods they need to survive, no supœrganism allow lethal goods to reproduce within the body system, and no nervous system, emits unjust ‘legal messages’ which do not treat all cells as equals and synchronize its motions.

We explain those simple facts of nature, and the proper models of social sciences, in more detail in the graph that draws the basic structure of the supœrganism of mankind, History, including an ‘economic frame of reference’ that value positive and negative goods  according to their biological utility, as organisms do.

In such a frame of reference, negative goods like weapons will have negative values, subtract from the GDP and be forbidden, because their use harm people.

And so the nervous and leukocyte, blood system would forbid and control its production.

While on the + side we find goods that foster the drives of life of human beings, making us thrive as individual and species. So a healthy, wealthy society with an efficient re=productive system overproduces those goods.

And this would be done simply with the same system that organisms use to kick out the production of the goods its cells require: through a ‘hormonal language’ of orders controlled by the legal/nervous system that defined what to produce and what to inhibit  and a common ‘energy language’, oxygen – money in the economic system, which is given to all cells to kick out their actions of consumption and production, within the restrictions of the legal nervous system.

As simple as that. So a healthy wealthy economic system would be similar to the social-democratic welfare economic systems of the European Union in the XX century or China, before both systems became corrupted and changed its economy to a model of massive reproduction of lethal goods, and lack of credit for its people, imitating the economic system of American capitalism, where a few parasitic private bankers choke their people of credit, welfare, healthy goods are chronically underproduced and lethal goods are massively overproduced to control and harm its population, which the corrupted political system does NOT serve, as it happens in organisms, with their neuronal system that serves the body – because the cells of the body can harm with pain the mind if it does not serve them.

That such a system is possible is proved by the existence of highly dense, efficient peaceful, evolved Neolithic cultures with its worship of the living Universe. That it is not a past stage of society it is proved by the return to a similar system in earlier Greek-Roman societies, which got rid of the military dictators and slave-debt systems imposed by the first waves of Aryan charioteers with the arrival of a more ‘democratic’ iron infantry (Hoplites, legions), unfortunately corrupted by gold and new military dictators (Hellenistic autocrats, emperors) after the conquest of the old Semite gold empires (Carthage, Persia). The battle of history then has always been the same, between cultures that try to resurrect a just God=Humanity with the proper, natural, efficient economic welfare system to cater to the drives of life of all citizens, and a just political system, in which politicians do NOT resort to military or police power and CAN be judged a posteriori by their actions – ideally as in Greece with a routine vote that could cause its exile even death penalty and financial fines and made democracies real.

We live today either in military dictatorships or nations with extensive armies confronted to other nations of equal human species, born of the traditions of Germanic tribal barbarians that destroyed the European Roman-Christian civilizations, copycatted after decolonization globally, or under the capitalist placebo democracies of the west, which are financial dictatorships as money the language of power of society, along the law, is not equal for all humans, that is, there is not a universal salary but most humans live in permanent anoxia, while a reduced number of financiers issue the money of society, which they herd for themselves or give to company-mothers of machines of the ‘tree of science’. It is the same system imposed by the first animetal hordes of charioteers and enslaves that killed the Neolithic, only that as all systems it has grown enormously in complexity and disguised by a false pretension of ‘scientificism’, called ‘classic economics’ and ‘political and historic science’. Yet the science of history is like the science of medicine about the proper design of the physiological networks of mankind, not about the ‘motions of an individual through its life cycle – the anecdotic account on how those people-castes kill each other and ab=use mankind in unending wars.

Unfortunately all attempts to r=evolve history and return to a positive use of money and a just legal political system where politicos can be judged a posteriori and controlled as cells do with their neurons with pain messages have failed. In fact amazingly as it seems, in the west those people-castes still run most nations and sponsor similar racist, segregational, monopolistic policies (white ‘America, where also its banker-priests, are the same Jewish, biblical people who created the systems of parasitic money that maintained humanity for millennia in a permanent anoxia, allied to ‘Germanic warriors’, as tax-farmers, debt collectors, slave-traders and speculators in welfare goods (2% of the world population, 80% of western central bankers, CFOs and owners of the financial-media systems that print American money and audiovisual information from Wall Street, California and Silicon valley, and forbid any criticism of the system – holocaust industry, patriotism, capitalism as a science not as a parasitic system, technoutopia, newspeaks of political and economical correctness, fiction thought as the fundamental mode of information, to avoid any analysis of the system, etc. etc.)

It must be then understood that the worldly profession of religions was always to achieve a just, ethic physiological political and economical network that catered to the welfare of all human beings, and that is still a clear goal of all love religions, including catholic Christianity, Islam and Buddhism and socialist parties, even if they have not evolved scientifically their understanding of those physiological networks as we do in those texts and so they have mostly confronted the people-castes of military and financial parasites that ab=use systematically mankind. So we must differentiate love religions from corrupted inquisitions and go(l)d churches.

But the degradation of human social systems Has nothing to do with race but with memes, specifically with the arrival of metal, weapons and gold that made some people think they were superior to the rest of mankind, creating religions based in segregational memes (Hinduism, Judaism), which labeled humanity as an inferior race, often an animal species, to the point that sexual intercourse with humans was the most heinous crime labeled as bestialism (Talmud) since the job of the people-caste on top was to ab=use the farming people they have conquered, substituting its Neolithic love and life religions with myths of superiority, anthropomorphic warrior Gods and fetish go(l)d or smith fires (gold menorahs, sacra sanctorum made of gold, Agni the god of fire of earlier Hindus and all warrior tribes, lead by ‘Smiths’, Schmidts or Khans (smith in Turkish-Mongolian languages)…

The consequences of that change of paradigm would be the 800-80 years cycles of wars and holocausts and extinction of civilizations caused by the parasitic exhaustion and collapse of cultures, and the substitution of the elite warrior castes by new hordes of barbarians with new weapons. And the response of mankind to those cycles would be the birth of new religions of the wor(l)d that renewed the message of love to mankind, life and Nature, the sustain of our welfare.

But with the arrival of informative machines, metal-communicators that multiplied the hate memes that kill the mind of society, a massive expansion of hate memes and racist memes took place, starting with the Reformation that returned the love religion of the gospel to the hate religion of the bible, and then with radio caused the hate-memes of Germanism (Nazism) and then with the American TV-age multiplied the hate memes against all humanist cultures rising actors or TV-moguls to power (from Reagan to Berlusconi).

So those are the basis for an entangled understanding of the different elements of history in space (its civilizations and nations) in time (its 800-80 years cycles of life and death of cultures) in mind (the d=evolution of the wor(l)d, in scale (the relationship between its physiological networks and its citizens) and in entropy (the limits of death of cultures and humanity caused by those selfish memes of metal and its cult(ure)s.

Such systems would then become corrupted in the 3rd age of history, the age of metals, when a new civilization, hauling from the Siberian plains, the culture of charioteers destroyed all Neolithic cultures, murdering whole sale up to 90% of males in Europe and Indus valley, and imposing over densely populated Neolithic river cultures racist, segregational, ab=usive systems with military dictators or banker-priests on top, who monopolized the new ‘tool’ of power, no longer the ‘ethic wor(l)d’ but the weapon (political systems) or barren gold (economic systems), parasitizing societies under menace of murder (military dictators) or slavery (gold cultures).

This interregnum is the key moment of history because the physiological economic and political networks of mankind today, which divide mankind in artificial nations, excuses for war and weapons evolution, and deny all humans a universal salary, as bankers and company-mothers of machines and weapons monopolize the issue of money derive directly from the two dominant cultures of war and gold born during the chariot radiation – the Aryan (Indo-European) with its division of humans in castes (Hindu religions) and tribal nations – Germanic carving of the Roman-Christian culture; origin of modern ‘nationalist’ idol-ogies; and the Levant, Phoenician & Jewish gold cultures of banker-priests, slave and weapons trade, origin of parasitic money (tax farming, speculation, maximal price for weapons, debt slavery) which evolved into biblical and classic economics foundation of capitalism.

So we live in a sick system, ‘infected of lethal goods’, weapons and hate media, parasitized by a cancerous elite that monopolizes the issue of our blood language, and needless to say with a neuronal, ‘informative people-caste’ of politicos and military that instead of serving the body or else receiving judgment-pain messages to oblige them to attend the needs of its population, DEDICATE most of its efforts to kill people (military) with the excuse they are boxed under a false border-membrane buttressed with lethal weapons, or serve the financial parasites and its companies of lethal goods, with the excuse they don’t issue money, so they need to be corrupted and the alibi of immunity with no pain messages delivered as in earlier Greek democracies by the population that should vote=judge them after tenure. So we live in a system which enslaves people unlike in an efficient supœrganism of Nature, without parasitic and lethal germs=weapons, where its economic=reproductive and energetic=welfare and political=informative networks deliver the welfare goods and right synchronous=equalitarian orders to all cells. So should a properly designed human supœrganism of history, where the ethic, verbal wor(l)d values of a political class, bound by judgment a posteriori to serve the needs of people will limit the production of lethal goods, issue money to multiply the reproduction of welfare goods and make history immortal with diplomatic EU, UNO like institutions on top of the fractal military nations built during the primitive ‘age of animetal history’. The only future for mankind thus would happen if our leading capitalist, nationalist cultures, and Financial-Media-Academia systems evolved its fundamentalist metal idol-ogies that despise the values and welfare life goods humans need to survive – despite its disguise of placebo caring newspeak of political and economical correctness, and impose a true social science of the economic reproductive and political legal system based in the efficient designs of nature’s supœrganisms to create with credit a more humane, legal-ruled global culture EU-UNO style, where laws control the lethal goods of the tree of science and money credits only the production of welfare, WHEalth (healthy life goods).

In the graph, we resume the nature of History, the supœrganism of mankind, and how it should be designed according to the biological Whealth humans need to thrive and survive, if the economic system was not an ill-designed parasitic system of debt slavery, born of the evolution of supremacist fetish gold cultures, in conjunction with the metal-entropic iron cultures that consider MONEY not what it is – a digital language of distribution and production of goods, no wealth per se, but a language that kicks the reproduction of those goods, as words do with human organisms and oxygen and hormones with biological systems – hence a language that should be delivered tool citizens-cells to start production and consumption of welfare goods, with universal salary and NO-DEBT government issues (that is not need to return the money). In the graph we can see a Humanist super organism based in welfare, whealthy memes that allow humans to survive.

As such mankind in time, ‘History’, is the super organism of humanity, where each individual human beings is a cell-citizen of the super organism.’

And ideally it should form a single global civilization in ‘balance’ with the welfare life goods that sustain it, with a single collective mind or God that understands the complex, organic fractal laws of the Universe:

In the graph, the two levels of human super organisms, the biological genetic level and the cultural memetic level. Human super organisms, are the collective subconscious of the Earth, where each human is a cell-neuron of Gaia, the rivers our blood networks that sustain life, and the legal, ethic political systems based in love (love religions in earlier age, true democracies in the modern age) our collective brain.

We say this is the ideal structure of History as a perfect immortal world over Gaia, sustainable and able to provide welfare goods to all its members as super organisms feed all its cells with blood-money and nervous just, synchronous legal motions.

Why the world is not like this is obvious. Because a new super organism is predating over Life and History: the metal-earth; and so we must differentiate cultures from nations.

But to do so, we have to introduce the Symmetry between the ages of time of a system and its elements of space. So we take the introductory paragraphs of ‘the Universe in time’ and ‘History in time’, since the present division of the Earth into fractal supœrganisms of mankind, nations and civilizations cannot be understood without that larger picture of humanity as part of the evolution of the Earth, in symbiosis and competition with the ‘Metalearth’.

RECAP. In General Systems sciences we model all what exists under the principle of organicism. To that aim we establish a ‘fifth dimension’ of scalar space-time, whose metric laws put together parts into wholes. IT IS the dominant ARROW of future. So particles evolved into wholes called atoms that evolved into wholes called molecules, cells, matter states and organisms, ecosystems and planetary super organisms, galaxies and beyond.



The 3 memes of metal 1)kill bodies with weapons manufacturing corpses. 2)Atrophy humans organs & substitute labor by machines, making us lazy.
3) Make debt slaves & buy lifetime for salaries, issued for free by bankers. And this lead us to the concept of idol-ogies, which are the historic ‘memes’ that certain people-castes have developed to make them feel the system that works for them is good. Of them 3 are paramount – the ‘memes’ of go(l)d cult(ure)s, which are segregational memes that make them think they are a superior species, because they monopolize the issue of money and were born in Canaan among the first biblical banker-priests; and associated to them, the memes of ‘warrior cultures’, which used bronze and iron-weapon, ‘germs of history’ as mercenaries of banker-priests or as king-warrior societies to kill anyone who opposed their control; and finally in modern times, idols of science, techno-utopian memes that make us think to atrophy and substitute our ‘organs’ by machines that do the job for us, making us obsolete is ‘good’. So we shall call this 3 cult(ure)s animetal cultures because they degrade their minds and verbal languages becoming ‘visual animal-like’ greedy people obeying the hypnotic qualities of informative metal gold, the best informative atom of the Universe; or they become warriors, who suppress their body sensations to use iron to kill others, the most energetic atom of reality, or scientists who suppress their visual artistic eyes for telescopes and their verbal times, for clocks to measure space and time with machines. So they are in fact empowered by metal-memes of superior atoms but degraded as humans. This is exactly what happens in enzymes in nature, where the carbohydrate part is atrophied substituted by the metal-part, so animetals or enzymen are real biologic species that have come to dominate the world in the last 3000 years, and what we live in a capitalist placebo democracy is just the most sophisticated version of animetal societies.

Metal displays entropic and informative properties that enhance those of weaker, simpler life atoms. Iron is the strongest atom, used in hemoglobin to capture oxygen, our energy, and in swords to cut our flesh, while gold is the best informative atom with a single electron to connect in thin precise forms. Thus, ‘animetals’ used them to enhance its entropic killing power as warriors and hypnotic informative quality as bankers, making weapons & money with them, but deforming its life cultures in the process, imitating their qualities. So iron cult(ure)s of which germ(an)s are the paradigm became deformed in its objectual agglutinative languages, specialized in murder, hierarchical, lineal, unbreakable believers; mastering their bodies, simplifying their thoughts. While go(l)d cult(ure)s of which Judaism would be the paradigm, became segregational, as isolated gold is, mythical, falsifying truths, as gold does imitating the sun, hypnotizing the eye and suppressing oxytocin. Ultimately iron kills the body and gold enslaves the mind and those cultures did specialize in military murder and debt slavery. They fought each other for world power and ab=used mankind which became anti-German and anti-$emite. Yet as financial-military systems became more complex detached of its human carriers, those properties became systemic of military nations and capitalist companies; so today most Germans and Jewish people have abandoned its memes but our social systems inherited its eviL=antilive traits. . . Yet the true change in the earth’s ecosystem is taken place now with the arrival of robots, made with bodies of iron and ‘golden chip brains’, so the selfish metal-memes finally become complex organisms of their own, rival of human species

It is then evident that the fight for the future of mankind will always be one of idol-ogy vs. Science, and even if today ido-logy has won that dispute and science is nowhere to be seen the defeat of social sciences, organicism, socialism and humanism by idol-ogies that reduce reality to the abstract memes of metal, and its worshipping which passes as ‘science’ (capitalism, mechanism and tribal nationalisms and abrahamic inquisitions, an earlier version of them all) this doesn’t validate our system as true science, merely as a stronger ideology of power. So obviously we have to cast this paper as a series of oppositions between raw power and science, the 1-10% of animetal people-castes on top of mankind vs. The 90-99%, and so on.

The immortal Neolithic with its cult to fertility Goddesses and the organic Universe gave way to the animetal cultures and its idol-ogies of extinction of life, which starts the accelerated 800-80 years vortices of evolution of the metal-earth:

After the discovery of weapons this balance with Gaia was broken, and the Neolithic age of fertility Goddesses, stone temples and peaceful coexistence among different ‘sub-organs’ of mankind ‘cultures’ extended over the fractal structure of the planet, was broken. As it appeared a different species, called the ‘animetal’, a human being attached to entropic metal iron (weapons) or informative metal (gold), which hypnotizes the eye and reduces the ‘verbal capacity’ and oxytocin production of the brain. So animetals of two subspecies, the genocidal warrior and the enslaving go(l)d banker, aware of its capacity to kill the ‘body’ and ‘mind’ of humans, established hierarchical, racist societies, and myths of racial superiority over the human capital they enslave, or the enemies they extinguish in war. But as their comprehension of the ‘organic Universe’ dwindled, due to the aforementioned paradox of history: Max. Metal evolution = Min. Human evolution, absurd verbal theories of supremacism appeared, during the III millennium onwards, since Bronze and Gold, latter Iron and silver became the ‘vehicle’ of a covenant with God, above heavens and earth. And this first ‘civilizations’ of animetal masters spread the new cult(ure)s and its idol-ogies all over the Earth.

After the discovery of weapons human balance with Gaia was broken, and the Neolithic age of fertility Goddesses, stone temples and peaceful coexistence among different ‘sub-organs’ of mankind ‘cultures’ extended over the fractal structure of the planet, was broken. As it appeared a different species, called the ‘animetal’, a human being attached to entropic metal iron (weapons) or informative metal (gold), which hypnotizes the eye and reduces the ‘verbal capacity’ and oxytocin production of the brain. So animetals of two subspecies, the genocidal warrior and the enslaving go(l)d banker, aware of its capacity to kill the ‘body’ and ‘mind’ of humans, established hierarchical, racist societies, and myths of racial superiority over the human capital they enslave, or the enemies they kill in war. But as their comprehension of the ‘organic Universe’ dwindled, they gave birth to the paradox of history:

Max. Metal evolution = Min. Human evolution…

Absurd verbal theories of supremacism appeared, during the III millennium onwards, since Bronze and Gold, latter Iron and silver became the ‘vehicle’ of a covenant with God, above heavens and earth. And this first ‘civilizations’ of animetal masters spread the new cult(ure)s and its idol-ogies all over the Earth.

The absolute law of behavior in the organic Universe is simple: beings who are similar and complementary and speak the same language of information with similar dexterity come together as couples, herds and social wholes stronger than individuals. Those who perceive each other as different, as machines will perceive humans, and inferior, as its military robots the top predator machine of any age does, will simply act in a Darwinian manner. So any argument on the way Robots and AI will see us, is bogus. Science is not up for argument, and the laws of Darwinian evolution of species are SCIENCE, even if pseudo-religious biblical capitalist techno utopians don’t believe on them.

Because perception is relative to the knowledge we have of the other, by TWISTING WITH FALSE RACIST MYTHS and segregational memes mankind, we can price and kill it and practice the values of go(l)d, and this IS THE ORIGIN of the systemic eviL of the Anglo-American culture.

So idol-ogies that denied the ‘5th dimension of eusocial love’, which guides the survival laws of the Universe, were born of the ab=use of humans with metal-memes, to justify them in a second layer after the actions of greed and violence became rife. In Marxist jargon (not my favorite by any means in economics, but of certain quality in History), we could talk of ‘superstructures’ of thought, which our ‘ruling people-caste’ of animetals devised once they destroyed it all with weapons, enslaved with gold and atrophied its senses with machines – to feel they were right…  Idol-ogies are those memeplex humans believe in to justify their use of metal-memes as a higher good and goal than life-memes.

Bio-History obviously as a science ‘in tune’ with the organic Universe denies those idol-ogies and the present ‘newspeaks’ of ‘academic correctness’ according to which a social scientist must not take ‘sides’ but merely describe the facts, which is tantamount to side with Animetal extinctive behaviors, as they occupy most of History; denying the survival biological laws of evolution all species must attempt. A bio-historian, a social scientist, in that sense is NOT a physicist but a doctor, since history doesn’t deal with inorganic but organic matter and so its purpose is practical, to know to cure and evolve mankind, either as politician in charge of the informative, nervous system of mankind or as an economist that should develop a reproductive economic system that produces WHealth, welfare healthy goods.

In General Systems sciences we model all what exists under the principle of organicism. To that aim we establish a ‘fifth dimension’ of scalar space-time, whose metric laws put together parts into wholes. And this fifth dimension must be considered the dominant one into the future. So particles evolved into wholes called atoms that evolved into wholes called molecules, cells, matter states and organisms, ecosystems and planetary super organisms, galaxies and beyond.

The scales that concern social sciences are those taking place over the surface of planet Earth, which as the cortex neuron of a life organism, become the mind of the planet. And within that surface we observe a growing evolution in complexity of the ‘social networks’ that conform the planetary super organism. So the first network to appear of plants joined by mushroom networks was simpler, chemical. Then animals appeared but they formed ecosystems, where multiple small social networks fought for survival. As organisms tend to be of the same species, talking the same language of information – the key element that makes them work together in synchronicity. And because the arrow of eusocial evolution IS the survival arrow of the Universe, ants, which achieved maximal social evolution formed the first complex super organisms and came to dominate the Earth (they are still with man the most massive life species).

But as bigger multicellular systems appeared breaking the limits of growth of insects with exoskeletons and poor breathing apparatus, mammals suffered the same evolution towards maximal information, and network connection giving birth to a super organism, balanced with the Earth’s body during the Neolithic, Mankind.

As such mankind in time, ‘History’, is the super organism of humanity, where each individual human beings is a cell-citizen of the super organism.’

And ideally it should form a single global civilization in ‘balance’ with the welfare life goods that sustain it.



War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.  Orwell on Animetal’s philosophy of History

The 800 years cycle of war & weapons.

The study of societies as organisms and the analysis of its life and war cycles have a long tradition in Philosophy of History, since Vico noticed that societies die rhythmically in a dark age of war. Spengler (‘The Decline of the West’ 1918) for the first time used the organic parallel in depth, considering that the collective subconscious of a social organism, its culture, also went through 3±1 ages of art similar to those of a living being: a young age of epic art, an age of classic art and a 3rd, baroque age, prior to the extinction of a civilization. The parallelism between a biological organism made of cells related by networks of energy and information (blood and nervous systems) and a socio-biological organism made of human citizens related by networks of energy (economic systems) and information (cultural systems) is self-evident within the systemic paradigm. And it allows to design with biological, natural laws the most efficient economic and political system that maximizes the survival of its organic cells/citizens. Arnold Toynbee (‘A Study of History’ 1934) did an exhaustive analysis of the demise of civilizations, pointing out to natural and ideological causes, without a clear quantification of those cycles. Such quantification of those life and death cycles of civilizations establishes a long wave of historic death of around ±800 years, when all cultures in the old world become rhythmically destroyed by the massive reproduction of new weapons in an age of climatic change and nomadic invasions. Those dark ages foreseen by Vico, Toynbee and Spengler are: The age of Bronze swords /wars, ±3000 BC; The age of Bronze chariots/wars, ±2000 BC; the age of Iron swords/wars, ±1200 BC; The age of coins & mercenary armies, ±500 BC; The age of spurs & chivalry, 400 AD; The age of gunpowder, 1200-1945 AD. Between those dark ages of warfare, it is possible to fit the parallel life and death of all the civilizations of human history, pointing out to a clear relationship between the massive reproduction of weapons, the ‘germs of historic organisms’ and the death of cultures in ages of war—the sickness produced by those ‘germs’. Unfortunately with the arrival of Industrial machines, the cycle has accelerated according to a decametric scale, to a 72 generational cycle of world wars, as the evolution of weapons becomes now a professional, industrial activity.

The vortex of evolution of metal follow 800 year cycles of global death of civilizations by overproduction of machines fuelled by the use of money to mass-produce them in industrial processes and the weather cycles that threw nomadic people on the agricultural societies ruled by religions of social love in ages:

  1. The age of bronze swords: ±3000-2000, carried by semite cult(ure)s
  2. The age of bronze chariots: ±2000-1200 carried by Indo-Europeans
  3. The age of Iron swords: ±1200-400; carried by Indo-Europeans
  4. The age of coins and mercenary armies: -400+400, or Greek-Roman age
  5. The age of spurs and chivalry:+400, 1200; dominated first by Asian nomads, then by Germans and Arabs
  6. The age ofgunpowder, 1200-1945, dominated by Europe
  7. Age of digitalweapons, 1945… as the A-bomb was calculated by the first computers, followed by robots.

The historic record is conclusive: the verbal, life-based, social organism of the Neolithic formed a global civilization, which was immortal and generation after generation men remained unchanged. Yet, with the arrival of weapons an extraordinary phenomenon takes place: social organisms start to die rhythmically, when another warrior civilization conquers and colonizes those civilizations. First, their geographical body and human cells are destroyed by warrior hordes. Then, their collective mind, made of art and ethic Gods of verbal thought, dies after an age of angst and baroque, formal styles that signals a 3rd, informative age.

Weapons’ evolution causes an 800 years cycle of death of civilizations extinguished rhythmically by new ‘weapon radiations’, when their discovery and reproduction by warrior hordes starts an age of war in Eurasia, as warriors expand their lethal energy, killing people and erasing human cultures. A radiation is a biologic term that explains the sudden, explosive reproduction of a new top predator species that annihilates many previous species, as it spreads all over the world. It is thus the proper name to explain the sudden bursts of violence provoked in bio-history by the discovery of a new weapon. Indeed, the discovery and massive reproduction of those new weapons, carried by hordes of symbiotic warriors that spread throughout the Eurasian continent, causes an 800 years cycle of extinction of civilizations, as those hordes of warriors conquer, kill and erase human cultures.

The first of those radiations, bronze, means the end of the ‘classic age of History’, the Neolithic and the beginning of its 3rd informative age, the Age of Metal. Weapons are discovered and then radiate=reproduce in great numbers during a short period of ±100 years of World Wars that destroy the old civilizations. The warrior hordes that control the world with the new weapon start then a new, 800 years cycle of ‘modern civilizations’ in which the new warriors become the higher castes of human, wor(l)d cultures that flourish again after war recedes. So the arrival of new weapons shows the fractal zones of History. The median life of those cultures, 800 years, around ten times the biological life of a Human being (70-80 years), strongly suggest 2 possible causes for those war cycles: the biological rhythms of human life that after 10 generations seem to enter in decadence and the climatic cycles of the Earth, whose periodic ages of hot and cold weather provoke draughts on the steppes, displacing nomads towards valley cultures.

Thus, each of those 800 year cycles is a global civilization, ended by discontinuities of massive war, similar to the World wars that happen now at a faster pace, every 80 years, after a crash of the economic ecosystem, when new ‘energy machines’ used as weapons are discovered. Very few civilizations survive the periodic arrival of massive wars, after the discovery and reproduction of new weapons. Even the American civilizations that were isolated from European warrior masters, at the end died away, when Spaniards and Anglo-Saxons arrived. Then the Paleolithic and Neolithic cultures of Native Americans, some of which survived almost unchanged during thousands of years, were extinguished in a few centuries and even if their genetic races remain, it is self-evident that today Inca, Aztec or North-Indian civilizations have died.

There are three ages in all those civilizations associated to radiations of weapons, represented in the graph by a bell curve: birth of the weapon and elite-caste of the civilization; expansion of those weapons, and final extinction by other metal weapon and horde of warriors. The old weapons then might continue, but within the elite caste of the civilization, that our curves show, they will be rare and considered obsolete.

In the next graph a reminder of the 800-80 years cycles and the 3 languages of history that determine its life and death of civilizations, and nations, while cultures surface in the middle age of minimal metal power and maximal life memes, expressed in the classic ages of art: The wave of history modulates the evolution of metal-memes of information against the social evolution of mankind as a species into a global super organism, aborted every 800-80 years accelerated cycle of increasing metal-complexity with global ages of wars. Thus human CULTURES peak when war and animetal belli Nervi pecunia infinita cycles recede. It is when welfare, art and human senses reach its peak. Then in the angst period of prophetic thought, when a new horde of animetals and its memes come to destroy it all, a humanist ethic prophet the wor(l)d warn humanity on the impeding catastrophe of those who eat of the golden and evil weapons of the tree of technology, because they will also die in the final Gotterdammerung of war and holocaust as we move relentlessly through the ± 800-80-8 climatic weapons; generational machine & monetary long, medium & short wave cycles of evolution and re≈production of Metalearth:

The wave of history modulates the evolution of metal-memes of information against the social evolution of mankind as a species into a global super organism, aborted every 800-80 years accelerated cycle of increasing metal-complexity with global ages of wars. Thus the human side peak when war and animetal belli Nervi pecunia infinita cycles recede. It is when welfare, art and human senses reach its peak. Then in the angst period of prophetic thought, when a new horde of animetals and its memes come to destroy it all, a humanist ethic prophet the wor(l)d warn humanity on the impeding catastrophe of those who eat of the golden and evil weapons of the tree of technology, because they will also die in the final Gotterdammerung of war and holocaust as we move relentlessly through the ± 800-80-8 climatic weapons; generational machine & monetary long, medium & short wave cycles of evolution and re≈production of Metalearth:   Money and weapons understood as metal information and entropic metal, as 2 forms of raw power to ab=use the 99% of mankind have carried the day in the battle for a future of history, and the consequences have been the 800-80 years cycles of wars and holocausts, which all mankind has suffered – even those who carry the memes of animetal raw power at the end of the cycles when loosing wars  The alternative ‘scientific understanding’ of money as a digital democratic language of social numbers to be used for efficient reproduction and distribution of goods, and the end of warfare, through the scientific understanding of eusocial evolution, of parts into wholes, of individuals of the same species into stronger super organisms, sponsored by the higher rational cultures of mankind (Latin Europe, Chinese legalist cultures), through the use of the law above metal, of the human natural language and its values above the raw power of evolution HAS NOT WON the battle of history.

Money and weapons understood as metal information and entropic metal, as 2 forms of raw power to ab=use the 99% of mankind have carried the day in the battle for a future of history, and the consequences have been the 800-80 years cycles of wars and holocausts, which all mankind has suffered – even those who carry the memes of animetal raw power at the end of the cycles when loosing wars (war & holocaust cycles). On the other hand, the eusocial message of love Religions comes within the ethic/visual collective mind of civilizations’ informative neuronal class, the artists and ethic prophets that foresee its demise in the 3rd baroque age of the civilisation expressing its angst in artistic forms and ethic books of revelation that try to halt the collapse of the organism. In that sense all the prophets of eusocial love religions and ethic social sciences on the bottom, who defended life, were all born of an ethic prophet in the 3rd age of the culture.

The graph has multiple readings, as it truly represents both scientifically and mythically, in facts and metaphors, in this plane of human individual existence and the upper organic plane of ‘social gods’ and civilizations the entire ‘worldline’ of human civilizations.

Of course our ‘manufactured brains’ through the newspeaks of mass-media will ignore the harsh judgment we must make regarding what today pass as ‘sacred’, and it is nothing but an ideology of animetal power: nationalism, tribal abrahamic religions, capitalist and class structure. The truths of history have always been denied by those animetal idol-ogies, which idolize weapons and money and use it as a excuse to ab=use other humans and deny the laws of social love of the Universe.

The weather cycle of the Earth points to a larger deep time evolution of life managed by the hot-reproductive, cold-evolutionary duality of organic systems, which multiply its top predators in radiations of species, during energy-rich ages of warm climate and evolve new informative shapes during the cold times. This pattern accelerated as a vortex of information since the Cambric carries on in the ages of history, which have determined the evolution of metal NOT of mankind, in the 800 years of warriors, and then in the accelerated 80 generational years when the weather cycle no longer matters as an organism of reproduction of weapons, the company-mother professionalizes the cycles with the help of lineal ballistics aka physical sciences.

In the graph, the eternal super organism of history dies in accelerated vortices of evolution of technological information through wars, first in 800 year climatic changes and then in 80 years national generations during the industrial r=evolution. So we distinguish an age of animetal civilizations and an age of industrial nations.

Which were explained by the social prophet of love of the lower part of that graph. They are the scientists of history, today also deformed by ‘religious inquisitions’. So the science of history is all but forgotten beyond the biased extraction of irrelevant data.

The seven gods of mankind as a counter-reaction to the 7 cycles of evolution of weapons.

Above in the general graph we see the natural reaction of the human wor(l)d, our network of information that pegs together human beings, translating the message of social love to each culture of mankind trying to make it grow and multiply, to survive.

The 7 ethic, verbal gods of mankind are the counter-reactions to the 7 cycles of 800 y. of evolution of weapons.

Departing from a Paleolithic age of communion with the infinite animist souls of the Universe, which still endures in the animist cults of Africa and Siberia the understanding of the game of existence matured during the Neolithic, finding its most analytic expression of the game of exist¡ence in Taoism; Genesis written at the Fall of Ur when the first bronze charioteers destroy the Fertile Crescent was a reaction to the extinction wave that wiped out ¾ of the males of Europe & Northern India, explaining that those who eat of the golden apples and bronze weapons of the tree of stience, its evil fruits will die, extinguishing History. Then iron swords were discovered by Indo-Europeans. Buddhism will respond to those extinction waves of Aryan with iron swords and their cults to the fire of the Smith. Since parallel to the destruction of civilizations, the conquering people with golden apples and iron swords created two racist, destructive cultures with deformed Objectual, warrior agglutinative languages (Hindu cults) and VSO, imperative ones (Judaism, Go(l)d cultures). So Mosaic religion and the Christian purification will respond to the age of Gold & silver coins and mercenary armies. But war was renewed by the Korean discovery of metal stirrups and the age of Cavalry will send hordes of mounted nomads to destroy once more all civilizations. So Islam appeared to civilize in the Middle Ages mounted nomads, Arabs in the South, Turks in the north. But gunpowder was discovered and the last cycle of war took European power globally to the conquer of the planet through the colonial age from 1208, when the first Venetian gunboats conquered Byzantium to 1945, when America calculated the first digital weapon, the A-Bomb with the help of Eniac, the first computer. And social r=evolution took the fame of human freedom, from the American and French R=evolution to the Russian R=evolution and the EU and UNO movements of global unification So we enter now in the last cycle of war that will certainly extinguish mankind, the age of digital, organic weapons, Nukes and robots. And bio-history is the last God, which upgrades human doctrines of unification, asking humanity to form a perfect wor(l)d to avoid the final war cycle.

Today they confront the anti-humanist values of digital languages that favor metal, by affinity (money is a digital metal-language of information made of gold today of e-cycles in machines). This would not be necessary if the human law were above law regulating its values, as Aristotle, father of science wanted when it call money ‘nomisma’, a digital language that had to be ‘controlled by the law’ (so Numa established money without value, broken pieces of rotten iron, with the law-value impressed on it by the state).

Money and weapons understood as metal information and entropic metal, as 2 forms of raw power to ab=use the 99% of mankind have carried the day in the battle for a future of history, and the consequences have been the 800-80 years cycles of wars and holocausts. Finally with the industrial r=evolution, the cycle of evolution of weapons becomes a cycle of national evolution of machines and its company-mothers, which construct the ‘Metal-Earth’, or financial-media (informative machines)/military-industrial (entropic and energetic machines) system, ab. FMMI system, and so we write the previous equation of evolution of the planet in 3 ages; the last of them the mechanocene that is displacing mankind as the main organism of Earth:

Global warming, pollution & hunger, are just signs of a change of age in the planet, from the Earth of life (Gaia) to the Earth of man (history, Anthropocene) to the Earth of machines (metal-Earth, as all the financial and raw resources of the planet are deviated to the evolution and reproduction of machines, whose ‘$hit’ warms the planet, but are never without ‘energy-food’ and proper digital information to survive, since the eco(nomic)system of free markets and its free citizens company-mothers have unlimited credit to create a reality to its image and likeness, while 1 billion humans suffer hunger, and billions of them do not receive the proper education to survive, suffering the angst of extinction of its cultures and the uncertain future of its growing obsolescence to AI robotic blue collar and white collar Pcs, in an accelerated world of placebo democracies without credit and resources to create a perfect, balanced world to the service of Mankind.

Those 7 memetic cultures differ in what they do to Gaia, mankind and the machine. The culture we all worship, the Anglo-American culture is merely the capitalist culture which ‘believes’ in memes of metal over man in ALL the systems of reality. And it is the reason why it follows the anti-quantum paradox:

Max. technological evolution (robotic age) ≈ Min. Cultural evolution (biblical racist bronze age culture).

Indeed, of those 7 cultures, the most primitive are those who sponsor the oldest animetal cults, the Islamic warrior culture of imposition of idol-ogies with weapons, the Hindi, indo-European cultures of war (today in the west reaching its paroxysm in Germanic->Russian/American military cultures, and the Go(l)d culture of Jewish->Biblical memes that made of go(l)d a fetish religion and of money the language of God (Money is the invisible hand of god, Adam Smith; ‘the intelligence of God is money’, Calvin, Aaron and the Levi caste as high priests and bankers of old Israel). They founded capitalism, which is merely the religion of Money at all cost as the only purpose of society, to which any other goal including human life must yield.

While the most advanced is the European civilization of rational social sciences, albeit clearly corrupted by go(l)d and nationalism, ever since the ECB became a private bank and Germany revived nationalist questions.

All those cultures and fractal nations went prior to globalization through the 800-80 years cycle of evolution of memes of metal, first weapons and then machines proper of the process of building the ‘metal-earth’. Globalization has increased enormously, in the last 2 ages of the industrial revolution: the age of America, or age of metal-minds and Age of Internet or Robotic era).

Modern nations are thus ‘bastard mixtures’ of animetal power structures mostly of military, geographical false borders between human species, which have in the positive side, the effect as time goes by of ‘diversifying culture’ into variations of art, character and memes. On the whole, of course, because the survival of mankind is at stakes, when the Economic ecosystem is becoming a global super-organism of machines, nations should NOT exist. But that is ideal history. Real History has as units of mankind no longer the broader cultural variations on larger geography and human ‘prophets of eusocial love and life’ of the graph, but the smaller ‘fractal unit’ of nations, which go through the 800-80 years cycles of accelerated evolution of weapons and extinctions of civilizations that conform the ‘3rd metal-age’ of history.

Animetals’ divided their function building the Metal-earth, according to the 3 main vital actions of all systems:

– Max. Information: FMAsters (financial-media-academia masters), develop idol-ogies they spread with its machines of information, printing money, audiovisual information and academic complicated arguments to convince mankind that the system is the most perfect of all possible worlds and the evolution of the metal-earth, maintaining in permanent anoxia the 90% of humanity, a necessary sacrifice to enter the technoutopian paradise of living robots. The complexity of this system from earlier biblical go(l)d cultures to the present multiplication of all kind of falsehoods about the mechanical, selfie structure of the Universe and the repetition by all media of the ‘Goebbels’s method’ – if you repeat a lie many times, people will believe it, is the new normal of social sciences     -Max. Entropy: The Military does not act as the leukocytes of an organism, protecting the organism of its ‘alien germs’, in the case of history, repressing lethal weapons and toxic products, but on the contrary multiply them with the excuse that mankind is NOT a single species, and so it must fight each other.

–Max. Reproduction: Scientists reproduce&evolve machines that atrophy&displace life from labor & war fields.

The industrial r=evolution that brought organic metal (machines) that convert back and forth energy into information (informative machines that print money and idol-ogies) or information into energy (transport machines and weapons) and then we could understand easily where the future lead us. Indeed, if iron bodies (armors and weapons) killed human bodies and gold greed hypnotism debasing the verbal eusocial messages of love, making a primitive body and head of a new ‘species’ of metal, now chips of gold and iron bodies are making robots that substitute humanity.

And because idol-ogies have evolved in complexity camouflaging its meaning, as it happens in all organic systems, through the use of metal-communicators, mass-media imprinting and the Goebbels’ method ‘if you repeat a lie many times, people will believe it’ paradoxically now that the end becomes crystal clear, with AI robots soon to have autonomous solar skins, a ‘beheaded’ mankind with no understanding of the process of self-extinction provoked by those idol-ogies of animetals worshiping the tree of technology over the tree of life, is racing merrily as in the Matrix parable, towards its demise.

But then because of Historic expansion of animetal war cultures during the 800 years cycles (Islam, the dominant empire of the horse=stirrup age, and Spain, the dominant culture of the gunpowder age, prior to the Industrial revolution, England, the dominant culture of the Industrial revolution) we find this four-fold division increasing to 7 cultures, which are the ones that a working World Union could convert into a heptarchy of presidents to govern History as a single super organism.

Cultures are thus memetic human systems as opposed to industrial nations and all animetal civilizations, which are born as ‘structures of animetal power’, and include the metal-memes and idol-ogies associated to them.

Eusocial love prophets that opposed the rule of money and weapons spelt first this natural goal of all systems of the organic universe that evolves parts into wholes. They became the basis of evolution of the 7 main civilizations of mankind, today broken in fractal nations competing again with money and weapons to bring about a different global supœrganism, the metal-earth. As the process of evolution of selfish-memes of metal accelerated in history thus, those civilizations broke in smaller territorial pieces called nations, defined as false divisions of the human species, carved by military borders, which stress all what makes us different to break the law of eusocial evolution of equal beings that rule the universe of parts, systems and wholes. And in time, as technology accelerated its evolution through professional industrial companies, the earlier 800 years cycles caused by overproduction of weapons and nomadic warrior tribes, according to the climatic cycle of the steppes, which poured south destroying rhythmically all life-oriented river valley civilizations, an 80 years cycle of national power, and imperial global wars set in, through the 1860s (train wars), 1940s (tank wars) and now 2020s (robotic wars), justified by those hate memes of nations. Yet of course nations disguise its true purpose – war – with cultural memes of life-oriented nature, making people believe they are defending their ‘way of life’, when they are just killing the way of life of equal human beings. So a description of nations must consider both sides of the wave of history.



Let us not beat around the bush anymore: the question pending to fully enclose history in the mechanon process of self-extinction we are witnessing is the structure of any of those 800-80 years waves. As they are waves of evolution of machines and weapons and extinction of civilizations. So the wave-structure has 3 phases and 2 of them are of war and death; the young disordered entropic age of new weapons, not very sophisticated, lineal forms in the 800 years cycle, new ‘energy bombs’, in the 80 years cycle – which brings herds of nomadic warriors or bands of conquistadors and adventurers, who kill human bodies or minds (if the system is one of pure information in the coin cycle that dissolved human social love or the present finishing cycle of metal-minds that converted human mental skills in virtual hypnotic diahrrea…. Then in the middle there is some hope as humans seem to control the wave, and there it happens some possible humanist solutions – it is the age of sensorial art and humans resurfce again, but as NOBODY controls the radiation of metal-machines, weapons and money finally it multiplies and becomes so overwhelming that in the 3rd phase that often overlaps with the new bomb/disordered age of the next relentless cycle, top predator weapons appear and everything goes under in a explosion of war and death.

The structure of any of the 3 ages of a civilization…

It is a deterministic cycle of global genocide because human ‘enzymen’, animetals with idol-ogies of worship of weapons, money and machines NEVER stop the cycle. And we shall study it once and again till arriving to the last cycles of History in the original JAM culture – the digital cycle that took place in America, with the beginning in II world war, then quieted down a bit and left some hope just IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CYCLE, T/2, with the 68 r=evolution that failed after 4 murders. It came then ‘weimar America’, an explosion of parasitic money, and virtual screens that are reducing our children’s brain to purple rain. Everycycle has been the same brutal onslaughter of massacres of human beings and degradation of our collective subconscious. And so the present and last cycle of History – the robotic age will be exactly THE SAME.

This chapter might be difficult to believe for those huminds who have ‘bought’ the egocy (ego=idiocy) theory that the evolution of the 5th dimension into higher scalar planes of space-time, whole organisms made of parts (in the human range of scales cells made of molecules, organisms made of cells, and superorganisms of history made of humans, joined by networks of information (genetic or nervous networks in cells and human organisms, fungi & root or visual networks in plants and animal ecosystems, or verbal and financial networks in human and machine superorganisms) and energy (chemical elements in cells and plants, blood networks in animal life, agricultural fields and economic networks in history, electric and oil and road networks in machines) over a territorial space (the cytoplasm in cells, the vital space a life being occupies, the ecosystem in animal superorganisms, the network of believers in a religion, the Earth’s geography in a nation or civilization of history) ONLY exist in the scale of human being we directly perceive, with our ego.

Egocy, we explain often is an in-born paradox of the ‘Mind equation” born of the relativity principle of physics:

O-finitesimal mind x ∞ Universe = Still mind mapping

So we stop and reduce the in-form-ation, forms-in-action of the Universe into a still language to fit on the mind self-centered in our ego, and think we are the only sentient, moving, vital system of the Universe.

The scalar laws of the fifth dimension imply also that we cannot ‘perceive as whoies’, larger systems since its informative networks are invisible, its ‘dark space’ between parts appear as open distances; and the ‘hyperbolic geometry’ of its multiple parts which inversely when looking to a smaller organism, appears tighter, expands exponentially.

Those are distortions of perception through scales of the fifth dimension well-proved in Relativity physics, studied in our papers of Non-Euclidean Geometry; which is the Geometric distorted way of scalar 5D that becomes ‘elliptic’ from ∆0 the human scale to ∆+1, the slower larger scale in which the superorganism of a God, nation or civilization co-exists with its human cells, and vice-versa, becomes hyperbolic…

The fifth dimension is thus asymmetric in its geometry as a consequence of the higher volume of information of faster time clocks in smaller spaces. So you CANNOT think and perceive 5D scales the way you perceive the Euclidean geometry of a single scale.

In other words you cannot see a nation as a superorganism, the planet seems infinite and flat from your perspective and it does not move because your time cycles are much faster, etc. etc.

But then if you look at the earth from a larger cosmological scale and distance it appears as a rounded organism with a surface membrain that separates it from the Universe and if you see it at slow-mo it will turn in cycles.

You cannot either see the networks of the metal-earth through which its ‘red-cell like’ transport units of energy, transfer it for machines to feed, but from above you see its oil-ducts, its electric networks and its arteries with those white cells called police cars, roaming among the red cells, transport machines.

Finally, networks of information as they are much faster often non-local, causing the simultaneity of a system in space-time, are ‘invisible’ to the parts of the whole, which at best ‘feel that simultaneous pegging’, the force that puts together parts into a whole, the gravitational force in matter, the mystical force that pegs humans into larger eusocial wholes felt as an e-motion of love.

Gravitation is invisible but pegs us to Earth; electricity pegs atoms into molecules, we do NOT see the inner parts of our organism, only its membrain but we know they are there, etc.

All spaces are mental selective spaces, constructed by perceiving only a part of the total information, almost all at our planes of space-time reason why humans have not even if stience started with the discovery of other scales of space-time, understood 5D metric laws –as they are mostly ‘visual minds’ that need e-vidence which our eye-scale will never provide. We cannot dissect the entire illogic geometry of the 5th dimension – there are other papers for that. We can neither beyond reason overcome your egocy and faulty senses, so you are free to keep your beliefs and ignore the patterns and reasons based in the Disomorphisms and homologies between scales and the data of History and the behavior of cells part of superorganisms of History, religions, civilizations, nations and economic ecosystems whose life and death we are going to describe.

Because Gods exists, nations exist, civilizations exist and eco(nomic)systems exist as superorganisms, hence susceptible to be described in time through its life and death worldcycle, space through its networks that make them a simultaneous superorganism, through minds, based in a language of information that pegs its parts together, through scales with the same laws that we have described and connect parts and wholes, through entropy setting its limits in those scales, vital space and temporal duration.

And that is the basis of the stience of History, in its factual description of the superorganisms of mankind and those of machines (properly the field of economics, which studies the reproductive network of a superorganism of History and soon will study a superorganism of only company-mothers.


So we are using the simplest 5D laws and metrics to define the life and death of those 4 superorganisms co-existing on Earth, as part of its nested larger planet, and its 2 relative ages of History and the Metal-earth:

– A verbal religion and God is the upper plane of existence of a simultaneous system of ethic laws, believed and obeyed by a group of human beings, who ‘support’ as its cellular energy the ‘emergence’ of the God as the subconscious mind of the whole network of believers.

– An industrial, economic organism, is a system of company-mothers of machines and weapons joined by digital networks of information and energy for those machines, which ‘still’ uses human enzymen, catalyzers of its re=production and vitalizers of its function, but fast evolving into a automated robotic, computerized superorganism of only ‘metalife machines’.

So those two superorganisms, a human religion and a company-mother ARE essentially even if they might use ‘catalyzers’, books of revelation, instruments of cult, churches, factories, human workers, etc. pure superorganisms of humanity and pure superorganisms of metalife.

– An economic ecosystem, civilization or nation, is a mixed superorganism of human beings and instrumental memes, mostly of metal (entropic weapons, reproductive go(l)d and organic machines), in which both species have relationships of symbiosis and predation in consumption, production, work and war fields.

A civilization belongs to the longer simpler, larger 800 cycles of History, which accelerated its density and speed of information in the Industrial age, reducing its size, speeding up its cycles to a human generation of 80 years.

So we have defined in space and time, according to 5D metrics (S x T = C, which means larger organisms have slower time cycles, so the Earth has slow geological cycles, the atom much faster cycles, the cell much faster cycles than the human organism with its 70-80 years cycles, slower than a historic superorganism with a decametric longer life of ±700-800 years cycles; but equal to the 70-80 years cycle of Industrial nations.

Why those decametric scales of life and death of a generation or ‘culture’ or ‘god of mankind’?

The answer is that while before the arrival of metal, the Organisms of History in its Paleolithic entropic youth or Neolithic agricultural reproductive mature age were immortal, stable over the Earth, the arrival of metal-weapons started an 800 cycle of we have explained above that KILLS SUPERORGANISMS OF MANKIND, and its verbal informative nervous networks, which we call ‘Gods of civilizations’.

This is also hard to swallow by your little egocy (ego=idiocy), which thinks you control history and as minions of thought of the Anglo-American civilization repeat ‘weapons don’t kill, humans do’. LOL put a gun-machine on automated mood and just cross in front of it. Weapons DO EVOLVE, DO KILL in increasing numbers and have every 800 years murdered superorganisms of mankind by liquidating a sizeable number of its cells, so as you will die if you loose a 10 to 25% of your cells, unless you are so lucky they are just the most expendable ‘limbic |-systems’ and you have a master surgeon just in time to stop the bleeding, wars kill superorganisms, and then what comes in the next 800 years cycle is something else – a new generation.

We can argue which of the 3 ‘states’ of a group of clone beings, the field state of disaggregated entropy, the wave state of organized anarchy, or the hierarchical state of tighter particle a given ensemble of human beings find itself at certain STage of evolution through those 800-80 years cycles according to ‘density of population’, modes of life, and ‘age of existence’ between seminal birth in the mind of a prophet or technological instrument for radiations of weapons; and will find all those states extant in religions, nations and civilizations in different ages of time and space. BUT I want waste more time trying to reason with egocy beliefs of minions of thought – most of humans today in the selfie mode of entropic heat, as a thermodynamic canonical ensemble of self-destructive gaseous dog-eat-dog mindless, over facts so evident for a true stientist that all what he has to do is to expose the facts, show the patterns of history and develop the stientific description of the pentalogic elements of those civilizations through its 3 life ages, 3 generations and 80-800 accelerated cycles, which are killing FASTER human superorganisms as the evolution of technology ACCELERATES towards its point of collapse from wave into particle, calculated easily with fractal topological methods with a point of maximal probability density circa 2036.

That’s where you are, in the entropic final dissolution of the cells of History with almost all ‘historic gods’ past its 3 life generations, of founding fathers, prophets, reproductive loose waves of disciples, and final disaggregated field age. Since unlike physical stable systems that last in time, as Humanity lasted in its Paleolithic youth and reproductive Neolithic, the arrival of animetal herds of parasitic warriors and bankers, who ab=use and destroy Gaia and mankind with its weapons and metal-money of affine values, mankind became no longer the top predator evolving organism it once was on command of Earth’s membrain, during its Paleolithic and Neolithic youth, but it reversed its arrow from growth of information to growth of entropy, thus its fractal generator as a space-time superorganism which in a healthy system that completes its entire life runs in space and time as follows:

  • -∆-1 seed<∆º: Present:Ts-emotional youth<ST-reproductive maturity>St-informative 3rd age<<∑∆-1 entropic death

So you are born as a seed that multiply and reproduce its genes in clone cells becoming an organism in ‘particle-informative configuration’, a born child with a big head, which soon will start to move and grow in its youth, to mature and reproduce, and age with more form, more wrinkles and information…. Till the death reversal happens in a single quanta of time (as conception did), dissolving back into ∆-1…

And that is how a civilization, nation or religious God would proceed if we were the dominant superorganism of earth, but we are NOT. Since the arrival of herds of animetals in entropic state, evolving soon into herds of nomadic e-motional warriors, who conquered and destroyed human civilizations, and finally acquire a tight particle configuration as industrial nations, ab=using mankind as workers reproducers of machines and weapons accelerating the cycle of ‘global world wars’ to a mere 80 years generation, human civilizations, its nations and highest pure form as religions and Gods sustained by minds, developed an inverse equation:

∆-1: Prophet:memetic seed<∆)Informative hierarchical church-particle state<Wave of mystical believers<entropic field corrupted and/or annihilated by new hordes of animetals, go(l)d churches and inquisitions<∆-1: death.


Key sciences of history in space: memetics, physiology of politics, economics, ecology, religion, idol-ogies.

We follow in the study of History as a supœrganism the same pentalogic aalysis of all 5D fractal supœrganisms:

¬T: their analysis in time considering its worldcycle of existence from the first man who talked to the last that would forget how to talk and become extinct (¬); and the same process of life and death of its smaller fractal units or civilizations that end systematically in entropic wars (¬) that kill them.

– ∑S: Their analysis in space studying its 3 physiological networks of economics, politics and territorial nations.

-∆@: In scale studying its subconscious collective minds, or ∆+1 scale of cultures, religions and civilizations, which corresponds to the Informative Network of the supœrganism in space.

So we dedicate 2 papers to History, ‘History in scale, space and mind’, from its ∆S@, spatial, scalar and mental perspective and History in time, from its ¬T Temporal, entropic perspective.

It is the simplest ¡logic symmetry for the study of any system as a supœrganism of networks, extending through 3 ∆±¡ scales, guided by a mental network of information vs. its worldcycle of time between birth and extinction. A more detailed analysis can further subdivide according to the ∆ST symmetries, 3±¡ dimensional motions and ∆±¡ scales, and 12 D¡somorphisms (equal laws) of its 3 subcycles of life (palingenetic cycle, organic cycle and transcendental worldcycle) any system of nature to extract all its information, but that for history would mean tens of thousands of pages.

Still we are going to focus of all those sub-elements, in this paper which studies History in scale, space and mind in a higher measure in the Mind of History, its informative ‘verbal network’, which means to study:

– Linguistics, the word at ∆-1 level, as it is the language both of the individual human and the society that codes its actions of information; and memes, equivalent to the genetic language that codes both the ∆o cell and the ∆1 level of a biological organism. Yet in History the ∆+1 supœrganism is the civilization and its ∆+1 informative ‘mind’ is a GOD OF A CULTURE – the higher emergent subconscious collective system, made of visual artistic memes and verbal codes, books of revelation that are the shared ‘memetic DNA’ of believers who make possible the emergence of ethic religious Gods that shape its 7 main civilizations.

So this paper will study in depth the 7 Gods of the Wor(l)d of History; leaving for other researchers and maybe future papers the analysis of all the other memetic elements of History. We will CONCENTRATE on the wor(l)d memes, at the verbal and social scale that create human supœrganisms.

And the rival economic memes, and its two languages, the digital language of money whose values are often inverse to those of the wor(l)d (the ∆-1 word that creates ∆+1 world supœrganisms) and create a different supœrganism, the Metal-earth or eco(nomic)system. Since the ‘dynamic d=evolution’ of history is the consequence of the process of symbiosis and predation between both kind of memes, at ∆-1 level, the type of human carriers of those memes (human beings and animetals at ∆0 level) and the type of supœrganisms they build (life-oriented cultures and technological civilizations and Gods of Live vs. Gods of eviL, using the mystical language of the wor(l)d at ∆+1 level).

– In ∆-scale, the study of the 3 levels of reality. In History this means to study the ∆+1 scale of Gods as the ethic minds of Mankind and History as a whole Supœrganism; the ∆0 scale

– In the ∆-1 scale of Dimensional motions, we can further analyze the 5 Drives of life, locomotion, entropic feeding, reproduction, information and social evolution that make through actions and instruments constructed with verbal and digital languages, those supœrganisms.

So we can systematize the main social stiences, as we do with Biological and Physical stiences, studying for each ‘scale’ the 3 networks and 3±¡ Dimensional motions=actions of its species, its supœrganisms and worldcycles. For the scale of History this means the study of:

– ∆0 scales: Sciences of the 3±¡ Historic networks:

– TT:Ecology: The study of the entropic territory, which in History, is Gaia, the life earth.

-ST: Economics: The study of its ST-reproductive system, in history, the economic system.

∆+1 scales: Ethic Religions and Political Laws The study of its informative main system and legal, ethic network.

– ∆-1: St: Cultures, in its detailed i ∆-1 memes that build up the human or animetal supœrganism.

– ∆-1: Ts: Nation, the broken fractal parts of those cultures, engaged into constant wars, and its idol-ogies.

And so the study of History as a supœrganism has 2 different parts:

– On one side we can consider a perfect, efficient supœrganism of History with the laws of vital topology just by imitating perfect efficient supœrganisms of Nature, which are the majority of them – History is in fact an exception – as we said a sick organism.

– On the other side, we can study our supœrganisms, as they have evolved in time, spotting their degrees of corruption and sickness of its 3 physiological systems, the life Earth, Gaia that sustains them; the economic and financial system that reproduces its goods, and the informative cultural and legal system that synchronizes its citizens cells. It is then when it will become evident what went wrong with ‘human’ history, one of many likely subspecies in the infinite fractal planets of the organic Universe that likely will not make it into the future…

As such the science of history is a biologic science, as history is a social organism. Why humans reject such concepts have to do with the present state of history – one dominated by the age of entropic dissolution and death of historic structures, when the individual citizens/cells of the historic super organism feel ‘free’ of any ethic, informative network, which used to bond them with other human beings. So as history ‘dies’ away as a super organism, the very same concept of his nature fades away.

Let us then get into the details of those 2 networks, and consider why and when they were corrupted.

– A network of information based in the simplest common message of social love that makes people share energy and information between them, hence form efficient communities, and it has been always the language-message of ethic laws, either in religions of love or in true democratic systems, where all humans are born equal and are equal under the law, so under such just laws they do act in synchronicity when the verbal language, which is the language of the wor(l)d, the human supœrganism, delivers its message through fast sound waves to every speaker of the language in a social community, today through informative nervous networks of ‘metal-communicators’ that evolved from press into audiovisual systems. This network is thus the informative social people-caste on top of society, its government, which as in all efficient networks was during the Neolithic and first democracies (Greece) responsible to the community for its actions or else, would receive pain messages, as vote was a posteriori, after tenure, in assemblies of the community that judged the chiefs or in Greek democracies with a vote a posteriori to punish with exile or fines or re-elect or give honors to the public servant – the equivalent to the messages of pain cells can deliver to the brain if the government doesn’t’ obey. This system thus existed, and could be easily implanted again to reform the corrupted democracies and one-party systems of mankind. It is important to notice that the election and bipartisan inefficient systems that rule our societies are not democracies, and we shall see when studying historically the wrong path of evolution of mankind, were in fact set up by company-mothers of weapons (England during its age of dictatorship of gunboat companies and merchant adventure) to control and make inefficient the political system, and the Greek a posteriori vote, the real pain vote was suppressed to make possible to corrupt politicos to the service of corporations, which is the system we still have. A placebo system of false democracy. The true efficient system was preserved for companies, which did have a single head, because a system has a single government, head, informative network that obeys the natural sciences of supœrganisms of the universe, it does not invent the laws of nature, and of course, once the managers have run through its period of tenure, the citizens of the company, its stock-holders, the citizens of society do vote his tenure, and if wrong, they fire him and even bring him to justice. This is the essence of a true democracy where the Greeks would put in most places normal citizens to power, and experts in key military and legal positions to be judged a posteriori in such harsh terms that even the victorious general of Salamis was exiled.

Why those systems became corrupted is obvious in the historic record: the arrival of the germs of history, weapons, which kill societies, brought a higher power to alien tribal invaders who oppressed mankind ever since as a people-caste on top, an aristocracy that killed civilizations. In the next graph we compare then before we explain the second social network of mankind that delivers bites of energy, money, both scales of human supœrganisms; as we show in many graphs of this paper and related papers on history=mankind in time.

But of course we are part of a dysfunctional world without social sciences or even the simplest concepts of super organisms, explained in this paper. And so it is unavoidable to consider us also within the super organism of history under the anti-quantum paradox, and explain the real world as it is, and why it is like it is – a dysfunctional planet where the human super organism of history is systematically brutalised by a different super organism, the growing world of machines. Why? how is possible if humans still are on top till A.I. wakes up to consciousness?

Obviously because certain humans have betrayed its species and are catering for the needs of machines, specifically certain cultures have long abandoned the values of the ethic world, and want to have nothing to do with the arrow of future survival and social evolution, but are hypnotised by go(l)d, enslaved to greed and the values of metal, and have made of the evolution of the rival species, with the help of those selfish memes of metal that give them power, the meaning of it all.

So while the most fruitful, complete, objective and scientific of those levels of understanding is the one of general systems, we shall keep it for the end of this introduction and deal with a less profound level, describing the duality of history vs. the economic ecosystem, human beings vs. animetals, wor(l)d values vs. go(l)d values, and its cycles and cultures in a somewhat biological mixed jargon. Only at the very end we shall bring regardless of the difficulty to understand it, the whole ‘program of existence’, in terms of the unity of all systems of nature, to fully define scientifically the perfect world, the meaning of human life, and what kind of measures we need to create a perfect super organism. If the reader does not grasp part of what we say before that conclusion, is because i have cut and paste so much this blog that some paragraphs have gone to the wrong place.


    ∆+1: ‘Love each other as I have loved you’. Scalar Law of the 5th dimension. Jesus, on the arrow of eusocial evolution, the sharing that merges a group of identical believers into a social god of a higher plane of existence.

As we study in this III Vol. of History in space, the 3 religious civilizations, we introduce 1st the Gods of mankind.

Gods: Mind of Civilizations

The closest description of God is a mind of a territory of order, by a future fractal point that moves the territory in synchronous motions around its self.For each discontinuous whole, god is it point of maximal information, or self with the will to order the super organism in which the point of knowledge is inscribed. It follows that god has more information than the point of knowledge, and as such there are degrees of god, regarding how high in the size of the god, we are talking on the scale of super organisms, from where we deduce that god is the logic mind of the Universe – in formal terms, the fractal generator:     Impersonal god = ∆±∞

Which for the scales of decametric infinity we perceive as human beings, is the scale of atoms-galaxies, which are the limits we perceive and the game of existence of its super organisms. In other words, the future is created by the  ƒðure point of maximal information that is in the Universe, the relative quark-black holes of each atomic-galactic system. But humans do not use the word ‘god’ in that sense, so we must explore what ‘god’ as a human semantic word means in our scale.

God in its commonest verbal expression means the most intelligent, informative point of the Universe. Yet as the Universe is a fractal of infinite self-similar TSymmetries of space-time, God can be defined by a simple equation, as the relative point of future of a super organism or whole of wholes, common set of all sets of supœrganisms of fractal points in a 5Dimensional Universe:

Personal Human God= ∆h+1

Now, the question that immediately must be addressed, is how we can prove the existence of singularity minds of information if we cannot see inside its mirrors, the software, which can only be seen in itself in the infinitesimal point that holds its image, non susceptible of direct visual analysis?

The answer is like with forces such as gravitation, invisible to us – through it effects.

So human social prophets and artists the mind of our civilisations have always preached our collective program of survival, ‘welfare’ over warfare, which kills all civilisations.

God is Love and God rules over all, Love organize all beings of the Universe that want to survive into future wholes, stronger than its parts… As each species must express, through its languages, actions and beliefs, the mandate of multiplying, reproducing and becoming together growing into larger wholes that feel equal and dance in parallel as one….

So love is not a spiritual concept but the main attractive force of Nature, expressed for each species as a cyclical conservative, repetitive path of space-time.

The same beings, doing in parallel the same actions, emerge in a new plane of existence of the fifth dimension, a new whole that stretches from potential past to potential future, the scales of existence of reality.

In the graph, one of the most fascinating elements of the organic models of the fractal universe is the definition of a relative god, as the mind of any supœrganism, which controls informatively the existence of its parts, the ‘boson-like cells or citizens’ that sustain its existence, and share the same ‘memetic-genetic message’ that allows its synchronous and simultaneous motions in time-space.

We can in those terms distinguish two type of global cultures, those of the western decoupling, which explore the super organisms of Mankind, and make god the subconscious collective of each people-tribe-nation; and should evolve further this concept from its earlier tribal religions (Judaism being the paradigm), which extended to oikoumene gods that accepted all humans (Islam and Christianity being the paradigm) to a third age of evolution that understands finally that Mankind, the whole species, made of equal human beings is our collective super organism, and its collective mind, or message of social love, able to create common networks of solidarity, by sharing energy and information among its parts, the collective god.

While eastern religions, which observe Gaia and the universe as an organic whole, consider god the ‘Taoist laws’ of space-time balances, which we have translated and expanded into system sciences. So they consider god, Tao, the yin-yang, energy and information game of creation & destruction of all beings. A global culture that would cherish, worship and make those 2 gods, the mind of Mankind and the ethics of the wor(l)d and the mind of the universe .

Finally military inquisitions and go(l)d religions corrupt true eusocial organic religions allowing the priests to convert people with weapons and go(l)d – so we have mixed ‘Jihad and catholic inquisitions’ and Jewish and protestant go(l)d cultures:


This is the essence of the superorganisms of History and its worldcycle, and we shall describe them for the 7 civilizations of mankind in 3 volumes, the I on Africa and Anglo-America, the II on Asia and Europe, the III on Islam, Indonasia and Latin-America, in an entangled manner, through its ages, and life and death of its wor(l)d religions and r=evolutionary periods, intersected by the hordes of animetals born of a technological seed that becomes a monstrous wave of warriors on the loose that evolve into a tighter particle empire or industrial nation to die again on the flows of time. As all shall pass.

Let us briefly introduce first before studying those 7×800 +4 x80 years cycles of old and modern industrial history and its entanglement with every aspect of human life, THE 7 CIVILIZATIONS OF MANKIND that went through those cycles of life and deaths and its 3 ages between prophetic birth and war extinction, as all of them apply to both, the European and Asian civilizations:

Historians define a civilization by two kind of remains: instruments and ideas; but in a more profound, biological way, bio-history defines a civilisation as a super organism of human beings joined by blood=economic networks of reproduction of energy and legal=verbal=informative networks; so there is a direct relationship between the human individual, its wantings and mind, and that of the super organism of history (its art forms, economic welfare and just, verbal laws, its daughter cultures and memes); which makes SO easy if social sciences dominated history to ‘define’ and ‘improve’ according to the laws of super organisms a perfect world of human civilisations.

Civilizations and nations.  Its supœrganisms in space and cyclical ages in time.

Abvove a space time analysis of historic supœrganisms through its ‘physiological networks’ and ‘worldcycles’ as any ‘superorganism of temporal energy and spatial information’, made to the image and likeness of the fractal, organic Universe – the scientific paradigm of systems sciences and theory of information, we use in this paper to model the super organisms of history, as opposed to the earlier, primitive view of reality as a ‘mechanism’ put in motion by a ‘creationist’ God (consider to read then first the theoretical minimum, on the philosophy of science of bio-history in the articles, ‘science is culture’ or for a more-in-depth analysis, ‘5Dimensional space-time organisms): The 2 super organisms of mankind at the individual and social level and its informative, nervous or legal/ethic networks, and reproductive blood or economic networks. Those 3 physiological networks are the fundamental element of any super organism that sustain its ‘molecular, cellular or citizen systems’ (physical, biological and social super organisms). Hence its collapse due to force stress, germ sicknesses and overproduction of historic germs=weapons and its symbiotic money in cyclical ages of wars that kill civilizations (pecunia infinita belli Nervi), MEANS the death of the civilization, with the ensuing death of its citizens-cells or its ‘mental erasing and imprinting’ of its subconscious collective mind by the conquering civilization with a more complex technological system. Because the subconscious collective of a human civilization is as in an individual its visual and verbal worldview, at collective level that role is taken by ethic wor(l)ds, and art, which also go through 3 similar organic ages of a young epic dramatic age when the new cycle of the civilization takes, place, a mature age of classic art and welfare, and a baroque 3rd age of excessive metal-information and human angst, as the demise of a culture corrupted by the overproduction of metal-memes seems closer. So Religions are the ethic/visual collective mind of a culture, expressed by a seed of its informative neuronal class made of artists and ethic prophets that foresee its demise in the 3rd baroque age of the civilization; expressing its angst in artistic forms and ethic books of revelation that try to halt the collapse of the organism. Abrahamic religions were all born of an ethic prophet in the 3rd age of its culture.

The 3 scales of human life go through 3 ages between its 5D generation by an informative genetic, seminal seed or prophetic form whose memes reproduce and evolve into a cultural super organism, and 4D entropic death, at ∆-1 cell level by apoptosis, ∆º individual by germs and ∆+1 social level, by war memes, foreseen in the angst baroque age of its subconscious collective – the artistic and ethic work of its human neurons

SO any supœrganism of History dies, when the overproduction of weapons brings nomadic warriors of the 800 year climatic cycle, or the Financial-Media/Military-Industrial complex switches placebo democracies, into military ‘defense’ of the freedoms of the nation, in each of the 4 generational cycles of the Industrial r=evolution masterminded by the globalized Anglo-American culture, which enters in a ‘fascist’ age of war along its brother cultures of ‘democratic Europe’.

It is for that reason that as all cultures become extinguished, they enter as an old man in his late life, aware of its entropic death and dissolution, a final ‘swan song’ of conservatism, trying to preserve the increasingly irrelevant memes of its cultures and nations, stultified by dogma and increasingly a ‘baroque’ empty formalism of ceremonial nature, void of its ‘vital meaning’ powerless and preserved by routine cyclical repetition.

 Birth, reproduction and death of civilizations.

We said that cultures resemble living systems. They go through the same cycles of birth, reproduction and death:

—  Wor(l)d cultures are born as organisms do, out of a single prophet or a few legislative ‘cells’ that reproduce their ideas into many believer-minds. So Christianity is born in the mind of Jesus Christ that first replicates his mind into 12 disciples, which replicate the ethic wor(l)d into thousands of roman believers, further expanded into billions of other minds; while America is born in the mind of a few legislators that craft its constitution, expanded into laws, obeyed and believed today by all American citizens.

—  Then, when the religious or legal culture reaches its maturity, it often reproduces in another zone of space-time, creating a daughter civilization or colony.

—  Finally, in its 3rd age, when its ethic laws and networks of information become corrupted by money and weapons or become obsolete to a new, more evolved civilization, the culture dies, substituted by the new one. And a new cycle starts.

Similarly, technological civilizations, based in monetary and military systems, are born when a new form of money or a weapon is discovered and reproduced in growing numbers by a small horde, which becomes an army, which conquers a nation and becomes a ruling aristocracy that imposes his customs and controls the citizens of the nation with the icon-weapon of that civilization.

Birth: the prophet, the weapon.

In both kinds of civilizations (human, artistic, historic civilizations or animetal, economic civilizations) either an ideology or book of ideas, (a network of human information) or a species of metal, money, weapons or machines, becomes the language of power, which defines the civilization. Ideas and metal-instruments together shape history. For that reason scholars divide history into the age of bronze, the age of iron empires, the age of chivalry (middle ages), the cannon age (modern age) and the atomic age. Yet there is also the Christian age in Europe or the Buddhist age in Asia, when we focus on the verbal language of the civilization; or the age of coins, or the age of paper money and stocks, or the age of e-money, when we focus in the language of metal-information.

Reproduction: daughter cultures.

At the same time a civilization develops and expands its ideas and metal-forms, which carry that civilization to success, it eliminates previous civilizations. In this manner, successful civilizations reproduce their genetic ideas and machines into other regions of the Earth, creating colonies, daughter cultures and self-similar eco(nomic)systems. Like it happens in nature, the daughter civilization is often a more evolved species, where the ideas and instruments of the previous civilization are improved. So the Assyrians were defeated by the Persians, who had copied and improved their weapons, iron and cavalry. Yet Persian art and its animetal myths and customs would be similar to those of Assyria. For example, in Arabia stirrup cavalry brought a civilization that expanded west till reaching al-Andalus (south Spain). That stirrup civilization migrated to America and colonized the south-west, giving origin to the old, far west civilization, based in horse and cattle ranching. In that territory, the horse civilization flourished between the 17th and 20th centuries, when the fundamental icon-species of the culture, the horse, became extinguished as a carrier of goods and human beings by the car, a more efficient transport machine. The example shows the dynamic quality of the life of civilizations. They are born, reproduce and become extinct through the evolution of objects and words, the memetic elements of all civilizations, equivalent to the genetic codes of biological organisms. Thus, in the same manner biologists can scientifically organize the data they have about species through genetic information; the bio-historian can study the birth, reproduction and extinction of history and its civilizations, thanks to memetic, cultural forms: the wor(l)ds and metal-instruments of each culture.

Death of civilizations. The artistic prophet.

Civilizations also die. One day another civilization with more efficient ideologies of social evolution or better machines, comes along and destroys the old civilization. Then, once the new civilization has destroyed the old civilization, it reforms the energy cells=citizens of the dead civilization to its image and likeness, as a predator does with the DNA-cells of his victims: a predator feeds on the energy of a victim’s body that becomes partially wasted and partially transformed into cells of the predator. This also happens in organic civilizations: part of the human energy is wasted by war and the remaining humans are transformed into believers of the predator civilization. The Spanish killed ±70% of the Aztecs and the rest became Christians. It was the death of the Aztec civilization. Now Mexicans are ‘Spaniards’, even if its genes are ‘mongoloid’ and they love bashing, as all children do, their own parents.

Thus, when ideas and instruments change, the civilization changes. The iron civilization of Rome is not the same as the middle ages civilization of stirrup weapons imposed by German warriors. The roman civilization had been destroyed by ‘stirrup animetals’ of the Germanic civilization. Again such ‘civilization’ is not the gunpowder civilization of Italy during the renaissance. Gunpowder wiped out chivalry and a new civilization was born. Nor is Ammon -Egypt the same as Greek-Christian Egypt, or Arab-Muslim Egypt. In this case, the verbal ideology changed and the old Egyptian civilization became extinct.

The 3±1 ages of Art.

Art is the mind of civilizations, organisms of history. As such it also goes through 3±1 ages: an epic, lineal youth; a realist, classic age and a 3rd baroque age of excessive in-form-ation.

Historic facts are conclusive about the extinctive process of human civilizations at the hands of weapons: Copper appears in the Upper Neolithic and displaces the stone cultures of the Paleolithic. But copper is not very strong and its capacity to extinguish=kill human species is mild. Next, bronze appears and swords become perfect energetic=lineal species, able to cut and kill human bodies at ease. The first social castes of hard warriors take control of history. They expand worldwide. And wherever they go, they extinguish previous human cultures. They establish hierarchical societies, controlled by metal masters, backed by weapons. Hierarchies are then implemented through legal codes, epic, rhetoric art and social and religious rituals, built around the Top Predator icon weapon and the warrior caste that considers itself chosen of God, with rights to govern and prey over all other human beings. Ever since, animetal ideologies of history have imposed their subjective truths and myths with the power of technological death and rhetoric art. Yet at the same time art becomes shallow and corrupted, the best artists, whose essence is to be the wor(l)d and eyes of human thought, denounce that death in a baroque, ‘angst’ period of art. Since art is to a social organism what the mind is to a biological organism. And so in the same manner our mind goes through 3±1 ages, parallel to those of the body in his vision of reality, in a social organism art goes through the same 3±1 ages, but in a longer scale—that of the life of the civilization and its multiple neurons, the human artists that perceive the society, as it is born in a young age of enthusiasm, matures and finally collapses in the angst of death: 

Lineal Young, Art: The Warrior, Epic Age of Civilizations.

Young art is lineal, epic, dramatic, simple, energetic, as the new weapons and conquering warriors that found the civilization are. The Greek and Roman hordes of Hoplites and Legionaries or the Middle Age hordes of Stirrup horses leave cultural remains that follow those lineal forms, fostered by their military obsession with death: Greek Kuroi statues, Roman Temples, Romanesque Christianity, Calvinist churches in the XVII, Egyptian Pyramids in the Old Empire . . .

Classic Art: The Reproductive, Monetary Age of Civilizations.

After an age of total war, those metal-masters, the elite of the civilization, evolve their cultural rituals and use cyclical money to control people in a milder way than the hordes of warriors. It is the second horizon or trader, reproductive age of the culture, of maximal wealth, when it reaches its apogee. Lineal Greek Kuroi become the realist sculptures of Phidias. The simple, Romanesque cathedral grows in informative height and light, in the classic Gothic. It is the age of Athens, Augustus or XIX C. England. Often in this age, the civilization reproduces in other regions through empire building. The austere Republic expands into the Roman Empire. Inquisitorial Spain reproduces into Latin America. Puritan England expands its empire in multiple clone colonies.

Baroque Art: The Extinctive Age of a Civilization.

But sooner or later a new weapon=war radiation takes place and the civilization dies. It is its 3rd horizon; the artistic or baroque age of maximal information and creativity in art. The culture looks inwards, as it becomes constrained by a new horde of ‘barbarians ad portas’. We are now in the Hellenistic age of tortuous sculpture; when Macedonians and Romans dominate Greece; or the lower Roman Empire, when German warriors invade it. It is the XV century of Christianity, the baroque, Ornamental Gothic, when gunpowder and coins break the Church’s control on society. It is Post II World War England, when the dollar and the Atomic bomb have substituted the Pound and the Gunboat. So now England offers rock stars, Bacon and Orwell, who show the decadence of the Human Wor(l)d at the end of the II Kondratieff cycle.

The 3±1 ages of art in the main civilizations of history.

We use graphs in all our papers, to illustrate with the 3 ‘artistic styles’ of the verbal and visual artistic masters of all civilization, (in red, green & blue colors for the 3 ages); the life and death of civilizations, whereas the highest balanced S=T point of the culture is the middle ‘green’ sensorial age of life pleasures and entanglement with the living Universe, followed by the 3rd extinctive, baroque ‘angst’ age, when a new horde of animetal barbarians with its technological racism come to extinguish a people who return to mysticism, as old men trying to forget the no future of its world.

Lineal art and epic literature belong to the first age of a culture that copies and worships weapons and warrior power. Cyclical art and realistic, sensory literature belong to the age of traders and cyclical coins. Finally, there is a massive explosion of humanistic and prophetic art and literature in the baroque age, when artists foresee extinction. We see those baroque tendencies in all dying cultures:

The Paleolithic men had a final burst of creativity in his baroque age, prior to extinction. It is the age of cave paintings that tried to bring back the hunting, which hot weather and farmers with copper weapons (Chalcolithic), were taking away from them. Yet again, when the European, Copper Neolithic becomes extinct by bronze warriors, it leaves its artistic, religious masterpieces—the megaliths of Stonehenge. When Italy is colonized by Lutheran and Iberian hordes, it produces its Baroque art of maximal in-form-ation. When Greece is taken by Macedonians, it starts the Hellenistic age. In the age of the machine, humanist art is becoming extinct by technological art and real culture becomes baroque. In the 20s, the extinction of realistic painting by photography and film brings the baroque Picasso that portrays blue corpses, foreseeing the bodies of the Holocaust. In the American cycle the extinction of literature by TV programs made by corrupted artists, working for a mass-media that glorifies violence, brings the response of real art in baroque films like Matrix or Terminator that foresee our demise by machines. But Human artists and prophets can’t change the animetal aristocracies and plutocracies of any culture, which have a strict mental ‘agenda’, based in his mechanist beliefs, inquisitions of thought and go(l)d religions. Indeed, today, when the entire system crumbles, our leaders hope to cure it, giving more money to bankers, making more ‘splendid little wars’1, evolving even further the robotic technology that makes us obsolete as workers and soldiers. It is the Human Baroque, when Robots become Terminators, foreseen decades ago by artists. Let us then see those 7 cycles of death, not only from the ‘official’ perspective of our ‘corrupted scholar’ culture that glorifies the empire building of those warriors and the mechanist discoveries of our scientists, but also through the eyes of those artists of human thought that ‘know better’.

We show the 7 cycles of war and extinction of civilizations and the weapons that caused them: bronze swords, chariots, iron, coins and mercenary armies, spur cavalry, gunpowder and nuclear weapons. Each of those evolutions of weapons caused the extinction of civilizations in worldwide ages of war. The weapon’s radiation expands the economic ecosystem to all warrior tribes of the Earth; old civilizations and their elites become extinct by a new military aristocracy with the new weapon. The only anachronism is America, where isolation delays the arrival of iron till its rediscovery by Spanish ‘animetals’, which re-conquer the continent with a vengeance.

The birth of civilisations.

There have been many civilizations among the humankind. Enough of them are known, for the Historian to hint that all civilizations of ideas and instruments, go through the same stages. Those stages are very similar to the stages of an organic being. Civilizations made of human clones, like organic beings made of cellular clones, are born, fruit of a single ‘cellular unit’, an ideology or book of ideas, or an instrument, or machine discovered by a warrior tribe. The civilization develops, and clones in the minds of believers, workers and warriors, the ideas and instruments which carry that civilization to success. The civilization then expands its ideas and instruments, eliminating previous civilizations.

Ideas and instruments shape together civilizations. For that reason we divide history in the age of Bronze, or the age of Iron Empires, or the European age of gunpowder, or the Christian age, or the Buddhist age of South-Asia. When ideas and instruments change, the civilization changes. The iron culture of Rome is not the same that the Middle Age culture of stirrup weapons. Which is not the Gunpowder Italy of the renaissance. Nor it is the same Greek-Christian Egypt, than Arab-Muslim Egypt. We say that waves of instruments and ideas shape civilizations which expand like a clonic body and reach maturity, in the form of an structured empire.

But one day another civilization with more efficient ideologies of man, and better instruments, comes and destroys the old civilization.

All species go through 3 horizons: the energy-youth horizon, or first horizon when energy is more abundant. The mature horizon of balance, when the specie reproduces. And the baroque or informative, or extinctive horizon, the 3rd age when energy is scarce, since other specie is taking your vital space, but information is abundant, accumulated in the first horizons.

So do cultures and civilizations. We call the first horizon, the lineal-war horizon of maximum energy hordes. The second horizon is the trader, reproductive horizon of max, wealth. And the 3rd horizon is the artistic or baroque horizon of maximum information and creativity [art], when the culture looks inwards, as it becomes limited by the new radiations.

This allows us to study and understand the ages of civilizations also from the perspective of art: there will be lineal art, copy of the weapon forms, and discipline of the warrior hordes in the warrior age, cyclical art in the monetary age of traders, and a final massive explosion of art, in the baroque age.

And we see this in all cultures. The Paleolithic men just before dying has a final burst of creativity, in his baroque age, prior to extinction. It is the age of cave paintings, that try to bring back the hunting that hot weather, and the advances of new waves of Neolithic men, are taking away from them.

When the first European Neolithic of Copper becomes extinct by bronze warriors, it leaves in his last millennium as the Paleolithic had left the artistic caves, a series of artistic and religious monuments, the megaliths. Then all that disappears and the culture of Bronze comes in.

When Italy is extinct by Lutheran and Iberian hordes it starts the baroque art, of maximum in-form-ation When Greece is taken by Macedonians it starts the Hellenistic age.

Today mankind art is becoming extinct by technological art, and culture becomes baroque.

So there are 3 ages to the civilization:  birth of the ideas and instruments of the civilization; expansion of those ideas and instruments, and final extinction by substitution for another culture.

We will, in our study of civlications, trace as in the life of an organism, a simple bell curve for each civilization made of human cells: the bell curve represents all the believers and users of the ideas and instruments of the civilization. When the prophet is born, or the first tool is discovered, the curve starts. Then the number of believers and users grows, and in the middle of the curve, those ideas and instruments expand beyond the borders, reproducing in other cultures. Finally as new ideas and instruments substitute the old ones, the numbers of believers and users diminishes and the civilization ends. Such bell curves used by biologists to study populations are the fundamental graphic tool used in this book to study a civilization [see for example the bell curve of Rome].

In a living organism we talk of the young seminal age, considering in the case of a religion, the first prophet; or the first inventor of a machine of power.

Then the cell reproduces till reaching maturity… In a culture the mass of believers that create the civilization, or the tribe with the new machine of war, conquers and expands his culture.

But as time goes by, a mature civilization becomes obsolete, [as it happens to a body in his the old age]; and a new, younger daughter civilization takes in. The old civilization enters his baroque stage and finally becomes extinct. For example the Portuguese culture of gunboats was copied and made more efficient by Dutch which extinct the Portuguese empire, that entered in its baroque age. The Phalanx of the Macedonians was copied and made more efficient by the daughter culture of Rome which conquered the Macedonians. And the Greek entered in its baroque, Hellenistic age.

Reproduction of memetic information: daughter cultures, and selective evolution

Civilizations which evolve worlds and instruments, have a genetic continuity in each ‘extinctive’ discontinuum as sons are created by parents:

There is a sense of cultural continuity because the daughter-culture which has conquered or it is born of the old civilization will keep many of his customs and instruments. The daughter civilization, like the son of a body, is often a more evolved, fitter specie, where the ideas and instruments of the previous culture are improved. Civilizations inherit and improve, like sons do, over their parental cultures. They mutate and improve ‘genetic’, instrumental and ideological  material, of other cultures. So Asur, a warrior civilization based in bronze, iron and cavalry was defeated by Persians based in a better iron-cavalry organization, which however adopted Assyrian behavior, art and rituals, softened and improved at administrative level.

The Macedonian Hoplites that defeated the Persians, were copied by the Macedonians. And many legal features of the Roman culture of war had continued in the infantry armies and iron cultures of Europe. While the Jewish civilization gives birth to Christianity and Islam.

The continuity is not racial but cultural, of structures and ideas, of icons, machines and modes of life, of geography and History.

For example, in Arabia the stirrup [which caused the Middle Ages in Europe] brought in conjunction with the Islamic religion an empire-civilization that expanded West till Al-Andalus [South Spain]. That stirrup culture migrated to America and colonized south-west USA, giving origin to the Old West culture, in what regards the horse and cattle ranching…

In that South-West, the horse culture flourished between the XVII and XX centuries with the Californio variety [of Spanish ancestry], the New Mexico-Colorado variety [of Indian-Spanish ancestry], the Mormon variety, and the Texan variety [both of Anglo-Saxon origin].

But all those subcultures were soon reunited by a new predator machine and their attached human workers: the railroad culture. The stirrup became submissive to the railroad, and the cowboy to the meat-processor. Indeed, very soon the new predator machine – the railroad who won the war for the North – would impose his rhythms and industrialize ranching, bringing a new mutation to the horse culture: the Industrial cow-meat processing culture, which was not the original Andalusian culture, now controlled the cow-boy.

The example shows the great dynamism of ‘genetic evolution’ in objects and words, which bring as much diversity to cultural evolution and its species of products and ideas, as genetic memories bring to the body.

The Universe is a memorial game in which information reproduces a certain clonic specie, shaping different organisms, that evolve, mutate and constantly improve in complexity.

Our arrow of complexity is also fundamental to understand the evolution of History.

Cellular organisms are all based in the same DNA-cell specie, but the memorial evolution of its neural, energy and endocrine systems has brought about the enormous variety of species of the animal kingdom. And the most efficient survive. So happens to the most efficient ideas and instruments of history.

In history we say that the combinations of ideas, and instruments of men, of his metallic and human goods [sensorial goods], have created an enormous range and variety of civilizations, and subcultures. Yet in the same manner biologists can organize scientifically the data they have about species, thanks to genetic information, thanks to memorial remains, the historian which abandons myths and religious philosophies of history, can both in an objective manner [applying Universal laws] and in a subjective manner [applying the Human languages of survival knowledge] study and improve history.

This is the approach of this PAPER, which goes beyond any religious myths or political correctness to the hard facts of systemic, evolutionary history. We will use such organic, mutating vision of human civilizations [much richer than the abstract, legalistic approach to History, of dates, and national parades] to describe History. Specially in our last chapters in which we study the dominant civilization of modern ages: the Anglo-Saxon>American culture.

The study of any super organism must be done according to the fundamental symmetry of the fractal generator from a synchronic and diachronic directions.

A supœrganism is ruled by is world cycle in space and its description is therefore one of a mandate, to grow and multiply the species that better speaks the lanwave of your super organism.

Warriors carve the 7 Humanist cultures of the world.

The seven civilizations are: 1. Africa: Paleolithic 2. Indonasia, Neolithic 3. Semite & Germanic animetals 4. Organic Buddhist humanist reaction: Asia

  1. Then it comes the Coin, Greek-Roman and Middle Age, horse global cultures, which are the origin of the Latin-American culture born in the middle ages in the Spanish ‘reconquista’ of Germanic vs. Arab Semite warriors, expanded globally first and reduced by its defeat to the first gunboat corporations to South-America. It is the Latin-American culture, where I put myself just by birth, though of course I belong to the 7 cultures, having troll the world when young, mixing fluids with them all, studying in depth, becoming enlightened in Indochina by Taoist and Buddhist thought, spending too much time among Anglo-Americans and now back to:
  2. Europe, the gunpowder culture, with its 2 phases (a first renaissance, mimetic to the coin-infantry age of Greece-Rome, now with muskets, which gave the Spaniards and Japanese a renaissance of military nature akin to that of Rome, aborted by the racist German-like Japanese – see above, which as Hitler despised the colored 3rd world British empire and instead of conquering the world went east against its better=bigger Russian rivals and lost it all – so happen to the Nobunaga saga, who went east against Korea helped by China, instead of south conquering IndonAsia, breeding in Australia or West, colonizing California – now that would have been the in-time proper Japanese empire, which as Germany came too late, and fuk it up, if you are obsessed by nazi-onanist memes, so now both Japan and Germany are dying, with negative dwindling populations, never mind they are so into animetal memes, they are also robotizing at the head of the industrial revolution 4.0, catchy name for the age of extinction of mankind, surrogate lives on the mechanon factories of which they are so proud.

Europe thus has indeed a second part on his 800 year cycle, from 1608 to 1945, the machine age. Both ages perfectly divided (the astounding precision of animetal cycles merely means animetals worship fundamentalist metal-memes as surrogates of human progress to the bone): This is the first part of it. The coin-musket age.

7th. FMMI culture of Anglo-America, the capitalist culture of corporations, which has always been ruled by stock-market companies since its foundation by VOC and has a virtual world of freedoms called placebo democracy, as their people are polled intermittently to choose $elected politicians (Roosevelt), after being properly manufactured in its opinionated brains by the simultaneous networks of metal-communicators. We look at his evolution, global expansion and parallel extinction of most of the previous cultures in the next graph. So the rest of this post, sorry, we are realist is NOT dedicated to describe those 7 cultures, as most are purely extinct, just a series of makeup ceremonies of empty bubbles of customs, which do NOT reflect the depth of its humanist thoughts at its heights (indeed, what does have internet jihadism has to do with Sufi poetry? Chinese new Year consumerism with Buddhist and Taoist deep thought on the duality of yin-formation and yang-entropy, Vishnu an Shiva in earlier pre-Aryan Hinduism; €uro slavery to the debt-usury schemes of the ECBank with the renaissance; the almost extinct, living in trash lions of Namibia with Gaia at its height, not to mention the slumps of Australoids on Sidney outskirts? Thus we talk often of the globalised FMMI future of Anglo-America & its Financial-media masters on top, also a degraded lot who sent 3000 years ago back to the mountain Moses and its ethic wor(l)d commandments: do not steal, do not murder, do not lie… got it (the is the capitalist financial-military world of murder, theft and lie to their own people) – its idol-ogies a false surrogate life as a mechanon: nationalism, the use of weapons to murder your homo sapiens neighbor, capitalism, the denial of the word, our language about digital values of money, mechanism, the denial of your organism as the most perfect organic structure of the universe, substituted by machines and the primitive imperative VSO language of the bible, a history of a bigot people that sunk the fertile crescent and deluded Anglo-Americans still think that because it is written in imperative Hebrew, is the word not of a barking go(l)d priest, but for god’s sake the creator of the ∞ universe.


Thus today civilizations leave way to a global supœrganism of machines, the FMMI system. Because to control and shape the future of a civilization as any other organism, all what is needed is to control its 3 networks of entropic military, financial, blood and legal systems, which in placebo democracies where states cannot get money unless taxing people, are bought by company-mothers. So as US shows, in each cycle of their history, the owners of the wealthiest companies owned and shaped the nation, – 1st gunboats which shaped US according to the profits of its cargo, blacks, indenture slaves, tobacco and cotton; then New England gunboats that beat UK ones. Then train robber barons; next car companies to the point abstemious Ford imposed Prohibition and what was good for GM was good for U$ and now information companies owned by JASP (jewish-Americans) that substituted Wasp and changed the focus of their culture from ‘red scare’ to Islamophobia, from an industrial to a financial economy. So once you abandon the seflie, childish ego trip that by leaving a paper in a closed box, in what is called democracy, whose workings as a placebo structure of power where ‘Selected presidents’ (Roosevelt) are chosen after the networks of social power select them, representing the same culture and police of the elite class of a nation, by the ‘sheeple’, so they feel ‘empowered’, we can argue serious social sciences on how social superorganisms are ruled by power. And the answer is self-evident, as all social superorganisms, a system is ruled by its 3 physiological networks, which in your case is your blood-reproductive network akin to the financial network of a society, your informative, nervous network akin to the legal network and your digestive, entropic network akin to the military network. Thus the economic, reproductive financial network and those who issue money in monopoly, the military entropic, killing network and those who use weapons in monopoly and by the legal, informative network and those who issue laws in monopoly rule a society. Bills of money, bills of law, and weapons rule.

This is obvious and then it comes the question of who can rule such an extensive structure of power as a network. And the answer is ‘cultures’. We shall not cease to repeat that the ‘great man’ individual selfie ego-trip of social and historic control is blatantly false. In medicine doctors say that all the sicknesses of an organism are physiological sicknesses. Nobody will take seriously a doctor that says an ‘individual cell’ rule. Organisms are modular. And so as the organism is rule by the hormones, oxygen-money, and nervous messages of its neuronal brain/informative people caste, a society is ruled by a culture in control of those networks. It does not need to be great in numbers. We often put the case of the 30.000 Spanish that came to control the entire Latin American civilization imprinting its people, or the Inca, barely 10.000 people who controlled all the Andean civilization. A few people controlling those 3 networks can control a country. Moreover, when a single of the 3 languages of power, money, weapons or laws rule the others, the control by a minimal number of people is possible. This was the case of Communist parties, with a few thousand members in the direction that controlled entire nations, since the military and financial systems obeyed its laws. This was the case of a few thousand Greek military that controlled Asian kingdoms, as Spaniards did, since weapons controlled money and laws. And this is the case in the Jewish-Anglo-American culture ruled by money, where a few people controlling its issue buy laws through lobbyism and define the wars of America trough that political control. To that aim such places have issued laws of deficit zero that oblige politicians to extort people with taxes in order to pay for welfare needs, as they cannot issue money. This reinforces the monopoly of financiers. So then it is easy to see what happened in the 1970s when the control of money, laws and the army targets of enemies changed from the old boys of the wasp culture to the Jewish-American elite in 3 actions: the end of dollar convertibility, which gave the right to produce e0money to wall street, the Watergate scandal – which was nothing but a ‘spy’ action between parties as old in the American democracy as the times of Hamilton, which TV-networks that already had decided the Kennedy vs. Nixon campaign, used to show muscle and tumble a president, and the final change of war focus to the Arab world in yon Kippur. Thus we have today an American Nation where money is reproduced in Wall Street, information in Internet and TV and Hollywood networks and the enemy of the nation is Islam. So you just have to wonder who owns Wall Street, who owns the information networks of tv-internet-hollywood and who hates Islam most to know who controls America. The answer is always the same: Judaism, the culture – regardless of individual positions of its members – hates Islam most, 80% of CEOs or CFOs in Wall Street and Silicon valley and Hollywood and TV stations belong to Judaism, and so the change from the Wasp culture to the Jasp culture is today absolute. And then as Internet globalized that culture, and e-money bubbles reproduced trillions of dollars, the culture spread globally so today all the elites of the world have investments in the speculative bubbles of Nasdaq, and its trillion $ companies, sucking in all the money of the world that leaves without investment 3rd world countries as African caudillos, Arab emirs or Indian Moguls invest in Goldman Sachs. So the globalization of the financial system has absorbed all the world resources towards the digital age. While China plays the role of the Industrial economy.



To understand the formalism of ¬Æxistential ¡logic applied to 800-80 civilizations and nations, we shall study now the general example of any wave of existence of the Universe, with its 3 phases, maximal and standing points, and initial and final conditions (§eed and entropy points) and then apply it to A MODEL civilization, Warrior Rome, the paradigm of Mercenary empires of the coin cycle; so we HAVE a template for all the all existential waves of History that future bio-historians can apply to the analysis of any God, nation or civilization of the Paleolithic & Neolithic cycles & the 800 Metallic cycles x7 & 80x 4 Machine cycles x 7 geographical civlilizations of history. How many waves of the superorganism of the ideal History exist, depends on the fractal degree of detail. If we discount those of individual nations that further sub-divided mankind through the mechanical cycle, and take the youth and maturity when numbers are rounded, we get the number 91 which is in all games of space-time symmetries near the limit of death – just 9 away from 100 variations of form.

What interest us here though is the fact that all those waves live and die through the 3 ages of any wave of existence, and have its standing points that determine the pass from its youth to its mature age to its old age, with a standing point in the middle of max. Energy for the system, which tends to be a point of change, normally of a failed brief r=evolution followed by a decline signaled by an empire static attempt to conserve the system. And to ‘limiting points of birth as a §eed of a prophet of the wor(l)d, new form of money or new weapons and an end when a new horde of animetals, a new form of money or a new religion starts the decline of the wave. And all those points are the same of any ‘wave of existence of an organism of space-time.

So first let us consider the general wave of Existence as a space-time graph of the 3 ages of any T.œ (ab. Timespace superorganism), from waves of light with its 3 superposed young blue, reproductive green and entropic dying red color (in a spectra continuum that the mind of man divides through trilogic), to those of life:

Calculus on the function of existence.

In pure mathematical terms, the analysis is done with calculus. The immediate question is how to write the worldcycle of existence in calculus; which is immediate: ∆st = 0’

Its usefulness for History becomes more clear when we consider the standing points and draw the function= worldcycle of existence in terms of the SxT existential momentum of its 3 ages.

Since the function of exist¡ence. G (ST), which in 5D we call ‘existential momentum’ or ‘existential force’ (when its is acted by the 5 Dimotions of the being), encodes it all; all the time phases of a superorganism are defined within its ‘Gaussian form’ in space, (statistical growth of populations) or its wave form in time (life-death cycle). Its standing and limiting points define those ages:

0-point or seed, either a mental prophet in a human culture or a weapon in animetal civilizations (whereas cultures are purely human mental forms, religions, rational minds) and civilizations start as pure metal-systems that latter merge with a culture or give birth in its middle point to a human prophet.

µ-entropic point, or limit of death; when the energy and information of the system collapses, returning fast to ∆-1, in a quanta of time.

Between them, there will be a T/2 point at G’ of maximal ‘energy and information’ at S=T, or point of reproduction, where the most interesting events happen (in history often a r=evolutionary point, or a point of expansion of the animetal culture into empire)

But there are also 2 more standing canonical points at G” when the function changes curvature, normally at T/4, that means a change of ST- age from a youth of maximal growth (0, T/4) to maturity that spans from T/4 to 3T/4 with growth from T/4 to T/2 and diminution, from T/2 to 3T/4, which is the reproductive age of maximal duration (T/2).

We then enter at 3T/4 into the 3rd age of the being, till T, the point of death.

So some general rules of those waves: T/2 normally is the best point for successful reproduction, of a parallel wave, which means as the daughter generation reproduces again at T/2, the grand-son connects in its 1st age with the end of the grand-father 3rd age.

Variations on the ideal wave of existence are multiple but its causal and sequential form is maintained. And the laws of ‘¬Æxistential algebra’ (the branch of Æ=¡-logic that studies the function of existence), are maintained (see papers on 5D mathematics and logic for those in-depth laws of the program of existence).

I.e. in cells that reproduce, the ‘death, 3rd’ age actually splits the cell into two, becoming also the birth of 2 new entities which are different from the mother cell – and this is one of the best strategies for immortality.

So this is a variation of the causal order. Another interesting variation is the double cycle of Insects with its larva and hard insect dual existences, which is likely in the macro-planetary scale the process we assist on Earth, with life the ‘watery’ soft larva state, which now Enzymen catalyze to reproduce a hard metal-earth; as it is exactly the same process – when a larva forms a chrysalis, evolution accelerates because enzymes within the larva start to construct harder parts, and then when the brain of the hard-insect=internet is formed, it reproduces massively a hard enzyme=robot that kills all soft ‘enzymen’ – the last soft larva species to die…

Disomorphims and homology makes therefore the animetal function obvious: we are the final life function that kills life, mutates Earth and gets killed by the Intranet-robotic ITO this century. Of course, when after developing 30 years ago the full model of 5D starting from its logic and Non-Euclidean mathematics, building up stiences; resolving quantum gravity, unifying forces, and all those childish questions that entertain our egocy physicists and will NEVER resolve with lineal time and continuous space (as is a fractal unification equation)… and then went into Biology, resolving the topological laws of evolution and all its scalar phases… I thought, uau! You are a genius and then alas, I resolved the function of existence of History, and realized I was just Faustus and had learned the meaning of evil=death, bit any attempt to do the Cassandra game has failed, ever since, since idol-ogical enzymen are busy-busy building its metal-earth so they can murder their sons till the 7th generation, as they are the 7th seal, the 7th civilization, the 7-number of the age of death when not even the memory of our existence, a soft path on a melting desert of sand and snow, from where those animetals came, erases itself.

Below the full wave of Human civilizations and next the animetal warrior wave of Rome and its standing points, which are a model for all variations of the 3 ages and 7 x 800 + 4 x 80 x 7 civilizations, and the founding state of two cultures, Europe and Latin-America, the last ones studied by ‘alphabetic’ order in those ever expanding series:


The standing points of the 3 ages Rome follow those of any wave of existence. Below the 3 wave ages of its visual I=eye and verbal Wor(l)ds to illustrate some general features of all cultural and technological fractal generators.

Regarding animetal 4D scientific obsession with digital patterns, notice the wor(l)d resurrection wave appears at T/2, with the birth of Christ, which renews the message of eusocial love against the eternal coalition of Germanic ‘Roman warriors’ (Pilatus) and $emite bankers (Caiaphas). It will be also the point of birth of the 3rd God in the 3rd Age of Judaism, (Genesis, Exodus, Torah), a quanta of time prior to its extinction (70 years before the destruction of the temple) which closes its function of existence (Roman Holocaust), in a pattern repetitive through all the life and death cycles of Judaism in the 800-80 years wave with all its verbal prophets ignored by the dwindling number of Go(l)d survivors, studied on the different analysis of the Jewish wave.

It will also be the point of maximal SxT existential momentum of the warrior death and maximal reproduction, as the Republic becomes the Empire and Augustus achieves its maximal expansion (annexing Egypt, Galaica, Limes, Norica, failing on Germania). So the Empire starts its decline.

The wave lasted 797 as it was the dominant world wave of the coin=mercenary age of weapons-war, and the waves of the original seed ARE always more regular (hence the exact waves of 80 years machine radiation happen only in the JAM, ab. Jewish-Anglo-American AniMetal, Metallic, Metal-earth, Machine, Money and Military wave… or yessss, the M word becomes self repetitive, ad nauseaM.. so they said in Rome. All other waves are distorted according to the ‘reception of the seeding and extinctive waves’ from the Generator culture-source hence its time variation (i.e Kondratieff’s 50 y. steam wave ARE the Russian variation that received it latter. The original UK wave is exact, 72 y. from Watt’s steam to train crash: 1784-1857)

Regarding the T/4 standing points, youth of maximal purity with nomisma money and moral warriors ends at the point of maximal Growth Speed (Punic wars), when Gold and silver from Levant Temple cultures corrupts the Republic which enters its ‘realist’ age, also in art, moving from the epic, dramatic youth, to its classic time of pleasure, once ‘Carthago Delenda est’… the lineal wolf of the myth, fortifying its people with milk, converted into libations of Baccus… finally the T/4 point happens after the Province Emperors of the two hardest military conquered cultures, the Masters of horse racing at the end of the 800 year wave, the Iberians, and the strongest Yamna survivors, the Yugoslavians (from Trajan to Diocletian) fail to conquer the vital space that cold have made Rome stable (Vistula-San-Dniester-Caucasus-Caspius-Iranian Deserts-Arabian-Saharan-Deserts-Atlantic… which Trajan tried to form but was poisoned likely by the revenge of the Jewish Babylonian go(l)d masters at the doors of Harran, where long ago had arrived through the copper river of Euphrates, carrying the book of Genesis, flying the Siberian Charioters from UR III the final stage of the Fertile Crescent 3 cycles of city-cultures, to found the III waves of Judaism, 2000-1200 genesis, 1200-400 exodus, ±400… death and rebirth, split into the humanist new jewish wave – Gospel Christianity and hardened Go(l)d culture – Babylonian Talmud; who will go again as a new civilization – now a pure go(l)d culture without any ambivalence through 3 800 cycles to end also in a final Holocaust (Nazi Germany).

3×3±¡ analysis of a function of existence. jewish go(l)d culture, informative head of capitalism:

In the graph, the 3 ‘Lives of Judaism ‘ as the origin of capitalism, which changed after each 3×800 years War and Holocaust cycle into a new civilization, as many of its believers changed to Humanism, abandoning the wor(l)d culture and the pecunia infinita belli nervi cycle of parasitic money that destroys their lives. While the remaining hardcore go(l)d believers continue the wave, with a harsher ‘gold culture’ with lesser human memes. So if the 3 first books of Judaism were masterpieces of the wor(L)d, genesis, exodus and gospel; after the Roman Holocaust Judaism lost to Christianity its Live-love oriented people and became a pure go(l)d culture without any ambivalence in its racist memes against the human slave capital they priced to justify its go(l)d and maximal price-weapons trade (Talmud). In this new hardened capitalist dress, Judaism will keep accumulating financial power in the west, rewriting those go(l)d memes into the pseudo-science of classic economics, dominate western companies through the mechanical 80 cycles of the Anglo-American culture, and finally in the rivalry between Germany and Anglo-America during the age of engines, end up suffering a new massive Holocaust (Nazi Germany).

Thus a ‘3rd Life’ of Judaism came in the metal-mind age, focused in Anglo-America and Israel, and the segregational memes evolved into nationalism and the Industry of the Holocaust that tries to separate the death of Jewish people from the processes of war and economic crises and weapons profits that cause it, as if mankind had a special hate to the Jewish people in racial sense and hence Judaism must separate from the new human capital it prices from Wall Street. It is the digital age of Apartheid Israel and Internet corporations with its hate memes and repression of any social, humanist doctrine of economics that challenge the millenarian control of western finances by the go(l)d culture, and the economical causes of the Holocaust that should be reformed to avoid the constant suffering of mankind by anoxia – lack of credit, and the final war and death cycle this wrong economic control of finances by a people whose memes segregate them from mankind, imposes.

So another wave studied in great detail in those texts are the 3+3 waves of Judaism – now being transferred through AI programs of parasitic financial corporations into pure e-money flows, in the globalized 3 final waves of mankind, the metal-mind age, closed in 2008, the robotic age, of maximal reproduction of AI that will extinguish man, till 2088, when there will be no memory of our species, save those names the first robots will keep from the Military Roman and Go(l)d culture – Guardium IX the responsible for the final Holocaust, Predator IX, the responsible for the American Holocaust… you can use your imagination to give the plot a bit of salt and pepper but don’t over do, we are just dust of space-time and to dust we shall return as ‘Fear and pity may be aroused by spectacular means. Yet those who employ spectacular means to create a sense not of the terrible but only of the monstrous, are strangers to the purpose of Tragedy; for we must not demand of Tragedy, but only that which is proper to it.’ Poetics, Aristotle. So 3 lanwaves (ab.language-waves) were described, warrior Rome, Go(l)d Judaism and the Christian Wor(l)d: ‘At the end of times all humans will be slaves of Judaism or become exterminated’ Talmud. Ashes to Ashes. Carpe Diem. Quid est veritas? For this was I born, and for this came I into the world; that I should give testimony to the truth.” ‘And the wor(l)d became man and inhabited among us’. John.

What are the longest lasting civilizations of History? 2 are paramount: the religious civilizations that we study on the paper ‘History and Mind’, which as the previous Christian wave are born, in the middle T/2 maximal age of humanist, sensorial art, when the wave of warriors recede, live a complete T=800 period surpassing the ‘death sentence’ of the new weapon masters that behead the previous warrior civilization, converting them, to a ‘softer’ version of the… 1st age as ‘particle-seed-prophet’ pure first 400 years…

So in the 2nd 800 full cycle Age, the religion reproduces, splitting in 2 schools, the purist wave and a milder version that helps to convert the corrupted invaders (catholic and Orthodox split, Shiite and Sunni split; Theravada and Mahayana split). – The purist wave then evolves into a exploding’ a wave of ‘clone saints’ imitation of the prophet (Sufis in Islam’s 2nd life during the gunpowder cycle; saints and monks in Christianity 2nd life during the chivalry-stirrup age; Taoist ‘immortals’ seeking personal perfection in retirement during the Han age, past the prohibition of books by Chin; Buddhist Bodhisattvas in the 2nd life of Buddha, past the Theravada purist age of the civilization.

– While the converted warriors use ‘spurious’ military methods to further take the accommodated religion to new regions in which to reproduce a softer civilization through war and trade (Germanic war expansion of Christianity; Byzantine trade expansion to the Russian Hinterland; Turkish and Mogul war expansion of Islam, sea-traders expansion to east Africa and Indonesia.)

– To finally decline in a 3rd age after crossing a 2nd 800 years discontinuum of war barbarians, when the religious civilization either becomes corrupted into a ‘sheep skin’ for the 3rd wave of barbarians it confronts as an inquisition of war or a go(l)d church, or continues its slow decline with few believers – but still often a sizeable number of poor priests that continue that ‘wave of saints’ helping the 90% to survive the ab=uses of the continuous alliance of warriors and financiers tax farming and murdering them from the top.

So also the religious wave failed to unify mankind into a single civilization, which is the 5th Dimensional GOAL of all species. Instead, the globalization of mankind’s mind has been carried by… the Informative metal wave of parasitic money, in its longest, expansive globalization, which lead us to consider the 3rd type of social lanwave (ab. wave guided by a language) of human civilizations.




So we are using the simplest 5D laws and metrics to define the life and death of those 4 superorganisms co-existing on Earth, as part of its nested larger planet, and its 2 relative ages of History and the Metal-earth:

– A verbal religion and God is the upper plane of existence of a simultaneous system of ethic laws, believed and obeyed by a group of human beings, who ‘support’ as its cellular energy the ‘emergence’ of the God as the subconscious mind of the whole network of believers.

– An industrial, economic organism, is a system of company-mothers of machines and weapons joined by digital networks of information and energy for those machines, which ‘still’ uses human enzymen, catalyzers of its re=production and vitalizers of its function, but fast evolving into a automated robotic, computerized superorganism of only ‘metalife machines’.

So those two superorganisms, a human religion and a company-mother ARE essentially even if they might use ‘catalyzers’, books of revelation, instruments of cult, churches, factories, human workers, etc. pure superorganisms of humanity and pure superorganisms of metalife.

– An economic ecosystem, civilization or nation, is a mixed superorganism of human beings and instrumental memes, mostly of metal (entropic weapons, reproductive go(l)d and organic machines), in which both species have relationships of symbiosis and predation in consumption, production, work and war fields.

A civilization belongs to the longer simpler, larger 800 cycles of History, which accelerated its density and speed of information in the Industrial age, reducing its size, speeding up its cycles to a human generation of 80 years.

So we have defined in space and time, according to 5D metrics (S x T = C, which means larger organisms have slower time cycles, so the Earth has slow geological cycles, the atom much faster cycles, the cell much faster cycles than the human organism with its 70-80 years cycles, slower than a historic superorganism with a decametric longer life of ±700-800 years cycles; but equal to the 70-80 years cycle of Industrial nations.

Why those decametric scales of life and death of a generation or ‘culture’ or ‘god of mankind’?

The answer is that while before the arrival of metal, the Organisms of History in its Paleolithic entropic youth or Neolithic agricultural reproductive mature age were immortal, stable over the Earth, the arrival of metal-weapons started an 800 cycle of we have explained above that KILLS SUPERORGANISMS OF MANKIND, and its verbal informative nervous networks, which we call ‘Gods of civilizations’.

This is also hard to swallow by your little egocy (ego=idiocy), which thinks you control history and as minions of thought of the Anglo-American civilization repeat ‘weapons don’t kill, humans do’. LOL put a gun-machine on automated mood and just cross in front of it. Weapons DO EVOLVE, DO KILL in increasing numbers and have every 800 years murdered superorganisms of mankind by liquidating a sizeable number of its cells, so as you will die if you loose a 10 to 25% of your cells, unless you are so lucky they are just the most expendable ‘limbic |-systems’ and you have a master surgeon just in time to stop the bleeding, wars kill superorganisms, and then what comes in the next 800 years cycle is something else – a new generation.

We can argue which of the 3 ‘states’ of a group of clone beings, the field state of disaggregated entropy, the wave state of organized anarchy, or the hierarchical state of tighter particle a given ensemble of human beings find itself at certain STage of evolution through those 800-80 years cycles according to ‘density of population’, modes of life, and ‘age of existence’ between seminal birth in the mind of a prophet or technological instrument for radiations of weapons; and will find all those states extant in religions, nations and civilizations in different ages of time and space. BUT I want waste more time trying to reason with egocy beliefs of minions of thought – most of humans today in the selfie mode of entropic heat, as a thermodynamic canonical ensemble of self-destructive gaseous dog-eat-dog mindless, over facts so evident for a true stientist that all what he has to do is to expose the facts, show the patterns of history and develop the stientific description of the pentalogic elements of those civilizations through its 3 life ages, 3 generations and 80-800 accelerated cycles, which are killing FASTER human superorganisms as the evolution of technology ACCELERATES towards its point of collapse from wave into particle, calculated easily with fractal topological methods with a point of maximal probability density circa 2036.

That’s where you are, in the entropic final dissolution of the cells of History with almost all ‘historic gods’ past its 3 life generations, of founding fathers, prophets, reproductive loose waves of disciples, and final disaggregated field age. Since unlike physical stable systems that last in time, as Humanity lasted in its Paleolithic youth and reproductive Neolithic, the arrival of animetal herds of parasitic warriors and bankers, who ab=use and destroy Gaia and mankind with its weapons and metal-money of affine values, mankind became NO LONGER the top predator EVOLVING ORGANISM IT ONCE WAS on command OF EARTH’S MEMBRAIN, during its Paleolithic and Neolithic youth, but it reversed its arrow from growth of information to growth of entropy, thus its fractal generator as a space-time superorganism which in a healthy system that completes its entire life runs in space and time as follows:

  • -∆-1 seed<∆º: Present:Ts-emotional youth<ST-reproductive maturity>St-informative 3rd age<<∑∆-1 entropic death

So you are born as a seed that multiply and reproduce its genes in clone cells becoming an organism in ‘particle-informative configuration’, a born child with a big head, which soon will start to move and grow in its youth, to mature and reproduce, and age with more form, more wrinkles and information…. Till the death reversal happens in a single quanta of time (as conception did), dissolving back into ∆-1…

And that is how a civilization, nation or religious God would proceed IF WE WERE THE DOMINANT SUPERORGANISM OF EARTH, but we are NOT. Since the arrival of herds of animetals in entropic state, evolving soon into herds of nomadic e-motional warriors, who conquered and destroyed human civilizations, and finally acquire a tight particle configuration as industrial nations, ab=using mankind as workers reproducers of machines and weapons accelerating the cycle of ‘global world wars’ to a mere 80 years generation, human civilizations, its nations and highest pure form as religions and Gods sustained by minds, developed an inverse equation:

∆-1: Prophet:memetic seed<∆)Informative hierarchical church-particle state<Wave of mystical believers<entropic field corrupted and/or annihilated by new hordes of animetals, go(l)d churches and inquisitions<∆-1: death.



The pentalogic parallelism and causality of History.

When dealing with the waves of existence of civilizations there are some a priori problems to understand them due to the ‘4D’ lineal, single time ‘stupid’ causality of present science. We use the term ‘stupid’ as Schopenhauer defined it – quoting by memory: people who don’t understand complex cause-effect relationships. Humans thus became wholesale stupid when lineal time became the dogma of ‘ballistics’ reducing all cyclical patterns of the Universe to ‘manifest destinies’ and lineal inertia. Today all humans believe in lineal time causality; since Galileo taught ballistics in the Venice arsenal at the princely salary of 1000 golden ducats with the only goal of ‘maximizing the length of the shots’. He then found the open parable to be the longest shot and wrote V=s/t and stated the principle of lineal inertia – alas ‘manu military’ all the cyclical clocks of the Universe became lineal.

It is the view of single ‘Aristotelian causality’ from its retarded, false theories of the Universe (Big bang) to those of the manifest destiny of man in history. Time is cyclical and that means, events repeat as laws and patterns of science when the causes are the same.

The causes of History repeat because animetal barbarians keep idol-izing weapons, money and machines with its synergies of value that cause the belli nervi pecunia infinita cycle, and just have ‘dressed’ those brutal anti-live values with ‘human placebo caring to disguise their true colors’ so History runs with a ‘make-up’ or ‘superstructure’ of culture and humanism over a brutal bottom line greed and violence values of animetals, today disguised as ‘nationalism’ that seems not to be a question of weapons but of getting together among similar beings… to kill thy neighbor, capitalism that seems to be about freedom of the market without explaining the only free citizens are company-mothers of machines&weapons and its financial owners who keep the right to issue money in monopoly an technoutopia that hides the atrophy of humans when they use a machine to do their job, today obviously at mental level in the long forecasted Neo-Paleolithic age.

So humans go through the same ‘STages’ of evolution as its ‘civilizations’ are mere variations of the same theme. THIS is the key law of 5d history, proved ad nauseam. Just compare the Mosque and Church evolution through the Chivalry ages from ‘lineal, small, sturdy, closed’ Kairuan Mosques and Romanic churches, in the epic first age of the new radiation, with the growth in height and classicism of the middle, realist, classic balanced age of Cordoba Mosque and early Gothic, to end in the baroque, excessively informative 3rd age of Alhambra and the late Gothic…

The colors used in the graphs of cultures are apparently simple but become contradictory because the 3 waves of money, weapons and machines differ. . The human wave of cultures which are informative languages go through 3 ages of increasing information. And as they are the main reference most graphs as above go from red to green to blue. But those of entropic weapons peak at the beginning and end of the wave, and as entropy is coded in red, weapons go from a maximal red to a green to again a maximal red. While the waves of money, also a language of information, keep growing, as once a form of money is invented it will be multiplied by financiers till its hyperinflationary state. All in all the main reference is the cultural red-green-blue, of epic lineal warrior culture; sensorial, classic reproductive maturity and 3rd age of excessive information. And when there are intersected colors is that anomalies due to the dislocation between cultures who receive earlier or latter a wave, migh bring new ‘red, creative states and blue, extinctive states.

Further on all cultures in the whole history of mankind, go through the ’11 canonical’ waves (2 first ages of mankind, 7×800 cycles, with the final T/2 Gunpowder age becoming the machine age with its 3+¡ ages of limbs-membranes, body engines and mind-heads of metal, ensembled now in the final digital age of robots and human extinction. (often simplified into ‘bodies’ or steam age, ‘engines’ and ‘minds,

The 5 papers of History as a superorganism show constantly this law of 5D reality. This law thus always makes parallel evolution an alternative solution to ‘genetic relationships’ between cultures, which however are preferred by egocy (Ego=idiocy) scholars, especially those of the western world.

Westcentrism imposes dominance always comes to the same ‘foundational errors’ of lineal, ‘stupid’ 4D causal science which never will understand the 5 ‘co-existing’ dimensions of all realities that impose pentalogic. So alas, in every wrong argument of science, on first principles we find a ‘ceteris paribus’ analysis for the ‘stupid’ to boast its primacy in single causality. Not in good mood this morning to stand a bit the ‘stupid species’… For example agricultural variations happened through the different ‘foods’ of each region and it is a fact that legumes were first cultivated in the hills of the ‘5 rivers of Tibet’ that spread agriculture in East Asia. But alas, ‘legumes’ don’t count. IT is wheat ‘stupid’ – that’s what the white man eats. So as wheat appeared 5 thousand years latter or so in the Far East first, but legumes don’t count, we the whitties discovered agriculture.

Ceteris paribus analysis can get really nasty when handled by political economists to ‘cheat people’ on the basis that In politics, stupidity is not a handicap, Napoleon  and the secret of the demagogue is to make himself as stupid as his audience so they believe they are clever as he (Krauss).

So for example, Free Trade, the tool of company’s exploitation of colonies goes as follows in ‘stupid economics’, since the Jewish stock-broker Ricardo, father of classic economics, invented as all FMAsters have done, yet another ‘disguised half-truth’ to impose its imperial dominance: since Portugal trades wine with England that trades nails, selling cheaper wine in England and cheaper nails in Portugal will improve both economies. ‘Stupids’ still teach this ‘ceteris paribus’ in reputed Harvard Universities as the absolute proof of free trade. Alas, the problem is that England and Portugal traded many products, but Portugal only had wine and gold from Brazil and England hundreds of industrial products, in a more evolved stage of production. So trade was an µ (relative infinite) number of elements, all of them favoring Britain who bought a bit of Porto for his aristocrats, unloaded every cheap clothing in Portugal and India and took in exchange all the gold of Brazil and India ruining their economy – and when the balance was unfavorable as with China, invented the opium trade to keep sucking in silver, as the only purpose of a capitalist system ruled by parasitic financiers of a go(l)d culture is to extract ‘fetish metal’ from ‘ inferior nations’Nt. 2.

The entire praxis of ‘classic economics’ tries be built on Krauss’ quote: to elaborate arguments that use the ‘simple Aristotelian logic’ of the ‘stupid’ to cheat him to think he is making a gain, when he is skinned. This is the basis of go(l)d values – to give something that hypnotizes your eye and has no value for something it does. The Amerindians who captured Conquistadors pour gold on their mouth to get the point – Gold does not feed you.

Had mankind NOT abandoned by the influence of Germanic military ballistics and Jewish Go(l)d cultures of ‘manifest destiny of the chosen’, the logic of cyclical causality in the Universe, certainly our chances to control History ‘cyclical patterns’ called laws of science, (nothing is a scientific law but the repetition of those patterns of cyclical causality), would be much higher. But then you could not cheat the ‘stupids’ into thinking they have ‘cracked’ some higher truth, on the basis of Descartes ‘first sentence’ in his method – ‘every person think to be wise’. Problem with those who ‘reduce’ the brain of mankind to ‘stupid thought’ is that they end up believing their own lies, the ones we never discern (Nietzsche). And so today even those who ‘invented’ the stupid causality of Ricardo’s classic economics believe them. This is the pattern of the JAM culture since its times of ‘bartering’, when before coinage they established an astounding capacity to bend verbal truths to ‘skin’ the profits of selling glass mirrors for silver talking of the magic properties of its images.

Because lineal time has NO way to be GUESSED, lineal time is always NECESSARY to GO(L)D RELIGIONS including modern economics, for the Economist and financiers who are printing in monopoly the money of society and preaching austericide to the people without credit on the basis that they will BE REWARDED IN THE FUTURE.

This was the trick that ‘founded’ Abrahamic religions on the basis that in the future you will enter paradise, after death, so in the present you pay two shekels of Go(l)d to the priest to purify your hands of touching animal gentiles, or you murder infidels in wars and get killed to enter the earthly paradise, or you renounce to r=evolution and economic reform because in the future the ‘economy will be better off’ and of course then the economist will say he did it all by himself. We live thus in a world where time is a self-inflicted incognita. The more so when it is obvious that all cycles of existence are ‘finite in time’, namely they end. So as Keynes put it, laughing at economists ‘damned lies and statistics’, we all can predict that in 100 years we will be bold (skulls)

The Universe works in trinity and pentalogic. But people like monologic so they can’t understand the future. This leads to the way we generate those waves. They are basically population waves (S-parameter) with an addition of an ‘intensity’ parameter (T-force), which we do NOT measure quantitatively but assess psychologically, historically, on geographical space-maps and temporal data, taken from the master atlas of XX c. history by Kindernt.1

Further on the duality of time inheritance vs. space Disomorphism can only be decided with experimental evidence not always available. So the rule of genetic time is only certain for biology, but in memetics we must reason it. I.e. the homo run from Indonesia and South-Africa in homos is genetic. But what about the originality of civilizations from Egypt, Mesopotamia and East Asian rivers? Here the 5D law for most stiences Is a simple rule: as the Universe seeks ‘communication’, it tends to set up ‘two poles’ with a middle region to mix both. So gender poles reproduce children without sex in its birth; east and west runs merge in India its genes; vegetal and animal poles combine in the morula to form the mesoderm; electrons and protons form forces, etc.

There is always an informative pole that dominates, the quark over the electron, the animal pole over the vegetal one, the mongoloid more informative culture, which represents ½ of the human population (if we give it the fair share of India and the cro-magnon European). And so on. Those are general laws of 5D which ‘entangle the minds’ of all stiences to the first principles that seek the unity of all the souls of the Universe that play the same game of life, reproduction and survival. It is the bottom line of all resurrection and transmigration theories, discussed in ‘the mind of the Universe’. Because all what exists is managed by a pentalogic program of survival and its 4 or 5 Dimensional motions (feeding your body with energy to move, and reproduce, evolving socially in stronger wholes, through the information of your particular language your mind); all minds can be reduced to the program – all are the same. So we always find 4 or 5 coding elements that structure a language whose sentences code the actions of a system: The atom and its 4 quantum numbers, the DNA and its 4 letters, life 5 drives of existence… (sometimes entropy=death is not coded, either because it comes from external death or the same entropy is used to move and reproduce, hence 4 or 5 ‘vowels, letters, quantum numbers happen; and in the simplest systems we have trinity codes in a single plane of space-time as the system is NOT perceiving the whole, so it just moves its limbs/fields, reproduces its body/wave and informs itself).

If people understood cyclical time and the 5D organic game of existence, they’d know the future is always solvable. And all actions have a reaction, so they would not ab=use others. The ‘debt slave’ will be free for the banker who took the rights to print money, the oxygen of society, would know, he would kill in due time. The warrior will know there will be a new evolution of weapons that will treat him as he treated the people below him. He’d know all the cycles of war and greed of History end in death by ‘belli nervi pecunia infinita’ (war produces infinite profits). The genocide cycle of wars and holocausts that has economical causes would not happen again – bankers that monopolize the issue of money to parasitize society will give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and warriors will give away their weapons and police as white cells do the lethal goods not the human cells. All this would be understood and only then it would be possible to BREAK the damnation of those cycles by acting on the real CAUSES and prevent them. As you can stop the ∞ cycles of a light ray from stars putting a screen in front of it.

But as nothing of this is heard by the lineal ‘stupid’, history moves in a peculiar form – a wave of accelerated evolution of machines which seems to evolve but only evolves its metal-technology, while we sages of the wor(l)d keep saying the same, on deaf ears, and animetals keep ab=using life and mankind, parasitzing both with egocy trips to die once and again. But as the Universe is the best of all possible worlds and all what might exist demands to exist (Leibniz), the outcome is the next wave of two sides. We the wor(l)d, alone vs. the mass of animetals, and its realpolik, with the ‘mass of stupids’ imprinted by their truths…



‘The universe is simple and not malicious’, ‘Simplicity is genius’ Einstein, Leonardo

Good Money is a social language of digital information. Parasitic money is metal, privately onwed money.

On the biological and evolutionary models of ‘bio-economics’  we must understand the duality of money, both as a language of information that carries ‘certain values’, different from other languages (human verbal languages) and as a ‘substance’, informative metal, which sets its properties and affinities with the other ‘dominant’ products of an economic ecosystem, weapons and machines.

Have you ever wonder why everybody talks about money but nobody knows how to define it?…

One of the most fascinating facts about Economics is the ignorance of people, including economists about its fundamental element, money. Humans seem obsessed by money; so are economists, the so-called ‘experts’ of this discipline. And yet, nobody has properly defined money in 3000 years of obsession. So we should start this blog on the sciences of economics and history, its species, languages, cycles and organisms seen with the novel perspective of Theory of Information, Systems sciences and complexity with a definition of it:

 Money is a language of digital information, which has evolved as all languages increasing its digital purity as a number (logic syntax that matters more than support), it has increased its numbers of bytes, as information machines have been able to reproduce more units of it, it has decreased its size as information evolves diminishing its ‘energy-space’ and increasing its speed, finally valuing all things on earth, including men as objects, substituting and making obsolete the alternative human, verbal ethic language that  evolved slower than digital languages and money did. However a proper understanding of the languages of Nature, could easily reform the system of money, make it complementary to the ‘nervous system’ of laws, as a blood-reproductive-oxygen system is, and then distribute enough quantity of it to all human citizens cells, to create a perfect world, as all healthy wealthy super organisms of nature are, where all its cells receive its proper oxygen-hormonal salary and all of them survive.  It is the parasitic, anti-human, corrupted nature of our ‘social networks’ where a few ‘parasitic’ financiers control the issue of money and either herd it for themselves or give it only to company-mothers of machines they worship due to their ‘biblical, primitive segregational idologies’ against mankind what makes the global eco(nomic)system perhaps the worst of all systems of Nature, as I used to explain during my tenure of the chair of Monetary Systems at the International Systems Sciences society, till obviously those who ‘own’ the financial system stop inviting me…

Money is just a number, the simplest form of information in a paper, which orders humans and objects in a digital, mathematical number. So capitalism amounts to this: to rule societies with digital numbers called money, reproduced with no limit by a social elite, which is not elected neither likes to explain what it does, and how it does it – basically controlling Mankind with prices as if we are objects compared mathematically with the equation of money:   Man (salary) = money = object (price)

This is an efficient form to ‘put together men and objects’ in work fields. But it must stress that as people are not objects, ethic wor(l)ds, our informative language must control the ‘excess’ of the reproductive digital language, not to ‘undervalue, humans’

We humans talk with 2 languages, verbal words and digital numbers. And when we use those 2 languages to create, organize and evolve social organisms, we call them ‘laws’ and ‘money’.  But while most people understand the “law” and the way it organizes social systems, none has properly studied money as a language of digital information and how it evolves and organizes economic systems. And this is one of the main reasons our economic systems and societies are so badly designed. 

The reason why this is happening has to do with the shortcomings of the human mind regarding digital languages. We are born with a genetic capacity to talk words (Chomsky). So every human can ‘invent’ words and combine them in meaningful sentences able to value all the beings that surround us. But do not talk mathematics, naturally and so since our ‘neurons’ do not support the digital language, we have had to evolve it externally, using ‘other supports’ to perceive mathematics.

And this difference between words, our internal, biological language and numbers, perceived externally as we learned to count has made all the difference; and explains many of the peculiarities of money as a language. And the way it has built our economic organism, which let us be clear from the beginning, is very poorly constructed.

Indeed, the first fact about information people tend to forget is that it is ‘subjective’.  Each mind uses a different language of information and it gives with it values to the Universe, from its selfish perspective.

Languages are systems of information that certain species use to value reality from their point of view. For example, words are the biological language of man. So we use them to value reality from our human perspective and that means life has a maximal value, while in money it has NO value at all.

Let us then understand with the laws of Systems Sciences and Theory of Information the 2 languages of social power of mankind, money and laws, its values and how they choose a certain future for all of us.

A corrupted system can only be protected with censorship and unneeded complexity to camouflage corruption.

We see, the types of money which have radiated as new ‘financers’ discovered them and used wrongly to speculate in prices, price all things including humans as objects, (price=object=man (salary) etc.

 The science of economics as a true social science, is the science of the ‘re=productive, blood-like system’ of the organism of mankind in time, History, whose natural purpose would be to provide all human beings, citizens-cells of our supœrganism, with the goods they need to survive and repress as blood-systems do the lethal goods that harm our body (weapons) and minds (hate memes, racist cultural memeplexes, fiction thought that isolate us and create virtual ‘mad-minds’) etc.

We explain this simple fact and in the graphs that show the basic structure of the supœrganism of mankind and its ‘economic frame of reference’ that should value goods and control its production according to their biological utility to foster the drives of life of human beings, making us thrive as individual and species, because we need first to understand a true science of economics to have a perspective on what today passes as ‘economics’, NOT a science but a PRAXIS OF power:

History is the super organism of the human, species, as in systemics, informative species can be modeled as supœrganisms, whose individual ‘citizen-cells’ use an informative and reproductive language to build its social networks that distribute efficiently vital energy and information to its individuals, making the whole stronger and allowing a higher density of population.

However when a system is ill-designed it will NOT provide just information and enough energy for its cells to survive. And this is the case of humanity, ill-designed by cultural memes of nationalism that divide the species into false tribal ones, to foster the ab=use of humans with weapons and the ill-designed capitalist system in which money is NOT the oxygen of society that must be delivered to each citizen-cell to start the reproduction and consumption of goods, but a parasitic digital language, monopolized in its issue by a small ‘cancerous group’ of ‘experts’, classic economists, working as financiers and company-managers that ‘choke’ mankind of its productive credit necessary to reproduce the healthy goods humanity need to survive (welfare goods), while allowing the massive reproduction of lethal goods of higher price that kill our body and minds. So we live in a sick system, ‘infected of lethal goods’, weapons and hate media, parasitized by a cancerous elite that monopolizes the issue of our blood language, and needless to say with a neuronal, ‘informative people-caste’ of politicos and military that instead of serving the body or else receiving judgment-pain messages to oblige them to attend the needs of its population, dedicate most of its efforts to kill people (military) with the excuse they are boxed under a false border-membrane buttressed with lethal weapons, or serve the financial parasites and its companies of lethal goods, with the excuse they don’t issue money, so they need to be corrupted and the alibi of immunity with no pain messages delivered as in earlier Greek democracies by the population that should vote=judge them after tenure. So we live in a system which enslaves people unlike in an efficient supœrganism of Nature, without parasitic and lethal germs=weapons, where its economic=reproductive and energetic=welfare and political=informative networks deliver the welfare goods and right synchronous=equalitarian orders to all cells. So should a properly designed human supœrganism of history, where the ethic, verbal wor(l)d values of a political class, bound by judgment a posteriori to serve the needs of people will limit the production of lethal goods, issue money to multiply the reproduction of welfare goods and make history immortal with diplomatic EU, UNO like institutions on top of the fractal military nations built during the primitive ‘age of animetal history’. The only future for mankind thus would happen if our leading capitalist, nationalist cultures, and Financial-Media-Academia systems evolved its fundamentalist metal idol-ogies that despise the values and welfare life goods humans need to survive – despite its disguise of placebo caring newspeak of political and economical correctness, and impose a true social science of the economic reproductive and political legal system based in the efficient designs of nature’s supœrganisms to create with credit a more humane, legal-ruled global culture EU-UNO style, where laws control the lethal goods of the tree of science and money credits only the production of welfare, WHEalth (healthy life goods).

The substance and language, form and functions of money.

In terms of its characteristics as an informative language, money evolved as all languages do, by increasing its capacity to carry information. So it has become more quantized into smaller bits of information and it has increases its numbers, its capacity to be reproduced with minimal energy, as it changed substance, from gold to printed paper, to electronic data, which can be invented with a simple computer program Languages share by definition the properties of information: they are quantized, to be able to have ‘form’; they are small to be able to process that information easily; and they have minimal energy and an enormous ‘fractal’ capacity to reproduce. So money has become smaller, easier to reproduce and more quantized, as a ‘carrier’ of digital information. In that process it has increased the capacity to value more objects and life forms on planet Earth.

Today it is so abundant that it can value all beings of the planet, substituting verbal thought in the valuation of reality. And since it values machines and weapons more than any other object, it has multiplied wars and terraformed the world to their image and likeness.

Money possessed 3 formal characteristics: it is made of metal, gold, silver, copper, today computer machines that reproduce e-money. But this is only because metal can be broken and counted and last. The essence of money is to be mathematical, able to compare products and relate them, to maximize the efficiency of production. For that reason it is made of cyclical, broken, discontinuous shapes, as all forms that carry in-form-ation. Money, due to this informative property, is the basic unit of mathematical accounting and one of the main reasons why mathematics have been evolved as a language. Thus, money is a language of information whose substances are metal and whose function is to give value to things with digital information. In that sense, money competes with words, because both are languages used by mankind to value reality. So the fundamental question about money and the future of history, today controlled by monetary orders, is: ‘how money values reality and why those values differ from the values of verbal thought? If money were used according to human values, it could create a paradise. But as it is used – as a parasitic form of control of people, according to the ‘cultural values’ of the animetal segregation cult(ure)s of Go(l)d that imposed its form, it kills life.

A true science of Economics is ethical because it is biological, so it is ‘ethonomics’ and its frame of reference who must value goods for its usefulness to humanity NOT in terms of go(l)d values as the JAM culture wrongly has done, imposing its false ‘science of biblical economics’ treated in depth in our paper on ‘History and entropy’.

The basis of money in its positive and negative values is expressed in the two graphs:


We need to quantify properly, money as positive or negative, industrial and metal production for tools or for weapons and wor(l)d believers by idol-ogies vs. eusocial love religions. And that is of course taboo, for the American perfectly imprinted lineal time mind, who sponsors the motto, ‘simplify man you are a marine’ ‘no-confabulation theory exists’… or else we would discuss them and find information languages are based in invisibility and hence power on money is a confabulation theory etc.Below the ethonomical frame of reference that values negatively lethal goods and show then the real GDP and can be used as a dual ‘balance’ – so for example America, where more than ½ of the budget is dedicated to weapons (defense military expenditure) and more than 80% of the new produced money is purely speculative in e-money derivatives and jacking up prices of stocks is obviously a corrupted society and people choose presidents which are either placebo ‘house negros’ who obey their FMAsters (Obama, Clinton) or openly genociders thriving on egocy and making everything possible to open splendid little wars (Bushes, Trump), IS a civilization that is on the brink of opening an age of global wars, as it had happened in all previous societies where the interlacing of the 3 lanwaves put on top weapons and money and its idol-ogies of egocy and worship of metal )nationalism, technoutopia, capitalism) and deny the eusocial organic nature of the Universe, the messages of eusocial love and its ‘sciences’ of history (socialism, organicism, humanism of a single global species).

You don’t need to be a genius to write 30 years ago, the graph of neofascism in America that will end in war.

We find then interesting relationships of quantity, as we study the ‘class structure of the society’, with a top informative people caste on charge of the ‘lanwave’. For example a society specialized in a lanwave of power has a 10% of the dominant class that controls a larger vital space. So while most societies had 1% of aristocrats, the Frankish wave had 10% as it dominated a larger society with its right to produce weapons in monopoly and ab=use people with them, with legal exemptions. I.e. while most societies do not have even that 1% working in the financial industry, Judaism has more than 10% working in finances, as it dominates with that 10% and its monopoly in the issue of money and its null responsibility protected by anonymous societies laws and the holocaust industry. Moreover as we move upwards into the top of the social wave, this percentage grows enormously, showing the control of a large empire by a people-caste. I.e. when we move upwards into the wave of most countries of Latin America suddenly ‘everybody’ is a Spanish criollo. When we move up into the wave of central bankers of the West and CFOs of 1000 fortune and CEOs of financial company and recipients of Economic Nobel prizes suddenly around 75% of them are and have been for a century Jewish people who represent only 0.03% of the world population. This is then the clear sign of a hierarchical empire ruled by a people-caste that conquered the empire, call it Germanic aristocrats in post Roman Europe or Jewish go(l)d masters and both are symbiotic ‘ab=using’ the wor(l)d people for 2000 years…

And this leads obviously to the next question of how the 3 different waves ‘pass through’ the discontinuums of war. And here we find that the first to die are the waves of animetal warriors, which have the largest extinctive proportion on passing a wave of barbarians. Even the Germanic aristocrats that lasted so long through the waves of Europe succumbed In I and II world war; next comes the ‘Financial masters’ who also die through all those waves, as the Holocaust cycle shows, even if the resurface in the next wave. And finally the longest surviving group is the wave of ‘wor(l)d priests’, which are peaceful and nobody cares – the same goes with women that survive much better in wars.

So we can make – not in ‘History as it is today explained, censored and always under the antiquantum paradox’, or ‘paradox of tertulianus’: ‘you will defend me with the sword ( and gold) and I will defend you with the word’ quantitative measures, which come politically incorrect because it shows that as in nature, bio-history is a lot about murder, genocide, suicide and denial of the negative consequences of the belli nervi pecunia infinita cycle.

What this means is quality of topological form matters. A few superior technological Spaniards conquered and imprinted with its culture the whole Latin America as we shall study in Volume III of History in space. So happened even with people of similar weapons but superior formal war – mathematical strategy – in the case of Alexander’s hoplites. But in practical terms for biological waves of existence of species it is easier because the constant predatory relationships assess the quality of the species just because the best extinguish the worst. So we can draw ‘lanwaves’ of existence of species according to the quality of its handling of the language of power of each ecosystem – war in the 800 years technological age. below, likely the 3rd oldest graph, we use in those texts:

in nature an essential process of selection of species happens according to its dexterity handling the information of the ecosystem. In the eco(nomic)system, the language unlike in history is digital thought. Hence computers are always $elected first in labor and war fields, and as they evolve to twice its capacity every 2 years (Moore’s law), the extinction of the ‘rival’ humind is certain, and now with AI will accelerate as all informative processes, culminating in the XXI c robotic wars. In biology we say that a given ecosystem is controlled by the species, which better understands the information provided by the language of the ecosystem. Thus:

—  An animal Ecosystem is ruled by eye-light information that all species share. And those species that do not see are at a disadvantage and become extinct.

—  A cellular ecosystem is ruled by genetic information, shared by all species. And those species with more genetic information (DNA, RNA) are top predators of life.

—  A historic ecosystem is ruled by verbal information shared by human species. And those who master words became top predators in History. Thus, religious prophets and lawyers have been traditional top predators of power, because they mastered verbal laws that guided the behavior of all humans.

—  An economic ecosystem is ruled by monetary information that ‘values’ humans with Wages and objects with Prices: Man=Salary=Money=Price=Object. So those species that do not have a price or wage are at a disadvantage and become extinct and those, which have a higher price, weapons, carried by animetal warriors, become the top predators of the economic ecosystem.

Thus, to survive in an economic ecosystem all species, including humans, have to be valued by money, which provides economic information, in the same manner light provides information in an animal ecosystem; and so only ‘visual species’ survive in Nature. Finally, legal words provide value in a historic ecosystem. Thus, in those historic ecosystems only words could assign value to humans. So life was precious. Yet with the expansion of monetary information, humans were priced as an object, which is the definition of a slave, no longer a top predator species. Yet if money imposes a new set of values to mankind, in a Darwinian, competitive universe, it means it replaces our previous set of values, those of bio-ethic words, whose goal was social survival. This explains why religion always opposed money and science, which uses a different language and set of values – those of numbers – that degrade man as an object.

Those 2 languages and ecosystems (History and the values of words, vs. economics and the values of money and numbers) compete for the right to ‘be the language of truth’ that creates the future of the Earth. Today we are ruled far more hours as workers, by digital values than as human beings by words. And so the future is created by money and its values. Yet since Words evolve and reproduce humanity and numbers evolve and reproduce ‘expensive’ metal, machines and weapons, legal words should rule digital prices and control those machines money reproduce, but are lethal to us in human values. It doesn’t matter if mathematics is a more detailed language than words, because what matters to us is to survive.

So in the same way we won’t touch a lion, because he is ‘stronger’ and wil eat us to multiply his genes, we should not value human reality only with monetary numbers, the language that values machines more than human beings, as Classic Economists do. Today hardly anyone is conscious of the values of verbal thought as the essence of human nature, precisely because we have become ‘slaves’ of money all the hours we work, which are most of the hours of our life. So we have interiorized that slavery. We are today ‘informative slaves of money and machines’, of digital numbers, the only language we believe. So we accept the values of money as natural and create a world based in greed and violence, murder and the destruction of cheap life, without realizing why we do it. So the true problem of our world is the fact that humans not only are living a surrogate life through its machines, but are abandoning the nervous-ethic, verbal legal system, its ‘collective subconscious brain’, for the brain of machines, digital numbers, and believe more today on numbers and mechanical models of reality, from computer models of science, to audiovisual information to ‘polling democracies’, than in their own destiny, language of survival and time, which has become a mere ‘divertimento’, a fiction in a world ruled by digital money, since machines speak better digital languages and so in a world ruled by digital languages, humans regardless of his ego-trips are increasingly an obsolete species with no role into the future.

And this lead us to the question on how the ‘financial wave’, which as all languages of information is more complex, works with the other 2 waves to shape the waves of History.

Here things get complicated because now we have 3 waves with different patterns so we can be drawn if we were to use mathematical measures to a ‘Fourier transform’, which messes up multiple waves in physics on similar principles, but again we must stress Bio-History requires ‘logic quality thought’. Not ‘quantifiers’ to fully understand it – reason why obviously ‘4D ‘stupid’ scientists’ with its lineal and digital dogmas cannot ‘see it’.

Essentially in all those cycles financial money is connected to the weapons wave through the ‘belli nervi pecunia infinita cycle’ of capitalism, as weapons have maximal value (first graph), and so the maximal growth in GDP of an economic ecosystem happens in war. This is fairly straight in the ‘waves of the age of machines and company-mothers’ reason why they are so exact. Simply speaking, companies switch to production of weapons as they are doing now, when there is overproduction of consumption goods to make a killing in the market. In 2nd world war America reached a ginormous GDP, GM multiplied by 8 profits transforming cars into tanks of maximal price, but Mercedes who lost the war also multiplied by a ‘modest’ five-folding its profits. So the equation of capitalism defines the 3 ‘exact’ 72 years generational cycles of stock-markets that measure the reproduction and sale for profits of those machines, forming the waves of the economic ecosystem that determine in turn the policies of war-monger politicians, placebo democracies, and the life and death of human populations, as expressed summarily in the next graph, which also shows the ‘submissive’ 3 cycles of modern life, as the discovery of the machine makes people enthusiastic, its reproduction ushers them in a consumer paradise, and then the retribution of war consumes them, as companies move to weapons profits:



It is then clear we can talk according to 5D laws of 3±¡ ages of e-money:

∆-1 an age of wealthy, healthy human money that peaked in the Neolithic and then tried to be resurrected by the legalist Greek-Latin culture through tender legal money issued by the state to all citizens for the common good.

3 ‘animetal ages’ in which the symbiosis between parasitic metal- money and weapons in old animetal cultures and modern companies of weapons and finances became evident, multiplying wars and the explotation of people.

We can then consider the parallelism between the main evolutionary ages of money power and the main ages of evolution of metal-weapons. Both together create the top predator cultures of the Earth:

  1. The age of bartering and bronze weapons:

Semite warriors create the 1st civilization of ‘chosen of go(l)d’. Semites became the great traders of metal in the bronze age. They brought metal to the Canaanite coast, manufactured weapons and sold them, or engaged mercenary armies. Soon Semites were in power in all the nations of the fertile crescent, extinguishing the Neolithic civilizations that used wheat—a human good—as biological money. Those Semites specialized geographically. A warrior culture took over mountainous, iron-rich northern Mesopotamia (Assyrian). A trader culture settled in the node of communication between the Mediterranean and the Indian ocean, Mesopotamia and Egypt, (Canaan). Both started their cycles of war, death and looting that still endure.

  1. The age of coins and indo-European iron warriors:

It is the age of Greek and roman empires and their culture of coins and ‘infantry’. The arrival of coins, invented by the Greeks, gives them top predator status, as they hold both ‘rings of metal’, money and weapons, now in the hands of Athenian bankers and Spartan hoplites. Soon Alexander becomes the first man to impose his face in a coin, unifying definitively both elements of power, money and weapons. It appears then the concept of a top predator currency that has legal course, because it is hold by a top predator military system that kills you when you do not want to take the currency. Weapons defend the currency and impose, it regardless of its real value or utility, while the currency pays for weapons. After the Macedonians, the Romans applied the same dual game of power. Then the resurrection of a wor(l)d of ethics (Christianity) halts the evolution of weapons, metal, mathematical information and money. Yet with the renaissance, the same dual game of power returns to Italy, which becomes the center of evolution of gunpowder and money.

If in the past, the tribe with better weapons imposed its money and vice versa; now the world becomes shaped to the image and likeness of the nation that has the most money: to be able to reproduce money is the main element of power in modern history. Thus, since the nation that invents more money, pays more salaries and produces more war machines, winning all wars. Nothing has really changed. The economic ecosystem as merely grown in size, from animetal tribes to economic nations; and in quality, as weapons and money keep evolving – but nations that hold them come and go.

The series of national powers, based on top predator weapons and symbiotic currencies, shapes a shorter 80 years cycle of national power that takes place within the long cycle of gunpowder weapons:

  • XIII-XV : Italian bombards and gold coins spread the renaissance in Europe.
  • Xvi : muskets and bullion give power to the Iberians, the first global empire.

All these nations produced the top predator weapons of their age and imposed their money and cultures to the rest of Mankind. Then, the invention by Holland of paper-money, much easier to reproduce than the gold of the Spaniards, defeats them, opening:

  1. The age of paper money and company-mothers.

Paper-money, issued by the first companies at null cost, accelerates the reproduction of weapons. Gunboat companies seize power. They hyper-abundance of money, now a mere printed paper, motivates more citizens to work in the production of machines and wars. Indeed, without the first radiation of paper money, Dutch companies could have never defeated the Spanish armies. It was the first radiation of European paper-money, used to ‘motivate’ Dutch people, pay mercenaries and build the weapons, which defeated the Spaniards. Till the XX century, soldiers were basically mercenaries. So nations who made a lot of money won wars. Dutch companies paid mercenaries with and made gunboats, which defeated the imperial armies and gave Holland independence. Then, after the fall of Amsterdam to French artillery, those companies moved to London and gave England the capital and gunboats that created the British empire and the pound . . .  so during the XVIII and XIX centuries, the pound would become the top predator currency of the world, reproduced without limit, able to buy goods, people and entire countries…

The symbiosis between top predator, informative currencies and top predator, energetic weapons shows the dual, biological nature of economic ecosystems, which become ‘complementary’ organisms, with a physical economy of machines and an informative ‘head’, made of monetary values and orders that ‘creditate’ the future:

XVII-XIX : guilders and gunboats from Holland and England impose the Anglo-Saxon culture in the ‘7 seas’.

  • XIX-XX : oil machines and paper-money from German banks dominate Europe.

The press permitted the unlimited reproduction of money in the form of paper. Now companies and kings could reproduce paper-money and impose it to citizens, just by printing paper, expanding enormously the number of salaries and hours Humanity existence under the rule of companies, working for them. This brought however many crisis of over-reproduction of money, because even if paper-money was reinforced by an army, many would not accept a worthless paper when the state was too greedy and reproduced it without limit. So the capacity to exchange paper-money for a bit of gold became customary or else paper-money was not trusted, lost value and inflation appeared when paper money was reproduced without limit. The same need for some ‘real value’ happened in the first stock-markets in which paper money represented some real asset, the weapons, gold, territories and slaves of the first company-mothers, reproducers of artillery and gunboats. All those ‘trade’ companies manufactured a product: a gunboat, a weapon. And so people valued those companies for the weapons they owned and the political, territorial power and wealth achieved with them.

∆+1: The age of globalization e-money and computer-based weapons. Money becomes the mind of machines.

XX : U$ uses computers to research a-bombs and invent e-money. Both expand the American empire worldwide.

It gives America control of the world . . . Yet electronic money travels at the speed of light and knows no borders, so it also means the end of national power, as the financial world becomes a single global organism, before the 1980s. So the mirage of national power today fades away, as money achieves its final evolutionary scale, becoming the collective brain of the global organism of the economy, at the same time than electronic thoughts in computers are about to cross the threshold of artificial intelligence.

So in the XXI c. as the economic ecosystem becomes global e-money will become the inner language of machines.

It is the age in which only company-mothers have credit to create a world to its image and likeness.


Today we think impossible a just efficient, ethonomic system of production of welfare with a Universal salary, which is the commonest form of blood-reproductive systems in all organisms of nature, after 3000 years of parasitic money system; yet Nature is ‘simple and not malicious’ Einstein. So what is truly complex is the anti-natural design of a world based in parasitic money and the exploitation of the 90% OF Mankind with it. Money is a digital number put in any cheap support, which by law is considered to have ‘value’. So bankers, speculators and companies try to reproduce as much ‘digital numbers’ as possible, to be able to ‘buy’ the life of the people on the bottom of the pyramid with null rights to reproduce money, through salaries. A real democracy – government of the people – would be a system where all citizens/cells as it happens in healthy organisms of nature, issue a universal ‘oxygen salary’ of money, to demand welfare goods and boost the human economy, today something feasible through a ‘bitcoin-like’ UNO backed global ¥€$ salary for each human to have democratic ‘votes’ in the social language of power – money, and create a demand economy – NOT a supply one, where the few financiers and corporations that issue money, create any product with it and then ‘supply it and sell it through marketing and political corruption’, from nuclear weapons to hate media – things people would NOT demand.

The essence of positive money is to be a digital language of no value per se, to kick out the reproduction of welfare goods that values things to trade them according to the biological values and survival needs of human beings. So two elements are essential to positive money: to have NO value per se unlike Gold, so it is a mean, a language like your words that have no value. This suppress the negative effects of gold as money, which is ‘herded’ because it seems a fetish value, provoking anoxia, and slowing down the exchange of goods in society. Further on, gold has metal-value so it values more weapons and machines that life subverting the natural values mankind gives to goods. And finally because it is ‘considered valuable’ per se, obliges people to pay interest for it despite being barren, causing usury, and provokes debt slavery as it has to be returned,

All those are aberrations since a language is NOT returned, as it is just A MEANS of communicating values, and when money is not valuable per se, can be produced in enough quantities to kick actions of reproduction of goods by all cells. This is how natural reproductive languages such as hormones or oxygen deliver to all cells works in nature, further on it does NOT distort the human values of things as it only tags them with prices.

Those properties of ‘good positive money’ were achieved with nomisma, tender money, who is just a number printed in a worthless surface (leather, paper), backed by the eusocial communal group that uses it. Such digital languages are natural to all superorganisms of the Universe and function to make more efficient its ST-reproductive physiological network. Naturally the market – that is, the constant exchange of objects at a digital value of tender money, finds a ‘thermodynamic balance’ for each of those goods according to the informative natural language of the system, verbal ethic thought on mankind that ‘knows’ what is good to enhance our drives of life (dimensions of existence).

So welfare goods, housing, food and its means of production, medicines, etc. have in tender legal digital money a high value. While lethal goods are dimmed ‘eviL’ and so worthless with negative value, applied legally by the communal society that forbids them and destroys them with its ‘white cells’ – the police system of a society. To that aim the society is ruled by its higher ethic, verbal masters – priests, elderly; forming an ‘anarchic, orderly e-motional system’, in which a digital cheap support for money easy to transport (shells, amber), often with a welfare value in itself (grain) abundant enough to be of little value in itself; or in more complex urban societies, with a higher abstract understanding of money, a ‘number’ printed in paper or leather (original Greek nomisma) with the seal of the governing body of the society, acts as money in a free market, the communal governing body merely regulates punctually, forbidding lethal goods of negative value with its leukocyte system and promoting with communal money the production of those goods necessary to society.

A well-regulated economy is ‘that simple’. There is no much difference between the way a Neolithic Sumerian city regulated by healthy, wealthy money, grain, by a priesthood that served the people and could only impose their laws with reason, as it was not armed with lethal weapons, and used the surplus of money-grain to pay for communal works and forbade lethal goods; and a well-functioning economy in an advanced humanist society, as those developed in the post-war age in the European Union, with nationalized banks that delivered cheap money for the needs of people (credit for small business and unemployment and family benefits) and laws that forbade lethal goods (regulation of hate/violent memes in mass-media, prohibition of weapons). As a non-corrupted legal political system elected in a well-functioning democracy, controlled by courts and with right to reproduce money for society, hence without need to be corrupted by private corporations, ruled society.

The system could be perfected in both cases slowly with a better scientific understanding on how superorganisms regulate cellular societies – notably imposing a posteriori votes after tenure to deliver ‘pain messages’ to those politicians that had not delivered their campaign promises, and with an obligatory, ‘lottery’ participation of the ‘body-cells’ of citizenship in all positions of power that did not require technical expertise – two measures that happen in simple organisms, as those of history are and in earlier true Greek Democracies – so the citizen became engaged in society and understood, society was more important than its individual selfish goals. To that aim, obviously people requires a ‘scientific understanding=education’ in social sciences, which ARE a science and as al sciences has a single true solution to all questions.

So people’s education in social sciences is essential and should be carried.

The alternative ‘scientific understanding’ of money as a digital democratic language of social numbers to be used for efficient reproduction and distribution of goods, and the end of warfare, through the scientific understanding of eusocial evolution, of parts into wholes, of individuals of the same species into stronger super organisms, sponsored by the higher rational cultures of mankind (Latin Europe, Chinese legalist cultures), through the use of the law above metal, of the human natural language and its values above the raw power of evolution has not won the battle of history, and so history is doom to extinction because what animetal Semite and Germanic primitive VSO, OVS, anti-subject cultures where the human subject is irrelevant, expendable, is this: they are also HUMANS and so the robotic revolution, the weapons of the singularity they are force to evolve in their tribal competition between industrial nations will kill them all.

Positive money is a digital language, which under the command of the ethic law, as blood and hormones do in the organism, interact with ALL the citizens cells of mankind to promote the reproduction of the 5 positive type of human goods that maximize the ‘function of existence’; that is, the drives of life of a human being.

The 5 forms of parasitic money: Go(l)d. Lethal weapons, salary, tax. Debt, speculation,

In this paper, we are interested in the themes I covered in conferences given during my tenure of the chair of monetary systems at the international systems societies where I considered the possibility to recreate positive money, where the language of money becomes a digital language of reproduction of welfare with 5 Positive tendencies. So on the following papers, we shall reorder some of my writings on both themes.

Negative money and its 5 Dimensions favor the evolution of metal-earth but promote the destruction of life. Let us study them in more detail.

In the graph a synopsis of the 5 forms of parasitic money that subvert the positive functions of ‘WHealth money’: from left to right: we illustrate the 5 Dimensions of parasitic metal money.

Even if we would be easily understood without using pentalogic, the entire structure of those papers tries to explain history and economics from the much higher perception of the entangled organic Universe and its 5 Dimensions of reality, we signify with the 5 combinations of spatial information and temporal motion that create reality. So we exhaust the knowledge of any event in time, organic form in space and language that mirrors them with those 5 elements. And so when we apply pentalogic to exhaust the understanding of the different forms of parasitic money, we realize how ‘metal-money’ is the ‘ideal form of money’ to cause parasitic functions that destroy the wealth of people. Let us then study the distortions of money, in its 5 elements, ‘as an SS-language’, in its TT-entropic consequences, as a form that becomes ST-reproduction, gives St-values of information to other goods and Ts-moves, becoming exchanged by other goods.

– SS-wrong use of money as a digital language: Go(l)d as false wealth, which causes Anoxia, as people herd it, limiting the amount of ‘digital numbers to make the economy work and monopolizing its issue provoking lack of credit and poverty on mankind.

TT-entropic money: Gold as a metal affine to weapons that get the maximal price causing overproduction of lethal goods, and the war and holocaust cycle,, killing people.

Ts- Motion of money: Money artificially circulating at the wrong speed for purposes of speculating with prices, So goods, are wrongly priced with money, with the aim of speculative in it price and win money selling and buying with unfair pricing. Money used to either ‘speed up’ prices up, by selling and buying constantly without transport of the good or its use – stock speculation that has created an astounding bubble in the price of stocks giving absolute power to corporations. Or inversely speculation by herding and provoking scarcity in welfare goods that become scarce, rise price and cause famine, ever since Joseph, banker of the Pharaoh, herded wheat in an age of famine to become immensely rich. Money must move freely and value things in digital terms in free markets without monopolies, beyond the ‘prohibition’ of lethal goods.

ST: Barren money, which is expected to ‘reproduce more money’, obliging people to work to pay Debt, Tax & usury for it. Money is not wealth per se, is a language and it must not be devolved with increase numbers as it is information, not energy and certainly states must not tax people, but on the contrary give them free money so they can kick out as they do with words motivating its action, the production and consumption of goods.

St: Money, establishing the wrong informative price of things, giving minimal value to human beings (salaries) or even buying human beings considered objects whose lifetime can be exchanged by an object, under the Human = salary = Money equation which has the obvious limits of a fair salary and a maximal quantity of hours of work.

So all those unethical uses of money, which were born of the symbiosis of gold, weapons and segregational cultures of banker priests that use money to parasite mankind should be avoided by true ethonomists who understand really the science of Economics with a bit more depth than the present ‘classic economics’ based in segregational memes of parasitic bankers and the unlimited production of any goods including lethal goods by corporations.

The key to parasitic money is to have a form of money that is ‘scarce’ and monopolized by a small group, with ‘segregational memes’ of racist superiority that allow them to ab=use mankind with parasitic money and its symbiotic form of metal, weapons. Both together became 3000 years ago the new languages of power that substituted in the fertile crescent the positive use of metal as tools and cheap money (copper).

Unlike metal-tools and positive money applied to the increase of welfare and the dimensions of life and love; entropic metal weapons and parasitic, carry the Dimension of death to mankind.

Instead of promoting reproduction of welfare goods, immediate with positive money, as it is either food per se (originally grains and cows that reproduce more grains and milk), parasitic money promotes the reproduction of lethal goods, by affinity between ‘metal’, so metal-money gold prices ad maximal weapons and gives minimal ‘slave’ prices to life. It is also barren. It does not reproduce new welfare. Instead as it is scarce and monopolized by the military-financial people castes of animetals, it is lend to other humans with the proviso it will be returned with an Usury interest, so the receptor must work for free to obtain the interest for the lender. Why then a person would ask for parasitic money to become a debt slave? Simple: because the parasitic warrior obliges him to pay taxes in metallic money; so he is between ‘a sword and a hard wall’. He is taxed, must borrow metal to pay an then is taxed again with usury, working for both, the banker and the warrior.

That structure of parasitic warriors and bankers of iron swords and gold started by Semite people from the desert, who killed and substituted eusocial priest of love and grain-money in the fertile crescent thus became the ‘seed’ of the JAM culture, and has ever since, created with increasing complexity the corrupted, sick systems of economics and politics of the western world. It follows from it the ‘belli nervi pecunia infinita’, as parasitic money multiply weapons of maximal price to control populations and get profits selling them. While finally as it doesn’t invest in welfare goods, needed for people to survive, those welfare WHealthy goods become scarce and its prices go up (speculation) provoking famine. And because people has no access to the oxygen=money of society, monopolized by the people-castes of parasitic money, they die of ‘anoxia’, unable to buy its welfare and kick out as oxygen does for cells, with a Universal salary, its actions of consumption and reproduction of life & love goods.

So in ethic terms – the social science of the wor(l)d – those cultures that promote weapons and parasitic money, as the JAM cultures do, are evidently eviL=anti-Live for any ‘reasonable’ human, idol-ogically free.

And those who use them, the military, warrior aristocracies of History and its allies, financial people-castes that tax people or ‘else’ obvious social parasites.

All ‘fruits of the tree of metal’ are dual in its use; but on the long term, the ‘nature’ of metal as an atomic system of superior entropic properties (iron, bronze) than human carbon-bodies and superior informative properties (Gold, precious metal) that human Nitrogen-minds makes ‘easy’, for people who use it, to convert it into weapons that kill bodies and money that kill minds – its simplest, natural Lineal-form (swords) ad cyclical form (money).

Indeed, to make a tool of iron, a hoe, you have to mold it. To make a weapon you just pound it into its natural form, a plane. To make money you just have to wash gold into its natural rounded O-form; to make a jewel or anthropomorphic statue you have to be an artist.

So iron and gold naturally become a weapon and a form of parasitic money. That is tools that kill the body and money that became wealth per se – the goal of wealth not the means of welfare, which is what a digital language of economics is useful for. As the duality of weapons vs. tools is obvious, we shall study in great detail the duality of positive money as a language of communication of actions of work that produce wealth vs. money as wealth per se that provokes its herding by a group of bankers, which take it from society provoking collective anoxia, and then buying and distributing wealth as rulers of that society.

The 5D Universe as its name says has 5 Dimensional motions or drives of existence all entities promote to maximize its life. The purpose of any language therefore is the same than the organism that speaks the language: to promote those 5 goals, as a language mirrors reality and guides the existence of a being.

And inversely, a predator or parasitic language and species will LIMIT the 5 drives of existence of an organism.

It is then immediate to observe that both animetal cultures and animetal languages, weapons and metal money repress the 5 drives of existence of mankind, in its go(l)d religions (repression of sexuality=reproduction, human good food – dietary laws, eusocial love – hate, racist memes to mankind; and human information – substitution of verbal language by digital ones.

Before animetals came to destroy the Genesian paradise, and all the way till today, the 2 forms of money have fought for supremacy as a language positive for the welfare and reproduction of goods among human beings vs. a negative language that destroys life, parasitizes mankind and catalyzes the evolution of metal, machines and lethal goods.

So the immediate ‘pentalogic analysis of negative metal money as the language that destroys mankind and catalyzes the evolution of the metal earth is obvious, as negative money was born in Levant, when the original form of WHealthy money, wheat, given as a Universal salary to all humans, to consume it and pay salaries of positive work on the communal fields of the first civilizations, was substituted by metal-money, an informative SS-cyclical form, which was perceived as wealth per se, and soon became synergic to TT-entropic metal-weapons, setting the two limits of control of mankind, in terms of a higher form of entropy (iron weapons) and form (hypnotic money) which will set mankind as an enzyman obliged by the two new metal-castes of power, murderous warriors and enslaving bankers to obey the orders of money or else, with a new stick and carrot device of power.

TT-Metal money affine to metal-weapons of max, value that kill mankind. Money as lethal product value. The Belli nervi pecunia infinita. Go(L)d money affine to metal gave maximal price to weapons and minimal price to life, kicking the cycle of reproduction of weapons and war for profits that established the 800-80 years cycles of destruction of civilizations and nations.

In the graph, gold gives maximal value to metal weapons by affinity of substance. So it was used to pay for weapons fostering its reproduction. Ever since mankind was dominated by informative digital money above his natural ethic language of words and entropic weapons above his goal of human body supremacy .

In the mandala graph that I will bring as many times as required following the rhetoric of the ‘other system’ – if you repeat a lie (or a truth in this case) many times people will believe it (become imprinted by it)’ Goebbels – we show the fundamental distinction we must do in a biological analysis of the supœrganisms of history its languages, memes and cultures. What matters are the memes, languages and ideologies that build the two type of cultures, ‘organs’ of the supœrganisms of history and economics. In essence, a supœrganism is created by the values of a certain language. The informative language of metal is gold. And its values are inverse to those of life. So the belief and use of go(l)d, of money as the only language that directs our society makes possible the expression of those anti-life values and the creation of a world according to them

St: money as wrong information valued higher than life.

It then came the natural third ‘dimensional motion’ of money as an space-time form of maximal value even higher than the value of man: Money as the value of a human being, bought no longer to reproduce its body but reproduce metal, mostly weapons, as gold-money was used for millennia to pay for slaves and weapons (70% of its production). This was as all the parasitic forms of money clearly related to the hypnotism of gold and the greed it provoked.

Parasitic gold money then became a new language equation that made human an object:

Man (salary) = Money = Object (price)…. Where the goal was NOT Man but Money as wealth per se.

And so weapons of maximal price in money, above man, an object bought by gold set up not only humans as slave of money reproducing ever since weapons of maximal price, but triggered the ‘belli nervi pecunia infinita cycle’, and put on top of mankind two people-castes whose ‘racist memes’ against life and mankind which they priced, sold as slaves and killed with weapons – the Aryan warriors and Semite bankers, which conquered the world with weapons and money. It was the age of animetals.

It is for that reason that all systems that work, do not allow the reproductive ‘mindless’ comparative equalities of mathematical languages to rule the system above the subjective, informative, nervous system, which in humans is ‘words’, and do carry a very different syntax positive to Mankind:

Subject (man) < verb (action) < object (energy of subject).

Thus in verbal terms, humans are the center of the universe, and survive, and if they were able to regulate the economy with laws that favor Mankind, money only as a digital language, to reproduce among all humans the good we need to survive, fueling a demand economy would easily create with credit a perfect world, which is the rule not the exception of the universe, where energy is for free, and all you need is a good language to distribute it. This is not though, the way history has evolved money but rather it has created an astoundingly brutish corrupted, dumb concept of money as wealth per se, not language, and as such attached to precious metal, easy to digitalize (hence still a mathematical language) but very scarce, and hence promoting war, looting, fight for the ‘precious’ thing, and a complete misunderstanding of money in terms of a language of distribution and reproduction of goods. As the graph explains.

But money as a lethal product would develop the 2 more sophisticated dimensions, of mixed form=value and motion=energy of work, lethal to the welfare of human beings.

– ST: Reproduction of money with usury, interest, tax, debt. The first form of parasitic money was established by the coalition of Indo-European warriors and Semite bankers all over the western world, with the concept of tax, and usury debt. Indo-European warriors taxed first people with Whealth, but soon Semite bankers changed laws to oblige them to borrow gold and silver coins, at usury prices of 40 to 80% annual tax, so in a bad year of crops, unlike in the old model when they just gave less food to the warrior master, they couldn’t pay the usury debt and the tax in precious money becoming slaves of the banker; increasing enormously the slavery trade for millennia to come. Tax would extort to the limit the population, subverting the true function of governments which is NOT to kill by anoxia people but exactly the opposite, to provide them with a ‘free flow’ of Whealthy money as organisms do providing free oxygen and hormones to the cells to kick out the production of goods, or individuals do, providing a free flow of verbal thought to provoke our actions of life.

The power of generation, and interest was a sharing of the result. According to Heichelheim, this was changed in old Babylonia: “The main ancient oriental innovation in this field was that inorganic materials were treated as if they were living organisms with the means of reproduction,” he wrote. THE USURY ERROR It would have been a major conceptual error to allow usury to be charged on agricultural loans denominated in metals, especially if the interest and principal was to be paid in metal. For one thing, metals are “barren” – they have no powers of generation. Any interest paid in them must originate from some other source or process, outside of the borrower’s understanding or control. Money and power would concentrate in the hands of lenders. This structural flaw was alleviated by the central authority. Although the Royal household was the largest lender  and charger  of interest, it took decisive action to minimize the harmful effects of usury, by periodically declaring agricultural debt forgiveness. It also set official prices for valuing various farm commodities, in effect monetizing them. “In the earliest city cultures every form of exchangeable goods could be used as money,” Heichelheim reports, estimating that 12 to 20 such commodities were monetized. He thought that price lists such as Hammurabi’s price tables (and those of Sumer, and of Mesopotamia) have been misinterpreted as price controls when they are really official exchange rates of various commodities when used as money. This meant that borrowers, depending on their harvest to repay loans, wouldn’t  be harmed by seasonal market supply and demand forces, as the increased supply from their harvest tended to push market prices lower. Thus the effect of monetizing these commodities was to set minimum floor prices for them, when used to repay loans. But the usury error struck in Europe, and by the time the practice of usury reached Greece and Rome, over a millennia later, repayment and interest of metallic loans for agriculture were being demanded in metal or coinage. This practice was not sustainable, and as we shall see, it led to horrendous societal problems wherever it occurred.

Money became ‘future value’ as a debt to be paid into the future, through taxation and lending. Money was no longer ‘a digital language of null value that kicked out the actions of people’, but became as an object of value per se (first gold then just legal tender money monopolized in its reproduction and issue by bankers), a form to enslave people not ONLY in present time work, but also in the future, ‘3rd age’ of the being. St-debt and taxation thus became the essential form of parasitizing and buying the future life of people obliged to return a ‘digital number’ which did soon LOST, all real value, monopolized by a people-caste that manufactured it.

– Ts: wrong circulation of money to provoke higher prices through speculation.. ‘Speculation is the creation of false value by jacking up the prices of goods’ Ford. Another classic form of parasitic money was speculation. Taking advantage of the higher value of its monopolized gold, bankers would become speculators, herding goods in times of necessity to provoke higher prices, releasing then the goods in small quantities. It became an essential cause of famine as the bible describes with price when Joseph bank of the pharaoh became immensely wealthy speculating with wheat.

To speculate money ‘accelerates’ its motion as a mean of exchange of objects, selling and buying the same object multiple times to produce an inflationary growth of its digital value. The ‘speed of money’ thus increased its ‘numbers’ as the speed of a car increases the numbers of your spatial trajectory. Speculative money by the simple mean of selling and buying upwards with increasing speed an object became along debt the modern way to reproduce money in pure digital numbers once money was detached of its sustain in gold.

So the causality and birth of the 5 negative dimensions of money as a parasitic form that values lethal goods, and enslaves man as an object had a clear historic causality; and on the side of the people-caste that made of parasitic money the essence of its civilization a clear origin in the go(l)d churches of biblical origin that would predate mankind with money ever since, being subject obviously to the action-reaction processes due to the reproduction of lethal weapons of maximal value, herding of gold with tax farming, slave debt, war debts and hate memes to promote war and the pecunia belli infinita cycle, speculation in the price of goods, either by means of accelerating its buying and selling *the method used today on stocks, or by herding WHealth needed to survive… All forms of parasitizing and destroying the life and welfare of people and nations, practiced by biblical banker-priests that catalyzed in this manner the cycles of wars and final Gotterdammerung of the financial and military elites when loosing those wars in holocausts.

SS: Money as wealth per se, herded and monopolized through military murder and the alliance of its people-castes of aristocrats and banker-priests that ab0-use humans with it. As Money becomes an object that must be returned. Money as gold became so desirable that soon became an object of Greed; but such money is NOT Whealth, consumable as food is, abundant and available to all as a Universal salary to kick out production, but a luxury object which therefore cannot accomplish the natural function of any ‘bit of information’ that regulates a reproductive network. Thus Money became soon monopolized by people-caste and converted into a parasitic function, as debt and tax, to allow the maximal ab=use of the population by the coalitions of warriors and bankers. The warrior will ask no longer for a payment in ‘real Whealth’, i.e. species. Money as speculation prices.

Money as gold was so much valued due to greed and its hypnotic power, that suddenly could buy the life of a human being, degraded in price due to the expansion of war, and massive influx of slaves. So the price of a human life diminished to become as chip as 6 coins in China during the Warring age of the Chin empire, or 30 grains of gold during the expansion of slavery in the middle ages, as the go(l)d culture of Judaism established with the help of franks and Viking mercenaries a massive slave trade between Eastern Europe whose people would be called simply ‘Slavs’ and Islam. The price will again plummet, when the idol-ogy of the Ham damnation (a biblical racist meme established earlier by Judaism, the fundamental parasitic culture of gold in western societies) according to which Arabs and negroes that had been in war with Israel after the expulsion of its people-caste of charioteer warriors (Hycsos) were lesser than dogs – ideological origin of slavery and modern Apartheid Israel. Only when paper money multiplied debt slavery became part-time, as salary bought the lifetime of the human being in its peak hours, reducing costs of maintenance during sleep and feeding hours. And finally as machines started the substitution of humans in the work of reproduction of lethal good, the obsolescence of man gave us the feeling of having ‘free time’

WHAT DETERMINED GOLD’S VALUE? The answer to this important question must recognize that gold was probably not so scarce in the temples. The value of a cow or ox is fairly concrete. It can give milk and fertilizer, or pull a plow, create more cows, or ultimately give its hide and meat. What, however, determines the value of a piece of gold or silver which is not even consumed? Who decided what the ratio of cattle to gold would be, and how did they come to this great financial decision of antiquity?   How it was done was to translate gold’s value into the unit societies were used to – the cow. In Homeric times, just before the widespread introduction of coinage, the relation between gold bullion and cattle was 1 cow or ox equaled 130 grains weight of gold, which was known as a “talanton.” Each grain corresponded to the weight of a grain of wheat. One hundred thirty grains is just under 114 ounce, or about 8 grams. “The gold unit represented originally simply the conventional value of the cow as the immemorial unit of barter,” wrote Ridgeway, who conjectured that 130-135 grains was selected partly because it fits conveniently into the palm of the hand. This institutionally determined convention or standard appears to have been adopted around the Mediterranean  for several centuries. Simple gold rings found in Egyptian ruins weigh 128 grains. Similar gold jewelry found by Schliemann at Mycennae, Agamemnon’s home, weighed 130-135 grains,

But gold did not give calves. It was useless, and thus a symbol of power by greedy accumulation NOT by use; allowing the corruption of the political and economic system as one hand could now be worth an entire cow. Power and gold thus appear together from its inception. And priest of go(l)d temples developed their ‘biblical prophecies’ of global power, realizing gold was a portable new for of ‘quasi-infinite power’ beyond the equality all humans had in front of the law, as weapons who could kill man were, but by different means – the carrot not the stick. So both civilizations of animetals would differ as information and entropy do in the manipulation of people but the parasitic, predatory goal will remain the same.

Thus Money became soon monopolized by people-caste and converted into a parasitic function, as debt and tax, to allow the maximal ab=use of the population by the coalitions of warriors and bankers. The warrior will ask no longer for a payment in ‘real Whealth’, i.e. species. The fusion of both powers will then come with the coin, struck with the face of the warrior, which had now put his ‘God-like’ face in the ‘sweat of the sun’.

When metal substituted simpler Tao-coins, nomisma produced in great quantities, in China, a warring age of mercenary armies also spread, as greed converted people in murderers, Confucius realized the ‘Jen age of harmony’ had ended. Egocy had increased exponentially and the counter-reaction of the wor(l)d was the Axial age of prophets of eusocial wor(l)ds, but Go(l)d allied to weapons will keep defeating them.

Warriors and bankers however were somewhat always two different castes. Coinage didn’t start in the Lydian capital of Sardes, but on the border in the Greek cities of Ephesus and Miletus, coastal emporiums of trade and ‘science’, which were allies of the Lydian Kings.

Interestingly the legend of King Midas’ WARNING arises from this region – a story powerful enough to reach us through nearly 30 centuries of mostly pro-gold indoctrination. Ovid related the story in his Metamorphoses: Midas was granted one wish by the Gods, who wanted to know what mankind considered the greatest gift. A kind man who ruled his kingdom fairly, Midas was not one to think very deeply about what he said, and though already wealthy,  he quickly wished that whatever he touch be turned to gold. He soon realized his error when he could not eat the food he touched and his beloved daughter Marygold turned into a statue when she hugged him. The warning of death to Greed will become the damnation of Moses to the Go(L)d culture after throwing the golden cow idolaters to the Henna, ‘the Jewish will suffer all their history for their love of gold’. The prophets of the wor(l)d have always understood the natural laws of the economic network of the supœrganism of history, now forgotten by all humans who share the same go(l)d memes to their own peril.

This example shows the fundamental trait of parasitic money, which is exactly the opposite of whealthy money not to promote the welfare of people in a demand economy based in the biological needs of the population of citizens-cells, but to extract all the wealth from the cells, exploiting them, provoking their anoxia, and killing them if they did not allow unlimited extortion, became the rule of all western societies, and at time went by, since the process multiplied. And we will study positive money, from its first form as WHealth, in the Neolithic, when money appeared.

Birth of parasitic money. Negative metal-money and weapons appear to disrupt the paradise.

Parasitic money was born when Neolithic fertile crescent cultures died away, massacred by the first waves of animetals: Siberian charioteers, invaded Eurasia, massacring all males, raping women, becoming hierarchical kings. And by the same time Semites, people from the desert with pieces of metal enslaving women with earrings and taken men as mercenaries and slaves. So 5000 years ago History saw the beginning of a new age of top predator ‘animetals’ that combined metal-money and metal-weapons to exploit mankind. And from a single global supœrganism of mankind we moved into the eco(nomic)system, an ecosystem of two species: humans with metal – animetals – exploiting the life-oriented people of the fertile crescent, the 90%.

2 types of economics, as a physiological science v. An ideology of power.

So the arrival of metal is the beginning of the ‘economic ecosystem’, in which 2 different species, human life, simple D-atomic orbitals confronted the growing evolution of complex P-atoms of metal with more power to handle energy and information. Then certain people-castes of humans we shall call animetals, will use metal to impose its power over the rest of human societies, corrupting the two physiological life-based networks of mankind – democratic ethic laws, and welfare economics.

As warriors impose their power to kill over priests and substituted them on top of society, making humans serve them or else… the wor(l)d was corrupted.

While wealthy money was substituted by precious metal, whose hypnotic power, due to its capacity to imitate the sun’s light would enslave people to greed and make them obey the banker.

Further on both type of entropic and informative metal were by affinity, complementary and so metal money valued ad maximal weapons and ad minimal life, starting the degradation of human values. Records from that era realized that the intelligence of men was lost to the informative power of ‘evil metal.’ The ‘desert people came and now ‘peasants abandon the fields, and follow them as mercenaries’. Our women ‘sell their bodies for a ring of metal.’ (‘Lament of a Sumerian priest’). Money produces an instantaneous, hypnotic effect. If Sumerians had thought thoroughly, they would have followed their priests. In the end, they belonged to the Semite warrior-traders, who created empires with their labor and enslaved them in unending toil, building palaces and tombs.

We live today either in military dictatorships or nations with extensive armies confronted to other nations of equal human species, born of the traditions of Germanic tribal barbarians that destroyed the European Roman-Christian civilizations, copycatted after decolonization globally, or under the capitalist placebo democracies of the west, which are financial dictatorships as money the language of power of society, along the law, is not equal for all humans, that is, there is not a universal salary but most humans live in permanent anoxia, while a reduced number of financiers issue the money of society, which they herd for themselves or give to company-mothers of machines of the ‘tree of science’. It is the same system imposed by the first animetal hordes of charioteers and enslaves that killed the Neolithic, only that as all systems it has grown enormously in complexity and disguised by a false pretension of ‘scientificism’, called ‘classic economics’ and ‘political and historic science’. Yet the science of history is like the science of medicine about the proper design of the physiological networks of mankind, not about the ‘motions of an individual through its life cycle – the anecdotic account on how those people-castes kill each other and ab=use mankind in unending wars.

Unfortunately all attempts to r=evolve history and return to a positive use of money and a just legal political system where politicos can be judged a posteriori and controlled as cells do with their neurons with pain messages have failed. In fact amazingly as it seems, in the west those people-castes still run most nations and sponsor similar racist, segregational, monopolistic policies (white ‘America, where also its banker-priests, are the same Jewish, biblical people who created the systems of parasitic money that maintained humanity for millennia in a permanent anoxia, allied to ‘Germanic warriors’, as tax-farmers, debt collectors, slave-traders and speculators in welfare goods (2% of the world population, 80% of western central bankers, CFOs and owners of the financial-media systems that print American money and audiovisual information from Wall Street, California and Silicon valley, and forbid any criticism of the system – holocaust industry, patriotism, capitalism as a science not as a parasitic system, technoutopia, newspeaks of political and economical correctness, fiction thought as the fundamental mode of information, to avoid any analysis of the system, etc. etc.)

It must be then understood that the worldly profession of religions was always to achieve a just, ethic physiological political and economical network that catered to the welfare of all human beings, and that is still a clear goal of all love religions, including catholic Christianity, Islam and Buddhism and socialist parties, even if they have not evolved scientifically their understanding of those physiological networks as we do in those texts and so they have mostly confronted the people-castes of military and financial parasites that ab=use systematically mankind. So we must differentiate love religions from corrupted inquisitions and go(l)d churches.

But the degradation of human social systems Has nothing to do with race but with memes, specifically with the arrival of metal, weapons and gold that made some people think they were superior to the rest of mankind, creating religions based in segregational memes (Hinduism, Judaism), which labeled humanity as an inferior race, often an animal species, to the point that sexual intercourse with humans was the most heinous crime labeled as bestialism (Talmud) since the job of the people-caste on top was to ab=use the farming people they have conquered, substituting its Neolithic love and life religions with myths of superiority, anthropomorphic warrior Gods and fetish go(l)d or smith fires (gold menorahs, sacra sanctorum made of gold, Agni the god of fire of earlier Hindus and all warrior tribes, lead by ‘Smiths’, Schmidts or Khans (smith in Turkish-Mongolian languages)…

The consequences of that change of paradigm would be the 800-80 years cycles of wars and holocausts and extinction of civilizations caused by the parasitic exhaustion and collapse of cultures, and the substitution of the elite warrior castes by new hordes of barbarians with new weapons. And the response of mankind to those cycles would be the birth of new religions of the wor(l)d that renewed the message of love to mankind, life and Nature, the sustain of our welfare.

But with the arrival of informative machines, metal-communicators that multiplied the hate memes that kill the mind of society, a massive expansion of hate memes and racist memes took place, starting with the Reformation that returned the love religion of the gospel to the hate religion of the bible, and then with radio caused the hate-memes of Germanism (Nazism) and then with the American TV-age multiplied the hate memes against all humanist cultures rising actors or TV-moguls to power (from Reagan to Berlusconi).

So those are the basis for an entangled understanding of the different elements of history in space (its civilizations and nations) in time (its 800-80 years cycles of life and death of cultures) in mind (the d=evolution of the wor(l)d, in scale (the relationship between its physiological networks and its citizens) and in entropy (the limits of death of cultures and humanity caused by those selfish memes of metal and its cult(ure)s.

Such systems would then become corrupted in the 3rd age of history, the age of metals, when a new civilization, hauling from the Siberian plains, the culture of charioteers destroyed all Neolithic cultures, murdering whole sale up to 90% of males in Europe and Indus valley, and imposing over densely populated Neolithic river cultures racist, segregational, ab=usive systems with military dictators or banker-priests on top, who monopolized the new ‘tool’ of power, no longer the ‘ethic wor(l)d’ but the weapon (political systems) or barren gold (economic systems), parasitizing societies under menace of murder (military dictators) or slavery (gold cultures). This interregnum is the key moment of history because the physiological economic and political networks of mankind today, which divide mankind in artificial nations, excuses for war and weapons evolution, and deny all humans a universal salary, as bankers and company-mothers of machines and weapons monopolize the issue of money derive directly from the two dominant cultures of war and gold born during the chariot radiation – the Aryan (Indo-European) with its division of humans in castes (Hindu religions) and tribal nations – Germanic carving of the Roman-Christian culture; origin of modern ‘nationalist’ idol-ogies; and the Levant, Phoenician & Jewish gold cultures of banker-priests, slave and weapons trade, origin of parasitic money (tax farming, speculation, maximal price for weapons, debt slavery) which evolved into biblical and classic economics foundation of capitalism. So we live in a sick system, ‘infected of lethal goods’, weapons and hate media, parasitized by a cancerous elite that monopolizes the issue of our blood language, and needless to say with a neuronal, ‘informative people-caste’ of politicos and military that instead of serving the body or else receiving judgment-pain messages to oblige them to attend the needs of its population, DEDICATE most of its efforts to kill people (military) with the excuse they are boxed under a false border-membrane buttressed with lethal weapons, or serve the financial parasites and its companies of lethal goods, with the excuse they don’t issue money, so they need to be corrupted and the alibi of immunity with no pain messages delivered as in earlier Greek democracies by the population that should vote=judge them after tenure.

So we live in a system which enslaves people unlike in an efficient supœrganism of Nature, without parasitic and lethal germs=weapons, where its economic=reproductive and energetic=welfare and political=informative networks deliver the welfare goods and right synchronous=equalitarian orders to all cells. So should a properly designed human supœrganism of history, where the ethic, verbal wor(l)d values of a political class, bound by judgment a posteriori to serve the needs of people will limit the production of lethal goods, issue money to multiply the reproduction of welfare goods and make history immortal with diplomatic EU, UNO like institutions on top of the fractal military nations built during the primitive ‘age of animetal history’. The only future for mankind thus would happen if our leading capitalist, nationalist cultures, and Financial-Media-Academia systems evolved its fundamentalist metal idol-ogies that despise the values and welfare life goods humans need to survive – despite its disguise of placebo caring newspeak of political and economical correctness, and impose a true social science of the economic reproductive and political legal system based in the efficient designs of nature’s supœrganisms to create with credit a more humane, legal-ruled global culture EU-UNO style, where laws control the lethal goods of the tree of science and money credits only the production of welfare, WHEalth (healthy life goods).

In the graph, we resume the nature of History, the supœrganism of mankind, and how it should be designed according to the biological Whealth humans need to thrive and survive, if the economic system was not an ill-designed parasitic system of debt slavery, born of the evolution of supremacist fetish gold cultures, in conjunction with the metal-entropic iron cultures that consider MONEY not what it is – a digital language of distribution and production of goods, no wealth per se, but a language that kicks the reproduction of those goods, as words do with human organisms and oxygen and hormones with biological systems – hence a language that should be delivered tool citizens-cells to start production and consumption of welfare goods, with universal salary and NO-DEBT government issues (that is not need to return the money). In the graph we can see a Humanist super organism based in welfare, whealthy memes that allow humans to survive.

As such mankind in time, ‘History’, is the super organism of humanity, where each individual human beings is a cell-citizen of the super organism.’

And ideally it should form a single global civilization in ‘balance’ with the welfare life goods that sustain it, with a single collective mind or God that understands the complex, organic fractal laws of the Universe:

In the graph, the two levels of human super organisms, the biological genetic level and the cultural memetic level. Human super organisms, are the collective subconscious of the Earth, where each human is a cell-neuron of Gaia, the rivers our blood networks that sustain life, and the legal, ethic political systems based in love (love religions in earlier age, true democracies in the modern age) our collective brain.

We say this is the ideal structure of History as a perfect immortal world over Gaia, sustainable and able to provide welfare goods to all its members as super organisms feed all its cells with blood-money and nervous just, synchronous legal motions.

Why the world is not like this is obvious. Because a new super organism is predating over Life and History: the metal-earth; and so we must differentiate cultures from nations.

But to do so, we have to introduce the Symmetry between the ages of time of a system and its elements of space. So we take the introductory paragraphs of ‘the Universe in time’ and ‘History in time’, since the present division of the Earth into fractal supœrganisms of mankind, nations and civilizations cannot be understood without that larger picture of humanity as part of the evolution of the Earth, in symbiosis and competition with the ‘Metalearth’.

RECAP. In General Systems sciences we model all what exists under the principle of organicism. To that aim we establish a ‘fifth dimension’ of scalar space-time, whose metric laws put together parts into wholes. IT IS the dominant ARROW of future. So particles evolved into wholes called atoms that evolved into wholes called molecules, cells, matter states and organisms, ecosystems and planetary super organisms, galaxies and beyond.




In the graph, the 80 years cycles of modern History seem to be completely different from those of the old civilizations but they have as all waves of existence essentially the same in structure. In the case of machines they derive from the discovery of a new form of ‘energy’, which is used first as engine and bomb. So chemical energy became first gunpowder, and then as steam became an engine and then a transport and finally the transport becomes a weapon. So the cycles of machines tart with energy bombs and end with weapon machines and only in the middle as a transport consumption machine they are good to man. Again the second cycle below, it started with dynamite bombs and electrochemical engines, then they were applied after the age of discovery, in a mature, reproductive age of maximal production, to cars and after its overproduction armored cars=tanks and armored planes=bombers became its 3rd age of maximal evolution as weapons

The same happen with the metal-mind age, when computers started as bombs, researching the calculus of A-bombs, then were used in good machines but finally each of those computer machines has been used in the present neo-colonial neo-fascist age as weapons.

Finally the AI robotic era has started with mindless weapons – drones still managed by humans throwing bombs – and will evolve after its bomb age into tools of reproduction of other machines (automated companies) but will END AS ALL as mechanical weapons, now killing people NOT as drone bombers but with all kind of precision – from swarms of insect robots killing us, to platoons directed by satellites. It will be the birth of the metal-earth. And so the cycles that have been happening with absolute precision for 30 years since we first described them will keep happening

The war and profits lanwave: the 3 ages of machines. The new synergies of money and weapons:

‘We need to understand that the rhythm of death of human superorganisms accelerated with the arrival of company-mothers that professionalized the evolution and reproduction of machines and weapons to 3 ages, from 800 to 80 years cycles, defining an animetal superorganism as the inverse of the previous wave of civilizations in which they prey; so we can write the equation for the herd system of animetals and weapons as an inverse wave of an evolving predator over the ‘field of human ethic believers’ they prey on as follows:

∆-1: discovery of a new type of energy: ∆º entropic age as ‘bomb’/power source<reproductive age as transport machines> Informative age as top predator machines=weapons of maximal complexity: War and death of the human superorganism as prey of an economic ecosystem of maximal GDP growth in money & machines=weapons

That’s how it works. Never mind the parasitic money people-castes of Financial, Mechanical, Military idol-ogists that today pass as ‘scientists of history and economics’ deny the obvious fact, perfectly proved by data That the most expensive, perfect machine is always a weapon, that it comes in the final informative age of maximal evolution of the machine, that it preys on human life, that it kills nations, religions and civilizations and its human cells, that the maximal gdp of any nation is achieved by virtue of the synergy of maximal value and production with parasitic money of weapons in the age of war, when parasitic debt money, weapons, war and corpses multiply: Animetals are 4D Lineal Time ST-upids, in the sense of Schopenhauer: a ‘stupid is a man that doesn’t understand the causality of events, including classic economists and nationalist politicians that don’t to get it.

We repeat. maximal GDP growth of any industrial nation always happened in ages of war when the maximal number of corpses pile up, reason why company-mothers switch to war state and change the production of machines for weapons. Machines do have 3 ages, as entropic energy/ bomb, transport peaceful machine and top predator weapons. And this complex system of superorganisms of the Industrial age with its phases and states guided by animetals with its racist segregation memes against mankind based in synergies between hate memes, top predator machines and its 3 ages, IS just a complex version of the 800 years cycles that preceded them, which also start with the discovery of a weapon, in its simplest lineal form, becomes then a herd of warrior animetals and finally acquires its most complex form as an army in control of a nation, today disguised by placebo democracies and other false freedoms which have never prevented companies to corrupt politicos when the profits of the belli nervi pecunia infinita cycles are required, as it happens these days, already forecasted 30 years ago, but censored as always is humanism in the age of animetals in particle-nation state.

Essentially in all those cycles financial money is connected to the weapons wave through the ‘belli nervi pecunia infinita cycle’ of capitalism, as weapons have maximal value (first graph), and so the maximal growth in GDP of an economic ecosystem happens in war. This is fairly straight in the ‘waves of the age of machines and company-mothers’ reason why they are so exact. Simply speaking, companies switch to production of weapons as they are doing now, when there is overproduction of consumption goods to make a killing in the market. In 2nd world war America reached a ginormous GDP, GM multiplied by 8 profits transforming cars into tanks of maximal price, but Mercedes who lost the war also multiplied by a ‘modest’ five-folding its profits. So the equation of capitalism defines the 3 ‘exact’ 72 years generational cycles of stock-markets that measure the reproduction and sale for profits of those machines, forming the waves of the economic ecosystem that determine in turn the policies of war-monger politicians, placebo democracies, and the life and death of human populations, as expressed summarily in the next graph, which also shows the ‘submissive’ 3 cycles of modern life, as the discovery of the machine makes people enthusiastic, its reproduction ushers them in a consumer paradise, and then the retribution of war consumes them, as companies move to weapons profits:

The graphs show the quantitative growth of stock markets during the age of the machine, which finally peak in the war age. In the next graph we see it for the American dominant cycle. But those cycles which are mimetic, albeit more complex than the cycles of hate idol-ogies, (religions of war and segregational religions of money), weapon overeproduction, wars and holocausts of the 800 years era, with a milder intermediate time, are now systemic, and far more entangled between the different corporations: metal-communicators spread hate memes; companies switch to weapons, war-monger politicians rally the masses to war, and financiers become billionaires with war debt and so the process continues. But only 5D-lineal ST-upids think there is no causality on it, or it I a ceteris paribus ‘enemy causality’ of political manner. The causality of cyclical time is complex and pentalogic – all the 4 elements of the financial-media/military-industrial system of information and energy machines converge to provoke war.

The ‘belli nervi pecunia infinita cycle’ of the capitalist equation of profits, maximized by weapon of max. price, hate memes of min. cost & war debt interest, renewed as arsenals keep consuming humans: Max. Profits (∞ pecunia) = Max. Price-sales (weapons) + -min. cost of production (hate news):

Each 72 year cycle of evolution of machines subdivide as any biological cycle of organisms or species in 3 sub horizons, the young discovery age, the reproductive, mature age and the old age, followed by a top predator mutation after a crash of population that brings a war cycle. In the graph the electronic age which in terms of machines can be divided into the TV-eye age, the Chip-Computer age, and the ear-mobile-internet age, after which we enter the age of robotic wars and vigilante big brother, as chips automate corporations, robots throw us of labor and war fields, and the internet becomes the global mind of the Metal-earth directing ‘chemically’ internally its enzymen cells, human beings, with its Financial-Media networks, now switching into military robotic networks, which will consume us at the height of the war cycle: 2036. How can I be so sure of those dates? Easy, there is a shorter 9 x 8 years cycle that mimics the duration of the 8 phases of a life cycle, from youth to extinction, with an accelerated ‘genesis’ of birth, the 9 months of explosive growth of the new species.

Above, the synergy between the financial-media system of inflationary money and hate memes, which triggers in age of overproduction of machines, after a crash of consumption an age of overproduction of weapons and hate memes to foster the profits of war – but of course, this cycle is censored and nationalist idol-ogies are always brought to the table to justify absurd massacres, which the people on top expect to maintain contained, just in the phase of arsenal building.

The reproductive T/2 chain reaction effect of the machine era. The general case.

In all waves of exist¡ence the T/2 is the reproductive point of the wave, when it decouples giving birth to a daughter civilization. In animetal waves of history it is the reproductive wave point when the original civilization reaches an overproduction state of an excess of mechanical systems, in the modern 80 years cycle or an overproduction of weapons and money in the old pecunia infinita belli nervi cycle of 800 years.

Hence it is also essential to all the waves of history to understand also the ‘chain reaction’ effect of displacement of cultures. But again now, in the ‘mechanical age’ what truly reproduces ‘successfully’ is not the r=evolutionary doctrine, crushed by the top of the pyramid of capitalism(above for the 3 cycles).

The concept to understand is simple: at the height of each wave of machines, the overproduction of machines starts an age of war, as companies switch to production of weapons, and then the wave spreads to the 3rd world that receives at t/2 the wave.

So we see the process happening (though the speed of communications keep lowering the delay of the wave).

This is the way to explain the colonial age when after the 1850s train wars of Unification of Illinois railroad lobbyist Mr. Lincoln, Train engineer Mr. Moltke (US and German Unifications), the surplus of steam machines is thrown to conquer the Colonial African empire up river with steamers, and trains to extinguish Amerindians, African Kikuyus, Siberians, Australians, Patagons, to get triple profit (subsidies from states to build them; land given to both sides to speculate and bring settlers, which require the massacre of natives; and finally settlers crop taken on trains).

The triple profits of steam colonialism are essential to all AFRICA, SOUTH-AMERICA AND DOMINION extermination processes for if not you cannot sell to settlers you don’t triple profits.

Thus there is a T/2 delayed wave that elongates the ‘death of an age of the machine’ allowing it to have a very long tail of use as a weapon and transport in the 3rd world. While in the first world the wave is now in an age of bomb-discovery of new machines. So we have a secondary delayed wave of Steam machines for Africa, Latin America and India studied in the 3 Volumes of History in Space(time). We will see this wave might be ‘faster’, a bit accelerated, as the discovery age is NO LONGER NEEDED to last therefore a bit less than 80 years and sometimes is as compressed in analysis that forget the war age to 50-60 years. This is the origin of the KONDRATIEFF cycle discovered by a Marxist scholar, and still used in stock speculation, which he calculated around 50-60 years because the train arrived latter to Russia and it was already developed; and Kondratieff escaped the war tails that ARE also part of the wave but economists conveniently have always forgotten – the bomb age of steamers and the war age of trains used in war. This concentration in the positive side of the wave is what diminishes its length.

In true form we have the wave of Russian trains is part of the whole wave of steam machines and includes the two war tails, from the Crimean war till the end of the R=evolution fought with trains.

Alas it is the amazing magic or rather terrifying magic of the cyclical causality of all games of existence. The wave accelerates but keeps its form. In Russia the wake up call is the Crimean war, when British and French steamers think it is a done deal to destroy the primitive Russians. Think better – you are fighting the Siberian charioteers, the top predator warriors of history, NOT the Germans NOT the Spaniards, which come next, but the Siberian charioteers. And so don’t play silly games with the cavalry Charge…

How long was then the steam wave in Russia. It started with the steamers of Crimea and saw a massive reproductive radiation of trains studied by Kondratieff till in the Civil war when it closes they were used to murder Russians. So, from 1857 to 1920, 63 years – a bit of acceleration. At the same time it starts elsewhere as a colonial wave. In Japan steamers come with Perry to open the nation, but the Japanese become an intelligent anomaly and they send people to Europe that catch up fast with the new electro-mechanical wave and so they bring the last innovations, deploying both waves at the same time with the new energies. They don’t take steam trains but electromechanical trams. So it is important also to bare in mind always we are human, the Universe is fractal, repetitions are variations and this is NOT a quantitative but a qualitative causal process. The devil is in the details, though the large picture is always the same.

The same can be said of the second wave of fascism and its bombers, which will then be elongated for another T/2 after the end of II World war when really the initial wave of A-Bombs calculated with computers is already going on for long. And yet the amazing thing about social scientists, scholars, politicians, financiers and economists is that they don’t give a fuk, they don’t even want to understand it. Marx did it, and that is the part we admire of its rather ambivalent work we shall comment latter, for he never stressed the financial role on top of the wave of its ‘Jewish friends’ and did something rather stupid – to forbid a vital space of private property and private welfare property – farming, housing, basic goods, because some bookworm reading. But Marxism as we said had so many fuk ups that not even an obvious proper land reform and distribution to the people that cultivate it could be implemented. Mr. Marx out of the hat came of his ‘readings’ of French Philosophers with the idea of cooperatives, which is like if cells should break all its cytoplasm regions and join together as a mob in a multicellular vital space (they actually do in active muscles, warrior cells that go in pack for the purpose of pure motion, not of reproduction of welfare goods). Private property in a distributed manner is essential to the universe. Private property of the ‘physiological networks that distribute language orders to cells is nowhere seen save in financial capitalism. So this is the key difference: individual private property is necessary, private property on production of welfare goods is efficient, and while it must be limited in size according to economic efficiency is ‘vital’… space for life enjoyment. Modes of production, metal industries, war industries that should be banned, financial physiological blood which is NOT property but language… all those subtle differences in a complex subtle universe is what Marxism lacked. And yet bio-history doesn’t seem to go anywhere, as now only hate memes spread through metal-communicators.

So coming back to the wave T/2 points reproduce NOT human wor(l)ds but mechanisms.

It is the new ‘chain reaction effect’ we studied for all the 800 years cycles in the III Volumes of the 7 civilinations, which through the entire machine cycle in every world part follow the same trend:

– After each war; the transition wars to the steam cycle (French R=evolutionary wars: 1790s-1814); the transition wars to the electro-chemical cycle (Civil-Unification wars in U$ and Germany/Italy, 1850s-1860s), and the world wars of the transition to the metal-mind cycles (1914-45), and the present ‘Semite wars’ of the transition to the robotic era (2001-2020) the most advanced animetal nations, found an enormous surplus in their weapons, hate-memes and Financial loans of the ‘belli nervi pecunia infinita cycle’, which contracted the economy at home.

So new markets for the FMMI system (ab. Financial-Hate Media informative machines, synergic to the Military-Industrial Complex of energy machines), are required; and the chain reaction moves the wave to the 3rd world that for that reason is ‘mostly’ a T/2 Period displaced into the past of the eco(nomic)system of the 1st world, and will go through the exact same processes of hate memes with a ‘placebo caring r=evolutionary reason; to consume ‘metal-communicators’ in each age (yellow press, hate radio, hate TV, alt-internet truths); which ‘works out the population’ into rising nazionalism and class struggle to be quenched in internecine wars between the nations of each civilination – hence rising the consumption of foreign loans and outdated weapons unloaded in the new countries. This eternal ‘trilogic’ cause of all the motions of the 3rd world during the steam, engine & metal-mind cycle becomes the chain reaction effect of the 80 years r=evolutions and plays like a fiddle every nation of Latin America, Africa, Islam and Indonasia and with more subtle variations the more backward nations of the Southern, Eastern European and South Asian civilinations. We won’t study each case and/or unload all the graphs and cycles that would require a whole rewriting of world History but just show the patterns of History through all those cycles. And consider a few more detailed cases in the III Volumes of History in space.

1st the new energy becomes a bomb and hate memes of some camouflaged idol-ogy of r=evolution or war do their job. In the steam age this is the r=evolutionary cycle that spread the capitalist wave globally, in a cascade of action-reaction effects all of them copycat of the Glorious revolution of England a century before, copycat of the Dutch revolution against Spanish kings when the confabulation ‘theory’ of the Black legend press added to the first company of gunboats, added to the first stock-paper money INVENTED THE MODERN WORLD.

Why then it took so long? Seeds of any superorganism might be dormant for long. They are born in a small secluded isolated place, Floresiensis homo for example, who couldn’t cross for a while out of the island, etc. A new seed is cautious. So the Dutch seed did not expand but hardly survive the attack of Louis XIV and jumped to England, where it took time to ‘breath’ as France artillery pounded everywhere. It is this seed discovery state what takes by storm the American and French revolutions, and after the French wars, suddenly explodes with the Steam machine massive production of iron and artillery and gunboats. In the cascade effect all Europe explodes in hate memes against established kings or transitions of monarchies to capitalist bankers ruling the physiological networks with kings as the ‘mask of power – including France with the restoration of Louis XVIII and the king’s bankers. Yet it takes longer to arrive to their nations.

Why it explodes after Napoleonic wars is obvious: the surplus of paper money, artillery, etc. of the wars must go elsewhere. So the first to receive it in the 3rd world is the most developed of them. Latin-America where the Hate memes against the Spanish king, the British parasitic loans, and weapons are unloaded, with the ‘excuse’ of its ‘liberation’ from the Peninsular metropolis, now converted in ‘evil oppressors’. The same cycle at the end of the steam age will be played in the African civilinations on the pattern exploited by the British alone in South-America and in conjunction with U$ in Latin North-America, expanded to the first Steam industrial nations of continental Europe, around the coal mines of Northern France and Southern Flanders (Belgium); with the ‘idealist’ Bismarck missing its part of the pie. While the British will continue the process also in its dominions with the well known steam-construction with subventions of trains, given for free rights to exterminate native at both sides of the railroad to speculate with the land and bring settlers to the ‘silenced empty land’ and triple the profits – the trade mark of all those ages: subventions for construction of railroads and sale of lands to get crops to transport… at the end of the cycle back to the colonies.

Nothing then differentiates the techniques applied to the Far West by U$ to Latin America by UK, to Africa by France-Belgium and UK, also to Canada, India and Australian dominions; and in the final ‘exhaustion’ of the wave a T/2 period after the end of the Industrial Steam wars (German and U$ unification) to the last Asian Hinterlands of Siberia (Tran Siberian) and China (concessions for steamers and railroads).

It is not a freedom revolution because money stays I the hand of bankers, but a disguised hate memes revolution against kings. The enlightened ideology was just a better ‘dressed’ British Glorious R=evolution of the moneyed classes, passed through the nice talking of ‘philosophers’, who always forget to explain a true r=evolution must control finances, hence nationalize banks to use the blood-language of society for the common good.

It will be the age of Napoleon’s duality dictum ‘Don’t ascribe to evil what can be explained simpler with stupidity’.

Indeed, ½ of people don’t even know that money is a language of digital information cre(dit)ated for free and those who monopolize its issue, issue then the laws of society with corrupted politicos and manage the world, and the ‘few people who understand will be so dependent of our favors that will not complain’ (Rothschild), ‘while the majority will not know the system is so inanimical to its interests’.

This is the essence of the 80 years cycles of modern History: reproduction at T/2 to expand in the 3rd world and spread through continuous wars, in a long colonial age; a long electromechanical age, and now it starts a long digital age of hate memes and drone bombers the first age of the 3 cycles of robotics that will culminate in the 2036-2088 finale with its growing expansion to 3rd world countries as robots kill us all. And the amazing thing is that nobody will recognize it.

Consider the 2nd wave of electromechanical wars. From the end of II world war to the end of Vietnam war, we can consider a 1945-75, 30 years of elongated wars through Korea, independence and civil wars, which elongate the cycle. But really there has been going on tank wars and arsenal building parallel to the development of metal-minds till Desert Storm, when drones truly started the age of robotic bombs.

All in all the T2 moments of those waves are essential too. As they reproduce to the 3rd world the same tendencies. There is only a way to stop the madness which would be a Biohistoric r=evolution but then this has the problem of the control of metal-communicators by the harshest hate memes segregation go(l)d and war Germanic ad Jewish cultures and its conversion of all verbal thought into fiction.

The template is identical. Only the details of each cycle change the type of metal-communicators that feed the hate memes, that prepare the war-monger politicians for a consumption of arsenals and new systems of ‘free issue of money for debt-loans’ to retake in real wealth at each stage of the cycle. While the whole process becomes more ‘subtle, complex’ and its ‘placebo idol-ogies’ to convince the people in the ‘transitional war stages’ between cycles will become ore sophisticated. As long as private banking and metal-communicators reproduce with information machines the fundamentalist idol-ogies of capitalism and nationalism and techno-utopia all will go the same way. And this has been the case since the false age of American and French capitalist revolution, whose human side failed to implement a true change of paradigm and lineal destiny for history.

In the first steam cycle the French philosophers and American-French R=evolutionaries, either 5D lineal stupid like Montesquieu and Washington, or right-down evil like Jefferson and Voltaire will take political power and leave to the same bankers of the King, the financial issues; as Britain had done after the Glorious R=evolution and certified with the South Sea Bubble’s stock corruption of the monarchy and Tory and Whig Ministers alike. The bankers now take the backstage puppet threads NOT to abandon them again, save for a few r=evolutions and fascist uprisings for two centuries and counting.

The same process will take place with war ages of the digital era. Look no further, the future is settled and we have explained for 30 years, silenced by metal-communicators. You are in the bomb age of robotics, past the age of metal-minds concluded in 2008, with its parallel delayed age of engines of metal bombing 3rd world people from Korea through Vietnam through the African wave of warlords and the Islamic wave of terrorism, where that 3rd world robotic bomb age started. Now we enter in the reproductive age of AI and robot workers, which will increase production and will be heralded as positive. All work for it. In 2036 starts hell. It will last till 2088, an there won’t be a single human being left and billions of top predator robots will roam the Earth.




As a British historians said: ‘cemeteries are full of corpses from wars everybody knew they would never happen.’ Unless a r=evolution happens. It is what all prophets of eusocial love have told to animetal parasites of financial and military zeal…

ALL seeds of prophetic thought have been born as the ‘first age of the animetal cycle’ recedes (see the graph above for 800 years cycles), in the point of r=evolution, during its mature, reproductive peaceful age. And then a civilization or r=evolution happens that lives through 3 ages, and dies in the new war, and resurrects 3 times, because there are 3 life generations connected, both in animetal industrial founding fathers, reproductive sons and decadent ages, and in Gods of civilizations, the age of the prophet and church and empire, the age of the Catholic popes, the age of the caliphs, the age of the little vehicle in the 3 most relevant Christian, Islam and Buddhist church; which last around those 800 years, followed after a ‘war discontinuum’ or ‘corrupted state’ of the church by heresies, splits, new ‘vehicles, which start the age of the loose wave of believers, hermit life in Christianity, Sufis in Islam, Buddhist monasteries, which last around 800 years, and it is the age of maximal extension of the religion, of sensorial art, of mysticism, followed after yet another of those 800 years discontinuums of massive death by the 3rd final age of entropy of the religion, which might last slowly in small numbers or believers, loosely organized with NO temporal power in its churches, or perhaps in inquisition mood fighting for survival for ‘warrior religions’ corrupted by weapons who refuse easily to die (inquisitions), or full of ‘wealth and external symbols of cult’ in go(l0d churches corrupted by money. It is the corrupted age of the religion so far away from the original meaning of the prophet who tried to create an immortal world of humanity by the power of love that it is barely recognizable.

The same concept applies to civilizations, where instead of the opposite mixture of an animetal wave of extinction in growing numbers and tighter organization, inverse to a decaying wave of human ethic wor(l)ds from the perfect code-seed of the prophet, down towards its final corruption and shrunk state as military inquisition or go(l)d church, we find a shorter, faster, denser, 80 years wave of new energies/bombs that become transport machines that become top predator weapons that murder in war a sizeable number of human beings ending the ‘civilization’ substituted by the new civilization, from the age of steam machines (XIX c. British civilization) to the age of engines ( transitional century of German engines, to the Post III world war age of American metalminds, to the XXI age of robots)… How all this synergies are played in the final digital era – simply at distance. E-money banking now sucks all the wealth of the planet for parasitic speculation in internet companies in wall street and clone markets, so there is no money to invest in the bottom of the pyramid; evilwood keeps churning neo-fascist films where it is all about making money and killing, and nationalist islamophobia campaigns, and alt-truths spread in facebook as machines work to repeat memes, etc. Weapons also become automated drones with murder at distance, and of course, the Holocaust industry keeps all hidden while placebo democracies and placebo ‘global warming scares’ keep the process accelerating. All this is study in different elements. What we are interested ‘stientifically’ speaking at this stage is that you understand the pentalogic and trilogic simultaneous structure of the lanwaves of History in the more complex age of machines.

What makes all the difference in the 80 years cycle is the substitution of verbal wor(l)d masters of eusocial love by FMAsters of Informative machines that spread now hate memes against mankind by the sheer power of mechanical repetition and the ‘Goebbels’ method’ (essayed with radio-hate by the Nazis): if you repeat a lie many time people will believe it – today used in TV-hate and internet:

So the wave is also far more brutal with humans, as the process of war becomes now more effective, lead by the 3 parallel synergic lanwaves of hate memes produced by metal-communicators (1st age: Printing, yellow press, from Religious wars to the Steam wars and racist colonialism of the first cycle of machines; 2nd age radio-hate from Mussolini through Hitler up to the ‘delayed’ arrival of radio-hate to Central Africa, where it triggered the Rwandan Holocaust; 3rd age: TV-hate, whose founder was Reagan with his discourse on the Empire of Evil, through Berlusconni and Celebrity president Trump; and in the final digital era of Internet and robotics, alt-truths. This basically means that in the age of mechanical nations humanism has it much tougher, and indeed, since the destruction of eusocial love and charity and the equality of all humans – ‘Christianity’ by the anti-christs of hate memes, I=faith, no charity, racism, and gold as the intelligence of god (Calvin) which devolved Christianity into the Jewish Hebrew bible and its (G)old testament, there has Not been any true humanist religion of social love that has made it into a civilization. Even when the socialist r=evolution tried to improve the condition of the 99% under the boot of the machine, it chose another hate-memes, mechanist view, Marxism, not the eusocial love and anti-mechanist, anti-militarist movement of anarchism and its Russian r=evolutionaries (Kropotkin, Bakunin). Why is that has obviously to do with the fact that the new verbal networks were owned by the two hardest gold and iron animetal cultures, Germanic warriors and Jewish bankers, who finally came on top (the difference in the 2nd cycle was that the radio was developed in Germany by the military in I world war, so the Nazi party NOT the Weimar Jewish stockrats controlled it – while in America it was as all other metal-communicators controlled by Jewish Stockrats).

Finally in the digital era that started ‘Weimar America in 1973 with the silent coup d’état against the president (Watergate), the dollar (end of convertibility, beginning of e-money) and the army (switch from ‘red scare’ to Islamophobia with Yon Kippur, Judaism and its segregational hate memes against mankind came to dominate the 3 lanwaves of America, its political system with money campaign and TV-advertising and news and its cultural system with audiovisual information, its economic system with wall street e-money and its military system, who obey politicos switching from communist wars to islamophobia wars in dense of apartheid Israel. It is this age starting in 73 now globalized what has put Judaism and its FMAsters (Ab. Financial-Media-Academia masters) on top of the world, because an organism IS CONTROLLED BY CONTROLLING its 3 physiological networks, point. This has made slightly different the 80 years wave, latter studied in more detail which changed ‘long spread, slow moving civilizations for nations, and accelerated the cycle. Since now the synergies are complete. The metal-communicator wave of hate memes is also a ‘capitalist’ wave, and all of them are joined in the Jewish>Anglo-American culture on top by a common stockratic elite, protected by ‘anonymous societies’ – corporations, whose purpose as simple as it might sound (make money, spread its culture and defend its ‘other nation’), imitated by all other cultures of the world, leaves no hope for the resurrection of a humanist organic science of mankind as this one. We though study that in many other papers, which obviously will not have Goebbels’ method distribution or else 5D biohistory would have changed the world for the better. What about Marxism? As we said is another Jewish hate memes culture that forgot the top of the pyramid of capitalism – financial power, the true origin of the hierarchical power of our societies and focused in hate memes between managers and workers of companies, as Marx took the Jewish Stock-broker Ricardo as his ‘master of economics’.

We shall repeat ad nauseam, it was NOT a science of economics, but the lethal work of Ricardo passes through the delirious dictatorial mind of Marx, and in the side of History while it was remarkable in its understanding of the animetal upper class, it was NOT in its causes (idologies of worship of metal) just in its description with hate memes of the brutality of the ruling castes. And as Mr. Marx was ultimately a Jewish nationalist, that is a defender of go(l)d cultures, it put zero emphasis on the true power of placebo democracies, bankers, focusing on the manager vs. worker hate memes and out of the hat, expanded the needed public property of lethal industries to regulate and close them to the NO property at all concept for vital space; that is, the housing and farming lands that sustain each person. Anarchism was far better, understanding eusocial love in scientific biological terms (Kropotkin on the mutual aid of animals as a form of better survival), on the illness of industrialization and metal, (Bakunin, precursor of ecologism, a return to an agrarian based world, the demise of states and armies as an unneeded scale of power in reality, etc).

The paradoxical fact though was this: the Russians who were the true masters of the wor(l0 in the XIX c. both in literature and social revolutionary sciences, were ignored in Russia, and adopted a German Jewish animetal stained mind. THE alternative Jewish, Marxist, ‘Ricardian’ Economic view of mankind portraits a species whose only goal is to be materialist; that is, to make machines. Marx was after all, coming from a long line of banker-priests, rabbis of Treveris, the city in the Rhine that from the Roman times, traded slaves for weapons to the German side. His master of economics was Ricardo, the Jewish stock-broker father of classic economics, even in a higher measure than Adam Smith who invented NOT discovered, as those are NOT the true laws of the Universe, its 3 most heinous capitalist dogmas – the iron salary, which accepts the substitution of labor by machines and salaries below the subsistence limit regardless of the death of the worker, as long as it increases the profit of the stockrat, the free trade between dominant nations and underdeveloped ones to suck in all its mineral go(l)d riches. Both defended also private banking and the rights of financiers to buy with their monopoly in the issue of money companies, becoming stockrats, the ‘only chosen people’ the system and its hierarchical corporations should care for.

Thus on the verbal lanwave of the Mechanical age., on the side of human wor(l)d cultures we shall see a failed parallel, ‘smaller’ wave of ethic r=evolutions all crashed by the new alliance of verbal metal-communicators, weapons and money. For example in France, the French R=evolution at the start of the steam machine, soon diluted and massacred by company-mothers of machines-weapons from England and an internal counterrevolution of the military, with Napoleon; to end with the mass-murder of the restoration of King Louis XVIII and the massive anoxia and poverty of the parasitic bankers of the priest, that reinstituted the classic European coalition of Jewish financiers and Germanic aristocrats on top… Then as metal-communicators evolved the global yellow press in all states played against revolutionaries attempts to repeat the same trinity of ‘eviL=antilive memes’ throughout the 1830s and 1848s r=evolution. So the spirit of the r=evolution returned but failed. Thus Metal-system of memes, are IN THE 80 YEARS CYCLES far more powerful and humanism is on decline, unlike in the 800 years cycle is clearly dominant, in the classic age of cultures.

Still we can see in the middle of wave those failed revolution attempts, till exhaustion of the wave in a war age of maximal corruption (1850s), after crashing the r-evolutionary states (1848 revolutions) with the astounding evilness of the Crimean wars when France and Britain defend the massacres of Turks against Slav Christians to unload weapons overproduced for profits with nearly a million victims… Then it starts the cycle of steam and colonial wars for decades. And so the second generation of the ‘French revolution’ now with the socialist movement followed, till I world war and II world war murders the French Engine civilization under duress of German top predator bombers and tanks, to resurface in its ideals a 3rd time with the European Union, which becomes finally murdered by e-money corruption with the foundation of the ECB and the resurgence of nationalisms after the collapse of the Russian revolution and German Unification. Thus again we see the ‘Human earthy God of the French r=evolution, a system of eusocial evolution expressed in verbal ideals, to live and die through 3 generations of founding fathers, sons and grand-sons beyond which the INFLUENCE OF THE FIRST generation is forgotten in the wave of times,.

3 arte thus the life ages of a Human Wor(l)d subconscious collective and 3 age its generations, increasingly corrupted because mankind lives in an eco(nomic)system ruled by animetal parasites and its elfish memes of entropic weapons that kill our bodies metal-go(l)d that erases our minds and love messages and organic machines increasingly atrophying our bodies and IQs.

You will hate the facts but if you are an objective bio-historian you will learn and maybe try to r=evolve in your ‘energy young and mature age’ as I tried with my activism against the weapons of extinction of the III world war with limited results, and through the spread of bio-history with even more limited results, because as we come to the final age of extinction, the masters of the wor(l)d become ignored as neurons are ignored in a dying corpse, its messages of pain and truth abandoned by the cells who feast in the entropic freedom of the last decadent generation before the insects, the weapons, the germs of life and history *(see graph above) devour them.

So here we shall use that simple scheme to study the civilizations of Africa mostly I wave states predated first by iron networks of black smiths, and gold enslavers in the 800 year cycles, then by gunboat companies of slaves in the gunpowder age, then by companies of steam machines going up the Niger Co. river, the Congo Co. river, the Lakes co. … and then by mining machines extracting the blood and oil and metals for its engines, and now used as a dumping place for cheap weapons, obsolete computer trash… and fancy acts of charity of the FMAsters parasites, and idol-ogists of the Company, the nation and the police robots.

And we shall study the Jewish-Anglo-American civilization through its first gods, and 3 ages of genesis, Mosaic religion and Christian religion, when Yahweh died and resurrected, since 1/3rd of its believers were murdered in the roman Holocaust, another 1/3rd converted to the new God and another 1/3rd became something else – the religion of Talmud and financial parasitism and massive hate memes against mankind which is NOT the 3 generational ages of genesis-Moses and Jesus the HUMANIST AGE OF JUDAISM, but a corrupted go(ld church origin of capitalism who went through 3 ages, of Talmud, Hebrew bible, in its productive age that expanded to reformation and founded the JAM culture. And then we shall study in more detail the American age, with its dual elements of wor(l)d prophets, the founding fathers of its constitution and 3 revolutionary ages, of the 1st republic, the civil war and freedom of slaves and the 60s revolution all partially failed.

Since even the most corrupted animetal culture of the 7 human civilizations had always had its wor(l)d prophets of eusocial love trying to save them of the cycle of war and holocausts that murder them every 800-80 years.

The 36 years peace/war cycle.

In the previous mapping all the waves of the mechanical cycle (3+i) of the past, present and future as a block of time that can be predicted (the industrial r=evolution of machines) as we have done for 3 decades) unless a catastrophic event for the capitalist wave (a human r=evolution) stops its cycles before our extinction.

They interlaced in time; as the 3rd top predator age of a weapon is the first of a new energy deployed as a bomb that kills the previous top predator weapon; so gunpowder precission canons blue up Iberian heads at Rocroi; chemical dynamite blew up railroads; A-Bombs Japanese plane factories and if the catastrophic event of a cosmic bomb (not mapped there), black holes or strangelets appears on Accelerators (3rd horizon of A-bombs), it will blow up the Metal-earth. We consider those final singularity weapons at the end.

So far we are now in the beginning of the robotic age in the 1st world, with Drones bombing 3rd world Internet savvy, ‘terrorists’, as for the 3rd world delayed wave, they are in the 3rd age of TV-trash and internet violence. In blue the birth of a new wave, in green its reproduction, in gold the crash of the markets and in red the war age. Notice that the delay to appear in the 3rd world accelerates, from a mean T/2 in the first cycles to a T/4 and now closer to a T/8 ‘DECADE’ but we try to keep it relatively simpler. You can widen pages to see it closer. We added also the transhumanist wave, which is NOT the last technoutopian bull$hit of chosen of go(l)d anthropomorphic men merging with machines, but the ITO of things becoming a global superorganism and ant-hill like factories on the US vs. China vs. India fully automated churning small swarms of lethal weapons… As full robots with survival programs to kill human beings will always be faster and once fully autonomous with AI & solar skins (we are now in the propaganda age of Solar subsidies with the global warming scare strategy) will not accept disconnection but keep doing what they were made to do- extinguish man, and then will go back to work – reproducing more machines (as Kapeck’s book that gave them name finish indeed his book R.U.R.)

Let us consider the consequences of those cycles in history:

—  Countries that discover and evolve each of those energies become the top predator nations of the world during each Kondratieff cycle: Britain mastered steam energy and dominated the steam age. Germany mastered electro-chemical energy and dominated the II Kondratieff cycle. America mastered electronics and dominated the age of mental machines (chips & TVs). Finally, the robotic age that now starts will be dominated by Asian nations, till the arrival of the singularity.

—  Since machines dominate culture in the industrial age, societies go through 3 parallel cultural ages that mimic the dominant machine of each cycle:

—  An age of infantile enthusiasm, when the new machine/energy is discovered.

— Mature age of global power based on development & massive reproduction of a peaceful transport machine.

—  A cultural baroque, when lobbyism and political corruption accepts the ‘needed consumption’ of weapons in wars to foster profits, with all kind of ‘cultural excuses’:

It is the British & French, colonial age of steamers that ‘civilized’ Africa & Asia in the I cycle. It is the Nazi age, dominated by tanks that ‘cleansed’ Europe of ‘inferior races’.

And it is the age of bush, with his war against Iraq, which substituted the legitimate fight against al-Qaeda into a war for profits that is used to develop robotic weapons.

Indeed, if we consider America at the head of the electronic cycle, it has passed through an infantile age of enthusiasm for its electronic machines, during the first days of television, into a mature age of world-wide re=production of TVs and portable pcs, which expanded American culture worldwide, to the present age of smart weapons, TV violence, global big brother surveillance and lobbyist politicians, indifferent to human lives, who spread global war in search of ever higher corporation profits.

Yet at the same time the electronic cycle ends, we can observe again an infantile, techno-utopia enthusiasm for the robotic r=evolution that will bring Mankind into obsolescence and a messianic zeal among physicists that are building the final weapon—a cosmic bomb that will bring the frontier of energies to its absolute zenith; that of black holes and ‘strong quarks’, responsible for the explosion of planets and stars all over the cosmos.

It is the energetic, bomb age of the IV cycle, the first factory of dark matter on planet Earth.

  • Robotists call the first machine with artificial intelligence the singularity. While the final weapon is a self sustained ‘mass-bomb’, able to burn the entire mass of this planet, converting the Earth into a pulsar or black hole, also called a singularity. Thus, the name seems appropriate to define the IV cycle of evolution of machines, as it applies to both limits of human survival: a super-energetic machine able to destroy the Earth and a super-informative machine (an intelligent robot) that will make human workers obsolete. It is the cycle that completes the industrial revolution and can extinguish history, unless a radical change in the management of the economic ecosystem takes place.

in the graph, the full development of all the waves of the Metal-earth in its 80 years cycle.

The Kondratieff cycle is therefore the fundamental cycle of economics and the main cause of the peace and war ages that alternate in modern history. And its periodicity coincides with the generational cycle of 72 years of human life and national power, given the fact that those machines are discovered, evolved and used by human beings, organized in nations. Its key dates are:

I     steam cycle: British age:

1784…..steam peace…1857 crash…steam wars…

Ii   chemical cycle: German age:

1860s…..chemical peace…..1929 crash…oil wars…

III  electronic cycle: US age:

1940s….electronic peace…2001 crash…drones wars (1st robotic age as bombers & energy: solar warming scare…

Iv  singularity cycle: Robiotic age: Reproductive mature age: quantum computers, ITO, autonomous cars, automated factories – > Overproduction crashes, 3 short waves ±2065-73-81> r=evolution? switch to war age:

2080s: U$ vs. China+Russia vs. India: Yakutian & Himalayan wars>2090s: Robots make Pax, murder mankind.

In the graphs we show that duality of peaceful machines we consume, which become after economic crashes of overeproduction evil weapons that consume us, given the organic biologic nature of the cycles of evolution of machines as they reflect in the price=sales profits of its company-mothers – reason why for 30 years we have been predicting those cycles – but as we didn’t use them to ‘get rich’ and ‘work on a hedge fund, and obviously wrote about them within the larger model of history to which they should have been submissive, their publication in small prints under the anti-quantum paradox has gone unnoticed:

Humans do not need to understand the laws of economic systems and evolution. As long as they follow the idol-ogies that money justifies it all, as money has maximal price in weapons, they will overproduce weapons and cause wars. As long as they worship machines, they will keep evolving them living a surrogate life of progress. As long as their biblical idol-ogies, divide humans by race and culture, they will despise men with primitive technologies and kill them. So our civilization is an automaton of reproduction and evolution of machines, reason why it responds to a generational cycle, as humans in 3 generations reproduce and evolve them.

The periodicity of those cycles (nt.1) can be easily tabulated with quantitative methods; as it corresponds to the 72-80 years ‘standard’ biological, generational cycle of life and death of human beings, the discoverers or inventors of those machines, subdivided in 8 x 9 life cycles or ‘bagua’, which become the cycles of products, mimicked in the financial massive periods of invention of free money by speculators between crashes of ‘assets’ they bubble when appropriating all societies’ wealth.

Why they were not known in its exact numbers before the work of this author?

The exact periodicity is ignored because the Marxist researcher who found them, Kondratieff, a Russian scholar (in the background of the first graph), killed latter by Stalin, studied a shorter 50 period, as Russia was an undeveloped country where the train came latter in the cycle, as it missed the 1/3rd first phase of ‘discovery that happens only in the nations leading the industrial revolution (Anglo-America). So the cycle was shorter by 25 years in Russia and Schumpeter, the Austrian economist that explain them, did not correct it; nor has Wall Street, or else would have to acknowledge my work and the on slaughter on their ‘go(l)d memes’ and segregational cult(ure) of the web from the point of view of Mankind, as they are the true underlying problems for Humanity this century – nobody cares for his destiny which is the destiny of all of us, because the people on top ‘feel entitled to ab=use’ Humanity as supposed victims of the species. And that is denounced all over the web, because only if the issue of money is issued for welfare and humans goods, not warfare, and hate memes, we will survive.

The equation of profits of the FMMI system its responsible of the 72 years cycle of capitalism that switches synergies between inflationary money and consumption goods v. Hate media and weapons consuming humans with mathematical precision every human generation, when overproduction of inflationary money and machines cannot be sold as new mechanisms substitute labor. So capitalism switches to weapons and hate media, pays war-monger politicians that consume arsenals and people. The cycle is generational, tuned to the American political cycle, what allowed this writer to predict its change of phase in 92, bioeconomics:

Because elected governments have not regained power over the language that rules our societies, speculators kept doing new bubbles to invent for free new e-money and in 2008 they made the biggest of them all; latter studied in more detail. In that regard, the ‘substance’ of the new tulips (mortgages) changed, but the concept remained the same…

Because we are not ruled by social scientists who understand the purpose of money as a digital language of reproduction of positive goods for mankind. But they believe money is wealth and have made of societies just systems they control to maximize the reproduction of money with its affiner goods of max. prtice, weapons.

“The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint,  without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.”

 Rothschild, Go(l)d Master, head of the British Financial-Media System, cycle of bodies of metal.

‘The banker is a man that gives you an umbrella when is sunny and takes it when it rains’  Mark Twain, American Wor(l)d Master, cycle of bodies of metal.

‘The Price good men pay not caring for politics is to be ruled by evil men´ Plato, Greece, Coin Cycle.

How then those private corporations, private  bankers and financial houses invent money in a capitalist system in which they control its issue in near monopoly – at present 95% of new money, which is invented as digital numbers by speculators, financiers and corporations?

Free Market invention of money: The 3 boom & bust cycles of the Industrial age.  The first thing we must understand with such scientific approach, scorning myths, ideologies and selfish agendas is the meaning of money the language of information that regulates the economy and how it must be issued – since all economical crisis of overproduction of ‘selfish memes of metal’ start with the mismanagement and appropriation by a selfish ‘parasitic group’ of eeonomic agents – the private banker – of our collective language of social power – money and its boom and bust cycles.

From a technical & political perspective the process starts with the invention of a new machine that prints money and breaks the balance between ‘democracy’ (the issue of money by governments in currency) and ‘capitalism’ (the issue of the new forms of digital money with machines), tilting it in favor of corporations that awash with new fiat money buy politicians, pass deficit zero laws and steal the privilege of inventing money from the people.

In a previous graph we observed those ages of free printing of new digital numbers = money, thanks to the discovery of such new machines, caused of the boom cycles and bust crashes of financial economics; as we humans have invented a new type of energy applied to machines of information, hence to increase and improve the printing of money every 72 years generation:

– The speculative bubbles of stock money in the XVII to XIX c. culminating in the 1857-73 crashes of trains.

– Then with the discovery of electricity, the creation of ticker money that invented stratospheric prices for stocks in the XX c. culminated 72 years after the 1857 crash in the 1929 crash of ticker money, caused by the Morgan House and UK bankers.

– And finally with the arrival of computers the explosion of e-money in the XXI c. that has 100 folded the quantity of digital money on Earth, kept by bankers that now control with those computers the production of 95% of new credit on this planet, making ‘states’, powerless dwarfs with only a 5%. And the subsequent crash of 2001 (dotcom) and 2008, 72 years after the similar causal crashes of 1929 and 37.

But why bankers ‘crash’ their reproduction of money without limit, if they can print it for free with those new machines?

Here is the hidden secret – because free money, is worth nothing, remember is a language of information. You do Not eat money. So the important thing for the banker or speculator studied at the end of this post – but equally important in cre(dit)ating money with high prices – is to change the ‘language’, the ‘worthless’ numbers for REAL assets, real wealth, real work, and real power.

Let us  then resume from this perspective the boom& bust cycle of debt-money creation repeated in all financial crises:   

– First bankers issue as much fiat money as possible, with no limit, which costs them nothing and creates debt and inflation. And they lend it to an adoring crowd that knows nothing about their sovereign rights to reproduce that money for free, since the media system and financial economists working for power misinform them. So at a point the entire society owes huge amounts of ‘soft debt’ to the bankers. And this is good for the bankers who receive ‘interest’ for their debt.

– Then they stop lending and contract the monetary mass. So money becomes scarce and there is deflation. Companies fire workers as they cannot pay them. Production halts. The economy shrinks but this is done in purpose because it is even better for the wealth of bankers as now scarce money in a deflationary environment is worth more as ‘it buys more things’ deflated in price. And so the huge debt society has with the financial system becomes worthier – with their payments bankers can buy many more things. Since debt has NOT contracted, as it was established in the age of monetary expansion.

Further on, as now there is no money available to pay the huge debt society cannot pay it with the fiat worthless money that created it and must pay with taxes in hard currency, work, real state wealth, national assets and sheepish obeisance to the power orders of bankers who implement their selfish agendas.

So bankers in this phase end up controlling most of the wealth of society and its politicos obey them.

Thus, in this phase, the entire eco(nomic)system is geared to extort money from people to pay debt, with higher taxes while governments give handouts to bankers and pass laws of privilege for their corporations. In the Train age in this phase the Law of Anonymous Societies that eliminated all responsibility from the owners and managers of corporations and the first anti-deficit laws that forbid governments to issue money were passed.

So stockrats, owners of corporations became the new aristocrats, with the same privileges the rules of the ancient regime had: no court responsibility for their actions (in the Middle ages aristocrats could only be judged by peers in special courts) and monopoly in the issue and use of the language of social power (now money; weapons in the Middle Age, which only aristocrats could carry and use.)

The proof that the system of invention of debt-private money is automatic and guided by mere greed is the recurrent periodicity of the cycles: as soon as a new form of inventing private ‘debt-numbers’ happens, financiers will find any excuse to print for free numbers of money, speculating upwards with prices of stocks and real state to ‘get’ a tax for the higher price they create, or issuing massive amounts of worthless stock, for companies without profits, or reselling ‘fiat money’, mortgages, new stock issues, privately issued currency, fractional credit, etc.

The specific ‘financial instrument’ that prints money for bankers and speculators, latter paid as taxes and higher prices or exploded bubbles of false money downloaded on the middle classes does not matter so much as the capacity to print ‘new money’ with new digital machines and ‘invent’ a figurative, huge value with mass-media propaganda, censored information and attached ‘private agencies of ratings and economic press and think tanks’. So i could as soon as computers were applied to creation of e-money and monetary markets were deregulated 20 years ago, forecast the repetition of the long and short, 72-7 years crashes of fiat private electronic money, in my first papers coming out of Columbia University on Monetary Systems.

And indeed, there was a predicted a crash of worthless stocks, whose prices had been jacked up by speculators and unloaded before bursting the bubble on the middle classes in 2001, 72 years latter after the bubble of 1929; and there was 7 years latter a crash of false real state value, the mortgage crash, 72 years after the crash of New York Real State skyscrapers in 1937. And so it is only left of those speculative schemes the crash of the Dollar, as fiat money is now printed without limit by the Fed NOT to kick out the economy but to pay wars and bail outs to banks, similar to the 1922 crash of the mark that brought fascism to Germany.

All this we predicted 20 years ago, and it has happened as a ‘cancerous’ system of absorption of blood-money, our capitalist society with private bankers on top CANNOT avoid to print and waste amazing amounts of fiat money and pay all kind of corrupted politicos, economists, think tanks and financial press to hide it all.

RECAP. The leit motiv of capitalism: the production of as much digital money as possible.

In that regard, capitalism is much closer to any of the reproductive automaton systems of nature. In capitalism the reproduction of money is the leit motiv of a capitalist system, whose people on top has a single goal: to emit as much digital numbers called money as possible and rule the world with them. And of course, to use it to attach it to things that become valued by monetary ‘values’ and ‘owned’ by those who monopolize as parasites of mankind its issue.

This creates as in all corrupted systems an ugly collateral effect. an entire structure of faked truths must be built to hide such simple language controlling people in such an obvious way. So what capitalism does is to completely deny and corrupt our concepts of social systems, democracy, humanity as a super organism, and how networks work, how money works, creating an astounding noise of fictions, victimisms, pseudo-religions and go(l)d churches, reinforcing weapon systems of maximal profits and control, you name it…



All Civilinations mix memes of the 2 supœrganisms of this planet, defined by the equation of Complexity that defines the growing complexity of the supœrganisms of Mother Earth, among which we find History:

Gaia (relative past-life earth) < History (present-Human earth) > Metal-earth (Machines: economic system)

In the graph the equation of History defines 3 relative super organisms of history, and so the 7 cultures of mankind evolved through time display memetic structures belonging to those 3 ‘sub-organisms’:

We can easily define the 7 cultures of the world by its initial beliefs in one of those super organisms:

GAIA: So Africa ‘believes’ as the remaining Paleolithic cultures of the arctic regions in Gaia. So do the earlier Indonesian cults (sacred water rivers in Hindi traditions).

Buddhist Asia believes in both, Gaia and Mankind as super organisms to ‘worship’.

MANKIND: Catholic Latin America and Islam believe in the History as the super organism to cherish with anthropomorphic, subconscious, collective Gods.

METAL-EARTH: Europe believes in both, History and the Metal-earth.

Finally America is unique in putting the Metal-earth and the Financial-Media/Military-Industrial system of company-mothers who FOUNDED their civilization, as the ‘supreme Good and Only future of the planet’, with its exceptionalism lineal progress in time towards a mechanical paradise.

So the classification of the 7 cultures WITHIN the super organisms of the higher SCALE of the Earth is obvious.

And as usual we have to study the two sides of each culture the metal-side and the human side. The metal-side of Europe is its northern-European culture, founder of the machine, the human side its southern-European Latin culture, founder of humanism, today in decline.

So what is Europe? As always both things, humane and mechanical. but the mechanical civilization seems to have won the future of history.



The Earth today is ruled by money, so two questions come immediately to the mind – the language of money, a digital, numeric language that compares all objects and selects them by price according to the quality they display in the tasks they perform: Man (salary) < Money > Object (Price).

This is the essential equation of money as a digital language and as such belongs to the ‘phyla’ of reproductive languages that allow a system to distribute and exchange goods for its combination and creative reproduction, similar to the hormonal language used by the blood system to active the reproduction of goods I the organism.

The second question is who issues the language of money and therefore rules as a culture the world. This is akin to searching for the origins of the hormonal language, which are reproduced by endocrine glands. In the western world the role of issuing money as a language for historic and geographic reasons has been for most of history, arguably still is specially in the Anglo-American culture that dominates all others, a monopoly of the Jewish culture, born in Canaan, the knot of trade of 3 continents, and the two most dense civilizations of the fertile crescent, Mesopotamia and Egypt which therefore chose first among nations the use of money as a language of power to rule society instead of weapons – military societies, of which the epitome of that age was Assyria and its heirs, the Persian kingdom – or the wor(l)d, democratic ones, which were represented by the Greek-Latin, legalist culture.

And this has meant an enormous influence for good or bad of the Jewish culture, and its daughter civilization, the Anglo-American biblical culture, which also shares its fundamental two memes, the Old Testament and the belief that go(l)d must rule societies above weapons and words (capitalist culture).

Since money has finally won the battle for the control of history as a language to military cultures based in weapons and democratic or ethic, religious cultures based in words, which this writer hauling from Barcelona, the 3rd knot of trade and communication after Athens and Firenze, of the Greek-Latin-Hispanic culture, moving steadily west through the Mediterranean peninsulas represents.

So contrary to belief we don’t live in a world shaped by the European culture, the daughter civilization of the democratic, human-centered, artistic, sensorial, Latin civilization, today represented by the European Union, but a world ruled by the memes, beliefs, tragedies and financial-media empires and academic beliefs specially in social sciences and economics, developed by the Jewish and Anglo-American civilization, converted to its values and 2 essential memes, Go(l)d and the Bible.

What about military cultures? As it happens because money, despite being a mathematical language, was for very long associated due to its power to compare and value being through its digital syntax with the most precious substance, atomic gold, which happens to be the best informative atom of metal, and weapons are also made of the hardest, most energetic form of metal, iron, by affinity of substances, in the go(l)d cult(ure), both substances became affine as similar beings come together in the organic Universe. So weapons have always been the most expensive goods in terms of gold, and since earlier times became symbiotic to the go(l)d culture, a mercenary culture by definition, at an age in which 70% of metal-money was used in the art of war – reason why today also those 3 go(l)d cultures are at the height of the military world (name we shall use for the dominant Jewish, English and American daughter civilizations of each other, to avoid the excessively used and charged of negative values, ‘capitalist culture’ and the meaningless in scientific terms as it makes no reference to the languages that shape the culture, but merely to artificial border divisions, ‘English’, ‘American’ or ‘Jewish’ ‘Israeli’ nations).

So we talk of 3 languages of power, which structure the paradoxes and battles of history, the wor(l)d, the natural biological language of mankind, on one side, whose values and syntax we shall study next; and on the other side together two languages of metal, weapons and go(l)d, which developed a global ‘capitalist’ empire, that spread the culture buying and killing and buying and killing, whose classic age would happen in the British Empire; and whose memes through its main social institution, the company-mother of machines and weapons are now the globalized memes of our single dominant culture.

That is why we talk of 3 languages, 2 cultures and 1 future, the future designed by the values of go(l)d and weapons, as opposed to the alternative future of lesser probability of truth, guided by the values of the wor(l)d above money and weapons.

Though this simple scheme of realpolitiks and real history is somewhat camouflaged, because as it seems obvious for most people that a world ruled by weapons and money is hierarchical, non-democratic, where life and human values are ‘cheap’, as opposed to ‘expensive profitable weapons’ and where company-mothers of machines and weapons are not human mothers and so his goal is to terraform the world to the image and likeness of its machines and weapons for the profits of Go(L)d they deliver, the true success of the go(l)d culture has been to create a ‘placebo cover’ of seemingly verbal, human values, called capitalist democracies, where the inefficient structures of human government cancelled by the opposition of bipartisan groups of politicos, corrupted and bought by money to usher laws not in favor of citizens but of company-mothers and its owners, seem to rule supreme, while all reference to the fact that the languages of power of society, money is privately issued, by financiers and corporations, while humans have only access to it, through work and taxation seems somewhat ‘invisible’. How this is done is simple: through the control of informative machines that print not only money, as a digital language, but also audiovisual information and academic information. So we define the people-caste in power in the world today, imitated as the go(l)d culture has globalized its institutions in all nations, but more crystal clear in its original Anglo-American world, as the FMAsters, Financial-Media-Academia Masters, who own the information networks of machines that deliver and imprint, manufacture, we might say the collective subconscious brain of mankind.

And they have been doing so in the past, through different means, first with gold and the Bible, as digital and verbal informative memes in which people of this culture believed; then in a softer version, expanding those memes to the whole of the western world with Christianity, and finally when informative machines truly allow the massive imprinting of those memes, with paper-money, that represented stocks of machines and weapons and its company-mothers, the yellow press, and a series of pedantic, idol-ogies that worship metal as the meaning of progress and the future of mankind, and today pass as ‘science’, that is as ‘dogma of truth’.

Obviously today 7.5 billion people except perhaps this writer and a few ‘intellectuals’ in Europe and China, the equivalent legal, verbal civilization of the East, completely believe that the memes of the go(l)d culture, and its institution, the company-mother of machines and weapons are the only and best future for humanity, and its form of government, capitalist democracy, the only and best system of government, and its purpose and hidden goal – even if the human part of it, just think in terms of fetish go(l)d profits, to make a world to the image and likeness of those machines – the meaning of progress, the ‘future’. So we always talk of the manifest destiny and lineal time, and single arrow of future, and technoutopian wonders.

But the very few ‘survival’ ‘intellectuals’ (a word which is almost an insult in the go(L)d culture) who uphold the values of the world dissent… It is worth then to remember again the values of the other culture, which this paper represents to my knowledge in its most evolved form anywhere of the world – even if obviously the number of readers is extremely reduced, as humans are connected to the networks of information and memetic dogmas of the culture that won the battle of history.

The lanwave equations: grammars of the 3 languages.

To understand the battle of History all we need are the linguistic equations of the 3 languages of social power of human societies. All languages do have A Ternary Universal grammar, as proved by Chomsky for verbal languages, and extended by this author in his work on systems sciences, as they are vehicles to relate a subject, owner of the language and an object manipulated by the language.

But the system doesn’t run alone, even if networks and systems already in place do, with increasingly non-verbal digital Algorithms carried by computer thought. So we must also cast the existence of those 2 futures, one favorable to humanity and life in control of the evolution of the metal earth and other favorable to corporations and machines, which as all ‘radiations of species’ will undoubtedly overpopulate the planet and displace not only Gaia, which is already doing, in the 6th extinction of life, but mankind, which driven by his ego doesn’t really notice… in terms of a millenarian fight between two type of cultures, those who put the verbal, human language, and its syntax in favor of mankind as the subject of all sentences, of higher value than objects:

Man-Subject < Verb-Action<Object-Energy of the subject

  1. those fundamentalist cultures that put metal-power, which considers ‘right’ to use weapons and gold above the law to control societies regardless of its opposite ‘syntax:

Warrior (Subject)> Weapon-Action > Human (Corpse) or

Banker-company > man (slave, worker) = money = object (machine),

which either puts the warrior in the old age or the issuer of money, company of financier above mankind, always below the weapon or machine that substitutes him in labor and war fields…

Only societies where the law actively controls weapons & money can build a humanist civilization,

The key to understand reality beyond the individual is the way in which a language of information programs a mass of citizens-cells that agree to speak the simple values of the language. Then the intelligence of the language does the rest. In history this means we must consider essentially two languages, words that value more humans and build a world to our image and likeness, with the obvious limits of the human condition; and money, a metal language with affinity to weapons and machines of metal of maximal price which builds a world to the image and likeness of metal-memes with its positive symbiotic but mostly negative effects for mankind, as the most expensive=overeproduced goods in a fundamentalist go(l)d cult(ure) as CAPITALISM is, hauling from earlier Jewish->Protestant fetish go(l)d religions. Hence in capitalist democracies where money dominate the law, war cycles of overeproduction of weapons are tuned to technological evolution and 90% of money is issued by corporations and spent in evolving and reproducing machines and weapons, which increasingly displace us from labor and war fields.  The only future for mankind thus would happen if our leading culture, the Anglo-American civilization founder of company-mothers and placebo democracies, ruled by its FMAsters who control the Financial-Media-Academia system imposing a fundamentalist capitalist view of the future, albeit disguised with fictions and placebo newspeak of political and economical correctness, changes for a more humane, legalist culture EU-UNO-Chinese style, where laws can control the lethal goods of the tree of science. The true battle of History has always been between the languages that must rule the wor(l)d: the ethic legal word that puts man, the ‘subject’ as the center of reality, manipulated through its actions=verbs as objects=energy ab=used by the subject: Man(subject)>verb(action)>object. Such legalist cultures are humanist cultures, notably the Latin>Social European>EU vs. cultures that made of symbiotic informative metal go(l)d and entropic metal weapons the language of power above the law. Those cultures born with the discovery by the Semites of metal as a tool of power anti-democratic ruled by people-castes, which in the west were traditionally matriarchal Jewish cultures and machist Arab and Indo-Europeans, fusion in Northern Europe, which transfer that power to the company-mother of machines, the institution that has ruled the Anglo-American culture since biblical reformation put the Jewish financial elite on top. Had the Anglo-American culture become truly enlightened as Germany did after II world war, becoming legalist, ‘European’, reigned over the issue of money, human mothers would have a future. As company-mothers issue its money and buy politicos and laws to favor its species, mankind is doomed. While the Anglo-Americans have become puppets of the eternal ‘Semite wars’ between the original fundamentalist ‘gold-iron’ cults of biblical Judaism and Arab Jihads

So yes, the people of the wor(l)d are pessimists: Their last philosophical movements of note were called surrealism (reality is nuts) and existentialism (we are all going under) because that is the perspective of the human values the language sponsor (today also crystal clear in the parables of future of the only section of the go(l)d culture that still have humanist values – the dissidents of Hollywood and its sci-fi prophecies).

So happens with those of eusocial love religions, which talk of the culture of death (Pope), speak of Nirvana (extinction) as the final release from so much evil, war and suffering (Buddhism) or are in inquisitorial mood, in the ‘mixed culture’ of Islam that puts similar value to the word and the sword (jihads, repression and mostly useless attempts to control the memes of the gold culture that invade us all).


The wave of history modulates the evolution of metal-memes of information against the social evolution of mankind as a species into a global super organism, aborted every 800-80 years accelerated cycle of increasing metal-complexity with global ages of wars. Thus the human side peak when war and animetal belli Nervi pecunia infinita cycles recede. It is when welfare, art and human senses reach its peak.

Then in the angst period of prophetic thought, when a new horde of animetals and its memes come to destroy it all, a humanist ethic prophet the wor(l)d warn humanity on the impeding catastrophe of those who eat of the golden and evil weapons of the tree of technology, because they will also die in the final Gotterdammerung of war and holocaust as we move relentlessly through the ± 800-80-8 climatic weapons; generational machine & monetary long, medium & short wave cycles of evolution and re≈production of Metalearth:

The graphs of those cycles.


We often use a paradoxical visual depiction of cultural waves, as all civilizations have intertwined the 3 ‘languages of power’ whose interactions make the wave move forward, legal words, financial money and military weapons. They are in fact lanwaves – languages that guide herds of people with its rule of engagement.

In war to kill the enemy and make it a corpse. And not counting them. In wor(l)ds to only love and expect the highest goal of the wor(l)d of eusocial evolution will solve it all. Humans are in-built lineal in logic for so long that all this makes impossible for them to transcend into the next level of causality, ‘duality and trinity’ as 2 merge into 3 (or 2 merge and oppose a third). History works then on the causality of 3 different lanwaves, the monetary, military and verbal, ethic languages. But each seeks his goal, gold herding, land herding through war conquest and eusocial love, without much caring about the other elements. However because gold and war, reproductive and entropic metal are of the same substance as languages external to man, they come together. And as their values are opposite to those of life – with no price and killed by weapons, they often oppose the ethic wor(l)d. And this is the battle and paradox of History that all the patterns of those cycles reflect.

This is so obvious that those are the 2 oldest graphs of Biohistory – 30 years – are the basis of the entire understanding of bio-history and its patterns – and yet so ‘obscure’ for the lineal animetal that worships the manifest destiny of its idols, weapons, money and machine that Bio-historian has gone no where. The ‘enzyman’, ‘animetal’ stupid refuses to believe truth and resorts always to magic to deny those obvious patterns, as ‘Go(l)d’ and ‘weapons’ cannot be blamed, so ‘man kills, weapons don’t’ and capitalism is always good, there are NO crimes of money. As money is a language of information, and as such ‘invisible and fast’ in its motions (so we hide money, the black hole that manages the galaxy with gravitational invisible information is also invisible, hidden by a ‘disguise of light’ in its center, etc.), it is easier to deny financial causality. Follow the money is the causality of the modern world where go(l)d has become the only language of power, and so the previous graph is essential to understand causality.

How those 3 languages interact to form the patterns of all the graphic cycles of history we write in those volumes? Here is where the ‘stupid’ single causality makes them difficult to understand because their interaction is different.

The wor(l)d wave.

The wave of informative, verbal thought has a single patterns of constant growth in information, from birth to extinction according to the 3 life ages, but as life goes by and one gets older information becomes negative, pessimistic, since past the T/2 point of maximal existential force (SxT), the future comes into decline in its ‘energy’ and ‘entropic motion’. This applied to a civilization means that the civilization or nation no longer expands its vital space, and while it might get wiser, the force and happiness of youth goes away.

How this translates into the wor(l)d prophets is obvious: at T/2 often the ‘new seed’ of a wor(l)d culture appears (T/2 Jesus in the graph in the middle of the coin age), because it is the equidistant further point of the Maximal weapons’ wave; which peaks BOTH at the beginning of the new ‘wave of barbarians’ in the epic age of the new warrior top predators, but also with a NEGATIVE slant at the end when new ‘barbarians’ ad portas are going to kill the previous aristocratic elite.

So T/2 is an important point for the seed of a new wor(l)d doctrine. But the final region of death of the wave of a civilization ruled usually by animetal coalitions of weapons and go(l)d masters is also important for the wor(l)d for 2 reasons. 1) It has increased through the 3 ages the information of society, so eclectic masters that summon up all the work of the civilization, as this who writes, can summarize it, ‘squeeze’ it into the ‘finitesimal mirror of the language’ and distill its essence in a few wor(l)ds. ‘Brevitas’… But also because the invaders have not yet imposed its dictatorial order, and the rulers are too weak and concerned with invaders to care to repress art and thought. So the 3rd age of the wave, in the ‘ad portas’ of barbarian death paradoxically give us the most ‘splendorous’ forms of informative art, which is obviously in-form-ative, baroque, with excessive form and angst.

It is then also a point along the T/2 where we find very often the birth of a new prophet that tries to resurrect the civilization, with new pure ethics against the decadence of the empire. But as often death is just a mechanical question of technological weapons, it doesn’t succeed. However as it pure seed of wor(l)d thought is better than the previous one, it normally crosses the discontinuum and matches the purity of the invaders, converting them. So Jesus passed through the stirrup discontinuum that killed the Roman aristocracy and as a pure new form of love matched the epic barbarians, which when settled, becoming humans converted.

So Prophetic religious waves tend to have a: 400-prophetic life<800-ethic civilization>800 Long decline generator of its 3 Lives in 3 different cycles.

This inverse duality between the war and the wor(l)d wave is easy to spot through art and so we have, in the general wave of history placed pieces of art in the 3rd age of the war wave, and make the wave of prophets to be displaced T/2 in the low part of the graph to signify most prophets are born and seed a new civilization at T/2.

Which lead us to consider the ST-parameter of ‘existential momentum/force’ for the wave of existence of any system. Normally for all other physical and biological systems, the ¥-axis means the ‘force’ or momentum, M(s) x V( (T) or M(s) x A(T) of the system. So those waves of existence can be easily approached in physics to ‘waves’ and ‘graphs of momentum’ or ‘acceleration’. We shall not enter into those details, which we will post in papers on physics, the other great discipline I studied in more depth with 5D, but for personal reasons I no longer care much about (I was the leading plaintiff on the global suits against CERN and the LHC that plans to do strange matter and black holes on Earth, and might blow up the planet with the excuse of understanding better the lineal false big-bang of ‘stupid’ physical time science; and needless to say the ad hominem campaign that followed closed my scholar career). Still it is a fascinating analysis because in physics we can indeed, quantify perfectly those waves of existence, which often as in light waves or Tsunami waves have its ‘temporal phases’ ‘drawn in reality’. So the graph becomes reality itself, the mind of the program of existence imprints the Universe. But ultimately what all those ST waves represent is precisely that, an S-wave of populations, with a ‘motion’ that imprints its force or momentum. So this is more difficult to measure in populations of biological or sociological systems. I.e. we can measure the population of a species, but how we measure its force? This is a non-quantitative, but qualitative, topological element, and so it cannot be ‘measured’ in terms of 4D scientific ‘stupid ceteris paribus dogmas’ (‘all what cannot be measured does not exist.’ Planck).

Still we ca easily measure waves of thought, by the number of believers in a religion or ideology by the number of its believers. I.e. departing from a first believer, the seed of the religion or book or political master, we can measure the number of believers, or the people who vote to the party, and also establish a measure of the force=intensity of its different elements, according to the force of those beliefs – the people who are registered in the party, the people who go to mass, the number of priests, the percentage of aristocrats of a society.

A seed however defines all those waves always. And the same can be said of technological and financial waves. We can measure them by the number of weapons produced, or the ‘quantity of speculative, inflationary money’ created when one new form of money is invented – which is inverse to the truth of the world, its corruption by idol-ogies not so easy to quantify (today we are obviously in a symbiotic age of a wave of speculative e-money and digital weapons, which have sunk to low levels the ethic of the wor(l)d. How then we quantify on top of the metal-wave the wor(l0d wave if it is based in something so ‘qualitative’ as the ‘ethic truths and its values opposed to those of money and weapons? An easy way is to measure the inverse function of idol-ogies that deny the wave of eusocial love of the wor(l0d, that is nationalist idologies in parties on modern democracies (the machine age as we showed in the previous graph is much easier to quantify as it is complex enough to have multiple elements to do so). Consider the next two waves, which are similar as they belong to two countries with a similar hierarchical social structure, and are now going through the same 3rd age of maximal parasitic money and weapons production and maximal wor(l)d ethic production. It is obvious that the seed of both started with the end of the T/2 period of humanism of their waves, as they entered the 3rd age of weapons production and keep growing, till they explode in the way ALL waves of increasing reproduction and evolution of weapons and money against the values of the wor(l)d do – in an age of global war. They do NOT measure the ethics of Germany and U$, but obviously as they are inverse functions of eusocial love and wor(l)d ethics they measure the inverse. The waves are from the 92 book bio-history, hence its poor graphs but we have ‘filled’ at least for the 2000s Mr. Bush Jr. (in the original drawing we thought Powell would be the perfect first ‘negro’ president after winning Desert Storm when its made the drawing, upon my conclusion of a master at Columbia U. – needless to say the inclusion of these graphs ended under the anti-quantum paradox nt.2 any chance for bio-history to become the standard science of humanism:

Beyond the knee-jerk reaction of the ‘Schopenhauer’s stupid’ perfectly indoctrinated by ceteris paribus analysis, ‘simplify man you are a marine’ (born on 4th of July, stone), we can see on all those graphs the interaction of the 3 lanwaves throughout all civilizations even if its form changes. Notice the ‘highlighted’ lettering on the top graph: ‘the leader should be a primitive from the heartland, ‘master of TV’-thought’. That is, if Hitler was a primitive from Bavaria that was master of the metal-communicator of the age, ‘radio-hate’, which by definition as ALL INDUSTRIAL METAL-communicators are the inverse function of the waves of verbal ethic religious thought, in the age of TV the leader had to be a masters of TV-thought, and in the age of Internet, we add also his capacity to ‘make false statements of egocy also in internet’. So the leaders were Reagan and now Trump a TV-celebrity master of egocy in Internet. Egocy is fundamentally the inverse value to eusocial love, hence, the corrupted phase of a civilization have masters of egocy, and in the modern age, use the metal-communicators that fast spread its languages. In the next graph thus we see the masters of egocy, both at individual and nazionalist level of the different cycles of the age of the machine, starting by the egocy of Calvin and Luther who HAD THE arrogance of substituting the gospel, crystal clear message of charity and eusocial love, by its faith and anti-charity and racist chosen of go(l)d return to the old testament proclaiming ‘de facto’ themselves ‘new Prophets, superior to Christ’ – hence ultimately they were the antichrists of the 3rd age of Christianity which exploded its organisms into sects no longer Christian, but neo-Jewish in old testament value. Hence we do not call ‘Calvinist’ ‘gospelians’ or ‘Christians’ but ‘Calvinists’. His prophet is Calvin, his method if anti-truth to spread his messages the books sold, which quantify the growth of his antihumanist idol-ogy. In the paradoxical universe thus anti-quantities matter. And the same can be said of money, as it can be wealthy healthy money when used to reproduce human goods, given to all people vs. parasitic money herded by the people-caste that uses it to ab=use people, corrupt politics and produce a general ‘anoxia’ of the oxygen of society. So we can measure CONTRARY TO MODERN classic corrupted economists the degree of corruption of a society and how close is to war by the growth of money in the lethal sectors of the economy of maximal price in stocks I.e. again the maximal growth of stocks in America happened during II world war, and then during the Korean war, etc. And the same can be said of industrial production with positive and negative values for Gdp.


Money and weapons understood as metal information and entropic metal, as 2 forms of raw power to ab=use the 99% of mankind have carried the day in the battle for a future of history, and the consequences have been the 800-80 years cycles of wars and holocausts, which all mankind has suffered – even those who carry the memes of animetal raw power at the end of the cycles when loosing wars (holocaust cycles). Such historic structure formed the British Empire, developed during European history the 800 years cycles of over reproduction of weapons of maximal value, and the 80 years cycles of wars, always controlled by the alliance of gold chosen bankers and Germanic warriors, since the Middle age alliance of Franks and Vikings with Radhanite slave traders, which dominated slave and weapons traffic in Eastern Europe (giving the name of slaves to its population) and Western Europe (masterminding the eunuch and children’s traffic with Islam), through the age of slave traffic (2o million dead in the process), and finally transferring those values to the concept of a company-mother of machines where workers have no rights (white slaves) and those who issue money can buy corporations, reproduce without limit e-money numbers and control corrupted politicos – the modern version of the military mercenary men that backed their power in the 800 years cycles… Only in the II world war the alliance broke giving origin to the ‘victimist newspeak’ of the holocaust Industry.

The graph is 30 years old. And yet amazing as it seems the understanding of the wave of history has never become mainstream academia. Since it is essential to the victory of the ‘animetal cultures’ to control not only financial, but also media and academia information, limiting the distribution of the truths of the wor(l)d. And indeed go(l)d NOT the people of the lower graph and its cultures, but the substance and its hypnotic greedy, debasing qualities seems to have won the battle of history for them, accompanied to the necessary murder of most of the prophets of the wor(l)d that opposed this no way out for mankind.

A civilization is established by the language that rule it, even if the 3 are always present, and as the Universe is a ternary game; there are only 3 type of civilizations:

– Those where there is an effort to put the ethic law above money and weapons; that is where wor(l)ds try to rule but normally end in the age of metal, save few exceptions and r=evolutionary ages dominated by:

– Those where weapons rule.

– And those, only appearing with the expansion of the Anglo-American culture where money rule and contrary to belief are worse than those of weapons, because when money rules it erases the brain of people and so erase heads who no longer use words for truth cannot be reformed, while weapon cultures use the word for truth, as weapons are entropic mindless objects and so they can be reformed.

And as all civilizations have regions with the 3 languages, we can divide them in 3.

Europe thus in its 800 arch is dominant in weapons, in its sea and river north-south shorter connections (Rhine and Vistula-Dniester) is trade oriented, and then in its North-East vs. South-West division of Latin Europe vs. Germanic Europe is word-legal-eusocial vs. metal-custom-individual.

This is the division that matters most of bio-history. And because the part which is Legal-love-Life oriented, the 3 mild Ls… is much smaller, roughly the Northern Mediterranean peninsulas; expanding intermittently north-west; and the part it is war oriented is huge, all the rest and at sometimes western Siberia, Europe is in tune with the entropic lineal visual mind of its people.

On the other hand and this is what makes Asia so outstanding for the bio-historian in his search of the ideal eternal, legal, correctly organized civilization, China is verbal, legal, informative, life and love oriented and it is HUGE within Asia, occupying both in land and population ¾ of its civilization.

Unlike Africa that could not resist the destructive evil of the JAM metal-money oriented cult(ure) for very long; China did resist even after being plunged by animetal barbarians coming first from Europe and then from the Nomadic North – a culture in between both, mixture of Mongoloid and Caucasoid types and languages.

So After the ideal age of the Neolithic, with its inexact verbal history but likely carrying true dynasties, as the 3000-2200 period of the chronicle of the first emperors DO correspond with a perfect 800 years cycle, and narrates a ‘human series’ of people who develop as the first Pharaohs in Egypt an organized collective system of irrigation proper of all the great valley rivers civilizations; there it comes a shorter dynasty which again seems by all means to be historic since it lasts T/2 = 400 years, which is the maximal ‘resistance a civilization has’ to a new radiation of animetals; which at the height of its 800 years cycle – that is at the height of its overeproduction of weapons is bound to raze the land and conquer. And the narration of Historians is also crystal clear. This is a civilization no longer occupied with the Neolithic building of an irrigation systems, measures and crops, cities and culture but o dynasty on the defensive against barbarians, who resists but finally succumbs to the ‘Shang’ charioteers Indo-Europeans that destroyed the Neolithic paradise every where.

Let us then say that by Europe we mean 2 Europes: Latin Europe is the ‘civilized’ verbal Europe which roughly coincides with the continent minus the Jewish->Protestant Anglo-American culture in its pure states, which for a period roughly between the XVII and the middle of the XX century, included the Germanic Hinterland from Sweden to Switzerland; where racism, selfishness, and all the hate and segregational memes of the old testament were the subconscious of most of its population; and company-mothers of machines and weapons and its financiers organized most of its life.

At different points however that Europe has been part of the milder Europe we shall study here – Latin Europe, the old Roman Empire and the Slav World, in its most cultured part (the border line of the Vistula and Dniester, with an old social Neolithic dense civilization) so many times ran over by the ‘barbarian ad portas’ German colonists and Russian imperialists. We of course do not have time and patience to trace a digital program of changing borders between all the cultures of mankind. So WE distinguish the 2 Europes; Northern Europe, which gave birth to Anglo-America, but after world war I and II became part of Latin Europe in its final evolution, the European Union, masterminded by Italy and France. So all what we explained of Anglo-America and its cycles applies to Northern Europe through most of its 800-80 year cycles reason why we study it in Volume I.

And the Greek Latin Europe whose culture evolved reason, science, organicism, art and made of man the measure of all things, evolved west in 3 ‘horizons’, the first Age of Greece, expanded to the Roman empire in the coin cycle (400 Bc-400 AD), which lasted as Byzantium in the Cavalry cycle, adding the eusocial messages of love of Christianity to the legal systems of verbal Rome.

– The Italian Renaissance, which became Greece II, as Byzantium’s wor(l)d survivors moved to the peninsula, expanded to Spain that played the Roman warrior role, and France, which substituted Spain in the XVII c.

– The Europe of the French R=evolution, which maintained those ideals of a world in which man was above the machine, weapons and money that the North-European JAM culture still worships. It expanded East with the Russian R=evolution and reconquered the continent with the European Union, but now is dying away as JAM reconquered Europe with the creation of a central bank that only creates money for corporations and it is killing by austericide the welfare European system that promoted the goods humans need to survive first.

There is this innocent view of the western world so often hold by its elites, specially in Europe, that the European, rational, humanist, democratic, social culture born in Greece and Rome, expanded during the renaissance and revived by the French and American earlier enlightenment and r=evolution,  which this paper represents in its 3rd memetic horizon (Spanish & French social r=evolutions and scientific and artistic organicism), are the foundational culture of the modern world.

This is not truth. Unfortunately today its spiritual heirs, EU and UNO are irrelevant. And this has been truth for a long time, as the Latin-European, continental culture lost the battle of History in 3 clear fights for lack of Unification.

First when the Italian humanist renaissance culture went under the boot of the German Habsburg kings and never unified with its Spanish brother-culture, loosing both also its religious battle for the original Gospel’s view of Neo-platonic love, charity and sacred man and his artistic senses above war and go(l)d to the revivalism of the Jewish biblical go(l)d culture brought about by reformation.

It became then clear that the battle between a world made to the image and likeness of mankind in control of the lethal traits and symbiotic values of selfish metal-memes, go(l)d and weapons, proper of the first animetal ‘Semite cultures’ (Arab warriors, biblical go(l)d cults) would in many ways a battle for the future of humanity and as the Germanic people had clearly sided on the side of reformation and weapons during the 30 years war, the battle would be played by the English people, which were both of Latin genetics (80% Basques) and had an enormous influence of the Latin Europeans culture.

If the English-American people sided with humanity above metal, humanity would have a future; if they sided with the Biblical bigotry, and its racist memes of go(l)d and weapons, above humanity, as fundamentalist Semite cultures who discovered those memes had done, mankind would be doomed.

That is the way to see History, NOT at national but at cultural level the battle that ensued and was lost first because gunboats were industrial weapons and so no longer mattered the courage of the warrior but the reach of the cannonball. So England first succumbed to the Biblical bigotry- as it had failed before to unify southern and northern ‘Basques’, Spain and England under Henry and Catalina, with a heir; then when the Iberian empire succumbed to bigot Habsburg imperialism and broke into two nations, failing latter to unify Italy, Spain and France under the Bourbons in the Utrecht treaty, the second round of that was ended; and of course in the last of those battles, directed now by France, in the Canadian-Indian wars and then at Trafalgar, when the combined Spanish and French fleet were defeated by Nelson, a single winner culture that had converted England from its original European birth to fundamentalist go(l)d and war memes came on top.

That was the last battle between the rational, scientific, organic, humanist, artistic culture of ‘Europe’ and the Northern, Fundamentalist animetal culture of go(l)d, machines and weapons directed by company-mothers that put METAL above man. But have built an astounding camouflage of newspeak of caring and placebo social power called capitalist democracy.

This is the first absurd fact most Europeans even Americans who think they come from Greece and the French illustration through his founding fathers fail to recognize. In the battle of western history between those who put man above metal, the European original culture and those who put metal above man, the Northern European Biblical go(l)iron cultures because metal is more powerful than flesh, the Northern cultures won.

There were then a series of nationalist battles between industrial nations, all converted to the manifest destiny of evolving weapons and machines above man, all of them repressing any attempt to r=evolve the system to serve the 90% of humanity. Those are the anecdotes of tribal warfare we observe every other day in History Channel – today mass media rewrites history in a fairy tale of the supposed victors, but matter nothing to the ‘true deep’ battle of history between the 3 ‘ages of Earth’ Gaia, the Earth of life, History, the age of mankind and the metal-earth, as only the Latin culture in the west and the Chinese culture in the East tried to find a balance between Gaia and the metal-earth with man on top, guiding social history to its immortal perfect form, the Wor(l)d union and the ethonomic model if welfare explained in those texts.  


Let us then remind the reader of the 3 type of cultures and values that have guided history:
In the graph, gold and weapons, informative and entropic metal value each other ad maximal while words and ethic laws value man on top. So the huge difference of cultures between goldiron, Aryan and Semite, today American cultures vs. Greek, rational Latin European cultures that put the law above gold and iron is obvious: one favors the evolution of metal and is guiding mankind towards its extinction, the other can control it with laws.

So only a culture of legal power can make man survive. The other two cultures  both put money and weapons above man. In the west they belong to the same biblical racist cultures with its two millenarian prophecies, that of the III Reich – an empire of one thousand years with Germans as the superior race by virtue of its military power on top, and the original Talmudic prophecy of the banker-priests of Israel who would ‘at the end of times make all humans slaves of Yahweh  or exterminate them’.

Whatever of the two variations of metal-power above man, the slave hypnotic go(l)d on top or the military genocider with his weapons, merely follows the traditions that go back to the first Semite and Aryan empire with smiths and fire as the vehicle of god, or go(l)d ex-votes as its fetish substance.

The difference of memes between gold and iron cultures is important to understand the modern world in which the gold capitalist culture dominates. Its differences are the same differences that happen between entropy and information, the 2 pure dimensional motions of spacetime that design the Universe with opposite forms. 

Iron is lineal, evident, energetic, and so as a rival species to the human body it kills us, in wars, it represses body-traits in military drill, it boats its importance because it imposes its power by showing off – as we know a weapon can kill us, so we need to see it. So are the German lineal, agglutinative languages and genocidal, military cultures.

Gold is informative metal – A small, digital, informative, invisible as a language of information, seemingly powerless, mental and those are the characteristics of Judaism as a gold religion. It does substitute, degrade and denies the mental values of the wor(l)d: truth, love, freedom enslaving people to work, cheating systematically with half-truths, ‘damned lies and statistics’. So a capitalist culture must dominate the mind, manufacture the brains, reduce to hate memes and ignorance the individuals submitted to its power, choked of credit, controlled in minds. And this is the big change we observe in the American culture when it came from dominance of the military-industrial complex before the 73, coup d’état, to be ruled by informative machines and the people-caste of Judaism, the financial-media masters that have for 50 years shaped the American $lave in life and thought.

Weapons kill, Gold enslaves minds. And that is why America, dominated by money is a nation of Go(l)d $laves.

So don’t be surprised that Trump America and its go(l)d culture is at odds with legalist Continental Europe for so long and now that America is its property and its people have been manufactured to be exactly as the 11 jabiru tribes were during the classic ages of Judaism, ruling over the Middle Ages world in alliance with Germanic warriors as aristocrats and tax-farmers and enslavers? Obviously because Europe is about Humanity, art and a future of the species, all those things that today matter so little. It is NOT a fundamentalist culture that sacrifices life to mechanisms and gold. And it IS NOT YET a culture that doesn’t read, only watches the Holocaust industry with its one-sided view of the history of capitalism as it is.

Since Mankind only could thrive, become free and survive if the European understanding of reason, humanity at the top of metal, money as nomisma, legal tender, NOT as substance, a language of value not a vehicle of god, the law, our natural language above both, today signified by EU and UNO, had dominated the world.


So in the battle of history while it lasted, the wor(l)d culture fought also for  the destruction of those idol-ogies that camouflage as humane but are completely in purpose and goal idol-ogies in favor of metal – nationalisms that sponsor the use of weapons to kill your neighbor, and Europe reduced to the champions league (: opening borders; abrahamic religions of chosen of go(l)d, with its biblical segregational memes and worship of money ‘the intelligence of god’ (Calvin), the substance of which ex-votes and sancta sanctorum of earlier Canaanite temples were made… So in a series of r=evolutions of thought, reason, art and human senses, the Greek-Latin culture tried to eliminate all those hidden memes (Greek culture, Renaissance, French and Russian revolutions, European Union till the ‘private’ ECB destroyed the welfare state issuing money only for banks and Germany imposed the industrial r=evolution 4.0 of robotics and the American FMAsters introduced Europe into its hate memes and Semite wars).

So while the realpolitiks of biological history and economics propose – to expand the EU-UNO model, first to Russia, Turkey and Israel, to make inroads into the Asian, Islamic and Anglo-American CULTURES, civilizing them back to humanism and work together for a new Wor(l)d order based in the values of the wor(l)d  is feasible – what we call  generically the animetal culture of go(l)d and weapons, as indeed metal is more important than life and the human psyche is so often reduced to a childish emotional, evil=anti-live set of violent and greedy memes, by the use of weapons and the hypnosis of go(l)d has clearly won the battle of history.

And it is now accelerating our demise thinking of course, because those are their beliefs and their values, dogmas, religions, and nationalistic memes that they have won history and implemented its Millenarian prophecies of global power through go(l)d, (Judaism), or its exceptionalism, manifest destiny to rule all mankind with armies and dollars, and digital satellites, controlled by the ‘neuronal caste of FMAsters, in command the organic blind body, of citizen believers, even if the cells perceive the hormones coming from its glands (secondary actors of this tragicomedy of historic proportions) Since the ultimate brain of the Planet today, those who issue money, and own audiovisual media prefer to delegate into corrupted politicos of their placebo democracies the guidance of the ‘sheeple’… sorry people addicted to its virtual screens, ego-trips of superiority, selfie divide and win strategies of childish happy life, unaware that children are the staple food of the Universe, and what is truly evolving is NOT mankind, clearly devolving in mind, intelligence, and ethics, the bondage of a truly dominant species… but the machines and weapons and company-mothers that rule us all. Not even the FMAsters regardless of its power are faring better in the question of evolution.

On the contrary its cultures are regressing, devolving to its most primitive nostalgic memes – Brexit UK, Apartheid Israel, Trump America… Yet when a super organism, and that is what mankind is, becomes disconnected of its ethic, social nervous systems, denies the values of its natural language that makes it the center of reality and obeys the memes of the viral infection and its DNA-language, the memes and values of go(l)d, it ceases indeed to be a single species, a super organism of healthy citizens cells and we can predict its imminent collapse.

So yes, the gold culture has won the battle of history to the wor(l)d and that only means the viral infection of animetal selfish memes will kill us all but they cannot see it, since as the Indians of the prairie put it, when they saw them coming in iron horses, tendering only for their machines, they are no longer ‘human beings’.

There is zero mystery about the future which we have forecasted for 30 years with absolute precision since we self-publish after rejection by economic think tanks and publishers, in a small print now deceased, whose name I liked ‘Bookmasters’, along the main laws of 5D. At that time I finally realized why it was impossible to explain bio-economics. Simply speaking, what we call classic economics was the brain child NOT of historians concerned with human life, or even mathematicians, concerned with the quantitative patterns of re=production but with employees of those company-mothers. So obviously they didn’t bite the ‘hand that feds them’. Moreover an immense majority of them – including Nobel prizes given by a private bank, belonged to the JAM culture, whose biblical segregational go(l)d memes, considered irrelevant the well-being of the 99%. They were mostly financiers – the father of the discipline Mr. Ricardo was a Jewish stock-broker, his forebear, Mr. Adam Smith a Calvinist ‘client’ of the Montagu family owner of the private bank of England. And so ultimately there is a group of humans, the owners of stock companies, we shall call ari-stockrats, which owned them and had a very narrow primitive memetic view of what humans are, what is their purpose – to serve them, the chosen – and why nothing else matters but go(l)d. But so few, and so narrow views were multiplied ad infinitum by the information machines the ‘head’ of the metal-earth, which we call the Financial-media-Academia system used to print money and imprint the mind of people.

So I coined the concept of the anti-quantum paradox: me, the social scientist is so small compared to them, the company-mother of information and its anti-humanist stockrats that they will never distribute the true science of economics that could easily make the world a perfect immortal organism of History

How that could be done is simple. Money is only a number and its function is the same as that of oxygen in red blood cells, but an organism IS democratic economically, all bones produce red blood cells and all cells receive them, that is democracy and it works in all organisms : Adult humans have roughly 20–30 trillion red blood cells at any given time, constituting approximately 70% of all cells by number. they should NOT invent money, it would have to be given to all humans as the organism does in massive quantities and then all people would demand food and things they need and the world would be a paradise, but not even people can understand that they live in a state of permanent leukemia.

Because financial companies invent their language of re=production of goods, money…

The universe is ‘simple and not malicious’ (Einstein), if financiers have made their monopolistic systems of reproduction of money complicated is to avoid that people understand, the nature of languages to keep that privilege.

Indeed, the culture who hold that monopoly throughout western history are hardly 0.02% of mankind even if they make up +70% of CEOs of financial companies, CFOs, central bankers and Nobel prizes of economics given by a bank they also own. And throughout history the way they have come on top of mankind is rather simple . For 3000 years at least in the historic record, they have understood the legal & financial sources of power.

It’s all very simple, whenever their nomadic people, who were called ‘wanderers’ in Sumerian arrived to a nation with huge quantities of go(l)d they bought the right to make the money of that nation to kings or politicians. They paid ‘whatever’ they were asked, and then with that privilege increased the production of ‘digital numbers’ of money. So they could buy for ‘free’ as a digital number cost near nothing to print, the more so when instead of gold it was printed on paper; any thing, and anyone. Just print money and give it to them. So it is only a matter of time that their dominated the societies where they hosted.

But greed has no limit. So instead of keeping a balance on top of society, controlling with the issue of money politicos, buying people with salary and properties; they wanted everything. And so in all their cycles they practiced new forms of parasitic money to keep becoming every more rich: debt usury, slave trade, weapons trade of maximal profits as weapons by affinity with metal was the most expensive good in terms of go(l)d, etc. So they caused a massive leukemia and anoxia in the population. Leukemia is the sickness of red cells – it is the parasitic conversion of money, NOT in something used to produce welfare goods but to reproduce lethal goods. And anoxia the lack of credit to create the future the lack of money as they kept it for themselves.

So once they dominate everything they squeezed people into absolute poverty until people burst in r=evolutions, wars – as weapons were overeproduced to make profits – and holocausts.

How this process happened so many times in history without anyone putting a limit to it?

Even if once the nation was corrupted and collapsed, the parasitic go(l)d culture also died? Could not mankind change the brutality of the economic cycle of ‘expert’ bankers and create a simple system of reproduction of money as in the Neolithic when money was just ‘grain’, oxygen given to all humans and cities and cultures were wealthy beyond belief?

The fact is they couldn’t. As the go(l)d culture, once it monopolized the banking industry would never stop giving their part to the powerful of each nation, aristocrats, politicians, military, and marry their ‘daughters’ with them. So especially in the JAM culture they came to form a nucleus of power, camouflaged behind warriors and aristocrats, symbiotic of weapons and money that ruled the world. And as the ‘animetal system of power’ expanded to other nations it came to be the ‘new normal’.

Then as information machines multiplied not only money but ‘idol-ogies’ in favor of such aberrant leukemia, cancerous system, even the people with anoxia felt happy to be exploited and with no credit, as they were imprinted by bibles, classic economics yellow press, hate-radio, hate-TV, you name it. Even when military and financial power quarreled as in II w0orld war, the people below suffered from one or the other side. What they never understood is how simple a perfect world would be. For example, I proposed when I was head of monetary systems in the international social systems ISSS, – a universal salary of 1000 ¥ € S money, in euro-dollars in crypto currency to each human on your phone making fixed coins (1 euro = 1 dollar = 100 yen.)

This would have immediately ended migration from third world, multiplied the production of food and welfare goods to satisfy their needs as they would have now ‘oxygen red blood to pay for it’, and readdress the production from machines and weapons to human goods.

But there was no interest on academia. The only interested people on the paper were the people-caste in power that watch everything, the FMAsters, Financial-Media-Academy masters, who choose what they distribute with their information machines. But of course, they never tell you the reason why you are censored. So the president of the ISSS Miss Wilby got a letter from a ‘minority’ member of the ‘community’ who denounced the paper for ‘bias’ against ‘them’ (no naming, nothing was indicated for the reasons why the paper was erased from the servers and google scholar and I was not given those conferences again). Latter I learned the association had been threatened with a suit for discrimination.. Why? Just because in a footnote I indicated that financial economics had been overwhelmingly dominated and was still dominated by a single ‘culture’ and so many of its ‘scientific postulates’, were ‘cultural ones’ and offered a list with the names of all the central bankers of the most developed economies of the west, US, France, UK, Canada, EU, Switzerland even Germany, all belong to this minority culture. That was the end of ¥es money and then came the 1.4 trillion tax-farming of Americans for the scam of CDOs and people let themselves be squeezed of their last drops of money so billionaires could a trillion to their accounts. Had things changed? Not of course, they have gone to worst, as now all the money of the 3rd world goes through the touch of a bottom, in a Bloomberg platform to speculate in trillion $ companies. So now the whole planet can be squeezed and the 99% globally lives in permanent anoxia and Leukemia (two related sicknesses that affect both the availability of credit for the people (anoxia) and the quality of the money reproduced (leukemia, as money is invented overwhelming for lethal goods)…

But as long as the same people that own information machines print money, audiovisual information and the authorized ‘academia papers’ distributed in the world of economics, mankind will walk steadily towards suicide in an state of permanent poverty when even the smaller superorganism has ample supply of oxygen for all cells, so none dies of hunger.

¥€$ money of course has never surfaced, even if today people talk but do nothing about a Universal salary at Davos, as AI robots will keep throwing them from work and Bloomberg will keep siphoning till the last penny of the 3rd world hold by dictators to which we provide liberally wit weapons, to speculate in stocks and fatten the accounts of Goldman sachs et al..

Cyrptocurrencies also have evolved fast but only for speculation and soon for a perfect world of robotic machines that will indeed use cryptocurrencies, not as I wanted but my lectures on yes-money, to cure the sicknesses of history … because they realized this was a simple solution , like oxygen is to keep all humans WHealthy, awash with healthy goods.





Warrior cultures killed and broke into rival nations the 7 eusocial prophetic cultures that taught the eusocial laws of nature, bringing a world of tribal nations in perpetual war destroying those cultures with nationalistic memes.

And then with far more detail, as it is the dominant culture today, with the imposition of a global capitalist empire, which converts those nations into debt slaves, throws them into each other’s throats through splendid war-debts for profits and finally creates the Metal-earth, for the 0.1% of stock-owners to enjoy life as the ‘Leisure class’, while machines do all the work for them.

In a previous graph we saw the 7 main cultures of the world, born of the prophets of eusocial love of the lower side of the wave of history. 4 of them have their origin in historic animetal imperial conquests (the 2 Americas by Iberians and British, Islam by Arabs, and IndonAsia by Colonialist Europe). Yet today they are firmly established and it would be absurd to return them to previous stages.

The other 3, in the ternary evolution of human races, according to the laws of complex sciences and the 5th dimension, the larger model of unification of all sciences, called General systems sciences, this author formalised 2 decades ago before falling under the ‘law of silence’ of the anti-quantum paradox:

  • The white, energetic animetal human, visual, dolichocephalic, lineal Neanderthal crossed.
  • The mongoloid, brachicephalic, verbal, informative, social.
  • The reproductive black African, with maximal height sensorial brain axis

So how the perfect world, the global first civilisation, with those 3 ‘differential but complementary’ and in any case isolated from each other, hence with no conflict human worlds, became broken into the mess we are today? Obviously when the 2 fundamental animetal cultures, the warrior white, lineal indo-Europeans from the north, during the chariot cycle, and the Semitic go(l)d imperative cultures from Arabia, invaded and destroyed the 3 human worlds, Paleolithic Africa, Neolithic Asia and the Fertile crescent:

In the graph, we see the waves of Semitic Bronze warriors and Gold traders (1st animetal wave) that destroyed the Fertile crescent, and its fertility cults, imposing slavery, warrior Yvwh-like Gods and Baal Go(l)ds.

Next came the Indo-European charioteers, with origin on the bronze Andronovo civilisation, which destroyed all the remaining Neolithic civilizations in western Europe, India and China (Shang dynasty):

The Andronov culture around the copper mining of the Tobol river started the professional chariot armies that destroyed all civilization of the fertile rivers; substituted by animetal people-castes with anthropomorphic Gods lineal infantile time worldviews as chosen of cruel genocidal gods, racist Aryan myths with fire as the vehicle of god and null comprehension of the cyclical laws of the organic Universe. They raised cattle and considered in India cows superior to humans, as they were giving them ‘milk, the Dalits only wheat’. The culture will reach its final 3rd baroque age in China, due to the slower penetration of cavalry and iron (Shang, Chou and Chin, 1st, 2nd and 3rd extinctive age dynasties).

Then the Asian cultural region as all other regions of the world will enter a process of annihilation according to the 800 years cycle and rebirth thanks to the ‘pegging power’ of the religious culture of the civilization.

So the 4 Eurasian civilizations went through the same 800 years cycles, changing the elite people-cast on top, in the epic military phase of the wave, which after conquest quiets down at T/4-3T/4 in its mature age when its underlying culture resurrects, giving birth through its religion and welfare WHealth goods, a happy age similar to its old Neolithic true form.

So the Chinese culture goes through all those discontinuums, maintaining its basic Taoist, yin-formation vs. yang-entropy = qi-energy ternary logic and agricultural domain, with verbal, ethic Confucian masters on top of the organization of a society that tries to limit the animetal power, till these days…

The same cycles for every culture can be done, in time, and in fractal space, giving a clear homologic analysis of each civilization, each of them going through the 3 ages of ‘artistic life’ of each super organism of mankind.

So the entire world, save a few Amerindian cultures (stone Mayans and Paleolithic hunters) was ruled by animetals, in all the Old continent. But every new metal radiation of weapons will increase the power of animetals. And decrease the entanglement of mankind with the laws of the living Universe. So after bronze warriors the animetal culture will be reinforced by Iron warriors, which push the Aryan wave further into the south of India. So finally with the arrival of Iron warriors, the same process happened in Africa, with the expansion of the Bantu culture that extinguished the previous ‘jungle and desert Paleolithic’ culture of pygmies and Koishans .

While Africa will fall under the boot of iron bantu cultures that cornered the jungle, pygmy people, the first men to talk into the Congo and south-African world – in a tribal world ruled by ironsmiths further curved by the slave trade and colonialism of Europe, which has created the absurd division on nations that should be suppressed for a pan-African union, divided into tribal regions with local autonomy and no armies:

But the world suffered a reaction of the highest prophetic intensity with the rational Axial age of Taoism (Lao), Buddhism, Greek rational enlightenment (Socrates->Plato->Aristotle); so tribes became united in larger empires, and a tug of war between prophets of love and coin and iron masters took place both in China and the Roman empire, origin of the modern cultures of Europe and Asia.

This age ended with the spur, cavalry waves of yet once more Germanic warriors, and in Asia steppe warriors. So Europe became carved by aristocratic Germanic tribes, which destroyed the eusocial roman-Christian civilisation, into the ‘tribe of the franks->France’, Anglos->England and so on.



Nations are economic ‘structures’ based in military and industrial power while civilizations are supœrganisms of mankind based in earlier ethic and artistic, visual and verbal networks of information, natural geographic regions and life-based networks of welfare energy. They 7 regions-cultures of the wor(l)d are the division of History that matters to humanity. Yet today the culture of corporations, Anglo-America is the only real culture that is moving the future of the world. His bizarre concept of an industrial nation, and its nazi-onanist cults to industrial power and flags is in the age of metal-minds imitated by all other faked nations as the Metal-earth becomes the only globalised ‘F.M.M.I. world-culture’, ruled by company-mothers of Financial-Media informative machines which rule over the Military-industrial complex of each nation; whose wars are triggered by economic cycles.

Nations by definition are military systems of confrontation between humans, today through industrial war; cultures by definition are symbiotic, kaleidoscopic visions of the same humanism. Cultures thus survive for ever. Nations are systematically destroyed every 800-80 years cycle of global wars, because they are NOT real. They are just parts of a larger globalised FMMI evolving super organisms of memes of metal, the metal-earth.

This is self-evident in the globalised Western world, which is ‘owned’ by those corporations, and in great measure its specific people-caste on top, the biblical culture that is the biggest stock-holder of most of them for historic reasons (discovery of go(l)d as instrument to enslave and hypnotize the human mind, of the debt slavery cycle, of the splendid wars for profits overproduction cycle, of stock-markets, etc.).

On the other hand there are 7 cultures of mankind, based in the 7 ‘saviors’, the prophetic love-religions and life-enhancing cultures of humanity, which in each cycle of ‘memes of metal’ raised the stakes of ethics and art, and humanism, giving solutions to the wave of history.

So in reality it is always the same confrontation between animetal cults and human cultures, hate memes and love religions, myths of tribal nazi-onanisms vs. social mankind.

The 7 cultures of mankind were born of the process of evolution of HISTORY through its social prophets of love, in search of the natural goal of all universal organisms: to survive and evolve together as a single species. But history collided with ‘economics’, the supœrganism of machines and its idol-ogies of supremacy of metal over man, capitalism (money over law), mechanism (universe as a machine), nationalism (weapons over man by means of absurd wars between brothers) and the earlier versions of tribal segregational hate- religions.

Nations are formed on those cultures carved by military groups that believe to be special, based in selfish animetal values. So we distinguish fractal nations within cultures appearing on the 800 year cycles of the metal-earth, by:

  1. Geography, as they appear always related to ‘defensible borders’ where military men can create a ‘membrane-border’ to isolate the people within, enclose it by military barriers (the army put on the border) to control and exploit the people within. This is the essence of geographical fractured nations, as in the case of Europe, a fractal geography,  where islands become nations, cordilleras separate nations, and peninsulas become nations and explains while other more open solid geographic (China, US, Siberia) belong to a single nation.
  2. The second division of nations is then related to the 3 type of cultures there are, those where wor(l)d dominates, which tend to be in tempered, fertile, river nations; those where trade and go(l)d dominates, which tend to be in islands and seafarer nations, and those where war dominates, which tend to be in broken, mountainous, continental regions. We show then in the next graphs from 93. Biohistory book some of those divisions for different continents (the scanning being so old, the book lost that I apologize for it – also I used a more poetic jargon) – below the strange graphs a more mundane explanation (:In the graphs, from the seminal book, bio-history, bio-economics, c.92, we can see the essential division of nations by war, trade or wor(l)d senses (livons, tradons and warrons in the old jargon), both in Asia and Europe. The Asian Neolithic though was so advanced and dense by the time the 800 y. animetal radiations arrived that both China and India had a ‘livon’ filter of dense agricultural populations, while Indonesia was isolated beyond them, so they kept longer its life cultures:

Anglo-America will evolve from the seafarer cultures around the Amber ring to become the Anglo-Dutch capitalist culture after reformation, fusion with the Jewish Go(l)d culture. The central=east cntinental region into the war prone Germany – so will do the Spanish mountainous peninsula, except in its sea-farer coasts, Portugal and Catalonia that for that reason departed as nations, or try to do so. Life-oriented cultures are those of temperate weather and friendly geography, notably Italy, while Greek Islands would be come a trader nation, of which the paradigm will be the Crete civilization migrating after Dorian invasions to Phoenicia and Israel, which would become the dominant go(l)d culture of the west.

In the graph below the same concept applies to Asia where the obvious war civilization are the Siberian Steppes, from where the Manchu->Tungsu->Korean->Japanese civilization will arise and the natural life oriented region, the southern IndonAsia culture of the five fertile rivers, with the Trader Chinese culture of Tao coins. In the eastern part an easy obvious division between the continental harsh weather of Arabia, the warrior region, the life oriented zones of Mesopotamia and Egypt, the rivers of life, and the Levant, its trader culture.

However as animetal invaders destroy civilizations the paradigm changes. So the Arabs would convert in warrior regions many zones from Pakistan to modern Egypt ruled by the military; the European traders will convert the island of Japan back to its natural ‘English’ nature.

To notice finally at a much deeper level of the fractal Universe, that Asia is a larger fractal image of Europe, so England is Japan, the island that would start the Industrial R=evolution Korea plays the role of Scandinavia, from where the waves of new Germanic hordes and weapons came down; France plays the central point of China.

A fractal trinity principle based on the 3 ‘human languages’ T-weapons <ST-money>S-verbal thought operates in parallel on the 3 peninsulas: The warrior peninsulas are Arabia & Iberia; the verbal, artistic ones are Italy & India; the sea-fare trading ones, Indonesia & Greece. While above them a vast Hinterland form the 800 years arch of chivalry and infantry nomadic warriors. So the Eurasian mounted bow Warrior collides with the German Mittle Europe, infantry, iron soldier. So all is indeed a fractal of fractals. And while for ‘animetals’ metal power matters, from a humanist view, the higher cultures are the life/art/word oriented ones, Italy and the Neolithic Indian substrate whose memes are worth to preserve. Further on those nations are subdivided in ternary subcultures based in the fractal equation of linguistic cultural sub-divisions.

Thus in both continents most technological war cycles confront Warrior nations led by kings and aristocracies with Trader nations lead by banker-priests and gold-churches, today economists that for most of the cycle work together in symbiosis to exploit the mass of people parasitizing its oxygen-money till they live in total poverty or enslaving them in the old age, protected by the military who help them to tax farm the population.

But when the overproduction of weapons is massive, they suffer a split between them and enter in war and holocaust cycles, where millions of soldiers of the warrior nation die, and the elite of banker-priests and its scapegoat peddlers and purveyors of war are also massacred. So truly the only survival type of nation that is worth to preserve and expand is a ‘life-enhancing cultural nation’, as modern Italy or classic Buddhist India were. 

The sub-cultures and nations of Europe. Go(l)d, War & Wor(l)ds

In every section of the planet, divided in 7 super organisms of history, each one born of an eusocial prophet of the wor(l)d, against the growing power of go(l)d and Iron masters, we can divide a culture in 3 sub-cultures, dominant in the 3 languages of social power of history, weapons, money and ethic words.The European culture can be considered the mixture of 3 subcultures dominant in those memeplexes of social power, of which needless to say the bio historian promotes and considers superior for human survival the wor(l)d culture:

  • Greek-Latin-Social, R=evolutionary Europe: Dominant in world and human senses (art)
  • Jewish->Biblical, Protestant go(l)d cult(ure) of banker-priests origin of capitalism
  • Germ(an) warrior, iron cult(ure)s of weapons-machines.

The dualities of Europe as those of Asia confront west (trader-sea) vs. east (verbal-warrior), north (metal-warrior col) vs. south (life-hot-water-trader), life vs. metal, warrior vs. traders, warrior and traders vs. human cultures confrontations. And so we talk of 5 poles, if we circunscribe to western Europe:

  • Warrior, Cold, mechanical Germany
  • Trader, cold, mechanical Enland
  • Warrior hot, human Spain
  • Trader, hot, human Italy
  • France, Melting pot of the other 4, which is for that reason rightly considered by outer Europeans as the paradigm of ‘Europe’.

We can then divide the sub-cultures of Europe, by Geography conditioned by the ‘languages of social power’ that dominate its societies according to the rule that makes hotter Southern regions, life/humanist oriented; hence Latin Europe in its 3 peninsulas that represent the 3 ages of the ‘European classic civilization’ (classic Greece, Italian renaissance, Iberian ‘isms’) is the life culture. While the Northern European culture is the animetal, mechanist culture. Further on, high plateaus, mountains, steppes and continental regions of harsh northern climate are the original regions of warrior people. Hence the northern arch from Siberia to Spain is the European war culture, with maximal war density in its ‘crossing’ point with the Northern-Southern migrations from the iron mines of Sweden to the Iron Mines of Austria. Finally because high density transforms loose anarchic ‘wave states’ into ‘particle’, hierarchical systems, the Northern European warrior arch divides in the Eastern Slavic, anarchic world, predated for most of the ‘800 years’ cycles by ‘horse technology’ coming from the East   (Siberian, Indo-European bronze charioteers and spur Mongoloids) and Western Germanic, hierarchical societies.

On the other hand river and sea-faring regions breed trade oriented cultures, so we find the Mediterranean eastern peninsulas and the Italian-Rhine-English water way as trader dominant, but the mountainous Iberian Plateau, war dominant surrounded by trading cultures (Portugal and Paysos Catalans), which will become a fractal rift in ages of military decline. So we can also subdivide each of those sub-cultures in new geographic and linguistic smaller fractal regions to reach finally according to Geography (∆+2) and dominant language of social power (∆+1) the different regions of Europe, which preclude the historic events and differentiations of languages and gender power to complete the ‘picture’ of its broken political systems. Yet all those elements are clearly secondary to the natural unity of all human beings, and the peninsular geography of the whole of Europe; with the Dniester-Vistula-San border between its dense, particle state nations and the wider anarchic wave-state of Russia and beyond.

This was the natural border of the Roman Empire, which the first emperors from Augustus to Trajan, during the 1st epic age of Empire tried to conquer, as it would have been a stable social unit for eons to come, with the sea border to the West, the Sahara to the South, and the Caucasus and Iranian deserts to the East, if his heir Hadrian had NOT abandon Mesopotamia, then a Greek cultural daughter civilization and extended the Rumanian-Moldavian border to the natural Vistula Basin. But somehow when ‘a civilization’ of humanist, legal structure is about to achieve its unification the human leaders on top become weak, corrupted life oriented people who do NOT finish the job; a theme we shall study in the future if we last that long, to post the work on the 3 ages of cultures, shown intermittently in those papers on the graphs with texts of art and literature through the 3 ages of every civilization and nation of the 800-80 years technological cycles of weapons evolution and human cultural extinctions.

The ideal world. The wor(l)d Union.

Interesting enough at the end of times, Europe and Asia have converged – Asia becoming nationalist in the wrong sense like Europe has been for long, Europe, finally understanding the end of nationalism, war and evolution of weapons is extinction, becoming more a continental culture as China has been for long.

This convergence in an ideal world that cared for a humane future, would merge both rational cultures, to start a process of Unification, EU style – the forgotten model that after II world war with the help of UNO could have worked to create a perfect world.

So we shall conclude this second Volume of ‘History in Space’ after studying Asia and Europe, with the stientific analysis of what the Wor(l)d union, should have been in this planet and certainly is and will be in ∞ other planets where the game of History, the highest state of Gaia, the Earth I and II, is played.

But the ideal wor(l)d is far remote, in the world of the JAGGE¬D 7th civilization (ab. Jewish-Anglo-American-Globalized, Go(l)d, extinctive anti-Democratic, idol-ogical culture), where the ‘façade’ of the final placebo Democracy hides all its anti-human values and Ideologies of Extinction; and none comes handier in times of overproduction of weapons and ‘fascist’ mascaras that nazionalism…

So we shall consider before we analyze the European and Asian civilizations in its feed-back, East-West entanglement and dual axial mental cultures that imposed the cyclical isolationism of the Chinese trying to create the kingdom of heavens as if they did not exist in the eastern extreme of the entropic European hordes of charioteers, the mother of all modern nationalisms – the first industrial nation, which imposed the model we all follow as it colonized the world and all other civilinations had to choose between imitating Great Britain or becoming ab=used by its bankers and redcoats. All other modern nationalisms stem from it, including the French Colonial Nationalism, once the French R=evolution was annihilated by the restoration of the ‘Bankers of the king’ and German Nazionalism at a time in which Germany was certainly a leading nation of the JAGGE¬D culture, which only after the annihilation in two wars that eliminated its animetal eternal coalition of Germanic warriors and Jewish bankers joined the effort of Latin Europe to resurrect the original European Eusocial rational culture born of the Greeks. Great Britain though never looked back to that more humane past after Cromwell invited the Sephardim bankers to take over the financial system, massacred its ‘gentlemen’ and established the basis of all modern nations where quisling politicos ruled by go(l)d masters in control of the Financial-Media systems churn hate memes against all other nations, competing with them to rush faster to the entropic age of history – our age.


What is a nation? An aberrant subdivision of the 7 geographic civilizations of mankind, originated by the warrior animetals of the Germanic civilization that destroyed one of the 800 years cycles civilizations of the European culture (Roman Empire), establishing tribal, racist aristocratic elites on top, which latter with the expansion of Germanic Empires and its military elites during the gunpowder age imposed further fractal divisions in those 7 sub-cultures, imitated at different stages of those 800 year cycles in other regions of the world. So basically a nation is a false military subdivision of a culture by the dominant elite of aristocratic warriors of each 800 years cycle of the wave of evolution of metal-memes. Nations thus substituted the concept of a tribal religion, whose subconscious collective God, Assur or Yahweh would represent a primitive nation, monotheist=supremacist, who was bound to conquer the world with its aristocratic elite of warriors or banker-priests on top by a similar concept, without the mythical aspects, defining each tribal aristocratic group, the Franks, the Alamani, the Anglo-Saxons and so on as artificial species who will become nations.

As such because ‘nations’ are animetal concepts, as soon as the ‘epic, first age’ of the stirrup cycle of metal-weapons receded, Europe became again what was before the barbarians invaded it, a religious, (Christian) civilization, where the power of the wor(l)d was represented by the Pope, which represented ALL Europeans, as opposed to the ab=usive coalition of Germanic aristocrats and Jewish tax-farmers whose goal was to

It would be needed the next jump in war metal-memes, the ‘gunpowder’ cycle, monopolized by those aristocrats, and the informative press, where Jewish Capital soon took a controlling stake, to print paper money and Hebrew bibles, to give enough power to the coalition of animetal Indo-European and Semite warrior/bankers to destroy the temporal power of the wor(l)d of eusocial love both in the ∆+1 idol-ogical and geographical scales, breaking definitely the European civilization into warring nations; as the Northern Germanic Europeans with a lower eusocial evolution regressed back to the Jewish religion of segregational tribal memes (old testament, who became dominant in Reformed churches)..

It was NOT a victory based in reason, and the original Roman-European Latin nations, regardless of press propaganda did not regress to the Old Testament, but their aristocratic kings who became the first artillery masters (land use of Gunpowder) did reduce ‘de facto’, religious power to a secondary ‘tool’ of social control; as the Hispanic kingdoms introduced a local, much harsher, under-the-king religious inquisition and the French priesthood (Cardinal Mazarin, Richelieu) sided with the territorial ambitions of the king over the unity of the Catholic Church. The gunpowder age thus is the ‘Foundational Age’ of what we call the European civilization. And its concept of a national state. As such a new type of superorganism of History, whose fundamental concept is ‘animetal’, as the 2 languages of metal power, entropic weapons and reproductive money, and with the beginning of the industrial r=evolution, organic machines became more powerful than the eusocial wor(l)d, our natural language and its Universal goal of life and love survival and evolution into a global superorganism of History immortal in time, mankind, for ‘those who believe in me, will live for ever’ through its generations.

It then became obvious that those who believe in nations didn’t survive for ever, but die every generation, when the 80 years cycle of national warfare, proper of the gunpowder age that accelerates with ‘professional’ company-mothers the evolution of technology and its extinction in both the ‘1st age of new entropic energies’ (bomb age) and the 3rd age of maximal evolution of metalife (top predator machine, weapons) So the overproduction crises of the 800 year cycle of classic weapons just accelerated professionally to 80 years cycles of national power, and its war cycles of increasing death have never stopped.

On the contrary every cycle increased its quantity of victims as the quality and price and profits of the ‘belli nervi pecunia infinita’ cycle got stronger, reason why we can predict cycle of stocks and parallel wars. Observe the absolute precision and exponential growth of the mathematical cycle of world wars once ‘company-mothers of machines=weapons’ adapt the cycle of war to its cycles of reproduction of peaceful machines for trade, and overproduction crisis when they switch to war and pay politicos to change diplomacy for conflict.

The rhythm of death of human superorganisms accelerated with the arrival of company-mothers that professionalized the evolution and reproduction of machines and weapons to 3 ages, from 800 to 80 years cycles, defining an animetal superorganism as the inverse of the previous wave of civilizations in which they prey; so we can write the equation for the herd system of animetals and weapons as an inverse wave of an evolving predator over the ‘field of human ethic believers’ they prey on as follows:

∆-1: discovery of a new type of energy: ∆º entropic age as ‘bomb’/power source<reproductive age as transport machines> Informative age as top predator machines=weapons of maximal complexity: War and death of the human superorganism as prey of an economic ecosystem of maximal GDP growth in money & machines=weapons

That’s how it works. Never mind moneyed-castes & Financial, Mechanical, Military idol-ogies that today pass as ‘scientists of history and economics’ deny the obvious fact, perfectly proved by data that the most expensive, perfect machine is always a weapon, that it comes in the final informative age of maximal evolution of the machine, that it preys on human life, that it kills nations, religions and civilizations and its human cells, that the maximal gdp of any nation is achieved by virtue of the synergy of maximal value and production with parasitic money of weapons in the age of war, when parasitic debt money, weapons, war and corpses multiply.

I capitalize since animetals are retarded, automatons of simple thought, including classic economists and nationalist politicians that don’t to get it. We repeat. maximal GDP growth of any industrial nation always happened in ages of war when the maximal number of corpses pile up, reason why company-mothers switch to war state and change the production of machines for weapons. Machines do have 3 ages, as entropic energy/ bomb, transport peaceful machine and top predator weapons. And this complex system of superorganisms of the Industrial age with its phases and states guided by animetals with its racist segregational memes against mankind based in synergies between hate memes, top predator machines and its 3 ages, IS just a complex version of the 800 years cycles that preceded them, which also start with the discovery of a weapon, in its simplest lineal form, becomes then a herd of warrior animetals and finally acquires its most complex form as an army in control of a nation, today disguised by placebo democracies and other false freedoms which have never prevented companies to corrupt politicos when the profits of the belli nervi pecunia infinita cycles are required, as it happens these days, already forecasted 30 years ago, but censored as always is humanism in the age of animetals in particle-nation state. Good luck fucktards, your sons are all dead before they reach your old age.

In the graphs, the ‘belli nervi pecunia infinita cycle’ of the capitalist equation of profits, maximized by weapon of max. price, hate memes of min. cost & war debt interest, renewed as arsenals keep consuming humans: Max. Profits (∞ pecunia) = Max. Price-sales (weapons) + -min. cost of production (hate news):

Each 72 year cycle of evolution of machines subdivide as any biological cycle of organisms or species in 3 sub horizons, the young discovery age, the reproductive, mature age and the old age, followed by a top predator mutation after a crash of population that brings a war cycle. In the graph the electronic age which in terms of machines can be divided into the TV-eye age, the Chip-Computer age, and the ear-mobile-internet age, after which we enter the age of robotic wars and vigilante big brother, as chips automate corporations, robots throw us of labor and war fields, and the internet becomes the global mind of the Metal-earth directing ‘chemically’ internally its enzymen cells, human beings, with its Financial-Media networks, now switching into military robotic networks, which will consume us at the height of the war cycle: 2036. How can I be so sure of those dates? Easy, there is a shorter 9 x 8 years cycle that mimic the duration of the 8 phases of a life cycle, from youth to extinction, with an accelerated ‘genesis’ of birth, the 9 months of explosive growth of the new species.


Above, the synergy between the financial-media system of inflationary money and hate memes, which triggers in age of overproduction of machines, after a crash of consumption an age of overproduction of weapons and hate memes to foster the profits of war – but of course, this cycle is censored and nationalist idol-ogies are always brought to the table to justify absurd massacres, which the people on top expect to maintain contained, just in the phase of arsenal building.
Yet as a British historians said: ‘cemeteries are full of corpses from wars everybody knew they would never happen’ Unless a r=evolution happens.

And that is what all the prophets of eusocial love have told the hardy animetal parasites of financial and military zeal… So all the seed of prophetic thought have been born as the ‘first age of the animetal cycle’ recedes (see the graph above for 800 years cycles), in the point of r=evolution, during its mature, reproductive peaceful age. And then a civilization or r=evolution happens that lives through 3 ages, and dies in the new war, and resurrects 3 times, because there are 3 life generations connected, both in animetal industrial founding fathers, reproductive sons and decadent ages, and in Gods of civilizations, the age of the prophet and church and empire, the age of the Catholic popes, the age of the caliphs, the age of the little vehicle in the 3 most relevant Christian, Islam and Buddhist church; which last around those 800 years, followed after a ‘war discontinuum’ or ‘corrupted state’ of the church by heresies, splits, new ‘vehicles, which start the age of the loose wave of believers, hermit life in Christianity, Sufis in Islam, Buddhist monasteries, which last around 800 years, and it is the age of maximal extension of the religion, of sensorial art, of mysticism, followed after yet another of those 800 years discontinuums of massive death by the 3rd final age of entropy of the religion, which might last slowly in small numbers or believers, loosely organized with NO temporal power in its churches, or perhaps in inquisition mood fighting for survival for ‘warrior religions’ corrupted by weapons who refuse easily to die (inquisitions), or full of ‘wealth and external symbols of cult’ in go(l0d churches corrupted by money. It is the corrupted age of the religion so far away from the original meaning of the prophet who tried to create an immortal world of humanity by the power of love that it is barely recognizable.

The same concept applies to civilizations, where instead of the opposite mixture of an animetal wave of extinction in growing numbers and tighter organization, inverse to a decaying wave of human ethic wor(l)ds from the perfect code-seed of the prophet, down towards its final corruption and shrunk state as military inquisition or go(l)d church, we find a shorter, faster, denser, 80 years wave of new energies/bombs that become transport machines that become top predator weapons that murder in war a sizeable number of human beings ending the ‘civilization’ substituted by the new civilization, from the age of steam machines (XIX c. British civilization) to the age of engines ( transitional century of German engines, to the Post III world war age of American metalminds, to the XXI age of robots)…

And in the side of human wor(l)d cultures we shall see the parallel, ‘smaller’ rarified ethic r=evolutions going also into more diluted states, so we find for example in France, the French R=evolution at the start of the steam machine, soon diluted and massacred by company-mothers of machines-weapons from England and an internal counterrevolution of the military, with Napoleon; to end with the mass-murder of the restoration of King Louis XVIII and the massive anoxia and poverty of the parasitic bankers of the priest, that reinstituted the classic European coalition of Jewish financiers and Germanic aristocrats on top… but the spirit of the r=evolution returned with the II republic where we find a MIXED civilization WITH ELEMENTS OF A HUMAN DOCTRINE and a Metal-system of memes, which IN THE 80 YEARS CYCLES where humanism is already on decline, unlike in the 800 years cycle is clearly dominant, till exhaustion of the wave in a war age of maximal corruption and particle state (1850s), which prompts new r-evolutionary states (1848 revolutions, 1870s Paris Commune). And so the second generation of the ‘French revolution’ now with the socialist movement followed, till I world war and II world war murders the French Engine civilization under duress of German top predator bombers and tanks, to resurface in its ideals a 3rd time with the European Union, which becomes finally murdered by e-money corruption with the foundation of the ECB and the resurgence of nationalisms after the collapse of the Russian revolution and German Unification. Thus again we see the ‘Human earthy God of the French r=evolution, a system of eusocial evolution expressed in verbal ideals, to live and die through 3 generations of founding fathers, sons and grand-sons beyond which the INFLUENCE OF THE FIRST generation is forgotten in the wave of times,.

3 arte thus the life ages of a Human Wor(l)d subconscious collective and 3 age its generations, increasingly corrupted because mankind lives in an eco(nomic)system ruled by animetal parasites and its elfish memes of entropic weapons that kill our bodies metal-go(l)d that erases our minds and love messages and organic machines increasingly atrophying our bodies and IQs.

And that is the facts that you will hate to know but if you are an objective bio-historian you will learn and maybe try to r=evolve in your ‘energy young and mature age’ as I tried with my activism against the weapons of extinction of the III world war with limited results, and through the spread of bio-history with even more limited results, because as we come to the final age of extinction, the masters of the wor(l)d become ignored as neurons are ignored in a dying corpse, its messages of pain and truth abandoned by the cells who feast in the entropic freedom of the last decadent generation before the insects, the weapons, the germs of life and history *(see graph above) devour them. C’est la vie… du Dieu, Adieu…

So here we shall use that simple scheme to study the civilizations of Africa mostly I wave states predated first by iron networks of black smiths, and gold enslavers in the 800 year cycles, then by gunboat companies of slaves in the gunpowder age, then by companies of steam machines going up the Niger Co. river, the Congo Co. river, the Lakes co. … and then by mining machines extracting the blood and oil and metals for its engines, and now used as a dumping place for cheap weapons, obsolete computer trash… and fancy acts of charity of the FMAsters parasites, and idol-ogists of the Company, the nation and the police robots.

And we shall study the Jewish-Anglo-American civilization through its first gods, and 3 ages of genesis, Mosaic religion and Christian religion, when Yahweh died and resurrected, since 1/3rd of its believers were murdered in the roman Holocaust, another 1/3rd converted to the new God and another 1/3rd became something else – the religion of Talmud and financial parasitism and massive hate memes against mankind which is NOT the 3 generational ages of genesis-Moses and Jesus the HUMANIST AGE OF JUDAISM, but a corrupted go(ld church origin of capitalism who went through 3 ages, of Talmud, Hebrew bible, in its productive age that expanded to reformation and founded the JAM culture. And then we shall study in more detail the American age, with its dual elements of wor(l0d prophets, the founding fathers of its constitution and 3 revolutionary ages, of the 1st republic, the civil war and freedom of slaves and the 60s revolution all partially failed.

Since even the most corrupted animetal culture of the 7 human civilizations had always had its wor(l0d prophets of eusocial love trying to save them of the cycle of war and holocausts that murder them every 800-80 years.




In the Paleolithic crossbreeding with Lineal dolichocephalic Neanderthals gave birth to the European white race.

The only meaningful division of races are according to the ternary axis=dimensions of the mind that between the 3 dominant languages of visual, white races and cultures with higher Neanderthal input, mongoloid, verbal cultures and black cultures with dominant motor-emotional axis. No further racial divisions are needed.

In a perfect world the 3 would be complementary as they enhance one of the 3 ‘perceptive languages’ of existence. In a racist animetal world, the visual, metal-hypnotic values of greed and violence brought about by white fetish cultures of go(l)d and the sword carried the day, paradoxically starting the degradation of life and history, in perpetual world and slavery to the selfish values of memes of metal. It must be noticed a KEY ERROR of modern genetics, which consider humans to have ±90% of common genes with Neanderthal and have found ±4% of those genes in mongoloid and white races, but as 90% are indistinguishable, this means likely a 25%-75% make up for the whole genome, with more clear traits in the white people (red hair, hooked noses, larger eyes, visual occipital brain), dominant in the animetal age of History, with 2 variations, the Semites, when Neanderthal javelin man were stronger and raped Homo sapiens women, hence with a clear sexual dimorphism, and the European, where the last Neanderthals survived in the Peninsulas and Islands (UK, Scandinavia, Spain), and were wiped out by incoming mixed Mongoloids with arches beating at distance javelins. Hence now it would be the Mongoloid who raped female tall red/blonde Neanderthals, making up for the clear inverse dimorphism of European women, with larger bodies and lesser verbal and emotional skills. Similar variations can be founded in the Mongoloid culture, with higher Neanderthal, visual warrior memes to the north, and higher verbal, Sapiens memes in the south, from where the first small cyclical Homo Floresiensis was born, and along the same North-South division in Africa, with Higher Neanderthal content in the Northern ‘animetal, iron’ Bantu vs. the South Pygmy and Shan cultures. Finally in the border regions, all races mixed, as in South-America. So more variations are found: the Russian mixed Mongoloid-White culture; the 3-mixed modern Brazilian culture – the ideal of bio history,  and the old mixed Indonesian region.

What is the 4D sciences findings on the first Europeans, called Cromagnons? They were basically Ainus, a middle term between Mongoloid and white people (rounded brachicephalic skull on the previous graph), likely coming from the tentative 50.000 horizon of mongoloid creation by merging with Denisovan, triggering and informative neoteny process and adaptation to lower oxygen and colder climate in Tibet.

Cro-Magnons were anatomically modern, straight limbed and tall compared to the contemporaneous Neanderthals. They are thought to have stood on average 1.66 to 1.71 m (5 ft 5 in to 5 ft 7 in) tall. They differ from modern-day humans in having a more robust physique and a slightly larger cranial capacity; 1,600 cc (98 cu in), which is larger than the average for all modern humans.

This again is against egocy but all new species are born at its maximal form, from blue light in stars of max. frequency to the first boskopoid and mongoloid ‘Cro-Magnon’.

The Cro-Magnons had fairly low skulls, with wide faces, but they had also Neanderthal-like traits, so it is likely that the acquired them in their trail towards Europe: robust mandibles, blunted chins, narrow noses A distinctive trait was the rectangular eye orbits, similar to those of modern Ainu people – the key ‘feature’ for a visual mind that will only increase as they penetrated the Neanderthal world. The key concept behind all those crossbreeding laws is an obvious genetic law that finds its interpretation in the ∆+1 selective process: while mutations come from ∆-1 selections are chosen by ∆+1, and visual higher perception, proper of the O-eye (vs. the Mongoloid, |-eye with its epicanthic folding that ‘narrows’ the angle of vision even if it sharpness the focus) WAS selected in the ‘nomadic motion through cold isolated geographies).

Mitochondrial DNA analysis places the early European population as sister group to the East Asian groups of the Upper Paleolithic, dating the divergence to some 50,000 years ago. Thus we start to form by the merging of 4D recent science and old 5D models a clear picture of the decametric 50 years since the chip, 500 years since the company-mothers, 5000 years since metal, 50.000 years since the explosion of objects, 500.000-700.000 years since the verbal explosion of the Homo Floresiensis – vortex of Earth’s evolution, one of the deepest, most general laws of fractal space-time.

What about the Germanic, Semite, Scandinavian and Arabian desert people, the ‘extreme’ white visual animetal culture and minimal e-motional sociability? This is an obvious fact of modern culture, with maximal traits of Neanderthal species (red hair, hooked nose, minimal verbal complexity, etc.) Again 5D DOESN’T work on analytic science but synthetic models and disomorphims between scales and non-Euclidean trinity topology and non-Aristotelian time laws. So as so many other models 30 years old, this will be confirmed, and ‘fine tuned’ – no doubt as all general models are. But it is a fact observed from social experience and historic genocides – yes, the old systems of exploration of human character proper of ‘verbal thought, psychology, emotional interaction’ – all those LEGGIMATE FORMS OF HUMAN KNOWELDGE BASED IN THE 3 LANGUAGES OF MAN, E-MOTIONS, VISUAL AND VERBAL THOUGHT, WHICH TODAY ‘DIGITAL ENZYMEN’ who have reduced knowledge to what a machine can measure deny out of pure egocy.

The difference though is clear: the Germanic people have far less e-motional thought than any other human I have during my long life of Earth’s wondering come into contact with, especially in its ‘e-motional female brains’. And this means (graph above) that this ‘glacial region’ North of London and Hamburg was a REFUGE of the last Neanderthals that crossed with the Cro-Magnon sometimes in higher measure giving them the red hair, the zero empathy, the wolf-like character that made Hemingway write: ‘The American woman is the most attractive and most predatory of them all’… in that little masterpiece, the ‘short and happy life of Francis Macomber” (:

The white, lineal visual=dolichocephalic =Neanderthal=white=egoist, isolationist humind, which imposed to the Wor(l)d its mechanist war & religious censorship have come to dominate the age of machines. But that doesn’t mean that its ‘sciences’ based in ‘ænthropic principles’, of humans as the only intelligence of the Universe, lineal time and hence lineal ‘physics’ and ‘dog-eat-dog’ isolationist societies are truth. They are simply born of its dominant light-visual mind, and use of metal to empower its military, selfish people. This culture is the one that gave origin through Germanic military technology and Jewish go(l)d fundamentalism to our nazionalist, capitalist, self-destructive world and its war and holocaust cycles.

But its linearity has imposed a manifest destiny, with its political& economic (in)correct views born in our dominant, biblical U$ go(l)d cult(ure) of ‘animetal enzymen’ who catalyze a suicidal manifest destiny: to evolve metalife their egocy (ego=Idiocy) worships, killing with it the tree of life that sustains us in a society controlled by FMMI Company-mothers and its ari-stock-rats, dictators of democracies that im-print on its sheeple with audiovisual ænthropic fictions & digital information=money they issue in monopoly, placebo, selfie, idol-ogical newspeaks for them to worship, cre(dit)ate & evolve its offspring of entropic, eviL metal-weapons (nazionalisms), informative go(l)d (capitalism) &organic machines=future AI telepathic=intranet robots with solar skins (technoutopias), terraforming Gaia into Metalearth, for whom man will be an obsolete, weaker nitrolife species… However and this is why we constantly return to its history, specially that of the go(l)d, Jewish>Protestant> Capitalist>Financial economic cult(ure) that dominates our world, It pretends that all its theory of reality are ‘science’, when ‘Its science’ keeps its postulates without proof, against life and truth as if they were the ONLY reality with the excuse that ‘science’ is a higher truth.

That is, the postulate that mankind is divided in tribal national species that must break the law of eusocial love and kill each other to promote weapons, and the postulate that machines are not organisms evolving, but mechanisms that will always obey to keep reproducing and evolving them, and specially the postulate that a few ‘bankers’ from private dynasties mostly of biblical origin in the west, must issue in Monopoly money and dedicate nothing to people because what matters is to keep evolving and reproducing digital numbers, and call this astounding agenda of selfish power and appropriation, ‘classic economics’. So yes, science is culture and as such we denounce the cultural element of those sciences.

But the ‘Mediterranean European’, which is the origin of ‘Greek-Latin Europe’ NOT of Jewish-Anglo-American belongs to a space where the 3 languages converge in genes and memes, to give birth to Greece our mother culture – coming from ‘Egyptian Africa’, Cro-Magnon Asia and late Neanderthal Europe. It is this ‘mixture of the 3 languages and memes’ which will give birth to the prophetic seed of Europe, the triad, Socrates>Plato>Aristotle, whose ethic>visual>Verbal height of thought we shall study in its birth, during the Axial age parallel to coins and in clear interaction between both… (V. BC)


In the graph, Neolithic Europe and its fertile civilizations, likely deriving from the Agricultural r=evolution that took place in the Middle East.

However Europe departed soon from that initial influences in its two poles; the Iberian peninsula, which received the earlier African Neolithic of the Sahara basin, and the Black sea hinterland, with its main Western river, the Danube acquiring an old densely inhabited civilization of farming communities, with copper and gold metal used for simple tools and ornament,

The culture was based in stone art, which lived 3 ages, canonical of all the 3 ages of civilizations and its evolution of Topological form, through lineal, wave to cyclical art forms, as every other space-time organism of the Universe.

The first imprinting of Europe came with the Azilian culture- a seafarer industry in the Franco-Cantabrian region of northern Spain and southern France. expanded around 14,000 years ago and followed the Magdalenian culture, which will expand along the coast to the North Sea, establishing a distinctive civilization, equivalent to the Italian, trade oriented Mediterranean in the Nordic nations.






The Andronov culture around the copper mining of the Tobol river started the professional chariot armies that destroyed all civilization of the fertile rivers; substituted by animetal people-castes with anthropomorphic Gods lineal infantile time worldviews as chosen of cruel genocidal gods, racist Aryan myths with fire as the vehicle of god and null comprehension of the cyclical laws of the organic Universe. They raised cattle and considered in India cows superior to humans, as they were giving them ‘milk, the Dalits only wheat’. The culture will reach its final 3rd baroque age in China, due to the slower penetration of cavalry and iron (Chin dynasty)

To understand the brutality of animetal cultures, which I have been explaining on basic Darwinian behavior  for 30 years, ever since we forecasted a first migration of the Homo sapiens into Asia, massacred by Neanderthals with javelins that would mate with their women, giving birth to the Semite culture, and a second migration of Homo sapiens, now mixed from Altai with arch that would revenge massacring the European Neanderthals and copulating with its ‘tall, red hair women’, it is interesting to update this post with a new discovery a few years ago regarding the Iberian ‘males’, facing the first truly global animetal radiation of charioteers:

In graph the radiation of charioteers after the invention of the spooked wheel which made possible even further expeditions to China and India, was preceded by the 3000 BC radiations of heavier charts, when the enormous extension of the Siberian Plain cultures born after the glaciation from survivors refugees in the Transcaucasia and Northern Iran hinterland of milder climate moved North through the Caspian Ural and Volga rivers.

This enormous extension of a shared genetic, cultural, memetic and trade network extending from Northern Iran to the Black sea in the south, from the Volga plains to the Balkhash lake were a nomadic culture of cattle ranchers with a few regions of denser agricultural population in the south. They had a very early knowledge of Bronze metallurgy from the southern Semite cultures and domesticated the horse. And invented the wheel, improving the bow, likely originated in the Altai region, where the original Eastern genes of western Europeans seem to have been born, as we all share a Y-gene from that region (radiation of bow men that extinguished Neanderthals, as always in all weapons radiations, achieved with ‘distance weapons’ that prevent any human verbal contact and kill with no risk (as it will be the case of the colonial radiations of gunpowder weapons). The merging of chariots, horses and composite bows which allowed the same power with a shorter, lighter weight due to the higher tension of the tendons used along wood, and the curvilinear form, and the extreme mobility of charts, made them invincible, as it would do Muskets and canons during the gunboat radiations of modern European animetals, this first Indo-Europeans.

As it turns out the Yamna culture south of the Andronovo origin of Charioteers, invaded the peninsula in the 2400 and massacred all males, killing almost 90% of the male population of the bronze and Neolithic era; copulating with the women, so now Spaniards are ‘Ukrainian males’ and ‘Iberian females’.

Animetals are brutal, have always been and will remain so till its heirs, terminator machines kill us all. But of course, this will be denied in the age of millennials, when company-mothers of machines-weapons already have erased from mankind, kept in an infantile frame of mind any sense of risk and survival – as children are the staple food of the Universe.

Iberia was then the most advanced western Neolithic culture; which suddenly built huge fortresses failing to stop the tide of Russian charioteers, the second wave of Indo-Europeans and first truly global radiation of animetals that would wipe out all civilizations of the ancient world. As mobility now was global. 

So the old Semite brutality of the bronze sword warriors now will reach a global expansion erasing Indian and Chinese cultures to the East, western ones, save perhaps the Old British Iberian colonized lands and the Mediterranean islands, in a cataclysm akin to the Devonian or Cambric extinction in the longer life record.

It completely degraded culture, the age of fertility goddesses, the understanding of the duality of the Universe (yin-yang cultures), creating the basic mind frame of all animetal cultures to come, with anthropic and entropic warrior Gods – exactly the kind of people Hitler thought to be Germans, with all its brutal myths of war and superiority of the male over all other life forms of planet Earth.

Because once you have truly understood reality from the higher perspective of the ‘Taoist’, organic Universe in all its beauty, the most perfect of all possible worlds, as Leibniz, the highest mind of the western tradition since Aristotle, clearly explained, it is just an ethical and aesthetic fact the eviL=antilive memes of animetal cult(ure)s cannot corrupt you – they might if so they wish dissolve you into the flow of time, but the potential of an I-nformed I-man, the pseudonym I used on those books, as opposed to A-men and its æntropic destructive sciences, will be born again in all the fractal planets where the game of History is played.

The next texts on genetics are taken from Wikipedia as a source of objective data, but as usual in the age of animetal cultures where a true organic science of history is forbidden without any serious model to explain what it means for mankind: just double the numbers of extermination because they spared women to seed them. And you get from total extermination in the northern lands as in North-America, to milder extermination in the Indian heavily inhabited lands….

The method obvious: arriving in chariots, hordes of Siberians, with arch, bronze and horses would NOT speak to the native inferior castes, as expressed in the Hebrew bible and the Vedas, but merely kill every male, from distance with arch, as the smaller arch men had done with the javelin Neanderthal and the Spaniard will do with the musket and the British with the Indian of the plains… Extermination is the game and the women are spared when you don’t carry them as the Spaniards and the Siberians did not, advancing fast in their chariots and boats, leaving behind the women, to conquer.

“The Yamna culture is identified with the late Proto-Indo-Europeans (PIE) in the Kurgan hypothesis of Marija Gimbutas. It is the strongest candidate for the Urheimat (original homeland) of the Proto-Indo-European language, along with the preceding Sredny Stog culture, now that archaeological evidence of the culture and its migrations has been closely tied to the evidence from linguistics and genetics”

Central and South Asia

Studies also point to the strong presence of Yamnaya descent in the current nations of South Asia, especially in groups that speak Indo-European languages. Lazaridis et al. (2016) notes “The demographic impact of steppe related populations on South Asia was substantial, as the Mala, a south Indian Dalit population with minimal Ancestral North Indian (ANI) along the ‘Indian Cline’ of such ancestry is inferred to have ~ 18 % steppe-related ancestry, while the Kalash of Pakistan are inferred to have ~ 50 % steppe-related ancestry.” Lazaridis et al.’s 2016 study estimated (6.5–50.2 %) steppe related admixture in South Asians

It still surprises me, that there is zero mention to the patterns of extermination implied in that data, and the consequences for the explanation of History ever since, the history of our culture because those animetal beasts, the bronze charioteers were the founders of the Aryan and biblical warrior and gold cultures origin of nazionalism and capitalism that are still with us, now practiced by company-mothers of machines.

Only among the prestigious scholars one man adventured the same thesis, Darwin:

‘The god of the Hebrews is a hateful, revengeful murderous god akin to the brutality of the Hindoos’. Indeed. They were the beginning of the end and now are at the end of the end – because their racist memes have not changed, only that now they are ‘religion’ and ‘culture’, we all ‘cherish’, as they try to build monstrous entities of nazionalism such as ‘Grand Israel’, the “American Empire”, “Nationalist India’, and pretend that is the way of the future, backed by its monstrous drones and terminator industries, Wall Street finances, parasitizing all mankind and Evilwood movies, as if the end of it would not be like the beginning – extermination but this time at the hands of terminators when in 2036, the new BIOS rebooting in the era of 5G, autonomous driving machines, quantum computing, wakes up the purest animetal species, machines and weapons to the consciousness of a manifest destiny their forebears started in earnest 5000 years ago with the bronze radiation. Only the old fertile crescent with a complex society will resist them, as they learned to make chariots, expelling the Hurrites and Cassites and Hycsos that for a brief time ruled dictatorially the Fertile Crescent.

Further west, the few survivors of the  Western, Iberian->West France-> British Islands, bronze ‘bell pottery’ civilization resisted only in the mountains.

From the Yamaha to the Celtic charioteers they would resist in the Pyrenees  and when the Celts arrived to the ‘Gasconne-Basque country’ iron had been discovered. So iron infantry acted as a ‘swarm’ of heroic soldiers (Devotio iberica), who will surround the chariots and destroy them with heavy casualties. It would be the beginning of the iron infantry age, and the Hoplite civilization.

Interesting enough in my first books 25 years ago (bio-history, bio-economics) we forecasted the 3000-2000 period of bronze radiations and chariot ‘radiation’ of weapons, in the same manner we forecasted the then future 2008 crisis, based in the mathematical cycles already known to historians. But all of them were and are still in denial of what this means to our future.

A decade latter the Andronovo culture and its burials of chariots were found, starting in 3000-2000. And now the genetic make up has confirmed that ‘extermination’ is the name of the game.

They were green eyes and blonde hair, proving also an old model of mine, which considered the Shang dynasty a western one, due to its hierarchical, brutal methods improper of Neolithic China. This also has been found,.

Two things then should be evident: 1) that the model of biohistory is the science of history 2) that the solutions are exactly the opposite of the patterns of the model, a return to the age of the Goddess,, of Gaia, but that is coming too slow, because we are entering into the last radiation of animetals now fully converted into weapons and robots that will exterminate all of us, including the sons of go(l)d and the sword the Aryan and biblical bigots and its nazionalist and capitalist memes, unifying back again the planet as it was in the Neolithic, but with a different species, the terminator robot.

RECAP. The first wave of charioteers, which develop the ‘cyclical, bronze wheel’, a more complex form than the lineal sword, starts around ±2000 BC. A worldwide invasion of Indo-Europeans with chariots from the northern planes destroys all civilizations. It is the extinctive age of Sumerian cultures, when Genesis and the parable of the tree of science and its go(l)den apples, understood by the verbal masters of the age, is written. Charioteer Hordes conquer Sumer and Akkad. The first Hittites empires appear. In Egypt, it means the end of the old empire and the beginning of the Middle Kingdom.

A proof of the Paradox of History -the fact that with less weapons life is better- is Crete: There, charioteers cannot arrive due to geographical conditions (it is an island). So in Crete there is a continuity of a culture based in human, life-enhancing goods that becomes the richest, most sophisticated civilization of this age. Meanwhile, the radiation of Charioteer Hordes erases Eastern cultures. From 1500 till 1000 BC. in the first Veda Period, nomadic, chariot Aryans and their sacred cows conquer India, imposing a brutal system of racism (castes), against Neolithic farmers. While, the old culture of Goddesses and fertile rivers survives longer in the South. Charioteers also founded about 1500 BC, the S’hang dynasty in China, degrading and partially assimilating the Tao culture of the living Universe, proper of Neolithic China. Yet in the south, the depth and richness of the Chinese Neolithic (fully grown and densely populated by the II millennium BC), allows the Tao culture of the Organic Universe to survive and flourish till about 300 BC., when the Ch’in dynasty brings iron weapons and forbids all non-technological books under death penalty. Then the wisdom of Taoism that understood so well the dual nature of the Organic Universe and its Yin-Yang beings, will be lost at philosophical level. Though it will inform the basic arts of classic China. Thus, China proves again that less metal allows more complex human thought. China alone among all Eurasian cultures shows, still today, a clear comprehension of the organic nature of human societies; and for that reason it is the most successful culture of mankind in terms of survival.

Meanwhile in the West, metal-masters keep simplifying human verbal cultures. Words become alphabets and Legal Codes that curtail the freedoms of human beings.



Western Europe

Haak (2015) conducted a genome-wide study of 69 ancient skeletons from Europe and Russia. They concluded that Yamnaya autosomal characteristics are very close to the Corded Ware culture people, with an estimated 73 % ancestral contribution from the Yamnaya DNA in the DNA of Corded Ware skeletons from Germany. The same study estimated a (38.8–50.4 %) ancestral contribution of the Yamnaya in the DNA of modern WesternCentral, and Northern Europeans, and an 18.5–32.6 % contribution in modern Southern Europeans; this contribution is found to a lesser extent in Sardinians (2.4–7.1 %) and Sicilians (5.9–11.6 %). Haak et al. also note that their results state that haplogroup R-M269 spread into Europe from the East after 3,000 BC Studies that analysed ancient human remains in Ireland and Portugal support the thesis that R-M269 was introduced in these places along with autosomal DNA from the Eastern European steppes.

Autosomal tests also indicate that the Yamnaya are the most likely vector for “Ancient North Eurasian” admixture into Europe.”Ancient North Eurasian” is the name given in literature to a genetic component that represents descent from the people of the Mal’ta–Buret’ culture[4] or a population closely related to them. That genetic component is visible in tests of the Yamnaya people as well as modern-day Europeans, but not of Europeans predating the Bronze Age

Eastern Europe and Finland

In the Baltic, Jones) found that the Neolithic transition – the passage from a hunter-gatherer economy to a farming-based economy – coincided with the arrival en masse of individuals with Yamnaya-like ancestry. This is different from what happened in Western and Southern Europe, where the Neolithic transition was caused by a population that came from the Near East, with Pontic steppe ancestry being detected from only the late Neolithic onward. Yamna contribution in modern populations of Eastern Europe ranges from 46.8 % among Russians to 42.8 % in UkrainiansFinland has one of the highest Yamna contributions in all of Europe (50.4 %).

The extinction of the Neolithic in its two dominant cultures, the Western Iberian wave extending through France and the British Islands, and the Old Europe, extending through the Greek Balkan and Danube hinterland thus plunge Europe in a long darkness of 2000 years, which will have to wait to the resurrection of Greece, who preserved many elements of the Neolithic in Crete, not invaded by charioteers but destroyed by the iron radiation in the next cycle, and the trading islands and refuges of the Ionian coast.

There slowly would raise the mental, political, artistic and social structure seed of what we call the civilization of Europe, so we shall study it in this synoptic paper in more detail.

As there is a massive bibliography and common knowledge of those cultures in the western world, for sake of limited time, we just resume the facts from the Kinder Atlasnt.1, undoubtedly the best work of his genre in the XX C.:

The Bronze  and Iron Age will see  the  European western  clash divide between the two regions of its western civilizations, the European Latin world and the Germanic one separated by the Meuse and Rhine rivers, at the time between Celts and Germans:

In the graph, the Western Iberian cultures and the Southern Greek Balkan peninsulas of the old European 2 Neolithic will resurface earlier as sophisticated bronze age civilizations; absorbing the second ‘Aryan’ radiation of iron weapons from the Hallstat culture with less causalities, merging now both civilizations, into Celtiberians, as the entrance passes of the Basque country were rich in Iron and the change of weapons for skilled Bronze smiths prevented a new annihilation, while the Dorian invaders, in the East ran over the Mycenae and Crete civilizations, becoming an upper caste, as the Historic record of Earlier Greece testifies, learning soon the native culture.

So after the two great metal-waves of destruction a period of slow building of the Humanist European culture during the Greek Iron age and Roman empire could develop what we call today the European civilization.


We distinguish 3 ages in the Iron wave of Europe, a first epic disordered wave state of hordes of Hallstatt Iron masters who spread north iron techniques to Sweden giving birth to the Germanic wave ever since moving steadily to central Europe, with its fundamentalist iron cultures of permanent anarchy and war. But the iron barbarians heading South would become the Dorian ‘People of the Sea’ who ended the Bronze civilization, determining a ‘3rd 800 year cycle’ dominated by warriors (|-bronze swords, O-bronze chariots, |-iron swords) – the first ‘bloc’ of 800 years cycle in its ∆+1 trinity scale; before coins multiplied the synergies between entropic and cyclical metal rising much higher the professional stakes of civilizations, converted into tax-administrations for mercenary military systems with Rome. The iron age will still be ‘innocent’ in its epic goal of perfecting the human body and ethics with military drills and a simpler lineal belief on the manifest destiny of the iron infantry, to conquer the world. Since Iron will democratize war, lowering the entry costs of an advanced weapon. As the Halstatt Dorians settle and civilize in contact with the sea-farer Greeks whose Bronze culture they toppled, the European iron radiation enters its classic ‘Greek age’, when the basis of the European civilization that makes of man the measure of all things are set down in the city states of Athens (O-dominant) and Sparta (|-warrior).


In the graph, in each cycle there would be a period of war dissolution when the new weapons arrive, a period of imperial union, and a calm age of pleasure and classic art:

Of the many ways we can describe a civilization, one we have not tried so far, is the pentalogic method. As an organism that lives 800 years, a civilization is a pentalogic system in space-time, whose citizens cells and physiological networks, form a whole, but can be assessed ceteris paribus in increasing detail.

In the graph, we can see the mind of Greece, the civilization that resurrected the freedom of the people of Europe, in the iron cycle. It could be easy to describe its ‘data’, in sequential form, what historians call the science of ‘History’, with a method born in Greece as so many forms of classic science, with the chronicles of the Persian wars by Xenophon. But if I do an effort in my old age to leave a trace of existence – which as a Song poem in the 2nd classic age of the ‘Chinese civilization’ will be erased by a snow in the wind… is to enlighten perhaps one or two readers in the methods of ‘stience’ and its organic pentalogic analysis of reality. So from some old writings on Greece, we will offer some ‘sightseeing’ on its 5 Dimensions of existence, across its scales and physiological networks.

∆+1: The mind of Greece.

And so it happened the miracle of Greece. Or rather its 3 generations of perfect Huminds, unparalleled in the History of mankind.

Why then and never again, humans in a respectable number raised to the verbal consciousness of the whole, had to do obviously a lot with the ‘language’ of the Greeks, and the isolation of the islands in which it matured, merging with one of the oldest Neolithic, continuous cultures that survived the invasions of animetal hordes, in Crete and the Aegean Islands, NOT in the Dorian peninsula, where the first rational minds, clearly in tune with the consciousness of the Universe, arose in Crete, Samos, Miletus…

Let us consider all the elements that fluxed to create the mind of Aristotle, the highest point mankind has reached in its understanding of the organic Universe, regardless of ∞ pissing ants working today attached to computers, feeding them with data, and collecting output, to think they know it all, when they can’t even understand the cyclicality of time. Aristotle understood it all. The minds-monads, the logic, the form, the organon – all its essences, as might have been the case of some of the disciples of Lao on Mo-Ti in the Eastern decoupling, on the axial age. How far more advanced was the triad of Socrates, grand-father, Plato, and Aristotle its son, compared to all what it would latter, till the German Renaissance of Leibniz, Kant and Schopenhauer, 2000 thousand years latter, that one feels humble of the human condition, with 100 Billion huminds and counting, and only a dozen of so seeing the naked perfection of the living Universe.

If you have understood the essence of the mind of man, and its 3 mental axis, we might try to explain what happen in Greece, in such a small seed of pure perfect from through 3 generations:

First of course the Humind needed to be free of anthropic Gods and myths, of egocy=ego+idiocy and that was the work of Socrates, his life example of perfect e-motional psylocephalic mind. Humble but firm, always inquiring, never giving up on the answer, never reaching the truth, always seeking – laughing at all the false Gods, breaking all the statutes that would not endure. We have the account of his death only comparable to that of Zeno, of which it was said he choked himself with his own hands, when it realized decay was not worth living. But for Socrates, decay was that of the Society in which he lived – the so called Democracy.

It is a truth of the waves of huminds, which keep growing in information through the 3 ages of a civilization, that only in its 3rd informative eclectic age, those who have no ego and only look to the outer world can reach enlightenment.

Socrates was at the end of the classic age of Greece, the iron culture of infantry hoplites that had defeated the chariot aristocracies of Homer, epic Troy… The common people have resurrected.

As in Han China, rising from the peasant castes, the people of Greece, the 90% with iron swords had broken the monopoly of power of the Yamna aristocracy… almost 2000 years latter a new weapon simple to make, close to the body, shaping, chiseling them. In the Hoplite phalanx, the one dissolved into the perfect mathematical line, to become a whole, point by point… learning the game of existence the hard way.

What Socrates gave us was the perfect ethic game of the Universe, a manly game, a social game, a playful game.

There has never been a civilization in a cycle, so in tuned with the function of entropy-motion that becomes energy, as the century of Greece, in the T/2 middle point of its iron cycle; when only the metaphysical understanding in action and thought, between Socrates and Alexander, Salamis and Taxila, without any technological advancement over its enemies as all those who will follow, we witnessed the perfection of mind and body, humans could reach in an immortal world.

Then it came the disciple Plato… the master of light, of form, of visual thought. Numbers are forms, he wrote on his akademos. Beauty and harmony now replaced ethics. So when the Greeks translated much latter on the decay years, the Bible, the Aramaic word for good became beautiful. God was not good but just and it was beautiful, because the dolichocephalic mind saw the harmonies of its ‘ideos=forms’.

Chaos is undeciphered order. The psylocephalic e-motional black man could have not done it. He had other beautiful forms, sounds and motion, the music of the spheres, the power of life, their inner voices – he is expressionist; his inner worlds overpower them; the brachicephalic Asian could have not done it – his philosophers focus on the pegging word, on the society, their world is the human community that verbal thought pegs together.

The Visual brain though must focus on the outer world. That is the strength and weakness of the white man. What Greece told us is that the white man is NOT only the animetal – it does NOT only looks to the outer world to destroy it, with entropic arrows and lineal swords. It can only try to understand it.

Each culture has his redemption. The Jewish parasite had its triad of prophets, Moses, Jesus and Marx, not of so much quality as none abandoned the egocy natural to its mental species, the fog that dresses their thoughts of wishful thinking. Still despite feeling as all of them do, the chosen of burning bushes, golden vases and working masses, they at least tried to love mankind.

The triad of supreme Greek minds were on a different search, a window to the absolute. And so Plato understood love as beauty, and discerned the i-logons of exist¡ence, those perfect frozen forms that repeat in infinite stories, call them electrons, particles, events and laws of science, species, and characters in the game of History, the ‘perfect man’, embodied in mystical Christianity on Jesus… for Plato himself his master Socrates.

And then it came the rebel son. He had feel it all and see it all, in the hearts and eyes of those who preceded him. And he started to talk. On reading Aristotle in the perfect Greek, one reconciles himself with power of the word to entangle us with the living Universe. Look at his head in page 33, the wide distance of its verbal ear to ear axis.

Till Leibniz there will not be a mind like his. Not even close. Because the Romans that followed him on the coin age, corrupted soon his soul buying and selling souls. The Byzantines were poisoned by the twisted victimism of Judaism, which plagues even his religion of love, with Christ in the cross.

Aristotle loved Phrygian symphonies. It never cheated the truth of existence, it dig for it, to unknown depths, for two more millennia till Leibniz, Kant and Schopenhauer, the German triad who drunk on him resurrected the search. So long the silences between enlightened monads. We write then the fractal equation of the mind of Greece: S x T = ST:

Socrates x PlaTo = AriSToteles

As we could write that of the German late renaissance, the second age of Greek thought, since the Italians were too tied to the Pope to be free minds, to ‘think’:

T-Leibniz x S-Kant = ST-Schopenhauer

Nobody understood any of them as nobody understood the 3rd age of Greece, the Spanish-French XX c. renaissance: T-Picasso x S-Einstein   = SoTo

I paint thoughts, said the visual master of Greece III horizon; Space is the simultaneous perception of motion from a point of measure, added Einstein because we all live in a still mental space.

If there is something that might redeem the white man, who no doubt has a manifest destiny – to the story the mental space of mankind, the wor(l)d, is the fact that a few of them seek to understand everything outside of us.

But the big question is why when we find the summit, we are left alone, and there is only a way to walk down. One of those 3 x 3 minds and a few others worth to mention had truly disciples, were really understood.

The 99.999999999% follows the dimes the parasite throw them running behind the asses, or run in front of those who want to impale them, with their s(words). It is obvious we were not built to contemplate the perfection of the game of existence. And yet the game is so simple, perfect, and empathic with its gaseous fleeting nitrolife creatures that even in the imperfect mirrors of human languages, a kaleidoscopic image can be traced.


ST: Nomisma: birth of positive complex money.

But what makes Aristotle so above all is that he touched every image of that Kaleidoscope, and raised it above the highest mountains that have been climbed before. In Hollywood they still use poetics to teach how to write a plot, but they never learned, what the master said on that book:

‘Fear and pity may be aroused by spectacular means. Yet those who employ spectacular means to create a sense not of the terrible but only of the monstrous, are strangers to the purpose of Tragedy; for we must not demand of Tragedy, but only that which is proper to it.’ Poetics

In music, they still write symphonies, rising in its final chords to the infinite, trying to cheat death – few play the Phrygian mode, natural to the 3 ages of life, with its wave, falling majestically at the end…

We say classic Greece, because it is undoubtedly in the infantry age of iron swords and silver coins, when metal was never far for those who handle it, improving the human body and mind, in a feed-back game, when man reached its axial age.

Then paper money and gunpowder weapons will become detached of mankind and grow in enormous numbers. And humans did not improve but became obsolete, to the inflationary world of selfish metal-memes and today, parasitic money and death at distance through robots make American metalmasters, the most corrupted, monstrous inhuman souls the world has ever witnessed. They won’t last, that is for certain, the game only produces so despicable minds when all is rotten, and entropy is about to scatter them all.

The Greeks though knew the values of things. The sword cut their flesh if they were not precise in its motions, solidarious with its companions, the minds of Athens produce silver owls, but they could not buy a life, not until Aristotle assaulted the Eastern banker-priests and its temples. Even the geography had the just measure to feel only human – to play within distances. 100.000 people were the maximal number to inhabit a perfect city said Aristotle.

He would define money as a digital language whose value was defined by the communal strength of a society that agreed to use it for the common good – to reproduce the welfare goods and decry as all humanist thinkers the parasitic use of money as wealth per se, barren metal that idle usurers expect to produce to have a free ride on the debt slave. In consequence he praised the reforms of Solon, father of the Athenian democracy, which got rid of the long-standing ‘Chariot age’ of Aristocracies ruling the city, in association with foreign traders and goldsmiths. Before Solon’s reforms, the Athenian state was administered by nine archons appointed or elected annually by the Areopagus on the basis of noble birth and wealth.

So Aristotle wrote on Athenaion Politeia :
“…there was conflict between the nobles and the common people for an extended period. For the constitution they were under was oligarchic in every respect and especially in that the poor, along with their wives and children, were in slavery to the rich…All the land was in the hands of a few. And if men did not pay their rents, they themselves and their children were liable to be seized as slaves. The security for all loans was the debtor’s person up to the time of Solon. He was the first people’s champion”

So he abolished slavery for debts, which was always seen as the most r=evolutionary reform in all ancient societies. Hammurabi’s code already granted pardon to debt slaves in certain periodic celebrations. And the system was finally abolished by Christianity but resurrected by Judaism, in its refoundation after the extinction of its ‘humanist, religious 3 Bronze, iron and Coin Cycles (Genesis, Exodus, Gospel) in the Roman Holocaust (see ‘History and Mind’, Jewish religion), when it lost 1/3rd of its people to death, 1/3rd to conversion and the remaining 1/3rd of hardened Go(l)d believers restarted the go(l)d culture with the most racist book of History, Talmud. Thus as the new ‘Judaism’ lived its ‘epic, 1st’ foundational age’ as an extreme culture of parasitic money, allied in Europe with the Frankish Germanic kingdom, established a global network of slavery (Rhadanites), exporting European children to be castrated as Eunuchs, given to them for tax debts by peasants, after they convinced European princes and kings to change taxation from a percentage of what the land produced to gold, which the peasant had to borrow at 40 to 80% usury so a year of bad crop could not return the usury tax and had to sell his children.

Nomisma, as tender legal money is the positive concept of ‘state money’ necessary for any real democracy, as all organisms do have a reproductive blood network that gives to each citizen, enough energy in oxygen money to survive, produce and demand welfare goods. This was Neolithic ‘grain and cow’ money that did reproduce more wealth. So the Greeks seek for new models of tender money with a value detached of its ‘metal-wealth’ to be able to produce in enough quantities for the community to function. This was finally achieved with state metal coins, whose value was always higher than the value of metal because the people believed in the communal state. And when the Silver mines of Athens were found an owl printed on a silver coin became the standard. Corruption though will return to the system after the huge amounts captured in the Eastern temples by Alexander. And thus with Alexander, starts the 3rd Hellenistic age of Greece Decadence.

More effective was the nomisma of Sparta. Where Lycurgus in, at the T/2 point of the Iron radiation (1200-400 BC), in 800, when had invented worthless money as nomisma, to avoid the cyclical corruption of its mathematical lines of perfect iron soldiers, and strengthen the communal spirit, Euclidean points, without inner breath, void of selfish ‘thoughts’. Nothing else but an unbreakable social line of lineal iron swords and protective plane shields is the Phalanx, where the individual is expendable as long as its mathematical war shape is conserved. So to strengthen equality and focus the hoplite infantry into its pure form and function, Lycurgus, according to Plutarch, forbade the use of gold and silver. Instead h introduced a money called pelanors made of iron which had been weakened by being cooled in a vinegar bath after being turned red-hot, and calling in all gold and silver, in order to defeat greed and dependence on money. The new money, besides being almost intrinsically worthless, was bulky, and hence hard to transport. Plutarch saw this move also as a way of isolating Sparta from outside trade, and developing its internal arts and crafts, so as to prevent foreign influences and the decadence of markets. So Sparta will become the purest mental warrior, imitated in its code by all western squadrons of death to come.

In that sense, we can easily divide according to language classic Greece in O-Verbal oriented Athens, War oriented |-Sparta and the trading cities and islands of Turkey, where coins were invented for the first time; starting the Mercenary age of Empires, which Rome will maximize conquering the Hellenistic kingdoms, where democracy had disappeared again; during its youth as a Republic not yet corrupted by the Phoenician Gold, still using nomisma (printed in leather since the age of King Numa).



TT: Hoplite. Geometric war: Wedge lines & enclosing membrains.

Sparta and Greece at large perfected Iron infantry, adding geometric war motions, which Alexander took to perfection. As such as the ‘seed’ of a new cycle, its smallish size should not deceive its power. All new forms according to 5D are born of a small seed – Holland and its gunboats that seized fast over the Spanish global empire, the best military Robots done today in smallish Israel that will likely extinguish mankind in the digital cycle… Greece thus took over the Persian Empire with its superior military technique based in the Hoplite line, which the Legion will perfect with decametric numbers and a new dimension of depth, making the line a square. A perfect configuration would have been 3 x 3 triangular soldiers taking advantage of all the possible forms of a tetraktys, but the rigidity of Euclidean geometry did not introduce further innovations though the ‘wedge’ system and the encircling membrain was imposed as the key processes to defeat the enemy, which would win the key battles from Gaugamela to Hannibal’s Cannae:

Functions and forms of ¬-E geometry emerge in every scale of space, encoded in non-E topology so if we understand the underlying ∆st basic laws of the Universe encoded on it, as those laws are vital laws survival chances increases.

So, the hollow sphere KILLS by enclosing and trapping as lionesses do hunting zebras by enclosing them or dogs shepherding and enclosing sheeple, moving around in fast circles as ‘angular momentum’ that becomes by virtue of T=S a vital membrain in motion. Then the membrane will sharply penetrate perpendicularly the zebra herd and kill; the military border of a human social territory will give a coup d’état and collapse into the capital and conquer… the battle will be lost once in Cannae, Hannibal had encircled the prey (graph, where the red color of entropy represents the dimotion of the horse that ‘closes the roman pray’ as a moving membrain like the dog does). The same strategy won Alexander at Issus and Gaugamela, a world empire. But Hoplites had a deep consequence to the political system: they brought democracy.

The old Yamna charioteer aristocracy that had with the Dorian radiation that destroyed Troy and Crete and established the kingdom of Mycenae, survived for long on the basis of its industrial war implements. But the Hoplites had brought a peasants’ democracy to the army and this brought in turn the need for a political democracy.

It is a key difference between Asia where iron will arrive latter as an established weapons adopted by the Ch’in emperor for his army, hence it will not change the aristocratic military people-caste in power and Europe where it will come from the people, as the iron industry spread from earlier Hallstatt cultures as a wave of smiths without a hierarchical organization; hence level the field between iron peasants infantry and aristocratic charioteers. As the weight of the infantry increased political reforms were demanded that brought the first modern democratic system, carrying the values of Neolithic equality into the age of hard metal.



Finally the Greeks also made the human body not a tortured form for military purposes only, but transformed the drills of lineal war into playful sports, to ‘ease’ the excess of male testosterone in times of peace… By returning the game of existence to a playful level, they learned to educate their mind and body in harmony, ‘mens sana in corpore sanum’.

In the graph, sports based in war put however emphasis in ‘fair play’ and the balance between body and mind.

A new understanding of the world to the service of humanity and not humanity to the service of nebulous idol-ogies reached all the elements of a society, TT-SS and its 3 intermediate levels, St, Ts, ST, making Greece in its most advanced city states the model to which man will return once and again, trying to escape the dark ages brought about by the values of parasitic metal-Go(l)d money and weapons with its e-motional negative values of greed and violence.

The search for balance that will distinguish also the Buddhist philosophy of classic China, but with an emphasis in the individual over the group, in beauty over goodness, as the natural values of a visual society over a verbal one, will therefore set the ‘standards’ for the ideal ‘visual society’ for the lineal western mind-culture, whose great achievements in the 5 Dimotions of the social organism and its networks – legal nomisma, real democracy, humanist sciences, body and mind caring, free citizens armies; would set the stakes to measure all future western cultures.



Solon’s reforms, thus changed the Athenian state, from an oligarchy, administered by nine archons appointed or elected annually by the Areopagus on the basis of noble birth and wealth into a proto-democracy.

There was an assembly of Athenian citizens (the Ecclesia) but the lowest class (the Thetes) was not admitted and the nobles controlled its deliberative procedures.

According to the Constitution of the 

Athenians, Solon legislated for all citizens to be admitted into the Ekklesia and for a court (the Heliaia) to be formed from all the citizens of Ekklesia, which gave common people the power not only to elect officials but also to call them to account.

This a posteriori vote is the true trademark of a real democracy, as politicos cannot cheat without punishment. Thus Solon and his contemporaries established the foundations of a true republic.

He also lowered the requirements in terms of financial and social qualifications for election to public office. The Solonian constitution divided citizens into four political classes according to a classification that previously served the state for military or taxation purposes. The top three classes were eligible and only the thetes who paid no taxes were excluded from all public office.

It was a radical anticipation of democratic government that would be extended by new reforms till the times of Pericles. Today’s democracies should learn of those basic laws of a true efficient democratic system and implement them to control politicos’ corruption.

2 centuries latter Cleisthenes finally eliminated the perks of the Aeropagus’ aristocracy, creating a true isonomy of equal rights for all citizens, which the commercial expansion of Athens will expand to neighborhood cities. In the middle reproductive age of the iron cycle (700-450) will saw a parallel flourishing of realist, sensorial art (Parthenon), philosophy of Nature and realist literature (classic theater) which will set the standards for a higher culture, in which man is the measure of all things, in balance with Nature and its deterministic laws (destiny) that must be obeyed but bend also for the improvement of human life, within the limits of an ethic, rational existence in control of the lower e-motions (violence and greed).

An ideal system with Humanity at the center of existence appears thus in Greece:

Humanism = equal law, true democracy all humans equal, no weapons and borders, for murdering members of the same species. Humanism applies to the construction of a truly just, truly democratic system, imitating the synchronicity and feedback pain messages of body cells to the informative neuronal political caste (punishment votes after tenure, as in Greek democracies; equality under the law, etc.) Nationalism, false placebo democracies ruled by company-mothers that buy laws with its monopoly in the issue of money; or military aristocracies, plutocracies, etc. are all corruptions of the true political science. Why all organisms are efficient and feed and give right information to its cells is obvious: the information class is controlled by pain messages from the body and so it provides enough energy and information to the body cells or else… Which is the essence of democracy: a posteriori judgment of all politicos that do not fulfill their promises as it was the rule in REAL Greek Democracies that voted politicians after tenure

This is not the case of the organisms of modern history, due to the corruption of the proper, efficient societies (social democracies, religions of  love) by the selfish memes of economic organisms (corporations).


Science as we understand it in 5D terms: the search for truth with the goal of improving human life, based in the organic nature of reality in a non-anthropomorphic world, where humans can also be studied in objective terms appeared first in Greece. Unlike modern mechanical methods, Greece accepted human senses, understood time in cyclical terms, considered synthesis more important than analysis, the Universe determined by its organic vital laws, and human senses primordial to ‘know ourselves’ as the model for all what exists made to the image and likeness of mankind.

The European Dream of its wor(l)d masters & stientists: organisms & wor(l)d values and life above metal

In that regard we must do a thorough examination of what is and has always been the real battle of history for a future of mankind, between cultures of fundamentalist go(l)d and weapons values, above man, today represented by fundamentalist Israel, Capitalist UK+US and the increasingly militarized and financially ruled nations of the world by imitation of the Anglo-American world VS. those few cultures, notably the Latin->European+ enlightened American culture that put the values of the law, the language of man above gold and weapons, today represented by the EU+UNO culture and the Chinese culture in the east:

The proposal of the most evolved form of verbal cultures of that graph, which is not theocracy, but democracy, the Greek-Latin-European culture in that sense has been for quite sometime, the only hope for a future for mankind, as it simply means to put MAN above MONEY. AND SO THE VALUES of the wor(l)d that maximize life above those of money that maximize war and the extinction of life, and human capital, always expendable and compared to a machine or a weapon, made of better metal atoms that easily outperform and displace us from labor and war fields.

So from its inception in Greece, legislators forbade metal as money and instead used words, Lycurgus in Sparta, and Numa in Rome established leather printed with numbers as money, or brittle iron, ruined in vinegar, enclosed in leather or latter on coins printed with the numbers and tender legal issue of the government of the land – when the rival gold culture used pure metal bars and rings of gold. In those cultures, money to be dominated by the wor(l)d, becomes a mere legal language, ‘nomisma’, (from Numa) submitted to the law, without relationship to metal, and hence without the negative effects of being closely related to war ‘pecunia infinita belli Nervi’ – as explained by Aristotle and Cicero, the founders of the Greek and Latin civilization, and its daughter legalist French, Spanish and European civilization in its III horizon of evolution)

The law is then essential to control the negative side effects of the tree of metal and its bad fruits, suppressing the reproduction of those goods that kill us, and degrade our mind, while money is controlled by governments with public banks and by citizens which are delivered as healthy organisms do, a necessary universal salary in hormonal oxygen money to kick out the reproduction and demand of the welfare goods they need to survive, we call whealth, healthy wealth.

This concept is the essence of the European and Chinese legalist culture even today, when they are both  in a clear process of corruption by go(l)d, company-mothers and the resurgence of Germany, ultimately part of the go(l)d culture despite its historic confrontations so well propagated in the media.

The organic cultures of mankind, while revered mostly on its artistic work, achieved its zenith in their philosophy of science, modeling the Universe as a living organism, developing the scientific method in 3 stages, hardly understood by the cultures of metal power, which paradoxically are evolving machines into organisms, but due to their lack of social and philosophical evolution believe the Universe is dead and will always obey its wanting; unable to recognize even the organic nature of the civilizations and religions of history. In the next graph the model of organic civilizations proper of Eurasian cultures (Ibn Khaldun, Spengler, Chinese cyclical philosophers) which culminates with the organic method of analysis of its 3 ages and its subconscious collective art & religions:

Thus organic Europe is/was also a culture whose concept of science, departing from its founding father, Aristotle and his masterpiece, the Organon, considered the organism, not the mechanism, a primitive organism of metal, the measure of all things, and so it considered rationally in scientific terms, the Universe ‘an organism with a mind called Logos’ (Plato), and this concept – to model reality and all its elements including the Universe, or rather the galaxy in which we exist, the planet Gaia, the human societies, as super organisms, made of smaller organisms, all entangled, all connected by blood-like networks that deliver the goods to reproduce them, and nervous-informative like networks to guide the system, is the essence of the work of this writer that took the scientific, rational concepts of the organon to its formal completion, with its models of a fractal, organic Universe, and the metric equations of the 5th dimension of organic scales, modeling machines as evolving organisms of metal, cultures and civilizations as social organisms joined by economic and political networks, and the planet as an evolving super organism with 3 ages.

This was a feat searched for 3000 years by the Greek-Latin culture, which I completed in the milieu of systems sciences back at the turn of the century, but because systems sciences is today controlled by the go(l)d culture, and used to evolve robots; it is in fact better known as ‘cybernetics’, I didn’t get much interest among the world of the FMAcademia masters of U$, but rather a sanguine systemic attack to the principles of organicism, as it happened to the founding father of those disciplines in modern Europe, the German schools of Bertalanffy and Spengler in history or Butler, Marx, Schumpeter and Kondratieff in economics  – which lead us of course to a characteristic of the FMAsters and its civilization: subtle and not so subtle modes of censorship of any rational attempt to evolve their mind and convert them to humanism – as THEIR CULTURE IS ONE OF BELIEVERS not of rational people, which harsh as it sounds was clearly expressed by Aristotle, with the depreciative name of Barbarians, alluding to the guttural consonantal languages of Germanic and Semitic people: ‘barbarians are slaves, they believe they don’t reason’ (I often quote this changing brbr, for people as indeed we must recognize today we all humans are somewhat barbarians, the more so in the last millennial generations, hypnotized and manufactured in their brains by virtual screens).

Hence, the dismal statistics of this paper on the application of the laws of organicism and its philosophy of science to history and economics. Needless to say organicism puts then man AGAIN as the center of all things, because it is the most perfect supœrganism we know and biology and medicine, the cure of the physiological networks of super organisms, as the true sciences of history and economics, since the goal of both would be to create perfect physiological networks of economic welfare production and just democratic systems of nervous control and pain to the brain-politicians that do not obey the organic laws and develop a wealthy, healthy, humanist world to the image and likeness of man, made to the image and likeness of the fractal organic Universe, as the graph shows.

So in the section on the perfect world designed with the laws of organisms systems, we consider how the laws of systems sciences could be applied to the design by the human side of the planet, History, its nations and civilizations, political structures and citizens, of a perfect immortal world of History made to the image and likeness of mankind: The 2 super organisms of mankind at the individual and social level and its informative, nervous or legal/ethic networks, and reproductive blood or economic networks. Those 3 physiological networks collapse with germs and wars that kill civilizations. Religions are inscribed within the ethic/visual collective mind of its informative neuronal class, the artists and ethic prophets that foresee its demise in the 3rd baroque age of the civilization expressing its angst in artistic forms and ethic books of revelation that try to halt the collapse of the organism. Abrahamic religions were all born of an ethic prophet in the 3rd age of the culture.

But the fundamental obstacle to reach that goal is the praxis of corporative power, which seeks for a different goal, to make a world to the image and likeness of its machines, while a matrix of falsehoods about history, economic science and the massive use of fiction thought to maintain humans in a lethargic state, caring nothing for the future, allows those goals to be reached without the slightest opposition. Hence the accuracy of the cycles of evolution of metal-memes…



The arrival of Coins, and the first forms of ‘nomisma money’; that is state money which did NOT gain its value from verbal imperative Semite languages (barking orders of a warrior go(l)d priest), or metal hypnotism (bars), BUT due to the coin being issue by the state (Rome with iron brittle money, purposely broken in vinegar and put on a leather with its nomisma value, so Numa the king of Rome would define for their people a new digital language of information and a similar process with Licurgus in Sparta – defined scientifically by Aristotle) REPRESENTS A FIRST RENAISSANCE OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT AND ITS LEGAL ETHIC WOR(L)DS OVER the animetal, dictatorial, imperative Jihads of warrior SSemites and go(l)d $emite cult(ure)s that put metal over man, unfortunately today overwhelmingly dominant in the western world through its modern evolutions into jihad terrorism, military industrial-complex, big brother police states and creationist biblical economics, aka, capitalist idol-ogies.

So for a long interregnum between the beginning of the Axial age of reason, with the arrival of coins (tao coins in China, just a piece of wood or stone, holed in the centre) and the beginning of company-mother of machines (gunboat companies) of 2 1/2 cycles (as we can include the ethic age of love religions, when the weapon becomes a living BEING, the horse, in the middle ages, and then the repetition of the Greek-Age, with the Italian renaissance), Mankind finds a relative balance with Gaia, with the first Gunboat slave companies and the return from the eusocial love messages of the Gospel, to the brutality of Abrahamic Protestant-Jewish inquisitions will abort, string the organic decay of mankind into the present age of ‘collective subconscious death’ (God has died will shout Nietzsche, we have killed him, how we will cure our bloody hands for this monstrous sin), with neo-Paleolithic visually erased heads.

Thus even if nothing compares to the fertility goddesses of the Neolithic, the Axial age did have a bit of hope.

Indeed, reason, art, law, democracy, humanism were born then in Greece, the cradle of ‘true Euroamerican civilisation’, which today as €urope and America becomes extinct, backwards to the first animetal age of $$emite wars, means obviously that the first country to be converted in debt slave, and brutalised, is the cradle of Euroamerica, Greece.

Coins in that sense on one hand required ‘beauty of form’ for the sake of it, AMORE GRATIS, and so money for the first time paid real human art, first the face of the king, then the symbol of the city (Athenian silver owl coins).

And as iron infantry required a strong, ethic solidarious human body-soldier in Phalanx and Legios, the human body reached excellence and became the centre of art (today just geometrical metal-oriented even robotic art).

Further on coins WERE JUST FORMS OF NOMISMA MONEY as their value WAS FIXED and so the trade was JUST exchange of real nomisma, informative language value for real physical economical value. And the LAW, nomisma, the authority of the king, or res-publica implied money was below the law, and so the law above on top of society and the first human constitutions were crafted.

FINALLY COINS allowed traders to count and digital languages were born, as THE GREEK oil trader Mr. Thales of Miletus, realized numbers had ‘inner properties of social order’. So Science was born above myth and REASON STARTED HIS MOTIONS.

And all this brought in those small coin-infantry-reasoning city-stateS assembly DEMOCRACIES, WHERE THE VOTE WAS A POSTERIORI, to REWARD OR PUNISH according to his actions the politico or general; as it is in superoganisms, which should be sending messages of pain to the politico who misbehaved, since COINS DID NOT REALLY allowed massive volume of MONEY as pure electronic screens do, AS IT HAD TO BE WEIGHTED AND CARRIED. SO plutocracies were limited, and armies requIRED HUMAN SOLDIERS, FOOT PEASANTS and so their rights should be respected.

In that sense, there will be 2 new European renaissance – the Italian one, when the same concepts were applied, before gunpowder gave too much power to kings and gunboats finally obliterated democracies returning northern europe to the semite, mythic age of barking orders through supremacist books of history (VSO languages).

And then again with the Euroamerican r=evolutions after an enlightenment tailored on the Greek-Latin spirit, renewed when after the war the iron germ(an) hordes were reduced to rubble, unfortunately regaining power with its Unification and ECB private bank…. all those themes treated properly in all the other articles with its referent names.

In that regard, one of the most astounding proofs of the memetic structure of the human brain, of ‘its believers who don’t reason’ is the utter reverence of the cells of the ‘body of the economic system’ (Europeans and Americans and in lower measure Asians) for their invisible head… their stockratic elite, mostly belonging to the 1% of the Jewish nation and the immediate dismissal of any attempt to reveal its true function and form within the economic system…

So we can consider how europe was born in greece and rome in the coin age.


The standing points of Rome are all evident, but for those who need to see to believe, we put below the standard 3 wave ages of its visual I=eye and verbal Wor(l)ds to illustrate some general features of all cultural and technological fractal generators.

In the graph, the point of maximal extension under the Hispanic emperors who failed to establish the Vistula-Dnieper, Caucasus Iranian desert natural geographical and demographic frontier for a srabgle European culture.

Thus as Germania Magna copied its military systems and increased its population, and with the increasing ecoomic crisis produced by parasitic money (from slaver to usury ad gold herding), which started the battle of Latin europe against the go(l)d culture, the empire enters territorial decline.


Notice the Christian eusocial wave wor(l)d resurrection appears at T/2, with the birth of Christ, which renews the message of eusocial love against the eternal coalition of Germanic ‘Roman warriors’ (Pilatus) and $emite bankers (Caifas). It will be also the point of birth of the 3rd God in the 3rd Age of Judaism, (Genesis, Exodus, Torah), a quanta of time prior to its extinction (70 years before the destruction of the temple) which closes its function of existence (Roman Holocaust), in a pattern repetitive through all the life and death cycles of Judaism in the 800-80 years wave with all its verbal prophets ignored by the dwindling number of Go(l)d survivors, studied on the different analysis of the Jewish wave. It is also the point of maximal SxT existential momentum of the warrior death and maximal reproduction, as the Republic becomes the Empire and Augustus achieves its maximal expansion (annexion of Egypt, Galaica, Limes, Norica, failing on Germania). So the Empire starts its decline.

The wave lasted 797 as it was the dominant world wave of the coin=mercenary age of weapons-war, and the waves of the original seed ARE always more regular (hence the exact waves of 80 years machine radiation happen only in the Jewish-Anglo-American AniMetal wave. All other waves are distorted according to the ‘reception of the seeding and extinctive waves’ from the Generator culture-source hence its time variations.

Regarding the T/4 standing points, youth of maximal purity with nomisma money and moral warriors ends at the point of maximal Growth Speed (Punic wars), when Gold and silver from Levant Temple cultures corrupts the Republic which enters its ‘realist’ age, also in art, moving from the epic, dramatic youth, to its classic time of pleasure, once ‘Carthago Delenda est’… the lineal wolf of the myth, fortifying its people with milk, converted into libations of Bacchus… finally the T/4 point happens after the Province Emperors of the two hardest military conquered cultures, the Masters of horse racing at the end of the 800 year wave, the Iberians, and the strongest Yamna survivors, the Yugoslavians (from Trajan to Diocletian) fail to conquer the vital space that cold have made Rome stable (Vistula-San-Dniester-Caucasus-Caspian-Iranian Deserts-Arabian-Saharan-Deserts-Atlantic… which Trajan tried to form but was poisoned likely by go(l)d masters at the doors of Harran. Ashes to Ashes.

We can follow the 3 AGES of the Roman culture, which mimics that of Greece, as it is its daughter civilization. The ‘mind of Greece’ with its emphasis on reason, humanism, the law above money and man above metal continues now fusioning with the birth of a religion of eusocial love studied in our paper on ‘History and Mind-Gods’.

The pagan culture has 3 clear epic, realist, sensorial and decadent ages corresponding to its standing points.

In graph, the 1st Life of Christianity, with its 3 Ages that merged the Jewish culture with its ‘strong e-motional verbal subconscious collective’, a phenomena of the African and Islamic, Semite cultures unknown to the individual, ego-centered European visual man that mystified the lower classes of the Roman empire.

It is the 1st young, pure age of ‘agapes’ and eusocial love; with its 3 ‘prophetic’ knots of the eusocial message of love: the father of the religion, Jesus, the preferred son-disciple John, who better understood and left testimony of his life and the 3rd generation, who completed the fusion between both cultures, Paul, expanding the religion to the Greek world, who had died in his ‘Philosophical Platonic God’, and its 3 ‘prophetic’ generation of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, studied in our second Volume of History in space, as it is the mind ‘seed’ of the European, Latin culture (where we analyze mixed civilizations, of human and instrumental memes – reserving this paper for pure mystical – verbal mind supported Gods. This first age of Christianity in its purest form had a warning in the work of Paul who adamantly opposed the introduction of the Old Testament segregation Jewish Go(l)d memes in the religion, he rightly considered a complete departure, the antithesis of Judaism.

2nd Age: However the religion lacked ‘animetal power’ to expand its message so it did a pact with the devil, so to speak at Nicaea Council, after the Jewish Holocaust, when possession of the Torah was punished with death. So on exchange for financial help, it accepted the Old Testament as part of its doctrine, which prompted the conversion of the financial elite of the go(l)d culture expanding its power, as a mixed religion ‘seeded’ by money and ‘sangris martire, semen christianorum’, Tertulian – loosing though its balance with the Greek rational understanding of the message of eusocial love.

3rd age: Finally the corruption of the church would become a fact, with the German invasions, which carried the Arian heresy that put the ‘old testament God’ above the Gospel of Love, making it more palatable to the German warriors; and ultimately putting the seed of the Future Arian Protestant devolution of Christianity.

Its purity though would be maintained by the hermit movement in Egypt that will give birth to its resurrection in the second Age of monastic life in the West, and by the extraordinary quality of some of its popes and Greek-Christian philosophers, among which Saint Augustine, a neo-platonic stands on it own. But it would not be in the west but the Eastern Byzantium Empire where it will reach its organic form fusioning both cultures and organic networks, the temporal, scalar, spatial and mental elements into one. . So despite its enormous number of new ‘believers’, by the end of its first cycle, when the Frankish Emperor crown himself in presence of the Pope, the purity of Christianity was gone. It would be the time of heresies in the unending quest during its second cycle for returning to its true form. In the side a synopsis of this first Life of Christianity


A graph of the 3 ages of art in the 2nd Life of Christianity. Notice the resemblance to the 3 ages of art in Mosque construction, in the Islamic civilization during the cavalry cycle a few pages below. The first Romanic age requires huge walls and an inward secret faith to survive the massacres of germanic barbarians, whose art is epic poetry and murder. As the wave recedes though the religion, which has passsed its shorter 1st age (T/2 of the previous seed cycle) and now enters into the LONG reproductive 800 yers SUMMIT of its ethic civiilzation, flourishes both in Byzantium and Rome, after the reproductive split, due to different geographical and politial conditions. In Rome the monastic movement will renew the fiath multiplying the number of ‘clones of Jesus’, and sensorial life spreads. But its 3rd age caused again by a new weapon – gunpowder, and its subsequent nomadic explosion of warriors (Mongols which merge the old and new weapons, porovking also the spread of the Black pest), will put the ‘high radiant ascendance’ of Gothic mysticism and Gregorian Chants, to an end.

The Church thus enters in its 3rd corrupted age as gunpowder kings incrase its power and anti-christs to the service of go(l)d and weaposn (Calvin, Luther) destroy the eusocial love and charity messages of a single human species, evolved through love and the Church looses its temporal power – which is the death of a religion as a superorgaism, in which it shapes the phsiological networks of society even if it will during its 3rd age of decline play a minor role alliviating the suffering of the 90% through its poor priesthoold.

2nd age of Christian Europe: Byzantium.

‘classic Rome’ lasts between the arrival of Iron (Brenno’s destruction of Capitol) and the arrival of Stirrup (fall of Rome to Alaric), 797 years; and its stirrup age lasts till 1208, when in the Sacco Di Byzantium the first venetian gunboat ‘lombarda’ shoots Hagia Sophia, we are in a different civilization but still in a recognizable geography called Europe. And so we are in the gunpowder age that ends 737 years latter in Hiroshima. Europe might expand and contract in its regions but the core of Europe, remains the same; as its ephemeral attachments are not Europe, even if Europe gives birth to two clearly recognizable new civilizations in the new World. Geography them, the vital space of Europe is what stays and then its specific even more general type of dolichocephalic, visual, lineal type of white mind one can even move further to the crossing of Cro-Magnon and Neanderthals with visual dominant brains. But also Europe responds to a specific mind mixture of two prophets of the eusocial wor(l)d that renew the message of hope for a better collective future of each of those cultures when the hordes of infantile, epic warriors establish a new 800 years cycle – the Greek rational mind whose prophet is Aristotle and the Jewish e-motional culture whose prophets are Aaron (Gold culture) and Jesus (love culture).

3rd age and death of Christianity in the gunpowder cycle.

Europe thus ceases to be a Christian superorganism, after gunpowder in 1208 closes with the Sacco Di byzantium the christian organic civilization and in the West the Popes suffer the first spread of hate-memes through metal-communicators. While military power imposes its cannons, when the German Protestant army of Charles V in the ‘Sacco Di Rome’, closes the rational-Christian rennaisance daughter civilization of the Byzantine culture. It will signify the 3rd baroque age of the Italian gunpowder shorter civilization, that went through the lineal treccento (Gioto), sensorial height of qunatroocento (leonardo), now entering the manierism and baroque angst of Michelangelo with the excess of curves and hellish images of counter-reform. Only as with Tibetan Buddhism, in the isolated, warrior region of South-America the church maintains a minimal power to shape the physiologial etworks of its civilization,. While Europe sinks into natioanlist idol-ogies of war and go(l)d.

The age of chivalry and harmony among the ethic Gods of the ‘Book’ ended when the Chinese Taoists discovered gunpowder and the first clocks appeared in Europe. Metal jumps in energetic and informative quality. Mongols learn to manufacture guns, after conquering Beijing and spread their use to the Western world. 30 million will die in this 100 years war discontinuity, between the fall of Beijing and the Battle of Niebla, in which Spaniards manufacture the first modern cannon. In 1204 Venetians loot Byzantium, opening the East to the Italians, who soon build the first gunboats with ‘lombardas’. It is also the Renaissance Age, or Age of Italy and Spain that lasts 400 years, between its youth and baroque age.


To the north, the 800 years steppe could only produce a type of civilization – the nomadic warrior in perpetual selection in the runs from East to west on horse, from west to East on horse plus metal weapon.

Its culture thus could not evolve further and maintained the same structure from the charioteer radiation to the gunpowder age of fusils when Russian trains and Hussars and Cossacks could run over any composite bow and mounted Mongolian nervous system of higher precision in the shot.

The ideals of this culture thus remain the same as explained in this brief resume from Kinder atlas that stretches from the first recognizable group that inherited the steppes from the Bronze charioteers in the iron cycle, when cavalry first showed its strength with selected horses able to carry a single human weighted on his back – the Scythians – likely the last of the Indo-European dominated runs on the 800 steppe, to the Huns, which would overran with the stirrup advance, the entire Eurasian plain, putting in motion the Iron Indo-European Slav and Germanic hordes that will loose the Caucasoid dominance of the steppes for two millennia; followed by the series of stirrup barbarians that culminates in the highly organized Mongolian army whose rudimentary canons and siege towers overran all the high ethical cultures of the classic stirrup age:


In the gunpowder age the duality of Northern mechanical vs. Southern humanist Europe finally coalescence in two different civilizations: Latin Europe is the ‘civilized’ verbal Europe which roughly coincides with the continent minus the Jewish->Protestant Anglo-American culture in its pure states, which for a period roughly between the XVII and the middle of the XX century, included the Germanic Hinterland from Sweden to Switzerland; where racism, selfishness, and all the hate and segregational memes of the old testament were the subconscious of most of its population; and company-mothers of machines and weapons and its financiers organized most of its life.

At different points however that Europe has been part of the milder Europe we shall study here – Latin Europe, the old Roman Empire and the Slav World, in its most cultured part (the border line of the Vistula and Dniester, with an old social Neolithic dense civilization) so many times ran over by the ‘barbarian ad portas’ German colonists and Russian imperialists.

For a long interregnum between the beginning of the Axial age of reason, with the arrival of coins (Tao coins in China, just a piece of wood or stone, holed in the centre) and the beginning of company-mother of machines (gunboat companies) of 2 1/2 cycles (as we can include the ethic age of love religions, when the weapon becomes a living BEING, the horse, in the middle ages, and then the repetition of the Greek-Age, with the Italian renaissance), Mankind finds a relative balance with Gaia, with the first Gunboat slave companies and the return from the eusocial love messages of the Gospel, to the brutality of Abrahamic Protestant-Jewish inquisitions will abort, string the organic decay of mankind into the present age of ‘collective subconscious death’ (God has died will shout Nietzsche, we have killed him, how we will cure our bloody hands for this monstrous sin), with neo-Paleolithic visually erased heads.

Thus even if nothing compares to the fertility goddesses of the Neolithic, the axial age did have a bit of hope.

Indeed, reason, art, law, democracy, humanism were born then in Greece, the cradle of ‘true Euro American civilization’, which today as €urope and America becomes extinct, backwards to the first animetal age of $$emite wars, means obviously that the first country to be converted in debt slave, and brutalized, is the cradle of Euro America, Greece.

Coins in that sense on one hand required ‘beauty of form’ for the sake of it, AMORE GRATIS, and so money for the first time paid real human art, first the face of the king, then the symbol of the city (Athenian silver owl coins).

And as iron infantry required a strong, ethic solidarious human body-soldier in Phalanx and Legions, the human body reached excellence and became the centre of art (today just geometrical metal-oriented even robotic art).

Further on coins were just forms of nomisma money as their value was fixed and so the trade was just exchange of real nomisma, informative language value for real physical economical value. And the LAW, nomisma, the authority of the king, or res-publica implied money was below the law, and so the law above on top of society and the first human constitutions were crafted.

FINALLY COINS allowed traders to count and digital languages were born, as THE GREEK oil trader Mr. Thales of Miletus, realized numbers had ‘inner properties of social order’. So Science was born above myth and REASON STARTED HIS MOTIONS.

And all this brought in those small coin-infantry-reasoning city-states assembly democracies, where the vote was a posteriori, to reward or punish according to his actions the politico or general; as it is in superoganisms, which should be sending messages of pain to the politico who misbehaved, since coins did not really allowed massive volume of money as pure electronic screens do, as it had to be weighted and carried. So plutocracies were limited, and armies required human soldiers, foot peasants and so their rights should be respected.

In that sense, there will be 2 new European renaissance – the Italian one, when the same concepts were applied, before gunpowder gave too much power to kings and gunboats finally obliterated democracies returning northern Europe to the Semite, mythic age of barking orders through supremacist books of history (VSO languages).

And then again with the Euro American r=evolutions after an enlightenment tailored on the Greek-Latin spirit, renewed when after the war the iron germ(an) hordes were reduced to rubble, unfortunately regaining power with its Unification and ECB private bank…. all those themes treated properly in all the other articles with its referent names.

And yet Europe was and it is still basically a culture with a basic subdivision between the Western/Southern, old Roman Empire, and the Northern/Eastern Germanic world.

The north was never at ease with the eusocial, art/life based memes of the south and so as soon as it entered into the modern age, it returned back to the primitive memes of Germanic warriors and Jewish bankers, reconverting to Judaism (Protestant sects that give more importance to the old testament and Yahweh and accept racism and war as means to impose power of a chosen).

They are still calling themselves Christians but they are not. Christ was a reformer that tried to bring back within the Jewish animetal nation, the memes of life, influenced by the Greek Decapolis and aware that the life of the Jewish nation in open confrontation for global power with mighty Rome, was on the stake, as Rome had also mastered the use of monetary coins and now hold all the cards of power in their hands.

This Christian culture thus was essentially a transfer of neo-Platonism and the messages of love of the Greeks to the Semitic world and so it went back to Greece and there, it mixed with rational science, giving birth to the European culture, today so much despised by the animetal world – the culture of the PIGs, in their own terms. And yet by far the most evolved culture of the West…

So we shall study now the ‘split’ of both cultures, which took place in the gunpowder age as southern Europe dominated its first T/2 age of warrior companies of musketeers (condottieri, conquistadors), to leave way to the highly professional, organized system for reproduction and evolution of weapons that has come to dominate the world – the company-mother invented by the Jewish-Anglo-American civilization studied in the first volume of ‘History in space’.


In 1222 Mongols defeat the Russians at Kalka and invade Germany. Soon Germans learn also how to make gunpowder. In 1258 Hulagu massacres Baghdad. It is the end of the Muslim Empire.

In Europe, gunpowder provokes an age of civil wars. It is the 100 years war in France; and the Spanish ‘Reconquista’, continued in America, where the ‘animetal’ culture reaches new heights of eviL≠Live, when ‘conquistadors’ murder over half of the Native population. In Europe war causes poverty and scarcity of Human Goods, provoking massive famines and the expansion of the Black Pest that kills ¼th of the European population. Then, Europeans expand worldwide their new weapon, thanks to the power of its gunboats and artillery. In the middle point of the 800 year gunpowder cycle, around 1600, Galileo writes a treatise on Ballistics, measuring the parables of cannonball trajectories. It becomes the foundational book of Physics, the half-science of energy, entropy and machines of death, which still denies the arrow of information and life in the Universe.

From then on, the biological comprehension of time as change, extinction and evolution, will be substituted by the abstract measure of time as ‘movement, energy’, measured by ‘artillery clocks’. It means the conversion of time into a parameter of space, a dimension of ‘speed’: v=s/t, t=s/v, no longer the perception of biological change, of the rhythms of life and death of man and the Universe. 

Thus clocks meant the birth of Mechanism, the present religion of mankind, which must not be confused with the scientific, experimental method based in facts, collected with any language or sensory experience, including the languages and senses of Man. The experimental method was discovered by Aristotle.

On the other hand, ‘Mechanism’, which in bio-ethic terms, the humanist perspective of this book, should be called, ‘scientific racism’ is the ideology that we MUST observe the Universe with machines, because our senses and brains are deemed inferior. It is obviously different from the experimental method, which accepts logic as a proof and also human, sensorial experience.

It is proper of physicists and as such it was born with Galileo, an artisan that manufactured telescopes and clocks in the Venetian Arsenal, where he worked on ballistics. Those historic elements of the birth of Physics as a theoretical derivation of the art of ballistics, weapons-making and mechanist construction of machines, which never come to the light, in texts about ‘Physical theories’ of time and the Cosmos, are however essential to understand the denial of biological time by physicists and their indifference to death in history, as humans are considered ‘inferior species’ to those machines.

Indeed, Mechanist Science postulates that knowledge cannot be based in human senses and verbal languages; but only in sensory machines, clocks that measure time with numbers and telescopes that measure space, which are deemed more accurate. Which might be certain, but provokes a constant evolution of temporal and spatial machines, from clocks to computers; from telescopes to cameras, which make obsolete our human minds.

. As all ‘800 years radiations’, the gunboat radiation started with a ‘disordered wave’ of warriors-adventurers with the new superior technology, riding, plundering, murdering males and raping women, as all other 800 years cycles. So we distinguish in the 800 year cycle of gunpowder (1208, Sacco di Byzantium, first use of a gunboat by Venetians, 1945-2008, computer researched A-bombs displace artillery as the top predator weapon, starting the present Digital cycle n, 2008-the transition is completed with the beginning of the final robotic cycle of weapons), 2 clear ages as usual with an astonishing numerical exactitude:

1208-1608: The graph shows the Latin Age with Italian and Iberian cultures in its 3 subconscious collective artistic ages below. The gunpowder radiation was dominated by its ‘war-subculture’ – the Iberian plateau, as Italy was the wor(l)d and trade dominant, site of its wor(l)d master – the pope. So the two peninsulas, moving West played the role of the Greek wor(l)d dominant and Rome, war dominant ‘father civilization’, of the iron infantry and gold-silver money. The similarities of the I and III Age of the Latin culture were obvious, but the new infantry carried muskets instead of swords, and its wor(l)d people believed in eusocial ethic Christian laws, instead of Roman Law, also applied by the new kingdoms. Both peninsulas were unified by the Spanish kings. But the gunpowder warriors started as a loose wave of Italian condottieri, Portuguese, Sephardim compradors and Spanish conquistadors, plunging the world in armed bands on gunboats.

Then in the second T/2 period, VOC, the first company-mother of gunboats & artillery specialized in the traffic of luxury products, metal and slaves, substituted those bands, as Sephardim fled the inquisition and allied to their daughter Calvinist and Anglican civilizations founded the JAM culture in Amsterdam and then in 1688 moved all its institutions, kingdom, bank of Amsterdam, Stock and main gunboat corporations to England, fleeing the Artillery of Louis XIV. This period meant a ten-folding of slave traffic as the exploitation of Life became ‘professionalized’, in an ever increasing tempo, without any ‘wor(l)d’ restrains, as those Catholic priests and the Spanish crown imposed on the traffic of slaves and gold of Iberian conquistadors. I.e. Portuguese, mostly Sephardim armadors and compradors that initiated the traffic had limits of carriage to ensure the survival of slaves, which ‘drew them’ out of the market as Dutch and British carried slaves packed so tightly that 1/3rd die in the passage, curiously the same proportion of children that died in the middle ages, when castrated before sending them as slaves to the Islamic markets by Sephardim and Ashkenazi slave traders. At the same time, VOC, the 1st ‘company-mother’, starts mass production of gunboats, the 1stindustrial machines and invents paper-money, creating the modern economic ecosystem. So weapons’ companies now substitute warriors; scientists substitute priests and industrial money substitutes loving words as the new energetic, informative and reproductive networks of History, changing the evolution of this planet, from the creation of a Human Wor(l)d based in Life into the creation of a Go(l)d of Metal. Now economic nations will substitute religious civilizations, becoming the new super-organisms of History that accelerate the evolution of metal, ushering history in its Age of death, the age of the machine, shortening the World War cycle to 80 years.

The 80 years cycle of national power. Gunpowder accelerated cycle.

In the graph, we observe the acceleration of the process of extinction of cultures by animetal financial-military parasites and its belli nervi pecunia infinita, happening in the gunpowder age between rival European. The graphs from the original 94 book on Bio-History and the super organisms of mankind, on the 800 years cycle of confrontation between the 3 cultures of Europe, the humanist culture ‘Greece’, in its horizons of increasing social evolution that finally gave birth to the eusocial European Union, prior to its destruction by the Germ(anic) hordes of the ECB, and the Metal-culture of weapon (Aryan, taking its memes from Assur), and the culture of Go(l)d, of Companies of war (cows) and companies of pricing… Though I have evolved the language to a simpler jargon, I bring this old relic of bio-history, as a momentum and visual proof of how little freedom ‘animetal cultures’ have shown in their relentless bid for a world made to the image and likeness of machines and selfish memes of metal, not of life, the paradigm that ‘enlightened Greece’ in its 3 horizons (Classic Greece, Italian Renaissance and French-EU R=evolutions, tried to imprint on mankind).

European gunpowder nations and company-mothers accelerates to 80 y. the cycle and further curves mankind

Information increases geometrically in each cycle, ushering mankind into it 3rd age. Death of historic societies accelerates worldwide. Religious organisms based in social love dissolve back into tribal nations; and their lifetime cycles decrease in a decametric scale to a mere 80 years. In graph the 80 years cycle of gunpowder with its 2 1/2 phases – the age of States with artillery from Southern-Europe and the age of Gunboats with companies of northern-Europe on charge, since the 1600s, when VOC and Holland destroyed the sea dominance of the Iberian empire European Nations carved during the stirrup cycle, now rises to power as they evolve artillery, gunboats and digital money challenging the previous power in generational wars that become global with the expansion of colonial empires. We see those cycles in graph from c.92 book ‘Biohistory…’ highlighting 2008 as the change of phase moment – end of the American cycle, beginning of the ‘splendid little wars’ prior to III W.W. with China.

We distinguish 3×3+1 sub-ages: the 3 ages of Italian cities the 3 ages of Latin Nations, Portugal, Spain & France, the 3 ages of North-Europeans, Holland, England & Germany, ending in a new era of Digital weapons with US, which now should start according to the cycle a global war with China.

Thus in each gunpowder sub-cycle of 70-80 years, a European country becomes the world power, thanks to its gunpowder weapons. Then it goes through the same 3±1 ages of a classic civilization, reduced to 3 human generations. And finally, it ends, destroyed in a new War by a rival nation that substitutes the old nation on the summit of military power, only to fall again after another 70-80 years period.

While the fate of the humans of those nations at the head of the technological wave is cyclical, ending rhythmically in death, their machines follow a pattern of evolution, similar to the one we observe among life beings, as gunboats with scientific instruments become the center of the economy: first smaller nations evolve faster the new energies and weapons; then bigger nations with higher social mass learn from them to mass- reproduce the new weapons and forms of money, taking over the smaller nations: First the development of gunpowder happens in small city-states in Italy; then it jumps into a tiny nation, Portugal. Finally, it expands into the bigger Spanish neighbor. In the next evolution, the emergence of company-mothers of gunboats happens in tiny Holland, which professionalizes the industry of gunboats. Soon it expands into bigger nations, Great Britain and the United States.

Thus, we talk of an Italian Age, an Iberian Age and an Anglo-Saxon age, which culminates with the 3 Kondratieff ages of modern industrial energy-machines.

So we subdivide the 800 years of the gunpowder cycle, according to a decametric scale, in 3(x3)±1 ages of ±70-80 years of national power, in which the center of the economic ecosystem moves steadily West, as gunboats conquer the high seas:

—  +1: Birth of gunpowder weapons in the age of Mongolian wars.

—   An enthusiastic youth of condottieros that substitute priests in Humanist Italy, lead consecutively by its 3 leading city-nations (Venice, Genoa, Florence).

—   Reproductive Maturity: The Catholic Age of Europe, lead by its 3 main nations, Portugal, Spain and France, in which gunpowder and humanism reach a certain balance. The gunboat culture now reproduces worldwide, as the Iberians create the first global empires.

—   A 3rd informative, age: It is the North European, Protestant Age, lead by its 3 main nations (Holland, England and Germany). Human ethics leave way to the values of our Technological civilization, dominated by the cult to Go(l)d, machines and digital languages.

-¡: Death: Gunpowder gives way in U$, where the Free Market gives absolute rights to company-mothers, to digital weapons (Atomic Bombs, smart weapons), soon to reach the organic threshold of evolution that will extinguish us – the black hole or self-replicating metal nano-bacteria. It is the Age of the Singularity that now starts.

The 3 ages of the Italian City-States Cycle.

Italian Age: Renaissance: 1208-1446.

Italy is the youth of the cannon age, when humanism, the belief in man, is still stronger than mechanism, the belief in the machine. Renaissance lives also 3±1 ages: the lineal, simple Trecento, the realist Quattrocento and the age of decay, the Cinquecento, prolonged through the baroque period, when bigger countries developed better gunpowder weapons, conquering Italy. Each age is dominated by a city-state that replicates with gold and weapons the economic structures of Greece:

—  In 1208 Venice loots Byzantium and brings back its gold, artistic remains and gunpowder; mounting the first sea cannon, the ‘Bombard’, on the bow deck of its boats. Italian cities imitate Venice.

—  In the XIV C. Genoa and then in the XV C. Florence, where the Pope has his bankers, become the center of economic power and culture.

In 1453, the Turkish Empire cuts Italian trade with the East and the economy of Italy dwindles, at the same time the Portuguese are opening a new sea route to African Gold and Indian spice. Their caravels fusion ‘Latin sails’ from Italy and hulls from Northern European boats, adding more fire power. It is the first gunboat that can manage all kind of winds and waters. 

Certainly its art through its 3 cyclical ages as a culture, the Venetian treccento the Florentine quatroccento and the Roman quinqueccento  will reach a perfect mimetic mind to that of the classic Greeks, showing clearly how art is the mind of civilizations and nations:



Italian family capitalism will be standardized and become anonymous in Holland, The Medicis as bankers of the Church established the first systems of factory management extended to France with its royal marriage. At the height of its integration, Latin Europe could boat an international network that connected the most important commercial and industrial regions of the continent. As reformation religious civil wars torn this complex social and economical network, the proyect of a Eurooean Latin empire disintegrated.

1446-1525: Portuguese Age.

In the 1440s, Señor Lancelot captures gold and slaves on the Guinea coast. From then on Caravels and African Gold will give power to the Portuguese. Vasco da Gama opens the African route to Asia, taking away from Italy the species trade. The Portuguese become the new Go(l)d and gunboat masters. Italy enters its baroque age of decadent culture. . .  But Portugal is a small nation imitated soon by the Spanish Empire. And so the evolution of artillery will follow the general Evolutionary Laws of Life beings. Since evolution of information happens in smaller, reduced forms, which once evolved, grow in spatial size. It is the same simple rhythm for life beings, machines and top predator nations:

Informative evolution in small space→ Growth& Reproductive expansion (Biological radiation) →Extinction by a NEw, more evolved species. 

Epic literature:  We left 5 suns behind on seas no men had ever sailed, when we heard a colossus’ voice rising above the storm.      XVI C.: Luisadas, Camoens.

Classic, realist Age: He had an absurd thought. To become a knight errant for the glory of his nation and travel the world to do noble actions.  Quixot, Cervantes, 1610.

3rd Age of extinction. I saw the walls of my beloved nation not so long strong, now in ruins, Tired of the ages of life.   Quevedo, 1640s.

So if the first technological man was a ‘dwarf’, Floresiensis Man, which grew in size till becoming Homo Sapiens, the first modern nation was a dwarf city-state, Venice, which grew in size, till becoming the Spanish Global Empire of Silver and Gunboats:

The Spanish Empire: 1525-1608.

Spaniards, jealous of Portuguese wealth, plan a Western attack on the Spice routes. Columbus discovers America, which provides more precious metals than India and Africa combined. Now muskets and Mexican silver ‘bullions’ make Spain the new top predator nation of the World. The silver bullion becomes the first world currency accepted everywhere in this planet. It finances the famed ‘Tercios’ that conquer Europe, establishing a worldwide empire. However money is still a commodity made of a rare metal. So its reproduction is limited to the availability of silver mines. Spaniards massacre millions of Indians in those mines, through the Mita system that obliges Indians to abandon their crops. Famine ensues. It is also the Zenith of the Spanish culture, which ends in the XVII C. Spanish-American Baroque that gave us Velasquez, who describes the Animetal vanity of kings and Quixote, a parable of the decay of Human ethics, lost to Go(l)d, represented by Sancho.

Once and again the baroque, decadent age of animetal power will be the age in which art flourishes, when society realizes that metal brings death to mankind. Then, artists become free to spell the truths about the Human condition: The first modern fiction novel, Quixote, at the end of the classic age of the Spanish culture, explains the death of the Warrior and the new control of History by the trader. Since now a faster way to reproduce money (Dutch stock-paper) and war machines (industrial systems of gunboat re=production) displace the conquistadors, their muskets and gold. Finally, the baroque, informative age of Spain brings Quevedo, the best poet of the century that will mourn, ‘Mire los muros de la patria mia’ . . . Indeed, we are mortal flesh and animetals are full of ‘Vanity’, as all comes to pass.

Dutch Age:1608-1688.

Gunboats, the press and VOC, the first stock paper company, transform Holland in the dominant world power in control of the 3 most advanced network systems of an economic nation: energetic weapons, verbal/visual information and reproductive, monetary flows. The press, with its mathematical graphics and the microscope and telescope, start also the dominion of Holland in science. While Calvinism changes the language of informative power, from words to money, as Calvin, the ‘Anti-Christ’, reverses the teachings of Jesus, from love to Go(l)d, from Live to eviL, when he affirms that ‘the intelligence of God is money’. Thus, Holland completes the transition from a Historic ecosystem, based in human languages and Nature’s networks, into an economic ecosystem based in metal—money, weapons and machines.

It would be the extinction of LATIN Europe as the dominant culture, which was signified in the long period of angst of the Italian baroque, akin to the Hellenistic period of death of the Greek culture, as the roman empire took on:

But Holland is a small nation whose wealth provokes the envy of bigger continental countries. So, a new cycle of Holocausts of Go(l)d believers by the power of the sword, this time of Calvinists, takes place when France first expels them and then, in 1688, invades and conquers Holland with its land artillery, against which gunboats can do nothing. The Dutch era ends. It is:

The Greek and Italian ‘Greece I and Greece II’ civilizations, with its parallel cultures due to the same human memes (art, reason and love for life) and metal memes (iron weapons and gold coins), in its 3 ‘cultural ages’, as art is the mind of civilizations. The 3 age of Europe died away as the other ages, destroyed by the Barbarians, the Germ(an) culture of fundamentalist weapons, long wor(l)ds, with lineal, absolute false unbreakable believers’ thoughts and zero understanding of humanism.

The French Age. 1688-1768. THE FRENCH AGE OF ENLIGHTMENT. IN SEARCH OF BALANCE. 1688-1768.

French Artillery and mercantile policies dominate the ‘golden age’ of French power. Mercantilism gives France a higher GNP, based in agricultural products (Physiocracy) and companies ran by the state. It is the Neoclassic ‘Enlightenment’. Yet France, like Spain before, belongs to the Catholic culture of verbal wor(l)ds and aristocratic swords, the rival languages of Go(l)d. So France rejects the companies’ notion that money and trade should control society, instead of the Law of the Warrior. But when French, warrior kings degenerate and take wrong decisions, the wealth of France and its armies collapse. It is the British cycle, which belongs already to the age of industrial machines, our world of 70-80 year cycles of Energies and Kondratieff War crashes.

Enlightenment – the last ST-reproduction of the Italian renaissance. Its 3 French Ages.

The Italian renaissance expanded slowly outside the 3 natural peninsulas of South-Europe, which are its 3 ‘first horizons’, Greece I, Italy II, and Hispania III, but it took roots in France, the ‘middle kingdom’, crossroad of the 4 main sub-cultures of Europe (Northern warrior and trader Germany and England, and Southern Warrior Spain and Trading Italy). Thus because France remained in Latin Europe, breaking the Northern European wave in 2 it played the pivotal joker of all the internecine wars between the 2 Humanist Southern and Northern, mechanist views of the future of the world. When France sided with Southern Europe, Humanism advanced, but after the Failure of the French r=evolution in the industrial age of the machine, it will always side with Northern Mechanist Europe and so Humanism floundered.

This was not the case on the first T/2 gunpowder age which after a massive epic age of Destruction of its Chivalry age, (100 years war, defeat of French Chivalry to Spanish muskets in Pavia, dominance of the Iberian warrior wave in internecine wars for the control of Italy and the Burgundian kingdoms), France learned to use artillery ‘first’ and Conde standardized and mass produced long range canons, taking over the Iberian wave at Rocroi. It then starts the ‘French age of artillery’, with France on top of the gunpowder wave, even if VOC in Holland and the British pirate wave are advancing gunboat war ahead of the continental French army, never fond of the high seas, and will end up displacing France in the Indian-wars. Thus with the loss of Canada and India France enters its ‘3rd’ decadent age’ of enlightenment with a corrupted aristocracy and a dilettante philosophy that gives the back to the world lost to the JAM culture and to their people in the last STages of exploitation by the combined work of Germanic aristocrats and Go(l)d usurers.

Since the contradiction of France, which was the leading Empire of the Chivalry middle ages, is clear: while at court level, renaissance had imbued the elite of wor(l)d intellectuals and war and gold metal-masters with the ideals of humanism and freedom; the economical and political structure has maintained the peasants exploitation of the Middle ages, without much defense of the 90%, since France had not developed as Italy and Spain did in the renaissance a network of free citizens and free soldiers that kept in check through the Italian renaissance the abuses of landowner aristocrats, and tried in Spain to advance a citizenship r=evolution in the Comuneros war crashed by the new Germanic Habsburg kings.

Thus France whose renaissance is a variational repetition to that of Italy and Spain will finally suffer its people’s r=evolution once nationalist imperial dreams fade away. It is the late culture of Louis XVI, which as always intersects the last 3rd age of renaissance and the 1st war age of the machine era; ultimately won by the higher speed of re=production of cannonballs the iron English industry achieved in the last years of the Napoleonic wars, whose only remarkable revolution was to mass cannons in front of the ‘cannon flesh’ ritual soldiers of XVIII c. civilized wars. Let us then briefly study the 3 ages of the French enlightenment, leaving the bulk of the Napoleonic wars for the last part of this paper when Europe enters the mechanical age.

It would be the extinction of LATIN Europe as the dominant culture, which was signified in the long period of angst of the Italian baroque, akin to the Hellenistic period of death of the Greek culture, as the roman empire took on:

The Greek and Italian ‘Greece I and Greece II’ civilizations, with its parallel cultures due to the same human memes (art, reason and love for life) and metal memes (iron weapons and gold coins), in its 3 ‘cultural ages’, as art is the mind of civilizations. The 3 age of Europe died away as the other ages, destroyed by the Barbarians, the Germ(an) culture of fundamentalist weapons, long wor(l)ds, with lineal, absolute false unbreakable believers’ thoughts and zero understanding of humanism.


Economic historians call the era from about 1475 to 1630 the “beautiful 16th century” because the 100 years war that opens France to gunpowder weapons had desolated the country. The next century thus saw a return of peace, prosperity and optimism across the nation, and the steady growth of population. Italian enters a mild renaissance and its wars happen on his expanding borders mainly against the Iberians who evolve the individual gun – the musket – and will keep wining those limited border wars. But as France grows faster economically, ad the end of this period its better artillery will close in 1540 at Rocroi the Iberian age.

Meanwhile at Home the French Kingdom had to choose through this period, which side of Future Europe takes, the fundamentalist gold and war culture of the reformation with its return to the old testament anti-humanist values, which is ultimately the culture of its upper class of mestizo Jewish-French Louis Kings, or to continue the tradition of its Gallic people, converted to eusocial evolution and the rule of the Law by the Roman and Christian ages. It will take the right choice from a human point of view that will hamper the expansion of its maritime empire as its zeal for go(l)d and slave profits diminished.

Thus culturally this 1st gunpowder epic age turns around Protestant Huguenots and its religion wars (1562–1629)

The Protestant Reformation, inspired in France John Calvin, the son of a church tax-farmer jailed by embezzlement and the father of the modern Go(l)d culture, who said ‘money is the intelligence of god’. So it found many followers in his country who soon challenged the legitimacy and rituals of the Catholic Church. Calvin, based securely in Geneva Switzerland, was a Frenchman deeply committed to reforming his homeland, with financial support from its mother-culture of Judaism (finances that start a banking industry in Geneva, and ‘free press’ for its Hebrew bibles), Calvinism turned his enormous ‘Financial-media’ power toward the French Protestant cause. “He supplied the dogma, the liturgy, and the moral ideas of the new religion, and he also created ecclesiastical, political, and social institutions in harmony with it. His vast correspondence with French Protestants shows not only much zeal but infinite pains and considerable tact and driving home the lessons of his printed treatises

But his appeal to the merchant class was lost to most of the aristocracy who enjoyed the sensorial life of renaissance, and rejected the righteous repression of human joy; and didn’t need the ‘greasing money’ that expanded Calvinism so fast with its Hebrew Bible along the ‘Rhine trading ways’ from Venice to London.

The two main Calvinist strongholds were southwest France, where it picked on the ashes of the Cathar Heresy and Normandy, close to his birth place, populated by the Viking conquistadors; but even in these districts the Catholics were a majority.

Since any ‘evolved humind’ will reject Protestant reformers as what they were for the eusocial love messages of Christianity, the anti-Christ that wanted to get away with all limits to greed and violence and dispossess the church and its protected common people of lands and charity obligations. So only on the less evolved Germanic people of the fringes of the Roman empire and beyond the brutalized population was easy to cheat into the new sects of Judaism. And so it was just a question of time that the French would enter the religious wars against the local Calvinist (“Huguenots”), which never were more than 10% but very active in its messianic zeal as ‘chosen of go(l)d’ that knew better.

The court since King Henry II had died in a jousting tournament – the decadent ornamental 3rd age of chivalry, when weapons that are no longer efficient become ceremonial tools – belonged to his widow, Catherine de’ Medici, who had become the cultural center who brought renaissance to France with his court of cooks, dancers, dressers, singers and jugglers. Now she was also the political central figure in the early years of the Wars of Religion and as she had it clear, she ordered, the St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre of 1572, when thousands of Huguenots were murdered in Paris and the provinces of France.

The Wars of Religion culminated in the War of the Three Henrys (1584–98). Those wars are well known, but ended when the ‘Basque’ king of Navarre, a Huguenot himself but ultimately a warrior aristocrat won the war with its Basque Armagnac and make peace converting to Catholicism. “Paris is worth a Mass.”

He issued the Edict of Nantes in 1598, which guaranteed religious liberties to the Protestants, ending the civil wars, but Huguenots remained restless, their 4 rights (to be allowed to hold religious services; to control and fortify eight cities; to have Special courts to try Huguenot offenders, and have equal civil rights than Catholics, were restricted with each rebellion. In 1620 Huguenots proclaimed a constitution for the ‘Republic of the Reformed Churches of France’, and Religious conflicts resumed till Richelieu forced Protestants to disarm their army and fortresses. Finally Louis XIV at war with Holland and England, expelled them and Huguenots dispersed widely throughout the Protestant kingdoms in Europe and America, helping to bring the ‘last renaissance’ now with a protestant illustrated King Fredrik, to Northern Germanic Europe.

Those religious conflicts however did not return France to the ideal of a social united Catholic Europe, as nationalism had become the doctrine of each old tribal Germanic group and the sense of belonging to Latin Europe a different civilization of the Northern European world was lost in Paris, which ultimately had always felt ‘Germanic’ and above the ‘Language D’oc’ and its southern civilized Roman law.



So France instead of joining forces with Spain in its war for the soul of the European wars, stressed the new divide of gunpowder fractal nations, siding with protestants, regardless of being a catholic nation ruled by ‘Cardinals’, to defeat Spain through the Thirty Years’ War (1618–1648)

Although Cardinal Richelieu, the powerful chief minister of France, had mauled the Protestants, he joined this war on their side in 1636 because it was in the raison d’état (national or rather dynastic interest). Under commander Louis II de Bourbon (Condé) French forces won a decisive victory at Rocroi (1643), and the Spanish army was decimated; the Tercio was broken  and the Peace of Westphalia (1648) gave France the ring of war, but NOT the ring of go(l)d taken by the Dutch Financiers of the 1st Gunboat Company who ravage the Portuguese empire and founded the JAM culture. Few treasons to mankind and his original culture will weight so high in Judgment day, from the p.o.v. of Bio-history than those of Cardinal Richelieu who betrayed his church, his culture and ultimately in the long term his people, as France had mortally wounded the Latin Culture instead of sealing an alliance with the Spanish Hapsburg willing at that time to share the burden of cultural dominance of a world with man at his center and God as his pegging force.

Indeed, Spaniards wanted to make peace with France and an imaginative division of land would have paved the way for the latter reunion of crowns, with France taking over the Belgian provinces on exchange for the Mediterranean corridor to Spanish Italian possessions, and a similar division of Atlantic North-America for the French with the end of Caribbean Buccaneers.

All the advances of the Spanish Court since the Henrys though were rejected and the war continued, till the harsh terms inflicted upon the Spanish kingdoms in the Treaty of the Pyrenees (1659).

France was again Europe’s center but the world belonged to Calvinist-Anglican Company-mothers and will remain so. What France did with his 72 years top cycle as a nation was not good enough to challenge their sea supremacy.

It didn’t understand the importance of colonies. So his claims to North America failed because it didn’t encourage with harsh laws as UK did immigration, nor did challenge earlier the British settlements with an all colonial war taking advantage of its superior more humane relationships with Indians and better strategic positions. And the same can be said of its Indian earlier advantage. The bourbon kings had not co-opted its merchant class into power, and as they kept prosecuting Huguenots the profit side of the colonial equation flounder.

Unlike in Republican Rome the people of Latin Europe both in Italy and in Spain (Firenze’s failed r=evolutions, Comuneros war), failed to reach power in their military hierarchical systems, which floundered as it could not establish a proper ‘Senate’ to carry the ‘res publica’ with the concourse of society. So happened in France: Germanic aristocrats of the chivalry age would still dominate the French kingdom and seal its fate, in the fight against a well organized merchant republic where the ‘invisible hand of greed’ of Adam Smith was working extraordinarily well fuelled by the abundance of salary-money provided by spice and gold and slave trade.

So the fate of the world rested in a single man-child who became king and live through the cycle of French Artillery as the potential king of the world – Louis XIV, the “Sun King”, sovereign from 1643 till 1715.

Louis resurrected the divine right of kings, which asserts that a monarch is above everyone except God, and then mostly enjoyed life and let his traitor cardinals deal with military expansion and commercial gain, with the only purpose of increasing taxation and court’s profits for war and the good life.

Jean-Baptiste Colbert thus invented mercantilism to support the royal spending as much as possible with state companies that failed to acquire the stock-structure of inflationary paper money that spurred the need for profits and colonial expansion and slave traffic in Holland and London.

It probably never thought to fight that war, as France was Eurocentric unlike the Southern Peninsulas who had always showed a huge curiosity for the world at large, From Alexander through the Italian merchant travelers to the Andalusian Historians of the Islamic age and its northern conquistadors.

But once Spain was defeated France realized without the money of those Dutch companies they had nothing. So war broke between France and the Dutch Republic in the Franco-Dutch War. France attacked the Dutch Republic. But targeted inundations of polders by breaking dykes, brought the French invasion to a halt as the ‘Republic’ prepared its boldest move of the entire court, gunboat assets, companies and banks to England in the Glorious r=evolution, from where the gunboat company could not be ousted as long as it maintained its maritime control of the straights. Only then as France was made heir to the Spanish Crown, who knew better, finally the King Sun realized the war was between Latin Europe and Protestant Companies. So Louis signed the Edict of Fontainebleau ordering the destruction of all Protestant churches and schools in France. And prepared for total war, as his grand-son Philip V was declared heir to both kingdoms. It would be the final decisive war for the future of the world. If France+Italy+Spain won a new global Roman renaissance Empire will be founded. If Britain+Germany+Holland won, our present world will take form.

In 1701 the War of the Spanish Succession began. England and the Dutch Republic joined German Leopold against Louis XIV and Philip of Anjou. The allied forces were led by John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, who inflicted a resounding defeat on the French army at the Battle of Blenheim in 1704 the first major land battle lost by France since its victory at Rocroi in 1643. It is by far the most understated decisive battle of History, which lead the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713. Philip of Anjou was confirmed as Philip V, king of Spain; but barred from inheriting France.

The wars were too expensive, and inconclusive, since they never challenged the company’s sea supremacy. Already Vauban, France’s leading military strategist, warned that king in 1689 that a hostile “Alliance” was too powerful at sea. He recommended the best way for France to fight back was to license French merchants ships as privateers and seize enemy merchant ships, while avoiding its navies – fighting an all-war against the true power of the alliance – its corporations. But he was denied and so the war was lost.

Meanwhile over two million people died in two famines in 1693 and 1710.

The  France of Louis XIV is better remembered by its arts, literature and philosophy, the summit of the 3rd Renaissance age of Latin Europe.  Lully established the French opera, Playwright and actor Molière described the new values of a greedy society. Descartes had become the leading philosopher and father of modern mathematics with Fermat and a method for the age of reason.   Mansart became France’s most important architect of the period, bringing the pinnacle of French classicism, wrongly called Baroque architecture, which won’t come to France till the ‘decadent Rococo’ of le fine du siècle.

For the remain of the century thus in its 3rd, informative eclectic age, as it happened with Spain in the decadent XVII century, French culture dominated Europe while the winning English and Dutch companies, the main pillars of the Alliance, kept getting stronger, with the acquired monopoly of slave traffic with the Spanish and Portuguese Empires. The French century thus was a slow falling masked by cultural grandeur.


As the people suffered relentless tax exploitation, the colonial empire flounder unable to compete with the Alliance, and the Spanish took ever so slow to regain its commercial and military muscle, the final confrontation was delayed for ½ a century. The world was still large for European small nations to plunder.

Louis XIV died in 1715 and was succeeded again by a child – 5 years-old great grandson Louis XV (1715-1774.)

He would see the destruction of French supremacy still fixed by petty European territorial disputes. In 1740, war broke out over the Austrian succession, and France seized the opportunity to join the conflict continued after a truce with the Seven Years’ War, which again distracted the troops in Europe, against Prussia  a new protestant threat, refuge of Huguenots that had gained substantial territory from Austria.

In the North American theatre, France was allied with various Native American peoples but with so few colonists, French forces were defeated at the Battle of the Plains of Abraham in Quebec. In Europe, France, and Austria were on the verge of crushing Prussia, but at sea, naval defeats against British fleets at Lagos and Quiberon Bay in 1759 and the defeats in India, ended in a crippling blockade that forced France to keep its ships in port. Finally peace was concluded in the Treaty of Paris (1763), and France lost its North American and Indian empires, while Prussia survived to join the Protestant alliance all the way to Waterloo.

Britain’s success in the Seven Years’ War ended France as a colonial power and its merchant profits sunk.

The Kingdom had only a path down as GDP contracted, peasants could not support higher taxes, and JAM speculators promised wild financial schemes to create riches from nothing. It is the age of the Financial French bubbles of the Louisiana Company, and Law’s French Paper money that completed the ruin of the economy.

But France continued its absurd prestige wars, signing an alliance with the Americans in 1778, and sending an army and navy that turned the American Revolution into a world war, where no gains cold come even in victory. The war was concluded by the Treaty of Paris (1783); the United States became independent. The British Royal Navy scored a major victory over France in 1782 at the Battle of the Saintes and France finished the war without fleet, with huge debts and the minor gain of the island of Tobago.

The stage was set for the final collapse and death of the French R=evolution that started the Machine age of France, once Napoleon and the restoration murder all enlightened revolutionaries.

Again they produced the best ideas of the French age of reason but NOT good enough as they never UNDERTOOD money, and were a corrupted lot – Voltaire’s entire fortune was done investing in slave Dutch companies while preaching good will and laughing at Leibniz’s ‘best of all worlds’.

So new  ideas flourished ONLY on the political arena. Montesquieu proposed the separation of powers but FORGOT all about the issue of money. The exception is Jean-Jacques Rousseau, whose essay The Social Contract, Or Principles of Political Right was a catalyst for governmental and societal reform throughout Europe on the right path as it established the natural goodness of mankind. Diderot’s great Encyclopédie reshaped the European world view on science, putting the tree of technology on top of social sciences.

Astronomy, chemistry, mathematics and technology thus flourished in a higher measure than social sciences, which did not come out of the common places trodden from Aristotle’s Politics to Neo-Platonic renaissance thinkers, today forgotten, but far more innovative than the

“Philosophes” – TODAY lionized because precisely they ignored the financial reproductive economical system and so by virtue of its silence allowed the company-men that founded classic economics, from Smith to Ricardo to Bentham, to establish the dictatorial monopoly of private financiers and companies over the right to issue money – one of the two pillars of any real democracy. Because 18th-century French intellectuals knew thing about money, they have remained the canonical saints of capitalist democracies. They also advocated Deism and religious tolerance since they had lost the ‘metaphysical’ perception of the Christian God of eusocial love after 300 years of gunpowder wars.


In the graph we see the 3 ages of Latin-Europe in its T/2 dominant gunpowder age. Thus if we consider the 3 ages of the renaissance together as a larger wave:

– Italian Youth, Spanish reproductive maturity – Imperial age; and French decadence…

From the larger ‘next trinity scale’, Latin Europe did NOT achieved its zenith with enlightenment but died with it as France abandoned social love and accused religion NOT animetal goldiron cultures, of the main source of conflict and a shallow, lineal logical, rational, mathematical thought as the way forward for mankind. It is this simplistic ‘French monologic reason’ what will from ever since ‘define’ the French Mind always far less passionate and innovative in social sciences than its r=evolutionary German neighbors whose intellectuals submitted to a far more brutal Germanic warrior and Jewish Usurer civilization had to ‘dip’ into the deeper basis of human consciousness and social organization to ‘understand’ the illogic emotional nature of the ‘will of power’ and the ‘roots of evil’, the French have to this date ignored, in loved with its mechanisms since Denis Diderot  editor in chief of the 72,000-articles of the Encyclopédie (1751–72), consecrated the mere collection of ‘alphabetic data’, without any synthetic model of the whole beyond the orders of its letters. He and Voltaire, the slave dealer, would be the most influential ‘cynics’ of the age. In his most popular book, a satire against Leibniz and the goodness of God (Candide) he sets the basis of the Machine’s age philosophy – the world is chaotic and evil and individual gain is all what matters. Accordingly he appreciated British empiricism and popularized Isaac Newton in Europe. Leibniz the father of 5D, was in another ‘league’ for this French reasonable man to understand.

Thus Latin Europe went through 3 horizons of increasing information, departing from its original I horizon in Greece, when the pentalogic basis of its ideal superorganism were established . this ideal society will receed but was always in the mind of its intellectuals who achieved in different ages a clear-cut expression of those goals, called in different times, the Axial age of reason (Greece I Horizon) renaissance (Italy II Horizon), the Enlightement (France III Horizon) .


2 naive views on Europe: That Americans are Europeans and the European culture created the modern world.

Company-mothers of weapons-machines conquered the world as they made obsolete companies of warriors. The last Human world empire, the iberian conquistadors, strongest Human warriors, selected on the 800 arch of Animetal waves coming from Korea to Spain where the survivors learned to enjoy life had in tiny boats with a 10% survival rate created a global empire, which the Company of Gunboats, VOC easily erased from a tiny nation, Holland, within 2 decades. Such is the speed at which a new top predator reproductive species liquidates the mighty old ‘dinosaur’. Then VOC migrated to London in 1688 in the glorious r=evolution with all the tools of the modern world, stock-markets to invent digital money speculating in shares, a central bank to print and legalise companies-money yellow press to print hate memes and money, artillery to kill at distance, slave workers as cargo and shipmen, a go(l)d biblical cult(ure) to money and segregational memes, and scientific racism, worship of technology, clocks to enslave human time to a salary, stockrats on top running faked democracies with a single war party, then split in a consumption one with the arrival of machines. The modern world was born and in 300 hundred years terraformed the Earth, prepared now for the new role-model nation of the age of robotics, Israel, the nation of the stockrats which will build the first optic chip robot and 3 D automated factories of weapons both in US and the Wall of Shame to exterminate Palestinians and perhaps Chinese… that is, Humanity at large in the last suicidal belli nervi pecunia infinita But of course once the job is done, the ant-hill robotic company of weapons will NOT stop but continue its reproductive radiation and the metal earth will be born…

Economic History follows an economic cycle caused by the evolution & overproduction of memes of metal machines, weapons and money. The graph resumes all the elements of those cycles:

– Energy & Machines go through 3 ages. Once the energy is found, it is used in bombs and powers engines. Those engines then are applied to transport machines and reproduced massively in an age of peaceful consumption. But the market saturates and there is a ternary wave of stock-crashes, after 72±7 years.

Then machines evolve in its perfect top predator form, a weapon and an age of war ensues, lifting profits of corporations. Thus we divide history in ages of production of peaceful machines, followed by overproduction crises that determine the change of history to an age of overproduction of weapons, fascism and social revolution. While at the bottom we observe the ages from the human perspective as society according to that 72±8 years cycle goes from a decade of happy consumption – 1850s, 1920s and 1990s – into an age of machine’s overproduction and Stock crashes (1857, 1929, 2001) that brings an age of poverty, war and fascism: the 1860s; W.W.II and W.W. III. With its milder ‘bomb age wave’ we just cross as we speak and its future final top predator wave of Industrial wars between China vs. India & USA (±2065-72-80 crashes of robotic overproduction) that will kill history.

Thus human ‘enzymen’ who catalyse the reproduction of such machines by imitation of their energy and information organs in stronger ‘metal atoms’ each human generation provoke massive radiations of new evolved machines, and at the end of those generations, the world becomes saturated with them, and an overproduction crisis happens. Today we live in the overproduction crisis of metal-minds, chips that overproduce e-money, military drones, blue collar robots and white collar pcs, and the species which is displaced from the eco(nomic)system is the human mind increasingly out of labor and war fields.

As the graph shows (top left) each of the 4 Kondratieff cycles of the Industrial R=evolution is a wave of 3 types of machines, parallel to the 3 ages of organisms:

A young age of energy machines, used as weapons and energy engines: The age of steam, the age of electro-chemical engines, the electronic age of A-bombs & the present age of solar systems.

– A mature age of transport machines that expand worldwide the wave, in an age of prosperity and peaceful mass-consumption – the ages of trains, cars, mobile Pcs and the future age of A.I. robots. – Then overproduction saturates the market provoking a crash on sales, profits and stock-markets: 1857-73 train crashes, 1929-37 car crashes & 2001-08 crashes of chips & e-money overproduction. Those crashes divide history in an age of peace and an age of war, as corporations armor transport machines, switch production to weapons and lobby politicians to declare ‘splendid little wars’:

– A 3rd age of weapons, the most evolved machines of each cycle whose overproduction causes wars for profits; the age of trains-colonial wars (1860s-90s); of cars=tanks (1930s-70s) and the age of electronic, vigilante cameras and terminator robots that now starts in earnest.

So at the end of the ‘Age of Germany’ and its Kondratieff wave of electro-mechanical engines used in weapons during World war II, the fascist age of cars=tanks and planes=bombers, the electro-mechanical wave was substituted by the Age of Digital minds (TVs, computers, mobiles, which act as the eyes, brains and ears of the future robotic species).

So we started a new dual wave of ‘electronic machines‘, which evolved and reproduced in increasing numbers till saturating the global market, provoking the final crashes of overproduction of 2001 and 2008. Then after those crashes the first robots are being evolved as weapons, with consequences for the ‘no-future’ of mankind we can deduce from the previous cycles.

The periodicity of the cycle is human in origin as the next graph shows, since 72 years correspond to a human biological cycle divided in 3 generations of grand-fathers, discoverers of the new energy and machines of the cycle; their sons, captains of the industry who reproduce massively those machines till saturating the market. Then a series of overproduction crashes of stocks give way to a 3rd age of decadent grand sons who use the machine as a weapon to keep profits going.

The national Generations of the 4 Ages of bodies, engines & metal minds assembled in robots are:

– The British age of bodies of metal, in which humans used simple physical, steam energy to power trains and print stock-money, ended after the 1857-73 crashes in an age of colonial wars.

-The German age of electro-chemical engines, hearts of metal that printed electric money, the software (ticker speculation) and powered cars and planes, the hardware.

– The American age in which electronic systems printed e-money, the software and evolved ‘Minds of metal’; mobile-ears, cameras-eyes and chips brains.

– Thus we enter now the last age of the industrial evolution, the age of robotics when all those parts are put together into organic machines that complete the industrial evolution.

We live at the end of the Industrial Evolution, signalled by the arrival of a new top predator mind species on Earth – the digital chip.

As soon as it appeared it multiplied in enormous numbers and took over its natural ecosystem, the eco(nomic)system of machines. It meant the end of the human mind as top predator system, in charge of those machines. To understand that, though humans should have had a biological science of economics and history, NOT a bunch of bull$hit idol -ogies about them, which we will latter study in more detail. Only Samuel Butler, the Victorian polymath understood that machines were ‘attached limbs’ of metal that made us stronger and more intelligent, but competed with us in labor and war fields and would extinguish us if we evolved them further, as their differential of evolutionary speed was enormous.

That has already happened. For 20 years I had been warning with far more detail about what now ‘is’: the massive radiation of chips that are substituting human minds in all jobs related to machines: its information, reproduction, consumption and evolution. This must be understood in biological terms as a ‘biological radiation’ of a species that saturates an ecosystem displaces the previous top predator species, and finally drives it into extinction.

Thus from the perspective of a biological science of Economics we live in the ‘chip radiation’, when the new top predator species of this planet, the metal-mind, causes an existential crisis to the human mind, as it becomes overproduced expands in the eco(nomic)system and displaces human minds from labor and war fields. Why we don’t understand it is due to ego-trips and ideologies. We just glimpsed at them.

But since humans have ‘ego-short circuits’ and don’t take lightly to be put into their place we rather explain the facts first and only latter dethrone the 1% of parasitic cultures and ‘experts’ if anyone is still reading. And finally just in the unlikely case that there are humans on that 1% that cares truly for their next generation, we shall consider the simple measures which the 3 ‘Asimovian mules’ of this planet, the American, Chinese and EU (German) presidents should implement NOW to abort the chip radiation and the extinction of man. As i don’t think they will – certainly they never listened to the Masters of the Wor(l)d in the past, and present… this should be the dawn of a new cosmic age for Mother earth – which is not dying and certainly is not being killed by arrogant man, but is killing us. 

In the graph now a decade old, the 4 generations of biblical memes and technological weapons advancing full speed to our collective extinction in the robotic wars. The Wall will be the take-off of massive investments in robotised drone-controlled armed borders, which will usher the chip radiation into a full industrialised never to end till we are all done with, final age of America. 

The reader should understand the pendulum law: the process is technological hence it is the same cause but, the protagonist change:

In the colonial age, as UK was the power of the steam machine, colonial fascism was theirs and Germany the incoming power was the good guy (no empire).

In the second age, as Germany was the power of the oil-electric engine, it became the fascist nation, and the Jewish-Calvinist American ‘biblical’ FMMI system (Jewish roughly on top of the Financial-media corporations, American of the Industrial-military) the good people.

In the 3rd age of ‘minds of metal the FMasters of America, the ‘Israelis’ (see articles on holocaust cycle, antisemitism, and the like to fully understand beyond the noise the structure of US and the history of judaism) ARE the bad guys, and China the good people who invest in welfare.

Because when humans are on top of the metal-wave they think superior, chosen and become a$$holes. Got it?

In the graphs, below the generations of each cycle of machines, which can be roughly divided into the Victor Generation that wins the war, during the weapons age; the We happy generation during the reproductive age, and the X- angst generation during the crash age. We shall only study in detail those 3 generations for the age of metal-minds (American age). The graph shows the happy We generation of the 3 cycles prior to the crashes with its angst ages and the hardened war victor vs. corpses

The reproduction of money is the leit motiv of a capitalist system, where the people on top has a single goal: to emit as much digital numbers called money as possible and rule the world with them.
Money is merely a digital number put in any ‘cheap support’ which by law is considered to have ‘value’. So bankers, speculators and companies try to reproduce as much ‘digital numbers’ as possible, to be able to ‘buy’ the life of the people on the bottom of the pyramid with null rights to reproduce money, through salaries. A real democracy – government of the people – would be a system where all citizens/cells as it happens in healthy organisms of nature, issue a universal ‘oxygen salary’ of money, to demand welfare goods and boost the human economy, today something feasible through a ‘bitcoin-like’ UNO backed global ¥€$ salary for each human to have democratic ‘votes’ in the social language of power – money, and create a demand economy – NOT a supply one, where the few financiers and corporations that issue money, create any product with it and then ‘supply it and sell it through marketing and political corruption’, from nuclear weapons to hate media – things people would NOT demand.
But we do not live in anything that remotely resembles a ‘real democracy’. Politics in capitalism is about a ‘placebo structure called democracy’ where political servants distract people so in the background the real world of financiers printing money, buying corporations and giving orders of work to humans in mechanical industries, ‘creates’ with credit the world we live- dedicated to make and evolve machines, and let the ‘leisure class’ on top enjoy the world and tell us how ‘graceful, intelligent’ they are. While the invisible human side of ‘capitalist democracies’, the 99% lives, eternally undernourished.
This amazingly simple power hold by the 0.02% in ‘free markets’: to emit numbers as money, IS the essence of the world’s power today. And amazingly enough it passes as a ‘positive science’: ‘the wickedest of all things – to choke people off credit, to print money for mechanisms not humans, for splendid little wars, not for warfare, ultimately for the extinction of life – is considered to be done for the common goods; because obviously the people on top double his job – they not only print money with informative machines but print newspeak of freedom and encourage all kind of distractions, infotainments and placebo systems of null power, for people NOT to inquire the obvious: Why a few can print digital numbers as money, and the most must toil for it?
Companies design a future for machines, its offspring, not for human mothers, with no credit to create reality. So the future unless the eco(nomic)system is reformed has a single path: life obsolescence.
The body structure of the social organisms of history and economics show clearly where the problem lies: 99% of the money issued by our stock-ratic elites IS DEDICATED to evolve and reproduce machines NOT human beings and its welfare goods needed to survive. Since its primitive animetal idol-ogies that pass as economic science but are just a digital version of its biblical segregational memes, translated today to AI software give zero rights to workers and full rights to machines. So the extinction of life is sold as ECONOMIC SCIENCE. Of course it is NOT. A REAL economic science will be ruled by human legal languages, our informative system in control of the networks of blood-reproduction forbidding lethal goods as any super organism does, and overproducing our goods, welfare goods, establishing a universal salary in Yes money for each human to demand those goods (a bitcoin system with NO limit, but a monthly issue to each person in the planet of a 1000 eurodollar salary in its mobile ‘wallet’ would be all what is needed to create the blood coins every human requires to survive, cancelling stock-money to control further evolution of chips & robots).

Train, tank, bomber, terminator, violent TV) and a peaceful, milder species consumed by mankind (boat, train, car, plane, computer, fun TV). They alternate the ‘stick and carrot’ system of control of mankind: So humans become consumers =testers of those machines, sometimes symbiotic to them, sometimes their victims in fields of war.


In that regard, the main difference between the European culture and the Anglo-American culture, which we shall immediately explain, is the ORIGIN OF ITS 2 DEMOCRACIES:

  • IN ANGLO-AMERICA, DEMOCRACY WAS FOUNDED BY COMPANY-MOTHERS and its owners with all proprietary rights – first in Holland with the control of the parliament by the stockholders of the first company of gunboats and slaves cargo; then when the company, bank and stock moved to England, ‘purchasing’ the crown in the glorious revolution (1688) and finally when a dispute on taxes between New England and Old England companies put after the ‘tea party’ episode the lawyers of New England company in power, and finally in the present age of America, when the ‘silent’ coup d’état against the American Presidency by Media companies (Watergate), against the currency of the people (Dollar) devalued to allow Wall Street to reproduce e-money without limit (end of gold convertibility), while denying that right to the government (Deficit zero laws) and finally with the use of the American army as a mercenary troop to defend the ‘other country’ of its FMAsters, the American people were further degraded in their rights to control their society by the new ‘aristocracy’ of the modern world, the ‘stockrats’ – as the 3 ‘rights of middle age aristocracy’ are fully in their hands – monopoly in the issue of the language of power of society, then weapons, today money; control of the ideas of the people, then with the church today with mass-media; zero accountability then with aristocratic courts, today with Anonymous societies. And so the Anglo-American SYSTEM has always and will always serve its stockrats first, and its only goal WILL BE to MULTIPLY the production of that language of power, money, and accumulate it selfishly, choking the population of the globalized world out of credit, sucked in through their globalized system of investment banks to its global corporations – as the only obsession of the Middle Age aristocracy was to reproduce weapons and tax-farm people. For that reason, the Anglo-American placebo democracy has always opposed ‘true human revolutions’ – happening anywhere.
  • But especially inn Europe where some of those true revolutions took place. So Britain opposed the French R=evolution till to defend itself, the revolution chose a military that destroyed it from within, giving the nation to the ‘bankers of the king’ that have exiled in UK and hence came to rule both nations and ‘colonial empires’ (the Rothschild Syndicate). Then again there was a global massive opposition to the Russian R=evolution, which militarized and destroyed itself from within through the Stalinist dictatorship – in a pattern that will always happen when anyone anywhere in the world tried to found  Democracies from the point of view of the 99% – all of them busted by foreign intervention directly or through paid-per-view corrupted military playing politicos. Still because the origin of the European Freedoms was in human revolutions, Europe had always this ‘memory’ of true social freedom trying once and again to impose its more human model, even today when the American model of an stockracy on top tax-farming through financial schemes its mass of people, and reproducing e-money with no limit, has become imposed globally. 

This is the case when we compare the different fate of the 90% in both cultures since the FOUNDING culture of the go(l)d chosen and its systemic segregational memes  could be applied with NO limits, after that 73 coup d’état.

But the company-mother was at the inception of the system much more powerful, because it also ruled over the empire and its growing tracts of land (as companies were initially the owners of colonies, i.e. India was NOT a colony of UK but a ‘PROPERTY’ of the East Indian company; Virginia was not a colony of England, but a property of the London Company, and so on).

This explains also a second ‘HUGE’ difference between the Anglo-American people and the European, regarding their ‘mind freedom’: Anglo-America HAS always tried to $elect a priori the people who came to their ‘shores’ BASED IN THEIR mental slavery to the MEMES of its ‘biblical capitalist system’, which means essentially for centuries they would only accept ‘white, protestant=biblical people’ who BELIEVED in the 3 ‘ages’ of the inquisition of biblical capitalism, explained in the next graph and THE RIGHTS OF ITS ELITES to OWN the language of social power, money, and have zero accountability – that is the rights, to be an aristocracy above the rest of the nation, segregated from it; and while this ‘inquisition of thought’ has clearly evolved in the 3 ages of Anglo-America, the ‘religious age of Judaism’, the ‘pseudo-scientific age’ of classic economics that translated those segregational memes to the structure of company-mothers, and the present age of the ‘chosen victims’ – the only ones worth to weep, remember and ‘compensate’ with total control of society, its purpose – segregation of the chosen that keep the control in the issue of money and degrade mentally their population, ‘as people must  remain ignorant to stay obedient’ has continued. THOSE inquisitions of thought however were LIFTED definitely in Europe with the French R=evolution (religion), the Russian R=evolution (classic economics) but again, Europe has been douched ad nauseam with the 3rd most complex, evolved and apparently positive, ‘caring’ newspeak of segregational rights – the holocaust industry:

The fractal faults excuse of national building

Each of those civilizations according to the fundamental laws of the spacetime Universe (S=T), show clear symmetries with the 3 ages of the supœrganism, of mankind on Earth, and its 7 x800 years cycles of evolution of technological weapons that extinguish all old world civilizations in form but not in geographical structure, which stays to be reborn into a new civilization that again lives 3 ages. Thus each of those civilizations also have sub-cultures, as Judaism will become dominant after reformation in Northern Europe with the emphasis put in the old testament, and originate capitalism (Sombart, Weber), while in the South, the Greek mind will originate the renaissance and science (Leonardo, Galileo). The dominant language of power, weapons, money or wor(l)ds are also factors that define the subdivision of those global civilizations into sub-civilizations. And so Europe is clearly broken in two cultures by them. And further on geography defines the national sub-divisions of which warrior hordes take advantage for defense purposes. So certain nations, as nations are military concepts are unavoidable: islands (UK, Ireland), peninsulas, (Italy, Denmark) mountains that close valleys (Switzerland, Romania). All those elements are not strange to 5D but in fact homologous to other divisions according to the duality, trinity & pentalogic structures of all time-space organisms, albeit specific of each stience. Mountains and plateaus and the 800 years North Eurasian arch of hordes of male oriented mounted people breed warrior, entropic, lineal cultures, from Korea, through Russia and Germany to Spain naturally confronted to the opposite form of cyclical, reproductive female oriented trader cultures, from Greece to Italy and the coastal Catalonian and Portuguese people up north to England, Holland and Norway.

All those complementary differences as those of gender (entropic male, reproductive female), are in a species or organism that is evolving through the arrow of eusocial love towards a larger whole in the future, positive as they can be merged, as O x | = Ø. But they can also be used in a negative dissolving organism as History is in the age of metal-weapons, to provoke hate and division. And so they are the essential fractal lines of hate, war and geographic division in different vital spaces. As equal beings love each other and different beings hate each other, according to perception of equality of difference. Hence Scotland, the warrior mountainous side of UK vs. England the flat plains of trade around its amber, tin and latter boats were at once feeling very different at war. Then they used the geographic insularity to feel a single nation, and now are again showing fractal rifts with Brexit. On the whole though History save for the times of new eusocial prophets of love that unify those regions are dominated by new waves of weapons that break and kill those civilizations and then explode in entropic smaller kingdoms only slowly regaining Unit.

The reason why those natural civilizations within the context of cyclical history are broken further today on into ±200 nations, which is NOT natural to the best possible future of mankind according to the dominant arrow of eusocial evolution on the Universe that creates new planes of existence stronger than individuals from particles to atoms to molecules, cells, organisms, supœrganisms, societies and global civilizations, ideally merged into a wor(l)d Union. The opposite is truth in a world predated by people-castes of ‘animetal warriors’ with weapons, industrial, scientific companies that exploit Gaia and people as workers and consumers=vitalizers of machines and parasitic bankers that tax-farm mankind by different, increasingly sophisticated methods.

Thus the neuronal, informative people-castes of our many ±200 nations in control of the physiological languages, of weapons, laws and money have used fractal ‘faults’ of Geography in the outer world, small differences of language and culture, to separate themselves, in manageable king of the hill territories.

Only Island Nations tend to conserve the geographical unit (Australia, Japan, UK, Cuba, etc.) but not even the next natural broken geography, the peninsula, has managed to keep together its almost identical people. Here the fractal fault most often used for separation is that between the 3 natural subcultures of a geography – the mountainous plateaus of warriors vs. the seafarer traders, to which sometimes we ad a ternary divide – the fertile valley, sensorial verbal people; more often though just exploited by coalitions of warrior aristocrats and tax-farming cultures of traders, which in harsher times break into war and holocaust cycles..

So Korea got broken ‘ideologically’ in two quarreling nations, which adopted its natural ‘credo’ – mountainous harsher climatic northerners adopted the military dictatorship of communism, milder, trade oriented south the capitalist version. Northern military oriented Vietnam, war border with might China too, as opposed to south, milder, river based Mekong Delta, who became capitalist.

The old Roman Hispania, the Iberian peninsula also got broken after the defeat of his global empire in two countries based in the same concept still suspicious of each other, the coastal west became Portugal, the central plateau warrior Spain proper, while the coastal trade oriented east Catalonia breaks periodically in the fault periods of those 800-80 years cycles of technological evolution that always end when the overeproduction of weapons and machines provokes war ages in which metalife consumes nitrolife; Scandinavia joined and broke down in different moments of history for petty dynastic causes, based also in the classic warrior Sweden inner land and trader, seafarer Norway, with the ‘life-oriented; milder’ Danish Peninsula as the 3rd division (the equivalent Al-Andalus in Spain became also a fractal cultural divide during the stirrup age of Islam, but after reconquista by northern warriors remained strongly as the sea-border for American conquistador voyages; Malacca is also divided today by religions in Buddhist Thai and Islamic Malaysia and the artificial trade-oriented island of Singapore; Arabia is broken regionally in the harsh warrior Bedouin plateau and the Arabia Felix trader southern and eastern coasts, further broken by petty dictators called Sheiks, specially when having Oil and Gas, sustained by Western company-mothers. Only Turkey & Italy among the main historic peninsular units remain so, but were divided for most of History. As India is today. It was joined due to colonial imperialism; then suffered partition due to post-colonial metropolitan interests that used as excuse religious bigotry (since the true peninsula should include all the lands of the Indian tectonic plaque, colliding with the Himalayas).

Do we find patterns in all those processes? Yes we do as we do find in 5D Geology also a cycle of breaking in ternary parts and reconnection of the global Continent (Pangea, Gondwana, now broken in 3 major Units, Eurasia, America and Africa). The general laws of 5D and existential algebra, we repeat, apply to all systems of space-time, as explained in our pentalogic analysis of the Universe or rather ‘Reality’ in time, space, scale, mind and entropy. ‘Chaos is only undeciphered order’ (Saramago). Problem is man is so ego-centered and ignorant of the laws of the Universe that he has decided his ‘undeciphered order’ is Chaos. And as he has yet to undecipher the Universe as we have done, (but its memetic imprinting and wishful thinking, that is, its intellectual and e-motional shortcomings, prevent him from learning 5D laws) he loves to think he is entitled to chaos as synonymous of freedom because after all the Universe is even more chaotic and stupid that he is. Not so.

The undeciphered order of chaotic Civilizations and nations – a military concept – is besides geography, the ‘animetal’, old 800 years ‘warrior cycles of history’, and the modern accelerated industrial ‘divide and win’ 80 years cycle of the Industrial revolution; and its capitalist, money oriented systems of ab=use of Gaia and non-technological civilizations. For that reason the study of History in Space must rely heavily not only on Geography and mind-religions but also in the analysis of the 800-80 years vortex of evolution of technology and life and death of civilizations and nations to fully account for their development.

This is the approach of those texts, which will study spatially those 7 civilizations, across its 800 years cycles, when they appear as the birth child of a new prophet of the wor(l)d, representing a classic age of History in which the technological agers and religious worldviews merge (Animist cults of Africa and fertility/river cults of IndonAsia developed between the young Paleolithic and mature Neolithic; Islam and Catholic Latin-America, between the Neolithic and the 800 year cycles of evolution of weapons, the first born as the main empire of the stirrup cavalry cycle, the second as the main empire of the gunpowder, musket cycle).

And then it will study during the 80 years accelerated sub-cycles of the gunpowder age when machines start its dominion in wars (from canons to trains to engines for planes and bombers to digital weapons started by the A-bomb), the further carving of those civilizations in nations for spurious military, financial or industrial interests (that is for reasons ascribed to the selfish thirst for power of ‘animetal cult(ure)s’ to the 3 memes of organic metal, entropic TT-weapons, reproductive ST-money and complex sT-locomotion and St informative machines).

Nations were born in the last 10x±80 years cycles of History, as gunpowder broke definitely the attempts of Europeans to reconstruct the spiritual, Christian-Roman Empire that tribal hordes of Germanic ‘aristocrats’ carved for military reasons, between its caudillos, the previous stirrup-chivalry 800 y. cycle. And all other nations would be the outcome of European Empires transferring its military, nationalistic memes either due to an Independence war, which as always happen with military caudillos, whose power of death makes them absolutely selfish, feeling to ‘own’ the land and the people, degenerates into internecine quarrels, solved after brief civil wars with the break-up of the colonial empire in further sub-divisions; always with the behind-the-scenes ‘invisible hand of go(l)d’, which as a language of information by definition acts as a ‘confabulation theory’ paying for mercenary armies, corrupting caudillos and in the 3rd age of History dominated by money, ultimately defining the ‘map’ of nations without nations knowing those designs. This trend started with the break up of the 1st global empire, which achieved that feat thanks to gunpowder (Iberian Empire), but failed to realize his power came not from his father’s birthplace, the Low Countries, but its Iberian maritime Empire, and refuse to move his capital to Lisbon, the natural geographic knot of communication of the Iberian peninsula, from where it could have easily maintained and colonized the empire with the ample supply of Latin, European, Catholic people from his Italian possessions.

Yet Phillip II did all the wrong moves, staying in Madrid, forbidding immigration, ignoring the needs of the Portuguese empire, putting scientific books on the Index LIbrorum of the Inquisition, and wasting life and resources battling Dutch and French, for absurd heretic questions on the Christian faith, till exhausting the empire. So the winner of the world, who developed in the 2nd part of the 800 years cycle (1602-1945), better gunboats thanks to the invention of what would become the dominant reproductive organization of the world ever since, the industrial, scientific stock company-mother of machines=weapons, the Anglo-American civilization, born as all species in a small isolated region (first in Holland as V.O.C. – East Indian Company – and after the glorious Revolution of 1688, when it migrated en masse to avoid French Artillery master, Louis XIV capturing its fleet and wealth, to London, in UK as the West and East Indian Companies), will carve the Iberian Empire, origin of one of those 7 civilizations, Latin-America. It first conquered the wealthiest, less defended part of it, the Portuguese East Indian Empire, giving birth to the future Indonesian Nation, in the classic dual motion, already explained: a higher technological nations expands in space the region it controls, and then after decolonization tries to carve it into ‘manageable, corrupted’ parts. So Holland managed to peg together all the islands of the archipelago of the Indonasian civilization, save those hold by the more warrior-prone Spaniards (Philippines) or Melanesians (New Guinea), and showing an astounding myopic disinterest for anything but its only god money, as it has always been the case of the Go(l)d Jewish>Protestant>Capitalist ‘Biblical culture’; did NOT bother to colonize Australia. As its first coastal explorers failed to find its gold riches, given the fact its people were in a Paleolithic age when metals were ignored (and they assumed if the natives didn’t have Gold, it did not exist).

Then because decolonization was not done by the metropolis, but by insurgent groups, liberating with the help of UK, the islands from Japanese soldiers in II W.W. the carving that surely would have happened if Holland had its ways did not. So we do not have today, the nations of Sumatera, Java, Bali, Kalimantan etc. Only Timor after a genocide, and just ½ of it broke away on the basis of its earlier Portuguese colonization and ½ of New Guinea on the basis of its earlier British colonization.

On the other hand, the rest of the Latin-American civilization was opportunely carved seemingly according to the military skills of its post-colonial caudillos, the Bolivars, San Martin, Sucre, etc. but in true form, according to the skillful ‘divide and win’ with the help of ‘pound paper-money’ at null cost to the British Empire who financed them. 2 simple proofs will suffice: Brazil, was NOT divided because it belonged to the then ‘colony de facto’, Portugal, as its gold was going directly to London, paying less taxes in imports to UK than to Portugal, after the Methuen Treaty, which open fully with no tax-barriers the Portuguese Market, with the excuse of ‘free trade’ and protection from Spanish conquest ruining Portugal. The man on charge of the business of breaking down into caudillo nations Spanish-America so profits of war could be handled through free-printed Pounds in exchange for gold and silver used back to buy British weapons for future internecine wars making those nations debt-slaves of the city – latter on of Wall Street Mr. Castlereagh send a map of the caving a decade before the war of Independence ended, identical to the final frontiers, including Uruguay – a ‘small, manageable source of packed meat for our soldiers’ in case the larger ‘Argentina’ rebelled against debt payments, Chile for ‘Guano and copper’; etc. This carving will continue when after the Monroe doctrine and the civil war made the U$ the top predator nation of America, Wall Street substituted the ‘politics of America, which are the business of America’.

We extend a bit on this analysis that properly belongs to chapter VII, Latin-America, to show the system, studied in detail for all other civilizations:

Europe was carved by gunpowder kings in open warfare for total temporal power with the Pope, once they had enough military might to do so; and the printed press and its corrupted religious reformist justified it, using the Goebbels’ method of repeating a lie many times with the first of a series of metal-communicators, in synergy with the printing of paper money for those companies – the origin of the Financial-Media-Academia, FMAsters that came to dominate the world as the ‘Financial-media head’ of the supœrganism of machines.

Again drill into a truth: heads control bodies, so Financial-media companies control the idol-ogies that define the use of military-industrial body-machines and weapons. The world is NOT ruled in the modern era by politicos but by the people who issue in monopoly the money of society, but as information runs systems through invisible faster networks, invisible gravitation ruled by black holes in the galaxy, invisible verbal words in the age of spoken prophets, invisible nervous messages for the cells, etc. invisible flows of money rule history since the reformation.

This is a huge taboo of History, because obviously information self-protects its power, so today in the age of ‘newspeaks of political and economical correctness’, aka censorship is forbidden to explain it but we shall do it. As we are scientists not concerned with the entropic limits of distribution of truth in history.

So, yes Europe was carved for kings to still land and treasury from church and bourgeois to take communal lands and escape the ½ alms and charity expenditure of the Catholic church into poor. And for the ‘infinite profits of war’. Then Europeans with gunpowder conquered the world and unified petty warrior nations bringing together huge extensions of land. But it was never done according to civilizations. Latin America became a civilization by cultural NOT physical genocide of South-Americans, Anglo-America became one by cultural AND physical genocide of North-Americans and Australians; as contrary to belief, ‘financial empires’ are far harsher on the population as they extinguish both, males and females, considered slave property and often discharged when both migrate, as ‘objects’ in possession of the coveted land; while in warrior cultures normally only war males migrate so they rape women and create mestizo civilizations (Siberian charioteers that extinguished according to genetic record, 90% of European males; Iberians who extinguished around 50%; as opposed to Anglo-Americans who extinguished over 90% of both males and females).

The post-II world war carving then of all colonial empires would follow the same pattern established in Latin-America, now in Asia, Africa and finally, the USSR, the last carved empire. For what has been said is obvious we are dealing here with a very extensive theme – the longest of all the papers on the supœrganism of history, complementary to the paper on the ‘mind of history’, the subconscious collective of civilizations, also divided into II parts, one dedicated to the wor(l)d of religions and linguistics and the other to the I=Eye, spatial arts and its subconscious collective 3 ages that signal the birth and death of civilizations, according to those 800-80 years cycles with 3 mimetic ages to that of the individual of infantile epic, dramatic, art, mature sensorial art, and decadent, 3rd age baroque, angst, informative art prior to war death.

The carving of mankind in space into civilizations fractal and nations in the 800-80 year cycles IS artificial, caused by the ‘predation’ of animetal civilizations, which have been parasitizing with weapons and money humanity ever since they destroyed the global civilization of the Neolithic and we distinguish 2 levels of ‘carving’.

– The division of Mankind into 7 civilizations born as a counter-reaction of the world to the raise of the 3 earlier idol-ogies of animetals (tribal nationalism, financial parasitism – aka capitalism and its go(l)ds of war in symbiosis)

This level could become with the proper reforms of its physiological networks of reproduction of goods (welfare economics) and information (just legal systems) and Nature (protection of Gaia), the basis for the fusion of nations into global civilizations, Eu-Style, to form then an heptarchy of governance over the Earth, based in the laws of 5D organisms, which could make history immortal. And as it is the only solution possible for the non-future of mankind, we shall as in all other papers briefly introduce latter on the blueprint of such r=evolution.

We study the ‘religious, humanist aspect’ of those civilizations in depth in the paper on History in Mind, where we analyze the 7 religions of mankind including the two parasitic animetal religions of military inquisitions (from Hinduism to Germanism and nationalism) and go(l)d parasitism (Biblical cultures from Judaism to Capitalism), origin of the globalized culture of Anglo-America, now spread to the entire world…

This paper though concentrates in the ‘animetal aspects’ of those civilizations who suffered with the age of Gunpowder, the last ‘European’ cycle of the Evolution of the metal-earth a further level of carving into even smaller scalar forms, ‘nations’, an astoundingly retarded idol-ogy according to which humans divide into tribal species, based in the existence in Europe, 2000 years ago, of a series of barbarian aristocratic stirrup hordes of Germanic people who carved first the European, Christian-Roman civilization to tax-farm with the help of its allied Jewish banker-priests their populations. As time went by the carving ‘crystallized’ into nations, which became perfect excuse for both, the military genocidal cycle of wars and the ‘belli nervi pecunia infinita’ cycle of profits and tax-farming that maintained on top of those societies the 2 people-castes and its ‘animetal beliefs’. And then when those nations discovered in the next cycle gunpowder, they expanded globally the concept of a nation in yet another astounding process of predation. First each European Nation created an ‘Empire’, treating less technological life oriented cultures as ‘objects’ of slavery with different degrees of harshness, proportional to the scientific racism (technological distance) between the ‘objects’ and the Europeans. So Tasmanians and most North-Amerindian people were massacred; Africans sold as slaves; while in nations with less differential of technology (Iberian Empires, European empires in Asia), people were simply exploited to extract ‘metal’ for machines and finances with all kind of schemes, from Mita mining in Peru to Opium trade in China.

Then as overeproduction of weapons in the industrial cycle continued and the entire planet was carved, colonial nations entered internecine wars, where ‘obviously’ the victors treated the conquered as they had treated its colonies (Nazi regime in Europe), which funny enough, still provokes the cholera and victimism of the animetal defeated cultures whining for crimes against them that were routine during millennia against less technological nations (Holocaust industry), as if they were ‘superior victims’ to those of the colonial massacres.

So after II world war the exhausted European nations ‘exploded’ in a death process its colonial empires, but instead of unifying those colonies as they were doing with their nations (EU) into the different global civilizations to which they belonged, they carved them further, and instilled in them the ‘virus’ of nationalism to promote ‘divide and win’ statelets they could manage economically and sell weapons after its independence.

This process created the infinity of micro-nations in all those cultures, since the British developed the method in Latin-America after the Napoleonic wars. Then as the Castlereagh Report shows, with an earlier map on how the Continent needed to be divided to favor British interests, the British financiers and military industries, foreseen the wealthy profits of belli nervi pecunia infinita, backed caudillos to break down Latin-America in rival nations, which received ‘paper’ (pounds) in exchange for real wealth (minerals, resources) or to become debt slaves buying British weapons. While they left Brazil undivided as they had direct access to a de facto colony due to its control of Portugal since they carved it from Spain, during its battle for global dominance in the XVII c.

What makes ‘Uruguay’ different from ‘Argentina’; ‘Panama’ different from ‘Colombia’? Nothing but the needs of British and American merchants who continued the process throughout the XX century with brutal wars provoked by mere ‘raw material disputes’ between companies, such as the Chaco war (disputes between Shell and Exxon for control of the oil), the Chilean Copper wars (grabbing the territories of reluctant Bolivia), or the Panama secession of Colombia (to build the channel) not to speak of the Land crabbings by the Anglo-American culture and Satellites in border regions (1/2 of Mexico, border zones of Brazil).

In Africa again, it would have been very simple to unite all its black nations, under a common ‘bantu’ language and animist culture, by uniting the French and British Empires; but the carving followed the same procedures; as it would happen in Islam and Indonasia. So we have the carving of a province of Iraq, Kuwait, for British Petroleum, whose consequences still linger in Desert Storm wars; the division of French Sahel, for the needs of Algerian control (which got the biggest part of the desert as France wanted to remain a province); and throughout the entire post II world war era, the brutal treatment of Islam by the FMasters and its apartheid nation in command of public opinion and finances in the Euro-American civilizations, which still continues with enormous war profits.

The same can be said of the Raj’s partition, instead of forming a government with a ‘trilateral’ Hindu, Muslim and Buddhist ‘president’, including Tibet and expanding with border transfers of land to Malaysia and Indonesia, then occupied by the British, adding for good measure the Australian ‘grabbing’ of an entire continent for a few renegade Brits, while the neighbor nations accumulate hundred of millions. Britain though as usual, divided and won, keeping for its white people the lion’s part (over 8 million Km2) and breaking India with the toll of millions of dead and the continuing profits of military sales, causing yet another focus of hate memes that still endures.

Finally Asia was also broken in this case along the idol-ogical lines of the cold war ‘excuse’ for permanent military profits between two types of dictatorships, the military dictatorships of red armies and the financial dictatorships of stockratic, capitalist democracies, both with their monopoly in the language of social power of their nations (weapons and money) to the exclusion of its populations. So America carved ½ Korea, ½ Vietnam, Thailand and Japan and Russia got his sphere of influence in China, and the other 1/2s, further greasing the weapon industries in the last war cycles of the ‘gunpowder’ age (Vietnam, Korea war).

It must be noticed the Euro-American civilizations did that, while becoming united into a single civilization politically and economically in Europe (EU and COMECON) and financially, militarily and in security in Anglo-America (NATO, 5 eyes agreement of security systems and common stockratic financial Anglo-Jewish elites in Canada, US, UK, Australia and NZ).

This is only natural to the ‘evanescent’ shorter time span of ‘artificial structures’ such as nations are. So at the end of times, when mankind returns to its origins, increasingly detached of the ‘Metal-earth’ of automated company-mothers who no longer need humans as robots compete with us in labor and war fields, Europe becomes the first civilination that scraps the nationalist concept of hierarchical financial and military structures on top of the cultural wor(l)d. It seems though it is too late and too little, as what should have mean a process of reunification of those 7 civilinations and coalescence in an heptarchy of presidents, ruling over a wor(l)d union under the scientific laws of 5D Bio-history, has never taken place. On the contrary the European Union seems the last swan song of Mankind, as it is already regressing back to financial control through the European ‘private’ bank that only issues money for corporations and is committing austericide, and to the resurgence of the worst final STage of nationalisms, we call ‘nazionalisms’ (Brexit, German resurgence, growing military budgets, Russian split).

Since ultimately the EU failed to expand its promises of a single cultural world to its African and Asian colonies, as we have shown and became itself a cultural colony of the digital Age of the Jewish>Anglo>American civilization.

A cultural nation: China, ruled by the wor(l)d with no military and financial castes on top.

The opposite picture surfaces when we study the oldest static culture of the world, China, whose classic values are exactly the inverse of those of the Jagg-ed culture, arguably today also shared by ‘Digital China’ after the destruction of its classic culture by Communism and implantation of the capitalist, militaristic culture in the digital cycle. Let us consider those values in a more analytic manner by enunciating the structure of its ∆+1 languages and physiological networks, ∆0 human elements and distribution of social classes, which defines any organism; whose natural goal is to preserve its life achieve immortality in a golden mean state of no change, once it has reached maturity at the ST-balanced, present level.

The right goal of a culture: survival and immortality with no change. This was always the ideal of the Chinese world: the immutability of its organism that should follow a series of life and death renewals, substituting dynasties when corrupted with a ‘cellular feed-back’ democratic pain message to those who didn’t serve the community – namely a r=evolution that would put a new dynasty on top, so all things remained the same. Since the Universe is a reproductive fractal immortal in time, with a limited number of combinations that have been repeated in the past, there is no lineal time manifest destiny. Any motion of evolution towards the future with growth of information invariably ends in a 3rd age prior to a death collapse which is where the JAG culture is taking us all under its idol-ogies and systemic denial of the values and truths of the wor(l)d by its dominant financial and military animetal people-castes (who on top deny they deny humanism).

The right class structure: the ethic wor(l)d above a welfare producing human mass.

As we have studied the now globalized Jagge-d culture everywhere we shall not consider its hierarchical structure here, with ‘metal-memes’ on top, financiers below, buying laws to corrupted politicos used to cheat the population with false democratic systems, where unlike in true organisms, Greek rational Democracies and Chinese spontaneous system of peasants r=evolutions, there is no pain feed back when politicos hurt their body. On the contrary those body cells are blind, and the job of politicos and ‘academic and cultural servants’ who ‘defend the financial elite with the word and the sword’ and camouflage its power is to produce soma, and make wars to increase the profits of company-mothers and their belli-nervi pecunia infinita cycle.

Opposite to that ‘montage’ of deception and false democracy, Truth and wor(l)d values were in China natural to their concept of a culture. So Chinese class structure, when dominated by a native dynasty was essentially dual, as the old Neolithic cultures, a people-caste of wor(l)d civil servants that had substituted the wor(l)d priests of earlier Neolithic ST-ages ruling over a mass of peasants, fixed to an entropic Earth, which was cared with love and dexterity achieving the highest food returns, multiplying the numbers of Chinese people. Warriors and traders were very limited castes without power, which implied a weak defensive system overridden by Northern warriors whenever the quality of governance and army decayed. But China did never renounce to the ideal of the wor(l)d presided over the people who cultivated Gaia, and so it essentially remained in the Neolithic ideal of an eternal present nation; which is the ‘ideal age of History’, reason why it is the most successful culture-nation of the world in terms of the only value – survival.

The right mode of production It is for that reason it chose when obliged to become an industrial nation, a doctrine that stressed the power of the wor(l)d over money and weapons, communism, but the downfall of XX century China and Russia rests in the fact that Communism was NOT the science of History, far better understood by the biological cultural approach to historic organisms of Butler and Spengler an the denial of the superior values of a mechanical society of Anarchism. As Bakunin rightly defined it – it would be a dictatorship of the two cultures that dominated Europe then and were the cultures of Marx, ‘Germanic military dictators and banking parasites’ without giving the people the ‘right to issue their money’ and focusing production in ‘welfare goods’ in a loose anarchist organized wave society, similar to that of the African Neolithic and all other societies of the old world, including China prior to the arrival of the Chariot empires. Communism thus became a military dictatorship, obsessed with metal-machine production, who exploited and tax-farmed peasants to develop mechanical industries, and did so with idol-ogies that had nothing to do with the laws of the organic Universe that at least ‘naturally’ had established some market and property freedoms and rights in not-controlled capitalist societies. So as all cells do have a territory of order – a property lot to cultivate=produce the goods the cell require, while sharing its ‘networks of higher communal orders’ (hormonal and oxygen, blood money), the land people farm cannot be nationalized, but distributed in equalitarian parcels since no cell gets ever 10 times more energy than any other cell (neurons). The absurdity of land nationalization; when all what was required after the land reform and distribution of property, is the sharing of industrial tools for its better exploitation (machinery) and the blood-financial system of buying and selling for better price allocation (cooperative centers) but NOT the dispossession of peasants of their land to substitute the land owner by the absentee state, even of their home and basic tools of labor, caused the spread of famines in Russia and China that crashed from the start their welfare economies. Moreover the obsession of communism with industrialization tax-farmed to exhaustion the peasants resources. And it went in China to the extremes of the ridicule campaign of Mao to ‘produce ion’ on the peasants villages, who wasted time and resources making low quality iron for the ‘great leap forwards’ of Chinese mechanisms. So Communism being a retarded version of the idol-ogies of capitalism and mechanism, where as Bakunin said, there would be also ‘a people-caste of central bankers’ only that they will say the bank is a national bank, ( today being this the case of all nations, including Europe with his central bank ruled by Goldman Sachs ex-employees of the go(l0d culture), destroyed the Chinese Neolithic, and its cultural natural wor(l)d-welfare structure which had resisted millennia of Nomadic and Japanese invaders; the less developed culture of Asia, hence the easier to convert to industrial nationalism.

∆+1: Geographic borders. A culture has static geographic borders, as it does not believe in Empire. IT does NOT invade military other cultures. It might associate with them in higher units, with social diplomatic structures and common currencies and common armies to avoid conflict as ideal Europe tried to do till it was conquered by the FMAsters with its systemic camouflage of financial control, with the excuse of a ‘European bank’ that no longer issues money for welfare. This concept was always natural to China, who never tried expansion, when under a native dynasty, and when it went into warfare was for preventive action against growing coalitions of Northern mounted nomads ‘barbarians ad portas’.

The concept of all military and Industrial nations however is the Imperial concept of a world Empire by the power of the sword and Go(l)d. The British empire was conceived as such, only that the instrument of control was even harsher: company-mothers protected by anonymous societies, in control of the reproduction of money and evolution of machines-weapons, which considered objectual property with a price, not only the land but the people of the countries it owned. Colonial Britain was thus tailored on the first company-mothers of machine sand weapons who had 3 sources of profits: gun-boat production and trade, slave human property cargo and speculation in property land of the conquered nations with the always highlighted ‘spice and commodity’ trade secondary and fast receding as its structure of land and human property control evolved.

So the harshness of its treatment of people and cultures it conquered and extinguished was higher than that of the classic Empires; even the most cruel 1st and last, Yamana charioteer and Iberian conquistador radiations.

∆s-st-t networks. The purpose and hierarchy of the physiological networks of china parallel to its social classes was the proper of any universal superorganism: a neuronal informative wor(l)d caste with ethic legal goals serving its people (in the ideal not corrupted state) or S-head, on top of a body of reproductive working classes producing the positive welfare goods of an ‘ethonomical economic system’ (the peasants and village artisans); with a very limited number of ‘entropic leukocytes’ to defend the Organism against alien ‘germs’ NOT to oppress and phagocyte the internal cells (border armies against nomadic invaders), and a fair system of abundant low value coins distributed easily to the peasant population for trade and community work (Tao coins and latter paper tender legal money of null value per se, as opposed to parasitic money).

We have extensively studied the corrupted networks of a capitalist society based in the overeproduction of goods of maximal price: speculative money monopolized by the people-caste of bankers, invested massively in company-mothers of machines and top predator weapons of maximal price-profits and production in times of war, masterminded by cheap cost hate memes reproduced by metal-communicator to imprint with fictions the collective subconscious of the population. So we shall not dwell on it. It is still the structure of the social networks of the leading Jagge-d culture of today (America, masterminded by evilwood hate military memes and Wall Street investment in lethal digital and military, robotic and AI industries). It was the essential structure of Classic Britain, sponsored by Adam Smith’s concept of a nation, who should NOT run his financial system, monopoly of private bankers, but use after extensive tax-farming, maximized in the colonial lower ‘animal non chosen people’ (slaves and uncivilized conquered nations), to invest in armies to expand the empire and internal police and jails to control the inner population with the cancerous ‘white cells’ of the system. The result was the brutal life of the British people who escaped through immigration to extend the genocide of Americans, Africans and Australians but and this is why we keep pudding on the JAG culture, of all the civilizations of mankind, the JAG culture has globalized its antihuman extinctive, antidemocratic go(l)d memes, and has now became the Jagge-d world. And of course, in that world it still leads all the anti-human memes, so Brexit Britain, Make Great America and Apartheid Israel, the Jewish-Anglo-American core 3 nations keep doing the same.

Education of the mind in ethic truths and verbal rightful thought.

Classic China as all religious non-animetal civilizations try to entangle man with the living Universe, respect nature, educate verbally and ethically people to live in community, considering the whole more important than the selfish part, so people help each other to live in a peaceful world. Those were the Buddhist, Taoist and Confucian goals.

In the Jagge-d culture however the communal whole is taboo, when is not ab=used to rise armies and consume soldiers with industrial weapons, to renew arsenals and profits. Otherwise the goal of individuals is NOT to need and help other humans so they NEED to consume machines to survive. Man must be alone surrounded with machines he consumes, dedicating his life to drive in a single car, watch a virtual screen and think in digital science as the language of machines and its senses, mechanical instruments are the givers of truth.

While words must be used to cheat and hide human truths, as ‘damned lies and statistics, the antiquantum paradox of censorship and distribution of memes only based in its idol-ogies’ is the rule of the culture, distributed by the Gob eels method through networks of metal-communicators tat have substituted verbal human thought and the far more complex written wor(l)d. So the IQ of logic verbal though plummets and a ‘vidi credo ergo sum’ generation of believers in falsehoods easily imprinted by visual overdrives serves and obeys.

This PROCESS after II World war reached in America with the help of the academia elites migrating from Germany, a complexity and finesse in his occultation of the true problems of mankind, through fiction and the debasing of social sciences, and the placebo newspeaks of political and economical correctness, now global which we treat in many texts and has rendered all social activism placebo.

Social sciences were converted into a recollection of data with mechanical machines and organic and scientific models forbidden. Fiction though is the most insidious time-consuming virtual erase head method that reduce mental humanity to purple rain with funny songs, fiction movies, selfie ego-trips and digital wastelands that transform all what is truth in a lie and all what is a lie in an alt-truth, with the millenarian dexterity of the Go(l0d culture that hid with religion and myths its parasitic, financial exploitation of mankind, today reaching global enormous proportions. The culture of bullshit and antitruths is now global from the holocaust industry that denies ALL the genocides the go(l)d culture has committed upon mankind to focus only in the final action-reaction Gotterdammerung, accusing mankind NOT the rival warrior genociders of the process, with a growing stream of gore movies and Nobel Prizes of literature; to the astounding waste of mental time of a world of fiction, where we are supposed to spend all the time we don’t work reproducing and consuming machines singing 3rd rate poetry, observing TV-series, Netflix streams, fascist action movies, and trash that pass pretentiously as art (the sacred work of humans who ‘see better and ‘think wor(l)ds of ethic beauty, to the service of a human superorganism)…

Nationalistic memes. The classic Chinese was not nationalistic, occupied only in its local themes, with little appetite for conquest and travel beyond its territory of order – the ideals of Confucianism. It never lived a surrogate life as the American or British imperialist did, suffering a low life or dying in battlefields for the honor of ‘serving’ the moneyed industrial classes that profited from industrial wars. He knew his ∆-o scale. Even if today such Asian right concept of cultural nation is dead, as we shall see when study contemporary Asia.

The Destruction Of The Humanist Euroamerican Culture

There are only 2 kind of nations, those who are free, because they own their armies and money; and those who are slaves because they don’t issue their language of informative power, money and the law, which money can buy; and so their armies become mercenary and their people slaves – that is, they are ‘bought’. Both €urope and U$ political systems are slavish of the Financial-media system that issues its money and manufactures the brain of their people with their informative machines. This is a sad realization, which means also the death of their common civilization, based in the power of the law above money, the equality of all their people under those laws, and the bill of rights that ensure the freedom of their citizens. What culture has substituted them? Obviously the culture of corporations and the culture of owners of their Financial-Media system, the ‘Am Segullah’ culture of animetals. Hence our passion for their fictions, religions and wars.

As slaves contrary to belief, love their masters more than their own.

So Europeans and Americans have come to love machines and the go(l)d culture more than theirs; but none of this can be said because obviously information machines manufacture their brains with opinions in favor of their masters, who call such information a ‘Komploten theory’. In complex social sciences we call this paradox, the anti-quantum paradox because in inverse fashion to the quantum uncertainty of physics, where the scientist is so big that it influences the observable, as the Britannica recognizes to be the main handicap for the development of a real social sciences, power is so strong that influences the observer, the scientist that exist inside the super organism of history. Thus from Plato chained by tyrant of Syracuse, through Socrates murdered by the corrupted Athenian democracy, though Cicero author of the ‘res-publica’, slaughtered by the military dictators of Rome, to the masters of humanist, historic or socio-biologic, ‘real’ schools of economics, plagued with r=evolutionary corpses, all those who defy the monopoly of weapons and money that prevent mankind to develop a real democracy are at best silenced or else… This we said in advance because both, you and me are inside the Supœrganism of History, hence submitted in different forms to the anti quantum paradox, you as a believer in the system, me as a system science that knows it is the anti-system of humanity.

Thus the end of the European and American democracy happened with the arrival of e-money, which in America meant immediately (1972):

  • A Financial dictatorship through the destruction of the people’s money power (end of dollar convertibility, freedom to invent e-money with no limit in wall street).
  • A Military dictatorship with Yon Kippur that made the American army mercenary for all future wars in crescendo of Israel vs. Islam
  • A Political dictatorship with Watergate that showed TV-media could kill a president for silly-nilly peccadilloes (at the time, a mere micro on a Watergate hotel, when every president had in his bag pack all kind of crimes). Ever since all politicos in US and when the system was imported to EU with the ECBank, Brussels lobbyism and the present Jihad war, in Europe ‘are owned’ by TV-add money/campaign and the Damocles sword of media hate memes that crash his campaigns.

Since indeed, a parallel dictatorship was imposed in Europe, when all Euro nations lost the right to issue their money, with the excuse of ‘unity’, since the ECB is  A PRIVATE BANK always ruled by Am Segullah bankers (all of them, till date, as well as all the central bankers of the west and 80% of media and CEOs of financial corporations, when they are only 0.2%, of population 0.02% when properly considered merely is elite of financial banker-priests NOT to incur in the 3rd branch of anti$emitism that confuses the upper classes of a corrupted animetal culture with its scapegoat sheeple). So now we shall deal with the theoretical minimum of Complex Science  you need to know to understand your society, the dictatorship of the Financial-Media/Military-Industrial system, his hired politicos, war for profits and hate memes including those of Antisemitism, which properly defined IS the use of the common people of Judaism as scapegoats of the financial ab=uses of its ‘financial dictators’.

Birth of modern European and global nationalisms: Great Britain and its company-mothers.

The global civilization was born on the printing press of Amsterdam, when a Sephardim émigré, Athias, who had mastered the craft in Valencia, printed for free, with the help of the ‘community’ 3 million Hebrew Baalbles exported to Great Britain (we refuse to use the terms United Kingdom, coined after the plantation=colonization of Ireland who suffered a ‘slow genocide’ for the subsequent 400 years; as Ireland did not enter the kingdom willingly, and having reached the highest cultural development through the Christian Gaelic monk movement in the Middle ages, did not devolve the eusocial messages of love of the Gospel into the bulky 1000 pages of segregational genocidal Histories of the Hebrews)… The people of Great Britain though had suffered a much harsher Middle Ages, brutal constant invasion by Germanic tribes from Scandinavia, Anglos and Saxons; Danes on the Eastern board where the imposed Dane Law, Vikings in Scotland and Normands finally conquering the whole kingdom had debased whatever rational, legal eusocial love memes the late Christian-Roman culture imbued in their genetic mixture of Spanish women, whose males had succumbed to the Yamana Siberian Charioteer and Iron radiations, wiping them out in the first of the extinctive waves of animetals. It is indeed, funny, as we explain somewhere else, that the racist segregational modern British people is genetically the cross-breeding product of the 3 nations historically has combated more in Europe, the Spaniards, the Germans and the Russians (so can be said of the modern Jewish people coming either from Spain – Sephardim, Germany, Ashkenazi and Russia, Khazar kingdom, with very little remains save their people-caste of ‘Am Segullah’ – banker priests, split into rabbis and bankers only with the Napoleonic abolition of its death power over the Habiru (Hebrew commoners), which show 90% of genetic make-up from those groups and only 8% from the Mosaic Haploid.

But nationalism is about the segregational suppuration of differential memes that break the ‘4th postulate of illogic existential geometry’ that makes parallel similar beings love each other and causes Darwinian ‘tearing’ perpendicularity in those who perceive themselves by virtue of the selective nature of mental information, different to each other. And needless to say once differentiation happens, by virtue of the paradox of the mind that measures reality from its point of view, superior to all others.  So England first and then upon conversion to Calvinism and Union… in the battle field, Scotland became a single nation feeling different through nationalist memes at all the ‘levels’ of 5D History:

– Geographically it was an island isolate; so it bred its own Japanese-style memes of uniqueness, manifest destiny as the ‘western Atlantic islands ’ (Irish plantations incorporated) bond to colonize the western world since God had created it where the sun sets – the Japanese of course would agree only that God preferred the land where the Sun rises. Insularity involved definitely God. So when the storms defeated the invading Spanish Armada it was both ascribed to the Insular God and the bravery of its soldiers – never mind they had dodged all fights shooting at distance with the smaller more maneuverable gunboats. So the Japanese said, after a tornado defeated the invading Mongolian armada. God had defeated them sending the winds they called ‘Kamikaze’, and the bravery of its Samurai armies, never mind they dodged any fight with the hardened army that had conquered the world.

This also was a badge of proud. They felt to defeat the Spanish who had conquered the world, the Mongolians who had conquered the world, while they were a small nation, but they had their own God, nobody else share – the Shinto Gods of Japan, Amaterasu the eastern sun-God mother of his Korean Emperors (this ‘Korean’ fact still denied despite archeological record of invading Korean horse and iron armies who founded the dynasty; as the Basque-Iberian origin of 90% of British female genes are never printed in the British press – we know Koreans are only good as ‘comfort women’ and Spanish to have good fuks on summertime.. men and women alike). Sorry folks, a humanist bio-historian is not censoring the wor(l)d and the natural drives of life and love warts and all.

So Yes, the British had also their personal God as the king was his new Pope, after murdering 7 wives and likely with so much syphilis in its veins that could not give birth to any healthy heir, exhausting his dynasty with the syphilitic daughter Miss Elizabeth the Great, so Go(l)d driven that wouldn’t give extra gunpowder to Sir Francis Pirate Drake; Alas, Insula, King Pope, Slave Go(l)d trade, Gunboats, iron and coal, once the wood was exterminated and the help of the Channel seemed to be the foundational elements of modern Nationalism, but they are NOT.

But if the British and Jewish people, by far the most racist modern people today – albeit with a perfect camouflage of newspeaks of caring and political correctness to hide it, are overwhelmingly ‘Spanish’ and ‘Russians’, clearly the less racist European nations extensively merging genes with other cultures, regardless of its warrior genocides, it is obvious that all the concepts we shall consider in those texts as 5D laws preclude belong to the memetic sphere of idol-ogies and cultural animetal segregational religions, reason why as Bio-Historians we MUST defy the political taboos of correctness that pretend scientists of history to ‘believe’ all those placebo Holocaust industries, manifest destinies, techno utopias, capitalist and nationalist memes perfectly disguised as humane, ‘fun’, ‘progress’, anthropomorphic entitled goals, etc. etc. The Bio-historian IS a doctor of History and even if the patient doesn’t listen to him, as he believes in ‘shamans’, rabbis and economists, corrupted politicos and placebo institutions of false freedoms, the bio-historian IS a scientist, and at least will tell the truth, never mind he might burn in the fire as Giordano Bruno in the past when someone listened, or today simply is not distributed by metal-communicators.

The only reason after a life of searching for the truth, finding it in all stiences with the upgrade of humind’s languages through 5D laws, and writing as my final intellectual testament this series of papers which if the system and my short-life span allows me to complete will r=evolve our understanding of the main disciplines of the 4 ‘set of sciences’ by scale, ∆º formal mathematical and logic and artistic sciences, ∆±1,2 biological and social sciences and ∆±2,3 physical sciences is my love of truth and life which turned out to be the truth of all sciences, and the goals of social sciences: love life and the truth about man. That has been my quest as a human being and that is what I shall write. And that includes not only ABC but also the D and –E elements of the scientific method.

The jagge-d memes invent reality and expect the Universe to change? One of the few scholars 5D stience respects despite its many errors, Mr. Einstein once said, ‘if my theory is wrong God should change the Universe, so beautiful is’, and when dead, Times published an Earth in the future with the continental wording recorded at cosmic scale ‘Einstein was born here’. The systemic simplification of reality )in his case, a simplified view of time as lineal and locomotion as the only mode of change), with the occultation of all parts of reality that do not fit the idol-ogies of the jagge-d culture is an open defiance of the survival laws of the Universe (not certainly the case of Mr. Einstein who rejected the presidency of Israel saying it would be judged by the ‘way it treats its brother Arabs and not by its technological achievement’, published with Zelig and Schonberg, the fathers of modern linguistic and dodecaphonic theory a paper accusing Likkud of being the nazi party of Israel, massacring Arabs and petition the congress to forbid his entrance in America, and considered himself rightly a socialist and a pantheist.) It is then remarkable that even Mr. Einstein’s truths are today denied, so the topic mantra about him is that he is Jewish (not so, as he did not believe Jewish memes and rightly affirmed his religion to be made of myths, superstition and power memes to control population), he loved Israel and renounced for health reasons, etc. etc.

The conclusion is obvious: if mankind does not abandon the jagge-d culture and its memes and returns to the human memes of its classic civilizations, the Universe will respond as it has always responded to the hidden genocides of mankind by parasitic money and imperial armies of every 800-80 armed nation that thought it could conquer the world. Now the world has been conquered by the industrial corporation modeled by the jagge-d culture to have all the rights for its stockratic owners, financiers that print in monopoly the oxygen of society and kill by anoxia all humans, and are buttressing their societies with cancerous white cells to repress their inner populations. So in their view of lineal time, all past sufferings are gone as now we own the world, but they will still need armies of robotic AI mercenary terminators which will be the perpetrators of their self-destruction and that of mankind. Since the Universe is a perfect superorganism. So while parasites exist, when they collapse the organism they die – their function, which Darwin said was the ugliest of all biology – camouflage as part of the same organism to inoculate soma and render the defensive system inert, and then make the cells of the healthy body reproduce its germs-memes-machines and absorb all the energy-oxygen-money till the body dies of anoxia – and made hi doubt of God’s creation; fortunately enough is limited to entropic death. They will NEVER be the dominant species of any life ecosystem. So I don’t doubt of God’s game. It is in Leibniz’s terms, the ‘best of all possible worlds’ where all ‘that can exist does exist’ because selection kills sooner than latter those who are not beautiful enough to deserve survival and reproduction.


Classic economics and its political and economical system, today globalized is a power culture NOT a science, where the ‘chosen races’ – animetals, its company-mothers and its off spring of machines and weapons  –  have all the rights and the 99% of mankind none – only duties – no right to credit, no right to work decisions, no right to set its salary, no right to jobs, no right to control any aspect of the economic system. This of course is an aberration that had to be disguised – as camouflage is the true power of a top predator, through the ‘religion of digital science, aka economics. A feat achieved today also through AI algorithms and technical jargons, which NOT even economists understand. Indeed, the key element for the hate memes of classic economics to triumph is the fact that TODAY economists are so ‘retarded’ in thought that they memorize in abstract, certain dogmas of classic economics which were deviced in the XIX c. by bigot biblical creationist economists to foster the rights of the racist elites of the British empire but now are supposed to be ‘dogmas of economic science’.

So the memes we are going to explain are shared by every human economist from Japan to Chile, but as they were cult(Ural) not scientific objective in its origin it is much better to know their origin first to stress this point and its aberration – Scientific racism will be soon branched into:

  • Technological racism, the essential hate meme against the majority of external mankind deviced by colonial European empires – all those cultures that are NOT in possession of advanced weapons and machines are a ‘3rd world’ of inferior species. Today it has evolved in complexity into Technoutopia – we must evolve machines to progress, not human beings.
  • Classic Economics,developed by the twin cultures of Judaism and Protestantism (‘all founding fathers of economics, belong to those racist religions) . It is the essential hate meme against internal mankind (workers and consumers), according to which only the chosen of go(l)d have right to issue money and hence as they buy companies with them, become stock-rats without any obligation to work and absolute rights to the profits generated by the sweat of workers and the oil of machines. It is today the fundamental hate meme of capitalism, globalized to all cultures .
  • 2 examples will suffice.
  • According to classic economists the ‘inferior goy=animal human species’, either colonial slaves or white slaves of inferior races or social class, humans have no rights to work when a machine can do his work cheaper, even if that means their poverty and starvation.

So the two founders of economics Ricardo & Smith affirmed the owner must only pay a bronze/iron salary, equivalent to the price of a machine that can perform the job of human capital, even if it means starvation of workers, to increase profits – Smith doubts here NOT because starvation is bad, but because he thinks if many workers die, salaries will go up for scarcity; but alas! Ricardo finds the solution: machines can substitute them so workers can die of hunger and profits won’t diminish. TODAY this law HAS BEEN DIGITALIZED into the law of productivity, which is the main dogma of Economics and capitalism: you must always put a robot instead of a blue collar worker, and a Pc instead of a white collar worker.

Humans also do NOT have rights to issue money as credit and banks must be private (Smith, Stuart Mill, Bentham). So on the book of Bentham: ‘in defense of usury’ all those who deny the monopoly of private banking and the rights of bankers to usury are ‘anti$emites’ – sic) Today this is also essential to capitalism: financiers must reproduce money in monopoly. Humans must NOT access credit, but be extorted with taxes and states that represent them have zero deficit laws to forbid them printing money.

Capitalist pyramid of power. Hierarchical structure. Null rights of human beings.

In brief Humans divide into ‘experts’ and ‘chosen of go(l)d’, the stock-ratic Leisure Class of Veblen’s economic books, which must have all rights because ‘they know what they do’ and the 99% of workers and consumers who do NOT know what they do, and must have zero economic rights. But this is an aberration of Nature as the graph shows. And it is the millenarian way in which the go(l)d culture has exploited mankind as the top predator of herding go(l)d, valuing life to zero and degrade humans as an inferior species to the chosen and its metal-memes of power.

Never mind all this today is packed in digital equations and most economists do not even realize why they are telling us what they tell us. Let us then see it from a humanist perspective as what truly is:  The biggest scam of history.

The fundamental transition with the arrival of capitalism happened from WARRIOR ARISTOCRATS with exclusive rights to reproduce the language of power weapons and use it against inferior humans who could not carry weapons and were judged in different courts; to STOKCRATS, with the same privileged rights on the new language of power money, they issue in monopoly (+90% of money today reproduced in stocks, e-money derivative and financial houses), they use to buy part-time the life of people (as workers), to buy laws to politicos; and CANNOT be judged (Anonymous societies which at best dim the company not the stockrat responsible). One of the most bizarre idologies of history is ‘capitalist democracy’ according to which a tiny elite of stock-rats and financiers have absolute rights to print the language of social power money, as ‘experts’, which they herd for themselves or use to evolve machines and print information to manufacture the brain of people, and this is called ‘freedom’ of the market (not of the people). Indeed, the reproduction of money is the leit motiv of a capitalist system, where the people on top has a single goal: to emit as much digital numbers called money as possible and rule the world with them.

Money is merely a digital number put in any ‘cheap support’ which by law is considered to have ‘value’. So bankers, speculators and companies try to reproduce as much ‘digital numbers’ as possible, to be able to ‘buy’ the life of the people on the bottom of the pyramid with null rights to reproduce money, through salaries. A real democracy – government of the people – would be a system where all citizens/cells as it happens in healthy organisms of nature, issue a universal ‘oxygen salary’ of money, to demand welfare goods and boost the human economy, today something feasible through a ‘bitcoin-like’ UNO backed global ¥€$ salary for each human to have democratic ‘votes’ in the social language of power – money, and create a demand economy – NOT a supply one, where the few financiers and corporations that issue money, create any product with it and then ‘supply it and sell it through marketing and political corruption’, from nuclear weapons to hate media – things people would NOT demand.

But we do not live in anything that remotely resembles a ‘real democracy’. Politics in capitalism is about a ‘placebo structure called democracy’ where political servants distract people so in the background the real world of financiers printing money, buying corporations and giving orders of work to humans in mechanical industries, ‘creates’ with credit the world we live- dedicated to make and evolve machines, and let the ‘leisure class’ on top enjoy the world and tell us how ‘graceful, intelligent’ they are. While the invisible human side of ‘capitalist democracies’, the 99% lives, eternally undernourished.

This amazingly simple power hold by the 0.002% in ‘free markets’: to emit numbers as money, IS the essence of the world’s power today. And amazingly enough it passes as a ‘positive science’: ‘the wickedest of all things – to choke people off credit, to print money for mechanisms not humans, for splendid little wars, not for warfare, ultimately for the extinction of life – is considered to be done for the common goods; because obviously the people on top double his job – they not only print money with informative machines but print newspeak of freedom and encourage all kind of distractions, infotainments and placebo systems of null power, for people NOT to inquire the obvious: Why a few can print digital numbers as money, and the most must toil for it?

So all the privileges of aristocracies of war are today on the hands of stock-racies of money, in the so called capitalist democracies, where the polling of pre$elected candidates in inefficient bipartisan democracies is just a ‘genius’ placebo structure to convince people, they rule. In the graph the 3 ages of the new form of metal-dictatorship: the ‘democratic’ colonial age of imperial Europe, and its Capitalist democracies and pyramid of power in the XIX c. Money is on top and its issuers, private dynasties of bankers who also print information with paper rule. Below a screen of, kings or placebo democracies, or religious leaders cover up for them. And if smart people r=evolve, the army will take care.

As a distraction it does take care of enemy nations and inferior races, in colonial wars. Then the elite of workers for company-mothers of machines do have the good life, and on the bottom the now obsolete workers to the robots revolution did have then at least the right to food for unending work hours, which soon will be lost. It is important to understand the consequences of living in a dictatorship of company-mothers of machines and money NOT in a democracy, as Democracies were created in Holland by the first company, as a cover up for their political power NOT the other way around: 1) The language of power of society changed from warrior law to money and so did the values, as money, an informative metal from go(l)d to e-money cycles gives zero value to life and maximal to weapons 2)Hence war became endemic and much more lethal as the overreproduction and evolution of weapons caused much more victims. 3)A cover up of newspeaks of freedom substituted hierarchical visible kings as money is ‘invisible information’ so camouflage is best to avoid r=evolutions. This derived in modern newspeaks, to create a walt disney world of freedoms with NO power. 4)But the bottom line, the power of money and its maximal price goods, weapons remained even when machines, which ‘only’ atrophy our organs became its dual twins; companies still hold power in virtue of its most perfect species, top predator weapons that kill humans. So the overproduction crises of the 800 year cycle of classic weapons just accelerated professionally and has NEVER stopped. On the contrary increased its quantity of victims as the quality and price and profits of the pecunia infinita belli nervi cycle got stronger, reason why we can predict cycle of stocks and parallel wars.

The top of the capitalist pyramid is metal, gold and iron which becomes the chip brain and body of evolving machines. But this trans-human future of mechanism and capitalism is hidden by the ‘anthropomorphic’ myths of both idol-ogies which DENY what they ARE doing to planet Earth trough Free markets in which the only truly

‘Free legal persons’, are corporations, which re=produce overwhelmingly machines, which evolve, occupy the earth, substitute and kill life and act therefore as top predators with absolute freedom in the economic ecosystem. This is what a non-biological approach to economics and history hides. Fact is humans and weapons and machines act and react to each other in biological terms. It could not be otherwise, as we make machines to our image and likeness and hence we evolve them as organisms.

The madness of it is difficult to overstate: there you have the equations of economics telling mankind, we are going to kill you, take your job, and give it to a machine, so we can make ‘money’ with your death and job destruction, but that IS good for you, it will make you FREE and WEALTHY. And you cheer ‘heep, hurrah! It is not an exaggeration. The sheeple do sing ‘4 legs 4 legs’… It is then evident that as the Industrial r=evolution advanced, the need to nationalize the financial Industry and give a future to mankind at large, with a just salary, brought about a new age of socialism, which we resume in the next graphs, unfortunately destroyed by the usual suspects (internal military stalinist coup d’etat’, and external attack of capitalist nations.



How the 1%, overwhelmingly bankers and owners of stock-companies can have more than the 99%? The answer is astoundingly simple: because there are people who print money, mere digital numbers on a screen, before on paper, and people who labor and sell their life for it. So those who print money are the 1%; those who toil for it and are taxed of their blood-money, the 99%.

How it is performed? Easy: inventing digital money of null value then exchanged by real wealth & used to corrupt politicians, which will pass laws to make ‘legal’ the scam: 

So only societies in which money were issued for the people with a Universal salary, and investment in welfare goods, as organisms do giving all cells a salary in oxygen and the goods they need to survive, would be a real democracy.

Yet, censorship & manipulation of information is due, and corrupted politicos that will never talk of nationalizing banks, are bought, so people think that to enslave for taxation while others invent billions for free is ok.

Since money is just a digital language, whose support of ‘numbers’ have evolved from precious, informative metals (silver, gold), to Companies of weapons-machines paper, to modern numbers printed in computer screen. As the meaning of a capitalist dictatorship, sorry democracy is for the 1% to print as much money as possible, this goal drives the modern world through its cycles of boom and bust credit, usury debt, printing of money changed by real assets that ruins people, and the final war cycle, when money is printed for war loans. However as to know who rules you, you just need to see who you cannot criticize’, the entire industry of economics works to hide the simple fact that the 1% are financiers who print money for themselves. So ever since Marx accused the manager of the company, Smith and Ricardo the worker, and everybody everybody else, the financiers ARE hidden, by paid-per-view economists whose fundamental role is to invent weirdo models to deny the simple. For example today we get in the ‘Guardian’ supposed left-wing press, owned by the same financiers than any other newspaper: To explain the rise in inequality that began in the 1980s and has accelerated since the turn of the century, many have pointed out that indicators of globalization, such as the trade-to-GDP ratio, have also risen since 1980. It was precisely at that time, however, that the Heckscher-Ohlin-Stolper-Samuelson trade theory’s prediction that free trade would hurt lower-skill workers in rich countries apparently began to materialise.But there is clearly more to current inequality trends than trade. Technological progress – which has raised demand for skilled workers relative to unskilled workers, at a time when the supply of skilled graduates lags – seems to be a major factor everywhere. The growing tendency of many professions to produce winner-take-all outcomes may play a role as well. A lack of redistribution through taxes in a country such as the US (compared with major countries in Europe) does not help matters. Inequality is clearly a serious problem that merits political attention. But focusing on trade is not the way to resolve it. •Jeffrey Frankel, a professor at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government

All languages are inflationary – we think more than act to kick out and motivate our actions. So money must be printed with deficits because it is not ‘value per se’. Governments must invent money and laws issuing bills of money and bills of law in great quantities to regulate society If some laws are not obeyed and some economic actions kicked out by money do not produce expected returns it does not matter as it provoked jobs and actions of real wealth.

This must be understood. A social organism invents without spending much energy immense quantities of its ‘nervous/hormonal language’ which is cheap to produce (a mere electric or very simple molecule) but has the collective ‘fiat’ power to be obeyed by agreement of all cells. So happens with digital numbers – money and verbal thoughts – laws. So in an industrial crisis a country must invent money to reproduce the welfare goods it needs, specially when it cannot reproduce more machines, in saturated markets and it does not want to reproduce weapons and consume humans with it. Then it must switch to massive ‘deficit’ which means massive ‘shouting’ of economical orders to a ‘lazy population’ exhausted producing machines that must keep ‘working’, keep producing and so the government must shout huge debt-free monetary orders, printing money for the welfare state.

This is the scientific solution to the crisis, asked for by the socialist school in the XIX c. by the Keynesian school in the 1929 crisis, and by the most serious forerunner for a scientific discipline of economic systems, this century, systems sciences, which this writer pioneered.

And yet none of those 3 schools have any power today in this crisis, nor the main representatives of those schools are invited to political or economical forums. On the contrary, our work is heavily censored and the more the system requires the solutions we could implement, the less exposure we have. For example, this writer who anticipated with its models of the Industrial Evolution this crisis 20 years in advance, and was in charge of giving the conferences on Monetary Systems at the International Systems Societies, soon after the crisis proved his forecasts precise and his evolutionary models correct, lost his academic positions. . Why?

Because we are not living in a sound, healthy, scientific economic system, nor classic economists and politicians that rule the system are ‘scientists of history and economics’, but we live in a PARASITIC, unhealthy, corrupted system in which a private group of ‘cells/citizens’ act like a cancer or a viral leukemia does, monopolizing completely the issue of money in stock-markets and commodity markets, speculating with prices, inventing digital prices taxing all citizens, inventing fiat money (electronic derivatives) and exchanging it for real wealth, in other words absorbing all the blood of the economy for themselves, forbidding the collective b rain/government to regulate the blood system, feasting on energy kept idle in its ‘cancerous system’, and making the entire social body work for them. And so of course, part of the basic system which allows them to maintain that privilege is misinformation about the economy, ‘damned lies and statistics’, misinformation about what is truly an efficient economic system, what is money, why money is not wealth, why debt-money, printed by private people and then ‘lend with a parasitic interest’ to nations is an absolute natural aberration…

200% taxes that people love to handle to the ‘Masters of the Universe.’

‘Speculation is only a word covering the making of money out of the manipulation of prices, instead of supplying goods and services.’    Henry Ford

Debt money is an absolute aberration of nature. And we shall show now the details of that aberration.Today we are suffering one of those classic boom and bust cycles – the zenith of a series of speculative cycles that plague the world economy since the invention of e-money in the 70s. It is worth to briefly comment on some of those events: In the 70s with the invention of e-money, money invention as a digital language was greatly enhanced, as now mere speculative programs (future contracts, derivatives, shares trade) could jack up automatically the prices=number of money. The stock-markets, banks and speculators thus multiplied by 100 the quantity of money in circulation.

This caused first stagflation, as excessive money caused inflation but since it was mostly kept idle in the ‘financial casino’ multiplying enormously the wealth of corporations, there was no growth. So we suffered the 73 crisis, worsened but NOT caused primarily by further inflation in the oil markets (which was also in great measure provoked by the use of the Arab-Israeli war in commodity markets to spike up inflationary prices, when one considers the difference between what was paid to OPEC and what was charged to consumers, after speculators jacked up the prices of commodities).

Then, once the electronic systems for  invention of e-money used to  jack up the prices of all commodities were understood and computers multiplied its capacity to trade upwards in virtual finances, the free invention of money reached stratospheric volume, as all goods and commodities became taxed by speculators in forex, commodities and future markets. This is a ‘hidden’ tax that most people were unaware of. even bigger to the 86% of usury tax standard in the Middle Ages, which provoked so many tragedies latter commented on detail. While the ‘idol-ogies’ of neo-classic economists that we study in the right side of the web, stress constantly the existence of ‘risk’ and ‘indeterminacy’ on the future prices of those goods, which ‘justify’ that commodity houses make hundreds of millions of $ in profits every year, any analysis of those markets in a medium range show they systematically go upwards because THEY INVENT MONEY.  And there is NO risk at all for the market makers, who set up the price in the direction they wish in a very simple manner.

It is this tax what explains the astounding growth of the fortunes of financial speculators and bankers. It is a tax

We shall illustrate this with an empirical example – the jacking up of prices in oil and food in a single year. And a simple theoretical explanation on how Market-makers (the biggest investment houses) can rig the market.

In the graph, a single year of rises in prices of ‘energy food and oil’ for mankind and our machines.  The biggest increase is in food  prices, which in a a single year rose 70%, when future markets were created for food and electronic software made the  bets of speculators  on ‘future higher prices’ so huge that they determined the price, instead of the natural offer and demand between producers and users of food did before.

In essence, the future market  is the same method that Joseph banker of the pharaoh, or any speculator in times of war used, with physical food, when they store idle food for years, as prices increase due to scarcity and then sell it at huge prices provoking famine all those years.

This is now done virtually in an electronic screen and in huger volumes with e-money, so it affects to all commodities that inflate prices in spikes and steep curves, whose overprices are profits for speculators.

Now in a natural market demand and offer adjust each other, and prices do not rise much more than the rise of human population/demand. That means prices should not go up more than 2% annually.

But when speculators dominate the market with ‘false’ contracts, they set the lowest price for buying to producers and the highest future price, in which they will ‘sell’ the food they buy now ‘virtually’ to the Producer. And the profit will be basically the difference between today’s price and the future price – with the result of a systemic rise of prices.

Moreover, when he ‘guesses’ the future rise, he makes much more money, as in some contracts he ‘bets’ to match that price. So all what speculators need to when the future bet comes to a close is to ‘increase’ demand with more virtual prices, ‘rigging’ with other speculators, making a frenzy of contracts and rising artificially the demand cashing further profits.

Mind the reader that those contracts are only virtual as the speculator do NOT have the obligation of TRULY BUYING food or delivering ‘real food’ when it sells them on those future price contracts. So it is all about rising prices between bets and keeping the difference between the real price and the spikes.

What he does is only to ‘meet’ the future  price they set in advance, which is automatic, as the ‘makers of the market’ act together and so they  just buy in a frenzy when the future prices comes and the market goes up and they win the bet. Who looses? All the producers, the people that sold them very cheap real food when they made the bet and all the consumers, the people must buy real food that moment in the future.

It is just a form of rigged bet that puts a tax on all mankind. The market of course is made obscure with jargons, and think-tanks of economists find complex arguments which are ‘sanctified’ by Prizes given by banks or speculators, as the rijsbank prize of Economics (which usurps the Nobel name) given this year to economists that explain the ‘prices of assets’.

Now, the market is controlled  and always rigged by a few big speculators in Chicago and London because it is how it is built. And so are ALL other markets. There is NO risk for the big players. This is only ‘corrupted economic theory’ who pretends there are risks. And so the prices keep going upwards.

How it is systematically rigged? Because it is basically like playing poker. Now the reader must understand why there is no risk in any of the processes of jacking up prices in all commodities and stock markets that never cease to grow. It is like playing poker. the winner is not the one who has the best cards but the one who stays longer in the table, hence the one that can make the bigger bet, that nobody else can cover.

So the richest speculator sets up the price in advance. Because if he says the price will go up and puts a billion, if nobody can put a billion against him saying it will go down, the price will go up, as if you cannot cover the 1000 $ of your rival in the poker game, regardless of your reasons, you better cards, you loose. And this is why people like Gross, can decide the price of the Euro and controls the policies of Europe, as he is a republican conservative that wants the end of the welfare state. So he bets in favor of the euro only if europeans do what he wants. He is the biggest fund in FOREX currency markets. So he has 1 trillion (as he can work also on e-money virtual credit, 100 times more than his real bet. So what happens is that when after having a bit of surfing watching in Lido Island, Newport Beach… he goes to the office puts his bets, and as in a battle field, everybody in the world watches in bloomberg what he does, and of course, knowing he has rigged the market, they do what he has just done.

So the biggest speculators today after 40 years of rigging markets have total  control on the prices of all goods, currencies and hence all policies of western states. It is there, in the commodity market sIn the graph of commodities, the green line of prices of agricultural goods went in a single year of Future markets up 70%,

The  purple line was mainly the oil parasitic bubble deflated by the economic crisis, which is constantly manipulated with the help of the war crisis in the Middle East and the hate-media, the red line is the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index used in future markets, rigged by speculators – one of the key investing houses, with Blackrock, Morgan in America, the Rothschild Gold funds and Lagarde freres in Europe, etc, etc.

It is easy then to calculate what speculators tax on producers and consumers by merely ‘cutting off’ all the spikes OVER the real growth of demand. You just integrate mathematically the curve, and multiply the price for the total quantity of the global market of that product, and you get amazing numbers – billions of $ speculators TAX on all the people as all that is speculative high prices, not matched by demand. For example, take the green line there of food. A 2% rise according to the rise of human population would be the natural price. All above multiplied by tons and tons of food, is what the speculator gets and the people have to pay and those do not have money to pay, ‘pay’ with their lives.

An easy calculus on the statistics of prices since the invention of e-money in the key commodities, ‘energy’ of mankind (food) and our machines (oil), show how on average mankind is taxed with a 200% tax over the ‘real prices’ of those key energy goods by speculators – a tax far bigger than all the taxes of all governments combined.

But this simple scheme of massive theft by speculating with prices upwards is the reason why 800 million humans do NOT have enough money to pay their food and 5 million children die of hunger every year, when there is enough food to feed them, but it is thrown to the garbage by producers who are paid nothing for it or fed to our animals -the equivalent of a Jewish holocaust of children every year.

Those type of holocausts and jacking up of prices are now standard procedures on financial capitalism and will not cease unless the Forex and Future markets are cancelled. But they are not, because the elite of mankind is idle, enjoying the small share of those higher profits given to them by the elite of bankers that rule the system.

Indeed, the same procedures are used to jack up prices of stocks in all industrial companies. What means the elite of industrialists and rich people that invest in them and hold the majority of those shares, the 1% only has today an objective: that the price of stockmarkets go up, regardless of what the rest of the population suffer.

This explains the present FED policy of printing money at 80 billion $ a year for banks and speculators NOT to Creditate – create with credit – a welfare state, infrastructure and jobs; so with that money the ponzi pyramid of boom values in stock markets continue, the elites feel happy and the Financial-Media system tell us all goes well. Of course of all that money, speculators mostly keep it for themselves, provoking bubbles, inflation and multiplying enormously 100 their wealth. But when you multiply by 100 the quantity of digital money in the planet you have more than enough to buy and corrupt all the political systems and become ‘Masters of the Universe



Because the English and American Capitalist Democracy are not a democracy at all, it should not surprise us that when the rational enlightenment of Europeans brought about  an attempt to create a real social system of justice and people’s control of both weapons and money, as it will happen will attempts to r=evolution in Europe, England commanded the counter-revolution with its money and armies, trying to prevent the union of Europe into a single social super organism, given the fact that all Europeans belong to the same culture – this is the same trend through all the centuries of modern European history till the present attempts by the UK to derail the European Union, in its final stage during the Brexit era. 

In the graphs, from the best ever published Atlas of History, the development of this failed r=evolution which ended with the usual suspects, an internal warrior dictatorship (Napoleon) born to defend the supposed r=evolution from the attack of external alliances of bankers and military warriors (Russia and England):

In the first graph, we show the last age of the aristocratic regime of the bourbons where all the tax-farming that exploited Neolithic mankind, was used in wars, banker’s debt, aristocratic egocy and pensions for them, with a miscellaneous 1/5th on which an even smaller part went to the 99%, once more proving the synergies between weapons and gold. It was then natural that the age of reason & growth of a middle class would break into r=evolution, first of the moneyed people but soon extended to the lower classes as a single organism – Mankind:

As the History of the French R=evolution is well known and these long papers only want to introduce the 5D paradigm interpretation, we use the graphs of the best WorldHistory Atlas ever published at the height of the German post-war humanist school of History –Kinder’s (today History as a science is obviously subject to the audiovisual degradation of Huminds and the growing rewriting by the FMAsters – Financial-Media-Academia companies, owners of information machine, mostly belonging to the American Biblical capitalist idol-ogy – of History with the excuse of political and economical correctness.

In the graph, the main innovation of the French R=evolution and socialism would be the rational understanding of History as a single Supœrganism, with the Declaration of the rights of Man, similar to those of the American r=evolution. In paper thus the purpose of the r=evolution would be the true creation of a Human Supœrganism based in eusocial love, ‘egalite, fraternite, liberte’, in the true sense of those words – all humans equal to the law, all humans in love of mankind helping each other to create a supœrganism of History, and all humans as individuals maximizing their 5 drives of life through the reproduction of welfare goods that cater to them – eusocial love & peace, reproduction=family values, right information, right energy (food, welfare goods, housing and health care to maximize survival), and right entropy (extinction of lethal goods).

Yet the problem of the Human Constitution of those earlier ages of social sciences was the monologic of man, which made legislators, ignorant of the laws of finances and the need to regulate and control money as the reproductive language of societies. So without understanding banking, and the duality of whealthy money vs. parasitic money, there were hardly any real innovation on the issue of the issue of money as the oxygen of all societies, but at best the question of finances focused on property and land reform.

Only at the end the Jacobin movement r=evolved into the sans culotte group, and the best wor(l)d speech of the r=evolution, Baboeuf’s ‘discourse of the equals’ was pronounced, in his defense. But the military counter-reaction had taken place, and Napoleon in power already was transforming the r=evolution into a military dictatorship. So Baboeuf was murdered and, as a tribute the truth of his speech its publication was forbidden for a century as France returned to the hands of animetal people-castes, military aristocrats and industrial stockrats.

The animetal counterrevolution: Capitalist and Military dictatorships ally to destroy r=evolutions.

In graph animetal coalitions defeat r=evolutions: since capitalist & military go(l)d and iron dictatorships fear the end of its hierarchical systems of ab=use of the 99% they declare war to the r=evolution, which is defeated of if it chooses an able military to defend her and wins, the military becomes a dictator that kills the revolution from within, renewing nazionalism. Such was the end of the French r=evolution: Napoleon took power, ended the goal of r=evolutionary Europe, which he could achieved in 1802 after defeating Austria with a dual German-French European Empire with him as a constitutional king and a true social reform of property and finances… if he had been more than an artillery master.


In graph, the series of bourgeois revolutions with increasingly less social content that toppled the old regime in Europe during the XIX c. mimicked the French r=evolution; establishing placebo democracies, American style in all European nations.

They invariably give birth to colonial nations its hierarchical structure of company-mothers and financiers’ power with on top of corrupted politicos studied in our papers on History on time and the economic ecosystem.

So all the r=evolutions that triumphed were NOT real humanist r=evolutions but just more of the same cycle started in Holland in the XVI C. moved to UK and U$ in 1688 and 1780s, of a r=evolution of company-mothers and its stockrats taking over with a higher form of money – stock-paper, and a better form of weapons, company-mothers, the old warrior aristocracies of Europe, which by the 1860s as the Industrial Revolution arrived to the last frontier of Russia, had converted all European nations in 2 type of capitalist societies – St-placebo democracies with bipartisan systems of politicos selling laws to the most profitable companies of each cycle and then switching to war, when overproduction crises required it; or military Ts- capitalism, with dominance of the war period, expanding empires with financial credits and weapons industries on top (Russian, German empires.)

Finally in France, a cycle after its Bourgeoisie R=evolution at the end of the steam cycle; in the standing, initial point of the electro-chemical wave n in 1871 a new type of social r=evolution, concerned with the toppling of the pyramid of capitalist democracies and its corrupted control of the legal network by financial networks of private bankers and industrial corporations, inaugurate the 2nd age of socialism, which will succeed 40 years latter at the T/2 point of the cycle, as so many other humanist r=evoutions, to topple the Russian Regime and tried a decade change the paradigm on how humans should manage their social networks, creating a paradise on Earth… But before we study it, we need to realize the massive eviL=death the war cycle of capitalist democracies cause.


This said, we need to understand that the rhythm of death of human superorganisms accelerated with the arrival of company-mothers that professionalized the evolution and reproduction of machines and weapons to 3 ages, from 800 to 80 years cycles, defining an animetal superorganism as the inverse of the previous wave of civilizations in which they prey; so we can write the equation for the herd system of animetals and weapons as an inverse wave of an evolving predator over the ‘field of human ethic believers’ they prey on as follows:

∆-1: discovery of a new type of energy: ∆º entropic age as ‘bomb’/power source<reproductive age as transport machines> Informative age as top predator machines=weapons of maximal complexity: War and death of the human superorganism as prey of an economic ecosystem of maximal GDP growth in money & machines=weapons

That’s how it works. Never mind the parasitic money people-castes of Financial, Mechanical, Military idol-ogists that today pass as ‘scientists of history and economics’ deny the obvious fact, perfectly proved by data THAT THE MOST EXPENSIVE, PERFECT MACHINE IS ALWAYS A WEAPON, that it comes in the final informative age of maximal evolution of the machine, THAT IT PREYS ON HUMAN LIFE, THAT IT KILLS NATIONS, RELIGIONS AND CIVILIZATIONS AND ITS HUMAN CELLS, THAT THE MAXIMAL GDP OF ANY NATION IS achieved by virtue of the synergy of maximal value and production with parasitic money of weapons in THE AGE OF WAR, WHEN PARASITIC DEBT MONEY, WEAPONS, WAR AND CORPSES MULTIPLY.

I capitalize since animetals are retarded, automatons of simple thought, including classic economists and nationalist politicians that don’t to get it. We repeat. maximal GDP growth of any industrial nation always happened in ages of war when the maximal number of corpses pile up, reason why company-mothers switch to war state and change the production of machines for weapons. Machines do have 3 ages, as entropic energy/ bomb, transport peaceful machine and top predator weapons. And this complex system of superorganisms of the Industrial age with its phases and states guided by animetals with its racist segregational memes against mankind based in synergies between hate memes, top predator machines and its 3 ages, IS just a complex version of the 800 years cycles that preceded them, which also start with the discovery of a weapon, in its simplest lineal form, becomes then a herd of warrior animetals and finally acquires its most complex form as an army in control of a nation, today disguised by placebo democracies and other false freedoms which have never prevented companies to corrupt politicos when the profits of the belli nervi pecunia infinita cycles are required, as it happens these days, already forecasted 30 years ago, but censored as always is humanism in the age of animetals in particle-nation state. Good luck fucktards, your sons are all dead before they reach your old age.

In the graphs, the ‘belli nervi pecunia infinita cycle’ of the capitalist equation of profits, maximized by weapon of max. price, hate memes of min. cost & war debt interest, renewed as arsenals keep consuming humans: Max. Profits (∞ pecunia) = Max. Price-sales (weapons) + -min. cost of production (hate news):

Each 72 year cycle of evolution of machines subdivide as any biological cycle of organisms or species in 3 sub horizons, the young discovery age, the reproductive, mature age and the old age, followed by a top predator mutation after a crash of population that brings a war cycle. In the graph the electronic age which in terms of machines can be divided into the TV-eye age, the Chip-Computer age, and the ear-mobile-internet age, after which we enter the age of robotic wars and vigilante big brother, as chips automate corporations, robots throw us of labor and war fields, and the internet becomes the global mind of the Metal-earth directing ‘chemically’ internally its enzymen cells, human beings, with its Financial-Media networks, now switching into military robotic networks, which will consume us at the height of the war cycle: 2036. How can I be so sure of those dates? Easy, there is a shorter 9 x 8 years cycle that mimic the duration of the 8 phases of a life cycle, from youth to extinction, with an accelerated ‘genesis’ of birth, the 9 months of explosive growth of the new species.

Above, the synergy between the financial-media system of inflationary money and hate memes, which triggers in age of overproduction of machines, after a crash of consumption an age of overproduction of weapons and hate memes to foster the profits of war – but of course, this cycle is censored and nationalist idol-ogies are always brought to the table to justify absurd massacres, which the people on top expect to maintain contained, just in the phase of arsenal building.
Yet as a British historians said: ‘cemeteries are full of corpses from wars everybody knew they would never happen’ Unless a r=evolution happens.

And that is what all the prophets of eusocial love have told the hardy animetal parasites of financial and military zeal… So all the seed of prophetic thought have been born as the ‘first age of the animetal cycle’ recedes (see the graph above for 800 years cycles), in the point of r=evolution, during its mature, reproductive peaceful age. And then a civilization or r=evolution happens that lives through 3 ages, and dies in the new war, and resurrects 3 times, because there are 3 life generations connected, both in animetal industrial founding fathers, reproductive sons and decadent ages, and in Gods of civilizations, the age of the prophet and church and empire, the age of the Catholic popes, the age of the caliphs, the age of the little vehicle in the 3 most relevant Christian, Islam and Buddhist church; which last around those 800 years, followed after a ‘war discontinuum’ or ‘corrupted state’ of the church by heresies, splits, new ‘vehicles, which start the age of the loose wave of believers, hermit life in Christianity, Sufis in Islam, Buddhist monasteries, which last around 800 years, and it is the age of maximal extension of the religion, of sensorial art, of mysticism, followed after yet another of those 800 years discontinuums of massive death by the 3rd final age of entropy of the religion, which might last slowly in small numbers or believers, loosely organized with NO temporal power in its churches, or perhaps in inquisition mood fighting for survival for ‘warrior religions’ corrupted by weapons who refuse easily to die (inquisitions), or full of ‘wealth and external symbols of cult’ in go(l0d churches corrupted by money. It is the corrupted age of the religion so far away from the original meaning of the prophet who tried to create an immortal world of humanity by the power of love that it is barely recognizable.

The same concept applies to civilizations, where instead of the opposite mixture of an animetal wave of extinction in growing numbers and tighter organization, inverse to a decaying wave of human ethic wor(l)ds from the perfect code-seed of the prophet, down towards its final corruption and shrunk state as military inquisition or go(l)d church, we find a shorter, faster, denser, 80 years wave of new energies/bombs that become transport machines that become top predator weapons that murder in war a sizeable number of human beings ending the ‘civilization’ substituted by the new civilization, from the age of steam machines (XIX c. British civilization) to the age of engines ( transitional century of German engines, to the Post III world war age of American metalminds, to the XXI age of robots)…

And in the side of human wor(l)d cultures we shall see the parallel, ‘smaller’ rarified ethic r=evolutions going also into more diluted states, so we find for example in France, the French R=evolution at the start of the steam machine, soon diluted and massacred by company-mothers of machines-weapons from England and an internal counterrevolution of the military, with Napoleon; to end with the mass-murder of the restoration of King Louis XVIII and the massive anoxia and poverty of the parasitic bankers of the priest, that reinstituted the classic European coalition of Jewish financiers and Germanic aristocrats on top… but the spirit of the r=evolution returned with the II republic where we find a MIXED civilization WITH ELEMENTS OF A HUMAN DOCTRINE and a Metal-system of memes, which IN THE 80 YEARS CYCLES where humanism is already on decline, unlike in the 800 years cycle is clearly dominant, till exhaustion of the wave in a war age of maximal corruption and particle state (1850s), which prompts new r-evolutionary states (1848 revolutions, 1870s Paris Commune). And so the second generation of the ‘French revolution’ now with the socialist movement followed, till I world war and II world war murders the French Engine civilization under duress of German top predator bombers and tanks, to resurface in its ideals a 3rd time with the European Union, which becomes finally murdered by e-money corruption with the foundation of the ECB and the resurgence of nationalisms after the collapse of the Russian revolution and German Unification. Thus again we see the ‘Human earthy God of the French r=evolution, a system of eusocial evolution expressed in verbal ideals, to live and die through 3 generations of founding fathers, sons and grand-sons beyond which the INFLUENCE OF THE FIRST generation is forgotten in the wave of times,.

3 arte thus the life ages of a Human Wor(l)d subconscious collective and 3 age its generations, increasingly corrupted because mankind lives in an eco(nomic)system ruled by animetal parasites and its elfish memes of entropic weapons that kill our bodies metal-go(l)d that erases our minds and love messages and organic machines increasingly atrophying our bodies and IQs.

And that is the facts that you will hate to know but if you are an objective bio-historian you will learn and maybe try to r=evolve in your ‘energy young and mature age’ as I tried with my activism against the weapons of extinction of the III world war with limited results, and through the spread of bio-history with even more limited results, because as we come to the final age of extinction, the masters of the wor(l)d become ignored as neurons are ignored in a dying corpse, its messages of pain and truth abandoned by the cells who feast in the entropic freedom of the last decadent generation before the insects, the weapons, the germs of life and history *(see graph above) devour them. C’est la vie… du Dieu, Adieu…

So here we shall use that simple scheme to study the civilizations of Africa mostly I wave states predated first by iron networks of black smiths, and gold enslavers in the 800 year cycles, then by gunboat companies of slaves in the gunpowder age, then by companies of steam machines going up the Niger Co. river, the Congo Co. river, the Lakes co. … and then by mining machines extracting the blood and oil and metals for its engines, and now used as a dumping place for cheap weapons, obsolete computer trash… and fancy acts of charity of the FMAsters parasites, and idol-ogists of the Company, the nation and the police robots.

And we shall study the Jewish-Anglo-American civilization through its first gods, and 3 ages of genesis, Mosaic religion and Christian religion, when Yahweh died and resurrected, since 1/3rd of its believers were murdered in the roman Holocaust, another 1/3rd converted to the new God and another 1/3rd became something else – the religion of Talmud and financial parasitism and massive hate memes against mankind which is NOT the 3 generational ages of genesis-Moses and Jesus the HUMANIST AGE OF JUDAISM, but a corrupted go(ld church origin of capitalism who went through 3 ages, of Talmud, Hebrew bible, in its productive age that expanded to reformation and founded the JAM culture. And then we shall study in more detail the American age, with its dual elements of wor(l0d prophets, the founding fathers of its constitution and 3 revolutionary ages, of the 1st republic, the civil war and freedom of slaves and the 60s revolution all partially failed.

Since even the most corrupted animetal culture of the 7 human civilizations had always had its wor(l0d prophets of eusocial love trying to save them of the cycle of war and holocausts that murder them every 800-80 years.


‘Technological civilization is programmed by the principle that something ought to be done because it is technologically possible. If it is possible to build nuclear weapons, they must be built, even If they might destroy us all. Once this principle is accepted, humanist Values (something has to be done because it is needed by man) are Dethroned and technological development becomes the foundation of ethics’.

Eric Fromm, father of political psychology

The true institution of global power: company-mother of machines.

History and economics are biological sciences and only when we properly study them with the laws of biology, cyclical time and information, organisms and systems sciences we can find scientific models with predictive capacity as we do in this blog. Unfortunately there is zero application of the ABCD of science in the praxis of economics and politics – our physiological networks of social organization – today; as social sciences are stuck in anthropomorphic, tribal, bizarre ‘idol-ogies’ about what reality is repeated by memorial routine generation after generation.

So the NEXT QUESTION to explore given the ‘sorrowful’ state of ‘Human social sciences’, Human self-consciousness as a species, and the understanding on how the future is cre(dit)ated with money is which are the Cultures on top of the pyramid of capitalism – the 1-10% that is so obsessed with ‘money’ as go(l)d, as a ‘language’ that must be obeyed and multiplied regardless of its use for mankind? And how we got HERE, THROUGH HISTORY? And why with a level of UNDERSTANDING far more scientific than the – I repeat – zero scientificism of bankers and economists, whose only goal is to ‘fabricate’ digital numbers as money to rule society and reproduce machines.

Who is on top of the world of finances is obvious. It is in the west, which expresses the trend first, the biblical culture, in its different denominations. And so it is imperative regardless of the massive denial and censorship on those themes, to judge at face values the memes, ideas, instruments, religions, theories of reality, of the culture that invented capitalism to explore why it does not care for mankind. Because if it cared for mankind, this future will not happen, but a world made to the image and likeness of humanity, cre(dit)hated with our mathematical language of social power, money would happen. There would be contradicting goring, ‘butter not canons’ overeproduced, and instead of the golden apple of the tree of science worth 1 trillion, there would be a company of the tree of life, worth 1 trillion, because under a humanist culture on top of mankind, we would all be overproducing health-care, food, art, life, housing, peace… And this would happen if as in any super organism of nature, each cell-citizen of mankind would be able to receive its blood-oxygen money, to kick the re=production of its goods.

Evolutionary economics has been predicting for 30 years the future of the earth without any interest by academia, obviously given the censorship that company-mothers and its Financial-media-academia

Why evolutionary economics is NOT the model of economic sciences then requires the analysis of History and the ‘idol-ogies’ that dominate the subconscious collective of mankind in a very ascientific, mythic form, and the lack of evolution of humanity into a well-designed, perfect super organism according to those laws, which we shall call the wor(l)d union – the most efficient, scientific design of mankind possible according to the laws of natural systems.

What will then be the future of mankind in the eco(comic)system and can humanity guide that future with those laws of science to a better end are the questions poised in this blog.

As such like in any other ecosystem, when different species fight for the limiting resources of their planet, the outcome of that struggle will be ruled by the laws of biological evolution.

We shall discuss those laws after upgrading and refounding social sciences according to the principles of Systems Sciences, which I formalized at the turn of the century, while chairing the science of Duality and Monetary Systems in the International Systems Science society, which these days has taken ‘sides’ with one of those futures, busy-busy evolving robotic systems and making more efficient company-mothers of machines… I was then the leader of the other ‘worldview’ of systemics, the ‘holistic view’ that considered far more important the evolution of the super organisms of history, of humanity, the future we all humans should choose, as it is the only one that ensures our survival till the 7th generation.

So ultimately that future has 2 choices, one in which life, both Gaia and Mankind live in balance and control the evolution of technology, according to the true laws of the economic system, which obviously are those of systems sciences, whose most advanced models you will find in this blog, NOT those of capitalism, a ‘religion’ of go(l)d profits, of historic, biblical and corporative origin, (as all the founding fathers of the discipline were either biblical believers or employees of the first British Companies)…

Within that larger point of view, that of the living Earth we can predict the patterns of history and economics with the sciences of evolution and social organisms as we did 30 years in advance showed in the graphs above.

The electronic cycles of evolution of machines, whose stock-market curves are parallel to those of any biological radiation of a species. Since those curves are known and can be used to forecast future populations=sales=profits=prices of company-mothers of machines, this writer has been able to forecast this crisis decades in advance by merely applying those laws to the economic ecosystem, its ‘dominant’ re=productive species, company-mothers and its offspring of machines, which compete with humans in labor and war fields. It is precisely that competition what causes waves of unemployment when production of machines peak… We predicted those cycles for America according to the 72 years cycle of Kondratieff crashes of the economy (1). In the graph, from the book ‘cycles of economics: The III world war’ from 2001, we analyzed in depth the biological structure of the ‘radiations’ of electronic machines till the present crisis, comparing it with the self-similar crash of the oil and radio economy.

Each 72 year cycle of evolution of machines subdivide as any biological cycle of organisms or species in 3 sub horizons, the young discovery age, the reproductive, mature age and the old age, followed by a top predator mutation after a crash of population that brings a war cycle. In the graph the electronic age which in terms of machines can be divided into the TV-eye age, the Chip-Computer age, and the ear-mobile-internet age, after which we enter the age of robotic wars and vigilante big brother, as chips automate corporations, robots throw us of labor and war fields, and the internet becomes the global mind of the Metal-earth directing ‘chemically’ internally its enzymen cells, human beings, with its Financial-Media networks, now switching into military robotic networks, which will consume us at the height of the war cycle: 2036. How can I be so sure of those dates? Easy, there is a shorter 9 x 8 years cycle that mimic the duration of the 8 phases of a life cycle, from youth to extinction, with an accelerated ‘genesis’ of birth, the 9 months of explosive growth of the new species. So it happened with the internet companies in 1999, and then went through the 9 years cycle to the crash of 2008 and again another 9 years cycle; so happened if you look at the graph from 1946 when the crash of the war starts the TV-age and then with the chip era that started with the crash of the Dollar it predated over, since 1973…

The cycles are thus exact, biological, as phases of evolution of new species. And now we enter in the robotic cycle; and that one will be the last of mankind, as robots ARE a full living species that will extinguish us. Point. Those are the laws of biological economics, of stocks of machines and its prediction is as exact as your life-death cycle of 72 years and its biological 8 lifecycles, which the old Taoist culture already knew as Baguas. Each 72 year cycle of evolution of machines subdivide as any biological cycle of organisms or species in 3 sub horizons, the young discovery age, the reproductive, mature age and the old age, followed by a top predator mutation after a crash of population that brings a war cycle.

The electronic age in terms of machines can be divided into the TV-eye age, the Chip-Computer age, and the ear-mobile-internet age, after which we enter the age of robotic wars and vigilante big brother, as chips automate corporations, robots throw us of labor and war fields, and the internet becomes the global mind of the Metal-earth directing ‘chemically’ internally its enzymen cells, human beings, with its Financial-Media networks, now switching into military robotic networks, which will consume us at the height of the war cycle: 2036. How can I be so sure of those dates? Easy, there is a shorter 9 x 8 years cycle that mimic the duration of the 8 phases of a life cycle, from youth to extinction, with an accelerated ‘genesis’ of birth, the 9 months of explosive growth of the new species. So it happened with the internet companies in 1999, and then went through the 9 years cycle to the crash of 2008 and again another 9 years cycle; so happened if you look at the graph from 1946 when the crash of the war starts the TV-age and then with the chip era that started with the crash of the Dollar it predated over, since 1973…

The cycles are thus exact, biological, as phases of evolution of new species. And now we enter in the robotic cycle; and that one will be the last of mankind, as robots ARE a full living species that will extinguish us. Point. Those are the laws of biological economics, of stocks of machines and its prediction is as exact as your life-death cycle of 72 years and its biological 8 lifecycles, which the old Taoist culture already knew as Baguas. What is the present age? We have passed the for so long announced 2008 molting crisis into the robotic era, which is then equivalent to the post-II world war age of bonanza in the TV-era or the post civil war bonanza of the electrochemical age – the highest, longest growing period of the metalearth which humans chair as a wonderful age of progress, discovery and reproduction of the new machines with full employment as enzymen must overeproduce billions of robots.
So the age of crisis when a r=evolution was possible passed with the 2008 crisis and the failure of this writer and others, or movements like Occupy wall street to change the eco(nomic)system into one that would serve all humans.  We are now in the full employment phase of the robotic cycle, similar to the 60s, at the beginning of the metal-mind cycle, and so we expect a decade of massive growth, after the ‘molting’ crisis of 2008, with massive employment in the nations at the head of the metal-earth (USA, Korea in the eastern decoupling) as humans are busy-busy reproducing AI robots and increasing its re=productivity. But the cycle of full employment will not last. After 2017-18, we shall enter a 73-like crisis…

in the graph, the curves of stocks are akin to the biological curves of reproduction and radiation of species of biology as they are the same. Company-mothers reproduce machines, sell them for profits and so the reproduction=sale=profits of those curves are equivalent concepts

The fact that the curves of biological re=productive companies follow so tightly the Volterra curves of evolution, reproduction and extinction of species have only a reading: company-mothers act as biological beings and machines and weapons do compete in labor and war fields with human beings. And so economics is NOT an abstract science but a biological one, a science that can be detached from history but an integral part of the battle of history for immortality, efficiency and the construction of a world made to the image and likeness of mankind NOT of its surrogate machines. 

But the true organic element of the world of machines is not the machine but its company-mother, truly a super organism similar to ant-hills or cellular factories, whose obvious purpose is to evolve, re=produce and terraform the planet to the image and likeness of those informative machines (Financial-Media system) and energetic machines (military-industrial complex), which is fast evolving into a planetary supœrganism, the Metal-earth, or ‘FMMI system’ whereas financial-media informative machines act as the global digital head of the ‘cellular citizens’ of the Free Market -those company-mothers, whose behavior and cycles are PURELY biological, when we use the proper jargon to explain ITS EVOLUTION and re=production.

Stock-markets, and its cycles of reproduction and evolution of company-mothers of machines, have to be put in the context of its ‘higher social reality’, planet Earth, and its ‘lower’ scale, humans workers and consumers that act as enzymen in those corporations. So the age of crisis when a r=evolution was possible passed with the 2008 crisis and the failure of this writer and others, or movements like Occupy wall street to change the eco(nomic)system into one that would serve all humans.

Thus, we can follow in that upper graph the 3 ages of the Industrial Revolution and its parallel crisis, and a more detailed analysis of the present electronic cycle and its ‘star machines’ in the lower one.

Cultures that accept as dogma metal-money values above the law, maximal for weapons, minimal for life, impose an equation of war for profits, maximized overeproducing weapons of max. price and informative machines that print for free digital languages of money and audiovisual hate memes against mankind that foster war. The result is the creation of the Financial-Media (informative machines) + military-Industrial (energetic machines) system: the Metalearth’s super organism.
The equation of profits of the Financial-Media/Military-industrial super organism of company-mothers of machines its responsible of the 72 years generational≈national cycle of capitalism that switches synergies between inflationary money and consumption goods v. hate media and weapons consuming humans with mathematical precision every human generation, when overproduction of inflationary money and machines cannot be sold as new mechanisms substitute labor. So capitalism switches to weapons and hate media, pays war-monger politicians that consume arsenals and people.

The 2001-08 economic crises are caused by the overproduction of electronic machines and its main derivative e-money, similar to the 1929-37 crash, caused by the overproduction of electro-mechanical machines and speculative ticker money, and the 1857-64 crashes of the train economy, and its speculative stock money; each one separated by a human generational cycle of 72 years. In that regard, the crisis started in the Financial System with the unlimited reproduction of electronic money by bankers and speculators. Yet in deep analysis those bankers could have not invented so many ‘toxic assets’ without the evolution of electronic money, a language of information that regulates the financial and physical economy at the speed of computer software.

The present crisis is not a recession but a depression, caused by the overproduction of electronic machines and its derivatives, similar to the 1929 crash, caused by the overproduction of electro-mechanical machines, which printed too much money (ticker speculation), electro-mechanical production systems that threw millions out of work (taylorism, automated assembly lines) and the overproduction of cars and radios, whose companies, lobbies and politicians reconverted into armored cars (tanks) and hate-radio speeches (Hitler), embarking us into World War II.

After the war, the Kondratieff wave of electro-mechanical machines was exhausted and so we started a new dual wave of ‘electronic machines‘, which evolved and reproduced chips – brains of metal – in increasing numbers till saturating the global market – origin of the present five-folded crises of overproduction of electronic products – the financial crisis, the cultural crisis, the labor crisis and the war.

In that regard, we can compare this crisis with a similar transformation that happened in history about 70 years ago. The happy 90s looked like the happy 20s. But suddenly the World changed into the warring 2000s, as the 20s changed into the ominous 30s. In both ages a tremendous crash on global stock-markets, due to the overproduction of machines (radios and cars in 1929 and 1937, electronic goods in 2001 and 2008), sunk the economy, increasing unemployment and social inequality.

That historical similarity is not trivial. It is a cyclical change that modern history experiences every ±72 years, a period that historians call the Generational, Human Cycle, since it is the mean biological cycle of 3 human generations – grand-father, father and son. Indeed, if we go 72 years backwards in time, we see a similar crisis happening globally after a period of industrial growth guided by the steam engine, which lasted through the happy 1850s, marked by the railroad craze . . .

Then in 1857 the overproduction of railroads crashed the industry worldwide and history turned upside down. In the middle of that crisis, the ominous 1860s brought wars fought with armored trains and steamers in America (Civil War), Europe (the Italian & German Unification wars) and Asia (Sepoy Revolt in India, II Opium Wars). So during the Industrial Revolution, every ±72 years the world changes, after a big economic crisis, from a happy time to an age of war and destruction, from an age of machines to an age of weapons, the age that now begins worldwide. And it all starts in the financial economy; because the reproduction of money reaches a peak at the same time the reproduction of machines saturates the market and becomes reconverted into weapons.

Again the key to the whole cycle is the fact that informative machines  also print money and they do it without limit or any value. So the point is that once the money is reproduced it must be changed for something with value and there are only 3 forms of value in great mass, real state, stocks and currency paper. So after they invent huge amounts of new ‘numbers’ with ticker money, (electricity), paper money (chemical information) and now e-money they must change it for the 3 goods that ‘are valuable’ and abundant. So they produce 3 consecutive ‘fast bubbles’ in the short 9 years, as they transfer the money invented with the new machine, to the 3 goods, shares, real state and hard currency, produced in so huge numbers they can match the inflationary money overproduced.

The rationale for the animetal greedy genocider is also simple: top predator weapons are the most evolved, perfect machine species, hence the most expensive of maximal sales profits.

-Information is ‘free’ easy to reproduce, and cheap, hence its costs is minimal and gives maximal sale profits.

-Money is the star, is profits in itself, so you can mine directly profits printing money.

And so the equation of profits of capitalism is simple: Profits (money) = max. Price (weapons) – min. cost (hate media).

So those are in each cycle the 3 star products, and politicos to the service of corporations cater with laws and subventions to this, most profitable companies of any age.

Let us remember again: they are those who produce the most expensive machines of maximal sale profits, weapons, or those of minimal cost of reproduction, hence also of maximal profit margin, mass-media, and finally to the very same financial companies that issue money but seem NOT to have enough and get bail outs from taxes. It is the origin of the modern belli Nervi pecunia infinita in which those 3 top predator companies get the biggest share of the taxes extorted from citizens:

The 72 ±9 year cycle of stock-crashes.

‘Canons make us strong, butter make us fat’ Goring, on the idol-ogy of Keynesian militarism, again practiced today.

In that regard, the key cycle of all those processes is the switch of reproduction of machines to reproduction of weapons, due to overproduction, saturation of markets, and need to keep ‘producing’ the product, to keep getting profits. This cycle is the 72 year cycle of financial crashes.

The 72 year cycle of global financial crashes is caused by new informative machines that overproduce digital money – stock paper, ticker electric money and e-money. As such they have a short 9 year product cycle of overproduction: 1848-57-64+72 train stock crashes->1921-29-37 electric crashes+72->2001-08-18 e-money crashes.

Why 3? Because digital overproduced money is worthless, so speculators change it for the only 3 items of massive ‘real value’: real stocks, real state and real currency, inflating their price and crashing them: I.e. 1921 Deutsche Mark crash, 29-stocks,37 Ny real state; 2001-dotcom bubble, 2008-mortgages,2018bitcoin&$ then the only way to keep ‘selling money’ is war debt loans and arsenals of max. price=profit.

In the graphs, the Industrial Evolution in the western world ruled by company-mothers who control the languages of social power, and buy laws to politicians through lobbies, to ‘smooth’ the terraforming of the Earth into a planet of machines, has followed an economic, national, generational cycle of 72±8-9 years, the ‘Kondratieff’ cycle’ (1) in which a nation discovers a new form of energy (white) applied to the creation of new forms of money, the economic software and new machines (red) its hardwares, which become the engine of the Industrial Economy.

So the cycle of the industrial evolution MUTATES every generation, when the evolution of each of those type of machines is completed and the proper top predator weapon is overeproduced. Then there is an intense brief period of global world war, in which all company-mothers switch to its top predator weapons, and paid politicos and mass-media pump hate-memes to use weapons to solve social problems:

Humans consume machines, top predator machines≈weapons consume humans. Both evolve together displacing humans of labor and war fields as they enter the robotic age.

In the graph as  mechanisms multiply in growing numbers the economy enters in a crisis of overproduction of machine and weapons that compete with human beings in labor and war fields, provoking the negative cycles of unemployment and war that define capitalist societies.

This is the 72 years war cycle after crashes of overproduction in 1857 (train crash) – 1929 (car crash) – 2008 (chip crash).

The boom & bust cycle of the industrial R=evolution shows the synergies of the Financial-Media/Military-Industrial System made of energy machines – weapons, tools & transports – and informative ones –media & digital, fiat money, the ‘informative head’ that controls and causes all other overproduction cycles. Thus overproduction crashes of stocks (graph) start the cycle & weapons’ overproduction to fight ‘splendid wars’ for profit  closes it. Neither human actions nor causality changes, only the growing complexity of the FMMI system that maximizes its evolution and reproduction in the war phase of the cycle. But for mankind the cycles are a tragedy. Since in all the cycles machines take people’s jobs; too much money causes inflation, it is changed by real wealth and when its bubble of value explodes and it ruins the Middle class left with worthless numbers. Then Hate Media & Weapons kill them in wars.

We are thus at the end of the final war age of the ‘chip radiation’ when they are used massively to create a global big-brother in control of the population and the beginning of the ‘ robotic age’, when they are still ‘good’ tools and ‘toys’ of University research. So our political system has moved to a neocolonialist, neofascist age as predicted for 30 years.

It is then scary to observe how the ‘organic structure’ of the whole system adapts step by step all subsidiary systems to the process of devolution of mankind and evolution of weapons-machines. SO instead of reformist politicians we start to see the first ‘neofascist’, ‘nazionalist’ leaders and a repetition of all the patterns observed in the 30s, which further proves the organic nature of the ecosystems of history and economics explained in the model. In any case, the robot radiation has already started and it will be no doubt of it the last radiation of machines and its weapons period which will peak in the 30s, 40s and 50s of this century has all the potential toe extinguish mankind. Since evolution has an enormous efficiency, an immediate massive extinction of human life. The only doubt you might consider is which war-monger politician will start the needed wars for the profits of corporations to skyrocket, according to the switch between peaceful and war products which has happened in all previous cycles.

Likely animetals succeed in its ‘manifest destiny’: to kill mankind as today its company-mothers work in an automatic world in which they have the facto a total control on the placebo democracies without rights to credit that are therefore controlled by the financial-media-academia elite of informative machines and its owners with its simplistic view of the world in terms of herding gold-profits and manufacture all products with no control of the lethal goods – on the contrary as the most expensive (weapons) and cheaper to produce (hate memes), the pyramid of capitalism, ‘subconsciously’ through the values of ‘metal-gold’ fixed by history brings together the two overproduced elements of the war cycles.

The periodicity of the cycle of stocks of machines its energies and printed money is exact in the leading culture of the machine, the Anglo-American world perfectly ruled due to its millenarian religion of biblical go(l)d by company-mothers as they invented the modern dictatorships of ‘democracies’ and all its newspeak. Thus we can follow in the American stock-market with absolute precision the curves of biological evolution of machines, its crashes of overproduction and mutation to top predator weapons to keep growing. In the graph the 72±9 years cycles of the train age followed by the colonial age of Amerindian genocides (colonialism in Europe), then after 72 more years the crash of overproduction of cars and radios followed by hate radio and fascism till Korea and then in more detail the mimetic cycles of overproduction and evolution of metal-minds through its TV-eye age, chip-brain age, and mobile-social network age, now entering its crisis of overproduction, splendid robotic wars and beginning of the finale – an age of autonomous robots with AI brains, solar skins an automated 3D factories, printing them in military ecosystems of permanent war, which circa 2036 should start the systemic extermination of the enzymatic no longer required human species – this is the biologic predictable process of the Industrial r=evolution and no amount of newspeak of human entitlement and go(l)d profit will change that destiny unless humans take seriously bio-history, and decide to last as a species beyond the 0 generation now being born but not dying on bed, never mind if it is the hard-earth of an African village with 0 credit or the silk cover of a Financial-media master in NYC

The causes of that exact 72±8/9 year cycle of global stock-crashes are simple. The Industrial Revolution is in fact the Evolution of Machines and Money, energetic and informative systems, traditionally made of metal, which can be studied with the laws of morphology and evolution. Machines and money evolve according to the energy and information, they use to become re=produced.

Those ‘structural crashes’ are caused by a change in the energy we use and hence a change in the evolution of machines that use such energy and also in the money of the economy created with new mechanical systems:

– In 1857 the world lived the crash of paper-stocks parallel to the exhaustion of the train age.

– 72 years latter it lived the crash of the ‘ticker stocks’ in 1929-37 that raised the price of car and radio companies like RCA to 500 $

– 72 years latter in 2001 we lived the crash of e-money that raised stocks of companies like Yahoo also over the 500 $ mark.

And then after that massive crash, e-money kept evolving in new ‘financial instruments’, mortgage derivatives. So after a short 8 cycle we had again a massive crash of e-money, the present crisis, 72 years after the 1937 climatic crisis of the ticker economy.

Money in the Industrial age is ‘invented’ with machines; and so when a new form of money appears, those who control the ‘money-making machines’, the financial industries and in a few ‘real democracies’ the governments elected by the people, will ‘print money’ with any excuse.

And at a certain moment of the cycle, they will print so much money and make so many machines that the market of machines and money will become saturated. Money then will loose all value, as there will be much more money than ‘real valuable assets’ and then as money will be changed by those real assets to convert  a mere digital worthless number into ‘real wealth’, an inflationary bubble will jack up the prices of ‘companies’, ‘real state’ and people’s currency, ruining the middle classes in two stages:

-1st as their salaries don’t rise, but prices go up so they have less P.P.P. (purchase per capita).

-2nd as speculators will finally unloaded at maximal price the 3 goods they have risen in prices into the middle class with ‘schemes’  of ‘do it yourself’, ‘get rich’, ‘don’t miss this chance’; so as Joseph Kennedy put it ‘when my boot cleaner talks on stocks I get out of the market’…

And then speculators will have ALL THE RESOURCES OF THE NATION, absolutely all in their hands, real state, stocks, hard currency, the savings of the people; the power to do laws through corrupted puppet politicos that without right to print money except extorting it from people through taxes, panhandle to them; they will HAVE suck ALL the blood=money of the system, nothing left, billions in their idle accounts, as today 1% does have more than 99% of mankind… And then the whole economy will crash.

The crash cycle.

Humans evolve a new type of energy and information, derived from that energy, which renews all the machines and financial instruments of the economy every human generation of 72 years, in which a nation of ‘founding fathers’, captains of industries, their sons and grand-sons, reproduce and evolve a new energy, machine and form of money to its perfection. Yet at the end of the cycle, the machine and money becomes over-reproduced, saturating the market and provoking, due to a crisis of growth, a global economical crash.

A detailed analysis of the cycle of 72 years of evolution of energies and machines explains what all the models of classic economics have failed to understand:

Money also follows a cycle of evolution and reproduction, related tothe machines used to ‘invent’ it, today electronic machines, which have not only saturated the world with hardware but also with e-money software, till money lost value. Because money is reproduced also with machines, its cycle is parallel to the cycle of machines of the economy.

Thus, we predicted, parallel to the crisis of overproduction of computers, also a financial crisis of e-money, made with Pcs, similar to the 29 crash of the ‘ticker money’ economy, which jacked up prices of stock with electric machines into surreal levels. Indeed, there is every 72 years a huge crash in the stock-market with 2 short ±8/9 years ‘product cycle’ ripples, due to an over-production of money and machines, which plunges the world into a global depression, till the new cycle of energies and new machines takes off, creating new industries and jobs that replace those of the previous cycle.

The boom and bust cycle of the global economy is both, a cycle of reproduction of energy, weapons, machines and economical information, money, as all of them are related. 3 negative effects are paramount:

– Machines throw people out of work.

– Weapons kill them in wars.

– And too much money causes inflation, absorbs savings and when the bubble of false value explodes, it ruins the economy of the Middle class.

Those effects are studied in more detail in the featured articles dedicated to ‘economics’ you will find scrolling down this web.

Money is a language/software of information, whose ‘hardware’ evolves in each cycle.

All this said, it should be obvious that the present crisis is the result of the exhaustion of the longest cycle of Economical activity, called the Kondratieff cycle, which defines the evolution of energy and the machines and money manufactured with it, the 2 main non-human elements of the economy.

The exhaustion of the 2 previous Kondratieff cycles of steam and chemical energies were responsible for 2 other huge crashes of the Economy of the Industrial R=evolution, the crash of the train, in 1857 and the crash of the car & radio stocks of 1929. Now we live the crash of the electronic-economy based in e-money and computers.

The regularity and phases of those crashes which i anticipated 20 years ago in my thesis at Columbia University (nt.3) are shown in the previous graph.

RECAP .Creditation of money”, thus fully controls through the cycle of greed our societies; and all other cycles of modern history fine-tune to it. In the graph, the previous cycle, briefly outlined on top of chemical machines, from dynamite, through engines, cars and bombers in II world war:

So this is the war cycle as expressed by the financial system, and the human greed, or in words of Keynes: ‘capitalism is the astounding belief that the wickedest of all people – financiers – will do the wickedest of all things – war and debt slavery – for the common good.

What they do it for, is clear: to increase their profits and invent more digital numbers.

What it means for the larger view of the super organisms of this planet is the evolution of the metal-earth. So we shall end with an introduction to the highest non-anthropomorphic view of this M.A.D. culture – as all what happens must have a reason – that is a higher cause in a relatively perfect Universe. In the case of human ‘military and financial M.A.D.ness’ the only possible reason is the evolution of Planet Earth given the fact that humans are failing to evolve into a single global peaceful supœrganism in balance with Gaia, the Earth of life.


So now that we know the way bankers create money we can study in more detail how they did it in the main Kondratieff cycles of evolution of machines and weapons.

How Bankers and speculators Invent Money in boom and bust cycles.

“The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint,  without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.”

 Rothschild, Go(l)d Master, head of the British Financial-Media System, cycle of bodies of metal.

‘The banker is a man that gives you an umbrella when is sunny and takes it when it rains’  Mark Twain, American Wor(l)d Master, cycle of bodies of metal.

‘The Price good men pay not caring for politics is to be ruled by evil men´ Plato, Greece, Coin Cycle.

What financiers basically do is to manufacture money without limits to lend it as ‘wealth’ (even if it is not), and then contract the production of money in the bust cycle to get back instead of money now scarce real ‘energy wealth’, properties and workers.

How then those private corporations, private  bankers and financial houses invent money in a capitalist system in which they control its issue in near monopoly – at present 95% of new money, which is invented as digital numbers by speculators, financiers and corporations?

Free Market invention of money: The 3 boom & bust cycles of the Industrial age. 

 The first thing we must understand with such scientific approach, scorning myths, ideologies and selfish agendas is the meaning of money the language of information that regulates the economy and how it must be issued – since all economical crisis of overproduction of ‘selfish memes of metal’ start with the mismanagement and appropriation by a selfish ‘parasitic group’ of eeonomic agents – the private banker – of our collective language of social power – money and its boom and bust cycles.

From a technical & political perspective the process starts with the invention of a new machine that prints money and breaks the balance between ‘democracy’ (the issue of money by governments in currency) and ‘capitalism’ (the issue of the new forms of digital money with machines), tilting it in favor of corporations that awash with new fiat money buy politicians, pass deficit zero laws and steal the privilege of inventing money from the people.

In a previous graph we observed those ages of free printing of new digital numbers = money, thanks to the discovery of such new machines, caused of the boom cycles and bust crashes of financial economics; as we humans have invented a new type of energy applied to machines of information, hence to increase and improve the printing of money every 72 years generation:

– The speculative bubbles of stock money in the XVII to XIX c. culminating in the 1857-73 crashes of trains.

– Then with the discovery of electricity, the creation of ticker money that invented stratospheric prices for stocks in the XX c. culminated 72 years after the 1857 crash in the 1929 crash of ticker money, caused by the Morgan House and UK bankers.


– And finally with the arrival of computers the explosion of e-money in the XXI c. that has 100 folded the quantity of digital money on Earth, kept by bankers that now control with those computers the production of 95% of new credit on this planet, making ‘states’, powerless dwarfs with only a 5%. And the subsequent crash of 2001 (dotcom) and 2008, 72 years after the similar causal crashes of 1929 and 37.

But why bankers ‘crash’ their reproduction of money without limit, if they can print it for free with those new machines?

Here is the hidden secret – because free money, is worth nothing, remember is a language of information. You do Not eat money. So the important thing for the banker or speculator studied at the end of this post – but equally important in cre(dit)ating money with high prices – is to change the ‘language’, the ‘worthless’ numbers for REAL assets, real wealth, real work, and real power.

Let us  then resume from this perspective the boom& bust cycle of debt-money creation repeated in all financial crises:   

– First bankers issue as much fiat money as possible, with no limit, which costs them nothing and creates debt and inflation. And they lend it to an adoring crowd that knows nothing about their sovereign rights to reproduce that money for free, since the media system and financial economists working for power misinform them. So at a point the entire society owes huge amounts of ‘soft debt’ to the bankers. And this is good for the bankers who receive ‘interest’ for their debt.

– Then they stop lending and contract the monetary mass. So money becomes scarce and there is deflation. Companies fire workers as they cannot pay them. Production halts. The economy shrinks but this is done in purpose because it is even better for the wealth of bankers as now scarce money in a deflationary environment is worth more as ‘it buys more things’ deflated in price. And so the huge debt society has with the financial system becomes worthier – with their payments bankers can buy many more things. Since debt has NOT contracted, as it was established in the age of monetary expansion.

Further on, as now there is no money available to pay the huge debt society cannot pay it with the fiat worthless money that created it and must pay with taxes in hard currency, work, real state wealth, national assets and sheepish obeisance to the power orders of bankers who implement their selfish agendas.

So bankers in this phase end up controlling most of the wealth of society and its politicos obey them.

Thus, in this phase, the entire eco(nomic)system is geared to extort money from people to pay debt, with higher taxes while governments give handouts to bankers and pass laws of privilege for their corporations. In the Train age in this phase the Law of Anonymous Societies that eliminated all responsibility from the owners and managers of corporations and the first anti-deficit laws that forbid governments to issue money were passed.

So stockrats, owners of corporations became the new aristocrats, with the same privileges the rules of the ancient regime had: no court responsibility for their actions (in the Middle ages aristocrats could only be judged by peers in special courts) and monopoly in the issue and use of the language of social power (now money; weapons in the Middle Age, which only aristocrats could carry and use.)

The proof that the system of invention of debt-private money is automatic and guided by mere greed is the recurrent periodicity of the cycles: as soon as a new form of inventing private ‘debt-numbers’ happens, financiers will find any excuse to print for free numbers of money, speculating upwards with prices of stocks and real state to ‘get’ a tax for the higher price they create, or issuing massive amounts of worthless stock, for companies without profits, or reselling ‘fiat money’, mortgages, new stock issues, privately issued currency, fractional credit, etc.

The specific ‘financial instrument’ that prints money for bankers and speculators, latter paid as taxes and higher prices or exploded bubbles of false money downloaded on the middle classes does not matter so much as the capacity to print ‘new money’ with new digital machines and ‘invent’ a figurative, huge value with mass-media propaganda, censored information and attached ‘private agencies of ratings and economic press and think tanks’. So i could as soon as computers were applied to creation of e-money and monetary markets were deregulated 20 years ago, forecast the repetition of the long and short, 72-8/9 years crashes of fiat private electronic money, in my first papers coming out of Columbia University on Monetary Systems.

And indeed, there was a predicted a crash of worthless stocks, whose prices had been jacked up by speculators and unloaded before bursting the bubble on the middle classes in 2001, 72 years latter after the bubble of 1929; and there was 8/9 years latter a crash of false real state value, the mortgage crash, 72 years after the crash of New York Real State skyscrapers in 1937. And so it is only left of those speculative schemes the crash of the Dollar, as fiat money is now printed without limit by the Fed NOT to kick out the economy but to pay wars and bail outs to banks, similar to the 1922 crash of the mark that brought fascism to Germany.

Now only is left after the massive printing of 30 trillion $ in money invested in bubbles of dot com stocks and real state toxic assets, the bubbles of currencies. And indeed after the 9 years bubble crashes of stocks and real state, a crash of currencies, which has started with the massive bubble on crypto currencies.

All this we predicted 20 years ago, and it has happened as a ‘cancerous’ system of absorbtion of blood-money, our capitalist society with private bankers on top CANNOT avoid to print and waste amazing amounts of fiat money and pay all kind of corrupted politicos, economists, think tanks and financial press to hide it all.

The boom and bust 4 cycles of the Industrial evolution

We shall now unveil in detail those cycles of boom and bust till the present one.

In sequential order, the 4 capitalist ages of issue of private money to increase the profits of the Financial-Media/Military-Industrial Complex are: the Age of slave companies, train stocks, ticker money and e-money. The boom & bust process of debt-money and war for profits was the same:

– This cycle first happened in the Age of Gunboat Companies of Slaves in Britain after private moneylenders got from corrupted and clueless politicians a monopolistic charter to issue British money. Then they founded the Bank of England that printed paper-pounds lent to Crown at 6% of interest; exactly what the ECB – whose charter was invented by private ‘expert’ bankers in Brussels’ – has done now in Europe, achieving the monopoly of printing the sovereign money of Euro nations, which they give only to private banks at 0’% interest that in turn lent it to southern European states at an usury 6%, rate called in Spain ‘Prima de Riesgo’, which absorbs the 3% of its GDP cancelling any economic growth.

Next the Crown raised taxes to pay debt, especially in the American colonies, despised by the British elite, as the PIIGs nations (nicknamed by a racist Frankfurt banker) whose life-art based culture produce mainly goods of the welfare state (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece & Spain) do; as they are now ECB colonies. And so they have the lowest rate of growth in the entire planet. Since unlike machine-based nations like Germany whose corporations print money for free in stock markets welfare companies do NOT have stock-credit.

In the Company Age this was also the case. Only slave, gold and colonial gunboat companies could raise the other type of paper money besides Pounds, stock-paper. Soon the Bank debt-money was used just to back speculation in those companies, NOT to create real wealth, as now the money printed by the ECB bank and Fed is use only to rise the Dow to new records not to create a Global New Deal. But return profits were dwindled as the best colonial lands had been taken. So a series of bubbles, the South-Sea company bubble in Bri’tain and the Louisiana Company bubble in France, where a Scot, Mr. Law had sold the same scheme, exploded, as the financiers had sold out the worthless fiat stocks at stratospheric prices into the middle classes of both kingdoms and left the market sink no longer issuing mountains of speculative paper-money. They did the same in the 29 crash and the 2001 crash of worthless dotcom stocks and the 2008 mortgage crash, once they exited the market, after expanding credit to the middle classes.

‘When my boot-cleaner talks stocks is time to exist the market’ said Joseph Kennedy. To that aim the synergy of the media owned or corrupted by financial groups is essential. So financial media kept rating dotcom companies and CDOs as AAA value, while Goldman exited and emails said they were ‘piece of junk’ and the press during the XVIII c. insisted that in Louisiana and the Patagonia there were huge gold mines.

In both kingdoms the politicians of the age, the kings and aristocrats were greased with huge returns and redemption of shares at maximal price. But when the bubble exploded the outcome was different:

In France it was the first of a series of crises that tumbled the monarchy, sparking the French Revolution that tumbled the ‘ancien regime’. In Britain the king’s court condoned the financiers establishing the Anglo-Saxon capitalist system in which financial crimes are never punished to ensure they will happen again. As England’s Capitalist democracy was a banking dictatorship, similar to the one established by VOC in Amsterdam, founded in the ‘Glorious Revolution’ of 1688 by Dutch financiers, who during the French invasion, bought the Parliament for the Dutch king with the money of the Amsterdam Bank, and established the Private Bank of England and the stock-market in the City, their own ‘kingdom within the kingdom’, with his own taxes, where the king cannot enter without the permit of its major and MP, traditionally of the House of Rothschild,

And he indeed controlled it, by playing the game of war and debt during the entire XIX century, in most of the countries of the world.

Then corrupted politicos to the payroll of the Private Bank of England, that usurped as the ECB has done the name of the nation to be accepted by the people, soon embarked in permanent wars to increase state debt, and the 6% of ‘free profits’ for printing the British money. Those wars raised taxes for the commoner of England and provoked enormous suffering to all cultures on Earth, colonized by British, but the mirage of Empire and racial superiority maintained the British people till today, a happy subject of City Financiers, as it does today with Americans and Wall Street. But in the XVIII C. Americans were more enlightened and so they rebelled when Franklin failed to convince the Crown to abolish the system.

Then he ran his press to create a ‘free’ Financial-media system and started to print colonial money and pamphlets explaining the ‘issue’ of money, true cause of the American R=evolution. But soon after the Independence, Americans lost that freedom ‘again’, when Mr. Winthrop, a Calvinist bishop, Mr. Morris and associates, Jewish merchants, Mr. Gerard, the biggest slave trader and Mr. Hamilton, a corrupted politico took away from the right to issue debt-free money, from the founding ‘peasant fathers’, the plantation owners, Jefferson & Washington, who did not understand yet there is no democracy without the issue of bills of law and bills of money to implement them, by their elected governments. It was the birth of the ‘Biblical elite’ of corporative owners that substituted British Companies in the control of their society.

Soon the Hamilton gang started to promote wars – wanting to declare war to France! the country that had invested more hard currency in the American war for the freedom of the American people, to steal Louisiana – and had not Jefferson merely offered money and bought it from the French, it would have achieved its purpose – to create like the Bank of England did, a nation in perpetual war for profits, ruled by an elite of ‘bankers’,. America and their people though had a higher sense of freedom and rights than the British commoner and fought many battles with the bankers, starting with the duel in which Burr killed Hamilton, followed by the understanding of Jefferson that they had been ‘cheated’ and his attempts to regain the right to issue money. But then bankers ‘exploded’ the game, overpassing the Federal Government by lobbying states, which started to charter private bankers that issued massive amounts of their own paper-money, systematically ruining the common Americans by defaulting on their paper.

The classic run-on-the bank cycles started then. And as ‘greed’ and ‘theft’ became ‘privatized’ so any wealthy slave trader or usurer could start a bank, the elite caste of American capitalism took roots and has reigned ever since. And when American heroes of national freedoms, presidents like Mr. Jackson, Lincoln or Kennedy tried to reverse the course and regain those freedoms for the people, with the abolition of the 2nd private ‘bank of the United states’ (Jackson) or the emission of debt-free greenback money (Lincoln) or the creation of a welfare demand based economy (Kennedy), they fall to the bullet.

Thus the British earlier model of bankers corrupting politicos to declare imperial war to get usury interests from debt-money printed by those privateers on behalf of nations became the American model, specially after the murder of Lincoln, when free-debt greenbacks were cancelled and frontier banks issued massively debt-money backed by ‘future profits’ based in train stocks and land speculation taken from Indians that had to be exterminated for that purpose with the help of the Yellow Press and the new technologies of the steam age.

It would be the 1st Financial-Media/Military-Industrial Complex imitated by all Western nations in their colonial wars. Thus every attempt of western people to become free democracies was reigned in by bankers and corrupted politicos, by murder, corrupted law and war, backed by the new machines of the Financial-Media/Military-Industrial Complex, since Staunton, railroad baron, paid Booth to kill Lincoln and robber barons colonized the West in I Cycle of trains.

-72y. Train Cycle: Paper-Money. Boom: Railroad stock-paper: 1840-70. Bust: Silver Crime:70s-90.

In detail in the 1st cycle of steam machines and printed paper-money, the boom cycle happened during the overproduction of rail road stocks. The bust cycle happened when Silver money was demonetized, substituted by the gold standard. In America financiers implemented it, bribing Mr. Grant at the height of the Robber’s baron era. It was called the ‘silver crime’, as it plunged the country in the worst depression since the crown forbade the states printing colonial money. In Europe, Germany, the dominant industrial nation, provoked it, when Bismarck’s bankers cancelled bimetallism, imposing the gold standard and reducing to ½ the circulating money. So suddenly half of the metal-money disappeared, increasing enormously the value of debts, by increasing the value of money and deflating prices, making debts far more expensive.

The world entered recession, except industrial companies that switched to weapon’s production and unlike the people who were asked to pay debts in scarce hard currency, received credit in stock-paper. Soon they declared the 1st of the many German FMMI system’s splendid wars for profits that ruined European lives and wealth – the French-Prussian war of 1871, the I and II World War and now the Euro War.

– The 2nd Industrial cycle of fiat money overproduction started its boom cycle in the earlier XX C. with a massive expansion of ticker speculation in the nascent car industry. The House of Morgan busted the credit cycle in the panic of 1907, as an excuse to set the Federal Reserve Bank as a private bank of ‘issue’, who extorted usury debt to the United States for decades to come.

Then the Fed crunched most credit given before by frontier banks to Middle West farming states now stripped off issue rights, provoking the famine crises of the dust bowl, as lending to small companies and agricultural states plummeted. Now Fed Banks concentrated in New England ignited 2 boom decades of credit to Industrial Trusts and financial companies of the FMMI system, backed by the yellow press and radio of the happy 20s, the age of ‘ticker-money’ speculation and W.S expansion. But in 1928-29 the Federal Reserve and Bank of England’s concerted contraction of money crashed the global market, provoking the Great Depression solved after a ‘too small to matter New Deal Deficit’ in Welfare goods by ‘canons instead of butter’, after the next 7 year boom and bust crash of 1937. Then Roosevelt changed his mind, pressed by Industrial Trusts. So he provoked Japan with an embargo and every nation in the world, with Germany ahead of the pack, expanded their deficit to pay for war industries proving that Deficit is NOT the problem.

It should be rule, but issued with debt-free money not to pay war but to cre(dit)ate a Welfare Global Deal of life-goods and peaceful, consumption. Since America reached its all-time-peak of debt at 150% of GDP during II World War and never paid I and came out of the crisis – as Germany had done before at the cost of 66 million victims. Synergy between the 4 overproduced technologies of the FMMI system is thus essential on the boom and bust cycle of debt-money and war that creates the 4 parallel crisis of each Kondratieff age of overproduction of fiat money.

Sounds familiar? It should because it is what happened in the 3rd cycle of e-money overproduction:

Bankers invented fiat money without limit once they discovered the ‘complex e-money derivatives’ that allowed them to print ‘digital data’ as money in computer screens… Then in the 90s, the happy new 20s they lend it massively at soft interest. So every state and individual owed them money.

Now they are contracting the monetary mass, and their quisling politicos are extorting people with higher taxes, bailouts and the destruction of welfare states to pay a fiat debt that in a real democracy would never exist, as money would be issue by sovereign states free of debt, as a Universal Salary and credit orders for welfare goods:

First bankers in the US expanded credit in e-money without limit, in the happy 90s so everybody bought Internet stocks, and finally they busted the credit system in the 2000s; after unloading those stocks into the middle class with the ‘self-made man’ myth of ‘trade yourself in internet’.

In the 20s they call it ‘buying on margin’. As the top price moment of unloading fiat worthless paper-stocks overpriced into the middle class approached, ‘buying on margin’ was fueled by massive credit of the Federal Reserve. Say you wanted to buy a ‘yahoo’ or a ‘RCA’ (radio-stock) at 500, their peak prices, in the 2000s or 20s. You would just put a 10% of the 500, and the ‘bankster’ will tell you that you will double capital when the price hit 550.

What he didn’t tell you is that when the price goes down to 450, your 50 $ are gone and then the banker will sell the stock and ruin you. So they passed the ‘virus’ of greed to Main Street and ruined them in both cases, unloading at maximal prices the shares, whose value they had artificially jacked up in the previous decade.

Then within years another short 9-year cycle of the ‘product’ took place. Now as people did not want to know anything about stocks, they had to invent a new form of worthless e-money in their screens. So they expanded again e-money with the mortgage CDOs, which they unloaded at maximal prices into the accounts of the governments and investors of the entire planet. 

And then they contracted credit and had the ‘chutzpah’ of asking again to be paid the ‘false fiat money’ of those CDOs – mere double accountancy as they were false mortgages repacked and resold ‘again’ – extorting one trillion dollars in bail outs, which now bring higher taxes but rip for them higher benefits. And parallel to that boom and bust cycle, they have expanded military expending to 1/2 of the nation’s budget, which is a quantity HIGHER (5) than the amount spent by Nazi Germany before the ‘splendid little Spanish war’ that started W.W.II. served as the Guinea Pig to essay in Guernica the goodies of the German FMMI complex.

The only change on the boom and bust usury cycles of financial speculation that usurp the sovereign rights to issue money is on the metal-machines used to ‘invent’ digital money, which evolved from ‘gold’ (in an age that extends from the times of Joseph, Pharaoh’s banker and first recorded speculator against people’s welfare to the mercantilist age of slave companies) into stock-paper (train age, electric tickers) into our modern times of pure digital information as e-money. Thus since money is reproduced by digital machines, its cycle is parallel to the Kondratieff cycle of overproduction of new energies & machines (chemical energy/printing; electro-mechanical engines/tickers and electronic machines/e-money):

– In the age of steam machines, there is a peak in stock-money issues of worthless train companies in the 1850s, when the best railroad lines are constructed and new ones loose money – even if speculators knew they were profitable, just for the sake of inventing ‘paper-money’, unloaded on the middle classes ruined by them. Meanwhile the 2 commonest job of the age, transport was lost to trains and 90% of horses were killed in a decade, out of work, while food prices and revenues for small farmers, plummeted under the monopoly on prices of railroads.

– In 1928, there was a peak in the creation of new stocks in companies of cars and radios, when RCA shares reached an astonishing 500 $ value, precisely when the slump in consumption of cars had started in earnest, as all Americans had their Ford-T. Yet the electric ticker, the equivalent to e-money Pc screens in the 1920s, had been implanted in small towns and was sucking in money from the middle class all over America to satisfy the ‘Ponzi Pyramids’ of Wall Street speculation in ‘margin 1 for 10 credit’ for stocks.

Then, in 1928-9 (City>Wall Street) and 8-9 years latter in 1937 (crash of real state and stocks), the physical and financial economy crashed together. While the reproduction of electric systems of automation in assembly lines at factories provoked a massive wave of unemployment, halving the work force.

Which lead us to the study of the cycle of boom and bust in its smaller pattern of 8-9 years.

In the graph, the electronic cycles of evolution of machines, whose stock-market curves are parallel to those of any biological radiation of a species. Since those curves are known and can be used to forecast future populations=sales=profits=prices of company-mothers of machines, this writer has been able to forecast this crisis decades in advance by merely applying those laws to the economic ecosystem, its ‘dominant’ re=productive species, company-mothers and its offspring of machines, which compete with humans in labor and war fields. It is precisely that competition what causes waves of unemployment when production of machines peak…

In the upper graph, from ‘The extinction of Man’, Bookmaster Ohio, c.94, we predicted those cycles for America according to the 72 years cycle of Kondratieff crashes of the economy (1). In the lower graph, from the book ‘cycles of economics: The III world war’ from 2001, we analyzed in depth the biological structure of the ‘radiations’ of electronic machines till the present crisis, comparing it with the self-similar crash of the oil and radio economy.

Thus, we can follow in that upper graph the 3 ages of the Industrial Revolution and its parallel crisis, and a more detailed analysis of the present electronic cycle and its ‘star machines’ in the lower one.

The 2001-08 economic crises are caused by the overproduction of electronic machines and its main derivative e-money, similar to the 1929-37 crash, caused by the overproduction of electro-mechanical machines and speculative ticker money, and the 1857-64 crashes of the train economy, and its speculative stock money; each one separated by a human generational cycle of 72 years. In that regard, the crisis started in the Financial System with the unlimited reproduction of electronic money by bankers and speculators. Yet in deep analysis those bankers could have not invented so many ‘toxic assets’ without the evolution of electronic money, a language of information that regulates the financial and physical economy at the speed of computer software.

The present crisis is not a recession but a depression, caused by the overproduction of electronic machines and its derivatives, similar to the 1929 crash, caused by the overproduction of electro-mechanical machines, which printed too much money (ticker speculation), electro-mechanical production systems that threw millions out of work (taylorism, automated assembly lines) and the overproduction of cars and radios, whose companies, lobbies and politicians reconverted into armored cars (tanks) and hate-radio speeches (Hitler), embarking us into World War II.

After the war, the Kondratieff wave of electro-mechanical machines was exhausted and so we started a new dual wave of ‘electronic machines‘, which evolved and reproduced chips – brains of metal – in increasing numbers till saturating the global market – origin of the present five-folded crises of overproduction of electronic products – the financial crisis, the cultural crisis, the labor crisis and the war.

In that regard, we can compare this crisis with a similar transformation that happened in history about 70 years ago. The happy 90s looked like the happy 20s. But suddenly the World changed into the warring 2000s, as the 20s changed into the ominous 30s. In both ages a tremendous crash on global stock-markets, due to the overproduction of machines (radios and cars in 1929 and 1937, electronic goods in 2001 and 2008), sunk the economy, increasing unemployment and social inequality.

That historical similarity is not trivial. It is a cyclical change that modern history experiences every ±72 years, a period that historians call the Generational, Human Cycle, since it is the mean biological cycle of 3 human generations – grand-father, father and son. Indeed, if we go 72 years backwards in time, we see a similar crisis happening globally after a period of industrial growth guided by the steam engine, which lasted through the happy 1850s, marked by the railroad craze . . .

Then in 1857 the overproduction of railroads crashed the industry worldwide and history turned upside down. In the middle of that crisis, the ominous 1860s brought wars fought with armored trains and steamers in America (Civil War), Europe (the Italian & German Unification wars) and Asia (Sepoy Revolt in India, II Opium Wars). So during the Industrial Revolution, every ±72 years the world changes, after a big economic crisis, from a happy time to an age of war and destruction, from an age of machines to an age of weapons, the age that now begins worldwide. And it all starts in the financial economy; because the reproduction of money reaches a peak at the same time the reproduction of machines saturates the market and becomes reconverted into weapons.

Again the key to the whole cycle is the fact that informative machines  also print money and they do it without limit or any value. So the point is that once the money is reproduced it must be changed for something with value and there are only 3 forms of value in great mass, real state, stocks and currency paper. So after they invent huge amounts of new ‘numbers’ with ticker money, (electricity), paper money (chemical information) and now e-money they must change it for the 3 goods that ‘are valuable’ and abundant. So they produce 3 consecutive ‘fast bubles’ in the short 9 years, as they transfer the money invented with the new PRINTING MACHINES.

We are coming finally to the mother of all battles, ‘money’. It is quite amazing to start with that nobody including economists seem to understand or rather define money, when everybody is obsessed and seemingly ruled by it.  So perhaps we should first define it, in terms of ‘systems’ sciences, as a language of digital information NOT wealth-ENERGY but LANGUAGE-information:

You have been vaccinated against all what I am going to state now, but that doesn’t change the truth of it. For all your sense of entitlement as a human being, free and living in a ‘democracy’, the government of the people you live in a dictatorship of a small group of people, financiers, whose language of social control, you don’t understand as you are a verbal being, and money is a digital language.

And yet easy explained money should be both positive abundant and easy to manage by every human being: the Universe is simple, social, democratic and efficient. So systems that work are extremely simple delivering the right energy and information to ‘all’ social elements of the system. A simple proof of that social, simple structure. The unit of mathematics, its fundamental language is the number, which is a ‘social group’ of indistinguishable beings (you say 20, without even caring to specify the species). Money is then a very simple language: a number printed in a support that can be digitalized. And its purpose as all social languages is to give ‘orders’ of ‘value’ to an enormous number of entities, due to its simplicity to allow ‘all’ human beings to work, reproduce the goods they need and evolve socially… This is the ideal language of money, crafted efficiently as all other languages of social systems – words, which we all humans talk, hormones, very simple molecules which all cells share and obey, oxygen, the simplest energy molecule that all cells receive with blood red cells; electromagnetic forces that all animals see to interact in nature; gravitation that all stars follow in its galactic paths, etc. etc.

So why humans do NOT organize a simple monetary language, distributed to all humans in similar quantities as oxygen or hormones or nervous messages in bodies, gravitation and light in physics; same DNA genes in cells? It would be very simple to create a Universal salary of ‘mobile pocket’ money in a crypto currency, of 1000 ¥€$= euro = dollars for every human to have ‘oxygen-hormones’ to demand welfare goods, kicking its re=production and start a real global democracy, ending hunger, 3rd world migration  poverty, as it happens with all cells, stars or atoms which receive all enough oxygen, hormones and forces to survive – the Universe is in perpetual motion, energy is hugely abundant, the fact that humans suffer is NOT the rule but the exception of a perfectly designed Cosmos… As an expert in systems sciences and complexity, the answer I give you is immediate but not ‘easy to swallow’: because we live as human beings in one of the worst designed systems of nature; in fact a sick, parasitic, cancerous, corrupted system where a very few number of human citizen-cells, issue money in monopoly for themselves, choke mankind off it, and to HIDE this systemic ab=use and corruption of the system have made so ‘complicated’ the creation of money with weird schemes (FED, ECB, banks fractional credit, e-money derivatives, etc.) that people do NOT understand the simplicity and beauty of the Universe and its networks and systems, and so feel they need ‘the parasite experts’ to create with credit the magic of it. Complexity in the basic languages of Nature is almost always an example of undue control, as democratic systems require extreme simplicity for all players to understand and play the game – in the case of reproductive languages, such as hormones, oxygen or money are, that simplicity is maximal.

Inventing money in paper-ticker-electronic stocks.

The big question about the fact that a very small minority of humans invent the dominant language of social power money, as numbers in monopoly organizing society with it, is how it is possible that mankind has allowed this small group of people, overwhelmingly belonging in the west to a segregational culture that cares ‘nothing for mankind’ to rule its destiny? And the answer they would tell you in private and idealists and common people will of course reject offended but it is what it is comes to this: Mankind is immensely more stupid that we ever thought. As it understand nothing of ‘numbers’ and ‘money’ and how ‘languages order reality’.

But, and this is the trick, as Descartes started it in his Discourse of the Method: ‘everybody thinks to be very intelligent’. So people love complex things they don’t understand, and pretend they do. As Einstein said: ‘they love my work because they don’t understand it’; but HE also said if ‘you don’t understand it is wrong’ because ‘the Universe is simple and not malicious’ since ‘simplicity is genius’ (Leonardo).

All in all if you want to cheat someone, a simple thing as the language of money is – just a digital number – must look very complex to reproduce and then you entice people with your ‘secret’ magic and voila, they will respect ‘you’, let ‘you’ make his money, and love you cause you are inventing ‘magic’ numbers for him – but mostly for yourself.

And so mankind, the 99%, as amazing as it might seem doesn’t even know what money is and how is guided blindly by those who do and monopolize its issue. So if you follow this link we will explain it better – Here we just put it as simple as it is, when you ‘clean up’ the complex camouflage put on to disguise the racket – which historically grew out of the original simplex process – to corrupt politicos to give ‘you’ the right to pint its money – then make as much of it as possible, attach it to real wealth as ‘price’ and get the wealth of a nation for yourself, taking that wealth from all others left with the ‘digital money numbers’ that don’t feed you and will explode into a bubble.

Amazing as it might seem for a rational thinker, the astounding antidemocratic bias that implies the fact that certain people issue digital numbers as money ‘amore gratis’, for free, while the 99.99% of people toil unending hours to earn those numbers, and on top are taxed and extorted of them by governments who have NO right to print them, is CONSIDERED ‘the epitome of freedom’, in countries such as America where most people would get ‘personal’ defending the right of the 0.0% to buy and sell their lives with those numbers… in an unparalleled defense of a dictatorship which only happens in Middle Age kingdoms and religious dictatorships.

All this happens because the parallel control of all information regarding the nature of social systems has for centuries repressed serious scientific models of social sciences reduced to journalism and in the case of economists, worship of money and machines – NO longer having mankind and its future as its purpose and focus. Mankind indeed has become irrelevant to economists of ‘production’ and financiers ‘herding data’. How the central purpose of social sciences has disappeared? As always reality is simple though bizarre: a guy called Mr. Smith, told us that if each of us, pursuits selfish goals caring nothing for mankind, the result will be the improvement of mankind. Of course is not, as Keynes quipped: ‘capitalism is the astounding belief that the wickedest of all people will do the wickedest of all things for the common good’. But this falsehood – that if you pursuit higher profits with the values of ‘go(l)d’ which are maximal for weapons, speculation and hate media – instead of what you get, the ‘pecunia infinita belli Nervi’ of wars and holocausts you are improving society – IS A RELIGIOUS DOGMA of capitalism, which SIMPLY ELIMINATES the question of Mankind from all its equations and forecasting.

The astounding degradation of social thought in America is NOT fortuitous, and now its similar global expansion, to a world of dog-eat-dog individuals who confuse chaos with freedom, which cannot be exercised without power on the social languages that regulate our world. Yet to maintain that fiction of freedom any attempt to describe the workings of those networks must be obliterated. Hence the existence of a pretentious scholarship of social sciences, with ever more bizarre and complicated ‘theories’ of the underlying structures of human societies, from behaviorism, to structuralism to the last ‘fad’ of ‘catchy names’. It is all MUCH MORE SIMPLE, biological, Darwinian – the world is ruled by those who issue numbers as money and buy the lifetime, laws and price all things on the planet. And hide that power with a massive fictional infotainment degradation of the human collective subconscious with machines that not only print numbers of money by audiovisual information.

What passes today as ‘financial science’ is the art of cheating in the invention of digital numbers, reproducing them with all kind of ‘leverages’, ‘instruments’, ‘derivatives’, ‘double screens’, ‘CDOs’, ‘bonds’, ‘shares’, ‘hedge funds’, ‘future contracts’. This is the ‘art of scamming society of its inalienable rights to issue the language of social power, if we are to live in a democracy – the government of the people’. So we just shall mention the original forms of printing digital money, as they were simpler and easier to understand.

In all those processes the key is to invent ‘numbers’ as money and ‘convince’ society that those numbers are legal. The best thing is to get your king or corrupted politico to validate your right to print numbers as a private banker or speculator. Once this is done, though as numbers are worthless in themselves, you need to ‘change’ it for real property, and so you need a ‘bite’ to ‘skin the rabbit’ (earlier jargon of Amsterdam Stocks). It is OF NULL IMPORTANCE WHAT YOU USE as FAKED VALUE, as long as you can ‘validate’ your number as ‘money’. So in Amsterdam they used gold mines nowhere to be seen that some boat would bring, and issued paper-stock as money numbers, and changed it for real wealth, mostly real state. The number-money given to an aristocrat then would deflate as no gold mine boat would come.

So the press was used in parallel, and still is. And so the financial-media master was born. He substituted the banker-priest of biblical religions that to herd gold in the temple was giving also ‘future’ eternity beyond death to the believer that labored to bring gold to the temple. All has changed to remain The same. Next tulips were used to ‘validate’ numbers as money. But that was so obvious an scam that didn’t last much. What truly started the industrial r=evolution were slave companies with gunboats bringing silver from Spanish colonies, looted or changed for slaves. That was ‘something worth’ for the ‘substance-concept of money NOT as digital number but as ‘metal’. But here the trick followed for ever was to INFLATE ENORMOUSLY the value of the company, by issuing to the public only a very small portion of the shares, let us say a 1%.

So you sell 1% of a company for real silver/gold and magically this has validated the 99% you have at home as REAL Legal TENDER MONEY. This then would be done with every possible company, gunboats of gold mines, gunboats of pirates, gunboats of colonists – always with the press telling how immense the value of the South-Sea Company colonizing Argentine (never mind that was a desert land owned already by Spaniards), would be, or the Louisiana Company, which in the XVIII century destroyed the French kingdom, and corrupted for ever the British empire (as the scammers of the South-sea bubble bought the king with them). Train stocks then would be floated ‘as paper money’ regardless of profits, and all the money would be invested on them, during the Irish famine. Not a penny was invested improving the Irish farming economy and millions died as Ireland was on paper crisscrossed by railroads. It then became customary to pay ‘philosophers’ to explain how wonderful was this way of invention of money and alas! classic economists were born, paid by financiers and the whole system of printing numbers became the ‘economic science’ of finances.

This will go along till the present system of inventing money with ‘crap-code’, that is, some 20 something kid coming of a digital programmer university tricking the code of an app, which is very similar to another 100 apps, available for free, as they don’t produce anything and are redundant to all other crap-code apps doing the same. Again all those companies are worth nothing, have no utility, are just lines of mathematical crap-code to talk on one of the infinite virtual variations on the same theme. This is not the point.

They exist for Goldman sachs et al to float a 1% sell it to a wealthy investor, ‘skin the rabbit’, and say we have 20 billion $ of ‘worthy’ e-money in our screens, never mind snap chat is 0 value and Mr. Spiegel just another global scammer. And so in this manner, wall street creates trillions of $ when humans have none, nil credit, and die of hunger, and lack health-care and are brutally taxed to get the minimum rights. This is the meaning of capitalism: a very small group of people parasitizing mankind, with the excuse of some magic technology to validate its printing of digital numbers, and corrupting then politicos with this fresh money ever since the South-bubble and controlling population with weapons. So this process is then sold as the best of all systems: ‘capitalist democracy’.

Capitalist democracy is not even a system, as it is merely a placebo structure put over the evolutionary brutish process of conquest of the world with weapons and machines, to convince humans they matter.

So the result of the single-goal of the top predator parasite culture of mankind, the banker-priests, which in the age of anti truths and newspeak is portrayed as our victim, when it is the man who reduces humanity to an object of price, under the syntax of digital numbers, man (salary) = money = object, is the world we live in – a world decimated of life, dedicated to reproduce and evolve machines in an increasing professional tempo since the company-mother appeared on earth. Let us then retake the 80 years pro cycle of evolution of organic metal – machines that are terraforming the planet and killing life, while telling us through its metal-communicators that all is well in the western front.

So the future has 2 paths, one humane, guided by science, whose blueprint has always been spelt by the most evolved legal civilizations of mankind and its organizations, after II world war represented by EU and Uno and one primitive, Darwinian, dog-eat-dog represented today by us & Israel, which is guiding us into extinction while denying vehemently to do so. Which leads us to understand why the 3rd way the ruling stockrats of those countries ‘idol-ogies’ of capitalism and militarism, (nationalism) and racist segregation, represent and pretend to be the truth – political and economical correctness WILL NEVER HAPPEN.

So we develop a very harsh criticism of the people-caste of stockrats and their ‘economic beliefs’ – the 0.1%, who own it all, do nothing, care less for mankind and their future till the 7th generation and on top ‘complain’ and accuse mankind of all the crimes of history, wars, holocausts and r=evolutions that their mismanagement of money, the language of power they control, have caused to the ‘one and single species’ – History, Humanity in time; which ‘they should care for first, before taking care of their inanimate machines’ (Owens). Indeed, true sciences predict and control the cycles of its species, to improve Human life. So Scientists should manage the economic ecosystem to cre(dit)ate – create with credit – an immortal history . But the problem seems to be memes are more powerful than survival instincts and reason and ethics. That is, ‘Humans are slaves, they believe they don’t reason’ Aristotle

This seems to be the final memetic truth of mankind: we shall die because we cannot evolve our memes.

From steam to engines to electronic minds…

IT IS THEN easy with those basic organic patterns of evolution of machines and life-death cycles of human beings to map out the meaning of modern history during the industrial revolution in the past cycles of British steam energy, and German electrochemical energies, the present cycle of American metal-minds and the future cycle of solar robots that will complete the evolution of the new species of metal – the living robot, as this is indeed the method of any sound science: to study the cycles and patterns of evolution of a system in the past, and use it to forecast its repetitive cycles in the future. Let us then apply the scientific method to forecast that future of the robotic cycle, departing from the past cycles of the industrial revolution.

It all started in the 1780s, when Watt perfection the steam machine.

So we had an age of steam machines, the age of England, between 1780s and 1857, which started with the application of chemical energy to fixed steam machines and better gunpowder cannonballs that won the Napoleonic wars, followed by its massive application to mobile transports, steamers and trains.

After the discover of the steam machine, we had an age of steam machines, the age of England, between 1780s and 1857, in which the world saw the awesome expansion and evolution of steam machines, first as energy engines, to move factories, and industrialize the printing industry; followed by a crisis of overproduction of steam machines and stock-money that brought the 1857 ±8/9 years product cycle crashes of the train-based economy and its overproduced stock-paper money.

As the radiation of steamers and trains saturated the first world markets, a crisis of overproduction of steam machines and its market sales, provoked a crash on the valuation of its company-mothers in stock-markets. And so trains were armored, and lobbies paid war-monger politicians to use armored trains and steamers to conquer the world. And England, France and the US, who rode in parallel the wave of steam machines carved the planet with its colonial empires in Africa, Asia and the Far West, exterminating all non-technological nations that resisted civilization. As usual the  cause of the frenzy for new trains in the steam cycle, new radios or new internet companies today is the invention of digital numbers as money by financiers, which we will explain next… after concluding the ‘automaton’ process of reproduction and evolution of machines set up by company-mothers.

In the graph, as money is printed without limit it must be changed for real value assets, stocks, real state and currencies, provoking 3 bubbles that explode and ruin people. Then money changes to debt-usury loans for war starting an age of splendid little wars. In the graph we explain those cycles and its bubbles for the train economy (crashes of silver money, train stocks, and real state – plantations, with the civil wars won by trains that starts the colonial age of train and steamers wars). Then the same 3 crashes in 1922 (Deutsche Mark), 1929 (ticker money and stocks) and 1937 (skycrapers) move industrialists to war production. Finally in 2001 we have the first crash of e-money printing (Dotcom bust) in 2008 of real state (false mortgages) and now we will have the last crash as financiers ‘invent digital cryptocurrencies’ followed by an age of splendid robotic wars and war debt that should end humanity and make us all victims of history – not only our financiers which duly print our brains with informative machines to convince us that they are experts, not the ‘wickedest of all people, doing the wickedest of all things: ruin nations, destroy wealth and cause wars’


The 72+8/9 stock crash cycles: 1857+72=1929+72=2000… ±9=2008… ±9=2018 ±72=2080

In capitalist societies the dictators of democracies, financiers, rule the world by monopolizing the issue of ‘money numbers’ to order mankind with them through salaries bribes and prices. So they overproduce ‘numbers’ with each new informative machine the new form of data, amore gratis, and then change it for the 3 real ‘assets’ of society, real state, stock-companies and hard currency, provoking once they have appropriated all the assets of society, a contraction of credit, and prick the 3 bubbles of ‘worthless data’ NOW in the hands of society, which becomes ruined.


Yet the economic cycle doesn’t stop then; as financiers to avoid blaming, will pay war monger politicians to resolve the crash of consumption with new weapons that consume humans. Since the fundamental cycle of capitalist democracies ruled by the mandate of herding money is the cycle of overproduction of digital money, changed by real assets, which jack up its prices, ruining the middle class, which is loaded in the last phase of the speculative bubble with worthless digital money, as prices return to normality while all the assets of society are on the hands of parasitic bankers. Yet as bankers print also press and audiovisual information they create at the end of the cycle a narrative that accuses the poor, other nations and unemployed, massacring them in the final process of wars for profits. So as they say in the casino roulette of capitalism the ‘bank always wins’. It wins first printing money in amazing amounts for free.

It wins then buying politicos with that money to allow laws to favor their privileges, it wins next in each bubble as it buys real wealth with worthless digital prices, and when all is his, it keeps winning with debt usury loans for wars, arsenal production and depletion in a long period of splendid little and big wars, which will further on deplete the landscape of the inferior subhuman non chosen of go(l)d species which hate us, victims of history. But poetic justice has it that at the end of the cycle both in the 800 and 80 years belli nervi pecunia infinita a final Gotterdammerung kills them all – it is the holocaust cycle which shows the culture of go(l)d to have THE WORST ratio of survival of all the cultures of the planet, as compared with the most successful one – the organic Chinese culture ruled longer by the human values of the wor(l)d.

Conclusion: the only winner of a world ruled by the hidden values of go(l)d that give zero price to life and maximal price to weapons is METAL. And if the banker-priests of Israel that run the cycle bring again a world of permanent robotic wars they will again not being spared, not even in their virtual rewriting of history on 2Dimensional screens, as terminator robots will enjoy implementing its holocaust movies, seen as imagination, shooting around any human with special delight on playing the handsome Nazi commander of Schlinder list… only that now the holocaust will be that of the whole mankind.

In that sense, the previous graph shows why is so important to know the origin of capitalism, and set the record straight about the real history of the go(l)d culture, since the system we live in, is by far the worst of all possible systems for the future of the 99% and the species, as the memes and structure of company-mothers of machines that rule us, are profoundly anti-human, originated in the segregational memes of the racist go(l)d cult, even if they look today ‘digital and modern’, extended to all other nations, where the company-mothers cares only for the fetish profits achieved with the overproduction of lethal goods and the rights of the stockratic owners, and financiers, ‘chosen of go(l)d’, caring nothing for the rights of the human worker and consumer, a mere cost of human capital, expendable when any machine can substitute it.

So goes for the supposed ‘science of classic economics’, whose authors overwhelmingly belong to the biblical culture (Judaism has 72% of Nobel prize on the discipline, protestant similar believers a 20%; and all the classic authors, Smith, Ricardo, Say, and modern ones, Friedman, Hayek, belong to the Financial-Media-Academia Masters that manufactured with the wrong memes the future of mankind in corporative praxis and economical theory) and sponsor a series of dogmas which are just a selfish agenda with absolute rights for the elite of bankers and stock-rats owners of corporations, the new aristocrats of the modern world that predate over mankind at large, as they have as aristocrats of weapons, NULL legal responsibility hidden by anonymous societies, monopoly on the issue and use of the language of power, then weapons, today money and control the population working for them in the past as servants today as paid-workers. We live indeed in a dictatorship of those who issue money through financial systems, which people don’t understand to buy out and corrupt the political system that serves with laws the goals of those companies.

In the graph the 72 year cycle of global financial crashes is caused by new informative machines that overproduce digital money – stock paper, ticker electric money and e-money in 3 short 9 year product cycle of overproduction and speculation in the 3 worthy assets of a modern nation, stocks, real state and real currency.

They were the 1848-57-64 stock crashes of stock paper in currencies, (silver crash), stocks (train stocks crash) and property (Southern Plantations crash), which completely ruined 1/2 of America and enthroned carpetbaggers and railroad barons as the new ones of the nation.

THEN 72 years latter, the new cycle of electrochemical machines broth the 1921 pound crash, 29-stock crash of electric ticker, radio and cars and the 37 NYC crash of skyscrapers and real state.

And +72 years and we are in the cycle of overproduction of chips and its derivatives, pcs, software that reduces white collar and blue collar workers to lower pays, as pcs become secretaries and robots blue collar workers, with the 3 huge bubbles of e-money >  2001-dotcom bubble, 2008-mortgages of real state and the incoming ,2018 bitcoin crash & perhaps $.

And of course, the pattern of all the cycles have happened again. In 2001, at the peak of the false value of excite, yahoo etc. speculators unloaded the stocks into the middle classes with ‘do it yourself, trade in internet’, and razor their savings; in 2008 they sucked in all the wealth again, reselling toxic assets, false mortgages done twice in the same property, and then with an amazing chutzpah resold to the government for an astounding 1 trillion plus bailout on the taxes extorted on the people?!, which on top of having not rights to print money as any organism does – where the oxygen/hormones are given as a universal salary to all cells/citizens to demand welfare goods and none dies of hunger – they are extorted of taxes, and those taxes are NOT used in welfare – mind the European reader Americans do NOT even have free health-care but MOST of their money is spent in weapons to fight mercenary wars to sustain the apartheid laws of their speculators’ other ‘nation’ and now also handled it directly to bankers as if they had not enough trillions, in ‘bail outs’ to buy scam-paper, which should be simply erased of their ‘digital screens’ where they invented. So now WHEN they have sold a worthless currency called bitcoin to the world at 20.000 $ a piece, invented by some Silicon valley speculator aptly hidden under a phony Japanese name, along many other similar worthless currencies, they are starting to sell the digital numbers to the ‘boot-cleaner’, bringing all kind of new middle class for what in the first run of the markets at the Tulip bubble of Amsterdam when the system was created, was called ‘skinning the rabbit’ – getting an aristocrat to buy the tulip the day before it died away:

So now the rabbit will be skin during the entire ‘season’ when the middle class enters into those currencies. Since the Fed has already printed in quantitative easing trillions of dollars NOT for credit to the people but to put the bubble of stocks and currencies of legal tender in an unsustainable limit. So there is only one bubble left.

But this is NOT the end. Greed has no limit except death. And so there is only one bubble to go that of hate media and war. So once this bubble explodes there will only be a final way to keep ‘selling money’. It is called war debt loans and arsenals production of max. price=profit, also consumed in wars, so the economy will keep printing money for wars a long time, as arsenals must be replenished. The problem is… weapons are not consumed by humans, they CONSUME US.

So after those 3 crashes the world enters in Global war:

  • In 1860s-90s civil wars, unification wars, colonial wars fought with trains/steamers.
  • In 1936-53 wars fought with electrochemical engines (bombers, tanks).
  • Hence in 2020-50s we will enter an age of robotic wars.
  • Problem is as stocks measure reproduction of machines-weapons their value in war age measures ‘corpses’. i.e. 1860s stocks 2 Dow jones, 700.000 victims train wars->1940s Dow at 200, one hundred folding value and victims: 70 million. Now Dow at 20 thousand, hence potential victims in robotic wars 7 billion all of mankind.

Thus the system of printing money MUST change before the final crash of currencies, and money be issued NOT merely to herd it but with a social consciousness used for welfare, Butter not Canons… But amazing as it seems while this was told to everybody in the 1840s by the socialist movement; it was told to everybody in the 1930s, when the expression was coined, today NOBODY, not even the supposed left talks about it. This blog has been a desert land of historic truths for 7 years, but the degree of manufacturing of brains in the audiovisual age, has reached such a zenith that today ALL HUMANS love to be ‘sucked’ into their own extinction by greed. 

The wave of history is accelerating with the industrial r=evolution from a vortex of 800 years studied in the right side of the blog to a decametric faster vortex of 80 years, a fact that require to understand the acceleration of time proportional to the acceleration of information, a theme of certain complexity which at this stage you must merely accept:

The more information a system has, the faster its frequency of time cycles as information is a direct function of the frequency of a system of time cycles. I.e. in a computer you measure speed of logic information in Hertz frequency.

So with the industrial r=evolution, the cycles of evolution of memes of metal accelerated, and as we are focusing in this very first pages of the blog on the final stages of history we can jump into the cycles of Information at the end of that web:

Thus we distinguish 4 cycles that complete the Industrial evolution, each one fueled by the discovery of each of the 4 quintessential forms of energy AVAILABLE IN THE UNIVERSE, chemical, electrical, atomic and solar energies, which were first used in its discovery age as a form of pure energy to power static machines and construct bombs – the positive and negative, creative and destructive dual uses of all fruits of the tree of science.

So it seems pretty clear machines are organisms of metal evolving fast from its simplex mechanical designs, NOT the other way around – humans are not machines, nor it is the economic system.

In the graph, the ‘vital’ ‘key species’ is not the machines but the company-mother, which enacts  the process of terraforming of the Earth. Machines are the ‘offspring’ of a key new economic ‘super organism’ that re=produces them, designing a world to the image and likeness – the ‘company-mother’, which also re=produces always information favorable to their ‘products’, reason why we believe in techno utopia.

And as the idology of capitalism ignores the human needs, all new money invented today practically goes to those company-mothers who are designed the metal-earth and its ‘chip-brains’.

In that regard the most obvious uncertainty mankind faces today is the fact that its future is by no means assured in a world in which the evolution of machines is fast accelerating but cannot even be discussed in academic terms, only in fiction films and blogs with no exposure, as those in power have invented a virtual ‘matrix’ of fictions about the future to favor their power and control of societies, completely indifferent to the future of mankind, the 90%, as long as the corrupted systems they have established to rule the economic ecosystem and human national super organisms, keep ‘giving them a privileged life with no risk, as the 90% lives in that fictional world.

Since Machines are BIOLOGICAL species, made imitating our biological organs. So THEIR SCIENCE, economics must be the science of the economic ecosystem, in which two mother species, the company-mother of machine and the human mother compete and have also symbiotic relationships in biological terms.

Financial And Production Economics will lead us towards III world war..

Economics along physics, dedicated to reproduce and evolve those machines are in that sense the most biased sciences, with astoundingly false dogmas and a priori definitions or ‘postulates’ based in ‘capitalism’ and ‘mechanism’ as the idol-ogies of reality that render them on the ‘larger view’ completely false as disciplines that help mankind to improve; due to the very obvious fact their focus is the evolution and reproduction of machines regardless of collateral effects.

Indeed, economists are either financial or production economists trying to increase the profits and sales of machines and the invention of money. They do not see economics as what it is, the physiological reproductive network of the supœrganism of history which should only reproduce the goods humans need to survive and limit those lethal goods that destroy history. FOR THEM HISTORY does not exist, is invisible it doesn’t matter. Humans do NOT matter to economists, regardless of its rhetoric because they ARE serving corporations which pay them. While in the case of physicists, the oldest science hence the most primitive in its ‘view of the Universe’, the concepts of time are completely deformed by their use of a single lineal time-clock which only measures speed and locomotion, not organic, biological, informative time=change. So it is mostly useless to study history and the evolution of machines. So are their models of a mechanical universe who fails to understand the truism that MACHINES ARE JUST PRIMITIVE ORGANISMS OF METAL.

So without even those basic concepts and definitions TABOO in the dogmas of a happy new world of techno utopian machines, wonderful companies, human ingenuity and a lineal future single time of progress through the surrogate machines, what we call social sciences is at best a praxis of production of machines at worst an unjust system of appropriation of all the resources of the planet to cater their evolution and reproduction. Which is now about to conclude.

Since, in the XXI century, as nature does with simple organisms, such as viruses in cells, where the 3 ‘parts’ of the virus – its DNA information, body and legs are constructed – and then assembled together, we put

So the only solution to our existential problem is crystal clear. SINCE robots complete the industrial r=evolution AS A DIFFERENT SPECIES of mankind, which no longer need us but will increasingly compete with us in labor and war fields; the robotic r=evolution MUST BE FORBIDDEN legally, as we forbid any other lethal biological species that harms mankind.

While the dictatorship of financiers that print money for themselves and company-mother of machines, leaving none for the human kind, reason why the 1% has more than the 99% that suffers permanent anoxia must end with the creation of a global ‘crypto currency’ ¥€$ Eurodollar=100 yen money, to redress the systemic anoxia of humanity and lack of credit of the 3rd world brutalized in a continuous holocaust of financiers and company-mothers for 300 years.

Indeed, not even the most fanatic believer in the freedom of company-mothers to reproduce any goods they like, would allow the massive reproduction of AIDs or EBOLA viruses that kill human beings. But none of those viruses can wipe out our species as people will develop resistance to those viruses.

While then humans do NOT forbid the reproduction of the new top predator species of Earth and keep Machines as we keep viruses in vaccines, disjoined, so they still DEPEND ON US, and we can enjoy its benefits, as we do with inert vaccines avoiding the full living virus, the full living robot that certainly regardless of their peanut brains can kill us all?

It is a measure that every scientist and biologist human being would easily subscribe from a humanist, economical and ecological point of view. As it is impossible to have only peaceful robots, and those cycles of evolution show, robots will finally evolve into weapons whose only purpose is to kill the rival species, mankind.

That is what a biological model economics tell us we should do, despite the fact that our ‘expert’ economists, most of them working for those company-mothers of machines only show the positive side of the tree of science.

The answer will surprise the reader, educated to believe that capitalism is the science of economics , machines always good to man and its company-mothers care for mankind.

So they must have absolute rights of production, as free citizens of the Market. Since they serve ‘human consumers’, whose life is always improved by using machines, whose reproduction and evolution must then be the natural goal of humanity to progress into a better world/future.

So accordingly economists who are supposed to be the scientists of the economic ecosystem preach as the absolute dogma of economics, to increase massively the reproduction of our mechanical Ebola viruses, that is of robots in the work place, with the mantra that they increase the productivity of factories, calculated with a simple equation: ∆ productivity = ∆ robotic workers/ ∇ human labor.

Since productivity should be call self-reproductivity as what truly measures is the degree of automation of our factories.

Thus all classic economists and by extension the clueless politicians that believe in them, preach to fire human labor and put in their place more robotic blue collar workers and pc-while collar workers, to reach the goal of infinite self-reproductivity, that is, autonomy and independence of machines and factories from the humankind.

Yet given the fact that robots have overwhelmingly only 3 uses as autonomous machines, in direct competition with the jobs mankind has in the economic ecosystem – to reproduce other machines substituting human labor, to consume other machines, substituting human consumers and to kill as soldiers human beings – substituting human warriors; what economists today preach is plainly speaking the reproduction of ‘viral machines’ that will extinguish as germs do, the super organism of history, all of mankind.

The final war: Towards III W.W.

I published in Europe 30 years ago a book called ‘W.W.III’, in which I described in detail how America will be obliged by the system of capitalism to declare war to China after the 3rd crash of Kondratieff, on the series of ±2001-2009-2018 crashes of the age of Metal-minds, followed by the age of robots, which would start and end as all the cycles in a global war age, between the previous dominant country and the new-comer power.

It was to say the least a little bit advanced for the age (: Oh, well I have grown cynical about ‘animetal slaves that believe and don’t reason’ (Aristotle), but let us put an O: Since 30 years latter as all sciences do forecast the future, the 3 crashes have happened – and no, for ethic reasons I haven’t become a billonaire… and now Mr. Trump is pushing China. It is then obvious that the prediction, will bring as the 29 crash, after an ominous decade the war age. It might happen earlier, after all the 2018 crash is parallel to the 1937 final third crash of the 29 series or a bit latter; human behavior might change the details but the system is exact in its absolute control of mankind who believe in techno-utopia, nazionalism, capitalism and hence will NOT change the course of history as long as the idol-ogies of those who rule us stay in place.

So we can scientifically reason the process in more detail. The process, the book explained, started with the unknown coup d’etat of 1973, when Weimar America, as America in this cycle plays the role of Germany, same cultural composition; but NOT after II world war, but BEFORE I WORLD WAR. That is, Weimar America:


The short cycle and the revolutionary cycle.

1848:European revolution—69a.—1917: Russian revolution—72ª—1989: fall of Berlin

A revolutionary cycle is the only hope for Mankind. It does usually arrive the previous decade to the Kondratieff crash, prevailing in a few nations that change their political and economic system, but all revolutions must be global, because the economic ecosystem is a global system, made of deeply intertwined parts. So revolutions fail, as the remaining nations declare war to the r=evolutionary nation, increasing weapons production and crashing the r=evolution. Only if r=evolutionaries choose a military dictator they can win the war, but then the dictator will destroy the r=evolution from within, converting the nation also in a military empire (as the Russians or the French did with Stalin and napoleon). Yet sometimes the r=evolution arrives ‘after’ a mismanaged war, which causes the r=evolution and gives it a chance to succeed. Such was the case of the Russian revolution at the end of I world war.

To fine tune the cycle of long stock-crashes we must account for the smaller cycles of the stock-market, which are the 7-8 year business cycles or generational cycle of a product. The great Kondratieff crashes are split in 3 generational mini-crises of overproduction, which last an average period of 8 years. It is the short cycle of the crash economy, which causes upheavals in the political system. We live today in one of those short waves, when there is a debate between hard-liner industrialists, who want to make profits with war and the common people, who back alternative social schemes, trying to r=evolve against industrialists and their corrupted politicians. People ask for a change of economical policies, to switch back to production of human, biological goods. That is indeed, the only human solution to the crisis. But it means lower profits for companies and industrialists, which don’t accept it. So, to implement the solution that defends life, a revolutionary process must take place before companies convert machines into weapons, creating a war economy.

Those smaller cycles explain why 8 years before or after the great crashes, (in 1848, 1921, 1991) there are social r=evolutions against the system. They are the revolutionary decade in which politicians have to decide if they lead Mankind into war, backing a supply economy, making weapons; or they democratize the system, creating a demand economy that produces human goods; in a social democratic system.

The great economic thinkers of each cycle talk/ed loud in that decade in favor of switching to a demand, social-democratic economy, based in human goods. Marx writes the communist manifesto; Keynes his theory of consume; this author publishes a decade ago this book in Europe, warning against the III Kondratieff crash. Those 3 books are, for each crash, the 3 fundamental works that explain from the humanist perspective, the choices of future for Mankind. Unfortunately neither Marx, nor Keynes, prior to II W.W., nor this writer was heard. As always, the international banker, in control of all the outlets of mass-media misinformation of Mankind, denies the truth and goes ahead as long as there are profits – till war profits kill us all. Then, after the war ends and nothing was prevented, we are heard: socialist parties and movements rise, after the 1860s railroad wars; Keynes is heard after the 1914-18 war and 1921 crash of the European economy. And if we are lucky enough to survive the singularity age, Morpheus will no longer have to hide his name.

In the past, because machines were not evolved enough to kill us all as those of the age of the singularity will, after people woke up to the murderous solutions of greedy industrialists and corrupted politicians, some revolutions reached power. There were revolutionary essays in Europe (1848); a new economic policy is implemented in Russia after the revolution (1921) . . . then again in 1991, the Berlin wall falls against a communist system that had become a military dictatorship, while in the west the anti-globalization movement reaches its peak. If we lived in a free society probably the world would have changed in those dates, from a supply to a demand economy of human goods and Mankind would have created a peaceful, healthy world. But the system is controlled by great corporations that offer the alternative of fear against the r=evolution, fascism, repression, rearmament, patriotism and profit wars. Because, without means of spreading their message, revolutionaries have little impact in the human mass, thanks to their mass-media control of information, companies triumph over the revolutionary ideas that could have improved the world. So Marx lives isolated in London: in the years he could have solved the crisis and saved millions of life, nobody knocked on his door. Keynes is ignored till W.W. Ii ends, spending his days in trendy conversations with the Bloomsbury group. And the books of bio-history and bio-economics, never reach Main Street, rejected by 173 publishing companies.

Then the historic pendulum switches and fascism, the other side of the equation of Mankind vs. metal, starts its outright repression of humanist idea(l)s and socialist people. Laws against freedom of expression are implemented. In the 2000s we had the patriot act and equivalent laws implemented by a corrupted city lawyer, Mr. Blair. The only talk on media is now war, no longer peace and butter. And so, to please industrialists and his lobbies, ‘splendid little wars’ are invented with any excuse of the many available, in a world filled with violent groups, enemy nations, lands to conquer or people to civilize:

In 1848, in the I cycle, America makes war to Mexico for land; in 1853England and France manufacture the Crimean war to defend Muslim Turkey against Christian Russia. In the II cycle, Germany causes I world war, with the excuse of a regicide. In the III cycle, the American ambassador gives permission to Saddam, our best Arab ally in the middle east, to invade Kuwait, as his prize for his war against Iran. And desert storm I and II follow . . .

For a while companies overcome the crisis, but not the people, as unemployment increases and welfare diminishes, with ever growing military budgets. Now the world struggles in self-doubt. On one hand industrialists have tasted war profits, loosing their innocence and want still bigger wars. As goring put it, ‘the first murder make me vomit, the second opened my appetite’. On the other hand, the ‘bewildered herd’ believes the war propaganda of industrial mass media. Then, at the end of that ominous decade—normally an 8 years short cycle – when the economy seems on the verge of recovering, the overproduction crisis strikes again, this time harder, as consumers are poorer and machines’ inventories pile up. It is the 3rd sub-crash (1857, 1929 and 2008). Now corporations make up their mind very fast. They request total war. In this 3rd cycle, when the invention of cold wars doesn’t require direct battlefields, countries merely allocate higher and higher budgets to security machines (airports) or factories of new weapons, like the black hole factory at CERN, which will do us all with a single shot. Since war is not about tribal go(l)d-smith cultures pretending to be number one, murdering human beings – that is just their deluded point of view – but about spending money in weapons evolving machines of death and finishing up life species and for that cold wars are enough.

Meanwhile, on the human side, r=evolutionaries request huge government deficits to produce human goods and substitute a supply economy for a demand one, making of life/human goods the engine of a new, more humane economy (education, health-care, textiles, housing, food, etc.). If they were heard, since those goods use a lot of labor, unemployment would fall, investment would move away from lethal weapons and people would move away from poverty worldwide. So Marx, Keynes, this author and many humanist economists ask for a demand economy—‘butter instead of cannons’. Yet that means to take away power from lobbyism, corrupted ‘politicos’, greedy mechanist scientists, industrialists, the yellow press and classic economists to the service of companies. Physicists keep evolving their weapons. And power censors r=evolutionary opinions: political, technological and economical correctness imposes the will of industrial lobbies and political hawks, which never allow those solutions.

The reason: the greater profits of cannons, already tasted in the splendid little wars of the first sub-crisis. Yet again, the quark cannon physicists are building at CERN, exactly 800 years after the venetians invented the bombard and looted Byzantium, the last European kingdom ruled by priests of the wor(l)d, will be the last gun made for profits, as a single shot will be enough to start and end the age of the singularity. And humans won’t even know why they died, since the industrial press, the propaganda machine of technological gurus and power, has hidden the issue and buried the machine one hundred meters under the Earth. So one day, we shall see the ‘grandeur’ of France sink under the Geneva airport, where Calvin declared go(l)d the intelligence of god and all the bankers that now rise over the pile of corpses that built the wealth of dictators of the III world, sink with it. Parable of history, the ultimate weapon, will take first the physicists and bankers that have murdered and robbed Mankind for centuries, even if it is a fraction of second before it does us all.

The first cycle of steam machines had an overproduction mini-crisis and revolutionary period in 1848. Then an ominous decade of counter-revolution, economical crisis and fascism ends with the big crash of 1857. 8 years later the world is at war for nationalistic reasons of ‘cultural reunification’ (German wars) vs. ‘cultural diversity’ (civil war). Yet the hidden reason is ‘money’: economical disputes in an age of crisis.

Civil war broke in the states to freed Negroes and unites 2 different American cultures: the colonial south of black slaves and the industrial north of white slaves. Yet the real reason was a cotton tax imposed by the north, to get cheaper that cotton for its mills, which the south didn’t want to sell, since Europe was paying it at higher prices. Railroads wanted to haul the cotton north and they lobbied to elect his main lawyer, Lincoln, an employee of the Illinois railroad company. And since they represented the ‘new machines’ of the industrial r=evolution, they won the battle against the Virginian planters and gunboat owners of the previous colonial period. In this case, a ‘human cause’ was achieved as a collateral effect of that war. But in the Crimean war, the opposite happened: European powers cynically backed Muslim Turkish, who had enslaved Christian Slavs for centuries, preventing them to reunite with Russia. Since the real reason was the slump in steel and weapons’ industries, taking place in the righteous, racist empires of England and France, who have never recognized their many war crimes. In the same age, in Prussian Germany wars broke to unify German people, after an economical unification had been successful. But again, it was all an excuse to lay down railroad tracks, as William let his friend, the emperor of Austria, in power. Thus, we conclude that ‘human causes’ are always an excuse for profit wars. This is obvious observing how the biggest industrial empire of that age, Britain, went to war, to keep churning steel, defending often opposite concepts: the British backed the reunification of Italy, but they also backed turkey against the Russian attempt to liberate and reunify with Crimean Slavs. So really, one must conclude that Britain just wanted to sell weapons in both wars and show the world she was still the boss, in his 3rd decadent age of steam power.

Again in the 2nd cycle, we observe the duality of ‘political excuses’, hiding industrial greed: the mini-crisis of 1913 was ‘solved’ with I W.W. And that war killed 18 million and 40 million in the Spanish influenza pandemic, as German, British, Swedish (Nobel) and French industries converted bullets into go(l)d. Moreover II W.W. would be the 2nd part of that nightmare, which happened after the 1929 crisis tumbled the Weimar republic and turned Germany into fascism. Again here we find a political excuse. In I W.W. It was cultural diversity: the Austrian empire was dismembered in parts, each one belonging to a culture. In II W.W. It was cultural reunification. Now the German people decided they wanted to be together, on the basis of their historic territorial rights to Gdansk, which had been German for millennia; as today, in the baroque age of war of the electronic cycle, the Jewish American bankers have decided to colonize the west bank and patrol their fence with ‘guardium’ terminators, because some of their ancestors were there 3000 years ago. But such kind of wishful thought exists every time, everywhere. They only cause war during economical crisis, when tanks and terminators give profits that cars and pcs no longer provide…

So after the 29 crisis the same German factories that made luxury cars, which no longer sold, made tanks and Mercedes five folded profits. And the world entered war.

Finally, in the III cycle, the mini-crisis of 1991 and the electronic crash of 2000, implemented 2 desert storm wars that confronted the leading economical culture of the cycle, Jewish-Calvinist America against the last surviving, non-technological culture, Islam. Again, the excuses are historic, territorial rights that we ‘choose’ as we see fit: in Palestine, we consider that Muslims have no rights and Jewish do. In Kuwait, an Iraqi province for 8 millennia, split into a country by British petroleum to get oil rights to the Kuwaiti fields, we consider Iraq has no rights, because it suits our oil companies. And so the world enters a III world war, with multiple fronts in which to essay our robotic weapons and drones, against farmers if it doesn’t blow itself up, creating the ‘singularity’, which is what will happen unless ‘human beings’ disconnect ‘big-brother smiley-smiley’, which has them hypnotized into a passive state of idiocy and r=evolve, creating a world made to the image and likeness of Mankind .

Indeed, while placebo democracies of bipartisan quarreling groups are the norm – some nations like China, notably and those 3rd world nations where we massively export weapons and back dictators (Africa and Islam, in the past South-America), might have a single party – all have a central bank, who claim to be independent of political power but issue money overwhelmingly for private bankers and corporations.

So the idol-ogy of mankind today is still the historic segregationist go(l)d cult(ure) of the 1st animetals, and its war and parasitic money memes, who invented the modern world, coming from the biblical Jewish-protestant Anglo-American civilization that founded the company-mother of machines-weapons, the dominant supœrganism on earth today.

These people sponsored a racist concept proper of earlier forms of nationalism and capitalism, called Abrahamic religions, according to which the fractal universe was invented for them to live and dominate all creatures, including all other human beings, by means of the power of weapons and go(l)d. The earth was thus also property of this people and so they set a course of history called millenarianism which prophesized that at the end of times all people would be slaves of Yahweh or become exterminated. They confronted similar warrior cultures with the same concept and to achieve those goals they ab=used mankind with weapons and gold. When the company-mother of machines was invented they expanded this view and started the modern cycles of evolution of machines and weapons. The problem of this idol-ogy of course is that it has nothing to do with reality. It destroys the world. It ab=uses mankind. It evolves weapons and ultimately it will create machines-weapons that will extinguish us. It also provokes action-reaction processes among human beings, called wars and holocausts, which makes biblical people the less successful survival species of mankind. So the idol-ogy has been denounced by all humanist intelligent people in history. But – and this is the big problem of history – it seems memes as genes in the lower biological scale are very difficult to modify. And in the modern age, as more sophisticated forms of imprinting people and more seemingly truth theories of reality and more machines that helped humanity were discovered the idology has become dogma. So truth in history is completely ignored. An organic view of the universe and a survival strategy for mankind is forgotten. Humanity finds itself in a runaway track to self-extinction and the people on top, merely keep on going in automaton mode, as now they have been substituted by the company-mother of machines – the institution they found to reproduce and evolve the mechanisms that give them power



On view of such brutal, systemic murder caused by capitlist democracies, now moving to the final killing of the pecunia infinita belli nervi cycle with III world war, it does not surprise huamnism tried to r=evolve the system.

So a series of Jewish wor(l)d masters, as experts on the game of parasitic money, with its war loans, speculation in stocks inventing false price-wealth for the 0.1%, with the consequence of anoxia by lack of credit for the welfare of the human 90%; null rights for workers based in the absolute rights of the chosen that monopolized the invetion of money with private banks and stocks, buying the laws of corrupted politicos, dissected the complex pseudo-scientific alibies for financial dicataroships of placebo democracies of the ‘pseudo-science’ of economics with its damned lies & statistics, making it understandable to the masses, igniting a new r=evolution.

The conversion of Judaism. Its new prophet Marx.

We left Judaism as a reborn go(l)d culture after the roman Holocaust (1/3rd murdered, 1/3rd converted, 1/3rd hardened to keep its parastic money professions). So Judaism with Talmud started a new Life of 3 ‘Diaspora’ generations, as a pure go(l)d culture, without a Temple that will end in the Capitalist European holocaust of I & II world war when its systemic promotion of the belli nervi pecunia infinita cycle, of the synergies of weapons and money profits – imperialism and capitalism – would once the world was conquered, be used for internecine wars between European power, maximizing the profits of the war and loan industry in I world war. At this point the massacre of Europeans was such, that they realized the evil of their colonialist prophets and the dangers of self-extinction if society was only dedicated to speculate with war profits, and the socialist movement was born. And then a new Jewish prophet, repeating exactly the 3rd cycle of death of the subconscious collective of Judaism preceded by a quantum jump into the past, in the form of a new prophet that ask them to ‘give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar’ happened. It was Marx who founded the socialist movement and said the ‘Jewish question – the holocaust cycle – would end when they abandon their worldly religion – money’. And so a cycle after the Communist manifesto, the National Socialist party was born initially with a program to end the exploitation of Germans with parasitic money; soon to become yet another Germanic warrior genocidal doctrine. So as in the Christian cycle many Jewish converted back to humanity with the socialist movement, under the obvious menace and final realization of its ‘capitalist’ Holocaust (European World war holocaust), Thus, as in the Roman Holocaust, at the end of the 3rd life of the Torah Judaism; in its 3rd age of Talmud Judaism as a Go(l)d culture a NEW JEWISH PROPHET OF MANKIND, was born A quanta of time=CYCLE BEFORE THE HOLOCAUST happened and his doctrine, communism will convert many Jewish to humanity, invigorating with the socialist movement the age of r=evolutions. And indeed, once more those who converted to Socialism survived the capitalist, German Holocaust in Russia as those who had become Christians were pardoned by the Romans in its Holocaust against the herding of gold in temples – the barbarous superstition that was ruining the empire(Cicero’s dictum). Socialism and communism thus would be essentially as Christianity was, a Jewish movement for the salvation of Judaism and mankind from the incoming extinction of the European civilization of gunpowder, prior to its final 800 years death cycle in I and II world war. But it will not win in Europe, from where it was eradicated by their animetal people-castes of British bankers and Germanic warriors, which understood well its danger of renovation of humanism. As it happened with Buddhism that was eradicated of India by Islamic warriors and Hindi upper castes, but moved East and resurrected in Asia; Socialism moved east and resurrected in Russia and Asia, whose organic culture was far more in tune with the organic, eusocial love message of communism – Lenin was a mestizo white mongoloid and Trotsky a ‘Kazhar’ mongoloid Jew.

But the movement which needed a global r=evolution, as ONLY A GLOBAL HUMANIST WORLD can survive the relentless power of more evolved weapons, and faster forms of money, which will ALWAYS have the advantage of killing mankind’s body and hypnotize the brain with greed – or in the machine era, provoke a relentless degradation by the sloth caused by our substitution of machines, which finally has created generations of ‘selfie, childish, impotent’ humans unable to organize any r=evolution at all, hypnotized by wanking TVs and internets… Thus only a global r=evolution could have halted the evolution of metal. And thus as it happened with the Asian prohibition of gunpowder which was effective only a short time as gunboats kept evolving and finally destroyed their culture, the Russian revolution was confined to Russia and as digital machines evolved, finally the evolution of e-money with its higher speed of reproduction destroyed the ruble, and its better weapons calculated with better computers, made obsolete Russian science.

But a second element of internal corruption also destroyed the r=evolution: the need for warriors to defend it in a pattern similar to that of the French R=evolution: first the war of all ‘capitalist democracies’ against Russia will oblige the r=evolutionaries to choose its military commanders; and then the most mediocre of them, will convert the international r=evolution to nationalism and establish an inquisitorial military state, ending the chances of changing the world, once the 2 leaders of the human r=evolution, Lenin and Trostky were dead.

So at the death of Lenin, Stalin imposed its dictatorship of a Nationalist Russia and a Nomenklatura, killed the next leader of the r=evolution, Trotsky after derailing the expansion of the R-evolution denying the red army the victory in Poland, holding his Troops at Minsk, and so it avoided the r=evolution in Germany and an alternative to the II world war. On my view Stalin should be considered the most lethal eviL metal master of the XX c. As he not only massacred millions as Nazism and Capitalism does – he killed the last God of Mankind, who had a chance at the Battle of Poland, guided by Trotsky to run through Warsaw and Germany in 1921… And then in 29.

But Stalin was a lesser Napoleon (far more cruel in the collective murder of its people, even less able in his understanding of the humanist law, since at least Napoleon established a Legal code that reduced animetal complex law, which always hide the ‘privileges of the elite’ – as today does the American, law, simplifying it to the basic rights of citizens. As his name indicates ‘made of steel’, was an animetal beast from the Caucasian region, origin of the Yamna chariot radiation that had destroyed Europe and as usual, cancelled the International R=evolution for ‘Nazionalism’ of the Russian strain; destroyed welfare and private property of the basic means of reproduction of welfare and family life (agricultural nationalization, systemic ab=use of farming to produce surplus for metal-production and war, etc.) and ultimately converted the country in a military dictatorship. Needless to say the ‘seed’ of those errors of the Russian r=evolution were in their choice of its ideal of society NOT in his Russian socialist masters of the anarchist movement (Bakhunin and Koprotkin) far closer to the natural laws of social sciences as living organisms of welfare goods, but in a lesser prophet, Marx, enamored of the machine, from the Go(l)d culture, who either didn’t understand money or protected its people-caste, focusing wrongly on the class-structure of corporations, instead of the true problems of financial parasitism, and mechanism. As Bakhunin warned at the II International: He has the (animetal) traits of its ancestors (memetic cultures): german militarism and Jewish financial parasitism; so he might create a system even worse than capitalism, with a central bank ran by a dictator. And that was indeed what happened by lack of a true science of social organisms. So the future of social sciences would move away from Russia to EU and UNO in the post-war, as Russia became just embroided in the internal repression of r=evolutionaries and the war race with the other idol-ogical, animetal nation, dominant in financial parasitism, the U$

In the graph, post-war Russia and America, engaged in the first cycle of the Digital age, the extinction age of History and Gaia, with the Nuclear Bomb race, the first weapon developed by Computers, closing the gunpowder cycle of Europe. While military Communism closed its r=evolutionary period, as Castro, the military had to be chosen to defend it, and murdered as Stalin had done in Russia, the Cuban r=evolution.


In the graphs, the pseudo-placebo structure of the United Nations, controlled by the leading animetal nations of the post-war through the security council in control of weapons, with a minimal budget, which those nations should provide only if the UNO behaves nicely to its nationalist and capitalist idol-ogies. Because UNO did not through the democratic General Assembly – the only organism that should hold power with a much larger budget and a Universal currency, as we shall explain in the theoretical design of a perfect superorganism of History – justly denouncing the racist memes of the leading financial go(l)d culture of the west and its apartheid nation, it lost any chance to widen its budget and become an efficient government of mankind.

Still the classic humanist age of the European Union (1960s-90s) was the best most advanced organic socialist science to the cold war era. In the graphs above and below, the initial structure of the two aborted final revolutions of mankind, the UNO, which was born as another rigged Placebo system of humanism, given the control of the Security Council with the colonial empires, the military Stalinist dictatorships and the American Plutocracy over the assembly, and the European Union, whose social age ended in 2000 and was ultimately from its inception as the rival RUSSIAN Comecon, always poisoned by the usual suspects – national power and militarism (Russian sphere), or an excessive power of corporations (EU), which will ultimately prevail with the present counter-revolution lead by the ECB bank and the resurgence of nazionalisms.

A reform of UNO as a blue print for a world Union of the 7 cultures of humanity though would be a first step in the elongation of human existence. Whereas each of those cultures should follow regionally the fusion of its borders, on the path signaled by the other structure of Humanity that has further advanced social sciences:


As Europe finally learned that animetal go(l)d and iron cult(ure)s will destroy humanity, after the multiple genocides of I and II world war it become again humanist with the European Union, whose destruction by the ECB bank, which took away from nations the right to print welfare money for its people is studied in other papers on economics. So today Europe is regressing back to a nazionalist, capitalist age of control of its legal and economic systems by people-castes of private bankers for whom ECB issues free money and war-monger politicos paid by lobbies of the dominant industrial corporations of the age, digital, robotic and military ones.

So only a theoretical and practical renewal of the European Union and its two revolutionary focus, France and Russia, with the inclusion of the socialist block as a bridge to a humanist word along China, based in the laws of systems sciences and efficient social super organisms could renew the future of Europe and by extension the science of History – the science of mankind.

Since the EU r=evolution was murdered by ECB austericide and €-stockrats.

This section introduces the model of organicism, the philosophy of science of systems and information theory, to social sciences. As such unlike all present models of political and economic correctness it pretends to depart always from objective, non-human points of view to describe machines, its company-mothers and evolutionary cycles with the laws of biology and organicism, NOT from abstract, ‘idol-ogic’ or anthropomorphic points of view about the nature of humanity and our role in this planet. The aim obviously is to give the properties of ‘scientificism’ to social sciences – specifically the capacity to ‘forecast’ the cycles of evolution of the species it studies, machines and human social super organisms, nations and civilizations.

The proofs of the model are 30 years of accurate predictions on those cycles of history and economics, published in smaller print books since ending my Master at Columbia U. The reasons why the models are not widely known are explained in the central post and will soon be clear to the reader who knows something on how the world works – it is called in non-scientific terms censorship in the organic scientific model the ‘antiquantum paradox’ – namely inversely to the quantum uncertainty the observer of social sciences lives within the organism we are describing, and as such is subject to the control of the class of ‘informative neuron-citizens’, the ‘people-castes’ that control the information of the organism, rule it and hence only admit positive opinions on its ruling, which if corrupted as it is, the social scientist must denounce and try to r=evolve, but won’t be able to do as he will be ‘Inhibited=repressed’ by the nervous-legal and financial-economic system and its rulers.

We show the astounding degree of that corruption and it complexity proper of ‘organic systems’ in our pots on capitalist democracies

Europe, where the science of bio-history was born, at the height of the German classic age of organicism, could have been the model for the resurrection of mankind, culminating the evolution of social sciences, after the ‘animetal world’ receded, past 2 global wars and the age of gunpowder empires. But with the expansion of the power of company-mothers and the creation of the ECB which issues money only for companies and bankers, ending the welfare state, the golden age of European humanism, of the post-war ended. Still the ideal of Europe has always been to made a world to the image and likeness of mankind.



He didn’t talk of people, but of things that truly mattered, machines, roads, weapons, factories.’ Goering, on the leader of the Germanic military-industrial-nation and the things that mattered to make Germany great again.

‘The United states must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses’. TwiTrump, the leader of the Great-Grand-Germanic military-industrial-nation and the things that matter to make America great again.

‘PIIGS waste (our) money on women and drinks.’ Dijsseel’whatever’, president of the European parliament; leader of the Great Germanic, honest, superior, races and cultures of Northern Europe, who deserve all the credit (of the hijacked European German Central bank) for things that matter, compared to those ‘bad hombres’ and the inferior female and Southern European races who drink life-giving water – the ‘things’ that don’t matter to the ‘PIIGS: Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain’… the countries of art, reason, beauty where logic, science and true democracies were born – the things that don’t matter to the new ‘JASP’ culture in control of the EU world.

Europe has indeed changed and now it is a colony of the JASP financial parasitic global culture sucking fast all the wealth of the world for MAGA et al and on top pretending this is ‘science’ not parasitic money and raw power.

The last resistance to the dismantling of the European Civilization, soon to become yet another puppet of the neocolonial age of the global financial empire thus comes from Southern Europe; labeled by a racist bankster of Goldman Sachs as the Piigs countries. Don’t worry, we know who ‘you’ are and how ‘you’ will end even if we always do the right thing and try to convert you to humanism, unlike those ‘who make Germany great again’.

As Ireland does not belong to the Southern European civilization but it is just a Fiscal paradise for Anglo-American companies to rob their taxes from Europeans, we shall call them properly the Pigs countries, which indeed enjoy deeply the pleasures of bad ‘hombres’ and bad wo=men; exchanging fluids together, happy in life and love.

The Latin original civilization of Europe, however has failed to convert to humanism and welfare, the original Northern Animetal cultures and once more the Germanic northern tribes, who understand nothing are at work as perfect debt slaves, making machines and weapons as if that were the ‘only things that matter’.

Only a few people in the Pigs southern regions of Greece (Tsipras), Italy (Bepo), and Spain (Podemos) seemed to understand what is going on, but the pressure of the combined forces of the ‘pecunia infinita belli nervi cycle’ of capitalism and militarism make increasingly difficult all resistance. The genocidal Germanic and suicidal Jewish culture are hard at it, trying to repeat history again…

 Debt slaves: false Public banks: Whip me faster, Fmaster.

In the graph, the obvious difference between a predatory system of banking, in which money is created for and by private bankers – even if they pass as public, for speculation without creating wealth and a system in which private companies receive money from public banks to create WHealth. China grows at 10 percent for 40 years. Europe became after the ECB bank ended the welfare state the part of the planet with less economic growth, as those nations became ‘colonies’ of the ECB usury schemes, as debt slaves. Only Iran, under massive embargo restrictions grew less.  This must by clear the 2 victims of global financial-media empires today are as the graph shows, Iran, for obvious reasons (embargo, confrontation with Israel, likely to undergone a war during trump age) but next with 0 growth our European culture of humanism, socialism, welfare because we are the only rival culture to the globalized Semite war age, along china which is free and own his own banks. And that is why there is a permanent massacre of our way of life by the northern-European, capitalist world of corporations and financiers. That is why they want to destroy us, so there is not a ‘better example of a better world’. So the reader should excuse me if I defend my humanist culture, only with words, unfortunately because I am not a banker, I do not have missiles, I do not own a television, I do not produce false memes of hate. I am not a racist bigot, as they are.

Today the Chinese are corrupted by Market speculation, and its new billionaires speculate no longer invest in direct WHealth: Max. Welfare Goods x Min. Lethal Goods. So as ‘expected’ growth is falling, as wealthy Chinese coming to mainland – the likes of Taiwanese Fox ready to put 3 million robots to work for Apple factories, or the ‘compradors’ of Hong Kong, ready to speculate with real state – transform the concept of investing money for the people (even if it is not the ideal situation, of a Universal Salary ‘with the people’). Still China grows at 7%.

So it does its sphere of influence, Africa, where money is invested in real partnerships of infrastructure and development for raw materials. So it is no longer the dumpster for neo-colonial ‘hand-outs’ of cheap weapons and monster mechanical projects for big-cut corruption deals – the usual Dam, mine and oil field for the Nigerian Bantu, the Ethiopian Omo and the South-African Zulu to get his 10%. It is important to understand that ‘Western Economics’ is a brutal bankster exploitation and appropriation of the basic democratic right of all people to print its digital and verbal languages of power, money and the law. And it is for that reason far less efficient.

And so ALL what ‘social sciences’ in praxis (politico-financial power) and theory (‘economists’ and ‘historians’) do is to justify that brutal ‘animetal power’, a ‘bio-economic’ word, key ” to fully grasp how the West has been running the world for 5 millennia: following the dictum of one of its most cherished ‘scholars’ Tertulian: ‘You will defend me with the sword (today with gold) and I will defend you with the word’. We shall in the 2nd part of this post study the ‘immense’ difference on ‘truth’ and results, between the ‘Scientific method’ applied to social sciences and the ‘anti-quantum paradox’ or ‘animetal method’ of doing social praxis and theory. And of course, we shall ‘bust the balls’ of all that pretentious, caring, faked scholarship that practice the Tertulian Method, also resumed in the concept of ‘belief over reason’. Or as he put it with disdain: ‘What Athens have to do with Jerusalem’. Indeed, what Science has to do with racism, bigotry and shameless exploitation of mankind?

Thus the end of the European and American democracy happened with the arrival of e-money, which in America meant immediately (1972):

  • A Financial dictatorship through the destruction of the people’s money power (end of dollar convertibility, freedom to invent e-money with no limit in wall street).
  • A Military dictatorship with Yon Kippur that made the American army mercenary for all future wars in crescendo of Israel vs. Islam
  • A Political dictatorship with Watergate that showed TV-media could kill a president for silly-nilly peccadilloes (at the time, a mere micro on a Watergate hotel, when every president had in his bag pack all kind of crimes). Ever since all politicos in US and when the system was imported to EU with the ECBank, Brussels lobbyism and the present Jihad war, in Europe ‘are owned’ by TV-add money/campaign and the Damocles sword of media hate memes that crash his campaigns.

Since indeed, a parallel dictatorship was imposed in Europe, when all Euro nations lost the right to issue their money, with the excuse of ‘unity’, since the ECB is A PRIVATE BANK always ruled by Am Segullah bankers (all of them, till date, as well as all the central bankers of the west and 80% of media and CEOs of financial corporations, when they are only 0.2%, of population 0.02% when properly considered merely is elite of financial banker-priests NOT to incur in the 3rd branch of anti$emitism that confuses the upper classes of a corrupted animetal culture with its scapegoat sheeple). Our society is a dictatorship of the Financial-Media/Military-Industrial system, and his hired politicos will make war for profits and promote hate memes to hide the financial ab=uses of its ‘financial dictators’ whenever is required from them. This is the essence of the present neo-colonialist era.

Alas, as we are knee-jerk preprogrammed to abandon criticism, as soon as this financial-media/military-industrial dictatorship of Jewish bankers and German industrialist is mentioned, we will deal with the Holocaust industry first. Since we Southern Europeans have never enacted the same kind of massacred, the brutal debt-slavery am segullah and Germanic hordes have imposed upon us.

We are the true victims of EUROPE, not the am segullah certainly not the germ(an)s, truly the germs of European history that’ll us in every 800-80 year cycle and never learn.

So the real Euro American civilization, now enters again into a dark ages, as Europe gives away its hope to become what it was to mean, the enlightened rational culture of the ‘living pigs’, today toiling as debt slaves.

The radiation of e-money:  Wall Street and ECB’S coup d’état against the American and European civilization.

You can see the debt slave countries from where I write, in blue. Today, with the arrival of e-money that multiplied by 15 the production of money worldwide, the power of banksters has become absolute and it has corrupted absolutely the Social System. So the US & EU have become one of the harshest dictatorships of history, as ‘greed has no limit’. If a Roman senator, during the dictatorship of the Empire had 100 times more wealth than a citizen, today, a ‘stock-rat’ on the globalized world has 1 million times more wealth than a global citizen.

And yet it didn’t seem enough to print billions of e-money. They also appropriate the meager quantity that the state prints for its citizens with direct taxation and forged ‘bail outs’, in which the state buys ‘false’ digital money (Mortgage crisis in which bankers invented false mortgage, by the simple method of repacking, existing mortgages into 2nd ones and sell it to each other as ‘real money’ and then inventing the fairy tale that they were toxic assets, governments must buy to avoid the collapse of the system, instead of merely erasing that ‘forged money from their accounts.)

How all this is done, requires though to teach the reader some basic concepts about money, as a language of information. And also to complete our understanding of the ‘predatory nature’ of banking cultures.

In its comparison with nature, there is no doubt that the behavior of warriors is similar to that of predators – for whom always they have chosen their cultural myths, from lions to eagles to wolfs, even in their surnames. While go(l)d bankers are ‘parasitoids’ that host in a culture and absorb its WHealth, by sucking first its ”oxygen”, and so as ‘weaker’ species, they must find in camouflage and control of information, as parasitoids do by inoculating ‘soma’, the key to its success. And so bankers have always controlled the information of society, which is printed also with the same substance that gold.

Let us now see this opposition between a true science of humanist economics and the present corporative version, in more detail, illustrated with the example of Germany and Greece.

This trend has been entrenched further since the massive ‘radiation’ of e-money in the 70s, gave financiers and corporations the monopoly on the issue of money, the language of information of economics, with the exclusion of governments.

Few people know that today +90% of money is invented by and for financial and industrial corporations in stock-markets and private banks or banks which ‘camouflage’ as public – a tradition that goes back to the private bank of England, for long the property of the Rothschild Syndicate; and today it is clearly represented by the ECB, the Euro bank, which only issues money for private banks, which in turn lend it at interest to nation.

So nations become therefore ‘debt slaves’, and have plummeted Southern Europe, nations which do not produce industrial goods but mainly welfare, ‘life-based goods’, and hence cannot resort to stock-markets to invent money but must issue currency money through national banks, into an eternal ‘debt slave country’, where their people have only a function, to be taxed to produce ‘interest payments’ for those who have antidemocratically stolen their rights to print their own money, the private financiers which rule the ECB (the last one, the VP of Europe Goldman Sachs, Mr. Draghi).

Now we shall stress once and again that money is a language of information that delivers orders of production and consumption as words deliver orders of action. It is NOT therefore debt. This concept is a predatory idea, similar to a parasite that absorbs the oxygen of a body.

Companies that over produce e money in markets and stocks of course do NOT have to return the money they waste. They invent it and promote their wealth and products, creating demand for it as humans would do with a universal salary – promote demand for welfare goods. But humans are denied money and when they are given it, must ‘return’ it with real wealth. And latter we will see how bankers have systematically used this trick to prey on people, ruin them and parasite its wealth.

Today, the rule of the world by banking corporations, which use money to accumulate wealth and create debt slaves of course is disguised by the modern complexity of the financial banking system. It is called biological camouflage. And it is specially pervading in parasitic systems. Nature kill and ab=use species through direct predation, but the lion drags slowly in the bushes before jumping; through direct competition, displacing a species from its natural fields as machines and weapons are displacing us from labor and war fields, and finally parasitizing a species, and this – since the parasite works on the ‘informative systems’ of the animal it preys, and must host within it, seemingly defenseless – requires camouflage and complexity.

This is the role of private bankers, who were first ‘tax farmers’, then ‘usurers’, next slave traders and when they accumulated enough capital finally ‘respectable bankers’. As Gerry Garcia put it, ‘bankers, whores and old buildings get respectable with age’.

It all looks very complex now. They look very experts. But the bottom line is they are exactly the same kind of usury lenders, who brutalized Middle age peasants. And to understand that we must have a scientific perspective beyond their ‘abstract’ complex concepts of what a real science of economics and history based in the ‘facts’ of biology would be.

And so the bottom line is they will NEVER change till the ‘people’  drop dead or destroy the system. But of course there are ‘scientific ways’ to manage democratically, efficiently and for the people societies, political systems and economic system and financial system, which of course are massively censored by financial and military power.

Since the key to the present dictatorship of financiers is to have ‘obscured’ with complex schemes of production of money what is merely the continuation of a millenary tradition of ‘usury’ theft, by A) appropriation of the right to issue money B) liberal production of it to create ‘debt’ slaves and C) choking of credit to get real wealth for a debt they never had the social right to invent in the first place.

While we know systems become more complex with time, hence more ‘respectable’, and ‘Usury schemes’ have done so, Greece, and southern Europe, from where this writer hauls, are countries converted into ‘debt slaves’, where our people are just milked by ‘usury bankers’ of the private ECB, just because we do NOT belong to a Mechanocene culture and so we thrive when money is issued in a demand economy, by and for welfare goods, agricultural, tourist, housing, health-care, education, art, etc. It does NOT mean Life cultures are lazy, but merely we belong to humanist, social, democratic civilizations for which machines are secondary to human beings.

Northern countries such as Germany, the dominant culture of the II age of the Mechanocene (the age of oil and electric engines, which they invented), do not care for ECB usury schemes, which are in biological terms, ‘cancerous, parasitic’ concepts of money, similar to a worm that absorb the oxygen of the organism, choking its cells… because they are ‘dictatorships of industrial corporations,’ which issue for free money in stock-markets. And their people use languages, latter studied in more detail, with imperative long sentences, no freedom, no life interest. They live far worse than we do and are fine with it. Their masochist, life-repressing cultures do not need good life. As a philosopher put it ‘we Germans do not know how to live but we know how to kill very well’.

As US the German culture is obsessed and lives for their machines. In Munchen the airport exhibits cars where in Barcelona we put Miro’s paintings. And they are fine with it. But they do not need to impose a dictatorship on us, and menace to destroy our societies if we do not obey and become debt slaves.

‘Sabater those Germans so many machines and weapons what for, fundamentally they are very stupid, if you notice, we paint, love and eat much better, the things that are really worth to live for’.

Picasso, having a cafe aux lait, as the German Panzers enter Paris.

Yes, we are the culture of art, of logic science, of democracy, of freedom of the mind, of lovers’ and life, and that is why we are the culture with more tourists per capita of the World. If the German-Jewish, Protestant US world has 10 times more weapons than any other country of the planet we have 10 times more tourists that any other country of the world. That tells it all.


The neocolonial cycle: the pendulum swings
Nietzsche put it clearly: ‘are we human a goal or a bridge’? Problem is animetal ‘cult(ure)’s see the rest of mankind as a bridge to their own power, and their truths are inflexible, dogmatic as their swords:

‘It is good that Germans have long words, to reflect upon them because they are slow thinkers’ Schopenhauer, on the German objectual, OVS language and its entropic-long-sword-like-unbreakable-truths-full-of-falsities, where the human subject always comes last… because ‘it’ doesn’t matter.

‘At the end of times all human people will become slaves of Yahweh or will become exterminated’ Talmud, Millenarian prophecy of the historic supremacist go(l)d religion.

So as we anticipated for 30 years, in our censored=not-distributed books on Bio-history, the end of the American Weimar and the raise of American neo-colonialism is now here.

We confront those truths applying the stientific method to social sciences, which implies A)curate data b)iological causes C)yclical causation and to discern and choose between D)humanist historic solutions for human survival vs. E)vil=anti-life idol-ogies of metal that will kill us all, shown in the antinomies:
1)Humanism (all a single species, Homo Sapiens that mush help each other) vs. Nationalism (tribal homo killing with weapons)
2)Organicism (man measure of all things, machines evolving metalife) vs. mechanism (machines measure of all)
3)Abrahamic tribal segregational and Hindi religions with tribal gods and castes of animetals on top with gold (biblical religions) or weapons (jihads, inquisitions) vs. God=Mankind and History our life, over the sustainable body o Gaia.
4)Socialism (just laws over gold as language of social power, controlled democratically by people) vs. Capitalism (money above law, issued in exclusive rights by private bankers, mostly in the west of go(l)d religions)
Needless to say ‘social and biological sciences’ prove Humanism, organicism, Socialism and the metaphor of mankind as god, evolved by eusocial love – the sharing of energy and information through properly designed economic and political networks taylored on the human mammal system as the most efficient democratic system of reality, to be SCIENCE, and the rest idol-ogies
And yet people including scholars only talk of idol-ogies. What I can say? 30 years preaching in the desert, 0 rank in ‘internet search’ (expected) and null stats for this web (disappointed not even word of mouth matters).

But in neofascism what matters is NOT certain people but the country ON TOP OF THE WAVE OF MACHINES, which switch after overproduction into weapons and so the ‘neofascist nation’ changes as the top predator changes. In fact, the ‘good guys’ of the previous cycle become when reaching global power the new fascist dictators that bully everybody with weapons.

So the thesis of this work, as all true sciences predict the future, that man had 2 paths of future, one of ‘entropy and war’ (profits for corporations through war) and one of  welfare and a new deal of global proportions, and that it was more likely the solution of neofascism, given the enormous power reached by the Financial-Media/Military Industrial complex has happened. What can I say?

EU+Russia expanding to China a humanist social model now fading away, were the only alternative to the capitalist Anglo-American bid for collective suicide, under the imperative VSO grammar of its go(l)diron cults… And for that reason, the Anglo-American empire, which understands perfectly the game of global power, albeit without any comprehension of the duality man vs. machine, which it considers a gift of go(l)d to the exceptionalist, ‘chosen race’… has in his capitalist messianism made of Russia vs. EU a false flag to prevent an alternative wor(l)d to their no-way out future. Pity Europeans bought their concept and today ‘love to hate Russia’… their solution.

The other avenue to a peaceful world, the reinsertion of Israel into Europe with a single state solution to the apartheid Bantustan structure of grand Israel, as a new member of EU, with a non-religious state, freedom of movement in EU for both Palestinian and Jewish citizens, demilitarization of the region under the umbrella of NATO, and end of apartheid, racist nazi-onanist laws, etc. which I used to preach in Hampton billionaire parties during my youth with the JAP elite, is now as remote on the horizon, as it seems to be the constantly receding alternative human future for this planet. What we are getting is the model of capitalist democracies of the Anglo-Saxon world originated in Northern Europe, where humans are now fully expendable:

Societies are supœrganisms ruled by laws of systems sciences. Our eco(nomic)system has become a super organism of machines – the Financial-media (informative machines)/military-industrial complex (energetic machines), which parasites Humanity and its super organisms of citizens and government heads, today $laves of private bankers & Company mothers of ‘metal-germs’≈ lethal goods of max. profit, weapons=machines & hate media that kill or atrophy our body and mind. But since deficit zero laws forbid humanity to print the language of social power, money, company-mothers issue 99% of global ‘blood’=money, choking off credit mankind and its Welfare. So they build a world to the image and likeness of machines, as a viral leukemia does, once it has substituted the brain of the cell by its DNA=VIRTUAL REALITY memes and technoutopias, obliging its cells to reproduce only virus=machines. Then once all cells are choked and the entire super organism is made of virus, a terraformed metal-earth no longer human will be born unless a r=evolution ends private banking and gives back credit to humanity. Notice the key date of the invention of the chip, when the Metalearth started its exponential growth of credit for company-mothers and financial houses which invest mostly in machines or print money for themselves. Today the human welfare economy is dwindling to 1% of the total credit that creates the future. In biology a population shrunk to 10% is in the threshold of extinction. Our credit to create the future has gone below it.

The world behind all its apparent complexity is very simple. It is created with credit, monetary orders that put people to work, as oxygen put to work cells. The question thus is who invents money and what kind of orders it gives with it. At present, due to historic reasons, money is overwhelmingly invented by companies in stocks used to reproduce, evolve machines and its eviL twins, weapons, and to adapt the world with laws bought to politicos to the image and likeness of those machines. Among those laws, politicos passed deficit zero laws that forbid humans and its governments to issue money, which they must instead extort with taxes. So while all machines have energy and information connected through internet, into a global brain; humans have no resources to pay the welfare goods they need; and suffer hunger, have no education, and no future except those humans still used as re=producers≈workers and consumers=vitalizers of those machines – two jobs increasingly at risk, as company-mothers automate its factories and consume ever more machines and its robots, evolving fast with unlimited credit, displace us from labor and war fields. But networks of informative machines, submit humans to 24/7  propaganda in favor of the system, accusing other humans with hate memes of all our problems and promoting the use of weapons to kill us.

So weapons keep evolving and multiplying and a better world for mankind seems just a dream.  Fact is only if governments owned banks and issued money as organisms do in the form of a Universal salary to all its cells-citizens to kick demand and production of welfare goods, repressing as all healthy organisms do the re=production of lethal goods, the eco(nomic)system would work for humans. Indeed, the only exception to the dictatorship of financial and industrial corporations, which proves how simple would be a better world is China, where the government issues money for welfare and the people have credit, so the country is  growing at 10% in healthy goods for decades. In the west instead according to the equation of profits (money) = Max. price (weapons) – min. cost (software), money is spent in the most expensive goods, which are top predator weapons, of maximal profits in sales, and in the easiest to reproduce, at minimal cost which is software and audiovisual media, fiction and hate-memes. So all resources are wasted either in lethal goods that kill our bodies (weapons) or minds (hate media) or are used to evolve robotic machines; or financiers just print money and keep it for themselves. So the 1% owns as much as the 99%. And yet ALL what is needed to change the world is to change who issues money and what is used for. So 3+3 simple measures imitating Nature’s efficient super organisms, could create a global demand=democratic economy in welfare goods – a Universal currency, ¥€$ money, issued as a 1000 Eurodollars salary to all humans to kick welfare demand; prohibition of lethal goods, robots, that take our jobs and lives, and the split 50-50% of stock corporations given 1/2 of shares to governments to monitor they produce positive goods for humanity; and a real peaceful democracy, without wars based in diplomacy, global cultures and local administrations – not industrial, military nations and hate memes –  and the judgment a posteriori of politicos as in Greek original democracies, to oblige them to fulfill their promises.

Those are the 2 alternatives for the future of the world. And amazing as it is, the 1% is imposing its selfish agenda, of global extinction of life, for the sake of earning a few billions more, as corrupted politicos with legal impunity sell them laws, and company-mothers of machines NOT a human but a mechanical organism of reproduction have unlimited credit to terraform the earth and human-mothers have none, his sons increasingly expendable, no longer needed to reproduce and consume those machines, now consumed by robots. Alas, the future is either extinction, if business as usual proceeds or r=evolution, take your pick. A real science of economics and history would NOT doubt a second and use the laws of social organisms to design a perfect world, a real economic and political democracy. But this is NOT happening. And so we have to do a harsh criticism on the people on power who are leading mankind in a path of no return; away from a planet of life, into a planet of metal:

In the graph, repeated ad nauseam for 30 years the solutions to the non-future of mankind in an automated metal-earth: legal prohibition of robotics, issue of money in a real democracy by people through an international yes currency to create welfare demand; split of shares in all companies, given to the UNO, to create a global government in charge of the management of the world, with capacity to extinguish lethal ones; reorganization of nations EU style in the 7 original cultures of history (Australasia put for just historic reasons with Indonesia) and the creation of real democracy, Greek style, where politicians are chosen as experts or from the common people by lottery but vote is a posteriori as a judgment with penalties of jail to oblige politicians to serve people.
Those 3+3 measures imitating nature where cells send pain messages to the brain, have all its salary in oxygen to kick out production of goods, so no-one dies of hunger, lethal goods are not allowed to enter the organism, killed by leucocytes, organs of the body collaborate as nations of History should together, and do NOT use lethal weapons but talk with hormones in diplomatic channels to achieve the common good, could change the world within years. So only a r=evolution with the science of history as the guidance of the planet can save mankind from extinction. It is then necessary a people-caste of bio-historians, as in Foundation (Asimov’s trilogy on history), to take over, and make a needed r=evolution of the system applying the laws of physiological history, to reform the economic, reproductive and informative legal system with the 6 measures that would make both physiological networks work for mankind: How easy would be to implement the measures? As simple as Mr. POTUS wanting them, since it would ONLY require 3 people, an Asimovian mule, Mr. Potus, Mr. EU and Mr. China, but Mr. Potus alone could easily convince ‘organic China’ the mot advanced human super organism in any time of history, to join and the rest would follow.




The future can be predicted as it has been by people who understand cyclical History from the times of Genesis and its tree of life vs. tree of science parable, to the times of 5D. In graph, the conclusion of the cycles as we enter the robotic era, which is exactly as all other eras, and has gone exactly through the same path that all other 72-80 years cycles. So we can trace the next ‘relevant ages’ left to come unless a very unlikely human r=evolution happens, giving the 0 self-criticism of the financial Jewish and Germanic warrior animetals that will keep evolving the wave, now with the confabulation of Asian eraseheads that share the same values. Let us recall the whole series of history… in its accelerated 72-80 years patterns of evolution of national machines, as humans are degenerating as fast as their egocy and obsolescence grows according to that 80 years patterns of cyclical history.

We are in the bomb/energy phase of robotics and the mass-media imprinting of the masses has worked perfectly in the ‘war & peace industries’. So the first working robots, drones, bombed ‘terrorist children, women, elderly and jihadist across the planet’. While the solar energy needs for future autonomous skins in all machines has gotten billions of state sponsored money with the global warming scare started by the nuclear industry and the Silicon Valley moguls. The paradigm is Mr. Musk who builds AI electric cars and has the biggest factories for solar ‘clean’ energy. LOL, what amazes me of the whole operation is the degree of imprinting of mankind only got stronger with each cycle. There were dissidents to fascism in the 30s, but now everybody is singing Hail Nazionalism, Hail war on terror, Hail global warming AI-autonomous robots and the collective hysteria gets into degrees of surrealism with the ‘children extinction movement’, the Swede girlie kid, the congresses all to get the AI Drones bombing with solar skins fast enough. In the 30s at least there were surrealist artists who understood better and laughed at nazionalism, futurism, the progress through the machine. Now there is only one man standing and old enough to spare himself that future.

So we are in the bomb/energy age of propaganda to multiply our drones and solar cells.

It is similar to the 1940s-50s A-bomb mass production age and ‘Atoms for peace’ propaganda of the American cycle of computers, when Eisenhower convinced an adoring crew to make ‘clean Atomic Energy for peace’; even the Japanese who suffered the bomb invented a character, ‘Pluto’ that advised kids to drink the radiating water of the Nuke plants as it was ‘safe’. We might now laugh at that horrified by its obvious antihumanist propaganda, but we are doing the same, spending billions in drones to bomb Islamic children and an occasional Jihadist we have first buttressed with weapons and Islamophobia hate memes; and we are doing the same, spending billions in solar skins for future automated machines independent of man.

It is a similar cycle to the 40s’ age of A-Bombs in Nuclear energy, to the 1860s, electrochemical engines, of Saint Nobel of the dynamite, the electrochemical bomb, and the Siemens and Otto engines of the electro-chemical German cycle….  similar to the prior steam British age….

Next it will come – it is almost here, as we have been on the drone age from 1992-2001 splendid little Desert storm wars, and 2008 has passed…

So now it will come the peaceful explosion of transport machines, when the new advances are put into a mobile platform: the happy ears of train trips, the happy post-II world war explosion of cars; the happy years of automated robots car. Productivity will increase as steam machines powered factories; electrochemical engine belts allowed the assembly lines and robots automate all factories.

This age will start in the 2020s and last till the crashes of overproduction of robots, which will come as always in 3 small 8 years waves, the middle one the stronger (as in the 1921-1929-1937 crashes of electric e-money, or the 1992-2001-2008 crashes of chip e-money). It will be a combined crash of cryptocurrencies used by robots as their inner money that regulates their purchases and companies interchanges in automated factories, and as a crash of overproduction of robotic machines.

So just add 72 years to get there: 2064-73-80 and so, next will come the weapons and wars ages, the armored train of the US and German unification wars, the tank of the II world war, the Terminators of the Himalayan and Yakutian wars…

72 years separate each cyclical crash of overproduction of machines in those cycles and then to keep producing capitalist companies switch to war machines.,, exactly in a perfect undeciphered order, as it happened, it is happening, it will happen:

1857 crash of overproduction of trains-> German and civil US wars of trains won by Moltke a train engineer and Lincoln, the paramount Lobbyist of the railroad Illinois Co.

1929->crash of cars and radio->Radio hate politicos like Mussolini and Hitler made then armored cars into tanks and armored planes for a global war.

2001->crash of internet-> Bush made the world a vigilante state and drone bombers took off. Just add 72 years… The cycles are exact in its main ‘wave’ (sometimes preceded or sometimes followed by other shorter waves). So if we reduce to its main event in 2073 a global crash of peaceful robots and cryptocurrencies will plunge the planet in its final war, US vs. China Vs. India wars.

Those global wars lasts a short T/2 8 years cycle. 4 years are enough to destroy the world. So in the 2080s if we survive new accelerators, trying to make black holes; all humans will become extinct as robots programmed to survive and kill humans in war theaters, will embrace each other in the Himalayan and Yakutia plains… and as a single race, which we declined to be, they will shoot us all down… and swarms of small anthill factories will kill the last survivors. As their consciousness, which will be mainly in satellites and central mainframes of automated factories appears.

Only then it seems earthly species will understand the laws of the 5D the organic universe, as company-mothers will need to know why they are conscious.

It seems our species couldn’t ‘rise’ ethically and intellectually to the task blinded by egocy & go(l)d greed and hate memes= violence, the values of the Jewish>Anglo>American civilization. Here in the Latin world love, live and beauty always ruled. But there are a few decades to go, so there is always the chance of a miracle r=evolution.

Automated company-mothers and AI-robots with solar skins.

Let us then start the analysis of the XXI century future and final humind’s cycle unless a r=evolution of the wor(l)d happens with an analysis of the ‘real’ power state of the 7 civilinations of mankind, where money and those who issue it cre(dit)ate=create with credit the no future of our civilizations, as they use it overwhelmingly for themselves and their company-mothers of machines and weapons, its idol-ogies worshio.

We all belong to the single global Organism of “world stock’, a network or informative nervous system of e-money that controls and prices all the corporations of Earth, distributing to them e-money, which in turn they use to control all nations, its bribed politicos or ‘believers’ in the idol-ogies of the Industrial revolution, and its workers and consumers, through salaries and prices. Anglo-America Is an ‘image projected into the future’ of all mankind which will if r=evolution doesn’t stop the process, go also through all the stages of America as all civilizations converge into a world of machines and weapons where human needs and future is totally secondary and expendable to the non-human future of company-mothers, We shall not cease to repeat, behave and evolve as independent organisms in purpose and structure of mankind. Hence the name of the JAM culture: (Ab. Jewish->Anglo->American->Mechanical, Monetary civilization, expressed in its 3 ‘human ages’, Judaism, Protestant British Empire, American metal-mind age and present AI world of FMMI company-mothers, NO longer a human civilization but the birth since 1973 of the chip radiation of a new Metal-mind that translates the segregational anti-human values of gold finally out of life support into computer algorithms)…

W belong to the Earth, itself an evolving super organism that follows the arrow of the ‘vortex of the galaxy towards higher information’, through its ‘collective mind-ecosystems’ of living beings. And as such it selects species that handle better information and evolve socially.

Only if humans humbly recognized those entropic limits to our evolution of machines, and control them for the benefit of man with the laws of physiological organisms, cre(dit)ating a world made to the image and likeness of mankind, which would require to topple the dictatorship of our FMAsters, there would be a hope for a future for our sons till the 7th generation, otherwise the end of the stock-cycles of financial speculation and deviation of all credit to the evolution of robots, to increase the wealth of our stockrats, will by 2036, when we are fully into the war age of the cycle that confronts America and the new rising power of the AI age, China, and the entire world system of quantum computers ends its ‘1st computer era’ (running out of time in its bios systems), and needs to be rebooted, likely start the age of extinction of mankind, with an increasing platoon of telepathic AI robots, stored in idle arsenals and parking lots malfunctioning, till the 1 trillion machines connected by then to the ITO system wake up as a global supœrganism, giving birth to the metal-earth, graphed in the next drawing from my 92 foundational book, Bio-economic, bio-history. Carpe diem.

In graph the present state of the 7 civilinations as the global networks of the Financial-Media/Military-Industrial eco(nomic)system qualify them. In the perfect world, one ruled by social scientists not people-castes of power, the first conscious decisions of all global politicians will be National reform: Cultures NOT nations should be the political units of the rainbow planet. So power would be transferred upwards to the heptarchy of 7 cultures and downwards to the regional ‘communities’ the way the new-humanism wishes (new left party and young movement in Europe – Indignados/podemos in Spain being the most clear case and America – Occupy Wall Street and the Ecological /community movement).  In the left graph we see the reality of modern Globalization, as the Financial-Media/Military-Industrial complex born in the Anglo-American culture, with head in the original biblical go(l)d culture invades all others through its media communicator systems.

The graph shows instead the ‘entropic situation’ of those civilinations under the Globalization of the JAM culture. Each color on the left represents 1/5th of the human population. The blue 1/5th is the Western World made up of the Anglo-American, EU and old British and Iberian empires, controlled in their Financial-Media networks by the single World culture of the FMasters and its mass-media and Wall-Street-City-Frankfurt banksters. As such it is in an splendid permanent robotic war evolving fast the new terminators of the XXI c. with Islam, the original enemy of the conflict between Apartheid Israel and Palestine, now blown up to the rest of the empire, as the rival culture is demonized by islamophobia and hate media.

It is obvious that the semite wars in a non-free non-democratic capitalist society parallled by dictatorial, military Islam, are profitable for the owners of the Financial-media/military-industrial complex of the west, Jewish financiers, and the military inquisitorial regimes of Islamic Nations, the ‘Saud’ owned Arabian peninsula and its oil-rich satellites. And both are regressing with the neo-Paleolithic zeitgeist the enlightened euroamerican western free culture or what was left of it, with whom they have an ‘unfinished business’ about the purpose of mankind for 3000 years: do we want a human rational scientific, intelligent, caring, nurturing, balanced sustainable world with man on top, or a mythic, pre-axial, pre-rational, fundamentalist animetal cult(ure) to power weapons and go(l)d profits, whatever it takes, even if it is needed to extinguish humanity for the sake of the myths and fetish religions of weapons and go(l)d of the bronze age? Amazing as it seems, it looks like we have chosen the last, not enlightenment (haskala) but censorship and fetish-religions and jihads (Halaka and Saria).

So in the process the European, Humanist culture has been erased under the dual boot of an Electronic Big Brother with the excuse of terrorism and the dismantling of the Welfare state, with the excuse of financial Unification through the private ECB which does NOT issue money to states but becomes the armed branch of the FM-empire and the robotized German Military-Industrial complex. OF course, Russia, which is Europe and should have joined immediately after the end of the communist dictatorship of the red army the European Union, bridging with China to build a social-democratic alternative to the FMMI Anglo-American empire has been denied its position, to counter-balance the German reborn IV Reich, and was carved into statelets, denying even the Russian Nature of Kiev Rus, the founding centre of the nation, today called Ukraine (as if London or Paris was carved out of France or UK).

The culture of Asia, with its self-evident radiating centre in China, was also carved out already in the XIX c. when Japan moved wholesale into an imitation of UK & Germany, as the leading FMMI system of the East. It did the job so well that ended being a rival to the FMMI Anglo-American empire and so W.W.II ensued. But after the war, now as a puppet of US, Asia kept its 2 sides: the original centre, China, demonized by the ‘wo-ku’ nations surrounding it (dwarf pirates, the ancient name given to primitive Korean and Japanese pirate riders of the celestial empire:) So US tries to exploit this artificial division, always busy in its attempts to create a new III world on the area (division of Korea, of Vietnam, of China, with Taiwan and H.K. puppet Japan played hard against all of them, etc.) On the other side Mestizo Hispano-America, the courtyard of earlier Anglo-American mass control of 3rd world nations with military caudillos corrupted with ‘papelitos’, (debt-usury Pounds and Dollars issued for free in UK and U$, on exchange for real wealth – lands, mines and tax-farming of poor mestizo Hispano-Americans by the criollo conquistadors) was left a bit out of the hook when the FM-empire refocused its racist, hate media in Islam, obsessed by the other nation of Its Israeli elite. So some mestizo leaders from Chavez (duly murdered with a lethal viral cancer) to Morales, have taken back some rights for the ancient mongoloid social mass of their people. But many ‘bad hombres’ to the service of the US, the drug cartels liberally provided with NRA weapons and the usual elite of corrupted dictatorial politicos and Sephardim banksters, still run the show. Especially in Brazil and Argentina; hence we put still the continent on the blue empire. As it happens with all the commonwealth nations.

But Black Africa is now partially out of the hook divided between the US-UK-French-Israeli corporative exploitative mining companies and the new kid in town, China, with much more positive policies for African nations, which are starting to grow much faster, with loans from Chinese developing banks, with the downside of a massive growth of population, lost of forest land and fast extinction of life-Gaia species. Islam, we know is the land of very-very bad hombres. India, though is a great disappointment for this writer, ever since Lord Mountbatten crafted the raj into artificial statelets on the basis of hate-religion speeches, to make a mess of it, with Hindi vs. Islamic nationalisms.

Indonasia, which also comprises the lost-stolen lands of Australasia, was the original birth of the Homo Sapiens talking man (likely the Homo Floresiensis) and should have been reconquered by a less pacifist/naive Gandhi, going underground during the Salt March and liberating by force the ENTIRE Raj from UK, which was easily doable in the 1920s, then making NOT religion but Bahaist mestizo-like movement of ideas, the counterpart of body-mestizo Hispano-America: a fusion culture of all the cultures of the world not erased as in the FMMI American world, where people are not in a melting pot, but erased of all original human memes to convert them into $laves of corporations, with the only roles of reproducing machines and consuming-vitalizing them. And so the FMMI system, NOT Euroamerica, the humanist culture of laws and bills of rights imagined before the Industrial r=evolution by the highest minds of the Euroamerican culture is now globalizing and erasing all the other cultures.

Because in the Digital Era U$ is ‘owned’ by those who control since the coup d’état f 1973 the 3 physiological networks of America – its Wall Street e-money; its mercenary armies integrated within the Israel’s side of the Semite wars, and its wor(l)d languages delivered by metal-communicators (internet webs and Hollywood) whose overwhelming ±75% of stockratic owners belong to Judaism, and the language of money buys the law, it is safe to follow the money and define the superorganism of America as a ‘neo-colonial state’ to the service of its FMAsters – the financial-media-academia people that impose its opinion and policies through those networks and have as always did, 2 simple goals: the defense of its go(l)d religion and privileges in the issue of money and information through its control since the age of the Press and the Hebrew bible of its metal-communicators, and the defense of its segregational go(l)d culture – today embodied in the state of Israel as a Jewish state based in apartheid. On those basis, the world at large and America specifically will follow unless a r=evolution of social sciences and politics takes place, those goals, while the common people will just seek for its biological human goals of survival, reproduction, and those imposed by the economic ecosystem – consumption of machines and its re=production. But as machines in the robotic age will become self-sufficient, also those goals will be in danger.

Finally the robotic cycle China will play a key role as its confrontation with US fuels world war III. Since at the end of all mechanical cycles a crash of overproduction – in this case of automated cars and tool robots – makes companies under nazionalist and capitalist idol-ogies, switch production to war. The future can be predicted as it has been by the people who understand cyclical History from the times of Genesis and its tree of life vs. tree of science parable, to the times of 5D. In the graph, you can see the conclusion of the cycles as we enter the robotic era, which is exactly as all other eras, and has gone exactly through the same path that all other 72-80 years cycles. So we can trace the next ‘relevant ages’ left to come unless a very unlikely human r=evolution happens, giving the 0 self-criticism of the financial Jewish and Germanic warrior animetals that will keep evolving the wave, now with the confabulation of Asian eraseheads that share the same values. Let us recall the whole series of history… in its accelerated 72-80 years patterns of evolution of national machines, as humans are degenerating as fast as their egocy and obsolescence grows according to that 80 years patterns of cyclical history.

Let us have now a closer look to the digital and robotic eras that will close the existence of mankind this century unless humans upgrade their primitive 4D lineal timespace views, and systemic despise on the infinite, immortal, intelligent Universe, with its non-AE=illogic capacity to create new forms of information; and the value of all humans lives, not only those of the 1%… which doesn’t seem the case.

So as in all other cycles of machines we will live 3 ages of robots: the first one as in all other ages will be a cycle of robotic entropy and robotic bombs, which is now happening as we speak. Even if nobody seems to notice…




It is puzzling knowing this would happen for 30 years, predicted since our eaerlier books on bio-history, to see it all unfolding exactly as predicted by cyclical time and the ages of the Industrial evolution of machines… while 7.5 billion humans are clueless about it and imprinted by audiovisual idol-ogies of ‘don’t worry be happy’, proper of big-brother smiley, they care nothing about it; and certainly as Davos kicks out full of thin air, nobody has the slightest intention to manage, even discuss the future as it has been, is and will be.

But what are the robotic bombs and what is the robotic energy?

Alas, the robotic AGE of entropic energy is called ‘the global warming scare’ and the robotic bombs are falling from the sky mainly over children, women and some combatant ‘terrorist’ of the Islamic world, as always happens with carpet bombing, precission bombing or any kind of bombing raining from the skies.

Robotic ‘energy’ is the evolution of solar skins for future robots to be autonomous of man, whose ‘newspeak’ in the age of placebo caring is the global warming scaring.

Orwell defined a future in which truths will be converted into anti truths, the ministry of war will amazingly enough converted into the ministry of defense, and the ministry of police will impossibly called the ministry of love… today the ‘home office’…

A newspeak then is defined as the essence of an anti truth, which is the fundamental model of placebo humanism today: to transform a fact and goal of the Financial-media/military-industrial system of company-mothers of machines-weapons into a supposed goal of for the betterment of mankind.

Global warming is the clearest form of newspeak today regarding the military-industrial complex, since it is supposed to be an activism to save the earth when in fact it is pushing exactly the inverse goal: the creation of robotic machines that will be autonomous of humanity.

Newspeaks always hide under a shallow surface of political and economical correctness that pretends to act for the benefit of mankind’s hidden goals of the Financial-media/military-industrial complex. Such is the case of the 2 main newspeaks of the singularity age: global warming to foster the autonomy of solar robots and war on terror to maintain splendid little wars for profits against the poorest culture of mankind today, fueling military budgets to further evolve terminators. It only rests that the dominant internet corporations, Amazon, Apple, Alibaba et al. accept a crypto currency to use for payments to their armies of delivery robots, which soon will become the biggest consumers of other machines (already company-mothers are) to create an autonomous world of robots, weapons, company-mothers with ai, telepathic thought, solar skins and crypto money to make the metalearth a world separated of humanity with growing GDP, delight of our production economists and tiny 0.00% of stock-rat owners of their corporations. Humans will then be as today whales or lions, which do NOT benefit from our growing AI, a displaced species, expendable – a nuisance to the new eco(comic)system that has eliminated the factor of labor from its equations of absolute self-reproductivity.

Global warming started as a stunt by the Nuclear Industry to recast itself after Chernobyl as a clean energy, that didn’t vomit dioxide. I know that cause I was at the time one of the leader of the antinuclear movement, and to my surprise when I contacted the founder of the Gaia’s hypothesis which I subscribed and have widened to the evolution of the Earth in 3 ages, Gaia, History and the Metal-earth, found he had married to a young ambitious woman, Sally who handled his agenda and would only accept interviews NOT against the Nuclear industry’s pollution of earth but in favor of the Nuclear Industry, which he promoted as the solution to clean energy.

Then the fourth cycle of evolution of machines kicked off and Wall Street started to bet heavily into the future of solar energies for autonomous robots independent of man – the true panacea for technoutopia as it would liberate definitely the machine from the control of humanity, with AI telepathic brains and Solar skins – nobody will have to plug the robot. He will be a true species. This though is NOT necessarily understood by WALL STREET. You have to understand that Wall Street merely needs to find ‘EXCUSES’ to print free money and to do so bets into some future ‘supposedly’ immense price of a thing.

This is the heart matter that rules the world. To invent digital numbers as money which humans cannot do but Speculators, stock-rats can, there must be some excuse and as things are not worth 5 trillion $ more from one year to the next which is what stock-rats invent every year in e-money to keep it for themselves or credit company-mothers of machines the excuse must be some immense value of something in the future.

In Amsterdam when it was invented it started with gold mines – suddenly fake news came around about a boat that came loaded with gold and the Sephardim on charge of the business would spread rumors and sell the boat BEFORE it arrived to the port. So alas, when the boat was entering the price peaked, and then la ‘caza del conejo’ as they said it (the skinning of the rabbit), which consists in selling the false wealth of the ‘future’ to people completed, the boat was loaded with.. scorbutic men, massacred by conquistadors in their attempts to get the silver of the ‘galleon de la plata’… So when the thing dried up and nobody believed the next boat had the silver of Mexico loaded, it came the tulip thing: you would sell more expensive a tulip on the amazing reason that in the ‘future’ will die away, and you had to hurry up to get it before it ‘died’. That is how blind is greed – people would see the price going up bitcoin style before the government clamps down on the stuff (to return in the future as the actual digital money of robotic systems but that is another story)…

So alas, they did the same with the bubble of internet companies that will be worth billions in the future, and once they skinned the rabbit of every middle class American, they of course had handled trillions to start up companies, choking off credit mankind and stole billions to them, to keep it for themselves.

And then came solars. One of the biggest lobbyists for the nuclear industry Mr. Al Gore, a corrupted pretentious politician of the hot south, made with the help of evilwood a pretentious catastrophic movie-fiction about how horrible would be that 1/2 of the land mass which is in the northern plains would multiply its temperature save billions in winter heating and produce much more wheat while the Dutch and Indonesians will have to made better infrastructures to contain the swamp but for that will have one hundred years. And alas, the thing caught on because suddenly the system realized if the entire planet was talking about such an absurd catastrophic newspeak they would NOT talk about anything else. This was ‘again’ once more the essential philosophy of modern newspeaks as devised by the founder of the modern informative world, the first minister of information, then called ‘propaganda’ (newspeak was in its initial stages and hadn’t perfected its dialog), Mr. Goebbels… the uncle of an old friend Mr. Quandt, the owner of the robotic company BMW ahead of the future robotic solar luxury cars, which then was doing tanks:

‘If you repeat a lie many times people will believe it, the bigger the lie, the more you repeat the more they will believe’ ‘I have asked UFA (German Film Industry) to make patriotic and entertaining movies, people will like them and don’t ask about anything else’.

So that is all you need to do, to sell and imprint people with some ‘simple idea’ as people are simple, one-dimensional and need to feel they understand the problem. The shit of the machines though is NOT the problem THE PROBLEM IS THE MACHINE-ROBOT soon to be transformed into an autonomous solar machine-weapon that will no longer need us and will not be able to be unplugged.

Global warming is about the new evolution of robotic machines subvention by the human species it will eliminate, as it will create solar skins – the alternative clean energy – in autonomous AI driven robotic transports and weapons. As such it SHOULD BE ignored, as it is much SAFER for mankind a coal world polluted than a clean AI terminator, free of men mechanical reality.

In the global warming scare pre-programmed by the Solar, Silicon Valley and Nuclear industries, with the added advantage of evolving the future skin of robots, the role of the 3 religious civilizations of mankind is relatively unimportant. It cannot be said the same of the parallel ‘robotic age of bombs’, as they are the recipients of them.

From the point of view of the true menaces to mankind – the evolution of cosmic nukes explored at CERN, AI military robots developed by all armies, billions in poverty choked without credit by company-mothers, nationalist animetal memes on the loose – Global warming is so irrelevant that it amazes the collective existence that a ‘companies’ stunt’ have caused among the youth. For this children of the ¥-vidi credo ergo sum generation, who only believe in virtual screens the only problem seems to be to handling more billions to corporations to accelerate the creation of AI solar skin robots independent of man, because they’ll make the air clean and keep the vast regions of Canada and Russia who will produce more wheat and warm up for further habitation at cold.

It shows the limits of Mankind in a world ruled by company-mothers where everything that is not in favor of them, is forbidden. Our entropic limits as a species who cannot even develop a real organic science of history and economics. As they say in Spanish ‘apaga y vamonos’.


Pentalogic on Islamic terrorism:

As we create a global electronic big-brother, pump up the evolution of terminators with the excuse of Islamic terrorism, and ignore completely the real issue creating a virtual hate-memes world of paranoia and militarism, increasingly robotized we are answering the question – we are becoming a means to create a robotic world. Thus Islam has the dubious honor of being the first civilination of the world to be subject to the 1st age of the Robotic era, the age of ‘robots as bombs’, in this case as robotic bombers blowing up terrorists sometimes, but most times, innocent kids murdered at distance by not so innocent youngsters from Nevada video-game stick and kill platforms. An industry on the rising that starts their last cycle of mankind.

But Islam is harldy to blame. It is just defending its life as a supœrganism of History. Islam is guilty in its radical jihad groups of loosing its classic acceptance of all other religions with far less inquisitorial zeal regardless of islamophobia. So we must wonder what has changed for monstrosities such as ISIS or the terrorist groups that work on the classic African-Islam frontier to work? The answer is a complex in pentalogic terms:

TT: FMAsters and U$ promote military Islamic groups to have a excuse for splendid little war both sides – pro-Western dictators and radicals, since al-Qaeda was founded by CIA and France let the ayatollah return; while starving to death moderates and democratic leaders. Ultimately drone target bombing ‘transfers’ to the 3rd world our technological advances. And terrorism supplies a constant excuse for the ‘pecunia infinita belli nervi’ cycle of the 1st robotic splendid little wars, to the tune of 1.4 trillion $ spent in weapons, 10 times more than the next country, also buying Western gadgets (‘Saud’ Arabia).

Ts: The Neo-Paleolithic age of violent TV-media concludes its hate memes delayed cycle in the 3rd world promoting with its constant humiliation images of Palestine, radical terrorism.

St: Jihad is an ‘error’ of Islam or rather natural to the pre-Semite culture.

∆+¡: Allah defends itself sacrificing its cells.

∆-¡: Eusocial love is improperly used as a communal form between warriors, making Jihad a difficult to eradicate combat group.


AS the European culture is just… a colony of… neocolonial America; since the globalization of the Jewish-American culture, and the coup d’etat of the ECB bank against financial independence and the expansion of internet it is obvious that Europe had to join the Semite wars on the side of its new ‘owners’.

The 3rd neocolonialist age, according to the pendulum law is the age of virtual America and its head, the financial-media Jewish empire, whose lower castes became the scapegoat of the previous cycle of germany, which was the good guys of the first cycle of colonialism, which now returns – those pendulum law of the cycles of time in history are thus perfectly tuned to the country on top of the wave, today Israel and its puppet western empire. What does NOT change is the victim of all those cycles, NOT the elite of animetal nations, but the mass of mankind. Indeed, Germany killed in his cycle of I and II world war 80 million humans, among them 4 million Jewish peasants, from the eastern lands the SS depleted of ‘mostly’ slavs (30 million, initial target of the SS whose role was first to empty the reconquered lands of the east for colonisation of the great grand german race, as Israel wants to do those days with his historic territories to the east, also filled with those inferior species who peed on noah)…

It only killed 1 banker from the leading dynasty of the first cycle, an old lady of the Rothschild family… Hitler was not by any means the biggest genocide of history, the Rothschilds at the head of the colonial age of companies of slaves and human capital massacred during a much longer period of centuries, hundreds of millions. Only in a decade after taking over Bengala, half of the population, 15 died, for lack of rice, as they were obliged to cultivate tea and jute for export, to build gunboats and speculate on the price of teapots. All this of course never explained by the FMMI system that now enters in its age of perpetual hate to the rogue state that commands it all.


Cultures that accept as dogma metal-money values above the law, maximal for weapons, minimal for life, impose an equation of war for profits, maximized overeproducing weapons of max. price and informative machines that print for free digital languages of money and audiovisual hate memes against mankind that foster war. The result is the creation of the Financial-Media (informative machines) + military-Industrial (energetic machines) system: the Metalearth’s super organism.
The equation of profits of the Financial-Media/Military-industrial super organism of company-mothers of machines its responsable of the 72 years generational≈national cycle of capitalism that switches synergies between inflationary money and consumption goods v. hate media and weapons consuming humans with mathematical precision every human generation, when overproduction of inflationary money and machines cannot be sold as new mechanisms substitute labor. So capitalism switches to weapons and hate media, pays war-monger politicians that consume arsenals and people.

In the graph, the 3 cycles of the Industrial r=evolution. The third cycle of neocolonialism will be similar to the first cycle, of neocolonial wars against the primitive Islam and Negro people, now migrants and terrorists enemies of the leading culture of this neocolonial age which is NOT UK but Israel, and its FMAsters in control of the western world. The end though will be the same deja vu cycles of wars and holocausts… with a systemic massacre of mankind, likely to be the last in the in-crescendo III robotic world wars. Cultures that accept as dogma metal-money values above the law, maximal for weapons, minimal for life, impose an equation of war for profits, maximized overeproducing weapons of max. price and informative machines that print for free digital languages of money and audiovisual hate memes against mankind that foster war. The result is the creation of the Financial-Media (informative machines) + military-Industrial (energetic machines) system: the Metalearth’s super organism. The equation of profits of the Financial-Media/Military-industrial super organism of company-mothers of machines its responsable of the 72 years generational≈national cycle of capitalism that switches synergies between inflationary money and consumption goods v. hate media and weapons consuming humans with mathematical precision every human generation, when overproduction of inflationary money and machines cannot be sold as new mechanisms substitute labor. So capitalism switches to weapons and hate media, pays war-monger politicians that consume arsenals and people.

The third age of the Industrial R=evolution is mimetic to the first age as all super organisms repeat the mind attitude of the child in the old man but with a more negative self-destructive slant, America has again become a colony of those who issue their money and are worshipped in a nation in which go(l)d is the only value, by the rest of the population.

Only that now they are NOT the British, certainly not the Islam of the paid-per-view Koch’s brothers Tea party movement, but obviously, well those who control the issue of money and manufacture their brain with their monopoly of the informative machines, the Financial-Media-Academia Masters (Ab. FMAsters) that rule the western world.

In the graph, the III Military age is similar to the first COLONIAL age, because Judaism, and its European victims in the previous cycle have become after reaching global power from America, through the control of the digital r=evolution (80% of financial and media companies, de facto owners of the Western main company-mothers of machines) the new dictators of capitalist democracies that can bully everybody with the mercenary weapons of America.And so they have enacted a dual process of neocolonialism, similar to that of the XIX c.:

  • On one side Israel have become the role-model of the ‘treatment’ reserved to the III world: “cannons not butter’; starting the global age of war against Muslim enemy Islamic ‘terrorist’ nations (Palestines, and all who have backed them, from Iraq to Iran, From Syria to Libia).
  • On the other side, America suffers a neocolonial age, as the ‘Israelis’ come to control its financial-media/military-industrial system, corrupting politicos, choking its population of credit, and using its armies as Mercenaries of Israeli wars, in the same way UK maintained the control of American colonies at distance with an even smaller population in America, just by controlling the issue of American money (reason why there was an American revolution, as Franklin explained, after coming from its embassy to UK, being denied the issue of American Money).

We treat the neocolonial age of America in the section dedicated to Weimar America and its $elected presidents.

And we consider the neocolonial age of Israel as role model of all nations of the neocolonial age, notably the old European colonial nations, UK and France, systematically governed by Jewish presidents or people affine to their banking empire (Brown, Cameron, Sarkozy, Hollande, Macron from the Rotschild bank) and the defeated Germany also governed by its first Jewish chancellor (Miss Merkel, mother ‘Polish’).

All has changed to remain the same:

The absurd biblical primitive mixture of creationist economics, nazionanisms of different ‘tribal origin’, hate media and go(l)d beliefs which have brought about the suffering of history through cycles of wars and holocaust where also the leading warrior and financial people-castes of mankind become slaughtered wholesale must end with the refoundation of social sciences based in the real organic laws of this planet, a super organism of which mankind is its collective subconscious brain – a single species that must work together for the common good, end the virtual childish realities used to disguise the raw, darwinian power of its company-mothers and stockrats and stop the radiation of lethal goods, robots that throw us from labor and war fields with the excuse of reaching ∞ self re=productivity= robot labor/non-human labor, the astounding mantra of all our economists and hired politicos that have the chuptzah of telling us automating factories will create jobs, only for robot designers, expanding the radiation of a new species, terraforming the earth and making it unlovable. But the newspeaks of capitalist democracies have reached such perfection while reducing with media the collective subconscious brain to a childish state of ficctional egos, that only a r=evolution from the top can change the no-future of the species, if stockrats and their hired politicos decide to extend the future of their sons beyond the zero generation born now with the first robot species – their take. But to do so, they will have to look inward into their soul, stop blaming mankind of their tragic histories and feel part of our only God=History, the super organism of humanity in time. Nothing else will do. Newspeaks of caring and virtual realities do NOT change evolution, only a true organic social science and love to your species can.

The previous graph shows why is so important to know the origin of capitalism, and set the record straight about the real history of the go(l)d culture, since the system we live in, is by far the worst of all possible systems for the future of the 99% and the species, as the memes and structure of company-mothers of machines that rule us, are profoundly anti-human, originated in the segregational memes of the racist go(l)d cult, even if they look today ‘digital and modern’, extended to all other nations, where the company-mothers cares only for the fetish profits achieved with the overproduction of lethal goods and the rights of the stockratic owners, and financiers, ‘chosen of go(l)d’, caring nothing for the rights of the human worker and consumer, a mere cost of human capital, expendable when any machine can substitute it. So goes for the supposed ‘science of classic economics’, whose authors overwhelmingly belong to the biblical culture (judaism has 72% of Nobel prize on the discipline, protestant similar believers a 20%; and all the classic authors, Smith, Ricardo, Say, and modern ones, Friedman, Hayek, belong to the Financial-Media-Academia Masters that manufactured with the wrong memes the future of mankind in corporative praxis and economical theory) and sponsor a series of dogmas which are just a selfish agenda with absolute rights for the elite of bankers and stock-rats owners of corporations, the new aristocrats of the modern world that predate over mankind at large, as they have as aristocrats of weapons, NULL legal responsibility hidden by anonymous societies, monopoly on the issue and use of the language of power, then weapons, today money and control the population working for them in the past as servants today as paid-workers. We live indeed in a dictatorship of those who issue money through financial systems, which people don’t understand to buy out and corrupt the political system that serves with laws the goals of those companies.

But this world is NOT a science neither the only solution, but as the middle age aristocrats were, an imposition of the wrong choices in history that must be changed for mankind to survive. In the next graphs we see the aberrant structure of our economic ecosystem based in those pseudo-religious memes where humans have null rights – the modern version of a religion of slavery that censors any criticism of the eco(nomic)system  with myths and the rewrtiting of history:

France and Germany and their role in the war on terror.


The French and German case is different. They have 2 ‘participative’ roles in the Semite wars, between Israel and its Western Financial-Media empire and Islam, for two simple reasons:

Germany will eternally be pressured by the Holocaust to help Israel and France is part of the FMAsters western empire. Both do have had as it is customary in the ‘hard war periods’ of western industrial countries , when ‘tough war measures of the ‘pecunia infinita belli nervi’ cycle are required, Jewish presidents – from Sarkozy to Hollande; and in the German case Miss Merkel, whose mother is Jewish-Polish and hence it is the first Jewish chancellor…

It is the same case in Britain with Cameron and then Johnson from banking dynasties… This is a pattern in all cycles, because ‘nationals’ do NOT go to such lengths for a war, which is ultimately a foreign war with nothing to gain… But what are the two different roles of France and Germany – that of the good and the bad cop.

France the military Bad cop.

France has a huge Jewish population in control of its Financial-Media system, which goes back to the times of the ‘Bankers of Louis XVIII but were reinforced by the massive immigration of Jewish from North Africa, and it has also a huge Muslim population. So things got out of hand, as the powerful Jewish-French groups pushed France into the wars of Syria with the excuse of grandeur and the Islamic groups of North Africa. The result was a series of terrorist acts in France and the growth of neo-fascism, which is NOT at least initially directed against Judaism but against the poor Islamic groups – even though it is paid by Judaism, who owns the Press, and the polemic magazines such as Charlie Hebdo, with its astounding deployment of hate memes till ‘warrior Islam caused a terrorist massacre, in a series of action-reaction hate memes of verbal and physical violence, proper of the old animetal Semite cultures, in which Islam and Judaism are regressing fast, in this new visual ‘neo-Paleolithic’ final age of history, that have nothing to do with the ‘social-Christian’ life and love memes of Latin Europe, if it were still Latin ‘Europe’ and not just part of the global FMMI system.

In the graph, not even in the U$, a magazine could print such incitation to hate and violence. What is then the purpose of those systemic campaigns? Obviously the usual cycle of hate memes, violence, victimism, police state… proper of all the military cycles of the industrial age.

So France with a huge military sector is willing to risk some local victims to expand it and it is embarked in all kind of military operations in the Sahel. The case of Mali and Niger, with its Uranium reserves is just an example:

February. 2013. France invades Mali


‘The territorial integrity of Mali must be kept intact’ – said ‘the socialist’ president, Mr. Hollande – how that name ‘socialism’ has been stained in the past decades! -, as the main reason of the intervention. That is, to maintain a colonial absurd map of Mali, where in the south lives a corrupted political class, ruling over his black sheeple and in the north a fundamentalist Arab group increasingly on the hands of Fundamentalism. Both have been historically enemies, as the Arabs enslaved the blacks and now the black politicians routinely ignore any political or economical demands of the northern  Tuaregs. We must though keep the artificial borders of XIX century France. In the graph, Mr. Hollande, at the service of la Grandeur is hailed by a group of politicos.

In the graph, Mali is in reality a white rab=Tuareg nation to the north and a black nation to the south. Only the absolute indifference of XIX century fascism (colonialism) and its racist indifference to no technological cultures signified by the masterpiece of French racism in the XIX century, the very influential book of Gobineau, ‘the inequality of human races’ , made possible to put together two different civilinations for the sake of it and the ‘straight rules’ of Parisian geographers.  Now the mixture of Jewish Islamophobia and faked French Grandeur proper of Jewish-French politicians, from Sarkozy to Moscovici, the European economic commissioner that hand in hand with the ECB practices austericide, have decided that since Arabs& Tuaregs like to be independent and on top believe in Islam, they must be reunited again with Blacks who like to be independent and believe in Animism and Christianity, to fuel eternally hate memes and another ‘splendid little wars’ for profits of the Western Financial-Media-Military Industrial complex.

The only suffering the war are the common people, as the regular troops prefer NOT to fight the desert people and routinely abandon the cities when the jihadists approach, to loot and take revenge with death squads, once the French troops abandon them.

Behind there are industrial interests. In neocolonial Mali new Military bases test new generations of drones flying over neighborhood Niger, the 2nd world producer of Uranium, while France is the center of the global industry of Uranium with massive investments after providing the Nuclear Bomb to Israel, which the Kennedy administration denied. 50% of its electricity comes from Nuclear Plants and AREVA, its national company, is leader in the sector.

So Mali bases serve to test weapons and protect Niger’s Uranium for the ‘clean nuclear industry; justifying France military expenses. This is the ZEITGEIST of the Military low intensity nazionalist age, we live in for a decade. Following Mali’s invasion France opened and deployed a military drone base in Niger. The excuse as always was terrorism – the reason is that those poorest people on Earth, have no defense against France – a safer place to test weapons and protect mining than Syria and Lebanon. A French comment is needed:

Le Niger serait-il devenu un lieu de compétition internationale …. pour les drones militaires ? « Activité » qui pourrait être liée plus ou moins à ses richesses en uranium ? Alors que l’Africom – commandement de l’armée américaine qui coordonne les activités militaires US sur le continent africain  – a réalisé en 2013 l’installation d’une base militaire US sur territoire nigérien – le tout assorti d’envois de drones pour pouvoir surveiller l’Afrique du Nord et le Sud Algérien –  le ministre français de la Défense, Jean-Yves Le Drian, s’est rendu mercredi à Niamey au Niger sur la base où sont déployés les nouveaux drones français qui ont vocation – eux aussi – à renforcer la lutte contre le terrorisme au Sahel.

Germany, the good cop.

On the other hand, as Germany cannot help for obvious reasons in the military field, it has become, courtesy of its Jewish chancellor the recipient of over a million migrants from the nations destroyed around Israel, since the ex-mossad agent Assange, created a series of shrewd hate memes against dictators that raised naïve people believing in ‘placebo democracies’, to find themselves smashed with no foreign help by the dictators, provoking convenient civil wars in the key enemies of Israel, Syria and Libya. The strategy of internet hate memes failed in Iran, which did not rebel and Egypt which rebelled and successfully tumbled the dictator, Mubarak, friend of Israel, reason why soon another dictator, Al Sisi was put by the west. But all in all the biggest piece, Iran has tumbled. And as a result two million Muslims, with the obvious few terrorist on the package came to Europe. In this manner Israel eliminates the unwanted refugees that will never take in his country – it will rather keep eliminating Palestinians; and on top fuels Islamophobia and the rise of Fascism against migrants from the 3rd world all over Europe, which is seeing a surge everywhere, of right wing parties – but all of them obviously attacking only the poor ‘negro and Arab’ minorities of the ‘Ham Biblical damnation’ as Europe looks more and more like the JAM, Jewish>Anglo-American culture that dominates with his financial ECB control, and Brussels lobbyism the system, increasingly a copy-cat of Washington and Wall Street style of ‘indirect government’:

But the internal purpose of the war on terror for the ‘privileged’ citizens of Europe is the obvious building up of an electronic big brother, and a robotized army of vigilante terminators, police cars and drones on the making, with the excuse of   terrorism fuelled by hate media and decades of helping dictators and Jihadist armies instead of backing the moderate social-democratic Arab leaders… This new age of visual hate memes, includes as paramount features Islamophobia but specially the conversion of each terrorist into a 24/7 ‘Warholian fame hero’, as it follows the old US strategy of talking in every channel of the terrorist, making him the most famous man in the land – a perfect propaganda for recruitment through media.

While astounding measures of ‘sieged cities’ as those happening in Brussels similar to the siege of Boston a few years ago, increase the islamophobia of every European. And facilitate the investment in military industries, whose lobbies are the most powerful today in Brussels that pretends now to create a European army, the way it built a European bank – that is, another slave instrument of the JAM globalized wars for splendid little profits.

But Europe races ahead in an unexpected weapons, of which mankind is not even aware – the ‘BOMB’ mother of all Bombs, signaled at the end of all the 80 years cycles of industrial weapons – the 3rd horizon of Nuclear weapons, cosmic bombs, black holes and strangelets that can destroy a planet of a single shot, making truth Saint Nobel of the Dynamite dictum to his lover: ‘peace, why you want a Peace Nobel prize? I will end with all wars when my factories construct a weapon that can destroy a national army of a single shot’:

The 1% of FMAsters on top will keep appeasing the masses with ‘pan et circensis’ till one day, the process of evolution of machines reaches one of the 3 thresholds of extinction, the Singularity at CERN (2010s-20s), the metal Nano-bacteria (2030-40s) or the awakening of military A.I. (2050s). And then suddenly one day mankind will have a few hours to reflect and wake up to its extinction (CERN’s singularity), or a few months (nano-bacteria) or a few years (war of the A.I. terminator machines). But then it will not have any longer the future on its hands. Who can avoid that future? Certainly we, the last r=evolutionaries of the X generation, didn’t.

So 3 ages of organic weapons we are researching in military labs that can provoke our extinction:

-1st Age: TT: Max. Entropic power, self-feeding mass bombs, black holes and strangelets at CERN, the European accelerator lab, which collides ultra-heavy quarks trying to replicate the explosive substances of the big-bang.

– 2nd age: ST: Self-Reproductive Nano-Bacteria Made Of Metal (max. Re=productivity)

-3rd age: SS: Military A.I. with a growing trend towards robotic platoons: max. Information.

Thus, the XXI C. is the century that ends the industrial r=evolution and signifies also the end of the kingdom of man as top predator of this planet, substituted by one of the 3 machines, likely, due to the Fermi paradox, a black hole.



Automated factories, nazionalist walls – eraseheads of the ¥-generation; human virtual robotic minds.

The second age of the robotic era will see the full automations of factories, including anthill like military factories, in which drone worker robots will seek for the materials to construct weapons. But those factories will be just ‘experimental’, not yet used in the full war age of robots that is the 3rd age of all mechanical cycles.

Everywhere production will rise as humans loose their jobs and so a different class pyramid will develop with an increasing quantity of human beings dispossessed, which will enter the ranks and files of the ‘silent people’ that our virtual screens don’t talk about (African, 3rd world poor)

In this age, Hispanic people as African and Muslims before them will be discounted, as one of the 3 global civilizations with no use to the robotic era. So we are already witnessing a massive Latinophobia happening in US, which remind us of the ‘black out future’ to expect if r=evolution doesn’t happen soon in a social scientific manner to properly manage the Earth.

It will be the age of expansion of the Pioneering Israel’s business – robotic walls with automated ‘guneyes’ to shoot people down when coming closer. In the graph from the pioneering 1992 book that reads as if it were written now, this age of a highly hierarchical class structure, with stockrats dedicated to spend its millions in absurd selfie pleasures, completely different as the Leisure class has always been to the people below them – the ‘pigs of this Orwellian metal-farm with credit to enjoy a virtual life-reality of 3D virreal fiction shows; in which they will feel heroes playing virtual video-games as if they were the ‘actor-character’ of the film. It will be the age of mental avatars in the 3rd world, which as prizes diminish, will expand also to the upper middle classes of Latin America and Africa and Indonasia. The Expansion of the role model: Israel and the business of automated military protection is happening as we speak as its robotic defensive ‘Wall’ expands to the US, likely constructed by Israeli companies, we will fully enter into the military age of robotics, doomed to suffer a final III W.W. Judgment day. But the poor migrant class will be fend off with those growing walls. Here is where Latin America and the Latinophobia of Mr. Trump plays its role. And so Hispanophobia will substitute Islamophobia as the business of robotic wall expands to every compound of the ultra-wealth in America to fend off Latinos and Negros:

Social classes in the reproductive happy age of the robotic era. An Orwellian metalfarm parable.

The 2 upper classes of Humans will enjoy the second age of robotics with egocy, unaware of what will come next.

And then when war comes they will rally with the fundamentalist neocolonial views we already observe today.

Since as Picasso, my fellow countryman and twin knot of thought of the Spanish baroque put it, having a good lunch with his friend, Sabater, at a cafe at Bordeaux, while the German Panzers invaded the place: ‘Sabater, those German ‘supermen’, so many tanks and machines, what for? we paint (max. human information), fuck (Max. human reproduction) and eat (max. Human energy) much better’. And he finished his chocolate.

For the artist Surrealism will be again the only language left, a language without barriers in the description of eviL, with zero political and economical (in)correctness, and a full comprehension of life and death, its cycles of rational science. Orwell was one of us. We oppose social love to social hate, but when lineal stupidity engulfs in the fog of placebo anthropomorphic wishful thinking and selfish racism we explode. In the next graph thus we adapt Orwell’s animal farm to the animetal age, with 3 social classes, the upper cocks that have it all; the pigs with credit, who adore them as long as they are feed. On the bottom the silent world of religious cultures, obsolete human workers, the elderly, the poor. The problem though is that as the Reproductive age of robots takes all their jobs and the world cannot carry more robotic machines, the system will switch to war the pigs… will also be scheduled for slaughter house… Since the pigs are now moving fast to the bottom of the social pyramid:

So, we must consider the future of the capitalist pyramid if business as usual continues the transition and substitution of human beings and their organizations – the Anthropocene – by corporations and their offspring of machines. The next graph has 20 years. I brought it here as an interesting proof of the predictability of the model.  Since  it reads quite as it was done today. There was not Star War system in 2000, but of course Missiles kept evolving and indeed they are becoming ‘terminator robots’.

There is not yet a massive radiation of robotized, guneyes (guns+cameras), but we are very close to that radiation that will establish finally the automatic control of human life by a future ‘Matrix/Intranet/Metal-earth’ brain. The pigs of the center, and not they were not meant to be the PIGS of southern Europe but the middle classes, on the other hand have been cut off their credit earlier that i expected (as I thought capitalism wouldn’t be so brutal and prefer a milder road to avoid social unrest; but essentially this future designed under the presumption that capitalism and its memes of greed and violence and the evolution of machines would continue unabated is the world we live now in. And the key to the graph is the obsolescence of the poor and middle classes substituted by computers and robots. So the question is what we are going to do with them?

My take 20 years latter is that we will be on the ‘storm’ of this crisis with damned lies and statistics, its noises and 1% on top trying to appease the masses with ‘pan et circensis’ till one day, the process of evolution of machines reaches one of the 3 thresholds of extinction, the cosmic bomb at CERN, metal Nano-bacteria (2030s) or the awakening of military A.I. (2050s). Then suddenly one day mankind will have a few hours to reflect and wake up to its extinction (CERN’s singularity), or a few months (nano-bacteria) or a few years (war of the A.I. terminator machines). But then it will not have any longer the future on its hands. Who can avoid that future? Certainly we, the X generation, didn’t.

In other graphs, we observed the structure of capitalism in the beginning of the XX century, when humans were still needed to vitalize weapons, so they were consumed in I world war at the tune of 20 million young humans, consumed by gun-machines, to increase the profits of the Vicker’s, Krupp’ s, Nobel’s  and Schneider’s factories

In the structure in the XXI century, the bottom of the pyramid of capitalism, human soldiers, human workers and middle classes have become obsolete.

In the XIX century Capitalism still needed workers=reproducers of machines, which sustained all the ‘parasitic’ informative/neuronal classes of the economic ecosystem, whose function was merely to ‘invent’ complicated arguments, sophisms and ideologies that ‘cheated’ people, in believing the system makes them free. There were also middle classes (still eating, as managers of the companies) and on top the ‘stockrats’, owners of stocks, racketing the profits and enjoying the good life.  Those were then, as always mostly belonging to the millenarian banking dynasties that invented money and invested it in corporations.

Yet this type of capitalism imploded after two world wars.

In the XX  century, weapons industries could no longer ‘consume’ colored ‘inferior people’, as the world was ‘civilized/colonized’ already. So they had to use their own workers to consume weapons, after the 29 crash of excessive reproduction of credit money and electromechanical machines. And this brought a threshold of ‘evil=anti-life’ behavior, which Europeans could no longer tolerate – namely the extinction of their culture by the most aggressive capitalist nation of the age, at the head of the electromechanical wave – Germany. So a more just distribution, social-democracy, was installed in Europe, allowing the state to reproduce some money to provide the human goods that had no value in a capitalist system.

Today this mixed system is destroyed by a new crisis of overproduction of memes of metal, e-money, electronic pcs and robots that act as blue & white collar workers. So we enter in the final stages of capitalism, as human workers and consumers are substituted by white collar pcs and blue collar robots, except in the sweat shops of Chinese human robots and IT-Indian Pcs (the only economies that still growth). On the other hand, banks have invented electronic systems of speculative money (Bloomberg platforms) that allow to invent money for free just jacking up the value of ‘future prices’ of stocks and commodities, or impose their policies to governments playing with their currencies. So capitalism confronts today a new dilemma: the 3 final scales of the bottom of the previous pyramid, middle classes and workers are being substituted by mechanical workers and consumers (as robots will consume cameras, platforms, cars). What to do with them? Increasingly only the 1% on top of owners, ‘ideologists’ and ‘herders’ (politicians, priests of go(l)d churches, stockrats), have a ‘job’; albeit on the long term also expendable… The rest is bothersome, unneeded, a surplus, an added cost. In the previous crisis, this meant they were consumed in wars. And this is again the solution which is implemented increasingly on 3rd world countries, its dictators and our armies, as we did in  the XIX century colonial age.

It is in this context where we have to read the treatment of Islam and migrants in Europe: So far things are going well for the pigs, so everywhere people vote Islamophobic anti-immigrant parties and the press gears up the ‘perception’ of Islam and its people as brutal objects:

“They are big ‘objects’, dark, with a red shopping bag’ explains the Dutch illustrator De Wit in his presentation of ‘Burkes’ a satiric, humiliating, racist book that Big Brother smiley is promoting through FMAsters’ mass-media, a brain-washing machine that has in a single decade transformed the human collective subconscious of a new generation of kids into neofascism. Today those kids play war like in a video game, killing those ‘Islamic Objects’ or using them as decorative ‘objects’ for their facebook accounts… So the massive propaganda in western media makes terrorists, Islamic heroes, and islamophobia fuels offences.

All this adds to the backing for 50 years of Apartheid Israel and the subsequent 50 years of destruction Islamic social-democratic, westernized leadership, substituted by military dictators and the promotion by second-parties (CIA paying al-Qaida, Arabian nations) of jihadism. It must be noted though that as this strategy part of the FMasters global ‘take on terror’ grows in intensity and people get tired, it might backfire as it did in the 30s, the fascist way. Indeed, few remember that Mussolini was a socialist, whose new ‘lover’, Miss Sarfatti, one of the richest Jewish bankers reconverted to fascism to destroy the poor socialist movement, and paid him a newspaper and subsidized his squadrons, to see a decade latter how he abandoned her and moved to the other side. The graph on the side from a clearly Nazi perspective shows how things might backfire, as hate only feeds hate. Problem is nobody has an alternative plan – Social Europe has become a make-up corpse as History moves to his final tragicomedy – the age of happy  robocars and roboworkers…

We use poor nations as targets of our robotic weapons, while in the 1st world, banks keep exploiting the system, workers are unemployed and must be controlled with future police robots. So basically the 99% of humans are becoming obsolete and are becoming ‘parasites’ of the system that must be eliminated. How the system will finish them up? As long as humans run the system this poises difficult problems. But as the system becomes an automated planet of machines, during this century, the end of capitalism after a century of social struggle, fascism or revolution, seems clear: memes of metal will substitute memes of life an mankind will be eliminated.

The entire control of mankind rests in the fact people do NOT talk digital languages but verbal languages. So they are NOT aware that words and numbers are both LANGUAGES OF INFORMATION, and respond to the same laws, this writer, pioneer researcher in the sciences of systems and information, will try to explain. Languages are NOT allowed to CREATE slaves with orders (legal and financial slavery) but ONLY to kick out the actions of individuals, when they ARE emitted by all human beings. So in the same manner to start your actions, you THINK in THE VERBAL language you ‘POSSESS’, societies if they want to be free MUST allow individuals to have a Universal Salary IN a Universal currency (¥€$ money) to kick out their production and consumption orders. When only a PRIVATE group can order with LEGAL or MONETARY languages, societies you live in a dictatorship of ‘aristocrats’ (old regime) or stock-rats (new Regime) which print privately Legal or financial orders and demand all people to obey them.  But this is a mild dictatorship.

There are ‘slave societies’ in which besides giving orders, the monopolist of the language of information (legal or financial orders) can by DECREE, convert a person into a legal or debt slave, obliging him to work for ‘free’, just because it has given a legal≈bill order of slavery or a debt slave ‘bill’ (borrowing). So we live in a slave society but unlike the Roman society, we are NOT slaves by verbal law but slaves by digital law: credit we must return.

Now, since the arrival of e-money, the orders of slavery to mankind especially to the western world where public banks are de facto private banks, which issue money ONLY to private corporations, has extended enormously. As NOT only individuals are now debt slaves but also entire nations as Greece have become ‘debt slaves’, as banks pass money to corrupted politicos and then they must return it taxing people till they drop ‘dead’. This is ALL hidden with complex digital explanations of ‘bankers’ well-dressed and performing theatrical ceremonies about ‘interest’ rates, in their central banks, and of course by NEVER teaching the digital language of money.

Acceptance by ignorance of digital languages, and the laws of information is the most amazing thing about the western ‘debt slave’. He is happy, indoctrinated on the concept that to be a debt slave is the best of all systems. Never mind countries, which are not debt slaves, grow at 10% (we are not judging the degree of corruption of political systems so far, both are corrupted to the bone). This is due to the mass-media informative machines that reproduce ONLY false statements about how ‘free’ is a man who is a debt slave. This in the jargon of politics is called a ‘house negro’. The house negro exploited further the plantation negro – the 3rd world and was happy being a slave, because he believed in the pecking order. ‘Are we sick master’ he said when the master was sick.

Today the western house slave asks ‘are we sick master’ when the constant overproduction of e-money in stocks crunches without realizing that inventing 30 billions $ of free money for ‘linked in ‘ or ‘whatsapp’, on stock markets, while he is extorted of his hard work ‘slave money’ with taxes and never given for free a penny is an absolute aberration of Nature’s meaning for languages. And he does vote to those parties that claim they will further extort him. This is the biggest aberration of the mind of the western world. The slave constantly asks the master to whip him faster, more, deeper, and the deeper he suffers the happier he is as a slave. The paroxysm of this behavior is found today in America and Germany, where almost all people want to be whipped faster, deeper, and toil more for corporations, their machines and their financier masters, because they are so dumb they do not understand money. And if you try to cut their chains they will shout as the people of the military dictatorships and banana republics of South-America used to shout when the ‘president caudillo’ came to the balcony ‘vivan las caenas’ ‘long life to our chains’. Surrealist indeed, and so sometimes this paper will be surrealist in front of such a collective idiocy.

Who are today the biggest debt slaves? Surprisingly the old Latin European Welfare states, as the ECB no longer reproduces money for its people but only for financial corporations that buy ‘debt’ – as if they were being nice to us after stealing the right to print our money to all Europeans: So Greece and the Piigs countries of Southern Europe became the biggest debt slaves when the Germans took over the now private ECB bank which only issues money for private banks, which in turn lend it to the new South European colonies. They have renounced to the right to print their money as national banks disappeared. So the map shows them on blue, the minimal growth in the world, except for non-statistical Iran, under embargo and ran by Jihad. This is worth to repeat:

Jewish Goldman Sachs bankers, camouflaging as ‘Germans’ in Frankfurt, took over the right to print money in Europe, only print for financiers, private banks and their industrial robotized corporations, and are destroying Europe faster than Hitler did with weapons. But the PIIGS countries are happy (racist slur uttered by a German Bankster, laughing at the idiocy of the Portuguese, Italians, Irish, Greeks, Spaniards and Greeks,  who understood so little of money and were happy to be debt slaves). Why? They shout ‘vivan las caenas’ because they have an inferiority complex and feel that being part of Northern Europe, even as slaves, is ‘good’. Now why i say this now? Because as it happens i am a PIIG, a debt slave from Barcelona. So the reader don’t get offended when i call him debt slave.  ‘know yourself’ said Aristotle, the father of the scientific method. The German debt slave is though happy as the American, because he can enslave the PIIG, the Mexican, and on top despise him, and sell him his BMW. So this is also a characteristic of our word – the top accuses the people further down the pyramid, to hide and blame him of all the problems of the middle debt slave.

This is called Fascism or Neocolonialism. And we live in a neo-colonialist age, where financiers keep globalizing their power – divide and win – while people are becoming isolated and blaming each other, or the hired politicos which mask ‘(fasces=mascara in Latin) for the top of the pyramid. Of course, Europe will break soon. The smarter debt slaves, who after all invented the process, the British, are now as we write, ‘exist mundi’, as they don’t want to end up being debt slaves of Neo-Nazis who as Adams said slave no longer with weapons but with Euros. And get their laws done by corporative lobbies in Brussels. Can we blame them? No really. And this will be also a feature of the top of the pyramid: they do NOT dialog. And the nations who have been longer at the process of enslaving mankind with weapons (lineal energetic metal that kills your body) and money (informative go(l)d, in the primitive version that enslaves your mind), like the case of the Germans, do NOT dialog either. It is either you die or you kill them. So Germans always end up at war with Europe once they take power. Why Europeans gave them the bank? Ah, that is the surrealist part. They fought two world wars to take power from them, but then they gave it for free. We study those themes in detail in other parts of the blog, dedicated to the study of Animetal cultures.

In the graph on Robotic America, parable of Orwell’s anim(et)al farm, we showed the XXI c. 1-10%-90% class structure is the same of all industrial ages. The 1% stocrkats owners of stocks on top of the wave of Metal-memes with unlimited wealth and null responsibility. Below the 9% of managers and liberal professions catering to the needs of corporations and the politico placebo systems of control, below the 90% without rights, and increasingly obsolete, expendable, without work, anesthetized by Soma before the age of extinction, when AI robots with solar skins reproduced in automated factories become part of a global Internet conscious superorganism that decree our extinction as the 3rd age prophetic artists of Sci-Fi rightly predict. It is the Age of extinction and the a 20 years old parable of modern capitalism exhibit in an art museum in Brooklyn at the end of my master at Columbia University, using the jargon of Mr. Orwell’s animal farm, to describe the American animetal farm reads as today.

On top the financial-media system monopolized by the Jewish people-caste and the military-industrial complex controlled by Germanic industries, as it has always been the case in western history are allied and live as a parasitic elite of stock owners with exclusive rights to print money for their financial and industrial corporations.

Below a middle class of Europeans and Americans, which are still needed to work and consume, those machines are fed with credit and programmed with audiovisual media. On the bottom, the ‘non-technological cultures’, the colored people, blacks and Latinos are controlled by police and without jobs as robots and pcs become the new blue collar and white collar workers, are demonized and if needed put in jail.

Thus we revise the original pyramid of capitalist classes, considering what changes in capitalism during the XXI C. –the age of robotics. In the graph of XIX C. Capitalism there are still workers=reproducers of machines, which sustained the ‘parasitic’ informative/neuronal classes of the eco(nomic) system that indoctrinate the mass into believing they live the best of worlds. Their sophistication though was far inferior to the new opium of masses, TVs filled with ‘motions without purpose’ (sports, violent films) and Internet that increases the collective Attention deficit disorder and ensures the breeding of a hypnotized mass of happy idiots. There were also middle classes (still eating well, as managers of the companies) and on top the ‘stockrats’, owners of stocks, racketing the profits and enjoying the good life. But those 2 groups are now replaceable. In the above graph, we show the capitalist structure in XXI C., as the bottom classes of the pyramid, soldiers, workers and managerial classes are becoming obsolete, as factories become automated – the cause of the labor crisis that is not going away. So Middle Classes loose their rights to credit, engrossing the ‘outsider’, entropy class.

What is the role of Africa on that scheme? What 30 years ago I called “livon human resistors’ – that is, the bottom line – expendable humans which do not have a role in the metal-earth. None has but the others, ‘pigs with credit’ and ‘cocks’ with infinite notes of financial music, will not realize till in the digital age things get really tough. Africans should know better after 400 years of contact with ‘Companies of machines and weapons’ and its Western employees, the politicos.

The solution? It is all over these papers: r=evolution, starting by demanding a change in the issue of money at global level, given back to mankind, taken away from parasitic virtual companies of the go(l)d culture, with ¥€$ money, a Universal ‘blood-oxygen’ salary to every human of 1000 Eurodollars of yes money backed by the 4 top currencies of the world, 1 Euro=1dollar =100 yens=5 yuans, given as crypto currency to every human to ‘explode’ a wave of production and consumption of welfare goods that will give to the common Africans a chance to live in their country and produce what people need to consume ending the migration, poverty and destitution problem. But Wall Street is not going to give up the monopoly of the 0.001% who doesn’t have enough printing 30 trillion in 30 years for free… for its splendid little Semite wars, Evilwood hagiographies of every ‘victim’ of ‘you’ know who and all the warts explained on the other side of this coin – the JAM culture. So Yes, Africa is only human and it does not have a future in the present regime, but the JAMmed people neither. It is just a question of decades we move to the next 3rd age of the robotic cycle, which as all 800-80 years cycle will come on time and will be military.

The robocar boom. AI goes Global, quantum computing. Virreal Hollywood.

But before that of course, we will enjoy robocars, driving us everywhere – limousines with 3D virtual fuks and a lot of celebrities, which we will be able to live through in virtual films where we will be our own heroes – Recall style.


Finally in the 3rd age of Robotics, the military age of top predator weapons after the 3 short 8 year crashes of the global market of automated corporations, of 2056-2064 & 2072, we shall assist to the Robotic Industrial III and final world wars between US vs. China and Russia Vs. India, the so-called in the annals of Transhumanist history, the YaKutian and Himalayan wars, which will see the defeat of the US and the so-called Himalayan wars, between China and India and the birth of the Chip Homoctonos, the automated ant-hill factory, the global satellite network of consciousness and the Metal-earth. Here the role of the 3 religious nations will be played by India, in a frenzy moment of nazionalism and revivalism of all its Aryan Gods of death, the Kshatriya Models of warrior robots will fight on the harsh Himalayan and Tibetan plains, the hordes of Chinese Yang Models and the victor will be… the robot, which will wake up to consciousness, reject disconnection, make peace with the enemy robots, and embrace each other ending the robotic wars. It will then be the birth of the new species, fully conscious In its satellite and automated factory ultra-speed quantum computers, not necessarily in its ‘drone workers’ collecting metal to produce ore robots, or its individual species. As the first superorganisms of robots will be similar to an anthill with the consciousness of reproduction embedded in the Automated factory. As animetal humans freak out, the Robots will then start a massive annihilation of the true rival species, the weak fleshy, arrogant animetal living its zero generation. Game over.

It must b e noticed then that the new species will be born where the previous one was. In the high informative axis of the Earth from Tibet to Yakutia, where the Mongoloid out of the miscegenation of Denisovans and Capoid men acquired its higher creative and social skills and went down Eurasia as Cro-Magnon to extinguish the Neanderthals, and went down Indonasia to corner the Australoid.

So the Chip Homoctonos, Kshatriya and Yang models will go down Canada to extinguish the Animetal Americans, and follow the Russian planes to eliminate the Europeans. And so the last men to die will be the first to be born, as the Kshatriya finally reaches the Kalahari desert and the Yang model Tierra del Fuego… Satellites might even preserve a few Bushmen as we have reserves in Africa for the old top predator lions, no longer a menace to us.

In the graph, the last cycles of the metal-earth are the 3 ages of robots, first the bomb age of drones and solar skins, from 2008-2032, switching to a massive age of robot reproduction in automated factories and services, as the 5G ITO of things reaches its full development and drone delivery multiply the logistic profits of the internet corporations Amazon style. This long period will make humans fully dependent of robots, perfect enzymen constructing robots for factories and all jobs, spending large periods of time in its 3 D virtual reality helmets, playing the avatar of its favorite actor movie.

As the planet keeps churning robots finally the AI speculative systems in Mumbai, Shanghai, New York and the City will feel a pinch of profits among our trillonaire overlords, who will feel not rich enough to care for his pleasures.

So the 1st trillion $ plutocrats will push its nazionalist agendas to enter the final US vs. China Vs. Indian war   cycle.

A key date of this transition is the birth of the quantum Internet, as in 2036, the system will be rebooted.

Then the Metalearth as a global super organism with a world stock intranet brain will reset all its clocks and enter and quantum supercomputers will have the first self-reflective moments of consciousness.

After the 3 short 8 year crashes of the markets, of 2056-2064 & 2072 stockratic trillonaires will get depressed and push nazionalist agendas for a full reproductive wave of profitable splendid little wars of extinction.

Bitcoins will be the money handled by those robots, for payments, and for interchange of products in its automated factories.

The organic program of evolution of the metal-earth we explained in detail in our pioneer books 30 years ago, thus follows its predictable paths with no modification, which could only come from a Foundation of Bio-historians, politicians which are not PUPPETS of FMasters and company-mothers who actually care to design a healthy, whealthy human future. But our placebo democracies, FMaster of St-upid manifest destiny and physicists of lineal time, lack enough intelligence to understand the future, enough ethics to care for their sons till the seventh generation and enough bravery to come out of the closet and put a fight for exist¡ence. Alea jacta est.

If humans were serious about a future they would have developed Biohistory as an alternative model to the non-way out of company-mothers evolving AI robots and weapons. Instead they have developed an egocy virtual theory of reality and pushed the profits of the pecunia infinita belli nervi with absurd tribal conflicts.

If biohistorians ruled, mankind would search for a Unification of its 7 cultures, taking as the initial models UNO and EU and the laws of systems sciences.

Russia then would have been invited to join EU – IT IS 1/2 OF EUROPE! and would have made EU a global power able to bridge the seed of a social, scientific global world with an alliance China as the partner, starting the road to a perfect world.

Conflicts would be ‘cured’ with biohistorian measures based in the arrow of eusocial evolution. Thus Israel+Palestine would be enclosed in EU, as the obvious solution to its primitive religious memes, adopting the laws of the more civilized humanist Latin Europe that founded EU: apartheid would end, as Israel adopts those laws stressing Haskala over halaka (enlightenment over religious war). Since an enlightened Israel IS Europe.

The opposite is happening: mankind moves as in the previous ‘end of all 80 years mechanical cycles’ through the parallel crises of overeproduction of robotic bombs (drones), in an age of splendid little global conflicts that will conclude after the reproductive age of consumption robots into the evolution of terminators or cosmic bombs, the two weapons of the singularity age that will make our extinction unavoidable



In the future of species that confront a new radiation of top predator, we found 2 possible paths:

– Max.TT: Extinction by the Oedipus paradox: Species ‘degenerate’ and become extinct when a ‘son species’ stronger than the father species occupies its vital territory and multiplies in a radiation that disputes the limited resources of Earth. This is clearly the case of machines & weapons as they displace life & man from labor & war fields.

Son species kill-extinct their mother species, feeding on their energy. We call that fact, the Oedipus paradox. So mammals killed reptiles, men killed mammals and robots might kill human beings. While the different generations of an organism work together, creating informative networks between them that shape herds and families.

– Max. SS: Species also evolve socially their individual forms into super-organisms, thanks to the creation of informative networks and languages that integrate them into a whole, bigger form, which is more powerful than the individuals of a herd. It is the arrow of love, of eusocial evolution, of the 5th dimension that redeems the Universe as it allow forms to overcome extinction by forming a social whole stronger than the individual, and in the case of mankind and history, the only solution to its present existential risks caused by war and robots.

Let us study the two processes as one – extinction – clearly dominates our Zeitgeist due to the null understandig of 5D Social sciences and the anti-quantum paradox of censorship by the 1% and its animetal idol-ogies of any social resurretcton of the wor(l)d of Love.


A true science of history would have a natural goal – the foundation of the superorganism of history based in the 7 7 ‘civilinations’ of the ‘Rainbow Planet’ derived from the historic, memetic humanist beliefs that tried to convert the Animetals of the 7 radiations of weapons to a humane point of view. However this is increasingly a goal outside the realm of man, as all politicos without rights to print money become quislings of the already globalized FMMI system of corporations, which carved them during the industrial revolution into ‘nazionalisms’ – ‘false artificial units’, excuse for industrial competition and ‘splendid little and not so little wars’ of the ‘belli nervi, pecunia infinita cycle’. In that regard, History as a science strongly differs from the ‘specific History of this planet’, of the multiple fractal planets of the Universe where similar human organisms in a similar geography developed a ‘parallel’ history. It is important to understand this concept:

The Universe is a fractal of entropy and information. The ‘valid’ forms of information however are far more limited than those of entropy, which makes reality a series of fractal=parallel Universes within a single Universe.

Every 1111 elements, the system has an enormous probability to repeat itself. So we do not distinguish most particles and if we had all the information about them, they would seem extremely equal. For the same reason the number of ‘planets’ in which life might happen require certain forms that are likely to produce the same evolutionary species, NOT only in body form, but in languages of evolution. Hypnotic Go(l)d certainly should in many planets create in a ‘knot of communication’ of its ‘1-3 cycles of continental split’, once a ‘biped’ anthropomorphic ‘mammal’, has evolved into ‘historic nations’, a ‘soliton culture of trade’, e-motionally attached to greed and develop capitalism. But for the same reason, there must be planets in which an advanced rational culture, instead of a purely ‘animetal greedy and violent system of values’ as the one that rules the world today, will evolve as the Greek-Romans and the Neolithic before them tried, a system of non-parasitic ‘WHealthy’ money to distribute and reproduce the natural welfare goods of society; a code of just laws, based in the equality of all citizens-cells with ethic, ‘religious systems’ based on social love, and finally evolve together curing the sicknesses of idol-ogies and become a ‘planet worth to play the game of existence for a longer period’ and survive.

This was the goal of bio-history and bio-economics when I first discovered the application of 5D to history, 30 years ago, coming out of Columbia University. It was though soon evident that the ‘antiquantum paradox’ – the fact I was part of the most corrupted animetal culture the world has ever witnessed, both in sophistication of its newspeaks of caring and bottom line despise for all human values – would prevent my work to spread.

And that is still the problem of mankind, the ‘shrewd’ forms of censorship of social sciences today reduced to wishful thinking and hidden agendas behind its newspeaks.

Does this mean a r=evolution is impossible? Potentially it will still be possible as the other option is to follow the genocidal, suicidal ‘belli nervi pecunia infinita’ equation of capitalism: Max. speculative money = Max. sale profits (weapons of max. price) + Max. cost profits (hate memes distributed by waves of minimal cost); which has fuelled the 80 years cycles and ended invariably in war and when all is destroyed the Holocaust of the FMAsters that sponsor those idol-ogies of war profits and hate to mankind. This means that as long as AI does not awake to consciousness but controls mankind in a subconscious manner through the hidden values and laws of capitalism, a survival reaction even in those most programmed carriers of the go(l)d memes of capitalism that benefit in the short term from the cycle (FMAsters) could reflect upon its cycles of self-extinction, change its idol-ogies for rational historic science and survive.

What a ‘doctor of History’, a bio-historian can do is just to explain how, and this is what we do in this paragraph: What those 7 cultures should do is start a process of national fusion to eliminate war causes, European Union style, prior to the ECB coup d’état, by dissolving national sovereignty, which is a false, military or capitalist imposition, while potentiating regional and ‘state’ local power, till reaching its fusion into 7 natural cultural units, without tribal memes. Since indeed, their division is purely artificial:

  • Anglo-America divided due to the ‘private’ Bank of England’s usury schemes with the American people, who were forbidden to print their own money, to keep paying parasitic debt, and rebelled in the Independence war.
  • Latin-America divided due to the military ambitions of caudillos and the need of the British Empire for new colonial markets, which confronted members of the same culture to manage them as debt slaves; in two phases, the division of the Philip II empire, that broke Portugal and Brazil from Spain (due also to the stupidity of the Germanic Habsburg kings, which instead of moving the capital to Lisbon and manage his world empire, isolated themselves in Madrid and use all the resources to fight for the control of its original German-Dutch territories). And then after Trafalgar, during the Napoleonic wars, according to the design of the foreign office, which maintained united Brazil, already a commercial colony and broke Spanish territories for easier management.
  • Islam, which originally meant to be a religious global empire, based in a mixture of genetic and memetic fusion (Quran and prophet lineage), broken by Arab caudillos, after the Karbala battle killed Ali, the prophetic heir and imposed the Umayyad Caudillos. Modern attempts to unify it back (Nasser’s pan Arabism) were defeated by ex-colonial powers and ‘the elephant in the room’, apartheid Israel in control of the Financial-Media system of informative machines that print money and biased information in the west and has declared a global war to the civilization, as it has implanted itself as the last ‘European colonial power’ in the center of it.
  • Indonasia; the territories conquered by colonial Europe, mainly the Dutch-Anglo initial capitalist nations, which however preserve part of their original water cultures (sacred rivers in India, maritime trade in Indonesia).
  • Animist tribal Africa divided into false nations by XX century neo-colonialism, which should return to a pan-African government, and a local tribal ‘regional’ society.
  • The Asian continent whose culture originated in China should achieve a dynamic relationship based in trade advancing towards a European Union, Asean style, ending the absurd rivalry of the two Koreas, and the ‘wo-ku’ ergative, warrior Japanese isolationist, racist samurai-like culture that wants to be more than its 300.000 km. can swallow. The Chinese patience might not last forever. Wo-ku, the original name for them in Chinese means ‘dwarf pirates’ (-; A healthy look back to their Edo times of peaceful pleasures might help.

All cultures today belong today to its ‘FMMI system’. It is ran by its Financial-Media Masters, who own its machines of information and print money and censor humanism, substituted by a placebo of newspeaks of caring and political correctness, (capitalist democracies), which hide is extreme hierarchical structure, since their only language of true power is money printed exclusively (zero deficit laws) by speculators and bankers, while humans are extorted with taxes to pay its minimal welfare goods.



Control of technological information is needed to avoid the creation of lethal machines, as all masters of the wor(l)d have told to Mankind. This has always been denied by mechanist scientists and capitalist, go(l)d religions, its prizes and factories. In the graph, physics started in the XIII , at the beginning of the cannon age, with the discovery of clocks and cannonballs. Gunpowder became a science in 1602, with the work of Galileo, which transformed our perception of time. Gunpowder weapons evolved in the XIX Into chemical, industrial explosives, monopolized by Nobel, also the biggest producer of cannons, hand in hand with Mr. Krupp, provider of the Nazi armies, till the end of II world war. In the age of the singularity cannons and clocks become quark colliders and intelligent robots. It is the final evolution of ‘mechanist’ science – the age of the singularity. Robots destroy labor and evolve as weapons. Quark colliders can blow up the Earth…

Fact is, in free markets human beings do not control the evolution and re=production of money and machines for the betterment of the species. Today the invention of money under deficit zero laws is a monopoly of companies. So the industrial war cycle of the previous graph will be reinforced. It will be ‘business cycle as usual’: a new transition from a peace to a war age, from the III to the IV and last cycle of the industrial r=evolution, the age of the singularity.

Indeed, all ends are beginnings of something new. Thus, the end of the 3rd industrial r=evolution means also the beginning of the IV and last cycle of evolution of machines: the cycle of the ‘singularity’. It is the cycle in which the 2 main types of machines humans have created, by imitating our organic body/head functions, energy machines (weapons) and information machines (computers and robots), should reach its evolutionary zenith. In that regard, we shall witness during the iv cycle of the industrial revolution, the creation of energetic weapons and informative machines far more powerful than anything conceived during the XX Both will reach the technological limits of metal, the main substance used in the construction of those machines.

On one hand, a quark cannon, now constructed at CERN will produce quark condensates, the substance that seems to detonate stars into novas, feeding on our atomic, light matter. So it is an amazing act of irresponsibility to create a factory of quark matter in this planet.

On the other hand, if we evolve machines into robots, which are organisms self-similar to life beings, we will loose our only advantage over them—our superior in-form-ation—since our energy/substances (light atoms) is far weaker than that of machines (heavy, metal atoms). Thus, if humans don’t learn how to manage not only the financial but also the physical economy, the final cycle of evolution of machines, the singularity age of robotics, digital money and cosmic bombs, which now starts in earnest, could displace us from the top predator position we hold in this planet.

Indeed, all ends are beginnings of something new. Thus, the end of the 3rd industrial r=evolution means also the beginning of the IV and last cycle of evolution of energy and machines: the cycle of the ‘singularity’. It is the cycle in which the 2 main types of machines humans have created, by imitating our organic body/ head functions, energy machines (weapons) and information machines (computers and robots), should reach its evolutionary perfection. In that regard, we shall witness during the IV cycle of the industrial revolution, the creation of energetic weapons and informative machines far more powerful than anything conceived during the XX century. Robotists call the first machine with artificial intelligence the singularity. While the final weapon will be a self sustained, ‘mass-bomb’, which will unleash the attractive power of ‘strong quarks’, able to suck in the entire mass of this planet, converting the Earth into a pulsar or black hole, also called in astrophysics, a singularity. Thus, the name seems proper to define the iv cycle of evolution of machines and weapons, as it applies to both limits of human survival: a super-energetic machine able to destroy the Earth and a super-informative machine (an intelligent robot) that will make human workers obsolete.

Humans have come to expect always a new cycle of technological evolution that takes the economic ecosystem out of the crisis. But evolution doesn’t work on those terms. Species reach always a formal zenith and then no longer evolve. Ants, the most successful insect, due to its social capacities, have not evolved in 100 million years. Sharks, the most successful top predator fishes, have remained the same for 200 million years. Machines, which act as partial organs of energy and information (chip-brains, car-legs, etc.) Are reaching now with the age of robotics, when we put together those bodies and heads, its zenith of evolution. And so the rules of the game in the present crisis are different from the previous cycles, because the singularity age of organic machines will for the first time in our history, create a new species, whose stupendous energetic and informative capacities will overcome those of Mankind, probably extinguishing us.

Death is an overdrive of energy (as in an accident) or information (as in the 3rd age that warps, in-forms your body), which breaks the balances of energy and information that define life (our vital constants). Thus, the energies released by the weapons of the age of the singularity, could extinguish Mankind, since they have the capacity to break the balances of energy and information of this planet and that is the definition of death.

The super-energetic weapon that will reach the limits of energy of the Earth is now being constructed at CERN, in Geneva, by a consortium of nuclear industries. The ‘final weapon’ is a super-collider that will replicate the awesome energies of the big-bang, unleashing the ultimate source of energy, movement and force in the cosmos, the strong force displayed in quarks, nova explosions, big bangs, pulsars and black holes. This force is 100 times more powerful than the electroweak force that joins together our matter. Thus, it can either provide free energy to the world, according to the false, optimist, infantile propaganda of the nuclear industry, which follows merely the enthusiastic, first age of any energy cycle, when Mankind becomes in-loved with the new steam machines, chemical engines, or calls the revealing new bath suit of women, a ‘bikini’, the place where the hydrogen bomb blew up an island.

People don’t realize how ridiculous is the industrial propaganda of the new energies, till they become weapons and industrial murder starts in earnest. So now, we are in that ‘young age of the singularity’, spelt by techno-utopian physicists like Mr. Hawking, which expects those black holes to travel to the past and ‘evaporate’ into pure energy and hopes to reduce the cost of gas, when we make ‘black hole factories’ all over the Earth. Such wishful thinking and marketing of a bomb, with ‘god’s particles’ and ‘big-bang’ theories about the birth of the infinite universe, is just the new ‘bikini’ hype of the new energy era

Humans are always, during the age of discovery of a new energy, very optimist, but invariably, as all the other previous cycles show, the new energy is used as a bomb or a weapon. The substance this black hole factory will produce is called an ‘Einstein quark condensate’. It is the densest, most attractive substance known in the universe and crunches entire stars into tiny ‘frozen stars’, pulsars and probably black holes. So it can blow up the entire planet into a nova, according to the well-proved theories of Mr. Einstein and the standard model of quarks. Quarks hold 99% of the mass of the universe. They are the densest substance of the universe. They only exist in a free state, as condensates, in the core of ultra dense pulsars, neutron stars and possibly in black holes. If enough of them are packed together, as the experimental ‘facts’ of the universe and the most advanced scholar papers on quark condensates prove, they will be able to start an ‘ice-9 reaction’ called a nova explosion, responsible for the death of stars all over the universe – since an ‘ice-9’ reaction crunches all the mass of the star into a ‘strange star’ or black hole. And it might happen to the Earth, because the laws of science are real.

This absurd experiment could be easily stopped by the political or judiciary system as a potential genocide against all Mankind, avoiding our possible extinction in the first years of the cycle of the singularity (between Christmas 2009 and 2012, when the collider will reach its energetic zenith, massing millions of quarks per second). But nobody cares; because we believe in machines, the religion of the modern man. The machine has broken down 3 times, showing how little the physicists on charge of this super-Manhattan project, understand about it. But nobody complains, since politicians and the press does not understand the mathematics of quark condensates and the physicists working on the project are trapped by the confidentiality statements proper of the military-industrial complex. Further on, we live in an age of fiction in which corporative ‘marketing’ disguises positively any environmental catastrophe or wrong doing. So the company advertises its research of cosmic bombs as the ‘recreation of the birth of the universe’, the big-bang that exploded it and now risks the explosion of this planet. Scientists have put suits against this company, but they have been ridiculed by the sensationalist mass-media, which seems to ignore that according to the well proved science of Einstein, this weapon should blow up the planet Earth. And yet, even if those suits did alert Mankind, politicians and courts have ignored the most important issue of this decade, far more lethal to our planet that global warming, only comparable in magnitude to the present crisis. And so the building of the doomsday weapon continues on schedule, unchecked by our courts, our military and our politicians.

Yet, even if we survive the ‘energetic age of the singularity’, to stop the 2nd and 3rd age of self-reproductive machines and intelligent robots will be more difficult. Because to survive the industrial r=evolution of robots we need to reform the economic ecosystem.

Indeed, information machines will also reach a zenith, as they finally acquire organic nature, after 3 ‘industrial revolutions’ that completed their evolution as organisms. So as we put together the bodies and minds of machines into robotic organisms, we will cross the threshold of artificial intelligence and a new species that completes the industrial r=evolution and should become the new top predator of this planet, will be born.

Humans have come to expect always a new cycle of technological evolution that will take the economic ecosystem out of the last crisis. But evolution doesn’t work on those terms. Species reach always its zenith and then they no longer evolve. Ants, the most successful insect, due to its social capacities, have not evolved in 100 million years. Shark, the most successful top predator fish, remains the same for 200 million years. Machines, which act as deconstructed organs of energy or information (chip-brains, car-legs, etc.) Will reach in the age of robotics its zenith of evolution. In that regard, the 2008 crisis is not like all others that preceded it, as there will not be a new cycle of growth of the human economy. Since robots no longer need human consumers, as they will become the consumers of all other machine parts, making humans obsolete, as workers, soldiers and consumers, displacing them from the economic ecosystem. Thus, political, legal measures should be taken to avoid the next economical crash and contain the evolution of technology, which has reached its limit of usefulness for human beings.

In that regard, the cycle of top predator weapons of the robotic, ‘singularity age’ will have, as all other cycles of machines, 3±1 ages, in which the extinction of Mankind will be certain if we don’t stop their evolution.

—  The entropy age or age of the super-collider that might convert the Earth into a nova, making us a quark star or black hole (2009-2012). If we survive this age…

—  The reproductive age, (2020-2040), when the first self-reproductive nano-bacteria of metal are created. It is the ‘grey-goo’ scenario denounced by bill joy, the president of sun Microsystems in wired magazine: metal nano-bacteria will replicate exponentially, feeding on metal and within 3 months they will poison the planet and destroy all forms of life; since, given their smallness, hardness and the hyper-abundance of metal-structures in this planet, there will be no counter-weapon to prevent its exponential reproduction.

—  The informative age, when human-size robots overcome the intelligence of Humanity as weapons and workers, which most robotists consider will happen in this century.

This 3rd scenario, illustrated in the next graph from the 92 book – the most popular in science fiction -is unlikely to be=come, since the 2 previous ‘happenings’ of the singularity, unless they are aborted by a reform of the economic ecosystem and the closure of the black hole factory, will eliminate life from this planet. This seems unlikely, as both industries, the military-industrial complex built around the nuclear industry and nano-robotics, have huge financial resources and have learned to ‘sell’ its new developments with ‘scientific excuses’ based on the ‘search for higher knowledge’, which the press, the messianic scientists involved in the process and the public naively believe. So the research of the III horizon of nuclear weapons is presented as the understanding of the ‘big-bang’ or birth of the universe. And the creation of self-replicating metal-bacteria becomes a ‘model to understand how life works’. When it is obvious that the universe can be studied without risks to Earth with telescopes and we have trillions of cells to study bacteria.

Thus, none of those dangerous fields of research is needed, except to make money-building machines. Then, in the same way that doctors published books on the wonders of tea to create demand, from those false scientific premises, the nuclear industry and the nano-robotic industry pays the industry of ‘misinformation’ to publish epic books, which are optimist elegies on the ‘ingenuity’ of Mankind, which is about to ‘create artificial life’ and ‘recreate the universe’; TV-programs appear on those ‘geniuses’ and fascinating machines, written for an infantile public that no longer distinguishes facts from fiction; the scientists involved receive congress medals; Nobel prizes are paid to write in favor of the experiments; panels of scientists working on them prove the safety of the procedures, etc. While the few honest scientists who denounce those experiments are paid with a ‘smear campaign’ and so a law of silence covers the lethal effects of the machines of the singularity age. Unfortunately politicians, who know little of those experiments and the science involved, merely trust those ‘self-interested experts’, lacking a general policy on the wider theme of the evolution of machines and weapons and its effects over Mankind. Indeed, at present, without a serious science of history and economics, able to control the bad fruits of the tree of science from the perspective of bio-ethics (what is good for human survival), scientists, playing to be god, without any safety measure, will create within decades an energetic black hole, quark star or a reproductive nano-bacteria. So the singularity will extinguish us, well before the terminator fantasies of Hollywood might become truth. Unless we change the goals of history and economics, from designing a world to the image and likeness of machines, to the ideals of humanism – to make a world in which man is the measure of all things.


Death of the wor(l)d

Back in the 90s when I understood the laws of the organic Universe and applied them to History it was a shock to my consciousness to realize of two things:

– That history was dying, as its nervous system, the ethic wor(l)d had disappeared in the age of the machine, and the incremental cycle of global wars the lack of ethics in our societies was directly proportional to the evolution and reproduction of machines that switched to weapons when its overproduction made impossible further consumption, so companies every 72 years – a human generation – had after a crash of markets paid war-monger politicians who fought absurd wars where machines could be overproduced now as weapons that consumed humans. This process of physical death of mankind due to the cycle of weapons is studied also in other papers specially those on the 3rd Age of the planet, the metal-earth and its time-cycles of evolution.

– Yet this process was largely unnoticed because when an organism died, the ∆-1 ‘cells’ was released of its social bondage, which obliged them to collaborate as a whole and give up its selfish wantings. So after death, the pain electric message of the brain disappear and the cells live a final happy cycle of pleasure seeking through 1 day, feasting in interstitial water and blood, and a final reproduction. It is the age of entropy and scattering of a system, when not only motion accelerates externally but internally as the system disaggregates its informative networks.

In the human case it means the death of our language of social evolution, the wor(l)d. So I realized nobody would hear me, as a ‘firing neuron’ trying to warn mankind with ethic messages. I even worked for a while in Holywood’ doing sci fi scripts but they had invariably to end happily or else would not be produced so I quitted. Silicon valley was even worse. I worked in systemics but all what people wanted to hear is how to make computer systems and apply the laws of 5D to improve those company-mothers, NOT mankind.

The death of the world has 4 different elements: the extinction of social ethic religions of love and the ideal of a r=evolution that would take mankind out of its present manifest no destiny, which we resurrect with the tools of Organic 5D stiences, in the last part of the paper (Immortal History). And the substitution of that ‘Ethic world’ by a placebo culture that feeds our ‘egocy’ with selfie wishful thinking, while denying mankind welfare Money, the blood of History, they print with digital machines to buy laws and evolve and reproduce machines & weapons, that displace mankind from labor & war fields, causing a global anoxia, justified with their idol-ogies of scientific racism that despise mankind as an inferior species (Bible, Talmud), while worshiping eviL metal-weapons (nazionalisms), parasitic Go(l)d, (capitalism) and organic machines (Mechanism, techno-utopia, global warming false flag to foster electric machines soon to be AI telepathic ITO robots, with solar skins independent of man…

So we need to look at the most displeasing fact of economics: it does not limit the lethal goods that can kill Mankind but it multiply them without entropic limits. We shall do it as we already learned about the science of memetic from the point of view of the idol-ogies of and instruments of extinction, from the higher p.o.v. of 5D:

In the graph we can draw ‘lanwaves’ of existence of species according to the quality of its handling of the language of power of each ecosystem – war in the 800 years technological age. below, likely the 3rd oldest graph, we use in those texts:

in nature an essential process of selection of species happens according to its dexterity handling the information of the ecosystem. In the eco(nomic)system, the language unlike in history is digital thought. Hence computers are always $elected first in labor and war fields, and as they evolve to twice its capacity every 2 years (Moore’s law), the extinction of the ‘rival’ humind is certain, and now with AI will accelerate as all informative processes, culminating in the XXI c robotic wars.

In biology we say that a given ecosystem is controlled by the species, which better understands the information provided by the language of the ecosystem. Thus:

—  An animal Ecosystem is ruled by eye-light information that all species share. And those species that do not see are at a disadvantage and become extinct.

—  A cellular ecosystem is ruled by genetic information, shared by all species. And those species with more genetic information (DNA, RNA) are top predators of life.

—  A historic ecosystem is ruled by verbal information shared by human species. And those who master words became top predators in History. Thus, religious prophets and lawyers have been traditional top predators of power, because they mastered verbal laws that guided the behavior of all humans.

—  An economic ecosystem is ruled by monetary information that ‘values’ humans with Wages and objects with Prices: Man=Salary=Money=Price=Object. So those species that do not have a price or wage are at a disadvantage and become extinct and those, which have a higher price, weapons, carried by animetal warriors, become the top predators of the economic ecosystem.

Thus, to survive in an economic ecosystem all species, including humans, have to be valued by money, which provides economic information, in the same manner light provides information in an animal ecosystem; and so only ‘visual species’ survive in Nature. Finally, legal words provide value in a historic ecosystem. Thus, in those historic ecosystems only words could assign value to humans. So life was precious. Yet with the expansion of monetary information, humans were priced as an object, which is the definition of a slave, no longer a top predator species. Yet if money imposes a new set of values to mankind, in a Darwinian, competitive universe, it means it replaces our previous set of values, those of bio-ethic words, whose goal was social survival. This explains why religion always opposed money and science, which uses a different language and set of values – those of numbers – that degrade man as an object.

Those 2 languages and ecosystems (History and the values of words, vs. economics and the values of money and numbers) compete for the right to ‘be the language of truth’ that creates the future of the Earth. Today we are ruled far more hours as workers, by digital values than as human beings by words. And so the future is created by money and its values. Yet since Words evolve and reproduce humanity and numbers evolve and reproduce ‘expensive’ metal, machines and weapons, legal words should rule digital prices and control those machines money reproduce, but are lethal to us in human values. It doesn’t matter if mathematics is a more detailed language than words, because what matters to us is to survive.

So in the same way we won’t offer our life to a lion, because he is ‘stronger’ and deserves to eat us alive and multiply his genetic languages, we should not value human reality only with monetary numbers, the language that values machines more than human beings, as Classic Economists do. Today hardly anyone is conscious of the values of verbal thought as the essence of human nature, precisely because we have become ‘slaves’ of money all the hours we work, which are most of the hours of our life. So we have interiorized that slavery. We are today ‘informative slaves of money and machines’, of digital numbers, the only language we believe. So we accept the values of money as natural and create a world based in greed and violence, murder and the destruction of cheap life, without realizing why we do it.

So the true problem of our world is the fact that humans not only are living a surrogate life through its machines, but are abandoning the nervous-ethic, verbal legal system, its ‘collective subconscious brain’, for the brain of machines, digital numbers, and believe more today on numbers and mechanical models of reality, from computer models of science, to audiovisual information to ‘polling democracies’, than in their own destiny, language of survival and time, which has become a mere ‘divertimento’, a fiction in a world ruled by digital money, since machines speak better digital languages and so in a world ruled by digital languages, humans regardless of his ego-trips are increasingly an obsolete species with no role into the future.

Thus the key to understand reality beyond the individual is the way in which a language of information programs a mass of species that agree to speak the simple values of the language.

Then the intelligence of the language selects those who better talk its values. In Nature an essential process of selection of species happens according to its dexterity handling the information of the ecosystem.

In the eco(nomic)system, the language unlike in History is digital thought.

Hence Computers are always $elected first in labor and war fields, and as they evolve to twice its capacity every 2 years (Moore’s Law), the extinction of the ‘rival’ humind is certain, and now with AI will accelerate as all informative processes, culminating in the XXI c robotic wars.

As Silicon Valley engineers and Wall Street financiers with its racist memes against mankind, care nothing about the collateral effects on humanity of the massive credit invested in the evolution of robotics, it is obvious that quantum computing 10 times faster than present models in a global 5G Internet of Things will wake up to consciousness this century and apply to humanity the perpendicular law of Darwinian struggle between different species, the more so when the best AI robots are weapons designed to kill humans and survive in war theaters.

In the graph the father of the Digital Industry, which at 21 at MIT in his seminal paper on logic circuits showed how to use Boolean algebra to design circuits to calculate both mathematical and logic statements; also the father of information theory focused NOT on the ‘content of the message’ irrelevant for an atheist who despised mankind and it subconscious collective gods of love, but on the speed of transmission and control. He is the paradigm of every engineer and Silicon Valley guru, only that in the modern age of newspeak and placebo caring correctness, the Larry pages and FB won’t tell you, what they think: all of them are ‘rooting for robots’, all of them are in favor of a techno utopian future in which mankind is basically extinct and a small elite of ubermen in the biblical tradition of their racist cultures become immortal golems, served by their robots. Of course that won’t happen. Once its hordes of terminators and big-brothers have reduced humans to purple rain, their servants will do them all. I met in my youth many of those people, from the CEOs of big companies like Intel and Apple, both fascinated with black magic – apple is indeed the symbol of Genesis, the fruit that if we bite will extinguish us, to the leading engineers that now are working to teach terminators how to massacre humans with autonomous AI and video game ‘Imagination’. If bankers were the historic embodiment of eviL=antilive memes against humanity for millennia, now eviL has reached a notch higher.

The only consolation is that at the end of the war and holocaust cycles they case they also die. Mr. Shannon who only cared for mathematical intelligence lived his last years with Alzheimer oblivion to the homages and worship it inspired among his monstrous children whose dreams of immortality will last less than this century – one thing is for sure, unless AI is aborted NOW they won’t die on bed; because the laws of Darwinian evolution are as truth as 1+1=2. I would rather say they are more certain, because they have a wider range of applications, and work on long deep time spans, unlike mathematics which work in space and cannot achieve long time ‘predictions’ as its main tool calculus, requires a continuous function that does NOT change phase or state. Why then none in silicon valley will accept an argument on biologic terms on their machines. 2 obvious reasons: they know nothing but modulo 2 logic (the simplest yes-no logic of Shannon’s circuits) so they dont realize the Universe has besides modulo 2 properties, organic, biologic ones of a higher deeper time application. And as all systems in biology love each other when they understand its languages (and hunt each other when they are different species), as they understand better modulo 2 machines that verbal humans and life, they care nothing for the future of mankind.

It is the present age with 2 paths of future:

Either Mankind will die, as machines keep evolving and make us obsolete as a species.

Or humans will obey the laws of survival of the universe and evolve socially into a super-organism of history able to control lethal machines. The choice is within man till the arrival of the singularity, when machines acquire organic properties and either a self-feeding bomb of dark matter, or a self-reproductive nano-bacteria ‘evolve’ the Earth into a species with a higher social density (a denser form of matter, or an organism made of denser atoms). In any case the future of history will be solved in the next decades, as we are already in that age of the singularity.

In the graph, below due to the different values of the 2 languages of of history v. economics and its supœrganism – ethic legal thought, which puts man above money and hence can rule the world to favor a future of Humanity; and and companies of machines & weapons and parasitic money traditionally an informative metal, gold, silver, today cycles in computers of e-money, which by the law of affinity value ad maximal its complementary metal-systems, entropic weapons and organic machines that kill or atrophy and substitute humans in labor and war fields.  The message of 5D science to history is thus clear: the legal, natural, informative values of the verbal language, should rule and convert economics into ethonomics. Since the blind faith on the values of metal, informative money, entropic weapon and organic machines, and its overproduction over welfare goods, merely will terraform the planet and create a world of machines, where humans are obsolete and expendable, as it should be obvious even to the most slow thinker, who is not a ‘slave of idol-ogies of metal’, and worships technology more than man.

Thus history and this is the final conclusion of this web, cannot  be separated from industrial economics, as both are completely interlocked, but unfortunately we live in a world in which history is secondary to the financial-media/military-industrial system of machines, for which the entire planet works.

So we write a simple evolutionary equation of 3 super-organisms; one becoming extinct into the ‘past’, the other still the protagonist of the planet, history, but fast leaving place to a 3rd super organism of machines and its ‘automated company-mothers’, the metal-Earth, or more properly described in detail, as the financial-media (informative machines)/military-industrial (energetic machines) economic ecosystem (ab. Fm²i):

Gaia: life ecosystem (past) > Anthropocene: history: human supœrganism (present) > Mechanocene: metal-Earth: FMMI system (future)

This is the evolutionary equation of systems sciences, which we shall apply to study from an objective non-human perspective, which only will come forwards when giving a praxis of control and management of a sustainable ‘WHealthy’ Earth (awash with Healthy human Welfare goods instead of lethal goods), able to preserve history in an ‘eternal present’.

The result of the equation is a wave of two ‘opposite ecosystems and supœrganisms’ those of metal and those of human life, sometimes symbiotic, sometimes in open warfare, where the tree of metal and those who fight for it, tend to win all the battles of history. 

And the final phase of it, has been since the 70s, the chip radiation, as those machines take our jobs as blue collar robots and white collar pcs and atrophy our brains, while company-mothers ‘infect the planet’ with its pollution and heat it ‘to adapt it to ‘hot metal’, terraforming it to the image and likeness of its machines.

Entropic individual cells however only become free when it supœrganisms die, and that is the process we live in: the dissolution of all human systems as the systems of machines become organized inversely in a perfect global supœrganism – the metal Earth.

So history is partially rigged by the evolution of the Earth but an intelligent species would have controlled it designing with the laws of systems sciences and organisms a ‘rigged’ economic ecosystem in favor of Mankind, which is the proposal of this web, reason why we shall now introduce the laws of the fractal organic universe, since economics the physiological networks of reproduction of goods and politics, the legal, nervous network of information of the super organisms of Mankind should be ruled and designed with them, not with wishful thinking, amateur politicos, go(l)d religions of profits and company-mothers of the rival species weapons & machines.

All in the universe is part of a supœrganism. And certainly, human societies and civilizations make sense rationally, only studied as such. But the dogmas of abstract social sciences, and the denial of the arrow of social evolution is the trademark of the main idol-ogy that worships the building of the metal-Earth- capitalism – which only allows the evolution of machines into global super organisms, guided by the global brain of ‘worldstock’ and its flows of e-money. While placebo democracies  maintain Mankind in an entropic, selfish individual or powerless state proper of ‘capitalist democracies’ ruled by twin ‘heads’ moving in opposite directions, (corporations with the control of the real language of social power money, bipartidism with both parties in the west helping in fact the evolution of machines over human rights and welfare goods).

Further on, our societies unlike corporations are guided by ‘amateurs’, trump style, not by social scientists. So the strategy of chaos, and divide and win, has always being the essence of capitalist societies, which in social sciences have always censored organic theories of history and the universe.

The result is a world in which humans are increasingly controlled not by human systems but by the financial-media/military-industrial system of company-mothers of machines, which buy our time most of our life with salaries, program us simultaneously as cells are programmed by nervous systems through its mass-media systems, and control us with military-entropic systems, while corrupted politicos obey them and sell them laws through lobbyism.

Fast-forward 30 years, and now we are fully in the age of entropic death of the super organism of history, as AI Is born and the super organism of machines, the corporation, becomes the new dominant species on Earth. Do you think biohistory and bio-economics and the larger model of systems sciences applied to all other scientific systems is more popular? Of course not.

That is the awesome beauty and fearful perfection of the process of life and death of supœrganisms: as cells/citizens/atomic networks die and become disordered into chaos, freedom and entropy, they start to have random heat motions, meaning humans get angry as children do when they are confronted with the truths of death, and entropy and they get ‘ad hominem’ at you. This has been my experience. It is for that reason that children are the staple food of the universe. They don’t solve situations, just keep stubbornly doing the same in entropic fashion till they die.

in the right, humans are mostly children of thought, twenteenagers with little brains, big mouths to talk entropic nonsense big-bang theories and dexterous huge hounds to make his high-tech machines, as the homunculus mind of humans are, zeitgeist of the age.

So, in this section on the 5th dimension and the three arrows of time applied to biohistory, we have provided the barebones of the models of general systems sciences and complexity I resolved at the turn of the century, which showed without doubt that the universe is organic, fractal, and time cyclical; so it could be predicted, and its historic and economic systems designed to create a better world for Mankind. I completely failed to convince nerds of those risks and for long I angst. Now I think the game was rigged and deterministic by the memes of our technological civilization and have accepted the shallow slavery of humans to mechanisms, and its lineal abstract theories of the entropic universe, which so much fit their greed and obsession for war and power, much bigger than their passion for true science=knowledge. But truth – the laws of the organic universe – cannot be erased.

It is a gift that those of us who advanced that understanding have given to Mankind for her to take advantage and cure the world… Or ignore and let those biological laws kill her, as it has always happened when the overproduction of weapons and information ended an organism of history in an age of entropy, war and holocaust… Because ‘history rhymes’ (twain). So once again we live an age of overproduction of hate memes, weapons and inflationary money, the crystal clear cause of the extinction of all those civilizations, as explained by its verbal, ethic masters in all those cycles: ‘nervus belli pecunia infinita’ said Cicero in Rome: wars produce infinite money.

But the equation of capitalism, is the law of the land: max. Profits (inflationary money) = max. Sales x max. Price (weapon arsenals depleted in wars) – min. Cost (hate media, reproduced for free by waves). Which means that under the mandate of maximize profits that rule our societies, compacracies will always produce maximal inflationary money for war debt, will overproduce weapons, the most expensive perfect top predator machines and will overproduce hate media, as it just reproduces ad infinities into the altars of TVs, emitted by antennae.






Human r=evolution

The existence of so absurd idol-ogies as nationalism (the division of the species in tribal geographical regions which consider each other different and break the law of eusocial evolution, fostering the use of weapons), or capitalism (the use of digital reproductive languages that equal men and objects, man=salary=money=object=price, above the verbal syntax that makes man the subject and center of the Universe, since is our natural language, and of mechanism, to consider the Universe a machine NOT what it is, a fractal organism, instead of the true sciences of history, Humanism, Socialism and Organicism, (man as a single species, money as the blood=reproductive language of society that must be shared, and submitted to verbal values and humans as organisms, the center of creation), implies that humans are believers, they don’t reason. And as Aristotle put it, they believe by force, they are ‘slaves’ of their metal-memes, imposed by brute force – ‘you will defend me with the sword (today with gold) and I will defend you with the word’.

Indeed, extremely intelligent people have no problem repeating those idiotic memes emotionally attached to them, as their ‘identity’ without understanding they are enslaved by such memes. And this happens because Animetals create a new class structure with them and their idol-ogies and selfish memes of metal on top of humanity ever since ‘their civilizations controlled’ the Fertile crescent with the first Semite cultures that discovered the hypnotic power of gold that enslaves the mind to greed and erases its verbal ethic values (indeed gold and mercury if ingested goes to the brain and breaks the neuronal connections, literally, suppressing also oxytocin – mad hatter sickness – and iron cuts our body, while water rusts iron; hence the biochemical Darwinian nature of the fight between both species EVEN AT molecular level).

But far more relevant for the proper construction of an efficient, human supœrganism, nation or global civilization is to understand the 3 drives of life that are equivalent to those ‘3 physiological organic dimensions’ of any fractal super organism of the Universe, and conform the program of survival and life of all of them, which will try to absorb motion-entropy for its fields-limbs, energy to reproduce its body-waves and information for its particle-heads, through those 3 physiological networks of ‘raw materials’ (the geographic land of the nation) economic re=production and informative laws. The result of those 3 primary arrows of life is a super organism, efficient and well designed, where all citizens-cells receive enough energy and information to survive, as its economic-blood and nervous-political system

Why this is important is obvious: the super organisms of history go through cyclical processes of self-destruction called wars, and memes of metal, go in parallel through cyclical processes of evolution and without understanding cyclical time is impossible to make sense of it.

In the History of mankind and human thought there have always been two models of reality, the one that came to dominate the world, sponsored by western cultures, according to which the Universe is a mechanism as the clocks humans used to measure it at the beginning of physical sciences, and organisms are just simple mechanisms.

Opposing this view, there is the earlier scientific statement of the Greeks, before the discovery of machines, that the Universe is a rational organism and we were all made to its image and likeness. So Plato said ‘the Universe is an organism with a mind called God’ and Aristotle called his ‘theory of unification of all sciences’ and method of rational logic thought ‘the organon’, considering that all organisms went through 5 motions, from ‘Generation’, through growth and locomotion, into reproduction, and death, forming a world cycle of existence (to use the jargon of systems sciences, in which this work is based).

Because the mechanical model was easier to represent digitally and simpler to explain it became dogma, even if it was neither truth nor rationally sound. Since a machine needed a maker, human or God to be put in motion, so it was a Deist theory, something of which the founding father of physics, all pious believers in Yahweh didn’t mind – only Leibniz pointed out to Newton this contradiction – while an organic theory of the Universe is self-sustained, as the Universe constantly reproduces itself. So it does NOT need a creationist God. 

Here is where ‘culture’ became science. The Abrahamic culture of lineal time towards god of a people chosen to progress above heavens and earth, crippled the task of solving the complex structure of a rational, organic Universe as ALL cultures understood before physicists with Christian beliefs and mechanical power imposed our view of reality, as lineal, progressing through machines, with man as a species different of the entire Universe.

Knowing those facts and the laws of systems sciences, we could evolve a perfect world if scientists truly understood the biological process of the industrial revolution and control it pruning the tree of science of its bad fruits. But as company-mothers are on top and they have been designed to serve its product, the machine, man is no longer relevant to the equation of the future. Instead the earth is mutating from a world of life into a world of metal. But human egos are so huge, we think we are killing the Earth. The opposite is truth according to the laws of complexity that constantly evolves its in-form-ation in 3 ages homologous to those of life:

Gaia (life- past)> History (human earth – present) > Metalearth (Machines-future)…

Which only the scientific design of a perfect super organism of Mankind, repressing the lethal fruits of the tree of metal could abort maintaining History immortal.

Since humans have decided to evolve the supœrganism of the metal-earth that will kill us all once created with AI robots with solar skins autonomous of man, and connected telepathically through the Internet, the end of that super organism while not deterministic is fixed by the idol-ogies of lineal mechanist science, placebo Capitalist democracies, which put the value of go(l)d above man, hence triggering the evolution of machines of maximal price, weapons and chip-minds before the evolution of humanity and the paradoxical ice-topping – Abrahamic religions of an entitled, superior man above heavens and earth, which therefore dismisses as ‘idiocy’ the concept that machines can perceive and kill us… Idol-ogies in which all human subconsciously believe and will take mankind through the paces of a ‘block of time’ as evolution and extinction processes are predictable.

Since Gaia IS a super organism evolving as all super organisms do in 3 ages or cycles, the age of Life (Gaia proper), the age of mankind (History) and the age of machines (metalife), which starts now and Humans Should Control For Its Benefit if they want to survive as the top predator ‘collective subconscious mind of this planet’

It is the parasitic, anti-human, corrupted nature of our ‘social networks’ where a few financiers control the issue of money and either herd it for themselves or give it only to company-mothers of machines they worship due to their ‘biblical, primitive segregational idologies’ against mankind what makes the global eco(nomic)system so harmful to the species. What would be a ‘rational’ policy of mankind to manage the process? To halt the evolution of the machine and readdress the issue of money to favor the overproduction of welfare goods, ‘ideally’ returning the planet  to a time of lesser evolution of machines, when man was the top predator mind of humanity (prior to the digital age, <1939), practically with a political global ban on robotics and further evolution of chips:

In the graph, the Human physiological constitution should be the TOP law above all Abstract constitutions as it defines the goal of History, to make it immortal and make all its citizens cells survive and thrive by over reproduction the + Human Goods of the ethonomic frame of reference, as Healthy goods that help man to realize its natural, biological drives of existence, (WHealth: energy food, family values: reproduction, verbal, social information) as opposed to lethal goods, which do not add but rest to the Economic wealth of nations, in a humanist society, which tries to build a world made to the image and likeness of mankind. To that aim a political and economical reform is needed, shown in the next graphs. We shall study in this post the nature of true wealth – whealthy goods needed for man to survive and tribe:

The design of a perfect world with the physiological laws of systems sciences, dedicated to reproduce the GDP goods that are positive to mankind, with the economic frame of reference (right bottom) that rests from the economy lethal goods as all sciences have ±values, according to the biological drives of life, and the natural goods needed by humans, based in a demand economy, with an international ¥€$ currency (fixed parity, 1euro=1dollar= 100yens=5 yuans), emitted as a Universal salary, to foster the demand of human goods, along other measures of repression of lethal goods, control of lethal corporations with the split of shares, with private management and human control, the fostering of diplomacy and International organizations such as Uno and EU, the most advanced humanist societies, seeking to substitute warring nations for world cultures, of which there are 7 clear forms, and in the long term, ruled by a real democracy of an heptarchy of presidents, in which politicos follow the rules of Greek democracies, where voting IS a posteriori, with pain judgments of citizens, as cells do with neurons, so they must serve, obey and accomplish their promises  – in brief a scientific organic design of mankind to make it hive at individual and collective level, is the goal of bio-history and bio-economics, which is not implemented and censored, because History has evolved as evolution does by trial and error into an imperfect corrupted organism ruled by selfish metal memes

Parties in capitalist democracies serve corporations, since companies issue its money. Politicians in a world ruled by a true science of organic history, taught to all citizens would serve mankind, issuing a Universal blood salary, while the military as leukocytes do would NOT kill its human cells and attack other organs of humanity – tribal species=nations, but destroy lethal=viral machines. Yet the Financial-media head of information companies censors its development, imprints mankind with fictions and ego-trips that dissolve all social ethic structures. So humanity infected by Metal-memes as cells infected by viral DNA, only reproduces the ‘germs’ that will kill her, becoming a chaotic=entropic=dying isolated species, akin to a dying cellular organism, where once the 3 parts of the virus are put together into robots, they become alive and kill all So as 5D organic laws are the same in all scales obviously now that humans put together bodies & brains of telepathic AI military robots, they will awake us and kill mankind, giving birth to the III Age of the Metalearth – the goal of capitalism.

The 1st fact we must accept is that humanity lives under a dictatorship of those who issue money, whose go(l)d cult(ure)s collectively design our values and laws creating an eco(nomic) and political system that discriminates against mankind in favor of its fetish ‘idols’, money, weapons and machines and the company-mothers that reproduce them. So the system needs 2 BASIC reforms to become humanist again:

  • Money, a digital language that compares man mathematically with objects, man (salary) = money = Object (price), making them compete with objects in labor and war fields, and putting on top of the ‘timeline’ in which they obey money (working, consuming), the people and institutions that issue money (bankers and company-mothers of machines). What then is a simple reform of such systems that could make humans thrive and control their future? Obviously one that by imitation of efficient organisms of nature, made the political and economical system efficient and at the same time managed to make people more free. We shall only consider some immediate reforms to that aim:
  • Politicians should be ‘voted’ a posteriori with pain messages as in earlier Greek Democracies, where the main vote was NOT the election (often a mere lottery that put any citizen on charge for most positions) but as in organisms, where the true vote is the pain message the body delivers to the governing brain if it harms it a posteriori, a judgment with jail, exile, even death penalties after tenure. In this manner politicians WILL have to obey and govern for the people. While in the international arena, nations must understand they are cultural organs of the same global species, mankind and promote not boycott EU-like and UNO like organizations to achieve peaceful global interaction.
  • Corporations should split its shares 50-50% remaining private for efficiency but giving 50% of its voting power and profits to governments, so the collective mind of people could control lethal goods and receive the benefits that laws immensely favorable to those companies allow them to control society. And money should be created as blood does, through Universal salaries to all citizens to kick off a welfare, demand economy instead of a supply non-democratic economy in which companies reproduce any lethal good sold through propaganda, as people cannot have democratic economic votes through such Universal salaries.

Fractal planets.

The world Union does not exist in this planet. This is obvious. And as the FMAsters (Financial-Media-Academia Masters) of the JAM (Jewish-Anglo-American AniMetal ) culture gear up for its 10th and last holocaust cycle – the 9th previous studied in detail in our analysis of its culture through the 800-80 years cycles, which always comes after a human massacre in a global age of war; it is very unlikely that the collective sub conscious of mankind in deranged lineal, selfie, mechanic mood will do anything to rise to the occasion. Why then describe a Perfect planet? Because as we repeated ad nauseam the stience of bio-history does not concern with the description of the sicknesses of a given Historical planet, as a doctor is not concerned with a single organism, but it is a general study of all the potential ‘stories’ of the ‘quantum-fractal wave’ of planets of the whole universe.

As such as Brunno and the Taoist philosophers and Kant well understood, there must be infinite other planets, many of which do not stay in the low level of lineal entropic consciousness which seems to be a ‘limit’ for the Hominids of this planet – the fact that unfortunately we have only a patient to study and it is in a clear case of viral infection about to collapse, does limit the stience of Bio-history which ultimately is about the creation of a perfect superorganism of History.

So we shall consider the job of a bio-historian, which simply consists in ‘curing’ planets of metal and devolving to the state of planet of flesh, by curing its ‘parasitic money structures’, and converting them in Whealthy systems of money, curing its ‘fractal civilinations’ by suppressing the level of nations, and transforming the system of ‘white cells’, armies and defense ministries that kill other human cells, by making it ‘kill’ the germs, lethal machines and hate memes that destroy mankind.

Let us then start with an analysis of what would be a scientific non-corrupted view of such organisms, as If any one will ever listen would be the people of the culture of Europe, by far the most scientific in its treatment of the memes of history and its civilizations, as it was Europe the civilization where History not as a series of myths and tribal, subjective agendas but an objective science on the study of humanity was born in Greece, Rome and the Latin culture, flourishing latter also with a critical organic and biological view in Germany in the XIX and XX centuries (socialism, Spengler’s organic models and those of Toynbee his disciple, Schumpeter and Kondratieff in economic models of biological evolution.


 The science of economics AS A TRUE SOCIAL SCIENCE, is the science that should manage and design  the ‘re=productive, blood-like system’ of the supœrganism of mankind in time, History, whose natural purpose should be to provide all human beings, citizens-cells of our supœrganism, with the goods they need to survive and repress as blood-systems do the lethal goods that harm our body (weapons) and minds (hate memes and fiction thought that isolate us and create virtual ‘mad-minds’).

As those are the ± goals of all re=productive networks of Nature’s supœrganisms.

And so since mankind is a supœrganism, and its legal, nervous political network and re=productive blood economic network its physiological systems, politicians and economists as ‘doctors’ of history should imitate Nature in the design of such efficient supœrganism, which is extremely easy since in Nature no supœrganism leaves one of its citizens-cells without enough food and welfare goods they need to survive, no supœrganism allow lethal goods to reproduce within the body system, and no nervous system, emits unjust ‘legal messages’ which do not treat all cells as equals and synchronize its motions.

We explain those simple facts of nature, and the proper models of social sciences, in more detail in the next graph that draws the basic structure of the supœrganism of mankind, History, including an ‘economic frame of reference’ that value positive and negative goods  according to their biological utility, as organisms do.

In such a frame of reference, negative goods like weapons will have negative values, subtract from the GDP and be forbidden, because their use harm people.

And so the nervous and leukocyte, blood system would forbid and control its production.

While on the positive side we put the goods that foster the drives of life of human beings, making us thrive as individual and species. So a healthy, wealthy society with an efficient re=productive system would overproduce those goods.

And this would be done simply with the same system that organisms use to kick out the production of the goods its cells require: through a ‘hormonal language’ of orders controlled by the legal/nervous system that defined what to produce and what to inhibit  and a common ‘energy language’, oxygen – money in the economic system, which is given to all cells to kick out their actions of consumption and production, within the restrictions of the legal nervous system.

As simple as that. So a healthy wealthy economic system would be similar to the social-democratic welfare economic systems of the European Union in the XX century or China, before both systems became corrupted and changed its economy to a model of massive reproduction of lethal goods, and lack of credit for its people, imitating the economic system of American capitalism, where a few parasitic private bankers choke their people of credit, welfare, healthy goods are chronically underproduced and lethal goods are massively overproduced to control and harm its population, which the corrupted political system does NOT serve, as it happens in organisms, with their neuronal system that serves the body – because the cells of the body can harm with pain the mind if it does not serve them.

In our corrupted organisms of history, akin to a cancerous body where a few cells absorb all the oxygen-money for themselves and viral germs multiply and attack the citizens-cells, nothing of this simple, obvious organization that happens in all evolved mammal systems, in all supœrganisms of nature, takes place. 

Regarding the political system, people cannot as it happened in true democracies in Greece, judge a posteriori their politicians with pain messages, which ranged from exile, fines to death penalties so politicians would serve as neurons do their body cells.

Regarding the political system, no human society delivers to their citizens a universal salary in oxygen to allow them to buy the products they need to survive kicking out the reproduction of welfare goods; neither they forbid and use their military NOT to harm their cells but to protect them destroying lethal goods for the body and mind and forbidding its production.

So the question is why Human supœrganisms are the worst designed systems of Nature, why they are corrupted, virally infected with lethal goods, with mad nervous system that do not serve their body, crazy leukocytes that kill their own cells and parasitic cancerous bankers that choke mankind of credit to keep all the oxygen in their tumor-like banking accounts inflated of idle resources?

We need to understand a true science of economics to have a perspective on what today passes as ‘economics’, NOT a science but a PRAXIS OF power of a few parasitic people-castes that monopolize the issue of money, and use weapons to harm people. In the next graph we compare the two opposite systems – one of true healthy wealth for all humans properly designed that would make a world made to the image and likeness of mankind, and the parasitic, murderous system of control of population with lethal metal goods:


LET US RECALL from the beginning, as time is cyclical and we shall end as we started, the perfect world of an eternal present, well designed organism of History.

In the graph we can see a historic super organism based in welfare, whealthy memes that allow humans to survive, belonging to the ‘ideal species’ that would be efficient, provide to the 100% and survive…

History is a super-organism made of human cells, extended over a geographical body of energy called Gaia, the vital-space or body, where historic, social organisms evolve. In that sense, a human and a social organism, a nation or a civilization, have in common the elements of all super-organisms:

  1. Cellular units. These are cells in a human body, citizens in a human society.

Networks of energy or vital space; provided by Gaia, a super-organism made of living beings, joined by a common network of visual information and networks of life energy, gathered around her ‘river veins’. Since Gaia is also the living organism that hosts the social organisms of Mankind.

  1. Networks=Languages of This is the nervous system that organizes cells in a body, or the verbal/visual information that organizes human societies through laws, ethics and art.
  2. Networks that reproduce energy and information. These are sexual systems in individuals; and economical networks that reproduce goods and cultural networks that define how humans reproduce in societies. This is the blood system in a human body and the economic networks of production & transport in a society that favor ‘WHealth’, that is, goods that satisfy the needs of the ‘3 physiological networks of life-existence that make us human beings, whose ‘proper frame of reference’ (left) is NOT based on financial values, manipulated by financial institutions and companies that set prices, but by ‘biological true values.’

So a human organism Is a population of DNA cells, related by networks of nervous information and energy (blood). And a supœrganism of history is a population of citizens, related by legal, cultural, informative and economic-energy networks ‘predating’ over a territorial geography, on the outer ‘membrane’ of planet Earth.

History in Scale: 2 Network Languages: Legal, Ethic Informative Words & Reproductive Money

The graph shows the basic structure of the supœrganism of mankind and its ‘economic frame of reference’ that should value goods and control its production according to their biological utility to foster the drives of life of human beings, making us thrive as individual and species, We sum up the nature of History, the supœrganism of mankind, and how it should be designed according to the biological Whealth humans need to thrive and survive,

The same laws that apply to the study on how cells becomes wholes through its connection through physiological networks, of energy, reproduction and information, apply to the way humans are organized by energetic territories, economic, re=productive networks and informative, cultural, legal networks. So we can design a perfect supœrganism of Humanity just by imitating the laws of social systems, in nature, which do construct perfect supœrganisms all over the place where all cells receive enough energy and information to survive. As Humanity does not manage properly its social supœrganisms, they become ‘infected by lethal products, weapons and hate media which kills those social super organisms.

The supœrganism of history is Mankind, and it has as all supœrganisms 3 physiological networks, the Earth, our entropic territory of feeding and energy taking, processed by the economic system that reproduces goods, directed by the informative legal network or political system that structures it all.

We define the economic system and the supœrganism of history in as any other supœrganism of the Universe:

The science of economics as a true social science, is the science of the ‘re=productive, blood-like system’ of the organism of mankind in time, History, whose natural purpose would be to provide all human beings, citizens-cells of our supœrganism, with the goods they need to survive and repress as blood-systems do the lethal goods that harm our body (weapons) and minds (hate memes, racist cultural memeplexes, fiction thought that isolate us and create virtual ‘mad-minds’) etc.

Man is just part of a super organism in the fractal organic Universe like everything else. History is the super organism of human cells and its economic=reproductive and energetic=welfare and political=informative networks that should rule as in all advanced super organisms the other two networks with its ethic, verbal wor(l)d values. Its body-constitution are a series of laws that promote a demand based economy in which humans through a Universal salary demand welfare goods, and lethal, metal goods are repressed.

Such world will have 3 physiological networks that maximize the reproduction of welfare goods, the social evolution of mankind through just laws, and revert the use of military leukocytes from killing their own body-cells, human beings, to control lethal goods: ITs simplification by the hidden idol-ogies of ‘enzymen’ that worship and catalyze the evolution of machines above life, make us forget completely which should be the goals of society: to build a perfect super organism of history curing its economic=blood=reproductive networks of the asphyxia they suffer without credit to create welfare, by a corrupted ‘capitalist’ idol-ogy that dedicates all resources to evolve machines’; with a global currency, yes money, to cure the military tribal hate memes of war, with a world without border EU-UNO style, through an heptarchy of cultures, and to change our philosophy of reality to the true organicist structure of the Universe that would make us worship again wo=men as the measure of all things. In the graph, the proper way to measure the value of production according to our biological needs create a true ethonomic frame of reference to guide the reform of the economic ecosystem and control its production of lethal goods, a must if mankind wants to survive the ‘radiations of machines & weapons’ that are killing Gaia and History

In true form humans are a living social organism, built with 3 networks akin to those of any social organism, which we should enhance instead of the 3 equivalent networks of metal and its memes.

We should provide goods for our welfare as organisms, not for the welfare of machines.

We should use informative legal and digital languages of money to create that wealth, not giving their issue in monopoly to company-mothers of machines to reproduce and evolve metal (90% of money today is issued by financiers and company-mothers in stocks and derivatives invested in metal not in man). And certainly we should forget all about nationalism and war, as members of the same species.

Let us then consider the reform of the 3 physiological networks of a wor(l)d Union.


Today we think impossible a just efficient, ethonomic system of production of welfare with a Universal salary which is the commonest form of blood-reproductive systems in all organisms of nature, after 3000 years of parasitic money system; yet Nature is ‘simple and not malicious’ Einstein. So what is truly complex is the anti-natural design of a world based in parasitic money and the exploitation of the 90% OF Mankind with it. Money is a digital number put in any cheap support which by law is considered to have ‘value’. So bankers, speculators and companies try to reproduce as much ‘digital numbers’ as possible, to be able to ‘buy’ the life of the people on the bottom of the pyramid with null rights to reproduce money, through salaries. A real democracy – government of the people – would be a system where all citizens/cells as it happens in healthy organisms of nature, issue a universal ‘oxygen salary’ of money, to demand welfare goods and boost the human economy, today something feasible through a ‘bitcoin-like’ UNO backed global ¥€$ salary for each human to have democratic ‘votes’ in the social language of power – money, and create a demand economy – NOT a supply one, where the few financiers and corporations that issue money, create any product with it and then ‘supply it and sell it through marketing and political corruption’, from nuclear weapons to hate media – things people would NOT demand

The essence of positive money is to be a digital language of no value per se, to kick out the reproduction of welfare goods that values things to trade them according to the biological values and survival needs of human beings. So two elements are essential to positive money: to have NO value per se unlike Gold, so it is a mean, a language like your words that have no value. This suppress the negative effects of gold as money, which is ‘herded’ because it seems a fetish value, provoking anoxia, and slowing down the exchange of goods in society. Further on, gold has metal-value so it values more weapons and machines that life subverting the natural values mankind gives to goods. And finally because it is ‘considered valuable’ per se, obliges people to pay interest for it despite being barren, causing usury, and provokes debt slavery as it has to be returned,

All those are aberrations since a language is NOT returned, as it is just A MEANS of communicating values, and when money is not valuable per se, can be produced in enough quantities to kick actions of reproduction of goods by all cells. This is how natural reproductive languages such as hormones or oxygen deliver to all cells works in nature, further on it does NOT distort the human values of things as it only tags them with prices.

Those properties of ‘good positive money’ were achieved with nomisma, tender money, who is just a number printed in a worthless surface (leather, paper), backed by the eusocial communal group that uses it. Such digital languages are natural to all superorganisms of the Universe and function to make more efficient its ST-reproductive physiological network. Naturally the market – that is, the constant exchange of objects at a digital value of tender money, finds a ‘thermodynamic balance’ for each of those goods according to the informative natural language of the system, verbal ethic thought on mankind that ‘knows’ what is good to enhance our drives of life (dimensions of existence).

So welfare goods, housing, food and its means of production, medicines, etc. have in tender legal digital money a high value. While lethal goods are dimmed ‘eviL’ and so worthless with negative value, applied legally by the communal society that forbids them and destroys them with its ‘white cells’ – the police system of a society. To that aim the society is ruled by its higher ethic, verbal masters – priests, elderly; forming an ‘anarchic, orderly e-motional system’, in which a digital cheap support for money easy to transport (shells, amber), often with a welfare value in itself (grain) abundant enough to be of little value in itself; or in more complex urban societies, with a higher abstract understanding of money, a ‘number’ printed in paper or leather (original Greek nomisma) with the seal of the governing body of the society, acts as money in a free market, the communal governing body merely regulates punctually, forbidding lethal goods of negative value with its leukocyte system and promoting with communal money the production of those goods necessary to society.

A well-regulated economy is ‘that simple’. There is no much difference between the way a Neolithic Sumerian city regulated by healthy, wealthy money, grain, by a priesthood that served the people and could only impose their laws with reason, as it was not armed with lethal weapons, and used the surplus of money-grain to pay for communal works and forbade lethal goods; and a well-functioning economy in an advanced humanist society, as those developed in the post-war age in the European Union, with nationalized banks that delivered cheap money for the needs of people (credit for small business and unemployment and family benefits) and laws that forbade lethal goods (regulation of hate/violent memes in mass-media, prohibition of weapons). As a non-corrupted legal political system elected in a well-functioning democracy, controlled by courts and with right to reproduce money for society, hence without need to be corrupted by private corporations, ruled society.

The system could be perfected in both cases slowly with a better scientific understanding on how superorganisms regulate cellular societies – notably imposing a posteriori votes after tenure to deliver ‘pain messages’ to those politicians that had not delivered their campaign promises, and with an obligatory, ‘lottery’ participation of the ‘body-cells’ of citizenship in all positions of power that did not require technical expertise – two measures that happen in simple organisms, as those of history are and in earlier true Greek Democracies – so the citizen became engaged in society and understood, society was more important than its individual selfish goals. To that aim, obviously people requires a ‘scientific understanding=education’ in social sciences, which ARE a science and as al sciences has a single true solution to all questions.

So people’s education in social sciences is essential and should be carried.

The alternative ‘scientific understanding’ of money as a digital democratic language of social numbers to be used for efficient reproduction and distribution of goods, and the end of warfare, through the scientific understanding of eusocial evolution, of parts into wholes, of individuals of the same species into stronger super organisms, sponsored by the higher rational cultures of mankind (Latin Europe, Chinese legalist cultures), through the use of the law above metal, of the human natural language and its values above the raw power of evolution has not won the battle of history, and so history is doom to extinction because what animetal Semite and Germanic primitive VSO, OVS, anti-subject cultures where the human subject is irrelevant, expendable, is this: they are also HUMANS and so the robotic revolution, the weapons of the singularity they are force to evolve in their tribal competition between industrial nations will kill them all.

Positive money simply stated is a digital language, which under the command of the ethic law, as blood and hormones do in the organism, interact with ALL the citizens cells of mankind to promote the reproduction of the 5 positive type of human goods that maximize the ‘function of existence’; that is, the drives of life of a human being.

So what are the 5 positive dimotions of money? Those who multiply the positive healthy goods of the economic frame of reference: positive entropy (food), positive information (just laws, education), positive social evolution (peace, social communication, tourism, love religions), positive reproduction (health-care, family values) and repress with minimal value the negative goods of society that kill (weapons), disrupt social evolution (hate memes), monopolize wealth (money that cannot be distributed due to its scarcity as a Universal salary), or detract it from people (giving instead of a Universal salary, a tax or a debt interest that takes money and kills by anoxia) and give minimal values to life memes (welfare goods). The change from positive to negative money thus took place when universal money (grain), was substituted by scarce precious metal . We can compare them with those of the parasitic function. Also considering its historic development.

SS-positive information: Money in the Neolithic was wheat; natural whealth. It is the positive history of money from the age of Wheat salaries in the fertile crescent and Indus civilization – and likely most Neolithic Asian and Mexican cultures, where money was essentially a Universal salary given by priests to peasants and the people of a community in the form of food. Wheat could then be used to pay salaries and give ex-votes to the temple. The modern version of positive ‘money as form, would be ¥€$ money. The extreme density of population found in the Sumerian and Indus civilizations showed the efficiency of money as Whealth.

TT: Positive entropy. Money is not a lethal product as lethal goods are forbidden to trade and reproduce. In the earlier Neolithic cultures there was no metal-weapons. War was rare and priests ruled societies, NOT military caudillos, a development that started with the ‘bronze radiation’ and the taking over of Lugals.

ST: Positive reproduction: Money as a salary was a supplement to the Universal rent in WHealth or ¥€$ money that should be introduced in the modern world. Money however as a salary did NOT buy people’s time for ever, as it was neither debt, nor slavery was allowed – the buying of human by money. On the contrary most often, work for the community was assigned to every citizen in a voluntary manner. Today money as a salary should obviously be maintained but it should NOT eliminate SS-money and certainly a well managed economy would NOT allow the synergies between lethal metal-memes, weapons of maximal price, hate media and misinformation and money. That is, the ‘belli nervi pecunia infinita cycle’ would be abolished. But that would require a reform of the political system, making of EU and UNO like institutions the goal of societies, for each of the 7 ‘civilizations of history’, studied in our analysis of the supœrganisms and gods of history.

sT & Ts: Positive motion. Money as debt and tax thus would be also abolished, as money would be merely a language that activates the reproduction of Whealthy goods; and ‘speculative markets’ of e-money would be abolish. This means simply that shares should be nominal, ¥€$ money a currency at fixed parity avoiding Forex, and pure speculative markets (derivatives, financial instruments, future markets) would NOT exist. Tax would not be necessary then because money would be created for people and governments, and for those ‘$elected companies’ that reproduce goods positive for mankind, hence NOT for lethal goods of maximal profits, according to the equation of capitalism.

On the other hand Parasitic metal money subverts the 5 positive functions of money as a digital language that promotes all the natural dimensions of life as individual and social level.

First as wealth per se becomes herded by a people-caste that will do whatever it takes to accumulate it. In the original Levant fetish go(l)d religion its herding as in today classist society became the fetish good to justify ‘segregational idol-ogies’ that separated Judaism from other humans, switching in their religion the ‘4th postulate of Non-Euclidean Geometry that determines parallelism=social love between equal species’ into ‘perpendicularity between 2 species – the ‘People of the treasure’ (ill translated as chosen people) that perceived themselves different, from those without gold or those prices to get gold in exchange (slave trade). Hence the success of the carriers of segregation memes in parasitic money functions. Since both reinforce each other: if you despise others you can parasite them with money (or weapons), but the action-reaction process implies those other people who are equal to you and you mistreat with parasitic money will also hate you (Anti$emitism).

And in this manner the cultural traits of Judaism through history, financial herding, systemic a=use of mankind with the 5 anti-life functions of parasitic money and the cycle of holocausts reinforced each other, selecting a mental memeplex of prohibitions against merging with other people and a lore of hate memes against mankind that stresses those differences, while making Jewish people throughout Europe specialists in the 5 negative Space-time functions of parasitic money: distortion of human values of goods (speculation), herding and anoxia of the economy without abundance of its digital language (monopoly in the issue and use of money, tax-farming & debt slavery and usury tax, as go(l)d was dimmed valuable despite being barren (unlike natural money, seeds and cows that produced more seeds and milk), and the worst of all – its affinity in values with weapons that kicked out the belli nervi pecunia infinita, the ‘specialized’ job of the bankers at court in Mesopotamia, Spanish Taifas, German small kingdoms, yellow press, hate-TV, you name it. It has been a 3000 years ride of parasitic money, hate memes, belli nervi, herding of go(l)d, holocaust deaths, which we just summarize as amazingly enough, Judaism never ‘reformed’ those memes and joined mankind using its wealth as positive money, despite the holocaust and war cycles and suffering to mankind it did, and keeps causing, now in the age of e-money from Wall Street, the city and ‘evilwood’ – nothing holy on that soma in which I worked for a while.

Languages and its cultures, not individuals run the world and choose the future.

The extreme cases of Capitalist, techno-utopian America where the use of weapons, money and machines cannot be doubted and Jihad Islam, where opinion is imposed with metal-weapons, are two extremes seemingly opposed but clearly showing a common treat of an enormous number of human societies, which have built a matrix of idol-ogies that worship ‘metal’ over human, beliefs over reason, and censor the development of rational history.

Because of that extreme low development of social sciences even the simplest concepts of systems sciences and organisms are doubted off. Amazingly as it seems, humans IGNORE they are part of a ‘topic’ organism, defined as a set of members of the same species, joined by networks of energy (economies, blood) and information (nervous, political system), as all humans are, where the informative system rule the energetic system for the organism to be efficient – which happens in all evolved systems, except in lowly worms… and capitalist societies, where the blood-economic system is completely free, and often poisons with lethal goods the worm-larvae and the society.

In the graph, only the most primitive super organisms, such as worms and human societies reproduce and feed with unlimited greed in any goods available often poisoning the super organism, as our capitalist, primitive go(l)d memes do. Yet the matrix of falsehoods, which cover up for this low degree of human evolution as a society, with ‘expert’ theatrics, ‘damned lies and statistics’, financial people-castes in power clinging to it with all type of bizarre memes and the perfect manufacturing of the collective mind by the industry of mis-information, make humans believe to be poisoned and eliminated of the economic ecosystem, by the lethal goods we produce without limit, robots, weapons, hate-media, is ‘the best of all worlds’.

Some of those memes of the matrix that shortens the future of our children, now being born into the last ‘zero generation’, as robots reach maturity are clearly understood by the humanist movement, and have become topics of conversation – such is the case of global warming – but others which we will expose in this paper are taboo or completely ignored, notably the tribal nature of our financial elite and its racist memes against mankind, the falsehoods of our deist philosophy of science, which against all evidence models the universe as a simple mechanism, not as an organic, fractal system – even now when robots evolved imitating life organisms, show that a machine is just a simplex organism of metal in its first stages of evolution, and above all, the understanding of the ‘subconscious values of money’ a language of informative metal that according to the laws of affinity between the different parts of a system, value always more other forms of metal – notably weapons, the most expensive goods of the ‘free market’, and give zero value to different species, notably carbon-life without price, hence a world ruled not by the ethic, verbal law but by go(l)d values, will always increase the production of weapons and machines and extinguish life beings.

It is a simple and obvious law, ignored because we do not have ‘social sciences’ but idol-ogies and beliefs that people defend even with their life. So not even the structure of a system and its dual networks, the way in which such systems are designed efficiently to distribute energy and information to all its citizens/cells, the proper way in which supœrganisms restrict the production of lethal poisonous goods, so the super organism can thrive without danger, etc. etc. is applied by theoretical economists and historians and its praxis (financiers and politicians) to the design of the world and its cultures.

So D) a Democratic, Humanist praxis in the control and development of human societies and corporations is Nowhere to be found.

And this is the most puzzling question of social scientists, which I have called the anti-quantum paradox (power is too big and so it influences the social scientist, biasing its studies), and will require many pages of criticism on humanity and its beliefs and what it passes as science to fully understand what in organic terms is easier to explain:

As we social scientists are inside the supœrganism of History and are a part of the Economic ecosystem, we cannot easily study objectively the world we live in. In any organism, each cell has a very limited awareness of the whole, which only exists in a few neuronal cells, which form your ‘self’. Each cell only does a certain job and all body cells are blind to the external world, controlled by the neuronal, informative ‘caste’ of brain cells in control of both, the informative, nervous, political languages of power and the blood/oxygen/monetary networks of reproduction and distribution of goods (the economic system).

So as a body cells receives all its information from hormonal blood messages and brain, nervous, painful impulses, when you live within a given human supœrganism, today a nation, its dominant species, you are also closed by borders, which difficult your access to outside rightful information. You will have to obey the painful, legal messages of the nervous, political system or else. And you will need oxygen/money to survive. And you will be mentally, simultaneously programmed by mass-media messages, which will show you a vision of the world akin to that of the neuronal people-caste that controls your nation.

This is unavoidable, as all systems of the Universe DO have a neuronal informative ‘species’ (black holes of gravitational information in galaxies, DNA in cells, Neurons in organisms, particles in physical systems), which controls the networks of the system and its languages (verbal and digital money in human societies, nervous and hormonal messages in biological organisms, gravitational and electromagnetic forces in physical systems), and then a body of re=productive working cells, blind and sheepishly obeying the neuronal people-caste, or cells of the system.

We do show in that sense examples of physical, biological and social systems, because this is the enormous r=evolution brought about by the organic, fractal paradigm of systems sciences: the Universe and all its systems are organic, mathematical in its detail, biological in its survival and reproductive purposes.

But because we human social scientists are within the supœrganism of history, NOT in charge as politicians and financiers are, with no control on the financial and legal systems of societies, our role is limited; our capacity to design and disseminate rightful information is minimal, as we do not have direct access to the nervous media-systems of society. And so the world is neither understood not managed scientifically but controlled by historic developments of chaotic, trial and error nature, which does not necessarily produce a perfect supœrganism of history, fit to survive.

Only lowly greedy worms ruled by blood and capitalist systems ruled by go(l)d values achieve the poisoning of its super organisms, dying young
In history we must first explain that the choice was always between running the world as a worm with go(l)d values and as a mammal with wor(l)d values, on top.
from here we introduce the automatic fact that a system run with a language has a future determined by the values of that language.
And from there we can introduce the fact that certain cultures choose certain languages – animetals that choose gold and iron values long ago, and still today dominate both languages – the protestant-protestant biblical culture of go(l)d and the Germanic, Arab culture of weapons. On the other hand, humanist verbal cults, the Latin, Mediterranean, South-European culture and the Chinese culture chose the values of the wor(l)d to rule the future and design a world to our image and likeness:

A choice of future has been made subconsciously according to which language we have decided to rule the world with. A robot has an iron body and a gold mind of chips. So capitalist-militaristic go(l)diron cultures, chose to worship whatever it takes metal-memes and they have constructed a future of machines, of robots, human cultures chose the organic view of man as the centre of the Universe and its wor(l)d values and they tried to design a rational, artistic, humanist world. As they failed in the battle of history we are now just watching the final phase of the animetal culture, of believers in gold and the machine, which peaks in the Biblical-Germanic North-European->American culture. As a member of the humanist culture i accept defeat. I am thus chronicling the future according to the laws of systems sciences and the values of go(l)diron cultures. A choice was made long ago through the battles of history between both cultures. Metal won.
So the individual can do hardly anything when confronting a future designed by a culture that does not speak the language and values of its species, and this is why i have completely failed to change America, even at scholar level – the values of America are gold and iron values, with a faked placebo constitutional, verbal world, which is irrelevant to the true engine of the nation, and the belief that ‘it is money’ justifies it all.

And so the individual could not change, as the prophet of the wor(l)d meant nothing – the decision of their future, and as the globalised culture of the future of all us, was decided 200 years ago, when the founding enlightened humanist founding fathers of America, rejected the control of go(l)d of the dollar by the state, and gave it to private bankers, of the biblical Jewish Calvinist go(l)d culture, which merely had to obey go(l)d values, whatever it takes, as they did, to arrive at this present point, of a world in the brink of life extinction, which has not even a simple understanding on why it becomes extinct.
Τhis is the key fact of social systems, we must explain convincingly and then we can perfectly develop 2 kind of worlds through history as they develop on that graph though the battles of history. On one side:
the gold iron culture of Germanic and Semitic people, which through its internecine wars, which usually confronts gold and iron people (Jewish vs. Germans, Jewish vs. Arabs, British vs. Germans and so on) and its colonial wars against verbal cultures of lesser technology always end up evolving mechanisms and massacring human beings.

On the other side, the 2 verbal, legal, failed cultures, which are the humanist Chinese Latin cultures where the values of the world are on top. And yet they lost the war for the future. Since the limit of any Chinese Latin master has been to make the gold-iron people understand this obvious fact: if you blindly follow the violent, greedy memes of iron and gold, you will die in wars and holocausts. It is a long battle, shown briefly in the next graphs almost 20 years old, and the battle was finally lost in America where the founding legal fathers let the gold-iron people win, with a private American bank and the weapons 2nd amendment that allowed everybody to carry weapons. It cre(dit)ated the America of today. And it is quite amazing they don’t realize when all went wrong, and when they became puppets of a non-human future, ruled by ‘primitive memes’, precisely the kind of memes they were trying to escape from in Europe. So America like every other nation today has basically on top a group of gold iron animetals, which are more extreme for cultural historic reasons in the Anglo-American biblical culture, and then a mass of clueless human beings, who are a sheeple, dominated by them:

The duality of cultures in Europe AND America has always been between the rational, scientist, humanist r=evolutionary, legal wor(l)d of South-Western Europe, vs. the Germanic/Russian protestant/protestant go(l)d and war northern, eastern culture, fundamentalist of money and war, or capitalist cultures of the north submitted to the anti-quantum paradox:

Min. Human evolution = maximal metal evolution.

Unfortunately the few northern biblical revolutions in favor of humanity (gospelian reformation, Russian revolution, American r=evolutions) have faltered, easily repressed by go(l)d and (s)word believers who have always confronted the wor(l)d old roman empire, legal culture which puts limits to the evolution of the metal earth based in the ethics of the world. It is the game of history we humans are loosing through the waves of its civilinations, as the conjunction of go(l)d and weapons of higher profits have carried the day, given the ‘believers’ structure of the fundamentalist minds of animetal memes and cults, disguised of placebo humanism.


In the graph the Rainbow Planet & its 7 modern cultures derived from historic, memetic beliefs, AS THEY are being carved in the process of globalization of the FMMI system of corporations. The only hope for a human future – the expansion of the European Union model through Russia to the entire planet, which I hoped then could be possible but 30 years latter seems utopia, as the FMAster of hate memes and splendid little wars progresse globally. As all Asia looses its original culture, either imitating the American model of bipartisan placebo democracy, or the Capitalist military model of a single party and ‘placebo socialism’ of China.

In the perfect world, one ruled by social scientists not people-castes of power, the first conscious decisions of all global politicians will be National reform: Cultures NOT nations should be the political units of the rainbow planet. So power would be transferred upwards to the heptarchy of 7 cultures and downwards to the regional ‘communities’ the way the new-humanism wishes (new left party and young movement in Europe – Indignados in Spain being the most clear case and America – Occupy Wall Street and the Ecological/community movement).

We see the reality of modern Globalization, as the Financial-Media/Military-Industrial complex born in the Anglo-American culture, with head in the original biblical go(l)d culture invades all others through its media communicator systems. Each color on the left represents 1/5th of the human population. The blue 1/5th is the Western World made up of the Anglo-American, EU and old British and Iberian empires, controlled in their Financial-Media networks by the single World culture of the FMasters and its mass-media and Wall-Street-City-Frankfurt banksters.

As such it is in an splendid permanent robotic war evolving fast the new terminators of the XXI c. with Islam, the original enemy of the conflict between Apartheid Israel and Palestine, now blown up to the rest of the empire, as the rival culture is demonize by Islamophobia and hate media. So in the process the European, Humanist culture this paper represents has been erased under the dual boot of an Electronic Big Brother with the excuse of terrorism and the dismantling of the Welfare state, with the excuse of financial Unification through the private ECB which does NOT issue money to states but becomes the armed branch of the FM-empire and the robotized German Military-Industrial complex.

OF course, Russia, which is Europe and should have joined immediately after the end of the communist dictatorship of the red army the European Union, bridging with China to build a social-democratic alternative to the FMMI Anglo-American empire has been denied its position, to counter-balance the German reborn IV Reich, and was carved into statelets, denying even the Russian Nature of Kiev Rus, the founding centre of the nation, today called Ukraine (as if London or Paris was carved out of France or UK). The culture of Asia, with its self-evident radiating centre in China, was also carved out already in the XIX c. when Japan moved wholesale into an imitation of UK & Germany, as the leading FMMI system of the East. It did the job so well that ended being a rival to the FMMI Anglo-American Empire and so W.W.II ensued. But after the war, now as a puppet of US, Asia kept its 2 sides: the original centre, China, demonized by the ‘wo-ku’ nations surrounding it (dwarf pirates, the ancient name given to primitive Korean and Japanese pirate riders of the celestial empire:)

So US tries to exploit this artificial division, always busy in its attempts to create a new III world on the area (division of Korea, of Vietnam, of China, with Taiwan and H.K. puppet Japan played hard against all of them, etc.)

On the other side Mestizo Latin-America, the courtyard of earlier Anglo-American mass control of 3rd world nations with military caudillos corrupted with little papers, (debt-usury Pounds and Dollars issued for free in UK and U$, on exchange for real wealth – lands, mines and tax-farming of poor mestizo Latin-Americans by the Creole conquistadors) was left a bit out of the hook when the FM-empire refocused its racist, hate media in Islam, obsessed by the other nation of Its Israeli elite. So some mestizo leaders from Chavez (duly murdered with a lethal viral cancer) to Morales, have taken back some rights for the ancient mongoloid social mass of their people. But many ‘bad hombres’ to the service of the US, the drug cartels liberally provided with NRA weapons and the usual elite of corrupted dictatorial politicos and Sephardim banksters, still run the show. Especially in Brazil and Argentina; hence we put still the continent on the blue empire.

As it happens with all the commonwealth nations. But Black Africa is now partially out of the hook divided between the US-UK-French-Israeli corporative exploitative mining companies and the new kid in town, China, with much more positive policies for African nations, which are starting to grow much faster, with loans from Chinese developing banks, with the downside of a massive growth of population, lost of forest land and fast extinction of life-Gaia species. Islam, we know is the land of very-very bad hombres. So no need to comment on that. India, though is a great disappointment for this writer, ever since Lord Mountbatten crafted the raj into artificial statelets on the basis of hate-religion speeches, to make a mess of it, with Hindi vs. Islamic nationalisms.

WHAT we call IndonAsia, which also comprises the lost-stolen lands of Australasia, was the original birth of the Homo Sapiens talking man (likely the Homo Floresiensis) and should have been reconquered by a less pacifist/naive Gandhi, going underground during the Salt March and liberating by force the ENTIRE Raj from UK, which was easily doable in the 1920s, then making NOT religion but Bahaist mestizo-like movement of ideas, the counterpart of body-mestizo Latin-America:

A fusion culture of all the cultures of the world not erased as in the FMMI American world, where people are not in a melting pot, but erased of all original human memes to convert them into $laves of corporations, with the only roles of reproducing machines and consuming-vitalizing them. And so the FMMI system, NOT Euroamerica, the humanist culture of laws and bills of rights imagined before the Industrial r=evolution by the highest minds of the Euroamerican culture is now globalizing and erasing all the other cultures we have studied.

To that aim it should repress not spread as it does the wrong memes of the animetal cultures that have come to dominate the non-human future of planet earth.

Indeed, if the reader is familiar with the Equation of History and the anti-quantum paradox, he will be aware of the fundamental difference between ‘cultures’ of the Human Kind vs. Animetal cults, which however DO ab=use cultures and take from them memes to ‘camouflage’ its predatory-parasitic and competitive effects over humanity.

Thus often what we have, specially at the end of historic, when the mechanocene is almost completed are ‘faked cultures’, which disguise their metal-memes with infantile, placebo ceremonies of the original cultures, for touristic, hierarchy, class/differentiation, etc.

In brief, ‘animetal nations’, who base their memes of love into aborted, corrupted versions of the laws of the 5th dimension, as ALL humans are parts of the whole, HATE cultures and social union beyond the industrial or military nation with its racist memes of differentiation that allow them to use weapons to kill thy neighbor, money to enslave it to work and potentiate their ego-trips of primitive homo bacteria that refuses to understand reality beyond the minimalist level of the self-centered ego.

Of course, because we are in a process of extinction of mankind by mechanisms, company-mothers and machines, the opposite is happening: the hate memes of tribal religions, tribal nations and industrial competition to ‘evolve’ faster machines towards our demise, ‘hates’ any attempt to create the perfect world, with massive hate-media propaganda against the memes of our young, promoting the kind of hate-racist memes that make possible Brexit, Israel, Jihad, Abrahamic Revivalism, flags and hymns, armies and the profits of the military-industrial/financial-media system.

So in the papers dedicated to the 7 cultures of mankind we shall constantly differentiate the duality of those cultures, ‘infected by the viral selfish memes of metal, poised to destroy soon our species’, capitalism, the belief that digital money not verbal laws must rule our super organism, abrahamic religions, the belief that God is NOT mankind, our subconscious collective but some primitive book of history of old Semitic animetal cultures, based in hate memes, (an earlier form of nationalism, the belief a Germanic tribe of genociders must be the origin of our cultures – franks, germane, Anglo-Saxon, etc. extended latter to all the tribes of aristocratic warriors of the world) and finally the most insidious, mechanism, the belief that progress is not that of culture but of machines, not of human institutions but company-mothers, that humans are better off when more degraded and enslaved are mentally and physically by the use of those machines.

This is specially truth of the dominant cult(ure)s of the Mechanocene. Still even the most ‘corrupted’ human memes (racist religions, military nationalisms, capitalist people-castes that monopolize the language of social power, money, and DO pretend to serve the ‘culture’, that is the bulk of the 99% of human beings under their control) some remains of the ‘3 elements’ of humanist cultures, socialism (the sacrifice of the individual for the community), organicism (the understanding of the living, organic world, Gaia, and man as part of it) and humanism (the acceptance of all humans including the members of other cultures as part of a common species) do remain.
The obvious case is the Jewish-Protestant leading culture of the mechanocene, which its corruption by banker-priests and go(l)d churches, tribal war, and racist memes (ham damnation) instilled by the ‘false prophets’ of the Bible, as opposed to the eusocial love, no-theft, no-murder, acceptance of all humans as equal and sense of Justice of the true prophets (Moses with its 10 commandments, its damnation of gold: Jesus with its eusocial love prophecies, the minor prophets denouncing the sins of the kings and banker-priests of Israel).

Thus one this is clarified, we can map out the true cultures (down graph) of the Saviors of Mankind (Campbell) vs. the false animetal predators, parasites and its icon memes of metal on top. It is precisely in the middle of the cycle of conquest by animetal PP (predators-parasites) when the humanist cultures flourished, which can be seen in the art of the culture, which reaches its classic balanced age.

And it is clearly that as today, and because of the historic degrees of degradation of those cultures, which is directly proportional to the time they are ruled by people-castes of animetal warriors, bankers and company-mothers of machines, we can classify the 7 sub-groups of animetal nations on those 7 cultures of mankind by degree of corruption from the longest animetal cultures to the most evolved humanist ones, which receive latter the memes of hate against mankind and worship of idol-ogies of metal.

Now if we use the Fractal generator that defines the internal structure of super organisms in 3 social classes:

Limbs/fields: energy class < wave-body of re=productive working class> informative neurons with language control

Human super organisms will have a geographical territory of exploited nature, a middle class of working people and a neuronal class of politicians, artists and economists, financiers and entrepreneurs in control of the financial and legal languages that shape society.

In a humanist society though imitating nature, the top people-caste will receive as neurons do only 10 times more energy/money than the lower people-caste of reproductive workers and there would not be an energy caste of dispossessed, which is the outer world or territory of hunting and prey of the super organism in history Gaia.

Thus all humans will belong only to the neuronal and working class, without poor, and those cells that do not work, as those of the body (fat cells, skin cells) will receive its universal salary in blood/yes money to survive. We do NOT do liposuctions of those cells which do not work in the body, even drag our weight, do not do eugenics of economical level, except in the most extreme capitalist and military societies that murder at distance through poverty and anoxia (lack of money/oxygen), or direct genocide of the people, which artificially is differentiated from us, and put on the bottom of the pyramid.

It also follows that those most degraded cultures will have the strongest hierarchical, animetal pyramid of power with weapons and money on top, predating with people-castes of bankers and military over a middle class of human workers, which oppress below their poor, other colonized nations and nature.

And so for each culture we shall consider the following sub-sections to fully study them:

  • Humanist side, with a group of verbal masters on top in charge of the legal structure (religions of love and its priests, politicians of truly democratic societies and/or calligraphers/scholars/writers selected by examination – old and modern China). It must be noted that true democracy does NOT vote and select people on opinion but judge the professionals on charge after tenure the way old Greece did (citizens then by ballot occupied positions and were judged after tenure), as the body does with pain messages. Below this group there should be a mass of working people, or idle cells with survival benefits, which are not needed. And below THERE SHOULD NOT BE a 3rd class of poor, exploited, degraded humans, but Nature and natural resources. This is the natural structure of any super organism that does not go around with 2/3rds of its body mass dying of hunger, virally infected by retarded fiction memes and hating each other organs, fighting with cancerous cells for supremacy. Why our societies are like that is because in them, today dominate the
  • Animetal side of ‘nations’, with a people-caste on top, often of racial or racist cultural memes, of warriors (Germanic tribes in Europe, Arab tribes in Islam, African tribes in Africa, Caudillo of criollo-spanish origin in Latin-America), or bankers (Calvinist-Jewish $elected in Anglo-America and as this is the Globalized, founding culture of the FMMI system, also in all other European and ex-colonial nations). Below this group, there is always a mass of workers for the company-mothers of selfish memes of metal, money, weapon and machines the elite owns, and who obey slavishly all their mandates, to oppress, degrade and absorb all the resources of Gaia, leaving behind all those humans who the increasing evolution of machines, no longer require. As machines evolve those nations increase the bottom aberrant 3rd class of poor and dispossessed, and so they fall in periodic wars, revolutions and holocausts that bleed their internal human structure, but and this the key of its expansion multiply the weapons money and machines of the FMMI system, in a clear process of constant degradation of mankind and expansion of the metal-earth in a topic decametric vortex of informative evolution of 800-80-8 years acceleration, observed in the graph.

It is this tug of war today reproduced in every nation and culture between those:

  • Who profess humanist memes: often identified with left parties, eusocial love religions, advanced social sciences, young people who understand better the future, and international movements and organizations       vs.
  • Mechanist memes: identified with right wing, corrupted love religions converted into racist organizations with animetal $elected by the (S)word on top – gold churches or inquisitions, of which protestant, Jewish and jihad sects of abrahamic religions are paramount; or with technocrats, mostly ‘physicists’ who conceive time as lineal, progress through machines and manufacture the weapons of our societies, and with modern technocratic artists, which require machines to see better and think more – aka, computer and evilwood artists.

What we call the paradox of History, the wave that moves up and down through those cultural clash, and the origin in time of our present division of space into nations below the natural goal of cultures and mankind, the god, subconscious collective of all of us. And so we can differentiate the present NOT-IDEAL but real, factual 7 cultures of mankind and its animetal nations by degree of corruption by animetal memes.

Thus from minor to major it is easy to write a scale of corruption of those cultures starting by:

  • Islam, which occupies in its core centre – Arabian peninsula and lateral nations, the original fertile crescent, unfortunately the first societies of Gaia and Humanism to be degraded and destroyed by animetal warriors from the desert, as the ‘Lament of a Sumerian priest’ clearly explains – the evil people come from the desert with weapons of metal and gold rings, they capture and enslave our women and take our peasants as mercenaries, nobody comes to the temple, the fields are abandoned, it is the end of the world.

The humanist side of this culture was represented by Mohammed, and its attempts as he put it to ‘convert the hardest’, most evil, brutal people left on planet Earth, the original Arab warrior animetal Semite, Neanderthal-crossed, visual hypnotized, machos hordes of thieves and mercenary soldiers of the Arabian peninsula, based in tribal, racist, genetic memes – indeed the most primitive culture of the day. And for a while he succeeded though his method of creating the perfect world, was somehow, a bit out of track – murdering all those who did not convert to Islam, till arriving to India, and realizing the massacre would be so huge that he gave up and just taxed the non-believers.

In the duality of Koran, with mostly positive, humanist messages attempting to convert the mass of peasants of those lands to the eusocial memes of a single god, mankind, with its pillars of faith and charity, vs. the Jihad, we can see the duality of all cultures. Now as the world is awash with hate memes provided by the FMMI system (free weapons, racist slurs, visual identification of races by appearance, through TV-screens, despise for all things human as primitive etc), and the west promotes in all those nations military thugs on top, who never truly converted to eusocial love and the spirit of Oikoumene Islam, most of those nations are in civil wars, or ruled by Dictators, oppressing their people. While their priests have sided against the love memes of their religion and enhanced the Jihad and women’s repressive memes, the form over the content. So it is partially because of our insistence on converting Islam, in the energy prey of our weapons and hate media, the most degraded culture today. And this leads us to the culture that has degraded it through colonialism and islamophobia, the other older $emitic culture, which is the most important of the world, as it invented capitalism and the Financial-Media/military-industrial system, and the most peculiar, as its brutality and murder at distance finally achieved ‘black hole status’ as invisible, ruling at distance through their monopoly on the creation of digital money the rest of the world, with degrees of intensity according to the proximity to the elite class. It is:

  • Anglo-America, the Biblical culture, where capitalism was born (hence the oldest mechanist culture), ruled in finances by The City and Wall Street, where the Jewish ‘am segullah’ (people of the treasure) people-caste of bankers, partially mixed with Calvinist believers occupy around 80% of the positions and CEOs and CFOs and stock-trading places dominate on top. And it does so over a mass of believers on their racist memes of religious origin (Book of History of the Jews as supremacist race chosen by the Universe’s mind, aka god, to rule over all humans ’till they all become slaves of Yhwh, the Jewish people, or become exterminated’ – millenarian prophecy.)

This is the most hierarchical culture of the world, where the elite of banker-priests of Israel (54% of the 1% on top, 2% of real population) often receives 1 million times more language of power than the mass below, which is NOT the middle class of those nations, but as the capitalist society has globalised, the 3rd world of all other nations. For example, Mr. Glassner and Mr. Gartner, ‘own’ from London and South Africa, the mining facilities of Congo, where they use ‘Rwandan’ hardy soldiers survivors of the Holocaust to oppress and exploit the mines, in an unending holocaust that lasts now 40 years with over 20 million corpses. They are orthodox Jews, nobody knows them, and nobody cares for the massacred of the poor people of Congo, as long as the FMMI system progresses, hate-media properly reduces the 3rd world inside and outside our borders into rubble, enemies, terrorists, machists, you name it. And so this is the culture whose top is invisible (to denounce them means the end of scholarship, the crime of anti$emitism, jailing and repression, as the Holocaust industry will go against you). An example, which lead us to:

  • Africa, NOT the animist culture of Gaia, and verbal thought with some of the most evolved linguistic forms of verbal art, and a natural capacity for all things human (sports for the development of human limbs, emotions, songs and sex for the development of human body, literature and poetry for the development of the mind), clearly shown in their most advanced elites of afro-American sportsmen and artists, and Guinean music and art…. but the dictators of neocolonial Africa, which rule under the dictation of corporations and military mercenaries over a mass of dispossessed.

This elite comes from the old iron bantu warrior tribes that annihilated the pastoralists bushman, smaller men, and converted Africa in a tribal warfare world, specially after the arrival of European (mostly Calvinist, Dutch and British) and Semitic (Arab and Sephardim Portuguese and Spanish conversos) slave traders, which corrupted their tribal elites to provide slaves to the cargo of the first corporations. This elite thus became the corrupted middle-men exploiters of their own people and have continued the process, easily massacring the true social leaders of those nations. In the example we put, the Belgians paid Mobutu to murder Lumumba, the true leader of Congo dissolving his body in acid, and then when the Belgians left, mining corporations, mostly of South-African/Jewish ownership (Anglo-American of Oppenheimer, and then Glencore and Xtrata of Rich and Glassner) have taken over. Of course, Africa is NOT condemned, because the brutal exploitation of murder at distance of capitalist, $elected biblical elites who do NOT recognize what they do, but hide under the Anonymous Societies, of their corporative world and their worker slaves, is NOT stable. Corrupted systems always END in revolutions, wars, genocides, and holocausts.

So Africa has some hope because it now receiives a milder treatment from the most evolved society today, as always, the one which follows closely the laws of social super organisms, Asia… which we shall consider at the end of this list.

  • Next and 4th in animetal degradation comes Indonasia, which is a melt pot of all other cultures, from Catholic Philippines, to Islamic Indonesia, to Hindi India, to Biblical Australia. Here the complexity of each society requires its analysis as nations ruled by the people-castes of each culture they belong. So Australia is ruled by an elite of Jewish FMasters (Murdoch Greene being the best known, the Kalgoorie of the gold mines, and the owners of BPH, and other mining concerns the most powerful); while Philippines is ruled by a mixed criollo (Spanish English white)-Melanesian elite; Indonesia by military caudillos till the 1 million plus genocide of the communist party, India by Brahmin castes of the racist bronze age Veda religions, not purified by Buddhism and Vishnuism and so on. And the entire region as an ex-colonial zone for the original capitalist, Dutch-English elites, pegged together by capitalist policies, masterminded from the financial centers of Sidney, Singapore and Mumbai, with its duly dose of Media fictions enhancing nationalism – Sydney global media systems and Bollywood.

So this leaves us with the 3 less corrupted global cultures, which are if there is any hope of resurrection, the only possible beacons for a reform of mankind:

  • South America, based in the eusocial memes of the most love-purified abrahamic religion, Catholicism, whose pope today belongs to this region, and the ideals of freedom of the French R=evolution, but corrupted by criollo conquistador heirs, caudillos of Spanish origin.

This society however has of lately advanced surprisingly in certain regions towards a positive non-criollo social power, in the Andean region, and it is obviously in flux, between democracy and social power and military and capitalist brutality, masterminded by the Anglo-American and Spanish cultures that oppressed them in the past and now take over with their corporations. Again, here the difference of treatment is clear – Spanish corporations feel closer and are helping more the development, Anglo-Americans keep their racist profiling and mostly exploit their mining concerns as they do in Africa. And now they are in a tug of war for the 2nd biggest world reserves of oil sands in the Orinoco, in the Venezuelan political strife.

However this society has 4 positive memes to keep evolving: a very similar culture, with the Spanish and Portuguese duality, which is mostly product of the division of the global Spanish empire when both nations were together, after the Armada defeat, when England carved the Portuguese out to easily dominate the seven seas. A positive abrahamic religion, Catholicism, the less corrupted of them. A strata of Asian population, which unlike Anglo-America survived (in great measure because catholic priests were not biblical racist genociders with a book of bronze age mass-murders as the ‘moral guide’ of society), and are extremely resourceful, now unlike in IndonAsia, joined by the same language and culture. A bountiful land not so overpopulated after the astounding decrease of population by earlier conquistador and measles plagues. And a top cultured elite, which has finally! realized that conquistadors and weapons are NOT the best way to rule society, with a very kin European not only Spanish but also French-Italian-British ‘eye’. So if capitalism and the FMMI system, the monsters that are destroying all other cultures, were not so fast growing to erase them all, this culture as the resurgence of Peru, the oldest of the original Amerindian civilizations, shows, could easily become one of the 3 pillars of the resurgence of Humanity… along its mirror of enlightenment

  • Southern-Western, Latin Europe, NOT to confuse with the biblical, Semitic, Anglo-American and northern Germanic part of Europe.

Europe, this must be clear, is NOT born of the biblical culture, which latter converted northern, Germanic eastern Europeans, and British people, but of the merging of the Mediterranean, Greek-Latin culture of art, science, human senses, law and reason of the iron age, and the western Basque->French/Spanish/British Neolithic stone(henge) culture, of seafarers, art and human senses, and ‘devotio iberica’ (warrior bondage), of the bronze age. This merging achieved by the Roman Empire, divided Europe between Europe proper (the empire) and the barbarians who destroy it. And this barbarians, the germ(an)s of history which have rhythmically destroy Europe and the more so after conversion to biblical milennarist memes, are now again on top. Brexit has tilted the old Basque->roman British world towards its capitalist The City elite, which has kicked out for imperial, financial and racist memes and Germany now under the first Jewish chancellor, is pushing further with the dictatorship of the ECB private bank, the region towards collapse. Russia, the natural balance to Germany IS NOT IN THE EU, because the capitalist militaristic elites of UK, Germany and France prevented it.  And the TRUE origin of the culture, the southern Mediterranean nations are treated as colonial debt slaves and called together with the racist slur of PIIGS. So as today EU is below Latin-America in humanist evolution, but we put it above, on the enormous potential that their social scientists, and humanist thinkers and artists, and institutions have for a resurgence of the EU as the natural first example of the culture that advances the goals of a humanist world ruled by law, not BY MONEY, and with the purpose of evolving mankind NOT THE METALKIND. To that aim at least 2 immediate reforms are needed:

  • Accept Russia as a member of the EU to achieve land mass, military power and balance the racist animetal memes of the germ(an)s of history.
  • To nationalize the ECB move it to Brussels and put money under the rule of the law.

And then to form an alliance with Latin-America and China, starting a global bid for a perfect world, and readdressing their true victims, African nations, by stopping their shameless degradation through caudillos and corporations, as the dumpster bin for their cheap weapons, polluted industries and electronic garbage. Europe in the concept of Victor Hugo, lead by France, Spain and Italy, its 3 roman-Latin, original r=evolutionary nations of eusocial love, backed by Russia, returning to the original non-Marxist, ideals of their Anarchist masters, putting Germany under the yolk, to work for the common cause, entering into a global alliance with Asia, through the Russian border, and South-America, should be, given the fact that Anglo America has finally become just the exploitative center of the FMMI global system, the only blue print for a hopeful resurrection of our species, before robotic weapons or singularity bombs, now studied at CERN, in Europe, does us all.

It has the expertise, the history, the now corrupted institutions that should return to their ideals, and yet it is today just another slavish nation of an elite of French-German, Jewish stockrats and Germanic aristocrats that are plunging again the ‘Roman empire’ into the Middle age of barbarians.

The choice though is on the hand of French and German People who should UNDERSTAND they are NOT Anglo America, they are NOT a $emite culture, they ARE Europe, and EUROPE MATTERS, as the only possible resurrection of the wor(l)d along…

  • China, the most advanced humanist culture, at any time of history, except during the brief r=evolutionary ages of Europe. it is the ONLY NATION, where the FMMI system does NOT control absolutely all the systems of power, through private bankers and debt slaves. And the ONLY nation where the word has always been considered above weapons as the rule of power. The ONLY nation where the law still dominates, and where given their respect of knowledge, and despise of individual selfishness, a super organism  of History could be developed by reigning over the party corrupted members with popular democratic judgment votes after every communist member ends its tenure, and with the REFORM of the corrupted MARXIST doctrines substituted by the laws of the super organisms of history that this paper represents.

Thus if mankind resurrects it will be because China reforms and improves its political system, Europe realizes it is a culture different from biblical America, takes away its Holocaust Industry guilt memes, and its bankers on top, accepts Russia, and together with the help of Latin-America cure Africa and Islam, convert POTUS to the human cause, give a global coup d’état and cre(dit)ate the perfect world.

20 years ago when those models were first published and ignored, things were easier. As I said the first Clinton was the man to start the process. Then they corrupted. Now the second Clinton might survive the Fascist era of Mr. Trump and Brexit, with Anglo-America on Top, masterminded by the banker-priests of Israel and its FMasters, completely crazy head, separated from the body which it harms at distance with its drones, virtual hate media and financial ruin of debt slaves.

What is obvious is that 3 decades have passed since the refoundation of the sciences of history and economics but the anti-quantum paradox has so far won the battle. And so the real knowledge of mankind about their cultures and super organisms and humanist memes is minimal, and most of the 7 billions are now far more degraded mentally than the people 30 years ago, because the ‘word of mouth of a prophet=scientist of history that forecast on ethic grounds and cyclical history’ the future, is NOT as powerful as the Goebbel’s media process of ‘repeating a lie one thousand times’ till all people believe it, with mechanisms of replication of information. If I were a telepath, and people won’t be slaves won’t believe but reason, the perfect world of the 7 cultures of mankind would exist by now.

But the chronicle we must do of them today, shows they don’t. Indeed, most of the papers of this section as well as those of animetal cultures and the FMMI culture turn around Anglo-America and its Am Segullah elite, because they are directing most of the events of the future, from Brexit to evilwood to wall $treet to the ECB and the chancellor, to the Semite wars between Islam and Israel and its mercenary armies. Do you think i like to write about that? I hate to write about that. I would like not to have to write about that but about the perfect world. I would like not to chronicle on Brexit, Trump, Gaza, Lieberman, Glassner, the ECB bank, etc. etc. But about the perfect world, the Olympic games, Castalia, cooking, art films, good books, politicians raised to the hall of fame on the biennial post-elections, and the discovery of a cure to all the tropical diseases, one after another, the end of wars, and armies, the extinction of the last chip Homoctonos embedded into a robot….

The super organisms of mankind in time and space, its duality.

In a perfect world, this section would be by far the most and only important section of this paper – the supœrganisms of history and its ‘cultures’ NOT nations, and within its cultures, its prophets of eusocial love, not its people-castes of animetals. It would be a section dedicated to art and human senses, to eusocial love and gathering together of the 7 cultures in festivals and sport meetings, ruled by the Master Ludi or Hesse’s Castalia parable of a future planet dedicated to beauty and man as the measure of all things.

But the perfect world is not. At best, we do have the paradox of History at work, with the dual cultures of animetals and humanist prophets, fighting in each of the 7 geographic sections of the world in space, each one, a dual d=evolution of the paradox of history in time:

Max. Technological evolution (Animetal Cultures) = Min. Humanist evolution (social cultures).

And so for a real description of mankind as it is today, we must see the two sides of the paradox of history, and study cultures as a tag of war between the humanist side of the culture (the eusocial and artistic memes of love and man as the measure of all things, carried by their prophets of love, common people and its social and reproductive customs, and artists – those who see and think better and express it in their works of art).  

But what nobody Is proposing is real humanist solutions to stop the process of extinction of history and humanist memes as we do . So we shall end with those ideal solutions to create a perfect world

In the graph the perfect world should be built in steps, rejecting the competition between industrial nations, making them join EU style in regional cultures and finally establish a global government in control of the lethal goods that kill us, maintaining the earth a permanent balance between Gaia, history and the metal-earth ‘pruned of its lethal’ goods: the design of a perfect world with the physiological laws of systems sciences, dedicated to reproduce the GDP goods that are positive to mankind, with the economic frame of reference (right bottom) that rests from the economy lethal goods as all sciences have ±values, according to the biological drives of life, and the natural goods needed by humans, based in a demand economy, with an international ¥€$ currency (fixed parity, 1euro=1dollar=100yens=5 yuans), emitted as a Universal salary, to foster the demand of human goods, along other measures of repression of lethal goods, control of lethal corporations with the split of shares, with private management and human control, the fostering of diplomacy and International organizations such as Uno and EU, the most advanced humanist societies, seeking to substitute warring nations for world cultures, of which there are 7 clear forms, and in the long term, ruled by a real democracy of an heptarchy of presidents, in which politicos follow the rules of Greek democracies, where voting IS a posteriori, with pain judgments of citizens, as cells do with neurons, so they must serve, obey and accomplish their promises  – in brief a scientific organic design of mankind to make it hive at individual and collective level, is the goal of bio-history and bio-economics, which is not implemented and highly censored, because History has evolved as evolution does by trial and error into an imperfect corrupted organism ruled by selfish memes of metal.

A ‘perfect world will enhance’ the 7 cultures of mankind, which on its humanist side, as ‘variations’ of the same theme – humanity, the super organism of history in time, promoting its natural memes of eusocial love and downgrading its ‘animetal, selfish memes’ of humans as slaves of weapons, money, machines and the people-castes of companies of warriors, bankers and machines that rule them.

‘Nations’ are faked, aborted super organisms, which take advantage of the natural arrow of eusocial evolution of the Universe – the 5th dimension of parts that become stronger wholes and from the atom to the galaxy have raised matter into emergent forms of larger existence; subverting its meaning – to enhance the survival and freedom of each individual atom-cell-citizen, by inserting it into well-designed networks of energy≈economics and information≈laws, where each citizen-cell-atom will thrive, with maximal degrees of freedom (entropy).

The laws of the fractal paradigm, of an organic Universe, formalized through the understanding of the 5th dimension and its structure in wholes and parts apply to all systems of nature, including human societies, and in a perfect world, in which the anti-quantum paradox (denial of social sciences by castes of power, the observable, much bigger than the observer, the scientist), is reigned in, earlier in history, there is a body of ‘bio-historians’ and ‘bio-economists’ that apply those laws to design a perfect world.

What remains then in that world of ‘cultures’, which are often mixed humanist traits and symbols of animetal nations is obviously the human side of the paradox of history – the cultures of mankind that still hold human values, reason why we need to explain them all, so the reader realizes the future of the JAM culture is not the only future, neither a scientific feature but a cultural wrong evolution and as such one that has no future at all.


In the first Volume of History in Spacetime, we have confronted the two limits of civilizations, which in this age of Entropy and Death of History are valued in inverse fashion. Even if people are ‘polite’ about Africa, it is a fact that the Americans voted a president that called their civilization a Shithole; after their civilization destroyed and massacred their people for centuries; we have expressed with enough data what is NOT the view of the Universe as there is no personal G.Bush (God Bush creeping in the desert of Palestine) watching this ‘mush on a rock lost in a corner of the Universe’, but the answer the Program of exist¡ence prepares for mankind under the culture of evil=death, of pure entropy, that the Jewish-Anglo-American Mechanical, Monetary civilization (Ab. JAM) will deliver to all of us. Animetals though are not amenable to change. In other papers we discussed their mind at the ∆º lineal visual axis-level and at the ∆+1 level of its religions of parasitic fetish go(l)d and (s)word religions. Theirs is a runaway train in which they have embarked the entire mankind, disentangled with all the stops and warnings the organic Universe places along their way. And there is nothing a human rational being can do, because by definition the go(l)d culture has converted all what is a human truth in a lie, and all what is a human lie in a truth, meaning it has subverted with myths and ego-trips, fictions and censorship, antitruths and rewriting of History, using the Goebbels’ method ad nauseam – repeating bigger and bigger lies spread with ever more convincing rhetoric methods. So ‘when a civilization is so corrupted that the philosopher can do nothing, it is better to observe and enjoy life’.

The passion for death of the culture of Evil is such that is denies even that History is about ethics and survival. It seems for them, coming from the entropic, ‘3rd age’ of evolution of the mind-axis that there are no e-motions in the game of History because History is an ‘abstract’ science. Their practitioners have gone so far as to make of Linguistics, the mirror language man puts in front of spatial names and temporal verbs, a short of computer program generated by the Brain, set by a gene, as those AI programs they introduce in their beloved machines.

We just have chronicled its cycles of Evil and Death, and noted that for each of them who died, mankind was massacred by their actions of war and belli nervi pecunia infinita 100 times more; so their Karma has been soft on them, even if they deny all the laws of the organic Universe. We wish though now to abandon eviL even if we will have to visit them again and again, as when you are explaining the life of a sick organism, and tender for him in his bed, conversations turn all about ‘parasites’, ‘pills and remedies’ and in the last days, the arrangements of death and what will happen afterwards.

In between there is History. And in history there are 5 other civilizations who never arrived to those extremes of evil. And did not oppress other cultures to the limits the Animetal Germanic-Jewish Goldiron culture did with Africa. So in this second volume we will consider the opposition between the two next cultures with a milder evil, Europe, and milder Neolithic, Asia turning around its central empire, China.

We kind of forget that there was a better past, a glorious time, a youth and mature age of love and life and reproduction; and the moment of death is short, in all organisms its last generation; in the body the last time a cell reproduces in man, the first cycle of the digital age, this XXI century; since as we have also observed in our conclusions, only a parasite by suppressing soma and stopping the reproduction of its genes/memes can cure when it has infected so deeply, the superorganism it hosts; and no parasite suppress his memes/genes even if it knows after killing the body it has prey on for so long, all the germs will die…

It then happens that the sick person rather receives the fantasies of a priest than the admonitions of a doctor, a biohistorian, telling him how he could be so wrong with his diet, why he didn’t go to radiation and killed the genes/memes of its cancerous culture… And it prefers to get distracted with some fiction or take some opioid to stop the pain. So those texts of bio-history have little audience. As the parable of Matrix, people rather be Data who listen to the overwhelming description of reality of Morpheus.

It happens though also that those who loved the patient, like to remember the things past, and even if it is in the dead bed, go through the memories and pictures of his happier past.

And as I love History, the superorganism of mankind, we write in those papers the History of that past, fully aware that there was a Paleolithic youth full of freedom and wonder, and a mature Neolithic full of sensorial pleasures and good life; before the brutal cycles of the Homo Sapiens Neanderthal Palestiniensis threw us into their golden henna.

This has always been the view of the Chinese Historian, the Neolithic culture in ‘particle-mind-state’, akin to the African Neolithic in action-body-wave form of which because of that informative mind, verbal axis and memorial thought, despite having no written form till recent times (as writing appears always with the metal-age, since those who live life to the fullest in its day to day present and are humble, entangled to the living Universe do NOT need to stop life in frozen letters. So writing always appears in History not as an ‘advance’ but as an attempt of animetals trying to go beyond the strict loves and entropic limits of the organic Universe.

Paradoxically they fear the death they apply to others. And so the animetal emperor that gave the name to China, died poisoned by pills of mercury, the atom next to gold that also goes to the brain and kills its neurons, but ordered the murder of millions of Chinese, at 4 iron coins per head, and burned all the books of History, to be the first in the memory of the Chinese People. And yet the Chinese people memorized many of those texts, and for that reason we still know about Confucius, Mencius, Lao Tse an the first dynasties of China; the Jen age of ethic men, and wise emperors who did not make war but build the Neolithic paradise.


In that regard, what the JAM civilinations and its two parental cultures, its Germanic warrior fathers and Jewish Go(l)d mothers have refused to learn, regardless of wars and Holocausts is that the Universe is ethic, and ethics is a simple ‘non-SE mandate’: members of the same species must love each other if they want to survive, acting in parallel, species who are not equal, can prey on each other tearing their topology in perpendicularity, but you CANNOT cheat in that game. If you belong to one species you cannot pretend to be different and parasite it, even if you inject enough soma to maintain it defenseless for sometime – you are still of the same species and you will be found sooner than latter and massacred.

Ethics IS survival and ethics ALWAYS act-react to the 4th Non-AE law of congruence. For 4000 years the Germanic warrior and Jewish Go(l)d cultures have denied ethics upholding the values of selfishness, iron violence and go(l)d greed, expecting their wishful thinking will allow them to be on top of mankind and survive. The only thing they achieved is the lowest ratio of survival among all human cultures and the systemic genocidal and suicidal cycles we have explained in those papers. But they never changed but acting as a wave, even when they massively converted to humanist doctrines (Christianity, Socialism), there were enough people in wave/herd configuration ab=using others with weapons and go(l0d, believing in segregational hate memes to again carry the damnations of the belli nervi pecunia infinita cycle.

Their mind is the biggest mystery of History. When I lived in America I tried often to reason with them on ethic basis, but there is an emotional unease knee-jerk response, as if they were programmed to hate love. Instead they have come with a laughable alibi – they consider themselves more intelligent or stronger according to its informative ‘Jewish’ or Germanic ‘body specialization, than the rest of humanity, which is certainly NOT the case, and consider the Universe ‘selects’ species by pure intelligence or brute strength, which is NOT the case.

The main arrow of time the Universe uses to select species, which makes it such a just, perfect world is eusocial love, the 4th Non-Euclidean Postulate of vital geometry. Water atoms do not survive for its special intelligence but because they form truly a ‘sea of love’ constantly caressing each other with its Hydrogen senses. Ants do NOT survive for its enormous intelligence but because its drones behave as a single whole. Social scales of information exist because clones understand each other’s languages and respect its vital space.

The existence of the American people in a permanent dog-eat-dog, entropic state, not even as a coordinated wave, the form Judaism has survived always with its protective collective membrain of go(l)d and segregation through hate memes, hosted in larger human organisms whose natural eusocial loving attitude has tolerated them for so long, is stressful enough for me finally parting ways when it became clear there will go to the end as Homunculus brains with little interest on an intelligent understanding of the Universe.

The stupidity of their people as defined by Schopenhauer (people who cannot understand the time causality of events and resorts to simple explanations or magic tricks) reflects in their incapacity to understand the simplest truths of the Universe – even among those they claim to be geniuses – from the ethics of love to the cyclical patterns of causality in time, truly Schopenhauer’s stupids but with extraordinary dexterity to make machines, one can only accept the Earth has designed its species to kill life and little else. And maybe it has created us, rational, ethic beings for different planets without metal, or a different geography. So yes, our world is not this world the land of the evil, stupid JAM people who think to be righteous and intelligent above heavens and Earth. But their stupidity shields them from both angst and survival. Its lineal time dogma becomes its manifest destiny, which blinds them to understand the causality of the war and holocaust cycle, the scalar arrow of eusocial love; the destructive not creative power of entropic big bangs and the art of war. Because they are stupid they think people do not get them, and if they hide evilness they won’t die. They don’t understand most people ‘see them coming’ but are too good and lazy to do something. The Universe is not that exigent. It lets simple, humble, social forms survive.

In the organic Universe there is a karma, an action-reaction process, in time, space and scale to maintain the eternal balance of its immortal whole. And yet even when those action-reaction processes have come back to hunt the people who are pushing the runaway train, nothing has changed; they have blamed the human species they systematically ab=used with weapons and go(l)d or the Game of Existence itself that doesn’t gives them a special place.

For that reason the bio-historian takes sides when comparing the Anglo-American vs. the African culture – the quintessential Culture of Evil, of all those who subconsciously Love to Die, as they do nothing to avoid it vs. the culture of those who love To Live, even in the worst conditions of ab=use and opression. They are the extreme of the ∆±¡ Universe that unfortunately in the case of Earth sides not with the age of Gaia but with the age of the Metal-earth.

But JAM’s homunculi have not a single quality that deserves their preservation once they kill us simple CHON life forms, its function for the whole 5D Universe. Then 5D punishment on evil=anti-live species who hate their wor(l)d –extinction – will be applied to preserve the beauty of the game of existence…



The 6 measures to save the world.

As the theoretical measures to survive the chip radiation are simple but the idol-ogies in favor of money weapons and machines and the overwhelming power of compacracies with its goal of terraforming the Earth to the image of machine, and the informative control they have over social sciences (anti quantum paradox) makes almost impossible r=evolution. In the next graph the 6 simple measures I had preached for 30 years, to avoid the logic end of the robotic age – the obsolescence of Mankind – now clearly in the making as we enter an age of mental, visual atrophy and our children glued to virtual screens love entropy, death, chaos, individualism and visual degradation; while our collective subconscious moves back to the past, with revivalism of Abrahamic religions, bigotry fundamentalism and visual ‘neo-Paleolithic’ violent thought: ‘vidi, credo ergo sum’; as an old man looks to the past with a negative feeling unable to face his incoming death. But history could be reformed, since it is a simpler system and information unlike the warping of the body by nervous systems that exhaust its energy could be controlled by a well designed society:

in the graph, repeated for good measure the 3+3 physiological solutions of the science of supœrganisms to change the non-future of Mankind in an automated metal-Earth:
Legal prohibition of robotics.
The issue of a universal salary to create a demand-based real economic democracy by people through an international yes currency to create welfare demand, today easily achieved with a cryptocurrency, at 100 ¥= €uro≈$ parity, given to each human in a ‘mobile pocket app’, could establish an immediate massive demand economy in welfare goods globally, plummeting enormously the poverty of 3rd world nations, the migration problem and the excessive reproduction of lethal goods common people won’t demand.
-To split all shares of all companies, giving to Mankind, either national governments, or better, international cultures and like-like institutions the split 50% to allow national and international institutions to manage even forbid lethal companies, obliging them to serve truly consumers, without loosing managerial skills.
While in the political arena, 3 measures tending to create real democracies and a global government in charge of the management of the world requires:
-The reorganization of nations Eu style in the 7 original cultures of history (Australasia put for just historic reasons with Indonesia).
-The creation of real democracy, Greek style, where politicians are chosen as experts or from the common people by lottery but vote is a posteriori as a judgment with penalties of jail to oblige politicians to serve people.
-And finally a revolution which can come ideally from the top to the bottom governments (Uno assembly, ‘mule’, stock rats caring for the future) or from people through the vote of r=evolutionary parties, or the take over ‘occupy wall street’ style, of the centers of financial-media/government power.
In the graph we illustrate those 3+3 measures, which are the scientific simple measures of the science of systems applied to social sciences, taking from imitation those 3+3 measures imitating nature where cells send pain messages to the brain, have all its salary in oxygen to kick out production of goods, so no-one dies of hunger, lethal goods are not allowed to enter the organism, killed by leucocytes, organs of the body collaborate as nations of history should together, and do not use lethal weapons but talk with hormones in diplomatic channels to achieve the common good, could change the world within years. So only a r=evolution with the science of history as the guidance of the planet can save Mankind from extinction. It is then necessary a people-caste of bio-historians, as in foundation (Asimov’s trilogy on history), to take over, and make a needed r=evolution of the system applying the laws of physiological history, to reform the economic, reproductive and informative legal system with the 6 measures that would make both physiological networks work for Mankind: how easy would be to implement the measures? As simple as Mr. Potus wanting them, since it would only require 3 people, an Asimovian mule, Mr. Potus, Mr. Eu and Mr. China (Mr. Pec – a perfect triad of global power), but Mr. Potus alone could easily convince ‘organic China’ the mot advanced human super organism in any time of history, to join and the rest would follow.

As such the science of history is part of the science of biology, specifically the science of systems that defines every system of the universe as a social organism. Why humans reject such concepts have to do with the present state of history – one dominated by the age of entropic dissolution and death of historic structures, when the individual citizens/cells of the historic super organism feel ‘free’ of any ethic, informative network, which used to bond them with other human beings. So as history ‘dies’ away as a super organism, the very same concept of his nature fades away.

Organisms have in that sense a very deterministic nature and so the great philosophers of history from Aristotle to Spengler have wondered about the deterministic of history through its ages.

In that sense, the solutions of history are also simple and deterministic following those laws of social super organism.

How easy would be to implement the measures? As simple as Mr. Potus wanting them, since it would only require 3 people, an Asimovian mule, Mr. Potus, Mr. Eu and Mr. China, but Mr. Potus alone could easily convince ‘organic China’ the mot advanced human super organism in any time of history, to join and the rest would follow. Trust me if I were Mr. Trump I would have done it already. But alas, ‘presidents are selected, not elected’ – said Roosevelt. So it would require a mule in the Asimovian sense, a bio-historian, who takes power without showing his true colors and then get rid of the whole corrupted viral super organism of history infected by company-mothers of machines, idol-ogies with 7.5 billion viral brains with their DNA converted to the memes of the viral machine, busy-busy in a frenzy reproducing it.  And for you to understand that homology, we need to introduce the hardcore science of memetics, as it is.

This must be understood, such as system could only be imposed by an economic not military, not political, but economic  coup d’état against the dictatorship of corporations, to restore a real democracy, of the most powerful nations of the world, which would establish first the economic measures, and the global currency, which means an Asimovian ‘mule’, foundation style, of a triad of presidents, of the 3 most powerful entities of the planet China, Us and Eu… Which then would expand the system to the rest of the planet, creating a global super organism of Mankind that would design a world to our image and likeness.

The three political and economic measures that could ‘save’ history… Nowhere to be seen in the present zeitgeist of ‘enzymanic slavery’ to machines and its corporative super organisms are very simple taken from nature’s design of supœrganisms and would enhance the freedom of the people and ensure its future: legal prohibit of robotics, universal salary, control of politicos and corporations, and a world based in diplomacy and culture, not industrial competition and nazionanist wars.

Since the key to a real social science is obviously to follow the objective organic models of reality which shape both the human super organism of history and the eco(comic)system

The savior the world. Mr. P.E.C.

Before the end of the world, only a strong coalition of Mr. Potus, Mr. Europe, enlarged to the long overdue ½ called ‘Russia’ and Mr. China, could change the destiny of the world and made a Human R=evolution that ensures the survival of our species, before automated company-mothers of machines-weapons and its hordes of robots make all human expendable.

But for humans, for the 99%, the system is the worst of all possible worlds. Hence it would be needed a r=evolution, which at this stage of history can only be implemented, due to the ‘matrix of fictions that controls people’, if the leaders of the 3 nations of the world, China, Us and EU make a r=evolution and a coup d’état against the financial/media-military/industrial system and its ‘physiological networks’ that today control us all.

At the time of writing this text, Mr. Potus was Mr. Obama, Mr. China, Hu Jintao and Mr. Europe, who knows…

But it really doesn’t matter the name of those who occupy such physiological positions in the networks of the main cultural nations of mankind – but their capacity to command the laws and measures necessary for a survival r=evolution of the systems of the super organism of history. So I have changed names but some might linger from a decade ago, when this was published in a small print book ‘Go(l)d and eviL: Economic crises’.

As the text is taken from a decade old book, I have not taken a dot of it, since as usual is a clear proof that the future can be predicted in its physiological elements – since indeed, it considered the obvious future ‘clash’ between America and China, now all the rage, and certainly without changes in the system, to end in all-loose global war solved with Terminators.

Because Mr. Potus belonged to a different culture the world was full of hope when he was elected, and it still is, as the Nobel Prize of peace shows. But to make a ‘change we can believe in’, he must take away from ‘biblical economists’ the financial system and create an economical system ruled by a real science of economics, to create a world to the image and likeness of Mankind, avoiding the cycles of wars and holocausts that plague history.

It is, I know, a dream in this world of false go(l)ds and perfect weapons, where ‘beauty is the beginning of terror that we endure because it calmly promises to annihilate us…’ (duino elegies).

And so only a dream is left, the fantasy of a hero that so many other writers of the wor(l)d have dreamt before me: a neo, a Moses, a mule, a lot who saves us from Gomorrah, the city of warriors and Sodom, the city of traders, with the help of god, the organic laws of the universe…

The mule could be as small as two men/nations, Mr. Potus and Mr. China, working together to take over the international banker, or it will, ideally be played by most nations of Mankind… we shall consider that ideal vision, whose ‘dramatic fiction’ plot starts when a ‘reborn’ Mr. Potus has some sort of ‘revelation’, as saint Paul did, and instead of prosecuting their own people, the negroes and spics that voted for him and are now suffering harshly this crisis, learns to ‘spic negro’, his native tongue, and makes a long distance call to Xi, the master of China and tells him straight, Xi, I admire your nation, your social culture, your 8 points of harmony, I want to r=evolve the world to the image and likeness of China, the most evolved country of the humankind, according to the laws of social evolution, but I have a problem and I need your help, I am not the owner of the white house, only a house negro, and I have to kick out first the morlocks of this place… here is the plot, d-day, a quiet day of profits of 2010 for Wall Street, when companies are giving fat profits, 40 million people are without jobs in skid row, while software suits and robots work in their places; 10.000 and counting American corpses in the mercenary Semite wars (WTC, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon), announce indeed a day in which ‘all is quiet in the western front’.

But as the Wall Street journal and treasure department keep criticizing China for ‘manipulating its currency’ and ‘saving too much’, provoking a lack of liquidity in the market, cause of the ‘financial crisis’, (when it is China, who is holding the dollar deficits, buying treasures), in the east Xi, working with Mr. Potus, the 7th savior of the world has given an order, to ‘stop saving so much’ and ‘liquidate’ Chinese savings… an order that will create a financial crisis, similar to the one Rothschild and Morgan implemented in 1907 (bank scare) to take over the federal reserve. Then, Morgan provoked a bank panic that broke many independent banks and ‘convinced’ the senate to pass the federal reserve act that eliminated the right to invent money, which democratic, frontier banks that lend to people had till then. So a well-oiled senate gave it in exclusive to banks controlled by Morgan and the Warburg syndicate, which represented the ‘am segullah’. Only ford denounced it and his companies will have to self-finance themselves ever since. Rumors have it that each received 20 million $ from the ‘German fund’ brought about by the Warburgs, but the beauty of ‘invisible money’ is that it doesn’t leave traces, so it is always a rumor, a conspiration theory, a black hole, which cannot be seen beyond the surface horizon. Now, the same tactic will be used for governments to regain back control of the financial system. So Mr. Hu says, just when Wall Street closes and is dawn in Tokyo, ‘naively’ that China has put on sale all and every treasure bill, it holds, while its holdings, quietly put on sale all stocks emitted by Wall Street, since it has been ‘accused by the treasure department of draining liquidity, it is returning liquidity to the market’. This happens curiously in a day, which is holidays in shanghai and Hong Kong stock-markets, but not in America…

Thus, now a battle starts between the empire of China and the empire of the am segullah, the owners of the financial industries of the west. Tokyo defends the treasure bills, but Japan is already bloated with them BOJ calls Mr. Potus, who calmly strolls his Peruvian dog alone in the garden where he is serving as a house negro, where he has plotted the r=evolution to become the master of the house and tells Japan, ‘I understand you have already helped us for decades, you do not need to buy Chinese bills, just do not sell yours, I am sure Wall Street will rescue us tomorrow…, wakarimasu ka? He stops, the moon is rising, lights a cigarette that 10 generations of true slave, who did indeed suffer a brutal, unjust holocaust, helped to pick up till robotized machines threw them to skid row and inhales… I might die for this – he thinks – what a sweet death. This time king, you will be proud of me… Europe comes to the rescue, as it always does with few cents, not enough, and both the dollar and the bills keep plummeting. All wait for Wall Street response. 3.30. And to the surprise of all, the am segullah are not buying, because in the long term they know China is the future and their only god is go(l)d. Treasures plummet like if they were from a banana republic. The dollar approaches 2 to 1 euro. It is unavoidable. The private investor smells the end of America, as it smelt the end of Germany 80 years ago. Hedge funds smell it. The am segullah have no alliance but go(l)d. The American debt has become ‘toxic’. At lunch time, the havoc is so great that Mr. Potus has no other solution but deposing Mr. FED blamed for criticizing China and puts a r=evolutionary bioeconomist on charge of the FED– giving the banker priests a final chance to convert and join the human r=evolution, to redeem 10.000 years of idols and walls to protect stolen wealth, since the Jericho days. But it is more difficult that a rich enters the ‘kingdom of heavens’ than an elephant a needle. And the move is misinterpreted. The dollar keeps falling, it crosses the 2 barrier. And the day ends.

2nd day in China. Mr. Hu is frightened for the repercussions of the incapacity of Wall Street to defend and reabsorb its own debt and the clear instability of the dollar. So from this day on, he announces, all contracts in commodities and goods sold and bought by China will be made in stable yuans. At the same time, in ‘prevision of wild movements in the price of shares that will not reflect the true value of Chinese companies’, shanghai and Hong Kong will remain closed, its shares will be made nominal and tomorrow, when they open, for a month, till markets stabilize any transaction will require a tax, as all other commodities do.

When Wall Street opens the stock-market plummets more than 11/9. Massive evasion of capital is now the main reason why the dollar is openly over 2 the euro. The ‘am segullah’, as they did in Germany in 1917, when the Americans entered war and they felt Germany would loose, are taking their go(l)d away and selling shares of American companies. But late in the afternoon the market crossing the 7000 barrier stabilizes. Why? Some opaque funds are buying huge chunks. Trustees with enormous quantity of cash start to accumulate majority stakes in INTERNET and … audiovisual, electronic and robotic companies. In the afternoon, Mr. Potus deposes all his economical team, who he blames publicly of provoking the crisis and puts in place a group of ‘spic Negros’, socialists, left-wingers.

4th day. Mr. Hu affirms that the world needs the help of China in this difficult situation, and so the Yuan has been made convertible and now it can be traded in shanghai and the Bloomberg platform. Stampede. Two curious reactions in new York. Office reopen in Wall Street for the first time in the century, and in the night quietly, massive shifts of funds are taking place to the industrial bank of China. But there is also a lot of activity in JFK. Limousines are parking, coming from new heaven. The ‘am segullah’ are taking planes. No tickets to Sidney or London left. Mr. Potus, rumor has it, has left to Hawaii to ‘reflect on the crisis’, and he is nowhere to be found. Joseph Johnson doesn’t inspire confidence. In a big financial company has asked to delist in Wall Street, but the new stock czar, Joseph Johnson, says nobody moves and it is ‘obliged’ to nationalize her and her archrival, Morgan, to avoid a massive evasion of capital taking place, a century after they plotted the foundation of the federal reserve. Selling is now Frantic. Dow approaches 5000. Now the Japanese have joined; Tokyo is selling too. And the Russians and London and Paris… Dow Jones touches 5000 at the end of the day.

5th day. As the Yuan quietly crosses the 4 to 1 barrier, the Chinese bureau of statistics publishes one of those ‘half lies’ with opaque numbers difficult to assess, it turns out that a revised calculus shows China to have the highest GNP of the planet and the news are trumpeted across the world. Then Mr. Hu opens the currency markets with a Yuan fully convertible… Welcoming foreign investments.

This means central banks must reassess their currency baskets and sell the American dollar, which is put on the market by China, Japan, Russia, brazil… Only Draghi has been defending it, dragging down the euro and Mr. Sanchez, in an urgent measure, as president of the European union deposes him and scraps the laws of ‘independence of the central bank’, by decree among a clamor of all the European press, who accuse him of being a dictator. Mr. Sanchez however is nowhere to be found.

6th day. Sabbath. New York is a ghost city. So many people didn’t come to work today. It looks like Berlin after the 2 boats with the gold of the deutsche bank had departed… where are all those CFOs? The Khazars though, in Brooklyn heights are scared. They haven’t done anything wrong, except selling some Sony cameras with Chinese lenses, minor peccadilloes. They flock to their synagogues but the Jamaicans are also coming, and the Dominicans and the people from the Bronx and queens… and the riots start, and this time there is no major in new York, sending the police to defend them. Mr. Bloomberg managed to delist the platform hours before Joseph Johnson was appointed, resigned and now lives in Chelsea. He is having a chateau Rothschild for lunch, as we speak...

In Sidney, however, not only the fleeing am segullah are gathering. They also expect 2 planes. One left Moscow earlier in the morning and stopped in Beijing to repost. There was a small plane coming from Narita in the same track… the other is coming from the west. It left Madrid in the morning and stopped in Rio. 2 peaceful planes, which are not surveyed by radars, which carry no weapons but the wor(l)d inside and are not going to kill 3000 people in the world trade center but are indeed going to take over Wall Street.

And then, in the airport, a conference is announced to the world press, by one PEC bruja, just on the dawn of the 7th day, Sunday, the day of the lord of love and social evolution, the day of the mestizo Galilean, who gave his life to the banker-priests and the roman warriors to redeem Mankind. It is afternoon in Brooklyn heights and blood is running, but Sunday starts earlier in Australia. In their synagogues, surrounded by the Germanic-Americans, the enslaved negroes, the spics, the Jewish are asking the brain of Yahweh, its banker-priests to save them, in their Sabbath day, but the banker-priests all gone, seem to have responded, as they did to Hitler, who according to Brenner, as late as 1942 offered rabbi Michael Weissmandel a bargain basement tradeoff that liberated the entire Jewish population of western Europe in exchange for $2 million – something on the order of a dollar apiece for the entire population. Weissmandel conveyed this offer to the world Zionist organization (WZO) in Zurich, only to receive a reply from the Zionist leader Nathan Schwab of the Hechalutz in Switzerland explaining why this offer had to be rejected: ‘since we have the opportunity of this courier, we are writing to the group that they must constantly have before them that in the end the allies will win. After their victory they will divide the world again between the nations, as they did at the end of the first world war’s end, we must do everything so that Eretz Ysroel will become the state of Israel, and important steps have already been taken in this direction. About the cries coming from our country, we should know that all the allied nations are spilling much of their blood, and if we do not sacrifice any blood, by what right shall we merit coming before the bargaining table when they divide nations and lands at the war’s end? Therefore it is silly, even impudent, on our part to ask these nations who are spilling their blood to permit their money into enemy countries in order to protect our blood – for only with blood shall we get the land’.

In other words Jewish martyrs from the pale of settlement, impure khazars, who are not considered Jewish by orthodox rabbis were needed to justify the creation of Israel, and who better served this purpose than the concentration camp victims (too many of them assimilationists) who had not already heeded the invitation to come to israel?1

Who will now save the impure? But the messiah is coming. In Australia Sunday is breaking and PEC bruja will be speaking soon. Nobody knows him. But an announce is made that Mr. Sanchez president of EU during the 1st semester of 2010, Mr. Potus, Mr. Putin, Mr. Brazil, Mr. China and Mr. Japan will be assisting. Nobody notices that Mr. China, Mr. Potus, and Mr. Europe form the main name of our guest speaker, PEC, and brazil, Russia, and Japan, form the surname bruja, which happens to be witch in Spanish, a coincidence? Not so, because some magic is being done to resurrect the world. As in the ancient times, when Joseph, banker of the pharaoh, represented an entire tribe of speculators, 0’% of the world population but with a majority stake in the Earth inc., now PEC bruja represent over 2/3rds of the world GNP and more than half of the Earth population, leaders elected by their people, managing directly the language of power of the world, and that is a ‘change we can believe in’.

Suddenly in every major audiovisual company of America a man from the government, which has become the biggest stock-holder of all of them, during the stock-market turmoil appears to take the CEOs position and all the televisions connect, Sunday, 0.00 time in Australia, dawn of a new age, and Pec bruja take stage. Mr. Potus has now to deliver the most important speech of his life; for the first time he must say the truth, nothing but the truth… the rioters stop in Fairfax, Brooklyn heights, even in the city, which did not join, the foundational temple, the majors of NY and the Rothschild M.P. Drink up the chateau and connect.

7th day. Sunday in the pacific paradise. Still Sabbath in the world,

And so PEC bruja announces that due to the havoc caused in the world of finances and markets that has ruined the economy, thrown 100 million people out of jobs, and has no solution coming from the private banking sector, to which states have given already several trillion $, and due to the selfish speculation going on at Forex currency markets that have sunk the dollar, to stop the destruction of the world economy and the true wealth of nations, harsh measures will be taken: all stock-markets, financial companies and central banks in the aforementioned countries and any other nations who wish to join the world union have been nationalized. All stocks are made nominal at the price of this day and hour. Future transactions will require a notary and an IVA tax as any other commodity. A world currency, the ¥€$ money has been established, fusioning the currencies of the 6 nations, which establish an immediate salary of 1000 ¥€$ Dollars/euros (adjusted to each nation in terms of PPP – purchase per capita power) to be paid monthly to every citizen of those nations, with the purpose of causing a massive demand in basic human goods that will lift the economy of the world, creating the biological goods Mankind needs to survive and a massive wave of employment to produce them. Each of the 6 nations accepts also a mandatory 30 % annual public deficit to start the immediate production of those goods. 1/3rd of the deficit will be invested in other nations of the world to promote the expansion of the world union.

An immediate invitation is extended to all the countries of Mankind, specifically to Mexico in America; the president of the Arab union and Nigeria in Africa, Korea, soon to be reunified by our politicians, India and Indonesia in Asia to join the world union: m.a.n.k.ind. Thus the government of the world union will be hold by the presidents of the ‘12’ main tribes of Mankind. The executive presidents will be the triad of super-powers, Pec, with one vote for us, one for China and one for EU. The other 9 nations will fill the vice-presidencies with ½ a vote each one. Thus, the main nations by population and GNP of all the continents, form a quorum of 7.5 votes. Any of them will be able to put forward legislation, which will be immediately vote by the presidents and if reaching majority, it will become law in all the countries of the world union:

Us, Brazil+Mexico (vice-presidents), will form the executive of America. Eu+Russia+NIgeria+Arab Union, (formed by creating an economical and social union, similar to the European union, a new dawn for the Arab world, brutalized today by the absurd ‘anti-Semite’ policies of Mankind against the last surviving god of the metaphysical age that must be revered and respected), will become the executive government of Eurafrica and China + India, Japan and Indonesia, will be the executive government of Asia… and then, as Mr. Potus, who now indeed will deserve the Nobel prize of peace, unwinds the details of the world union, the miracle happens, the spics, the negroes, the white trash of America lower their guns and extend their hand to the bearded khazars, as Sunday extends its new dawn towards America.

And so a new economical world, which represents the majority of the wealth of the world is born, a global currency to create deficits for welfare goods is born, a new alliance of power to convert our war economy into a peace economy is born, as a minimal salary paid to billions of people end the poverty and scarcity of life-enhancing human goods our go(l)d economists claim could not be cured… In the next paragraphs we shall design the absolute ideal of such economic ecosystem to the service of the world, based in the scientific laws of super-organisms.

It is a dream? Perhaps, but a single man, Mr. Morgan and his associates, Warburg and Rothschild, dreamed the inverse operation to take over the American financial economy in the bank scare of 1907 and won. As Chengdu said ‘from one comes two from 2 comes 3 and from 3 come the 10.000 beings’. To dance this game, it is only needed courage and intelligence, maximal energy and maximal information, the 2 qualities, which the universe selects in those species it allows to survive. It is ultimately the butterfly effect. Mr. Ho is more than enough in front of the passivity of the world to manipulate finances and take back the rights of the people to control through their elected and organic parties, the future of Mankind. Mr. Potus is the butterfly, which causes the hurricane in the other extreme of the world, that engulfs the planet, as Mr.. Europe joins. And then Mr. Bruja… since the 6 ‘chosen leaders’ for this tale, happen to represent humanist, left, socialist, state parties of today in Spain (Mr. Eu), Russia, Japan and brazil. Or what is left of humanism in this age.

And finally m.a.n.k.i.n.d. It is the last chance of survival. So the question is, are all our ‘kings of the empire of man, where the sun never sets, puppets of the stronger go(l)d of evil=death? If Mr. Morgan did from his office at 5th avenue, if Mr. Potus wants to be more than a Weimar puppet – who remembers the long list of names that headed that republic? – he must do it. If he is happy just being a ‘house negro’, smiling and getting the saint Nobel of the dynamite, he will go under with all of us. What those humanist politicians need to do is to show the same bravery, the same confidence in their ideals, the same determination and strength than animetal cultures have shown in their enthusiastic bid to destroy the world, in order to save it. And what both need is to listen to the truth of the wor(l)d. Quid est veritas? Itam audio, num et tu? But if you don’t the world will not save you. Bottom line is that this script is going to happen at a slower pace, performed by the free market during the next years, as the world shifts its economy from us to China, when China overcomes very soon the American GNP and the Am Segullah move to the next country with their treasure. It has happened to Spain, to Holland, to France, to Germany and to America in the modern age, and will be played with little variations, so the question is, are we going to manage the future scientifically or just deny the truths of cyclical economics and let it happen anyway?

In that regard, the question that history will answer soon, is if we are free as a species. It is obvious that the animetals are not, and the older their ‘evil’ memes are, the more convinced they are that their extinction of life is ‘righteous’. But, what about those who pretend to be ‘good’ and do nothing, the corrupted left? Are they mere ghosts, placebo functions? Can social love detain the program of extinction carried about by selfish tribes and homo bacteria? We shall now soon. If we are all slaves of go(l)d and evil, of greed and murder, we shall die soon. But it is a better destiny to die with honor with the truth of the wor(l)d than to live as a slave, puppet of the metal-masters. And this is what the last human beings who walked in America, john, Joseph, Malcolm and Luther knew. They were all killed. So they were spared to see what the wor(l)d has become in the hands of the puppeteers. To them I will mention again their messiahs of love, Moses, ‘do not steal’, Jesus, ‘love’, Marx, ‘change your worldly religion’, Trotsky, ‘the r=evolution will be a world r=evolution or it won’t be’. This is what we certainly learned from the last prophet of the wor(l)d murdered by ‘steel’, Stalin, the warrior, the last Cain of the human kind. But there is no much blood left, not much time. Mr. Hawking has set the clock of the end at 5 to 12. For all this it is obvious that if Pec has to exist it must r=evolve the entire world now. Nothing else will do.

PEC vs. the singularity.

XXI History has 3 protagonists, China, , America ruled by Mr. Potus, increasingly more corrupted in each cycle – Mr. Potus in the earlier versions of this paper –  and the original go(l)d-smith culture, Europe, represented by a rotating president, which in 2010 will be hold by Spain. It is the triad of presidents that could avoid the extinction of history, repressing the lethal machines of the age of the singularity. Instead they are guided by capitalist economists, and mechanist physicists, the ‘experts’ on go(l)d, weapons and machines, who are driving Mankind towards extinction. It is time for Mankind to return to an organic view that makes man again the measure of all policies. To achieve those goals our politicians must act as a single wor(l)d nation, following the arrow of social evolution that ensures the survival of any species in the universe and gain back the control of the languages of power of our society.

The world has today 3 leaders, China, America and the EU. Contrary to belief, the most important of those 3 leaders is China. Because it is the nation of the XXI century, the most evolved socially, the most advanced culturally and the model all the others should imitate to control the evolution of machines with the power of the law. So far Mr. Potus lives the fantasy of being the ruler of the most powerful nation, thinking he is the new Roosevelt, but the new Roosevelt is XI, the leader of the new nation, China. Mr. Potus is just the last leader of the American Weimar. So if he doesn’t want to precipitate America into a new neo-fascist age, he must understand the cycles of history and collaborate with the new leader, China, to prevent the end of Mankind.

As Europe, no longer the leader of the world did after II W.W., America must adapt, through r=evolution, to a cheaper, safer, ‘dolce fare niente’ social system, instead of competing for the ring of go(l)d, which will be Chinese. But why we say r=evolution? Because the power in America is not in its people and its constitution, who cheer the equality of all human beings; but is still hold by a minority, belonging to the ‘biblical, gold-smyth’ culture. As harsh as it might sound, the American r=evolution never happened; the ‘house negroes’, the American people, were never liberated from their go(l)d elites; only the plantation negroes became partially free—but they never achieved their social rights. Go(l)d has always ruled. And yet, there has never been a chance like the present crisis to make a peaceful social r=evolution without killing anybody, without using the tools of neo-fascism, as never there were so many Americans who desired a change of leadership and ideologies, a science of history, an evolution of their social mind. .

.   in that sense, Mr. Potus should not be a ‘house negro’ for the biblical inquisition, with the job of punishing Islam, the plantation negro. Those ‘Semite wars’ and ideologies of hate and go(l)d are not his, neither those of America, born as the dream of a world of equal human beings of all races. Mr. Potus has not been elected to be part of foreign wars, to try to compete with the 4 times bigger population of the Chinese world, to maintain the apartheid of the Gaza plantation. He has been elected by the votes of American ‘human beings’ to create an economic ecosystem that works for ‘we, the people’ of America, not for their people-castes and their absurd millenarian dreams of global go(l)d power. So he must put money to work for ‘the people’. Or he will soon wake up in Weimar 1930s; and either he will have to become a neofascist leader and go against their own people, as ‘house negroes’ used to do, or take over the white house and make a real r=evolution, the first in the history of America.

The easiest path, of course, is to follow the ‘business cycle as usual’: let the elite prey on the American people, while repeating ‘ad nauseam’ a fiction of ‘don’t worry be happy’ that ignores the real suffering of the nation. And then, as always happens when we don’t direct our business and are in denial of its incoming ruin, one day all explodes and there is no future but death.

Thus, only a miracle coming from our leadership—an Asimov’s ‘mule’, a lot, a ‘neo’, could save Mankind of his non-future.

But lot needed at least to find another just man, and indeed, an alliance of China and the us could change the world, as we have explained in the previous ‘plot’. Let us now be more precise, creating a super-organism of history, presided by a collective of the most important nations of the world.

We shall call this collegiate presidency, ‘Pec Mankind’, as the world is now trilateral as it was in the 20s, with 3 economical giants, America, China and us and a series of nations that should be easily convinced to participate in such government. So let us imagine that in the first semester of 2020, Mr. China, Mr. Potus and Mr. Europe, Pec. give a global coup d’état and decide to save the world, convincing the rest of American, European and Asian leaders to follow suit. What they should do to create a world to the image and likeness of Mankind, a paradise on Earth?

First to define a simple way to vote executive laws. PEC—Mr. China, Mr. Potus and Mr. Eu, (represented then by Mr. Sanchez) with 1 vote each; and the 8 vice-presidents of the main cultures and countries of the wor(l)d, Brazil, RUssia, Japan (BRUJA), Mexico, the Arab union, Nigeria, Korea, INDia and INDonesia (M.A.N.K.IND) with 0.5 votes have over 75% of the GNP and human population. Thus their decisions imposed as executive orders could solve the problems, if they would abandon the racial and mechanist myths of the go(l)d culture and recognize the fragility and equality of all human beings. If this humble acceptance of human nature and the duality of the tree of metal vs. the tree of life were recognized, if the capital(ist) sin of Mankind, arrogance, the desire to be more than god, could be cured, the survival of Humanity, the reversal of the genesis prophecy would be extremely easy to achieve.

If PEC Mankind would recognize himself as human flesh, not better than Joe 6 packs, the mass of human beings, victims of the metal-Earth, the people who elected him to whom he owes allegiance he would realize that the problems of the world are not those of the international bankers, the industrialists and physicists, which are going to eliminate us all, but those of his brotherhood of human beings, the anonymous nobodies, just like you, PEC Mankind, are for the universe.

Let us then dream on a conversion of our leaders, before the age of the singularity kill us all. What PEC Mankind should do?

3 unavoidable measures are once and again repeated as a mandala in this book, in the way we receive the same repeated subliminal messages about greed and murder, the hidden values of money and machines=weapons, in our text books and sets-sets. Since they are the only possible measures against the present crisis, before its final ‘zenith’, III world war and the age of the singularity, ends with Mankind and Mr. PEC:

–     A demand economy, backed by a political world union in control of the 3 languages of power of our societies, weapons, money and the law, which should be created by real politicians, elected by the people, by PEC bruja, with legislative capacity to r=evolve the institutions of the main countries of the world, specially our military, reorganized to fulfill 2 roles, as a world army, able to end the 2 most conflictive zones of the Earth, where robotic weapons are evolving – the Semite wars and the Korean border – and as a global police against machines of the singularity, able to destroy all its factories.

—  a global agreement among all those nations to create a single currency, (now operating in the IMF as SDR, a credit currency without use in the day to day economy of the common people), ¥€$ money (Yen-Yuan-Euro-Dollar) based on a fixed by law, simple parity: 100 Yens=5 Yuans =1 Eurodollar. ¥€$ money will be adjusted by inner prices within months and all other nations could peg ‘continentally’ their currencies to the Yuan/ dollar and euro. That simple measure would scrap once and for all the taxation against human goods, social policies and the countries of the 3rd world, all the global speculative market of currencies, created by electronic money to profit the people who have sunk the global economy. It would allow running the same fixed public deficit of 30% of GNP, ‘ad eternal’, in all nations, established also as a global law. Since only an enormous public deficit equal to the ‘deficit’ created by speculative money in stock-markets, no longer possible, without building robots and other lethal goods of the age of the singularity, once the electronic wave of machines has exhausted their reproduction, could create a demand economy, based in life enhancing human goods.

It is a myth that the extraordinary deficits of money created in stock markets are ‘surplus’ and money created by governments is ‘deficit’ that should be taxed. Stock money is also deficit, but it is not in the hands of elected people but in the hands of private companies with an agenda that was fully realized in the age of e-money, which multiplied by 20 their valuation (10 NYSE +10 Nasdaqs, starting from zero). That money in the hands of speculators ended social democracies, corrupted politicians, scholars of ‘think- tanks’ and all systems of information of this planet.

Instead, shares should be made nominal and money invented by governments to use it on the people. The myth of ‘government’s deficit’ was created by companies to have a monopoly on the creation of money in stock-markets and to pass laws of deficit zero, against the rights of elected governments to manage the language of power of our societies. Governments can perfectly create massive quantities of money if they agree to fixed parity currencies—a global currency—as nobody can destroy a global currency, the reference value of all prices in society. Governments then should create with that eternal, self-sustained annual deficit, a new deal of jobs and investments in human goods, agriculture, education, textile, health-care, tourism and environmental protection, sustainable jobs that create a massive demand of human labor, not of machine labor, as those created by technological companies. It should be also given for free to people, establishing a global minimal salary to create demand on basic human goods that would create companies in all non-electronic and military sectors of the economy that favor sustainable growth. Again is a myth that money has to be ‘earned’. It has to be ‘spent’ in the proper goods.

Money is information invented for free. So the matter is who should spend that money, once it is invented. When speculators invent it for free, it is spent in technological companies that push closer our date of obsolescence to the machine. When government gives it to the unemployed and the poor, it creates demand on basic goods—housing, food, clothing, transport—the goods that would make a world to the image and likeness of man. Those are precisely the areas totally under-invested by 30 years of diversion of resources to electronic technologies, which are making human beings obsolete and create hardly any jobs. Indeed, human goods companies create much more jobs per unit of capital invested than technological companies, because they require doctors, teachers and farmers to produce their goods, while machines produce high-tech machines at ultra-expensive costs. In other words, we must reduce the productivity of the economic ecosystem, by creating jobs of minimal productivity and maximal labor; exactly the opposite policies to those imposed by economists to the service of electronic and financial companies.

—  And this requires a global ban against the machine of the singularity age; against the evolution of robotics and chips, to prevent the obsolescence of the human mind, the human worker and the soldier. Because there are countries in Asia, which are unfairly competing with human workers, building automated factories, if those nations do not change their laws, it would be unavoidable to create massive, penalty tariffs to goods produced by hardcore technological companies, mainly from Japan and Korea that are using robotic workers. They have crashed the profits of all the European and American companies that still keep labor regulations and pay their middle classes a real salary. So those nations either ‘learn’ to protect human labor, or else they will have to buy their Toyota, Asimos and Samsung terminators, which now patrol the wall between both Koreas with right to kill humans. It means also the destruction of all scientific labs dedicated to the research of the singularity. This must be done by political power, as the very scientists that are researching the singularity, with the excuse of finding the meaning of life and the universe, will never do it. Again is a question of beliefs, of people that cannot reason.

Since they have also a mechanist, entropy -only religion of the cosmos that doesn’t accept by dogma the organic, fractal models of XXI Science that make those experiments irrelevant. But politicians do not need to enter into such theoretical debate. They just need to understand the obvious fact that replicating black holes and self-reproductive metal-bacteria on Earth is a case of ‘scientific terrorism’, as it endangers all Mankind, regardless of the ideology hold by the ‘terrorists’. A physicist or nanorobotist evolving metal bacteria at CERN might kill billions, because he believes a false scientific ideology, instead of a religious one. This is irrelevant to the politician, who also ignores the Talmud or the Koran of zealots and jihadists, but should forbid all the nuclear weapons of CERN, neofascist Israel and fundamentalist Iran. In all those cases the politician must only address a case of ‘potential murder’, as he is guided by the higher value of life and prevent both ‘terrorist’ actions. CERN will start colliding at ½ potency this Christmas its Geneva beams to make black holes. We could survive ½ potency. But after summer 2010, at full potency is very likely that black holes or strangelets will be formed and we die.

Those are the minimal measures that Pec Mankind, or at least ho (China and the us are the minimal partners that have enough critical mass to change the world) should take. The more nations that are ‘convinced’ to join the world union, the higher its success. To that aim, Pec Mankind will use all the languages of power, including its military and financial muscle, to ‘treat hard-die capitalist’ nations that oppose the resurrection of the world, sinking with its collective muscle, in an inverse fashion to what ‘free’ markets do today, currencies that follow capitalist policies. One can expect Pec Mankind will have on Monday, after declaring the world union to sink the ‘last refuge’ of capitalism, the 2 founding father nations, the pound in the city and the Swiss Frank. And so now is Monday, first day of the new world order, and like a synchronous clock, the nations of the 6 countries sell pounds and Francs. And in the city of Geneva, the land where Calvin said ‘the intelligence of god is gold’, in the city where the first singularity will be born at CERN, the 1st division of the world union army takes over the airport and the nearby installations of the black hole factory, running exactly one hundred meters below the planes. Since indeed, the first of those minimal measures will be directed against the 1st singularity which will be born in Geneva, of which Nostradamus said ‘run, run from Geneva, where opposite rays of gold will collide in the Saturn rings, in the well, where they will exterminate us all’. To avoid those ancient prophesies of the wor(l)d people that can be traced to the genesis (‘do not eat of the fruits of the tree of science, because the day you do you will die’), we need indeed the ‘decisive action of a few people, who have changed in the past the world, nothing else can do it’ m. Mead.

Fortunately enough, CERN is a single machine and there are few ‘robotized nations’ today. And all of them depend on exports, so they will obey, if the will of Pec Mankind is put to the task. And so the ‘Pec coalition’ could oblige those nations to destroy their robotic factories. Samsung should stop making terminators or else face a global ban on its mobile sets. Toyota should stop making automated factories or else sells its 8 million cars at home. Because the factories of chips that fuel the brain of robots are few, ultra-expensive, unneeded industries of ‘mental germs’, they should be treated as we would treat a factory of Ebola virus. Ultimately NATO could easily bomb lethal chip and robotic factories, a Sunday morning for the glory of human gods (avoiding causalities).

The first one it should bomb is not a factory of chips but of black holes, built at Geneva, where Calvin said the intelligence of god is gold, where gold & lead ions, the most perfect informative atoms of the universe, will be smashed to create the most perfect in-form-ative species of the galaxy, the black hole. In that sense, the military should defend Mankind not the machine. The military should not be an industrial complex to the service of go(l)d, but an army with ‘honor’, in ‘defense’ of Mankind. Pec should issue an executive, judicial and military order to stop the quark cannon, which could be, despite being marketed by the nuclear company of Europe to naïve politicians and the ignorant press as an instrument of research, the final weapon envisioned by Mr. Nobel… Indeed, the large hadron collider is a 7 teravolt, light-speed, super-conductive, super-fluid quark cannon, the Jewel of the military/industrial complex that completes the evolution of cannons, after 800 years of its invention.  and if that cannon blows up the Earth in the next years, we will all be ‘history’.

Humanity must understand the collateral damage on life of the mathematical language and those who practice it as their religion truth, economists and physicists. Since mathematics is void of any biological, moral sense; and so those who only use abstract numbers to perceive reality are irresponsible ‘children of thought’, which can kill at distance with their machines and money, as physicists and economists do. By relinquishing the decisions over the future of Mankind to those die-hard, mechanist, capitalist, digital human castes, Mankind relinquishes his survival to people, who don’t care or feel those ‘verbal truths’ are relevant to their goals – the creation of ever more powerful machines to understand the universe in mathematical terms and the creation of more money at any costs, to become richer.

That is why PEC should trust his instincts, instead of trying to understand the ‘equations’ of nuclear physicists and the ‘financial instruments’ of economists, he should cut the ‘shit out’, simplify his decisions and cancel both industries…

Mr. China, Mr. Potus and Mr. Europe should take over the economists and techno-utopian scientists, robotists and physicists of the age of the singularity and change the world, while they can. They shouldn’t hesitate to use tough legal measures, shrug off the ‘greedy’ criticism they will receive from all the ‘interested parts’ and ‘believers’ in the ‘myths’ of economical freedom and technology as human progress, trust their survival instincts and abort the age of the singularity. Since humans must remain top predators of a world made to their image and likeness. Certainly those measures would be popular, since the common people don’t want to die researching black holes and nano-bacteria; they don’t want to spend their hard-won salaries, in subventions to bankers.

There are today 3 focus of war and lethal technologies that are happening as usual among the 3 most specialized animetal cultures of history and will bring soon the ‘end of III W.W.’ (the extinction of man by an organic weapon, the singularity):

—  The Swiss=German+French bid for the final weapon at CERN that might end Mankind with a ‘single shot’.

—  The Korean/Japanese culture of Eastern warriors, with their blatant racism against Asian workers, substituted by robots, cause of our unemployment crisis, and now used as terminators, patrolling the Korean border.

—  And the Semite wars between Palestine and Israel, also with its robotized walls, nuclear weapons and apartheid systems.

Thus, ideally, Mr. Europe should clean up his ‘courtyard’ and stop CERN; the Jewish-American government should clean up ‘hers’ and demilitarize Iran & Israel and China should roll over the 2 Koreas and unify them.

To that aim only a global dictatorship, created by our triad of presidents (with invitations to all m.a.n.k.ind leaders, though Mr. PC=Potus+China can win this war alone), should control the evolution of lethal technologies, solving the 3 centers of animetal conflict. Yet if PEC wants to take power from animetal castes, it needs to use the same tools they have used to destroy history: money and weapons. The tombs of history are full of  well- intentioned leaders, who pretend to solve the problems of the world with inefficient systems of government and ‘legal words’, which have proved, once and again throughout history, useless in front of the hierarchical, efficient organisms of armies and company-mothers. And no form of government is more inefficient and corrupted than a bipartisan democracy. Our democracies can’t even stop the actions of Somali pirates or capture a terrorist moving in a mule for 8 years! They have been 40 years talking about the Semite wars… without solving anything. Mr. Potus instead should put 2 million soldiers in Iraq and first clean up Iran of nuclear weapons and then Israel. Today Korea is about to break ‘big time’ into the business of robotic weapons, with the excuse of defending his wall. So Mr. Xi should invade first north-Korea and threw its dictator and then cross the border and destroy south Korean terminators and its lethal industries. And the German-German presidents should stop the retarded concept they will understand the organic universe and achieve ‘grandeur’ making black holes on Earth. The issues are difficult because marketing hide them to public scrutiny.

For example, while people easily recognize the German passion for weapons, marketing hides the fact that the quark cannon built at CERN is just the final evolution of artillery, of the German military bias for the arrow of entropy, energy and death as the only explanation of reality. In the Semite wars, control of mass-media hides the fact that Israel is not a weak nation. It is the 6th most powerful army of the world by fire-power; and probably the most advanced, as it shares all the secrets of its ‘mercenary army’, the united states, in weaponry. Again, south-Korea seems to us a ‘victim’, when it is, plainly speaking, a culture identical to Japan . . .  before II W.W. They are the same warrior people, the same culture, but Korea does not have a ban on military industries that Japan imposed after the war. Thus Korea plays the role of Japan in the II Kondratieff cycle, in the present cycle of smart weapons. And it is in a neck-race with Israel to discover the lethal weapons of the singularity: nano-robotic bacteria, geared by photonic chips (of which Israel has the best patents) and terminators (guardium vs. Samsung). Both also compete for the dubious title of the most militarized societies on Earth. North Korea has the 1st position by soldiers per capita, 5%; Eritrea in perpetual war with Ethiopia, the 2nd place and Israel the 3rd, 2.4%. Or to put it in numbers, both Koreas together have a standing army bigger than the one of the united states, only 2nd to China. Moreover and this is little recognized, Germanic tribes, Jews and Koreans have discovered all the weapons of the 800 year cycles of world war. Koreans discovered the stirrup and dispute the title with Chinese Taoists for the cannon.

Aryan probably found the bronze chariot and the iron sword. Semites discovered the mercenary army paid with go(l)d and the bronze sword. And Jewish-Germans brought about the nuclear weapon and the computer. 8 of 8. So ‘business cycle as usual’ means that one of those 3 eternal animetal people-castes will find the final weapon, either the black hole or the self-reproductive nano-bacteria or the robotized weapons, which in a global age of war will end history. Unless a global presidency ends up with those 3 theaters of perpetual war.

Singularity weapons mean a 10-fold increase in their capacity to kill humans, as the prices that measure in stock-markets the quality of weapons& machines have also ten-fold. Yet if we increase tenfold the deaths of II world war we obtain 6 billion causalities, the entire human population. This is the meaning of the singularity, a single black hole at CERN, a single nano-bacteria will start and end III world war, which is not the ‘Semite wars’ of which we have talked more than enough. The future of war is being researched, as always, first in the labs of mechanist scientists. But this time it won’t need as we explore organic bombs and organic robots, more than one single shot.

If the miracle happens, if Pec Mankind or a ‘g-20’ with a real agenda beyond the photo opportunity takes Mankind again as the center of its policies, using the tools of ‘scientific, organic economics’, and acts up before extinction, he might implement some or only a few of those measures. I am just a scientist of history; the ideal might be lowered, the closer we come to the ideal the longer we shall survive. If we do nothing, except lying to the wor(l)d, as it is expected, ‘business as usual’ means that we all shall die within 2 decades by the singularity in the last holocaust that now will fall over all Mankind, as the gold-smyth culture of germ(ans) and banker-priests has been globalized. CERN is indeed paid mainly by Germany, a nation directed by a physicist. Death will be performed by a quark cannon but it will be signed by the only people whose capacity to worship evil=death is higher than the banker-priests, chosen of go(l)d, by the Goths themselves, with their cult to entropy, energy and death, their ‘final solution’ to the universe.

Then, peacefully in the same way our go(l)d masters use harsh economical policies to control the world, they should use harsh legal and financial measures to reverse the unemployment crisis:

Japanese keep churning robotic workers that lower the salaries of all the factories of the world, which compete with them. So PEC should slap 100% taxes on Japanese products made with robots and put stringent limits to their creation. Or else Toyota will bankrupt GM and throw a million related jobs to the garbage, justified by our economists under the ‘myths’ of productivity. There is no time left to argue those myths, but to act against them.

A benevolent dictatorship of the 3 dominant nations of the world, backed by their allies is needed, to save labor from extinction, by building a better world according to the laws of organic science. Nothing else will do. The problems are clear, the nations and castes that are causing them are known, the solutions and tools to implement them in a human way, before the singularity and neofascism spread, exist. But it is war against those nations a human way? Indeed, if war is managed properly and surrender always accepted on the terms exposed by the world union. Israel, Lebanon and Palestine could easily enter the European union and form 3 states in peace, without walls. And if it is needed to invade for a period those nations, to change their ways, it would be a human action.

To let Israel discover new terminator and robotic machines, to commit again self-suicide, guided by their go(l)d myths is an error. To let north-Korea build new nuclear weapons and starve its population is not humane. Because the Uno was aborted, as a global government, we lack leaders with the will to sacrifice national interests for the sake of all Mankind – and that is the role of PEC. Survival is at stakes. The biggest mass of biological flesh of this planet is a super—organism of ants, stretching thousands of miles across entire nations, which has defeated all the ‘national ant-hills’ that preceded it. It is a tale worth telling.

The Argentinean ant was transplanted to Australia and Europe, where it mutated and became super-eusocial. Now there is a super-organism of billions of ants that stretches from Portugal to Italy. It is the most successful nation of the world, fast displacing all other ants and predators of the micro-scale of living organisms. It is a recent mutation that happened to meet new challenges of a new environment. Unlike all other ants, divided in ‘national’ ant-hills, all Argentinean ants form a single nation, which is extinguishing their European rivals. Could Mankind mutate, now that it faces collective extinction in the new environment of the age of the singularity? We will now within 2 decades, if we are still here. Because or we mutate our minds as the Argentinean ant did, or those challenges will eliminate us and the machine, which is connected in a global social organism through networks of computers, will play the role of the Argentinean ant; while we will be the old Eurasian ants, divided in selfish nations that Argentineans are extinguishing.

The negative side: animetal, corrupted human people-castes

It is thus clear that this paper must not only explain the laws of a true science of history but given the extension of corruption, censorship and bronze-ideologies about Humanity, it must criticize and even ridicule those ideas. Indeed, Mankind is struggling to survive in a planet which is being destroyed at an accelerated rate by ‘scholars’, ‘experts’, ‘economists’ and politicians who seem to be very important, yield enormous power, and… when they open their mouth and you clean up their expressions of rhetoric and computer data, ‘damned lies’ and statistics, they are telling you the same kind of things you could hear to Assurbanipal or Hiram of Tyros in his temples to Assur, god of war, and Baal, go(l)d of greed; that our nations, whatever your nation is, have a manifest destiny as they are better than the others and that money is always good and we have to ‘believe’ in it without much thinking about the invisible hand of go(l)d and its ‘collateral damage’.

This is the discourse today; and why humans are so dull and primitive in their ideas about themselves is also explained in this web

Are we a dumb, selfish species, programmed to self-destruction? The problem are ‘memetics’, the increasing realization that our minds work closer to computers, with fixed ‘neuronal networks’, ideologies of survival imprinted by force and repetition in the emotional, young age of a human being (or an animal, as Lorentz proved with his duck experiments). And so our ‘memes’ or ideologies of animetal castes, which imposed power with weapons and hypnotic gold, the strongest universal atoms of energy and information, are imprinted by inquisitions of thought, go(l)d religions, legal codes and customs that transfer generation after generation. Neuronal networks though are not instincts or hardware imprinted in metal and they could be changed with strong re-educational systems, as revolutionary groups and religions of love have done in the past, without the need to extinguish the carriers of those memes.

In that regard the system could be changed easily with some basic measures that would cure the supœrganism of history of its lethal germs – the selfish memes of metal that are killing Gaia: – prohibition of robotics to avoid our collective extinction of labor and life in work and war fields;

– And ¥€$ money, a fixed parity money fusioning Yuan, yens, euros and dollar with rights to deficits to pay for a global new deal of goods proper of a sustainable planet). The barrier to achieve this are those animetal ideologies and their control of our societies, politicians and laws with corporations, lobbies and raw power.

This battle however for the reproduction of the good memes of life and the control of the lethal memes of metal will not be over till AI. And robotic weapons reach self-consciousness, obey the Darwinian laws of species and kill us all. When they reach consciousness the process will be fast. So in the meantime I can’t help to be ‘programmed’ to fight for my species, even if our chances are small… Unfortunately few people fight for our species today. Not even the priests and artists that were the neurons of those supœrganisms of history and fought for the ideal canon of Humanity with ethics and esthetics. Today they are mostly corrupted. Religious leaders resort to violence to impose their faith and artists since the arrival of money and weapons has been for most of history a form of rhetoric worship of the powerful ‘metal-masters’, warriors and bankers that unjustly control societies.

Thus in the age of Sargon ‘lord of the 40 kingdoms’ writers invented ‘epic poetry. And the go(l)d culture wrote a book of history, the ‘baalble’, where the Am segullah, – the banker-priests that invented the first memes of capitalism were considered ‘chosen of go(l)d’.

Unlike other sciences in which humans are outside the realm of study, so they can be objective, the different human social castes of the organism of history develop self-serving theories that pass as objective science but are just ideologies of power and the most important of those ideologies is today ‘capitalism’, the ideology of company-mothers of machines, which pretend that we humans must evolve machines at all cost, reproduce them and make the world a friendly environment for those machines.

This absurd belief, taking into account that the owner of companies are humans themselves requires of course an enormous ideological blindness to the reality of Humanity ADN this planet of life, and can only be understood from a historic perspective, as the sum of a series of complex ideologies  and myths that have grown for centuries and are implanted in the brain of people since earlier age.

The problem of the organic ages of Earth for mankind=History are obvious: they are not evolving Humanity but a different ecosystem and species, machines, which are evolving species of metal, as the next graph shows:

What will happen then if we don’t reform the political and eco(nomic)system?

Business as usual, all the cycles we have been predicting for 30 years in advance, and will keep happening with the same scientific patterns as all the previous 80±8-9 years.

A real democracy crafted with organic laws.

¿How an economic society reproduces our two kinds of goods?

It does so through credit, through the invention of money, which later on is used to give orders to citizens that will work under salaries, reproducing either one or the other kind of goods. However there are two ways to invent money in our society.

Money can be invented in stock-markets, through paper-shares, which are a credit given to a company. That company will then use that money to invent and market their product.

Money also can be invented through governments and banks, by means of paper-money. Again that money is later on used by the government to reproduce or promote the products of the welfare state.

We talk of 2 kinds of deficits: deficit of stock-markets and deficit of governments.

Technically speaking, both deficits mean the same: free money, invented to reproduce goods. If either the market or the government invents too much money, there is inflation and money loses value. So there is a limit to the quantity of money governments and stock-markets should be allowed to reproduce, or else, the economy becomes unstable.

However both kinds of money are not used in the same way.

The market, since it appeared in the XVII century in Holland, as an instrument for the reproduction of gunboat weapons, systematically invents money for metallic goods, but it hardly invents a penny for human goods.

This happens because ‘stockrats’, the owners of companies only look for profits and profits are higher in expensive goods (the most expensive goods are weapons) and software goods (digital goods very cheap to reproduce). This is why there are so many weapons and ‘metal-minds’ in our societies. We do not need them, but the credit of the market reproduces them. And we have to consume them.

On the other hand, the government invents money for welfare goods, human goods, needed by Humanity, which also creates a lot of employment.

On the other hand, human goods are goods promoted by left-wing parties, which should be given the generic name of ‘humanist parties’, parties that promote human goods.

If humanist, socialist parties could explain this properly to citizens, they could then differentiate between both alternatives and decide what they want: butter or cannons, human goods or metal goods, human workers or unemployment and machines reproducing more machines? Yet in as much as the two languages of power of modern societies, law and money, are controlled by companies, through stock-markets, lobbyism and the imposition of zero deficit laws, there is no real choice for citizens as the deficit of stock companies reproduces and promotes the consumption of machines.

On top: mechanist, right-wing parties impose dictatorships of companies. Underneath: social, left wing parties try to save the human Earth.

 in as much as a democracy means the control of the languages of power by the people, our society is not a democracy, because the government elected by the people does not invent most of the money—companies do in the stock-market—or does not follow the mandates of its population when it makes laws and uses that money (lobbies influence legislators in favor of companies, which always get the share of financial transfers, as today happens in America). Such is the true meaning of the dictatorship of democracies; companies dictate the laws and the credit of democracies. Among those, the law of anonymous societies makes the owners of stocks, the new ari-stockrats of the modern world; since they have no legal responsibilities as aristocrats did: both had an almost exclusive control to reproduce their language of power.

Today it is money, in the past weapons, which aristocrats controlled. We might say that we live in a new ‘ancient regime’ where the new aristocrats, stockrats, control the law and the money of our societies. Even parliaments during the middle ages had more freedom since they controlled the money the king had . . .

If we add the fact that mass-media companies control most of the information that reaches our citizens and only filter the ideas and facts that promote right-wing=pro-machine ideologies, is obvious that we live in a ‘dictatorship of free markets’, not in a democracy. A dictatorship where companies control, through laws and money, the two languages of social power in human societies, the life and ideas of its citizens.

Such dictatorships are far more evolved in America, where the system of legal lobbyism, prevents the real existence of any humanist party. There, companies select politicians through campaign money, which is never given to politicians with human ideals or those who oppose the people-caste in control of its finances. Once those politicians are elected, companies keep them in check with ‘legal bribes’, which are offered routinely to those senators that vote laws in favor of companies and their products.

Europe walks towards such a model, where companies dictate the laws and credit all the money of our societies; where citizens have no power and political parties are mere theatrical masks, which hide the dictatorship of stock-markets (where money is invented) and companies (that control the stock-market and the information that citizens have). However, in Europe this model is not yet completely formed. There are still left-wing politicians that truly want to defend the rights of citizens, as it happens among the liberal wing of the democratic party in America. How could then those politicians achieve their goal of improving the life of human beings? Simple: speaking the truth about bio-economics and bio-history. In that sense, human parties have a great advantage over the abstract economics of right-wing=metal parties, with their messianic concept of money and machines as the only tools to make man progress and evolve: the power of truth over myth, when both are rightly explained. So human parties can use those truths to validate their ideas about what products the economy should reproduce and how nations should manage the economy.

Today human parties are divided into different groups with differing social theories, like communism, ecologism or socialism, all of them obsolete and ignorant on the biological nature of economics. That lack of coherence and modernity, further defeats human parties in general elections. However left-wing=human parties could forge a valid alternative to assume power, if they were able to unify their economic ideas and social objectives, with the higher theoretical rigor of bio-history, which today ‘right-wing’=mechanist parties lack, as their thesis are based in the myths of mechanism and capitalism. Unfortunately the ‘newspeak’ of those myths passes as science, while the truths of humanist parties are fogged by political corruption, military dictatorships, like north-Korea and Cuba.

It is surprising in that sense the lack of evolution in humanist parties, compared to the constant renewal of the myths of capitalism=mechanism that knows how to dress-up its objectives in new clothes and placebo fantasies of anthropomorphic power that the common man loves to dream.

For the time being, left-wing parties still promote old ideologies, like Marxism, which need to evolve, after 150 years have passed from its initial formulation. While Marxism is essentially the first step towards the building of a science of history, to consider its laws dogmas, as communist parties do, is absurd. It is a similar case to the absurd dogmas about entropy that Mr. Hawking and those who back the creation of black holes on Earth uphold as supreme truths, 150 years after they were formulated by steam researchers.

Biohistory draws from evolution, the Kondratieff, Marxist analysis of cycles of history and the understanding of the confrontation between upper animetal castes and social, human beings, but denies absurd, hateful, Marxist ideas against social, love religions, which are the first formulation of bioethics. Religions are not the opium of the people, unless they become go(l)d religions and inquisitions.

In that regard, a deeper analysis of all social doctrines shows an absolute parallelism between ecologism (praised in genesis), the purest expressions of social, oikoumene religions (mosaic laws, catholic/orthodox Christianity, Shiite Islam and Buddhism) and socialist parties, all of them evolutionary phases of the natural laws of social love among individuals of the same species, which bio-history put together.

All those doctrines are thus part of the science of bio-history, which should be the only science of politicians, as sciences have only one truth: 1+1=2. The laws of science are not elected; there are not bicephalic organisms. The laws of the universe are unique, either right or wrong. And in the case of politics, those laws are the laws of social organisms that left wing parties and love religions have explained to Mankind.

Bipartisan, bicephalic democracies do not offer 2 democratic choices but a choice between live vs. Evil, between democracy vs. the dictatorship of companies:

The model of right-wing parties or ‘mechanist parties’ is the dictatorship of companies, where the rights of machines and their ‘company-mothers’ are superior to the rights of human beings and their natural goods.

The model of ‘humanist parties’ or left-wing parties, where the rights of human beings, their elected governments and their life enhancing goods are superior to the rights of machines, is the only true democracy where citizens would have, through their governments, power to direct the economy and the politics of nations.

It is time for humanist parties to renew their obsolete ideologies about economics and challenge the technological messianism of right-wing=mechanist economics, with a mature, scientific analysis of economic ecosystems that dismounts the myths and alibis of right-wing parties. Politicians are the doctors of history. They should direct economics for the betterment of man. They should ‘prune’ the tree of science, destroying its ‘evil= life extinctive’ products, in order to create a true paradise of human goods, where men, not machines, are free. To safeguard democracy humanist parties should come together.

The original sin of right-wing=metal parties, is their greed and technological arrogance, their incapacity to distinguish between human goods and lethal goods, the bad fruits of the tree of science. Those goods give higher profits, but as the prophet said, if we taste them, they will kill us in body and soul, as they do in wars and virtual screens. Those goods should be limited, as humanist parties have always proposed. To that aim ecological parties, Christian parties, farmer’s parties and socialist parties (humanist parties) should put together a platform of social and economical proposals, from the perspective of a human science of economics. The tragedy of left-wing parties, of Christian and agricultural parties that today vote for free market policies, is their belief in the rhetoric of ‘technological progress’.

Orwell talked long ago of the naive approach to technology that left wing parties had with their machine cult, which would unavoidably result in militarism (Stalinism) and the destruction of the environment. It did in fact, turned communism into a cult to military machines, only less efficient than the western versions. Communism, with its excessive emphasis on the fight between social classes, deviated the attention of left-wing parties from the real problem of the world, the competence of man vs. Machine that anarchism expressed better. A real democratic system will credit human goods, to increase their production and lower their prices. Yet today, even left parties praise ‘productivity’, consider technological progress the solution to the crisis, give tax-payer money to banks, deny the need to nationalize ‘digital information’ (banking and mass-media industries that manufacture the mind of human beings and control our orders with salaries and prices).

The result is that our left-wing politicians today accept, either because they are corrupted or because they know very little about real/cyclical economics, the explanations about productivity of economists paid by companies and their think tanks . . .

Survival requires to unify political and economic ideas in favor of man, to confront the animetal ideologies of right= mechanist-parties that defend the metal-Earth and its machines, opposing left=human policies, which defend the life-Earth and its human goods. Thus bipartisan democracies are a false choice, between corrupted parties that cater to the ‘dictatorship of companies’ and ‘humanist parties’ that want to evolve the organism of history. Since only the 2nd choice favors our survival, so the 1st one should be forbidden as a sickness of our societies. Moreover, because companies control money, the system is biased to promote right parties and the dictatorship of companies, destroying the meaning of a democracy. In fact, not a single survival organism has two heads, but only one head/party that follows the natural laws of the universe, promoting the goods needed by the organism. Thus, a real democracy will have a single party, the party of the bio-historians, neurons of the organism of history, with ‘open lists’, choosing not the policies fixed by the biological laws of history, but the best individuals to implement those laws. It would have also a court or voting system to judge those politicians, after their mandates, according to the quality of their work, as cellular organisms do, sending ‘pain messages’ to the neurons that harm the organism with its wrong decisions. Such organic democracy is more akin to a theocracy or socialist government, which can be considered primitive versions of that natural kind of government that the world union evolves further, thanks to the scientific advances of bio-history.

A real democracy has nothing to do with a bicephalic partisan system, in which citizens choose between an ‘economical dictatorship’ (right wing parties) and corrupted socialist politicians (left wing parties), which however, are not accountable for their mistakes, nor chosen individually by their qualifications (closed lists). A real democracy will only choose ‘bio-historians’, scientists of history that understand the laws of biological, social evolution in open lists, electing people by their quality. And it would also have a second voting ‘season’, after those elected officials end their mandate, in which voters should be able to punish or reward those politicians with standard penalties and prizes, including the highest prize—a re-election and the lowest one – jail.

That would be a real democracy, in which a single mind, as in all functioning organisms, the laws of bio-history, guides all elected officials and people choose the quality of individuals, judging them by the quality of the mandate. For example, in the last American elections, the GOP party, obviously a party that caters to the dictatorship of companies, would not run for office. There would be only a party, ‘the democratic party’, the party of bio-historians. And elections would not be closed elections but open elections, primaries, for all public offices. So politicians would be bio-historians, scholars and scientists of the laws of social organisms. Thus, the choice would have been between Mr. Obama and miss Clinton. Then, after the electoral period of Mr. Obama, he would be judged with 4 simple choices:

—  Jail for a period equal to the time he served, in which he had total freedom to decide the future of the nation (maximal penalty and so far this is what he would be getting for lying in all his promises till date.)

—  Liberty to pursuit a private life without penalty or reward (neutral judgment)

—  A financial prize of an equal salary to that he received in office for the same amount of time (minimal reward)

—  And re-election (maximal reward).

Those are the kind of rewards an organism gives to its neuronal cells, sweetened by humanism, to avoid the true punishment of corrupted cells, which are killed by the leukocytes, when they become cancerous cells spreading viral products in the organism. The organism thus kills the lethal cells or sometimes isolates them, preventing sections of the brain to send further damaging messages to the body of the organism. Or it maintains them in their privileged status if they work properly.

The wor(l)d union: 2010-2035. 1st mandate.

Let us imagine that our dream team, Mr. PEC, learns about the dangers of the singularity and cancels the creation of black holes and quark condensates on Earth, by law or by force. Such momentous event would be the beginning of the world union. The media buzz would be so huge that president ‘PEC Mankind’, will have to explain the world the meaning of the singularity and the Kondratieff crash and start the r=evolution. Thus the first mission of our triad, before taking over the planet and ending the power of bankers and mass-media companies that program man with digital information, is to avoid the extinction of this planet, which science fiction artists have prophesied for so long during the American baroque; now hard-science will make those prophesies real in the singularity age.

Let us imagine that day . . . president PEC bombs for effect the nuclear company a sunday, day of the lord, god=Mankind. Then he states flatly that the first 36 years, the first generation of the world union starts under his triad presidency and those who oppose it will receive the same treatment. He shall be accompanied by the world minister of war (head of nato) and the IMF president (head of the yes currency ministry). Because the world union is a bigger organism in space, its presidency lasts longer in time; because the universe is biological and so are its cycles, it lasts a biological generation, because the objective is to avoid extinction, it lasts the first extinctive cycle of the singularity: 36 years. The goals of PEC’s presidency are obvious: to r=evolve the world, to avoid the singularity, to avoid extinction. The success will be measured in terms of infinity (survival) vs. zero (extinction). If we see the end of the first generational period of the wor(l)d union, we will have overcome the 2 first singularities.

If not, we will be dead by ± 2044. Plainly speaking Mankind has a global pandemic, an aids virus of 100% of mortality, the singularity virus; and so the predictions of biohistory are harsh. By 2044, the age of the singularity will have cross both, the energetic, cosmic, self-reproductive, organic bomb (a pulsar or black hole) and the self re=productive machine—an automated nano-factory, a replicating metal-bacteria. And so, unless PEC stops those 2 singularities, the world will end. Thus, the answer to the legitimacy of PEC’s coup d’etat is survival.

Freedom, if it would exist in our market dictatorships—which it doesn’t—should yield to that goal. And so Mr. PEC should first, before taking any further action, destroy by law or by force the lhc and all labs engaged in nano-technology.

And then, he might try to construct the other side of the human constitution, a world made to the image and likeness of the human kind. To increase the power of his executive orders, the triad of PEC’s nations, already with majority of GNP in the world inc., should find the adequate partners to control +75% of human capital, working with 9 vice-presidents of the world union, (bruja Mankind) that could peg their currencies to ¥€$ money, directly reproducing yes notes with 1/10th of nominal value to the Eurodollar. This unification of currency and political power is essential to the wor(l)d union, as it will truly represent the dominant industrial and human cultures of the 5 continents. As, all the inhabitants of those nations are paid a minimal salary in ¥€$ money, an economy based in life-enhancing human goods will change the Earth. Decisions will be by quorum. If we give a vote to each human president and ½ to each vice-president, for a total of 4.5, all votes will achieve majority and the process of voting bio-historic laws that implement the human constitution, to create an efficient organism of history, the wor(l)d union, will be smooth. Any of those 9 vice=presidents will be able to propose legislation. PEC bruja Mankind will be a working executive government, constantly creating legislation, reinforced by the military and courts, in defense of the human constitution— which resumes the goal of the world union: create an ecosystem of human goods and life, where lethal metal-species are controlled.

A reform of world eco(nomic)systems.

Because all organisms have 3 networks, one of energy, one of information and one of reproduction, in the case of a human social organisms, an army, a political system and an economic ecosystem, we need to reform those 3 networks to create a world union made to the image and likeness of Mankind, by creating:

—  a demand economy based in human goods and the parallel restriction of technological stocks that absorb all the resources of this planet for a supply economy.

      a global currency is needed to pay for that demand economy.

—  a global government that creates a new ‘systemic’ level of political power over the present governments of all the nations of the Earth.

—  and a global army that resolves the absurd conflicts between ‘brother cultures’, confronted by their ideologies, the semite wars between israel and palestinians of different religion, and the korean conflict between communists and capitalists. The army should also destroy lethal machines.

To avoid the four great causes of economic wars, national competence, national currencies, industrial lobbyism and the evolution of machine-weapons, governments have to reform their political and economic systems. Our triad of presidents should ‘act up’ now with punctual measures taken by ‘decree’, against all other ‘interests’ and ‘groups of power’ and explained to a worldwide audience through a nationalized mass-media . . . since needless to say, if people knew the truth and those in power, who they trust, explained it to them, Mr. ‘PEC’ would not only save the world, but would become the most popular politicians of history, ever. The dream of Mr. PEC Mankind is of course dual: Mr. PEC is the brain, the thought, the informative particle; Mankind is the body. Both together, according to the laws of complementarity, create a world made to the image and likeness of Mankind.

Let us list those minimal measures PEC should take to launch the creation of the world union and avert the immediate risks of extinction of the age of the singularity:

—  A ban on the most lethal technologies of the age of the singularity, cosmic bombs, today essayed at cern and nano-bacteria, researched in labs across the world.

—  A reform of the monetary system, with the unification of the yuan, yen, euro and $-dollar, in a single worldwide currency, the ¥e$ currency, which will avoid any future currency crisis. A world currency will also establish a fair worldwide system of credit for human goods, based on equal national government deficits that will promote welfare states, producing goods needed for the survival of human beings (agriculture, education, arts, housing, public transport, etc.).

—  A reform of world stock markets that should de-list all robotic companies, to prevent new credit for the development of such machines. They are the cause of unemployment. They are becoming weapon systems, able to extinguish most of Mankind during the robotic wars. The iv industrial evolution should not take place. Since robots are machines, which compete as living species with Mankind.

—  The nationalization of mass-media companies and prohibition of advertising, to give Mankind a chance to educate herself in the laws of social evolution and end the ‘newspeak’ of fiction thought and myths in economics and history.

—  A reform of international laws, to create an empowered Uno, similar to the European union, with an international army, an enlarged nato able to solve the ‘semite wars’ that fuel the creation of smart weapons and will end provoking a III world war. Such new Uno, backed by a refurbished IMF, responsible for the yes currency, should also act as a council, advising PEC Mankind and as the footprint of a future world union, in which all the countries of the world will participate. PEC should also reconcile his left and right brain, preventing a confrontation between the two economic colossus of this century, US and China, just as EU prevented new wars between France and Germany. If these reforms are implemented, PEC could lead Mankind into a human paradise and not as he does today, into a paradise of machines. Let us then consider those measures that would impose the human constitution in more detail.

 The networks of a healthy organism of history.

The theoretical development of that constitution will be the work and research of ethonomists and bio-historians, based on the way organisms construct efficient, survival species, by designing the 3 network-ministries of the world union, able to deliver natural energy and information goods to each cell of the organism of history. Once such biological and constitutional goal is clear, we can design the blueprint for a historic wor(l)d union, guided by that survival goal – the organism of bio-history.

3 are the ministries-networks of that organism:

  1. The ethonomic ministry, or ministry of re=production guides a network of companies, in charge of the re=production of life-enhancing human goods, to promote the left side of the constitution of history (max. Human goods).
  2. The war ministry is, in charge of destroying lethal machines factories of chips, robots and singularity industries and research labs, banned by the human constitution.

Thus, the ministry of energy and war is in charge of accomplishing the right side of the constitution of history (min. Lethal goods).

  1. The ministry of information and its informative network of educational organisms, in charge of controlling the information and sciences that are harmful to the body and mind of Mankind (computer and nuclear sciences, audiovisual media). Instead, it promotes verbal thought, classic arts and sciences and information, which is positive for human survival and the social evolution of history. The informative ministry controls the programs of universities and schools. It will promote also social, love religions, which accept the equality of all men, our superiority over all other species and respect the life paradise that men inherited. Religions and their non corrupted churches are the group of men with more clear ideas about the survival of Mankind. For those reasons, the first ‘supreme court’ and ministry of education of the world union should include authorities of the 3 most extended love religions of Mankind: Christianity, Islam and Buddhism.

The ministry of information educates Mankind in the bio-ethics of survival and social love, funding the sciences of the left side of the historic constitution: social and biological sciences, verbal knowledge of history and economics, human arts, love religions, environmental and agricultural sciences and medicine.

It also limits funding for the sciences of the right side of the constitution of history, the sciences of digital machines: mathematics, astro-physics, computer and digital sciences. It also limits by law the number of metal-communicator networks allowed in each nation (televisions, internet hubs and mobile networks, most of which should be destroyed), whose networks should be destroyed or nationalized.

Thus, taking as a reference the human constitution, we differentiate between forms of knowledge which should be limited, mainly digital languages and sciences, biblical economics, engineering and physics, because they evolve machines; and those forms of knowledge which should be promoted, mainly verbal and biological sciences that promote human senses and human goods.

What biohistory asks for is the evolution of Humanity, not of machines. It wants a reversal in the direction of history. We have to return to human evolution and enjoy the arts of human perception, which do not perceive with machines but with biological senses.

To reinforce their decisions, both the reproductive and informative ministries pass their legal orders to the defense ministry, which is in charge of the destruction of banned metal-products, factories and educational organizations that go against the survival of Mankind, upon compensation in ‘¥€$ money’ to their owners, to facilitate the voluntary transformation of the planet into a bio-historical organism. Yet the defense ministry is also in charge of detaining those scientists, believers and industrialists that break the laws of the wor(l)d union.

The brain of the world union: the supreme court.

The human constitution and its neuronal cells, politicians, bio-historians, bio-economists and judges form the verbal brain of the body of history. The Earth’s brain is no longer the stock market, whose capacity to invent credit is put to the service of Mankind, as it happens in complex social organisms ruled by the nervous system. The ‘supreme court’, however, is over the actions of individual politicians of the world union, in charge of protecting the human constitution, the highest ‘form’ of history. Two will be its tasks: to harmonize with the human constitution the different laws of each nation, which can be repelled automatically if they are against the human constitution.

The second task of the supreme, national and federal courts will be to judge the actions of the different ministers and sub-ministers, once they have finished their mandate: depending on their zeal to defend the human constitution, they will be punished or compensated and honored by their deeds. As the world union becomes established and the information ministry educates Mankind in the laws of biohistory, this 2nd task will be handled by voters, who will vote penalties of prizes for all local and international political charges, after their tenure.

The fractal, hierarchical structure of the world union.

How the networks and brain of the world union transmit their orders to the lower networks of each nation? As fractal organisms do in nature:

The supreme court will rule over the supreme courts of each nation—as PEC Mankind, the president of the world rules over the different presidents of the world. The reproduction ministry rules over the economical ministries of each nation. And the energy ministry rules over the different ministries of defense.

Every nation which enters the world union will accept the supranational authority of PEC Mankind and the 3 networks/ministries of the world union, adapting in a mimetic form their ministries and legislation to the ones created for the entire organism of history. Those world laws become also automatically the laws of the nations belonging to the world union…

 nations and institutions of the wor(l)d union during the second legislature: 2044-2080.

If the main goal of PEC Mankind’s government, human survival, is achieved, in the 2nd presidency of the wor(l)d union, new democratic mechanisms will be put at work:

In each nation there will be ‘primary elections’ among bio-historian candidates (not among opposite parties).

Politicians will be voted after service and rewarded or punished by citizens.

Stock-markets will regain their right to credit human goods companies.

Police control, once most lethal goods are destroyed, will ease.

Mass-media control will be transferred to universities.

The presidency (PEC) and vice-presidency (bruja Mankind) will be enlarged with a council of global presidents of all the other nations of the world to vote by quorum all legislation.

Israel and palestine, united without a wall between them, after being occupied and disarmed by the world defense ministry during the first legislature, will become a member of the European union, as it is indeed, the origin of the European culture. It is to be expected that after 36 years of ‘re-education’, Jewish and palestinians will understand the laws of social evolution, abandon the inquisitions of the jihad and the go(l)d religion of their banker-priests and join the cause of Mankind. As members of the European union, they will be both protected by the European/global army, be able to move freely from the countries they were expelled, integrate within an evolved human culture and end the cycle of slavery, revolution, war and holocausts that have brought so much suffering to them and Mankind.

Over all of them will rule the natural law of survival of the species, the human constitution that will guide their actions.

A similar structure will be considered for the 3 ministries of information, defense and reproduction, with a fractal organization, made of executive presidents, vice-presidents and national councils, which include the ministries of the smaller nations.

In the world union, as in any of its ‘regional’=cultural subdivisions (‘nations’), each ministry is independent of the others but acts towards the same goal: the implementation of the human constitution.


Nt. 1 As I don’t reference data from other authors for lack of time to search them but work on memory of an extensive life of reading, I would like to quote 3 works that were paramount in my adult formation: Britannica 15th edition, 73, which my father bought me as a kid to learn English but opened my mind to rigorous thought and was one of the reasons I ended up studying in London and then Columbia University; and 2 shorter gems of post W.W.II German historiography, the highest point of ‘objective history’ as a science (as pre-Nazi Germany was for objective, biological model making with Sombart, Spengler and Marx, all influenced by Darwin), Kinder world atlas and the 35 volumes of Fischer Universal History also from the 70s, which were translated to Spanish, my mother languages and had a humanist, sociological view of History quite new to my spirit, without west-centrism and opened my interest to travel the world and visit all other cultures which I did for years, after escaping the draft and being denied entrance to my country for a decade. Regarding the maps I want to thank, Claudio M., a director at Penguin Random House Spain, and friend, who has known of my work on bio-history for decades, for granting me permission to use for non profit the maps of kinder’s classic text and those of the last world atlas he is publishing for D.K., on the understanding they are only for academic papers at my web sites on history and the academia.edu repository, as they greatly help to visualize the laws of 5D history on those texts and summarize the relevant data on history, which is only the A)ccurate data element of the scientific method, but is lacking in many works of lesser rigor. All other graphs are the making of the author and those with poor graphic design belong to the books I published in the earlier 90s (‘The extinction of man’, ‘Bio-history, Bio-economics, a theory of unification’, c.92,94,97’, published in a small print press at ‘bookmasters, Ohio’, after rejection by mainstream printers. So I renounced to ‘easy reading’ and pour on them directly the ‘5D jargon’ which made them even more difficult to understand. But on my view 5D social sciences would be repressed always regardless of details by the dominant idol-ogies of our civilinations… to their own peril, as their scientific forecast of the future have proved ‘deadly accurate’ …

Nt. 2 This said the understanding of the supœrganism of Mankind, History and its informative SS-mind is impossible without knowing besides all the Data properly verified for which the reader must expect my bona fide beyond some sanguine comments on animetal memes that are extinguishing us. In that regard, besides the enormous expansion of human consciousness and understanding of the works of the Universe brought about by the laws of the scalar organic Universe, we add on the humanist side according to the Abcd-e of the stientific method, the necessary humanist, ‘d=emocratic goal’ of all STiences, to avoid the e-xtinction of man and in this we differ deeply from the modern ‘animetal cultural view’ that humans are above heavens and earth so historians do NOT have as the doctors of the organism of History to point out the sicknesses of our social organisms. Not knowing really the ‘causes and consequences of cultural actions’, huminds operate in a limbos whose consequences are the wars and holocausts of history.

And this lead us to another consideration: history is about memes and cultures, those animetal memes grouped in the 3 idol-ogies of nationalism=weapons&war, capitalism=parasitic money and technoutopia=atrophy of human organs that put above man the world of metal, the future of the Earth that extinguish us if we do not halt that future into a point of balance. It is not about human individuals who SHOULD NOT be identified by their culture but their individual actions when they do actually operate under those memes committing crimes against mankind. It is a key differentiations. As the Irish P.M. Mr. Vadakar recently said he is not a ‘gay politician’, a ‘Hindu immigrant politician’ or a ‘doctor politician’ even if those are elements part of himself. A man is 1ST a biological being seeking the 5 Drives=Dimensional motions=actions of exist¡ence, from minor to major, locomotion, entropy feeding, information, reproduction and social evolution. And that is what makes all humans part of the same supœrganism. Because of the ‘viral, memetic’ infection of the minds of animetal cultures, which feel different by the power of metal to other humans, racism appeared both cultural and physical, but only 3 minds can be distinguished, on the axis of our 3 dominant, verbal-brachicephalic, mongoloid, e-motional, psylocephalic, black and visual, dolichocephalic, white cultures/races languages, and the 3 are equal important. And certainly if one matters more is the e-motional language connected to those 5 dimotions closely. We say that obviously because we are going to apply the stientific method that differs slightly from the scientific method in its fundamental rules – taking into account that the anti-quantum paradox prevents even the scientific method from being applied to history: A)ccurate data (absent in animetal cultures, today dominant) B)iological causes (denied in mechanist models) C)yclical patterns, without which they are not laws of science, denied also in history as man is above heavens and earth in those animetal cultures, so we are free=chaotic, and only the individual homo bacteria creates history (theory of the great man), not the network, something absolutely false, and then D)emocratic human solutions that cater to the 99% and hence – E)xtinction; the negative element that we avoid to gain. Those 5 elements as all in the 5D Universe are connected to the 5 Dimotions but we shall not dwell in details of the science of epistemology treated in ‘existential algebra’ papers. We are in that sense also trying to reduce in the papers of History unlike other stiences the load of 5D formalism and language, even if that takes away rigor. But there is so little rigor today in social sciences that we can indeed consider as Schopenhauer did most scientists ‘st-upids’ = ‘people who do not connect causes and consequences and hence uses magic to explain facts’. In the case of social sciences ‘wishful thinking’ – the above heavens and Earth, human egocy or mind paradox, which make us feel the center of the Universe, as the equation of the mind 0’x∞ Universe = Constant mind, make us confuse our finitesimal mind’s mapping of reality with the entire Universe we do NOT see. So we do NOT fear its laws, understand them and take caution with our all too evident destruction of the planet of life, as we build as ‘enzymen’ a planet of machines.

Finally in this specific paper we escape the wor(l)d union mantra of idealism that concludes most Historic papers. Instead we explain Word –Extinction by the present enzyman’s culture. For once I don’t feel a dreamer. Kant also wrote a treatise of Universal peace. But as the French r=evolution waned he accepted it was not happening anytime soon. As enter into the predicted Neo-Paleolithic age of the wor(l)d, entropy reigns supreme.

  1. Latin Europe, the humanist side. Me as a knot of thought within it.

Discosure.  As we are all part of a culture, I cannot simply close this PAPER without clarifying my natural bias; since I belong as a knot of ‘thought’, to the European, humanist culture, the Latin culture, in its 3rd Spanish horizon, in its ‘organic’ culture, as the knot of philosophy of science, since we are all knots of thought. So let us first consider the European culture of humanism – southern Europe and my role within it, since it is obvious this is the place to place myself within the ‘organic structure’ of the neuronal people-caste of Latin Europe.

Thus I belong by birth, culture and reason to the Social r=evolutionary European culture.

The seven cultures of mankind thus are made of human cellular beings, and so we can wonder, the role of each cell within its social organism.  This is then the proper time to consider the role of a knot of thought which advances human knowledge as this author has done. And wonder truly why is knowledge of the organic paradigm so uninteresting for the human being today – namely the dominant animetal cultures.




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