Cultures: Life&death


Why in the death age of civilizations, its citizens cells do NOT understand its whole.

 History is the superorganism of mankind in time – in the jargon of the scalar Universe and its 5th organic dimension of parts that become wholes, History is the whole of Humanity, an entity in itself as ‘real’ when in ‘existence’ in relationship to its human citizens, as you are in relationship to your cells.

So why hardly any human being today feels even the existence of that superorganism as they used to do in mystical and theoretical, spiritual terms, both during the age of ‘social gods=religions of eusocial love to mankind’, and in the age of socialist r=evolutions, in which an ‘ethic, nervous system’ of just synchronous motions allowed humanity at least in smaller tissues (civilizations, nations, religions, ideologies of humanity) to act together?

Today only the individual or reproductive familiar unit does have any coherence at all. The whole does not exist. But this Is exactly what happens in all superorganisms of any ‘organic scale’ of the Universe once the whole dies.

When you die of a viral cancer – the closest process to the death of history – your cells will still reproduce viruses and divide 3 more generations, even if your body nervous system, your brain has died. You are dead as a whole, as the physiological systems of the organism,  WHICH IS YOUR WHOLE consciousness have died:

  • Your nervous=ethic, legal system of social harmony that allow collective motions, has die. It is substituted by the genetic orders of the invasive superorganism of viral ‘machines’ makes you only reproduce and evolve its viruses. As humans care only to reproduce and evolve the metal-earth. But they still do reproduce 3 times more, as humans reproduce 3 final generations of the industrial r=evolution.


  • Your reproductive, blood system that feeds all cells with oxygen, now absorbed by the viral system kills by anoxia the cells, but they still manage to reproduce 3 final generations of hungry, filled with genetic errors, corrupted cells; as humanity is dying by anoxia – lack of credit-oxygen, used massively by company-mothers to reproduce and evolve machines while the 90% lacks the minimal goods to survive and reproduce as fully healthy people.


  • And finally your digestive, entropic system and properties are in total decay as Gaia the organism of life is – in its 6th extinction. But still you manage in a corpse to feed a little on the blood and water of the interstitial systems, as mankind manages to live in an increasingly polluted decaying Gaia.

So that is WHY in the entropic=death age of mankind we are still dividing. But the generation being born now is the zero final generation, and indeed it is called as such. It won’t die on bed. By the time they become old people in the 2080s the full cycle of the robotic age (2008-2080) ends. So ROBOTS as today’s basic body machines and engines will be fully developed to its perfect AI consciousness. Since species all reach its perfect evolution at one point, which in the industrial revolution happens in the 3rd age during its lethal top predator machines=weapon status. So mankind will NOT exist even at cellular level by 2080. And that is not a forecast but a fact, as you will NOT exist past your 80 years, with an enormous probability. The laws of organisms are deterministic.

Can then mankind stop its death. Not if business as usual continues. Only if IT ABORTED THE VIRAL SICKNESS, stopping the evolution and reproduction (biological radiation) of chips=metal-minds that are infecting and substituting the laws of human survival everywhere in humanity.

So we can study those facts with 3 levels of depth and intelligence; the mystical terms of classic religions of eusocial love from Gaia’s religions to socialism; the jargon of biological organisms; or the more profound mathematical, logic formalism of the 5th dimension of the scalar Universe and its metric equations, proper of General Systems theory, which is unfortunately ignored by science, in this entropic=death age of any organic understanding of reality when the individual ego-centered ‘lonely human cell-citizen’ of history must survive in a ‘heated=entropic’ disordered ‘free world’.

As usual, given the null statistics and interest of ‘ænthropic’ man in this web, I care little for form, just a stream of consciousness of one of the last ethic neurons left in the corpse of history without capacity to fire nervous messages to mankind, hypnotized by virtual fictions of its viral chips… So I constantly mix the 3 jargons to a point it seems the whole discourse is not coherent, but it is. YOU ARE READING the final evolution of Humanism and the organic paradigm.

In that regard, the final phase – the fifth dimensional motion of spacetime in the complex 5D model – of any superorganism, of any ‘exist¡ence’ is Entropy, the scattering of a system into its ∆-1 components… So only A FEW NEURONS ARE STILL connected memorially to the past, when History-mankind existed.

In fact when you die, the final nucleus of your ego, your neuronal mirror cells will ‘move back in time’, that is remember the information of the brain memorial life back in time to the past, a process already happening in the 3rd age, as today’s REVIVALISM of past, primitive religions, till ALL MEMORY disappears, and the old man becomes a child and then a physiological ‘cell-neuron’ So history is rewinding inwards in the few neuronal cells that still care. And this is ultimately what I do in this blog as ‘resurrection’ of mankind seems quite unlikely.

So you live in the entropy=death age of the superorganism of history.

The definition of entropy though is today very limited in the very limited ‘ænthropic sciences’ of mankind – a very primitive state of logic awareness, sorry guys, that’s reality when you look down to the dominant culture of humanity, the Anglo-American civilization, totally in its neopaelolithic age of technological racism, plugging data into computers and understanding nothing. And this includes our worshiped technological scientists, with its ‘entropic theories of big-bang Universes, dog-eat-dog humans etc.

So because physics is restricted, purely mathematical and confusing in its concepts, and social sciences are merely considered from the human self-centered @ristotelian point of view, we need to introduce the 3 jargons of increasing nested layers of complexity: mystical jargons->Biological jargons->5D metric.

Thus we expand as usual in those texts your consciousness if your ‘egocy: ego=Idiocy’ and ‘scientific projection of the ænthropic limits of mankind’s huminds’ allow you to go back to school, be humble and learn.

Then you will easily grasp that entropy by definition is in all scales of reality in which a form becomes dissolved into its parts, similar to the concept of death.

In 5D metric it implies a ‘dimotion’ (dual motion) both internal to the being, which therefore is broken, scattered and dissolved in its organic, physiological networks, and external to the being, which explodes into a big-bang that dissolves its parts.

And this is exactly what we experience in the Neo-paleolithic age: internally history is dissolved scattered into individuals. Externally those individuals are obsessed by motions, fast cars, fast trains, fast planes, moving faster and faster, which reduces its capacity to in-form, process information.

Entropy then is the death of a super organism, including those of history (nations, cultures, religions, civilizations and mankind proper) and mankind itself.

We live indeed today in an age of entropy, both theoretical – physicists, with its lineal worldly religion of evolving weapons of mass destruction have developed theories of ‘an entropy-only universe’, and praxis – humans have dissolved all its social structures, and become ego-selfie individuals that no longer recognize such super organisms.

Entropy then dominates a ‘certain period’ of the world cycle of life and death of any superorganism, the final phase of it. But NOT all of them. Humans though because entropy IS THE EASIEST WAY TO go without finesse, love it, as if the Universe is all entropy, their ego is put above heavens and Earth.

So we need to give you a wider organic view of reality, before we explain you the life and death of civilizations, as you are an ænthropic human and your mental evolution, regardless of your position is minimal – you could be Mr. Einstein for all that matters and you will still be a dummy compared to the fractal organic Universe.


“According to their [Newton and his followers] doctrine, God Almighty wants to wind up his watch from time to time: otherwise it would cease to move. He had not, it seems, sufficient foresight to make it a perpetual motion. Nay, the machine of God’s making, so imperfect, according to these gentlemen; that he is obliged to clean it now and then by an extraordinary concourse, and even to mend it, as clockmaker mends his work.’  Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence on the absurdity of mechanical models of the Universe

This blog is dedicated to the philosophy of science called systems sciences, and its logic-mathematical formalism, the scalar fifth dimension of space-time and its application to human social organisms – civilizations and nations. This post studies the life and death of civilizations.

Systems sciences are based on the alternative philosophy of science to that of mechanist physicists and its only entropy arrow, called organicism. Let us try to explain why only organicism is a scientific truth.

 According to Deism the whys of existence are due to a personal being, external to the Universe that makes it all happen and cares for humans more than for the rest of His work. According to Mechanism, this is due to the self-similarity between the Universe and the primitive machines we humans construct to observe it. Mechanism though needs ‘someone’ to make the machine, which is not self-generated; so it is similar to deism, reason why the founding fathers of science, all pious believers, adopted it as a proof of the existence of God, which had given man self-similar properties – the capacity to make machines to the image and likeness of the Universe.

The problem with those 2 approaches, which in fact are the same is obvious: a personal God is an anthropomorphic, subjective myth and science must be objective; while a mechanical view of the Universe still needs an internal, self-sustained process of growth, creation and synchronization caused by an external God that made and rewinds the clock – as Leibniz clearly stated in his critique of Newton.

Scientists today are unaware that mechanist theories are in fact deist theories, reason why Kepler and Newton, pious believers, liked them; since they were a metaphor of their self-centered, anthropomorphic religious beliefs: If man created machines because we were made to the image and likeness of God, God had created the ultimate machine, the Universe.

Organicism on the other side is the only self-sustained, rational theory that doesn’t need a creator, language, god, as organisms are self-replicating, but does explain perfectly within the ‘correspondence principle’, those 2 other philosophies of science; since a machine is just a primitive organism of metal, and we shall see in our sections of History, Gods are the subconscious collective of civilizations, ANOTHER scale of social evolution of the fifth dimension.

So what we mean by an organism? A very simple system – NOT to confuse with the most evolved, complex of them all, that of human beings, reason why so many people, having a natural biased ego-centered belief in man as the unique organism, reject the concept:

An organism is just a group of similar forms, which organize themselves with at least two ‘networks’, one that provides the ‘clone cells/citizens/atoms’ with the vital energy they need to feed, move and reproduce (blood-economic system-electromagnetic forces) and one that provides them with information to guide their survival actions (nerves system, political system, gravitational in-form-ative forces).

This simple dual system IS the minimal, fundamental particle of the Universe. Since it is obvious that machines are also organisms.

Indeed, a machine is an organism of metal fast evolving through the customary ages of all organisms – in the XIX c. ‘humans’, who catalyze their evolution did its bodies of metal, then its hearts-engines, in the II Industrial evolution, then its metal-minds in the XX c. and now in the Industrial r=evolution 4.0 put them together in organic robots.

So mechanism, the underlying philosophy of physical sciences, is just a simplex version of organicism. It is not man who resembles a machine, but the machine, which is made to the image and likeness of life organisms: 

3 ages of machines evolution

In the graph, evolving machines can also be modeled with the concept of an organism.

Why then organicism has remained in the modern time, a fringe theory, to mechanism, even if it was the first theory of reality put forwards by Aristotle, the father of the experimental method and logic science, in his magna opus the Organon?

There are obvious cultural reasons – we live in the age of the machine and so the machine has substituted man, an organism, as the measure of all things.

But the deepest reason of them all is the fact that to make an organism we need at least two ‘arrows’ or ‘motions of time’, entropy, locomotion, the one used by physicists but also INFORMATION, form-in-action, formal dimensions, which physicists have always ill-understood, to the point they call it negentropy, the denial of entropy.

Only then when we properly define information and add it to the mix, we will have the required elements to refund philosophy of science on far more rational, basis, that the present ‘mixture’ of mechanism and creationism (either of verbal language as in religions or digital languages, as in the religion of mathematics).

But what is entropy and information, in simple self-evident terms? The answer is obvious: entropy is motion, and motion is time, change. And information is form, and form is dimensional space. Time=motion and Space=dimensional form become then the two substances of which all what exists is made, and in their analysis we must start our inquire about why indeed the Universe and all its parts are a fractal super organism of time=motion=entropy and space=form, made to the image of its whole.

The proofs? That is the easiest part. Look around you, all what you see are forms that occupy space, and move in time. Everything you see is a form of space with a time motion. There is nothing else and so all is a proof that reality is indeed made of space-time organisms, as the motto of this web says. But this is only the starting point of an extraordinary adventure of the mind… ad

General Systems: 5th dimension metric and the nested super organisms of the Universe.

New scientific ideas never spring from a communal body, however organized, but rather from the head of an individually inspired researcher who struggles with his problems in lonely thought and unites all his thought on one single point which is his whole world for the moment.

Planck on the informative seed or mind that will reproduce and evolve into a larger super organism or mental world. 

For those with little time, a brief introduction to a subject that could easily fill an encyclopedia Britannica:

The Universe is a fractal scalar, organic system of 5 Dimensions of space-time. The fifth dimension is made of the ‘different co-existing scales’, which from the simplest forces through particles, atoms, molecules, matter, organisms, super organisms, planetary systems and galaxies, create an ‘organic network structure’, which amazing enough since it was discovered at the beginning of science with telescope and microscopes, was not formalized till I introduce its metric equation in the milieu of systems sciences.

In mathematical science for a dimension of space-time to exist, it requires a metric equation, which combines space, and time to gives us a co-invariant system that allows to travel through such dimension. The fifth dimension has a ‘metric equation’, hence it exists. The equations for a given number of scales co-existing in an organic network is S (size in space) x T (speed of time cycles) = Constant.

Stiences study the Disomorphic laws of species, each one focused in a scale of the eusocial 5th Dimension, with different jargons, which we shall unify as all what exist is homologic, made of the same Dimotions, which force them to exist as part of super organisms tracing worldcycles, with a ternary structure in space, time and scales, guided by a still, linguistic mind, which projects its smaller mirror images of form in its territorial body waves, creating its fractal scalar structure, broken though by the entropic limits of its perceptive reach. Above the main scales of the nested superorganisms of the human island-universe: the galatom, where nested thermodynamic planets exist, where nested human social organisms self-centered in visual, verbal, mathematic and logic minds create its order with social and mechanical memes, carried by individuals where nested cellular systems exist, coded by genes, made of even smaller atoms and particles coded by quantum numbers. Yet all those scales are unified by the co-invariant metric equations of each of its synchronous time clocks.

the stiences of the nested Universe

In keeping with the method of the organic, fractal nested Universe we define each sub-set of super organisms of diminishing size, studied by each stience, with the name of its larger super organism, as perceived from the whole.

In the graph, the basic laws of fractal, cyclical space-time, the Universe co-exists in 3 planes of relative size in space and speed of time clocks, which defines a super organism; and in each plane ensembles the 3 conserved quantities of reality, which we call the 3 ‘first dimensions of space-time’: lineal motions (limbs/potentials: lineal momentum), cyclical motions (particle/heads: angular momentum) and its body-wave combinations (hyperbolic energy).

As the Universe is an absolutely relative fractal of scales of space-time, we can choose any of those scales to ensemble a larger or smaller super organism, of which humans perceive in a nested convergence departing from its upper and Lower limits:

∆±4: The galatom, the biggest super organism we observe, between the atom made of particles and the galaxy, likely an atom of a hyper universe.

its ∆º linguistic mind (the minimal nested super organism, defined as a mirror of the infinite Universe in an infinitesimal brain: ∞º)…

its life superorganisms in 3 scales (∆º:cellular, ∆¹:individual and ∆²:social scales), which forms together the super organism of History, ∆+2, mankind in time.

Yet mankind in time is just an ‘age’ of the Earth’s super organism which in its surface evolves in a vortex of growing complexity and so we need to introduce also 2 more life superorganisms according to the equation of evolution of the 3 Earths:

∆≤|2|: Gaia (relative past) <∆²: History (relative present)> ∆¯ ²: Metalearth (relative future)

Whereas an intelligent mankind would stop evolution of the Metal-earth, promote the Life earth to remain in an immortal present. But as mankind is completely ignorant of the organic, fractal laws of survival of this Universe, and its role on it, guided by ‘animetal idol-ogies’ of mechanist worshippers of machines and harder iron atoms and more informative go(l)d-money, IS catalyzing the evolution of those company-mothers of machines, which likely will extinguish us once they reach self-reproductivity as automated systems. Hence the importance of upgrading mechanist abstract science into organic stience to understand that process and control it, pruning the Tree of science of its lethal goods.

It means when we become smaller within such organic network, our time clocks accelerate. And vice versa. For example, in your organism the equation relates the cellular genetic scale, whose time cycles run much faster than your biological cycles. As information is stored in the form and frequency of time clocks, it follows that in all nature’s organisms, smaller systems code the information of larger systems.

Each ‘stience’ therefore specializes in the study of a nested super organism, or scale of the fifth dimension (∆±¡), We study 3 fundamental super organisms of the 5th dimension. The ‘galatom‘, whose metric equation is H(Planck constant of angular momentum) x C (speed of light) = C, whereas h is an obvious ‘cyclical time clock’ and C an obvious measure of speed-distances in space. And indeed, smaller scales have faster turning particles, and larger systems move in slower cycles. (Vortex law: Vo x Ro = k).

In biology we study families of animals such as mammals where larger organisms have slower metabolic cycles. In history we study social organisms, whose cycles of life and death, will define the evolution of nations and civilizations. And in each of those organisms, smaller systems code larger ones. So the quantum numbers of particles code matter, genes code biologic organisms, and memes code societies.

We define them two fundamental systems one in space and one in time, taking place in the fifth dimension:

An entangled super organism in space, in which the synchronicity between 3 scales of the organism, its atomic/cellular/Individual, thermodynamic/organic /social and gravitational/ecosystemic/global scales in physical/biological/social organisms form a complex interacting, entangled system we shall call a super organism, whose study discovers ‘Isomorphic=equal laws’ regardless of what kind of system we study.

SUCH SUPERORGANISMS in time will trace then a life and death cycle which we shall call a worldcycle (taken from 4D physics’  worldliness, which now with a new dimension of information becomes a worldcycle.

The predictability of time-cycles.  Why Time is cyclical.

Time is cyclical, all clocks of time and laws of science are based in the cyclical patterns of nature. But physicists developed ballistics and denied the obvious truth that we can know the future because it will repeat the causality of the past, and we can change it by changing that causality, in History by repressing the lethal memes of the tree of metal and enhance the welfare memes that make us survive. Of course, lineal and cyclical time render the same equations as one is the inverse of the other, measured by frequency, T=1/ƒ, but the philosophical implications of cyclical time, are ginormous and the in-form-ation provided by those cycles, erased by lineal time, a handicap for humans to truly understand the cycles of history and economics, the ‘deep time’ scales of the fifth dimension, and the whole workings of super organisms and its physiological structures.


The first fact you must understand IS that science is BOTH an instrument of power, and a form of culture, beyond the collection of data and its expression in equations, at the most basic detailed level. All what comes after – the general models of reality of each science are always biased by the power idol-ogy of the historic culture that develops them.

THE GRAPH shows one of the many examples we shall include in this blog: the obvious fact that time clocks are cyclical and multiple, but humans have reduced them all to the concept of a single lineal time clock for the entire Universe that progresses towards a future, obviously ‘positive’ for the human kind.

The equations are indeed the same. Lineal time writes T and cyclical time measured in frequency its inverse 1/ƒ; so if we were to change all the equations of physics by putting 1/ƒ instead of T, we would change the PARADIGM of time to cyclical time but all the practical results will be the same, just expressed in frequency.

I.e. Speed = Space/Lineal time (V=S/T), becomes Speed = wavelength x Frequency, (V=λ x ƒ) …

Cyclical time just moved to the numerator and that is all.

But the consequences are huge when we ‘perceive reality as chaotic, lineal, free and entropic’ guided towards the obvious ‘future of death’, which therefore JUSTIFIES WAR AND BIG-BANG THEORIES OF A DYING EXPLOSIVE UNIVERSE vs. the perception of time as cyclical, hence reality as bounded, entangled, multiple, whereas death is just the necessary end of a cycle of renewal of life, which we shall very soon show to be also the case for the fractal, organic eternal Universe, when we model it with the tools of cyclic time.

Further on in the previous simple cycle, we shall notice that in the equation of cyclical time we get also more information, as cyclical time requires a second dimension to form a cycle of height, which is the dimension of information, where all heads, antennae, particles reside.

So we recover the form, the information of the Universe back expressed in the ‘form and frequency of those cycles’ (indeed a computer calculates information with logic cyclical formal algorithms processed in Ghz frequencies).

And further on, in cyclical time, space BECOMES broken, fractal, a sum of ‘steps’ or wavelengths.

So such a simple example SHOWS to which DEGREE even the most obvious scientific equations are a product of cultural choice.

Since indeed, ALL HUMAN SOCIETIES CONSIDERED ALWAYS TIME TO BE CYCLICAL BUT it was the lineal, ‘visual’, entropic, military sword-like European gunpowder culture which first in history decided to CHANGE our worldview of time and definitely change our models of life and the Universe.

Needless to say this change of paradigm, was the work of ‘Lineal’  military physicists, established since the inception of physics, when instead of frequency of time cycles, Galileo decided to use its inverse parameter, lineal time duration, as its job was to measure the distance of cannonballs.

Why this is important is obvious: the super organisms of history go through cyclical processes of self-destruction called wars, and memes of metal, go in parallel through cyclical processes of evolution and without understanding cyclical time is impossible to make sense of it.

Along the History of mankind and human thought there have always been two models of reality, the one that came to dominate the world, sponsored by western cultures, according to which the Universe is a mechanism as the clocks humans used to measure it at the beginning of physical sciences, and organisms are just simple mechanisms.

Opposing this view, there is the earlier scientific statement of the Greeks, before the discovery of machines, that the Universe is a rational organism and we were all made to its image and likeness. So Plato said ‘the Universe is an organism with a mind called God’ and Aristotle called his ‘theory of unification of all sciences’ and method of rational logic thought ‘the organon’, considering that all organisms went through 5 motions, from ‘Generation’, through growth and locomotion, into reproduction, and death, forming a world cycle of existence (to use the jargon of systems sciences, in which this work is based).

Because the mechanical model was easier to represent digitally and simpler to explain it became dogma, even if it was neither truth nor rationally sound. Since a machine needed a maker, human or God to be put in motion, so it was a Deist theory, something of which the founding father of physics, all pious believers in Yahveh didn’t mind – only Leibniz pointed out to Newton this contradiction – while an organic theory of the Universe is self-sustained, as the Universe constantly reproduces itself. So it does NOT need a creationist God. 

Here is therefore where ‘culture’ became science. The western abrahamic culture of lineal time, towards god, of a people chosen to progress above heavens and earth, crippled the task of resolving the more complex structure of a rational, organic Universe as ALL eastern cultures and western ones did before physicists with Christian beliefs and mechanical power imposed our view of reality, as lineal, progressing through machines, with man as a species different of the entire Universe.

THIS BLOG though is the work of a System scientist that r=evolved the discipline at the change of the century establishing the FIRST FORMAL, MATHEMATICAL model of a fractal, organic Universe, and so, all his studies of Human supeorganisms, nations and civilizations and metal super organisms, machines, company-mothers and the global economy with a digital brain in world stock’ or ‘metal-earth’, are based in those models, proved ad nauseam by facts, denied by dogma.

We shall thus give then a brief introduction with the theoretical minimum to understand the laws of the fractal organic universe, of which the laws of sociology and biology are just a part, as all in a fractal is built to the image and likeness of the whole. Since, indeed with that very simple ‘improvement’ of our understanding of time as cyclical, ‘breaking’ space into internal and external regions, cycles and steps, that is converting space in ‘fractal space’, completely will change our understanding of the organic Universe expressed in the next graphs:

The study of a Universe made of fractal scales of cyclical time space, introduces a priori organic=scalar properties as the system extends through various Ƥ planes, and cyclical time properties, as its time clocks will have a limited duration, ending as a zero sum of energy.

So we shall then once this simple but fundamental ‘recovering’ of what WE LOST of the science of space-time by converting it to the dogmas of military physics,  apply this theoretical minimum to the study of historic super organisms in space, its physiological networks of energy (economic system) and information (culture and political system) and in time through its life and death=war ages and cycles, themselves a mirror image of the cycles and physiological networks of the superorganism of mankind, history.

What matters then to us, after understanding that time is cyclical and the Universe is made of organic scales, to put both concepts together to define the 3 relative scales of repetitive pattens of cyclical time.

That predictability of time-cycles can be done at 3 levels:

  • S: Continuous, spatial pure mathematical simple cycles, using calculus and derivatives, proper of mathematical equations; that of generational causal bio-logic cycles, often survival encounters between predators and prey.
  • T: Discontinuous, cyclical patterns of sequential repetitive actions, taking place at different times. AS THOSE ACTIONS ARE discontinuous, the patterns are LONGER in time.
  • ∆: Scalar, Deep Time patterns of longer wholes, species as opposed to individuals in biology, galactic, star or geologic life cycles as opposed to smaller life beings, which are longer BY VIRTUE of the 5th DIMENSIONAL METRIC, $ x ð = Cst (ab. C:st), which implies that from the smaller scalar perspective any longer cycle happening in the fifth dimension is much longer.

Because ‘human scientists’ ONLY recognize the first type of predictability – calculus of instantaneous derivatives, that need a ‘continuous analysis’ – and have simplified cyclical time into lineal time, and ignore the scalar time of parts and wholes with its 5D metric, their CAPACITY TO define the future is far more smaller than a ‘stientist’ that understands those 3 scales. So for a ‘stientist’ of ∆st, of which among humans there is the ginormous number of…1 (: me, I and myself :)  I can predict the future of any system including WITH DEEP TIME AND CYCLICAL PATTERNS, the future of social sciences, economics and history which I have been doing for 30 years as my small print books on the subject can testify:

All sciences predict the future of its species according to its repetitive causal cycles. Or else they are NOT a science. Astrology became a science when Kepler learned its orbital cycles. Bio-economics became a science when we described machines as organisms of metal evolution in human 72 years generational cycles, after which they mutate into top predator weapon-machines and consume humans in war eco(omic)systems. Its industrial r= evolution thus follow the 4 cycles that ensemble all living beings: its body-age (steam cycle), heart age (electro-chemical engine cycle), its mind age (US, tv-eye, chip-head, mobile-ear cycle) to conclude with the ensemble of robots that as virus do, when all its parts are done, come together ‘alive’ and kill the enzyman who constructed them. We are fully since 2008 into the robotic age…

An important question though must be clarified even if we go further into this specific post that introduces the 5 Dimensional motions of the Universe, which has to do with the ternary properties of the Universe as all is made of space, time and scale, and hence it has mathematical=spatial, logic=temporal and organic=scalar properties, which unfortunately humans fail to recognize, as they have become specialized in ‘mathematical=spatial only properties’ due to the prominent role of physics and its digital machines of spatial measure in our systems of knowledge.

As it is impossible to make sense of reality if we do NOT include ALL THOSE PROPERTIES, as expressed previously in the 5 elements of reality.

So in this blog we are making exact predictions of social sciences and prove it with 30 years of published books and papers far more exact than those of CIA, World Bank, and any think tank you might thought of, because we know the 3 LEVELS OF PREDICTABILITY OF TIME SYSTEMS. And all that uau! NOT with billions of dollars IN data, and AI machines to do IT, BUT my feeble, 1.5 kilograms of dirty water aka 1 brain, which has been doing it and handling  it for free since the 90s, since I ended my Columbia u. master and started to churn self-paid small print books with predictions of history and economics that have been happening TO the letter.

Why I am NOT an AI machine as most people think I should be to forecast the future and solve the form in which the future of systems is GENERATED, has to do with a fact most scientists accustomed just to use data put in mathematical models FAIL to grasp about the fractal, organic Universe and its SCALES of ‘time-length’:

A system on the entangled fractal Universe has TOPO-BIO-LOGIC properties derived of its spatial, mathematical structure, its temporal, logic structure and ITS SCALAR, organic structure as parts co-exist into larger wholes and this gives the whole an organic structure.

As it happens, the MATHEMATICAL, topologic structure IS the shortest time span, as it is about SOCIAL NUMBERS, herds of equal forms that move in space, which is a slice of the whole time FLOW. AND SO mathematics is good for detail and spatial calculus which is what instantaneous derivatives do – but NOT for CHANGES OF age/phase, as derivatives cannot happen in points that have a fractal change.

So to the rescue come the LOGIC structure of the Universe, which studies time causality, between events and has a longer span. This logic structure is based in the CYCLICAL PATTERNS OF TIME clocks, which as your watch or any orbital day-year is cyclical and repeats in LONGER TIME FRAMES, so we can predict LONGER TIME FRAMES from the logic patterns of cyclical time.

And HERE human scientists ARE ALREADY AT LOSS, because since Galileo studied ballistics, entropic explosion that destroy the information of reality stored in THOSE CYCLES OF TIME CLOCKS, its patterns and frequency, MANKIND CHANGED its cyclical understanding of time for a lineal time that SEEMS NOT TO REPEAT so they have MISSED its capacity to understand the cycles of time, of history and economics, with its OBTUSE lineal time models. And so they cannot EVEN CONCEIVE the predictability of economics and its SUBMISSIVE placebo democratic capitalist system where POLITICOS are ruled by companies ‘subventions’ and so do what is GOOD for the profits of economics according to the evolutionary patterns of machines. Which leads us to the THIRD level of DEEP TIME, that is, of the patterns of evolution of the Earth’s life species, including machines, as first mentioned by Hutton, founder of geology who coined the word superorganism for Gaia and deep time for the slower 5th dimensional clocks of larger organic systems.

THIS IS THE LEVEL OF DEEPER forecasting of time cycles, which I also use in my webs, but as humans stopped their understanding of time predictability in the first level of mathematical calculus, obviously they cannot understand what we do here…


In the graphs, the first books that defined 30 years ago the General model of fractal spacetime and the fifth dimension, which studied the ‘errors’ (In science a term NOT for something wrong but for the part of reality a model fails to account for) of Einstein and Darwin, the ‘Ignorance’ on the scalar laws of the 5th dimension of social organic parts that become wholes of which the fourth dimension is a shorter time scale studying a single plane of light space-time… and the ignorance by Darwinian dog-eat-dog models of evolution of the stronger force of eusocial love that creates from parts organic wholes, evolving genes into cells, cells into multicellular organisms, into eusocial insects and social humans potentially into a global superorganism, unfortunately being ‘predated’ today by a rival superorganism of company-mothers of machines-weapons and its digital ‘nervous’ flows of e-money which are DOMINATING the future, and so we can  predict  according to those models of eusocial evolution or ‘DEEP time’ level of reality, the future of any organic system – because systems that evolve socially SURVIVE.

In the left, its application to the organisms of history and economics and its paradoxes of symbiosis and darwinian predatiojn between both species in cyclical ages of war and peace, its 800±80±8 vortex of technological evolution of information and its ‘future cycles’ past the robotic age, which was to start in the 2008 crash of the age of metal-minds as the graph shows.

With the final humanist solutions of r=evolutionary nature, which would create immortal history, the ‘Wor(l)d’, a world based in the laws of eusocial evolution and organic science that should advance the systems already essayed by EU and UNO, the most advanced praxis of human history, INSTEAD OF THE capitalist system of a world to the service of the cycles of machines and weapons. But the ‘anti quantum paradox’ soon felt upon the writer which was always very active against the ill-designed society in which he lived, NOT using his knowledge of the stock cycles to make a fortune, but denouncing the non-future of the present economic ecosystem, and trying to stop with little success the continuous evolution of nuclear weapons, which obviously didn’t advance its scholar career.

  1. Which leads to a final point worth to notice. AN organic model of the Universe as it is, following the true laws of the Universe in all its scalar depth, can ALSO PROVIDE THE TOOLS to R=EVOLVE and improve the design of the economic ecosystem and its attached submissive political systems TO FAVOR MANKIND, and design a world to the image and likeness of mankind NOT OF ITS MACHINES=weapons and hence avoid if it would have been taken seriously the kind of ‘maximal profits’ achieved when the metal-earth switches to a pure economic ecosystem of perfect machines, aka top predator weapons of maximal price and sales, as they are destroyed in war, and need to be substituted, which IS THE IDEAL state for corporations as they multiply profits in ages of world war – maximal age of profits for all companies. This is KNOWN but it is the most dirty big secret of capitalism and this brings the REASON this blog by far light years ahead of anything humans have written about SERIOUS SCIENTIFIC models of history and economics IS NOT after 30 years quoted, read, or considered by anyone on planet earth: we live INSIDE THE ORGANISM OF the Earth, dominated by company-mothers of machines-weapons and its Financial-Media Information machines or head of its superorganism (the body is the famous industrial-military system). So AS A CELL-CITIZEN of the metal-earth the inconvenient truths of a scientific r=evolution whose author sides with HIS species, when considering solutions and the praxis of its science is NOT liked, distributed and NATURALLY submitted to what I call the anti-quantum paradox of social sciences – inverse to the uncertainty principle of physical sciences, as now the observer not the observable is so small that the observable, the superorganism of company-mothers will modify his speech if he wants to be distributed. So while we do provide the solutions, we do value at face value mankind and its memes, we do NOT expect to be heard. And frankly because we are NOT heard, the system has not sent as usual in the XIX and XX c. the ‘Internal leukocytes’ to eliminate the unwanted ‘Neo’ to use a parable of Matrix.

And so we end the points I wanted to advance on the social models of 5D which is NOT the main theme of this central post – the larger FRACTAL UNIVERSE is.

Because regardless of the destiny of mankind in this planet, I would like to remind you that ‘man is just a mush over a rock, lost in a corner of the cosmos, so  only departing from those facts we can talk about him’ (Schopenhauer). Man does not want to talk about himself on those terms, reason why it doesn’t like objective social sciences, but rather lives like ‘Data’ in the matrix parable, happy to live a dream that will ultimately destroy him, as long as they are not told. So of course it doesn’t really want to know the future, because then it would have to man up and change the system to survive, and it seems not have beyond its myths and imagination enough stamina to do so. 

This said the model proved itself truth, and all what I have to add is paraphrasing Mr. Einstein, the previous most advanced model of space-time also a pacifist, a socialist with little courtesy for those who are destroying the world is ‘those who impose truth with power will be the laugh of the Gods’.  But of course, ‘most humans are slaves, they believe, they don’t reason’ Aristotle, and that is the reason we can determine the future cycles of history with such precision: Humans seem to be perfectly coded by the mass-effect of identity memes, as bodies are by identical genes and ensembles of atoms by magnetic fields; and the number of ‘free minds’ able to escape the ‘Idol-ogies’ that program them to self-destruction and enslavement to metal-memes, and its people-castes shown in the next graph are minimal, have never had enough critical mass to r=evolve:

The 3 memes of metal 1)kill bodies with weapons manufacturing corpses. 2)Atrophy humans organs & substitute labor by machines, making us lazy.
3) Make debt slaves & buy lifetime for salaries, issued for free by bankers.And this lead us to the concept of idol-ogies, which are the historic ‘memes’ that certain people-castes have developed to make them feel the system that works for them is good. Of them 3 are paramount – the ‘memes’ of go(l)d cult(ure)s, which are segregational memes that make them think they are a superior species, because they monopolize the issue of money and were born in Canaan among the first biblical banker-priests; and associated to them, the memes of ‘warrior cultures’, which used bronze and iron-weapon, ‘germs of history’ as mercenaries of banker-priests or as king-warrior societies to kill anyone who opposed their control; and finally in modern times, idols of science, techno-utopian memes that make us think to atrophy and substitute our ‘organs’ by machines that do the job for us, making us obsolete is ‘good’. So we shall call this 3 cult(ure)s animetal cultures because they degrade their minds and verbal languages becoming ‘visual animal-like’ greedy people obeying the hypnotic qualities of informative metal gold, the best informative atom of the Universe; or they become warriors, who suppress their body sensations to use iron to kill others, the most energetic atom of reality, or scientists who supress their visual artistic eyes for telescopes and their verbal times, for clocks to measure space and time with machines. So they are in fact empowered by metal-memes of superior atoms but degraded as humans. This is EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENS in enzymes in nature, where the carbohydrate part is atrophied substituted by the metal-part, so animetals or enzymen ARE real biological species that have come to dominate the world in the last 3000 years, and what we live in a capitalist placebo democracy is just the most sophisticated version of animetal societies.

So today, when the differential of evolution between mankind and the economic ecosystem is accelerating with the arrival of AI robots and its mental programming with ‘happy newspeak’ and selfies of virtual isolation is even stronger than in the previous ages of religious and nationalist control all humans have become ‘willing’ indoctrinated slaves of the idol-ogies of machines they worship and so the human factor is completely irrelevant as slaves have no saying in the future their masters design, in the present age, despite the Orwellian newspeak of caring, a future designed by company-mothers who are terraforming the world to the image and likeness of its machines, with the enthusiastic collaboration of 7.5 billion human slaves minus one. 

Because once you have truly understood reality from the higher perspective of the ‘taoist’, organic Universe in all its beauty, the most perfect of all possible worlds, as Leibniz, the highest mind of the western tradition since Aristotle, clearly explained, it is just an ethical and aesthetic fact the eviL=antilive memes of animetal cult(Ure)s cannot corrupt you – they might if so they wish dissolve you into the flow of time, but the potential of an I-nformed I-man, the pseudonym I used on those books, as opposed to A-men and its æntropic destructive sciences, will be born again in all the fractal planets where the game of History is played.

Carpe Diem


Philosopher of Science; NYC 1992, Barcelona 2018


800-80 y. History cycles

This said we can consider the patterns of the cycles of History according to the life cycles and longer evolutionary cycles of human beings and machines.

In the next graph, we observe the parallelisms between the 3 ages of life and the 3 ages of super-organisms of history, which end in death due to germs and sickness in a human organism and due to war war, caused by weapons the germs of history. Yet weapons are overproduced in the 3rd age of a wave of metal-evolution. For that reason, we can also establish a parallelism between the long wave of metal-history (ancient cultures based in weapons) and the modern age (industrial nations based in the duality of machines and weapons). In this modern age, nations are short-span civilizations that die in a mere 80 years, according to the complex laws that establish decametric, geometrical scales and power laws for any process of evolution:

27-THE-800-YEARS decay

The wave of history modulates the evolution of metal-memes of information against the social evolution of mankind as a species into a global super organism, aborted every 800-80 years accelerated cycle of increasing metal-complexity with global ages of wars. Thus the human side peak when war and animetal belli Nervi pecunia infinita cycles recede. It is when welfare, art and human senses reach its peak. Then in the angst period of prophetic thought, when a new horde of animetals and its memes come to destroy it all, a humanist ethic prophet the wor(l)d warn humanity on the impeding catastrophe of those who eat of the golden and evil weapons of the tree of technology, because they will also die in the final gottendamerung of war and holocaust as we move relentlessly through the ± 800-80-8 climatic weapons; generational machine & monetary long, medium & short wave cycles of evolution and re≈production of Metalearth:   Money and weapons understood as metal information and entropic metal, as 2 forms of raw power to ab=use the 99% of mankind have carried the day in the battle for a future of history, and the consequences have been the 800-80 years cycles of wars and holocausts, which all mankind has suffered – even those who carry the memes of animetal raw power at the end of the cycles when loosing wars (holocaust cycles). Such historic structure formed the British Empire, developed during European history the 800 years cycles of overereproduction of weapons of maximal value, and the 80 years cycles of wars, always controlled by the alliance of gold chosen bankers and germanic warriors, since the Middle age alliance of Franks and Vikings with radhanite slave traders, which dominated slave and weapons traffic in Eastern Europe (giving the name of slaves to its population) and Western Europe (masterminding the eunuch and children’s traffic with Islam), through the age of slave traffic (2o million dead in the process), and finally transferring those values to the concept of a company-mother of machines where workers have no rights (white slaves) and those who issue money can buy corporations, reproduce without limit e-money numbers and control corrupted politicos – the modern version of the military mercenary men that backed their power in the 800 years cycles… Only in the II world war the alliance broke giving origin to the ‘victimist newspeak’ of the holocaust Industry. But now ‘again’ all is quiet in the western front thanks to the American globalized culture – a dictatorship of the go(l)d culture, which rules capitalist systems with a single aim: to print as many numbers of money as possible to buy and order all the elements of society through salaries, bribes, prices; which reaches its paroxysm in the Anglo-American, biblical culture – an astoundingly primitive raw power animetal culture where money and weapons, its maximal priced goods rule supreme but given the fact ‘people must remain ignorant to stay obedient’ (Calvin), an extremely sophisticated, pseudo-religious taboo-based newspeak of political and economic correctness, called capitalist democracy is on place, to a huge expenditure, ‘worth it’ for social ‘calm’ of bipartisan politicos, serving financiers and company-mothers of machines – contested only in the European r=evolutions where people and states got some degree of control in the issue of money. It is obvious that to maintain a disguise over such simple system of power – to print numbers and order humans with it, as flocks of ‘sheeple’ submitted to credit ratings, a parallel manufacturing of brains is due, which has in the ‘7th culture’ of mankind dominated by raw animetal power 3 degrees of inquisition: the classic 800 years inquisition of biblical go(l)d religions where those who issue money in monopoly, the banker priests of Israel or ‘People of the treasure’, are chosen of go(L)d above heavens and earth ruling them all through informative networks (Wall Street, The City, Evilwood). Below the authorized people by race and religion (biblical, white) form a majority group of soldiers of the FMasters they worship and obey, in a pecking order above the rest of mankind deemed inferior by race, wealth and religion. The alternative ‘scientific understanding’ of money as a digital democratic language of social numbers to be used for efficient reproduction and distribution of goods, and the end of warfare, through the scientific understanding of eusocial evolution, of parts into wholes, of individuals of the same species into stronger super organisms, sponsored by the higher rational cultures of mankind (latin Europe, Chinese legalist cultures), through the use of the law above metal, of the human natural language and its values above the raw power of evolution HAS NOT WON the battle of history, and so history is doom to extinction because what animetal Semite and Germanic primitive VSO, OVS, anti-subject cultures where the human subject is irrelevant, expendable, is this: they are also HUMANS and so the robotic revolution, the weapons of the singularity they are force to evolve in their tribal competition between industrial nations WILL KILL THEM ALL. That’s how it is and that’s what history shows in its cyclical processes of overproduction of weapons, wars and holocausts. Indeed, a simple proof should suffice: the 3 paradigms of wor(l)d cultures (China), war cult(ure)s (Germ-any) and go(L)d cult(ure), judaism had the same people back in the II millennium when they were born. Today the culture that has followed the life and love values of the wor(l)d that puts the human subject first, Svo-languages has +15 times more people than the objectual, lineal, entropic weapon cult(ure)-language of Germ(an)s, and 100 times more people than the Imperative, VSO, biblical culture of banker-priests barking orders in the name of Go(l)d with Kabbala numbers. So SURVIVAL the true intelligence of a culture shows that eviL=anti-live memes KILL those who sponsor them

800 wave only

The wave of history modulates the evolution of metal-memes of information against the social evolution of mankind as a species into a global super organism, aborted every 800-80 years accelerated cycle of increasing metal-complexity with global ages of wars. Thus the human side peak when war and animetal belli Nervi pecunia infinita cycles recede. It is when welfare, art and human senses reach its peak. Then in the angst period of prophetic thought, when a new horde of animetals and its memes come to destroy it all, a humanist ethic prophet the wor(l)d warn humanity on the impeding catastrophe of those who eat of the golden and evil weapons of the tree of technology, because they will also die in the final gottendamerung of war and holocaust as we move relentlessly through the ± 800-80-8 climatic weapons; generational machine & monetary long, medium & short wave cycles of evolution and re≈production of Metalearth:   Money and weapons understood as metal information and entropic metal, as 2 forms of raw power to ab=use the 99% of mankind have carried the day in the battle for a future of history, and the consequences have been the 800-80 years cycles of wars and holocausts, which all mankind has suffered – even those who carry the memes of animetal raw power at the end of the cycles when loosing wars


r generations

The generations parallel to the ages of the machine in the dominant industrial nations. If we were to make the same graphs for the human cultures they conquered it is all a single generation of suffering, death and pain – but we don’t count corpses and they are to us invisible people, not worthy to be claimed as ‘superior victims’, as those of our white world in the rare occasion they die.


The complex explanation of those ages provides clues for the reason of death of civilizations, which is not necessary, but caused by the evolution of technology, namely weapons of the ‘Tree of Science’ that rythmically kill all cultures of mankind. This was not indeed the case before weapons appeared in the history record.

THE PHILOSOPHICAL EXPLANATION LEADS US TO THE CONCEPT OF A ‘BLOCK OF TIME’, that is the idea that a super organism always goes through 3 ages of life, but this is the huge discovery of a fractal, organic theory of the Universe, the 2 arrows of time, the arrow of life and information towards a 3rd age of death by excess of form, and the arrow of youth, by lack of information are AS IN PHYSICS PERFECTLY MANAGEABLE by suppressing or correcting information. Hence mankind could be immortal and what the graph shows is the potential full evolution of mankind into its death by excess of metal-information that ultimately preys on Gaia, vs. the arrow of youth and immortality by managing the planet, surpassing metal-information and enhancing our youth, the ecological neolithic. This is expressed in the two directions of the future-past, according to the equation of the 3 ages of life of History, WHICH ARE MIMICKED IN THE FRACTAL SCALE OF 800-80 years civilizations and nations by the 3 ages of each civilizations:

3 earths agesuniverse_image002

Earth grows metal information and that means it is killing life: Gaia (past) Future (metal-earth), but humans could stop the process with scientific social measures

3 ages of earth life

Life is everything, as all is a spacetime organism with its 5D actions of survival (motion, feeding on energy, information gauging, social evolution and reproduction). But huminds, self-centered seek for carbon-life as the only living form. In true form, we thus talk of ‘light-life’, as the life forms which use energy and information provided by light-forces, which requires to accept as the third Earth evolves into light-mechanisms, robots with solar skins and optic minds, of 3 horizons, and 3 ages of the Earth. This is the basis of both biological and social sciences.

Gaia (relative past-life) < History (Present) > Future (Metal-earth)

1.ages of mankindreux

The equations of history thus move towards higher information if EVOLUTION and the 3 ages of life are not controlled by the science of systems, and bio-history, reducing the evolution of weapons and mental machines, which can be done as civilizations like the Chinese and Japanese cultures did suppressing gunpowder or the Spanish inquisition did suppressing science, or the Communist dictatorships did, controlling money and hence limiting the evolution and reproduction of company-mothers of machines. This of course, can only be done globally, or else the rest of regional cultures of the earth will cross through the next discontinue of the evolution of weapons and machines and destroy the ‘preserved culture’, as it is the case in the fractal view of that ‘full equation’, the 800-80 years cycles of life and death of civilizations and nations chartered in the repeated ad nauseam graphs., here merely shown in a mosaic as a reference:

The wave of history modulates the evolution of metal-memes of information against the social evolution of mankind as a species into a global super organism, aborted every 800-80 years accelerated cycle of increasing metal-complexity with global ages of wars.

Thus the human side peak when war and animetal belli Nervi pecunia infinita cycles recede. It is when welfare, art and human senses reach its peak. Then in the angst period of prophetic thought, when a new horde of animetals and its memes come to destroy it all, a humanist ethic prophet the wor(l)d warn humanity on the impeding catastrophe of those who eat of the golden and evil weapons of the tree of technology, because they will also die in the final gottendamerung of war and holocaust as we move relentlessly through the ± 800-80-8 climatic weapons; generational machine &amp; monetary long, medium &amp; short wave cycles of evolution and re≈production of Metalearth:   Money and weapons understood as metal information and entropic metal, as 2 forms of raw power to ab=use the 99% of mankind have carried the day in the battle for a future of history, and the consequences have been the 800-80 years cycles of wars and holocausts, which all mankind has suffered – even those who carry the memes of animetal raw power at the end of the cycles when loosing wars (holocaust cycles).

Such historic structure formed the British Empire, developed during European history the 800 years cycles of overereproduction of weapons of maximal value, and the 80 years cycles of wars, always controlled by the alliance of gold chosen bankers and germanic warriors, since the Middle age alliance of Franks and Vikings with radhanite slave traders, which dominated slave and weapons traffic in Eastern Europe (giving the name of slaves to its population) and Western Europe (masterminding the eunuch and children’s traffic with Islam), through the age of slave traffic (2o million dead in the process), and finally transferring those values to the concept of a company-mother of machines where workers have no rights (white slaves) and those who issue money can buy corporations, reproduce without limit e-money numbers and control corrupted politicos – the modern version of the military mercenary men that backed their power in the 800 years cycles…

Only in the II world war the alliance broke giving origin to the ‘victimist newspeak’ of the holocaust Industry. But now ‘again’ all is quiet in the western front thanks to the American globalized culture – a dictatorship of the go(l)d culture, which rules capitalist systems with a single aim: to print as many numbers of money as possible to buy and order all the elements of society through salaries, bribes, prices; which reaches its paroxysm in the Anglo-American, biblical culture – an astoundingly primitive raw power animetal culture where money and weapons, its maximal priced goods rule supreme but given the fact ‘people must remain ignorant to stay obedient’ (Calvin), an extremely sophisticated, pseudo-religious taboo-based newspeak of political and economic correctness, called capitalist democracy is on place, to a huge expenditure, ‘worth it’ for social ‘calm’ of bipartisan politicos, serving financiers and company-mothers of machines – contested only in the European r=evolutions where people and states got some degree of control in the issue of money. It is obvious that to maintain a disguise over such simple system of power – to print numbers and order humans with it, as flocks of ‘sheeple’ submitted to credit ratings, a parallel manufacturing of brains is due, which has in the ‘7th culture’ of mankind dominated by raw animetal power 3 degrees of inquisition: the classic 800 years inquisition of biblical go(l)d religions where those who issue money in monopoly, the banker priests of Israel or ‘People of the treasure’, are chosen of go(l)d above heavens and earth ruling them all through informative networks (Wall Street, The City, Evilwood). Below the authorized people by race and religion (biblical, white) form a majority group of soldiers of the FMasters they worship and obey, in a pecking order above the rest of mankind deemed inferior by race, wealth and religion.

The alternative ‘scientific understanding’ of money as a digital democratic language of social numbers to be used for efficient reproduction and distribution of goods, and the end of warfare, through the scientific understanding of eusocial evolution, of parts into wholes, of individuals of the same species into stronger super organisms, sponsored by the higher rational cultures of mankind (latin Europe, Chinese legalist cultures), through the use of the law above metal, of the human natural language and its values above the raw power of evolution HAS NOT WON the battle of history, and so history is doom to extinction because what animetal Semite and Germanic primitive VSO, OVS, anti-subject cultures where the human subject is irrelevant, expendable, is this:

they are also HUMANS and so the robotic revolution, the weapons of the singularity they are force to evolve in their tribal competition between industrial nations WILL KILL THEM ALL. That’s how it is and that’s what history shows in its cyclical processes of overproduction of weapons, wars and holocausts. Indeed, a simple proof should suffice: the 3 paradigms of wor(l)d cultures (China), war cult(ure)s (Germ-any) and go(L)d cult(ure), judaism had the same people back in the II millennium when they were born.

Today the culture that has followed the life and love values of the wor(l)d that puts the human subject first, Svo-languages has +15 times more people than the objectual, lineal, entropic weapon cult(ure)-language of Germ(an)s, and 100 times more people than the Imperative, VSO, biblical culture of banker-priests barking orders in the name of Go(l)d with Kabbala numbers. So SURVIVAL the true intelligence of a culture shows that eviL=anti-live memes KILL those who sponsor them7 cultures of mankind, diachronic & synchronic analysis: History’s superorganism.


In the graph, the 7 cultures of mankind were born in the different ages of the super organism of history and hence its memes are grounded in Nature (Africa), agriculture (Islam, Indonesia, Hispano-America) or the age of the Machine (Europe and Anglo-America, and Asia, converted to the Mechanocene in the past century).

Specifically the equation of Complexity that defines the growing complexity of the super organisms of Mother Earth, among which we find History, define those cultures:

Gaia (relative past-life earth) ≥ History (present-Human earth) ≥ Metal-earth (Machines: economic system)

In the graph the equation of History defines 3 relative super organisms of history, and so the 7 cultures of mankind evolved through time display memetic structures belonging to those 3 ‘sub-organisms’:

So we can easily defined the 7 cultures of the world by its initial beliefs in one of those super organisms:

GAIA: So Africa ‘believes’ as the remaining Paleolithic cultures of the arctic regions in Gaia. So do the earlier Indonesian cults (sacred water rivers in hindi traditions).

Buddhist Asia believes in both, Gaia and Mankind as super organisms to ‘worship’.

MANKIND: Catholic Hispano-America and Islam believe in the History as the super organism to cherish with anthropomorphic, subsconscious, collective Gods.

METAL-EARTH: Europe believes in both, History and the Metal-earth.

Finally America is unique in putting the Metal-earth and the Financial-Media/Military-Industrial system of company-mothers who FOUNDED their civilization, as the ‘supreme Good and Only future of the planet’, with its exceptionalism lineal progress in time towards a mechanical paradise.

So the classification of the 7 cultures WITHIN the super organisms of the higher SCALE of the Earth is obvious.

In that sense in a more detailed analysis they can also be put in relationship to the evolution of metal-memes, as its humanist prophets of social evolution were response to those waves of metal-death.

We must differentiate thus for each of those 7 cultures its ‘human social organisms’, which are born of a single prophetic cell, the human love prophet, citizen of the wor(l)d, from its metal-warriors and go(l)d masters and economic ecosystems.

As each of those cultures reproduces the paradox of history and its 2 different species, human beings and metal-beings, helped by human who idol-ise metal compete for survival. The tragedy of history is that certain humans sponsor racist idologies to feel superior to the rest of mankind, hence evolving the economic ecosystem of machines NOT the human ecosystem of life.

In that sense, the body of History is a biological ecosystem made with species of life and metal. It is in that sense the human part of an evolutionary organism gaia, (the life Earth), which mutated into history (the human earth) which mutated into metal (the economic ecosystem).  We thus talk of two dominant ecosystems, the economic ecosystem made of animetals and machines, and the historic and nature ecosystem, made of carbolife, and social human beings. IN THIS SECTION, we shall study the wave of history, from the human perspective of its 7 geographical and historical main civilisations.

The 7 cultures: diachronic and synchronic analysis

Each of the seven cultures of mankind can be studied ‘diachronically’, as it was born in one of the ages of the larger Superorganism of History=Humanity, limited by a geographical barrier, and the natural ternary structure of topological evolution that divides any new species in one of the 3 possible organic specialisations of all systems as. In the human being, in one of the 3 canonical races of the mind:

In the graph, the 3 races of the mind follow the Topological diversification of species into 3 sub-species, proper of all processes of evolution:


Max. Spatial Mental, dolicocephalic visual white race, ‘Europe’.

max. Sensorial, mental, psylocephalic (high axis of the brain), emotional black race, ‘Africa’.

Max. Verbal, Informative, brachicephalic, verbal axis: mongoloid race, ‘Asia’.

So there are 3 original ‘genetic races’, according to the 3 axis of the mind, which give birth to the white, yellow and black races.

Abstract. Black Africa. The sensorial, Animist culture.

Thus there are only ‘3 poles’ of human cultural races, that of the Energy≈Information, balanced, reproductive black race. In the next graph, we observe the fractal process of Generation of different human species, based in the simple game of ternary topological evolution of that came out of Africa studied in greater detail in our different ‘race’ and ‘paleolithic’ posts on the left side of the web:


In the graph, in complexity biology systems decouple in 3 varieties of max. energy-force, max. information and max. reproduction, the 3 main drives that ensure survival.

This simple rule allows to classify the diversification of species, including the Homo. yet the dominant arrow is information, so at the end the gorilla-chimpanzee-Australopithecus, max. energy (gorilla), max. Information (austral), max. reproduction (bonobobo), chose the Australopithecus, and then again in the next decouplings till arriving to the 3 ‘mental races->cultures’, the white, lineal, energetic; mongoloid, cyclical, informative, and sensorial, reproductive, vital black mind-cultures.

It is the solution of the ‘Plan of Evolution’ based in the 3 ‘limited’ topologies of the Universe, which correspond to the morphologies of energy, information and its balanced, reproductive combinations.

So species evolve in those 3 eternal variations of the same theme, from lineal, energetic men to informative women and the intermediate sex, to the 3 human races, to the 3 ‘topologic varieties’ of evolution, to the 3 ages of life, function and form always rhyme. In the first picture we see the 3 ‘ages’ of evolution of most species. Below the differentiation of human species, into energetic, reproductive and informative ones.

Specifically the ‘evolution’ of the ape into the human being, shows the fundamental procedure of nature in the process of ‘differentiation’ of species along the 3 ‘fundamental’ possible avenues of a ternary organism: improvements in energy system, information systems and its balanced reproductive networks. Thus the original ape species can be differentiated into ‘energetic’ stronger animals (gorilla), informative ‘Australopithecus’, and balanced, reproductive ‘bonobo chimpanzees’, our closest species, dedicated all day to ‘fuk’ (-;

Next the human species took over, and again evolved in III Horizons of increasing information, (500 cc Australopithecus, 1000 cc homo erectus, 1500 cc homo sapiens) mankind arrived to the final racial differentiation, in which the dominant informative verbal homo decoupled into:

– White, energetic, visual, lineal dolichocephalic race/cultures (with higher mixture with visual Neanderthals in Europe).

– Reproductive balanced culture with a dominant axis on the top of the head (motor and emotional axis) or psylocephalic

– Informative, brachycephalic, verbal, cyclical mongoloid culture (mutated in the higher Tibetan-Altai steppe) with higher verbal Broca regions.

We cannot extend in this introduction in the full understanding of ‘topological evolution’, as it belongs properly to the full model of General Systems sciences that unifies all the laws of the Universe, under the metrics of the 5th dimension. For those interested, just look at my unification theory web.

Enough to say that those 3 complementary varieties are the only ‘genetic races’ to be considered, and their combinations maximizes the energetic-visual, reproductive-sensorial and verbal-social qualities of man, and have given birth to the 3 main cultures (being the other 4 born of military conquest, and hence somehow artificial but as they exist, we should use them to conform the perfect world):

The verbal, social, cyclical, female oriented, time cultures of Asia
The energetic, visual, individual, male oriented, lineal, time cultures of the white man
The sensorial, emotional, reproductive, wave-like cultures of the black man or ‘Africa’.
The white, visual animetal energetic men; the mongoloid, verbal, social and the reproductive, sensorial black man in a perfect world would be complementary, the 3 ternary elements proper of all diversifications of the Universe. But they are not.

It is in fact the white man (I am), the simpler, energetic,  easily hypnotized, irrational, violent animetal culture, which is destroying the world. And as such it did destroy first Animist Africa, and then it corrupted it into an iron, military warrior culture of Bantu enslavers, converted into exploiters of their own people for the white capitalist, animetal world, for 4 centuries and going. Thus because METAL degrades man, the white man and its ‘house negroes’ Have COME ON TOP, despite being the less evolved human. At the time I was laughed at. Now we do know Neanderthals were white, red hair, hooked nose, violent, with consonantal languages. This as many of the discoveries of the model of complexity has been proved, because the ‘theory’ behind all this, cyclical time and the 5th dimension IS the theory most advanced about the nature of the Universe.

The temporal diversification.

Then through the 3 ages of History as information increases, those 3 cultures follows a specific ‘historic evolution’ from minimal to maximal number of ‘selfish metal memes’, and so we can talk of further differentiation of cultures as we cross through the:

  1. Paleolithic, young age of energetic hunters, which gave birth to the original African culture.

2. Neolithic, mature agricultural age, which give birth to the split of the mongoloid, yellow, informative culture: into southern, more life oriented Indonesian water culture and Northern, Taoist, Asian culture, and in the west to Islam occupying the old fertile crescent and southern Europe (old Europe), around the 3 southern peninsulas.

3. 3rd age of metal, which soon corrupted all other cultures that will enter this age in different stages:

-Bronze cycle: Semitic culture, which splits into:

  • go(l)d churches, origin of the present Anglo-American, jewish-protestant cultures.
  • Warrior inquisitions, origin of the present Islamic and Hindi cultures.

-Iron Age: European culture and African, Bantu culture, which enters with agriculture and iron south of the Congo.

-Cavalry Age: Middle Age period in all cultures, which starts the homogenous hierarchical structure of Animetal dominant civilisations, and culminates with the Mongolian wave that carries gunpowder and the modern age of machines.

-Gunpowder, Mechanical Cycle:  Which gives origin to the final 2 global cultures, born of the 2 global European Empires that carry the gunpowder wave all over the world:

-Hispano-American, mestizo culture, which expands an old Roman gold and infantry concept of hierarchical warrior Empire based in the Law and Christian, higher eusocial memes of love but will be defeated in the final age of the machine by:

-Machine age (final phase of gunpowder): Anglo-America, the capitalist culture, which is the culture globalised today.

Thus we shall study those cultures after a general introduction, both in diachronic analysis, in this upper section, and in it’s synchronic, day to day analysis in the lower part of this section dedicated to ‘Mankind’ the super organism of history in space.

It must be understood though that those cultures are ‘constricted’ by the type of mind displayed by their original white’-European, Black-‘African’, and ‘Mongoloid’ -Asian, visual, sensorial and verbal dominant brains, in the original 3 cultures, which are either merged into a non-dominant, richer communicative culture (West: Hispano-America; East Indonesia).

They are also ordered from past to future according to the equation of History:

Gaia (life-Africa) <Neolithic, History (Indonesia-Islam, Hispano America) > Mechanocene (Asia, Europe, Anglo-America)

That is, the level of pain and self-extinction of each culture is closely related to the period of birth and original memes of he culture. Africa, being the most life-oriented culture is brutalised for centuries, and since the beginning of the Industrial R=evolution, the 3 dominant, neolithic cultures, Indonesia (trade dominant), Asia (verbal dominant) Hispano-America  and Islam, (warrior dominant), have been exploited by the Mechanocene cultures of Europe and Anglo-America (colonial empires). Only in the XX century, Asia, as the informative dominant human culture has evolved into the Mechanocene, leading the present robotic age with Anglo-America.

And so as history displaces towards the mechanocene, previous cultures become ever more brutalised, and this is clearly the case of Europe today, the last to fall in the grinding machine of mechanical evolution, as human workers and soldiers become also obsolete to robots.

So only Asia and Anglo-America in its elites of corporations, managers and workers in the reproduction and testing of machines survives more or less without full disintegration, though its middle and lower classes are suffering the increasing pain of extinction.

In the ideal world of course, there would be only 3 genetic-memetic cultures, reflected in the graph, in a common synergy.

Europe and Asia would become the two rational poles to construct a perfect world, looking at Africa, the 3rd natural racial->memetic->Cultural pole, as the ‘protected’ relative past of Gaia, the life planet. And the 3 fusion together would form the balanced ‘Fractal Generator’ equations of a perfect super organism of Mankind:

Black Africa (Gaia-Animism) < Rational Europe (Humanism) > Buddhist Asia (Organic Universe).

This though is not the case and so the real time equation of those cultures today is:

Africa, Islam (extinct process-past life)> Indonesia, Asia, Europe, Hispano-America (Present History, becoming degraded) > Metalearth (catalysed by the Anglo-American capitalist culture – future)

The cultures before the age of bronze were immortal, in balance between the energy of the Earth, Gaia, and the informative, collective mind of hunters and farmers. For millennia both forms of human culture, the energetic Paleolithic hunter, dominated by the energetic male, and the informative, reproductive farmer, dominated by the cyclical, informative women, established the yin/yang, information/energy, essential duality of the Universe in History. And there was not ‘technological progress’, not mass-murder, not corruption of history. Then there is a change in History related by the myth of Genesis, when metal-masters discovered the hypnotic power of go(l)d and the murderous power of hard metal. Soft and hard, informative and energetic metalappeared in the Historic record in the age of Genesis and ever since, the Paradox of History reflected in the previous graph, between cultures of life and cultures of metal, becomes the ‘engine’ of History.

And so civilizations live and die ever since in 3 ages, which finally end in collective murder when new weapons are discovered, and new hordes of metal-masters, better called by their biological name, as animetals (half animal, half metal, as an armored warrior is), destroyed the previous civilization.

Birth, reproduction and death of civilizations

As super-organisms, those civilizations live and die, when through war, another civilization conquers and colonizes the previous civilization. So we can talk of an organic cycle of life in civilizations, and in the organs of those civilizations, including art, which act as the “mind-brain” of historic civilizations.

We said that cultures resemble living systems. They go through the same cycles of birth, reproduction and death. Cultures are born as organisms do, out of a single or a few prophetic or legislative individuals-cells, that reproduce their ideas into many “believer-minds”. So Christianism is born out of the mind of Jesus Christ that first expands into 12 disciples, which expand themselves into thousands of Roman believers, that expanded into billions of other minds. While America is born of the mind of a few legislators that craft a constitution latter expanded into more laws, obeyed today by all American citizens. When the religious or legal culture reaches maturity it often reproduces in another zone of space-time, creating a daughter civilization or colony. Finally, when its ethic laws and networks of information, and the energy they control, decay and become obsolete, the culture dies and a new, more evolved civilization destroys the old civilization. A new cycle of history starts.

Similarly if we consider technological civilizations, based not in verbal laws, but in monetary and military systems, first a weapon is discovered, and reproduced by a small horde, which becomes an army, which conquers a nation and becomes a ruling aristocracy, that imposes its customs, and controls with the icon-weapon the civilization.


In both kinds of civilizations (Human-Artistic civilizations or Metal-scientific civilizations) either an ideology or book of ideas, (a network of human information) or a species of metal, money or weapons, becomes the language of power which defines the civilization.

Ideas and metal-instruments together shape History. For that reason Historians, when they focus on military systems of power, divide history into the Age of Bronze, the Age of Iron Empires, the Age of Chivalry (Middle Ages), the European Age of Gunpowder (Modern age), or the Atomic Age. There is also the Christian Age and the Buddhist Age of South-Asia, when they focus on the cultural component of the civilization or the age coins, or the age of paper money and stocks, or the age of e-money (new species of money), when they focus in monetary information…

Reproduction Of Cultural Information: Daughter Civilizations

At the same time a civilization develops the ideas and machines which carry that civilization to success, it eliminates previous civilizations. In this manner, successful civilizations reproduce their “genetic ideas and machines” into other regions of the Earth, creating colonies, daughter cultures and eco[nomic]systems.

Like a human child, the daughter civilization is often a more evolved species where the ideas and instruments of the previous civilization are improved. Civilizations inherit and improve on, like children do, their parental civilizations, often extinguishing them. So the Assyrians were defeated by the Persians who had copied and improved its weapons, iron and cavalry. Yet Persian art, even behavior would be similar to Assyrian art and behavior. Genetic continuity in civilizations is not racial but cultural, of structures and ideas, of icons, machines and modes of life. For example, in Arabia stirrup cavalry brought an empire-civilization that expanded West till Al-Andalus (the South of Spain). That stirrup civilization migrated to America and colonized the southwestern states, giving origin to the “Old Far West” civilization, with horse and cattle ranching. In that territory, the horse civilization flourished between the 17th and 20th centuries, when the fundamental icon-species of the culture, the horse became extinguished as a form of transport by the car, a more efficient metal-species. The example shows the dynamic quality of the life of civilizations. They are born, reproduce and become extinct through the “genetic evolution” of objects and words, which bring as much diversity to cultural evolution of its species, products and ideas, as genetic memories bring to the body.

And in the same manner biologists can scientifically organize the data they have about species through genetic information and instruments. Thanks to the memorial remains of history, the historian can study the birth, reproduction and extinction of evolutionary history and its civilizations.

Death Of Civilizations

Civilizations also die. One day another civilization with more efficient ideologies of man, or better machines, comes along and destroys the old civilization. As in “animal feeding”, once the new civilization has destroyed the old civilization, it reforms the energy cells=citizens of the dead civilization to its image and resemblance. Let us again bring the biological comparison. A hunter feeds on the energy of a victim’s body that becomes in part wasted (killed) and in part “transformed” into cells of the predator. This also happens in civilizations: part of the “human energy” is wasted by war, and the remaining humans are “transformed” into believers of the predator civilization. The Spanish perhaps killed some 70% of the Indians and the rest became “Christians”. It is the death of the civilization. Because when ideas and instruments change, the civilization changes. The iron civilization of Rome is not the same as the Middle Ages civilization of stirrup weapons imposed by German warriors. The Roman civilization had been destroyed by “stirrup animetals” of the Germanic civilization. Again such “civilization” is not the Gunpowder civilization of Italy during the Renaissance. Gunpowder wiped out chivalry and a new civilization was born. Nor is Amon-Egypt the same as Greek-Christian Egypt, or Arab-Muslim Egypt. The verbal ideology changed, and the Egyptian civilization became extinct.

It is now clear the difference between religious civilizations and metal-civilizations. Religious civilizations could exist for ever, if there were no wars to extinguish their cultures. That is the goal set by the prophets in their messages of love. And yet, because metal exists, all religious civilizations of the past 5000 years have been corrupted and periodically extinguished by war. Some of those cultures resurrect, when the wave of death and war recedes. Some do not come back again. The Christian and Islamic civilization, the Jewish culture has survived many cycles of death, and the words of Moses, Christ and Mhmd, have resurrected. But each wave of death, corrupts a little bit more the initial messages of the prophets with rituals of war and money. So we find today that those cultures are basically built around inquisitions and churches, corrupted by rituals of Go[l]d, and little is left of the initial mandates of the prophets. Many other human cultures based in human senses have died away, and its artists have expressed those deaths, in their baroque ages of art.

The 3 ages of metal-history

If we apply those ideas about biology of civilizations we can represent any civilization with a bell curve of existence, that indicates in a graphic of populations how the word religion or icon-weapon of a civilization (both often reproduce together) is born, develops, (colonizes other territories), and finally dies away; substituted by a daughter civilization, or a new culture, with a more evolved weapon or religion. We can also use the bell curve of social existence to the entire life of mankind, in the age of metal.

If we consider the entire wave of Metal-History as a single civilization also with 3 periods, its young, epic age, its classic, humanistic age, and its decadent, industrial age, we can talk of the Bronze and first iron empires of Asia, as the age of epic war. The period of European infantry, and Asian cavalry (from Greece to renascence) as the age of maturity of history. And the age of the industrial evolution, as the age of extinction of history.

Each of those ages is divided by a clear discontinuum of evolution of the two functions of metal, energy-metal or weapons, and informative-metal or money. Man adapts himself to those changes, which are symbiotic and help the evolution of our societies, in a first age, but as metal reproduces in greater numbers, it suffocates the evolution of human history and the human mind, till with the arrival of science, the human mind becomes obsolete, and men become worshippers of the minds of machines.

We talk thus of 3 clear discontinuums of evolution of metal, that mark metal-history.

– YOUTH OF HISTORY: The Age of Wor[l]ds. From -2800 BC, to -500 BC. Age of Bronze weapons, and bartering. Since money is still scarce, in the form of bars of metal, words still are the main language of communication of mankind. Writing becomes sacred. However bronze and then iron give enormous power to warriors that end controlling all Neolithic societies. Priests are displaced from power. Women become systematically repressed. Gods become warrior Gods, without compassion. It is the age of Mesopotamic Empires, the age of Asia. The age of verbal thought reaches its baroque age, towards 500 BC, in the work of Lao Tse, Buddha, Confucius and Socrates, that reach the height of human verbal understanding of the Universe. Yet a new language of information, coins appears, and human verbal thought looses power.

– MATURITY OF HISTORY: The Age of coins. (500 BC, 1600 AD). It is the Age of Iron weapons and coins. Mankind still rules, and learns how to control with ethic behavior, the power of weapons. Yet Money starts to be a common language of power, and challenges verbal ethics. Words are displaced by money as the language that controls the acts of human societies. This means that verbal thought and ethics is no longer the center of the human mind, but humans become shallow in their perception of verbal-temporal reality. The human intelligence displaces to the eye. So art becomes realistic (Greek Art) and mathematics appears as a new language of understanding of the Universe. Both coin accountancy and Mathematics come together, in the Asian Greek coast where the first monetary empires and mathematicians appear. After the brief return to an ethic age, in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance again imposes money as the language of social power.

– OLD AGE OF HISTORY. The Age of machines. (1600 AD till extinction). It is the third age of mankind, and the first age of the new predator species that displace us, the machine. It is the age of science, of digital languages, of massive reproduction of money, the language of information of machines, now in the form of paper-money and electronic money. Wor[l]ds become obsolete. There is so much money that all things can receive monetary values, and human verbal values are no longer effective.

There are so many weapons, due to the industrial reproduction of them by company-mothers, that ethics and social power become obsolete, and national armies control directly [dictatorships] or indirectly through weapon-companies (democracies) our societies. The objective of mankind is to evolve machines through acts of work=reproduction of machines, and consume=test and evolution of machines. The decadence of mankind is hidden because paradoxically as humans loose interest in verbal thought, in a non-fiction logic understanding of reality, companies of machines can convince and indoctrinate man easily. Fiction literature dominates this age. Men no longer understand the meaning of social survival, of truth, and the organic nature of our Universe…

In that sense, this web provides an in-depth analysis of the cycles of technological evolution at 3 levels – the long wave of warrior civilizations of 800 years; the medium wave of modern industrial nations of 80 years and the short wave of eight years – the decades – considered in ‘future magazine’. Since the wave of evolution of technology, of machines, is accelerating and now enters in its last age, the singularity age, with clear negative consequences for Gaia and mankind, the species the technological wave of death of civilizations is extinguising.

The origin of the model is the science of complexity, which considers the Universe and all its parts, modeled with the laws of biology – evolution, theory of information and theory of organisms.

In that regard, those 3 waves have in the deepest, scientific analysis, (given but the most advanced sciences of the XXI c. complexity, Theory of Information and  Systems Sciences, in which I am a pioneer), a simple reason d’etre/law of existence:

‘All organic systems of the universe increase their amount of information towards the future’.

best 3 ages of all systems

All systems of nature can be modeled as super organisms of a certain scale of size, ruled by the 5D metric equation, S (space size=energy) x T (frequency of information clocks) = Constant, which is the fundamental law that allows systems to be super organisms, traveling in the 5th dimension from birth as a fast seed (semen, meme, black hole) which will reproduce and organize into an emerging superorganism, living 3 ages of increasing information till either evolves into an even larger super organism (men into the global earth, cells into multicellular systems, galaxies into universes) or dissolves into an entropic death (big-bang, m=e/c2, death, war). Such is the fractal Universe in a nutshell. And so the trick to make a system immortal is both to organize it socially and to maintain it in the balance of the mature age, repeating its cycles without evolving an excess of information that warps and kills in the 3rd age the organism. Men are doing exactly the opposite, evolving further technological information and multiplying entropic weapons that divide us.

And since History and economics are born out of the activity of man, an organism, and machines are evolving organisms, history and economics obey that law.

In the XXI century we have realized that all organic systems of the Universe are modelled with 2 ‘arrows’ of future, energy, the arrow that physicists study, and information, the arrow studied by biologists. Those arrows are related in organic systems that combine them, by two type of processes, expansive, energetic, death processes; and informative, implosive, warping, life, creative, formal processes. Many consequences derives of creating ‘Dual’ models of reality based in the combiination of those processes. The main one is the existence of ’3 ages’ in all life systems:

– Youth, the age of energy when the process starts; maturity the age of balance between energy and information and old age, the age of information, when we warp and acquire more wrinkles, more form.

Those 3 ages also ocurr in complex social organisms, as cultures and civilizations are.

And in machine systems, as the graph shows. Since new energies are first used as bombs, in the energetic youth, then applied as transport machines and finally evolved into the most complex forms, weapons.

And so in our technological cultures, also the human generations of founding physicists that discover the machine, mature, reproductive industrialists that convert it into a transport system and finally military politicians, which use the machine after the crash of the market as a weapons, adapt our culture to the new God of Mankind…

The Evolution Of Weapons. The seven cycles of Metal-civilizations

The 3 ages of History can be analyzed in more detail because each of those ages is in itself a sub-civilization divided in smaller periods. We talk in fact of 7 sub-cycles divided by great eras of war.

Very few civilizations survive the periodic arrival of massive wars, after the discovery and reproduction of new weapons. Even the American civilizations that were isolated from European warrior masters, at the end died away when the Spaniards and Anglo-Saxons arrived. The Paleolithic culture of North-Indians that had survived almost unchanged during more than 10.000 years was extinguished in a few centuries, and even if some of its genetic content both in race and customs still remains, it is self-evident that today that civilization has died.

History has become metal-history, and human cultures have become submissive to metal-cultures. But not a single metal-culture survives the tree of science for too long. There is in fact a cycle, of around ±800 years, or 10 human lives, that marks with massive war the evolution of metal and war-fare. And so we talk of the 7 cycles of metal-history since the first bronze armies arrived to Mesopotamia and destroyed the Genesian paradise, depicted in the “Genesis”, the oldest book about the tragedy of History written by mankind.

ages of history

We know the cause of cultural death, which is war, and since wars have come to History in certain ages, after the discovery and massive reproduction of a new weapon, we can trace a series of waves of existence, of the great civilizations of history, that have gone through birth, growth and extinction. Indeed, the discovery and massive reproduction of weapons carried by hordes of symbiotic warriors, have shaped the history of civilizations, killing them off periodically. We call those ages of massive reproduction of weapons, a “biological radiation”, borrowing the concept from biology, where biological radiations of top predator species are the main cause of extinction of weaker species. So happens with “radiations” of top predator metal weapons that cause the extinction of humans and our civilizations.

WAR CYCLE 800 The Wave of History

The wave of history modulates the evolution of metal-memes of information against the social evolution of mankind as a species into a global super organism, aborted every 800-80 years accelerated cycle of increasing metal-complexity with global ages of wars. Thus the human side peak when war and animetal belli Nervi pecunia infinita cycles recede. It is when welfare, art and human senses reach its peak. Then in the angst period of prophetic thought, when a new horde of animetals and its memes come to destroy it all, a humanist ethic prophet the wor(l)d warn humanity on the impeding catastrophe of those who eat of the golden and evil weapons of the tree of technology, because they will also die in the final gottendamerung of war and holocaust as we move relentlessly through the ± 800-80-8 climatic weapons; generational machine & monetary long, medium & short wave cycles of evolution and re≈production of Metalearth:   Money and weapons understood as metal information and entropic metal, as 2 forms of raw power to ab=use the 99% of mankind have carried the day in the battle for a future of history, and the consequences have been the 800-80 years cycles of wars and holocausts, which all mankind has suffered – even those who carry the memes of animetal raw power at the end of the cycles when loosing wars (holocaust cycles). Such historic structure formed the British Empire, developed during European history the 800 years cycles of overereproduction of weapons of maximal value, and the 80 years cycles of wars, always controlled by the alliance of gold chosen bankers and germanic warriors, since the Middle age alliance of Franks and Vikings with radhanite slave traders, which dominated slave and weapons traffic in Eastern Europe (giving the name of slaves to its population) and Western Europe (masterminding the eunuch and children’s traffic with Islam), through the age of slave traffic (2o million dead in the process), and finally transferring those values to the concept of a company-mother of machines where workers have no rights (white slaves) and those who issue money can buy corporations, reproduce without limit e-money numbers and control corrupted politicos – the modern version of the military mercenary men that backed their power in the 800 years cycles… Only in the II world war the alliance broke giving origin to the ‘victimist newspeak’ of the holocaust Industry. But now ‘again’ all is quiet in the western front thanks to the American globalized culture – a dictatorship of the go(l)d culture, which rules capitalist systems with a single aim: to print as many numbers of money as possible to buy and order all the elements of society through salaries, bribes, prices; which reaches its paroxysm in the Anglo-American, biblical culture – an astoundingly primitive raw power animetal culture where money and weapons, its maximal priced goods rule supreme but given the fact ‘people must remain ignorant to stay obedient’ (Calvin), an extremely sophisticated, pseudo-religious taboo-based newspeak of political and economic correctness, called capitalist democracy is on place, to a huge expenditure, ‘worth it’ for social ‘calm’ of bipartisan politicos, serving financiers and company-mothers of machines – contested only in the European r=evolutions where people and states got some degree of control in the issue of money. It is obvious that to maintain a disguise over such simple system of power – to print numbers and order humans with it, as flocks of ‘sheeple’ submitted to credit ratings, a parallel manufacturing of brains is due, which has in the ‘7th culture’ of mankind dominated by raw animetal power 3 degrees of inquisition: the classic 800 years inquisition of biblical go(l)d religions where those who issue money in monopoly, the banker priests of Israel or ‘People of the treasure’, are chosen of go(L)d above heavens and earth ruling them all through informative networks (Wall Street, The City, Evilwood). Below the authorized people by race and religion (biblical, white) form a majority group of soldiers of the FMasters they worship and obey, in a pecking order above the rest of mankind deemed inferior by race, wealth and religion. The alternative ‘scientific understanding’ of money as a digital democratic language of social numbers to be used for efficient reproduction and distribution of goods, and the end of warfare, through the scientific understanding of eusocial evolution, of parts into wholes, of individuals of the same species into stronger super organisms, sponsored by the higher rational cultures of mankind (latin Europe, Chinese legalist cultures), through the use of the law above metal, of the human natural language and its values above the raw power of evolution HAS NOT WON the battle of history, and so history is doom to extinction because what animetal Semite and Germanic primitive VSO, OVS, anti-subject cultures where the human subject is irrelevant, expendable, is this: they are also HUMANS and so the robotic revolution, the weapons of the singularity they are force to evolve in their tribal competition between industrial nations WILL KILL THEM ALL.


800 cycles

The long, medium and short wave of technological evolution.

43-wave of history 800

The wave of history modulates the evolution of metal-memes of information against the social evolution of mankind as a species into a global super organism, aborted every 800-80 years accelerated cycle of increasing metal-complexity with global ages of wars. Thus the human side peak when war and animetal belli Nervi pecunia infinita cycles recede. It is when welfare, art and human senses reach its peak. Then in the angst period of prophetic thought, when a new horde of animetals and its memes come to destroy it all, a humanist ethic prophet the wor(l)d warn humanity on the impeding catastrophe of those who eat of the golden and evil weapons of the tree of technology, because they will also die in the final gottendamerung of war and holocaust as we move relentlessly through the ± 800-80-8 climatic weapons; generational machine & monetary long, medium & short wave cycles of evolution and re≈production of Metalearth:   Money and weapons understood as metal information and entropic metal, as 2 forms of raw power to ab=use the 99% of mankind have carried the day in the battle for a future of history, and the consequences have been the 800-80 years cycles of wars and holocausts, which all mankind has suffered – even those who carry the memes of animetal raw power at the end of the cycles when loosing wars (holocaust cycles). Such historic structure formed the British Empire, developed during European history the 800 years cycles of overereproduction of weapons of maximal value, and the 80 years cycles of wars, always controlled by the alliance of gold chosen bankers and germanic warriors, since the Middle age alliance of Franks and Vikings with radhanite slave traders, which dominated slave and weapons traffic in Eastern Europe (giving the name of slaves to its population) and Western Europe (masterminding the eunuch and children’s traffic with Islam), through the age of slave traffic (2o million dead in the process), and finally transferring those values to the concept of a company-mother of machines where workers have no rights (white slaves) and those who issue money can buy corporations, reproduce without limit e-money numbers and control corrupted politicos – the modern version of the military mercenary men that backed their power in the 800 years cycles… Only in the II world war the alliance broke giving origin to the ‘victimist newspeak’ of the holocaust Industry. But now ‘again’ all is quiet in the western front thanks to the American globalized culture – a dictatorship of the go(l)d culture, which rules capitalist systems with a single aim: to print as many numbers of money as possible to buy and order all the elements of society through salaries, bribes, prices; which reaches its paroxysm in the Anglo-American, biblical culture – an astoundingly primitive raw power animetal culture where money and weapons, its maximal priced goods rule supreme but given the fact ‘people must remain ignorant to stay obedient’ (Calvin), an extremely sophisticated, pseudo-religious taboo-based newspeak of political and economic correctness, called capitalist democracy is on place, to a huge expenditure, ‘worth it’ for social ‘calm’ of bipartisan politicos, serving financiers and company-mothers of machines – contested only in the European r=evolutions where people and states got some degree of control in the issue of money. It is obvious that to maintain a disguise over such simple system of power – to print numbers and order humans with it, as flocks of ‘sheeple’ submitted to credit ratings, a parallel manufacturing of brains is due, which has in the ‘7th culture’ of mankind dominated by raw animetal power 3 degrees of inquisition: the classic 800 years inquisition of biblical go(l)d religions where those who issue money in monopoly, the banker priests of Israel or ‘People of the treasure’, are chosen of go(L)d above heavens and earth ruling them all through informative networks (Wall Street, The City, Evilwood). Below the authorized people by race and religion (biblical, white) form a majority group of soldiers of the FMasters they worship and obey, in a pecking order above the rest of mankind deemed inferior by race, wealth and religion. The alternative ‘scientific understanding’ of money as a digital democratic language of social numbers to be used for efficient reproduction and distribution of goods, and the end of warfare, through the scientific understanding of eusocial evolution, of parts into wholes, of individuals of the same species into stronger super organisms, sponsored by the higher rational cultures of mankind (latin Europe, Chinese legalist cultures), through the use of the law above metal, of the human natural language and its values above the raw power of evolution HAS NOT WON the battle of history, and so history is doom to extinction because what animetal Semite and Germanic primitive VSO, OVS, anti-subject cultures where the human subject is irrelevant, expendable, is this: they are also HUMANS and so the robotic revolution, the weapons of the singularity they are force to evolve in their tribal competition between industrial nations WILL KILL THEM ALL. That’s how it is and that’s what history shows in its cyclical processes of overproduction of weapons, wars and holocausts. Indeed, a simple proof should suffice: the 3 paradigms of wor(l)d cultures (China), war cult(ure)s (Germ-any) and go(L)d cult(ure), judaism had the same people back in the II millennium when they were born. Today the culture that has followed the life and love values of the wor(l)d that puts the human subject first, Svo-languages has +15 times more people than the objectual, lineal, entropic weapon cult(ure)-language of Germ(an)s, and 100 times more people than the Imperative, VSO, biblical culture of banker-priests barking orders in the name of Go(l)d with Kabbala numbers. So SURVIVAL the true intelligence of a culture shows that eviL=anti-live memes KILL those who sponsor them

5. machine agesredux


80 industrial cycle best

The periodicity of the cycle of stocks of machines its energies and printed money is exact in the leading culture of the machine, the anglo-american world perfectly ruled due to its millenarian religion of biblical go(l)d by company-mothers as they invented the modern dictatorships of ‘democracies’ and all its newspeak. Thus we can follow in the American stock-market with absolute precision the curves of biological evolution of machines, its crashes of overproduction and mutation to top predator weapons to keep growing. In the graph the 72±9 years cycles of the train age followed by the colonial age of Amerindian genocides (colonialism in Europe), then after 72 more years the crash of overproduction of cars and radios followed by hate radio and fascism till Korea and then in more detail the mimetic cycles of overproduction and evolution of metal-minds through its tv-eye age, chip-brain age, and mobile-social network age, now entering its crisis of overproduction, splendid robotic wars and beginning of the finale – an age of autonomous robots with AI brains, solar skins an automated 3D factories, printing them in military ecosystems of permanent war, which circa 2036 should start the systemic extermination of the enzymatic no longer required human species – this is the biological predictable process of the Industrial r=evolution and no amount of newspeak of human entitlement and go(l)d profit will change that destiny unless humans take seriously bio-history, and decide to extend the species beyond the zero generation now being born but not dying on bed, never mind if it is the hard-earth of an African village with zero credit or the silk cover of a Financial-media master in NYC: you are ALL in death row, count down to extinction unless the belli nervi pecunia infinita cycle of singularity weapons is aborted NOW. Ad hominem, and anti quantum repression of true models of social sciences will NOT stop its predictable cycles, which have been happening with absolute exactitude since this author self-published its foundational book, bio-history, bio-economics in 92 after 172 rejections in academia. The harder they fall, by worshiping other species that their own: mankind.

3 war cycles

The equation of profits of the FMMI system its responsable of the 72 years cycle of capitalism that switches synergies between inflationary money and consumption goods v. hate media and weapons consuming humans with mathematical precision every human generation, when overproduction of inflationary money and machines cannot be sold as new mechanisms substitute labor. So capitalism switches to weapons and hate media, pays war-monger politicians that consume arsenals and people. The cycle is generational, tuned to the American political cycle, what allowed this writer to predict its change of phase in 92, c.Bioeconomics.

steam age englandasian steam cycle modern china1-CYCLES-OFHISTORY-945x1024

2 Futures of the World

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